c:\work\Jor\vol871_1 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 973-978

Safety and Efficacy of Sofosbuvir Based Regimens in the Treatment of
HCV Recurrence Post Liver Transplantation
Mohamed Ali Abbasy*, Mohamed Ahmed Afifi, Eman Abd El-Sameea Mahmoud,
Tary Abd El-Hamid Salman, Eman Ahmed Rewisha,
OmKolsoum Mohamed Al Haddad, Talaat Zakareya Ibrahim
Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, National Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Ali Abbasy, Mobile: (+20)1002415060,
E-mail: mohamed.abbasy@liver.menofia.edu.eg

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) recurrence after liver transplantation (LT) is universal and associated with an
accelerated disease course. Second-generation direct-acting antivirals dramatically improve viral clearance. Their use in
the Egyptian population in the post-transplant setting needs further evaluation.
Objectives: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir-based regimens in the treatment of HCV recurrence after
LT in the Egyptian population.
Patients and methods: Sixty patients with HCV recurrence after LT were included. Twenty patients received sofosbuvir
(SOF) in combination with ribavirin (RBV) for 24 weeks, 21 patients received SOF and simeprevir (SIM) for 12 weeks
and 19 patients received SOF and daclatasvir (DCV) with or without RBV for 12 or 24 weeks according to the stage of
liver fibrosis and eligibility for ribavirin. Treatment response and adverse events were analyzed.
Results: The mean age was 52.5±7.9 years. Most of patients were males (91.7%). Sustained virological response at week
12 after treatment (SVR12) was achieved in all patients who received SIM/SOF and SOF/DCV±RBV regimens and in
85% of patients who received SOF/RBV regimen. The most common reported adverse events were fatigue, anemia and
hyperbilirubinemia. Fatigue was reported in 75% of patients in SOF/RBV group and in 85.7% of patients in SIM/SOF
group. Anemia was reported in 15, 4.8 and 10.5% of patients in SOF/RBV, SIM/SOF and SOF/DCV±RBV groups
respectively, whereas hyperbilirubinemia was documented in 10% of patients in SOF/SIM group and in 9.5% of patients
in SIM/SOF group.
Conclusion: Sofosbuvir-based combinations are safe and effective in the treatment of recurrent HCV after LT,
especially when combined with another directly acting antiviral.
Keywords: DAAs, Daclatasvir, Recurrent HCV after liver transplantation, Simeprevir, Sofosbuvir.

recurrence post LT with an all-oral regimen for short
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and its
duration, with few adverse effects and high cure rates (7).
related complications are among the most common

indications for liver transplantation worldwide (1). HCV
The current study aimed to evaluate the safety and
viraemic prevalence was estimated to be 7.3% in Egypt.
efficacy of sofosbuvir-based regimens in the treatment
Because of such a high prevalence, HCV is considered
of HCV recurrence after liver transplantation in the
the leading cause of liver transplantation in Egypt (2).
Egyptian population.
recurrence after liver

transplantation (LT) is universal and associated with a
relatively progressive disease course; graft fibrosis,
The current study was conducted on patients who
cirrhosis and decompensated liver disease (3,4).
received living donor liver transplantation for HCV-
related decompensated liver cirrhosis at the National
transplantation significantly affects patient survival,
Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Egypt, and who
with an estimated survival rate of less than 10% at 3
developed recurrent HCV infection after the transplant.
years (5). Accelerated advances in direct-acting antivirals
Recurrent HCV infection was defined as positivity of
(DAAs) in the last few years have increased the success
serum HCV RNA after liver transplantation.
rate of HCV eradication considerably and significantly
Pediatric and young adult recipients below 18 years
improved the outcome of hepatitis C therapy with a
were ruled out. From December 2014 to September
positive impact on both graft and patient survival (6).
2017, sixty eligible patients were enrolled and started on
Recent studies have shown that LT recipients can be
sofosbuvir (SOF)-based antiviral medications regardless
safely and effectively treated with DAA combination
of their pre-transplant treatment status, whether
therapies. These agents offered treatment of HCV
treatment naïve or experienced. At least 3 months should
have elapsed after liver transplantation to start treatment.
Received: 10/12/2021
Accepted: 28/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 1)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_2 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 979-992
Diagnostic Approach of Mycosis Fungoides and Unusual Benign Mimickers
Fatma EL-Zahraa Salah El-Deen Yassin*1, Reham Ezz Eldawla2, Sheren Farrag Mahmoud Ahmed1
Departments of 1Pathology and 2Dermatology, Venereology, and Andrology,
Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Fatma El-Zahraa Salah El-Deen Yassin, Mobile: (+20)01007970144,
Email: fatmafm2002@yahoo.com
Diagnosis of mycosis fungoides (MF) and its mimickers is a major diagnostic challenge in era of
Dermatopathology. Objective: To draw a diagnostic stepwise approach to minimize this challenge focusing on the
benign (unusual) mimickers of infectious etiology.
Patients/methods: This retrospective study included 94 paraffin blocks of patients with clinical suspicious of MF or
its mimickers, during the period from Jan 2019-July 2021. The hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections and
their associated clinical presentations were reviewed. Ancillary studies were performed upon the preliminary clinical
diagnosis of each case. Deeper serial sections with selected special stains were done for benign mimickers. Primary
(CD3/CD4/CD7/CD68) and secondary (CD20/CD8/CD30) panels of immunohistochemistry (IHC) markers were
performed for most of the cases.
Results: A wide spectrum of MF mimickers was identified, our cases were categorized into 3 groups: the first is
classic MF (24) and its variants (5), the second is benign mimickers [subgrouped into infectious (31) & non infectious
(21)] and the third is heterogeneous group; (other lymphomas/parapsoriasis) (13). A suggested stepwise diagnostic
approach with selected IHC panels characterizes each group.
A constellation of diagnostic clinical data, diagnostic histopathological clues and the suggested stepwise
approach minimize the misdiagnosis of classic MF and conclusively identify the infectious mimickers.
Keywords: Histopathology, Mycosis Fungoides, Mimickers.

The straightforward clinical diagnosis is usually
Cutaneous lymphoproliferative lesions are a
associated with typical histopathological features of
common diagnostic challenge; they include typical
the same lesion. However, the ambiguous clinical
versus atypical infiltrates. Mycosis fungoides (MF) is
presentation is reflected histopatholgically and creates
the most common diagnosis for atypical infiltrate. The
international classification of cutaneous lymphoma
characterized by indolent progression through three
published by World Health Organization (WHO) new
stages: patch, plaque and tumor, characteristic
variants of MF: folliculotropic and granulomatous MF
progression of histopathological features through
(1, 2).
different stages was illustrated in (Figure 1).

Figure (1): MF stages with progression of histopathological features, direction of the arrows from the minimum
to the maximum.

Received: 20/09/2021
Accepted: 17/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 2)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_3 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 993-999

Impact of Body Mass Index (BMI) on Serum Interleukin 4 level in
Adult Bronchial Asthma Subjects
Eman El-Sayed Ahmed*, Maged Mohamed Refaat,
Sara Mostafa Mohamed Ahmed, Osama Mohamed Abdel Latif
Department of Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology Unit,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Eman El-Sayed Ahmed, Mobile: (+20)1005189047,
Email: dr.eman_khalil@med.asu.edu.eg, emelwal@gmail.com

Overweight and obesity are in reported observational studies consistently associated with increased
prevalence of asthma. Recently adipose tissue is considered as a source of inflammatory cytokines. Interleukin 4 (IL-4)
mediates important pro-inflammatory functions in asthma, including induction of isotype rearrangement of IgE.
Objective: The aim of the work was to assess IL4 in relation to Body Mass Index (BMI) in allergic asthmatic patients.
Patients and Methods: 100 allergic asthmatic patients were enrolled in the study and classified according to BMI. All
participants were subjected to routine laboratory investigations, serum IL4, skin prick test and pulmonary function tests.
Results: IL-4 was significantly higher in overweight, obese and massive obesity patients [560 (440-720) pg/ml, 560
(410 -730) pg/ml, 830 (445 -1095 pg/ml respectively] in comparison to non-obese asthmatic patients [160 (80-280)
pg/ml] (p<0.001). This difference in serum IL-4 level was strongly correlated to BMI (r=0.74) and body weight (r=0.69)
(p<0.001). Simple linear regression analysis revealed a strong relation between serum IL4 and BMI ( = 0.705, p <
0.001). Conclusion: It could be concluded that there is a strong association between the inflammatory cytokine IL4 and
BMI among obese allergic asthmatic patients, this may suggest a state of ongoing subclinical inflammatory state in the
obese-asthma phenotype.
Interleukin 4, Obese, BMI, Allergic asthma


and T helper type 2 (Th2) leading to signaling cytokine
Asthma is a worldwide major health problem, that
release (8).
affects all ages, genders, and ethnicities. Prevalence has
Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is a hallmark
been steadily increasing alongside that of allergy, as
of asthma. IL-4 and IL-13 induce hyper-responsiveness
modern lifestyles are adopted and communities become
of the airway smooth muscle in isolated human small
more urbanized, a trend that is predicted to continue
airways and was found to be glucocorticoid-insensitive
over the next two decades (1).
(9).Many studies have reported that obesity-related
Overweight and obesity may affect the lungs
asthma in children is more often non-atopic; yet some
through a mechanical effect on lung function or through
studies have reported that obesity in itself is associated
inflammation that may predispose to asthma (2). It is
with atopy (10, 11). To our knowledge, studies
likely that other factors associated with overweight and
investigating obesity associated asthma in adults are
obesity such as dyslipidemia and increased mast cell
few. So, this study was conducted to determine the
activity, also implicated in the pathogenesis of asthma
relation between serum interleukin 4 (IL-4) level and
and decreased lung function (3, 4). This" obese asthma
body mass index (BMI) in adult atopic asthmatic
syndrome" was found to be complex and multifactorial.
The inflammatory response associated with

obesity is originated in the adipose tissue cells (5).
Adipose tissue consists of mature adipocytes and
This comparative cross-sectional study included a
stromal-vascular cells, which play a role in obesity
total of 100 asthmatic adults, attending at Allergy
associated inflammation, including: leukocytes,
Outpatient Clinics in Ain Shams University Hospitals.
macrophages, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, and pre-

adipocytes (6).
The included subjects were divided into two groups;
Asthma is a complex genetic disorder that has
Group 1 (non-obese asthmatics) consisted of 50
been associated with IL-4 gene in promoter
asthmatic patients with BMI<25 and Group 2
polymorphism and proteins involved in IL-4 (7). IL-4
(overweight/ obese /massive obesity asthmatics)
mediates important pro-inflammatory functions in
consisted of 50 asthmatic patients with BMI25.
asthma, including induction of isotype rearrangement of

IgE, expression of VCAM-1 molecules (vascular cell
Inclusion criteria: Allergic asthmatic patients
adhesion molecule 1), promoting eosinophilic
according to Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)
transmigration through endothelium, mucus secretion
criteria (12), Atopic patients were defined as having
positive SPT or high specific IgE, or having a history of

Received: 29/10/2021
Accepted: 05/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 3)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_4 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1000-1005

Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation: Review Article
Abdelhady Noor Eldeen Osman Elew, Abd Alrahman Hassan Abd Alrahman,
Hala Mahmoud Hashim El Khayat, Fawzy Abbas Badawy
Department of Anastasia and ICU, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
Corresponding author: Abdelhady Noor Eldeen Osman, Mobile: (+20) 01065259465, E-Mail: boodynor84@gmail.com
Weaning from mechanical ventilation can be defined as the process of abruptly or gradually withdrawing
ventilatory support. Recommendations for weaning practice would be based on the findings of multiple well-designed
randomized trials conducted over the past decade. In comparison to more progressive removal of ventilatory aid, quick
extubation following successful spontaneous breathing trials expedites weaning and minimizes the time of mechanical
ventilation (MV). More recently, pressure support ventilation and bi-level positive airway pressure modes have become
available. Modern ventilators are increasingly sensitive, allowing easy patient triggering of supported breaths, modes
such as tube compensation, and measurement of numerous respiratory parameters. Developments in weaning techniques
have paralleled these improvements in ventilator functionality.
Objective: In this review article, the initially required criteria to start and the weaning methods from mechanical
ventilation. Methods: These databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 databases [PubMed ­ Google
scholar- science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as [Weaning AND Mechanical
Ventilation OR Intensive Care Unit] and in peer-reviewed articles between 1992 and 2021. Documents in a language
apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation were not found. Papers apart from main scientific
studies had been excluded: documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract papers, and
dissertations. Conclusion: All cases that received ventilatory assistance should be evaluated daily for weaning
suitability. This may include satisfying several preconditions and then undergoing an SBT. If weaning is ineffective,
either PSV or daily spontaneous breathing spells of increasing length should be tried.
Weaning, Mechanical Ventilation, Intensive Care Unit.

initiated only when the underlying illness state that
Weaning from mechanical ventilation (MV)
necessitated MV has been significantly improved or
could be described as the process of suddenly or
rectified to the point of being capable of sustaining
regularly removing ventilator support. Weaning from
spontaneous breathing. The inadequate resolution,
MV often implies 2 separate but closely linked views of
however, does not preclude effective weaning.
care, elimination of MV of any artificial airway (1). The
Additionally, weaning needs an adequate gas exchange
primary challenge is identifying whether a case is
(defined by the majority of studies as an increase in the
prepared to restart ventilatory support. Several studies
arterial oxygen tension/fractional inspired oxygen ratio
have mentioned that a direct technique for evaluating
> 200), an intact sensorium, suitable muscular and
the ability to preserve spontaneous breathing is by
neurological function, and stable cardiovascular
initiating a trial of unaided breathing. Once a case can
function. A normal hemoglobin (Hb) level enhances
sustain breath spontaneously, a 2nd judgment should be
oxygen transport to body cells, and a standard level of
created about whether the artificial airway could be
blood electrolyte and a status of good nutrition further
withdrawn. This choice is determined based on the
reduce the risk of fatigue of respiratory muscle during
case's mental state, methods of protection for the
the weaning phase (5).
airways, coughing ability, and secretions feature.
Weaning Parameters:
Extubation is an acceptable operation if the case has an
Timing of weaning is crucial. So, it is critical to
adequate sensorium, complete airway protection
have accurate parameters that could be used to evaluate
devices, and no severe discharges (2).
the weaning trial's success. Clinical judgment has been
Weaning failure is defined as the inability of
incorporated into this section, as well as objective
spontaneous breathing trial (SBT) to work or the need
indicators to assist in the decision-making process (1).
for reintubation within 48 hours of extubation. SBT
Accurate indicators would avoid unnecessary
failure is defined by two types of indicators: 1) objective
prolongation of MV by assisting in the early
identification of weanable individuals (6).
hypertension, hypotension, hypoxemia or acidosis, and
Furthermore, markers can be utilized to detect
arrhythmia; and 2) subjective indicators such as distress
particular physiological anomalies linked with weaning
or agitation, depressed mental state, diaphoresis, and
failures. At the moment, neither a single predictor nor a
signs of increased effort (3). SBT failure is typically
collection of predictors possesses the needed
accompanied by cardiovascular disease or an inability
dependability. Weaning parameters may be classed as
of the respiratory pump to sustain breathing demand.
those that assess the following indices: oxygenation
Failure to extubate might be due to the same underlying
indices, respiratory muscle strength, endurance,
cause, additionally, upper airway blockage or copious
respiratory drive, and effort of breathing, as well as
discharges (4). Weaning procedures are frequently
composite indices (Fig.1) (7).
Received: 30/09/2021
Accepted: 28/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 4)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_5 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1006-1009

Diaphragmatic Ultrasound: Review Article
Abdelhady Noor Eldeen Osman Elew, Abd Alrahman Hassan Abd Alrahman,
Hala Mahmoud Hashim El Khayat, Fawzy Abbas Badawy
Department of Anastasia and ICU, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
Corresponding author: Abdelhady Noor Eldeen Osman, Mobile: (+20) 01065259465, E-Mail: boodynor84@gmail.com

Mechanical ventilation (MV) is required for most cases introduced the intensive care unit (ICU) as a
portion of their process of care. However, either MV or the chronic illness can result in diaphragm dysfunction, an
incident that may contribute to the incapability of MV separation to be done. Prolonged use of the ventilator significantly
increases health-care expenses and subject morbidity and mortality. However, muscle disease symptoms and
manifestations are frequently difficult to evaluate in a bedridden state ICU case due to complicating variables. A typical
evaluation of diaphragm function lacks, non-invasive, time preservative, easy-to-perform bedside equipment or needs
subject involvement. Lately, the utilization of ultrasound (US) has elevated a lot of interest as a simple, non-invasive
approach for the assessment of diaphragmatic contractile activity. Objective: This narrative review aimed to briefly
describe the common methods of diaphragmatic function assessment using ultrasound techniques. Methods: These
databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 databases [PubMed - Egyptian Knowledge Bank - Google
scholar- Science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as [Diaphragmatic AND
Ultrasound OR Diaphragm function] and in peer-reviewed articles between 1985 and 2021. Conclusion: Diaphragmatic
ultrasonography has been widely investigated and is still being explored as a predictor of effective mechanical
ventilation weaning. Due to the substantial heterogeneity in research design and population, it remains difficult to draw
general generalizations from individual studies. Even worse, terminology such as a failed breathing trial or unsuccessful
extubation has not been defined across research, making comparisons of outcome measures unfeasible.
Keywords: Diaphragmatic, Ultrasound, Diaphragm function.

Table (1): Diaphragmatic ultrasound (US).
The diaphragm is the main muscle of respiration,
acting continuously and uninterruptedly to sustain the
- Cases should not be exposed to ionizing
task of breathing. Diaphragmatic dysfunction can occur
radiation (5).
secondary to numerous pathological conditions and is
- Noninvasive
usually underdiagnosed in clinical practice because of
- Done in less than 15 minutes, and in
its nonspecific presentation. Although several
some cases about 5 minutes (5).
techniques have been used in evaluating the
- There is no requirement for the subject to
diaphragmatic function, the diagnosis of diaphragmatic
be transported for bedside evaluation.
dysfunction is still problematic. Diaphragmatic
- Multiple repeats are possible.
ultrasound has gained importance because of its many
Availability - Ultrasonography needs only basic,
advantages, including the fact that it is noninvasive,
typically readily available tools.
does not expose patients to radiation, is widely
- Extreme temporal resolution (5, 6) great
available, provides immediate results, is highly
replicability, and excellent accuracy (1, 4).
accurate, and is repeatable at the bedside. More recently
- Outperforms fluoroscopy in the diagnosis
lung and diaphragm ultrasound methods have been
of diaphragmatic disorder (7).
introduced, assessing pulmonary airway patterns and
- Has interobserver acceptance and high
diaphragm function (1).
interobserver, for thickness (1) and
Several parameters measured through diaphragm
diaphragmatic excursion (6).
ultrasound have been proposed for the same purpose.
These include diaphragm thickness, diaphragm
Availability - It is not available in all facilities.
movement or excursion during the respiratory cycle,
- On-staff doctors versed in the method are
and diaphragm thickening or thickening fraction (2-3).
Technical aspects:
- Visualizing the left hemidiaphragm
The diaphragmatic ultrasound is a valuable
might be a problem, especially in fat
approach for evaluating the diaphragm's function and
people (8).
anatomy, exactly diaphragmatic expansion, and
- Diaphragmatic excursion is dependent on
the patients' maximum voluntary
thickness. Table 1 explains certain features of this
inspiratory activity, which is regulated by
method. The tools required for diaphragmatic
case position (9).
ultrasound are straight forward and readily accessible in
- Diaphragmatic excursion is influenced by
most medicinal establishments. The ultrasound system
components and pressure of the abdomen,
must be provided with a convex transducer operating at
both of that act as a constraint on
2.5-5.0 MHz and a linear transducer operating at 7.5-
diaphragmatic displacement (10).
10.0 MHz (2-4).
Received: 26/09/2021
Accepted: 24/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 5)

List of Abbreviations The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1010-1016

Patterns and Outcomes of Patients with Penetrating Head Injury
Samir Mohamed Attia1, Mostafa Mahmoud Nabeeh2,
Mohamed El Said Ahmed3, Moataz Samy Abdelghafar Yousef4
1Department of Vascular Surgery, 2Department of Neurosurgery, 4Department of Emergency Medicine and
Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
3Department of Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Hospital, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Moataz Samy Abdelghafar, Mobile: (+20) 01028866777, E-Mail: dr.moatazsamy@gmail.com

Penetrating head injuries, whether low or high velocity, are dreadful casualties associated with a high
incidence of morbidity and mortality. Immediate radiological examination is mandatory to determine the extent of
head penetration, location of the penetrating foreign body and need for surgical intervention.
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of penetrating head injuries among polytraumatized patients
and to follow up and determine the different outcomes of patients with penetrating head injuries.
Patients and methods: This was a prospective observational descriptive study included 63 traumatic patients with
penetrating head injury who were recruited over 1 year duration starting from November 2019 to October 2020 in
Mansoura University Emergency Hospital and El-Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital, Egypt.
Results: The mean age in the non-survived group was statistically significantly higher as compared to the survived
group. The percentage of missiles (firearm) injuries in the non-survived group was statistically significantly higher as
compared to the survived group. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) on admission was statistically significantly lower
in the non-survivor group as compared to the survivor group. The percentage of cases with unreactive pupils in the
non-survivor group was statistically significantly higher as compared to the survival group. The incidence of
subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral hemorrhage and brain laceration was statistically significantly higher in the
non-survivors group as compared with survivors group. The length of hospital stay and length of ICU stay were
statistically significantly longer in the non-survivors.
Early stabilization of patients with suspected head trauma. All patients with head trauma should undergo
brain CT for early assessment of degree of brain affection.
Trauma, CT, Penetrating head injuries, ICU.

the acute phase. The most commonly used indicators are
Trauma-related mortality accounts for 9% of
the GCS score, the pupillary light reflex reaction and CT
deaths in all age groups and most cases involve blunt
scan findings. In addition, missile track and mechanism
injuries. Multiple traumas are the main cause of
of injury also play a significant role in mortality
emergency admission, accounting for approximately
prediction from TBI (7).
16% of global medical expense (1). Traumatic Brain
The highest-velocity injuries tend to have the
Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death in all age
worst associated damage. In a study, among 314
group. In various series, the mortality estimated to be
individuals who suffered penetrating cranial injuries
about 20­30%. According to severity, the head injuries
caused by gunshot wounds, found that 73% succumbed
are 80% mild, 10% are moderate and 10% are severe (2).
to their injuries at the scene of the incident, and a further
Penetrating brain injury (PBI) includes all traumatic
19% ultimately died later. Thus, indicating a total
brain injuries, which are not the result of a blunt
mortality rate of 92%. Perforating injuries have an even
mechanism. Although less prevalent than closed head
worse prognosis (8). People with penetrating head
trauma, PBI carries a worse prognosis (3).
trauma may have complications such as acute
In civilian populations, PBIs are mostly caused
by high velocity objects, which result in more complex
intravascular coagulation, and neurogenic pulmonary
injuries and high mortality. PBI caused by non-missile,
edema. Up to 50% of patients with penetrating brain
low-velocity objects represent a rare pathology among
injuries get late-onset post-traumatic epilepsy (9).
civilians, with better outcome because of more localized
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the
primary injury, and is usually caused by violence,
incidence of penetrating head injuries among
accidents, or even suicide attempts (4). The current
polytraumatized patients and to follow up and
increase in firearm-related violence and subsequent
determine the different outcomes of patients with
increase in penetrating head injury remains main
penetrating head injuries.
concern to neurosurgeons in particular and to the

community as a whole (5).
The patterns of intracranial injury in penetrating
This was a prospective observational
TBI are not fully characterized, since only 59­70% of
descriptive study included 63 traumatic patients with
patients arriving alive to the hospital are evaluated with
penetrating head injury who were recruited over 1 year
a head computed tomography (CT) scan (6). Several
duration starting from November 2019 to October 2020
prognostic factors are used to predict TBI mortality in
Received: 24/09/2021
Accepted: 22/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 6)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_7 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1017-1023
Incidental Thyroid Nodules on the COVID-19 Positive CT Chest
Ahmed S. Abdelrahman*, Mena E.Y. Ekladious, Mona A. Nagi
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed S. Abdelrahman; Mobile: 01200220999; Email: dr_ahmedsamy@yahoo.com

The recent widespread of COVID-19 led to a marked increase in the number of CT chest examinations.
This led to frequent encounters of associated incidental findings as thyroid nodules. Thyroid imaging reporting and
data system (TI-RADS) using variable ultrasound feature-allowed systematic reproducible approach for diagnosis and
management of thyroid nodules.
Objective: This study aimed to detect the prevalence of incidental thyroid nodules in CT chest for COVID-19 cases as
well as the percentage of malignant nodules among them and the concordance of TI-RADS classification with fine-
needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) results.
Patients and methods: This retrospective study included 895 patients with CT findings of COVID-19 pneumonia.
203 patients were excluded due to absent PCR confirmation of COVID-19, lack of ultrasound confirmation of thyroid
nodules or lack of FNAC results, so our study included 692 patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia.
Results: A solitary thyroid nodule was discovered in 134 CT chest scans of 692 patients with confirmed COVID-19
pulmonary pneumonia, with a 19.4% incidence. These patients underwent ultrasound evaluation for the thyroid
nodule. The nodules with TI-RADS 1-3 score were considered benign yet those with 4-5 score were classified as
malignant. The results of the FNAC were compared to the thyroid TI-RADS classification, with nodules classified as
Bethesda II-III being benign and those classified as Bethesda IV to VI being malignant.
Conclusion: Incidental thyroid nodule discovered during CT chest examination is an important finding and should be
investigated and categorized using the TI-RADS system as even though the incidence of malignancy is not high, early
diagnosis of thyroid malignancy can have a huge effect on the patient outcome.
Keywords: COVID-19, thyroid nodule, CT, US, TI-RADS.


The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is
However, this created another debate about
a rapidly spreading infection across the globe with 5-
whether further investigation for incidental findings is
15 % of the affected patients developing severe
of clinical value or is it a waste of resources on further
respiratory illness (1-4).

CT chest is a safe and rapid examination for
investigation of findings that are mostly benign and
diagnosing patients with suspected infection as it
unrelated to the patient complaint (14-16).
allows assessment of the degree of lung affection
The aim of our study was to detect the
especially with the development of CT severity score,
prevalence of incidental thyroid nodules in patients
which allow assessment of the extent of lung
performing CT chest for assessment of COVID-19
involvement (5-8).
pneumonia and the percentage of malignant thyroid
The huge number of patients performing
nodules discovered by further investigation of this
computed tomography (CT) chest examination had led
incidental finding.
to the frequent encountering of incidental findings, one

of which is incidental thyroid nodules. Incidental
thyroid nodule is considered common findings in the
Between September 2020 and November
cross-sectional imaging of the neck constituting about
2021, 895 patients with CT findings of intermediate to
16 to 18 % (9-10).
a high probability of COVID-19 pneumonia (CO-
The American thyroid association stated that
RADS 3, 4 and 5) were included in this retrospective
all incidental thyroid nodules should undergo further
study. A negative RT-PCR confirmation resulted in the
workup by ultrasound as there are no definite features
exclusion of 73 patients.
in CT that can differentiate benign from malignant
69 patients were excluded because the
lesions (11-12).
ultrasound (US) confirmation of the thyroid nodule
The thyroid imaging and reporting data system
was missed (36 patients with known nodular thyroid
(TI-RADS) is based upon specific ultrasound (US)
disease and 33 patients who couldn't be assessed by
features including size, shape, composition, margins,
the US). 61 patients were also excluded because the
echogenicity and calcification. It aims to standardize
FNAC result was unavailable, so our study included
the classification of thyroid nodules and limit fine
692 patients with confirmed COVID-19 pneumonia
needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) (13).
(Figure 1).

Received: 24/09/2021
Accepted: 22/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 7)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_8 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1023-1026

Surgical Procedures for Prevention of Frey's Syndrome after
Parotidectomy Surgery: Review Article
Mahmoud Ahmed El Said Megahed*, Sherif Mohammad Askar,
Abdel Raof Said Mohamed, Ali Mohammad Awad
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
*Corresponding author: Mahmoud Ahmed El Said Megahed, Email: mahmoudmegahed313@gmail.com

Treatment options for benign and malignant parotid gland neoplasms include superficial and whole
parotidectomy, however patients often suffer from facial contour deformation in the preauricular and retromandibular
regions, as well as Frey's syndrome. Preauricular flushing and sweating following parotid surgery has been noted as a
possible side effect. Once thought to be extremely rare, it has been found to occur anywhere from 4% to 62% in post-
parotidectomy patients within the first six to 18 months following surgery. These outcomes have been attempted to be
avoided by the use of certain intraoperative procedures. Dermal-fat-free grafts, fascia lata grafts as well as superficial
flaps of the musculoaponeurotic system, vascularized fat grafts, temporoparietal fascia flaps, as well as implants of
polytetrafluoroethylene are a few of the other options available.
Objective: To evaluate aesthetic and functional outcomes after the use of either superiorly based sternocleidomastoid
muscle flap or free abdominal fat after parotidectomy.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 data bases; PubMed, Google scholar,
Egyptian Knowledge Bank and Science direct. Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as [Frey's
Syndrome AND Parotidectomy Surgery OR Prevention of Frey's Syndrome] and in peer-reviewed articles between
January 2001 and October 2020.
Conclusion: Superiorly based Sternocleidomastoid muscle flap improves facial deformity following either superficial
or total parotidectomy by lowering the occurence of Frey's syndrome objectively as well as subjectively compared to
risks of postoperative complications at the donor site associated with free abdominal fat reconstruction, which has a
high incidence of partially fat absorption or liquefaction.
Keywords: Parotidectomy, Frey's syndrome.


subcutaneous arteries. Eating and mastication
paralysis of fascial nerve, salivary fistula, as well as
stimulates skin glands and veins because of this aberrant
Frey's syndrome, infection and masseteric depression, in
communication (4).
addition to return of the tumour in the area where it was

removed. Complications following surgery on the parotid
Surgical procedures for prevention of Frey's
gland can have negative impacts affecting one's life
quality and may be disfiguring (1).
To prevent Frey's syndrome and depression in the
Lucie Frey originally reported the auriculotemporal
masseteric zone, there have been a variety of methods.
syndrome, now known as Frey's syndrome, in 1923.
In order to prevent Frey's syndrome, there are these
Preauricular flushing and sweating following parotid
techniques that separate the skin from the parotid bed
surgery has been noted as a possible side effect. It has
and transplant tissue (autogenous or alloplastic) to the
been found to occur in 4% to 62% of post-
site of the parotidectomy (4). Allografts and autologous
parotidectomy patients within the first six to 18 months
tissue are just two of the materials that can be used to
following surgery. These outcomes have been
fill in soft tissue gaps left by cosmetic surgery (like
attempted to be prevented using a variety of
collagen, hyaluronic acid and alloderm) (5). The
intraoperative procedures. Dermal-fat-free grafts, fascia
nasolabial flap, the palatal pedicled flap, the buccal fat
lata grafts, superficial flaps of the musculoaponeurotic
pad, the temporalis muscle, and the fascia flap are
system, vascularized fat grafts, temporoparietal fascia
among the local flaps that have been employed. The
flaps, as well as implants of polytetrafluoroethylene are
nasolabial flap and the buccal fat pad are two of the most
a few of the other options available (2).
commonly used regional flaps in cosmetic surgery. The
Frey's syndrome has a wide range of prevalence. 23
flap's movement is limited by the volume and form of
percent of patients self-reported Frey's syndrome while
the material it can hold; this is a major drawback.
62 percent of cases were found to have positive Minor's
Reconstruction of small soft tissue abnormalities with
iodine starch tests (3). After a gustatory stimulus, there
pedicled flaps is not frequently employed (5).
are clinical signs such as sweat, flushing, and heat of the
In a study by Hegazy et al. (6) the traditional
preauricular and temporal regions. When a branch of the
approach (Group 1) and a modified technique were both
used to perform superficial parotidectomy for benign
regeneration of cut postganglionic parasympathetic
parotid neoplasms (Group 2). Both groups' results were
fibres develops between the otic ganglia and the
compared. The prevalence of Frey's syndrome was
Received: 28/09/2021
Accepted: 26/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 8)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_9 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1027-1033

Short Term Evolution of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Following
Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Ahmed Khaled Muhammed Talaat*, Mahmoud Diaa El-Menshawy,
Ahmed Mohammed El-Zaiat, Ibtesam El-Dosouky
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Khaled Muhammed Talaat, Email: ahmadtalaat.at@gmail.com
: It is well established fact that acute coronary occlusion leads to diastolic dysfunction, followed by systolic
dysfunction when myonecrosis occurs. It is also proven that primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) is an
excellent therapy for ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) to improve outcomes. However there is a paucity of
information on efficacy of PPCI in improving diastolic function. Evaluation of the role of PPCI in improving diastolic
dysfunction is required. Objective: To evaluate diastolic dysfunction recovery following successful PCI in STEMI
patients according to the occluded artery including Left Anterior Descending (LAD) group and Non-LAD group
including Left Circumflex Artery (LCX) and Right Coronary Artery (RCA).
Patients and methods: The study included sixty one patients who were presented to emergency room with STEMI and
underwent primary PCI. Echocardiographic evaluation was performed within 24 h of PPCI and then on 3 months after
PPCI. We evaluated the prevalence of diastolic dysfunction after PPCI and its recovery during 3 months.
: There was a significant difference between grading of degree of diastolic dysfunction before PCI and after 3-
months follow up with significant improvement after PCI. Conclusion: We concluded that primary PCI improves
diastolic dysfunction in patients with anterior wall STEMI over a period of 3 months.
Keywords: Diastolic dysfunction, Primary percutaneous coronary intervention, ST elevation myocardial infarction.


(PPCI) (6). Although LV (left ventricle) systolic function
An acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction
is a well-known prognostic factor in patients with AMI,
(STEMI) is an event in which transmural myocardial
a growing body of evidence indicates that left
ischemia results in myocardial injury or necrosis.
ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD), as assessed
Although the incidence of STEMI has decreased over
by Doppler echocardiography, is also an important
the past decade, it remains a common and morbid
predictor of patient outcomes after AMI (7). A normal
diagnosis (1). It is a life-threatening situation, rapid and
LV filling pattern illustrating cardiac diastolic function
correct decision making for life saving of patients in
was seen in only one third of patients in the acute phase
emergency room is very important (2).
of MI, and an abnormal pattern usually indicated
MI damages the regional myocardium that
patients having higher risk of developing permanent
undergoes ischemia and necrosis, resulting in
heart failure (8).Two-dimensional echocardiography (2D
impairment of both systolic and diastolic functions of
Echo) is the technique of choice to assess and monitor
the heart. Ischemia of myocardial cells, interstitial
remodeling after AMI, enabling a precise definition of
edema, and regional wall motion abnormalities
magnitude and timing of the process. In addition,
resulting from MI affect active and passive relaxation of
Doppler echocardiography has provided evidence that
ventricles. Left ventricular (LV) function and
serial changes in diastolic filling pattern may parallel
myocardial infarct size both serve as the main
the evolutionary changes in LV dimensions after AMI
determinants of patients' outcome after MI (3).
(9). Previous studies on primary PCI showed that
Currently, the primary strategy for treating MI is
based on pharmacological thrombolytic or percutaneous
improvement in diastolic function by increasing LV
coronary intervention (PCI) reperfusion therapy. PCI
compliance and in systolic function by increasing apical
has progressed from balloon angioplasty to drug-eluting
contractility in STEMI patients (10).
stents and now bioabsorbable stents. Now it is a very
On the other hand, Chen and colleagues (11)
powerful tool to preserve ischemic myocardium and
concluded that STEMI patients receiving early
reduce mortality as the sooner the ischemic
myocardial reperfusion had no better diastolic functions
myocardium gets reperfused by PCI, the better the
compared with late re-perfused patients within the acute
patient's LV function recovers (4).
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a leading
The aim of the present study was to evaluate
cause of heart failure, despite significant treatment
diastolic dysfunction recovery following successful PCI
advancements in recent years. Development of new
in STEMI patients according to the occluded artery
onset heart failure in patients with AMI is a poor
including Left Anterior Descending (LAD) group and
prognostic sign with higher in hospital mortality (5). A
Non-LAD group including Left Circumflex Artery
number of studies have indicated that both mortality and
(LCX) and Right Coronary Artery (RCA).
morbidity rates can be reduced in ST elevation
myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients who receive
The study was done in Cardiology Department,
timely primary percutaneous coronary intervention
Zagazig University Hospitals and National Heart
Received: 24/09/2021
Accepted: 22/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 9)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_10 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1035-1038

The CT Chest Findings in Follow-up COVID-19 Patients: Review Article
Yasser Abdelkarim Amin
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
Corresponding author: Yasser Abdelkarim Amin, Mobile: (+20) 01501607424,
Email: yasserrad476@gmail.com. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2174-3351


Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may benefit from a chest CT scan for diagnosis, identification of
sequelae, and prognosis. Ground-glass opacities, vascular enlargement, bilateral abnormalities, lower lobe involvement,
and posterior inclination have all been found on chest CT in more than 70% of RT-PCR test­proven COVID-19 cases.
In more than one-third of patients who survived severe coronavirus illness 2019 pneumonia, a six-month follow-up CT
revealed fibrotic-like alterations in the lung. COVID-19 survivors exhibited continued improvement on chest CT
following a year of follow-up after discharge. Residual lesions, on the other hand, could be seen and linked with lung
volume metrics. Early diagnosis of post-COVID-19 pulmonary fibrosis cases may allow for the prevention or at least
modification of this disabling consequence.
Objective: Highlight chest CT imaging for the symptomatic COVID-19 patient after three months and the radiologist
should be aware of the pulmonary sequelae changes at imaging.
Methods: These databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 databases (PubMed ­ Google scholar-
science direct) and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as (Chest CT AND COVID-19 Patients
OR CT chest findings) and in peer-reviewed articles between February 2020 and December 2021. Documents in a
language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation were not found. Papers apart from main
scientific studies had been excluded: documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract
papers, and dissertations.
Conclusion: Chest CT imaging plays an important role in diagnosis and follow-up patients in COVID-19 disease.
Keywords: CT Chest, COVID-19 Patients.


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a highly
The severity of the underlying infection, age,
contagious disease that causes severe respiratory
gender, and body mass index all influence the likelihood
distress syndrome. It was originally detected in Wuhan,
of developing long COVID or post-COVID syndrome.
China, in late 2019 and has since expanded worldwide.
The real-time polymerase chain reaction is the
The World Health Organization designated the
gold standard for verifying COVID-19 (RT-PCR). In
coronavirus pandemic of 2019 an international public
the diagnosis, care, and follow-up of patients with
health emergency on March 11, 2020 (1). COVID-19 has
COVID-19 pneumonia, radiologic imaging, particularly
a wide spectrum of symptoms, ranging from
thin slice CT, plays a significant role. Chest CT can
asymptomatic infection to fulminant respiratory failure.
detect early stages of infection and allow patients to be
Patients with COVID-19 infection have a varied
isolated sooner the sensitivity of CT in the diagnosis of
recovery rate. Although the majority will heal
COVID-19 has been reported to be 60­98%, with a
completely, others will suffer from sequelae long after
specificity of 25­56% (5).
they have recovered from the acute infection (2).
In the current outbreak, computed tomography
Long COVID is defined as persistent symptoms
(CT) can be a valuable supplement to RT-PCR for
after 4 weeks, while post-COVID syndrome is defined
detecting COVID-19 pneumonia, the extent of
as symptoms that continue longer than 12 weeks,
pneumonia involvement by CT findings can help to
according to British Medical Journal guidelines (3).
evaluate the severity of COVID-19 pneumonia (5).
Imaging by CT plays a crucial role in the diagnosis

of COVID-19 pneumonia. The CT findings vary
CT findings:
depending on the stage of the disease and the severity of
At the initial stage, the most prevalent finding on
the condition. Peripheral and bilateral ground-glass
chest CT in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia is
opacities (GGOs) are the most common CT findings
ground-glass opacities (GGO), which is usually
during the early stages of COVID-19 pneumonia,
described as patchy, peripheral, bilateral, and subpleural
followed by consolidation that gradually disappears in
survivors as the disease progresses (4).
Received: 26/9/2021
Accepted: 24/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 10)

Measurement of Serum Lipid Level in Children with Congenital Heart Diseases The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1038-1044

Low Weight Gain as Risk Factor for Retinopathy of
Prematurity in Preterm Infant
Ayman Mohammed Lotfy1, Ehab Abd Elmenem Al Banna2,
Omayma Bashir Abuzayd*2, Alaa Elsayed Nafea2
Departments of 1Ophthalmology and 2Neonatology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Omayma Bashir Masoud Abuzayd, Moble: (+20)01017169201, E-mail: omaymabozaid@gmail.com

Low weight gain during the first month of life in preterm infants might be an important contributory
factor for the occurrence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP).
Objective: Our study aimed to determine the effect of low weight gain on the incidence of ROP in premature infants.
Patients and methods: This prospective, one-year cohort study was conducted in the Neonatology Department, in
collaborate with the Ophthalmology Department in the Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. The study included 72
preterm neonates.
Results: Out of the 72 screened infants, (41.7%) cases had ROP, among whom (35.7%) had stage I, (24.5%) had stage
II (39.8%) had aggressive ROP stage III zone II, 60% had a threshold and (33.3%) with plus disease. There were
statistically significant relations between ROP development and weight loss (p<0.001), (OR, 4.5; 95% CI 0.37-54.15),
prolonged duration of admission, (p<0.005), prolonged duration of oxygen therapy (p<0.002), respiratory distress
syndrome (RDs), (p<0.001), pneumonia (p<0.013), bronchopulmonary dyspepsia (BPD) (p<0.005), sepsis (p<0.001),
anemia (p<0.001), intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (p<0.005).
Conclusion: Our study results suggest that low weight gain or weight loss in the first month of life may predict pre
threshold ROP that requires treatment. It can help identify babies with poor periods after birth who are most at risk, also
O2 therapy, and its duration, RDs, pneumonia, sepsis, BPD, anemia, and IVH were found to be the most significant risk
factors for ROP development in premature babies.
Keywords: Postnatal Growth Restricted, Prematurity, Retinopathy of prematurity


connection between the avascular and vascularized
The optimal growth after birth is important not
retina as stages. Stage I It's a faint demarcation line,
only for survival but also for improving the long term
Stage II It's an elevated ridge, Stage III is extraretinal
outcomes of preterm infants. Despite recent
fibrovascular tissue, Stage IV is sub-total retinal
improvements in the neonatal care of preterm infants,
detachment, and Stage V is total retinal detachment(9).
postnatal growth restriction is still prevalent among
Treatment of ROP is depending on its severity;
preterm infants during their stay in NICU (1). A new
some of them have side effects of their own, (7). The
study found that an improved neonatal nutritional
laser therapy could be for advanced ROP, but needs
supply after birth is associated with good growth during
general anesthesia, which may be risky for premature
early postnatal life. So, an adequate supply of nutrients
infants (10).
must be provided to achieve optimal weight gain and
As regard medications, injection of anti-vascular,
prevent growth restriction (2). Early improvement in
endothelial growth factor prevents overgrowth of retinal
weight gain is an important parameter of neonatal
blood vessels as intravitreal injection of bevacizumab
nutritional status, and low postnatal weight has been
and ranibizumab (11).
associated with the incidence of aggressive ROP (3).
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect
Small gestational age and low weight at birth are the
of low weight gain on the incidence of ROP in
most important factors for the development of ROP.
premature infants.
Other factors associated with the present of ROP

include RDs, sepsis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, poor
weight gain, and the infant's overall health (4).
This prospective one-year cohort study was conducted
There is an estimated 15 million neonate born
in NICU Pediatric Department, in Collaborate with of
prematurely every year worldwide. Declines in infantile
Ophthalmology Department in the Faculty of Medicine;
mortality and increased survival of premature infants
Zagazig University. It included 72 preterm neonates.
contribute to increased incidence of ROP (5).

Retinopathy of prematurity is also called Terry's
Inclusion criteria; preterm infants with gestational age
Syndrome (6). ROP disease affecting preterm infants is
at birth between 27-36 weeks
caused by abnormal growth of retinal blood vessels (7).
Exclusion criteria; Full-term infant, and preterm infant
When a baby is born preterm, the retinal blood vessels
whose relative refused to participate in the study.
can grow abnormally, most ROP resolves
All preterm infants were subjected to details medical
spontaneously, but when ROP is severe, it can cause
history with a focus on demographic data [gender,
damage to the retina, and may cause blindness (8).
mode of delivery; Caesarean section (CS), normal
Ophthalmoscope can describe the retinal findings at the
vaginal delivery (NVD), admission status: inborn /out
Received: 30/09/2021
Accepted: 28/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 11)

Burnout The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1046-1055

Prevalence and Causes of Burnout among Physicians in Arar City, KSA
Anfal Marzouq Alanazi1, Khulud Awad Altarfawi1, Rawan Deham Aledeilah1,
Anwar Matar Alsulobi1, Hisham Nasef Mohammed Meshref2
1Family Medicine, Saudi Board Family Medicine, 2 Family Medicine, Badanha Primary health care center, Arar, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: Anfal Marzouq Alanazi,Email: Toop-1991@hotmail.com,Mobile: 9660533034571

: Since burnout is a common condition, and its prevalence is expected to increase with time, lack of
knowledge about such problem could impede early diagnosis and may lead to delays in seeking appropriate care.
to estimate the prevalence and factors associated with burnout among physicians in Saudi Arabia.
A cross-sectional study was conducted during the period from 1 June to 30 November 2021 on a sample
of physicians in health care centers in Arar city. All data were collected, tabulated, and statistically analyzed using SPSS
23.0 for windows.
Results: Of all 303 participants, 51.5% were males and 48.5% were females. 33.7% of study sample aged between 20-
30 years old. Most (91.7%) of them were working 6-10 hours per day. Only 1% of participants were working 3 days a
week, 5.6% 4 days a week and 64.4% 5 days a week. Only 8.9% of our study participants felt emotionally exhausted
because of work every day, 17.2% several times a week and 14.9% once a week. As for burnout, 9.2%, 11.9%, 11.6%,
13.9%, 14.5%, 21.1%, and 17.8% felt burned out every day, several times a week, once a week, several times a month,
at least once a month, at least few times a year, and never respectively. 23.4% planned to quit their current job.
Conclusion: Physicians in Saudi Arabia suffer from burnout and emotional exhaustion within reported ranges in
previous literature. Actions must be taken to avoid exhaustion, stress, and emphasize pliability.
Keywords: Arar City, Burnout, Physicians, Prevalence, Saudi Arabia.


Burnout is defined as a response to the chronic
of US physicians have experienced burnout at certain
stressors that are prevalent in the workplace. It is
points throughout their careers [4].
characterized by feelings of emotional exhaustion and
In a study conducted in Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia,
cynicism that leads to inefficacy and lack of
it was found a substantial level of burnout amongst
accomplishment [1]. Healthcare workers, particularly
doctor of medicine occupying the primary health care
physicians, are exposed to high levels of physical and
centers. The proportion of contributors who counted
psychological distress at their work. Many researches
high score in emotional exhaustion was 47.3%, near
showed that physicians and other health care
50% scored high depersonalization, besides 59.7% had
professionals experience high rates of burnout, their
diminished personal accomplishment. Approximately
roles leaving them exhausted, overworked, or
25% scored high burnout in all three dimensions; high
detached, which is the causes and signs of burnout
emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization and low
syndrome [2].
personal accomplishment [6].
Maslach et al., reported that, burnout has three
Another study was designed to investigate the
interrelated dimensions: emotional exhaustion,
frequency of job satisfaction, burnout and ethics
among physicians across specialties with varied levels
accomplishment. Emotional exhaustion usually results
of experience and seniority, in hospitals in Makkah,
from prolonged exposure to stress, and it manifests
Saudi Arabia. A high level of burnout was found among
through the loss of enthusiasm for work, feeling not
physicians (51%) and the level of burnout was
helpful, trapped, and defeated [3]. Many causes make
significantly higher among physicians willing to
physicians risky for burnout. Their job demands like
change their specialty compared to those willing to
workload, bad working conditions, lack of management
repeat it (50% vs. 24%, p-value 0.02) [7].
support, limited vacation, and public system related
Elbarazi et al. (2017) conducted a systematic
frustration caused burnout symptoms among
review to guess the occurrence of burnout in Arab
physicians [4]. Also, physicians are exposed to
medical professionals. Then looked at the individual
emotional and social demands at work, while
and occupational influences accompanying this
interacting with patients, which is overloading them
burnout. This review showed moderate-to-high
and resultantly they develop symptoms of chronic
estimates of self-reported burnout among health care
stress and burnout [4].
professionals in Arab countries. This was similar to the
Moreover, burnout syndrome may increase the
prevalence in the developed western countries that do
risk of medical errors and decrease job satisfaction,
not speak Arabic [8].
which incites early retirement or detachment from the
Cape Town survey done by Rossouw et al.,
job [5].
found that 76% of physicians experienced symptoms
It was indicated a high prevalence of burnout
of chronic stress and burnout [9]. Another research,
among practicing physicians and have shown one-third
published in JAMA Surgery, reported nearly 7,000
Received: 30/09/2021
Accepted: 28/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 12)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_13 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1056-1062

A Comparative Study between Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and Non-Invasive
Testing for Diagnosis of Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Hemodialysis Patients
Saddam A.A. Hassan*1, Ahmed E. Mansour1,
Mohammed E. Abdelrazek2, Eman M. Araby3, Mohamed E. Ibrahim1
1Internal Medicine and Nephrology Department, 3Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
Benha University, 2Internal Medicine and Nephrology Unit, Maadi Military Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Saddam A.A. Hassan, Mobile: (+20) 01008950489, E-mail: saddam.ahmed@fmed.bu.edu.eg

Worldwide, data are conflicting on the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection in Hemodialysis
(HD) population. In Egypt, the data on this population are rather limited.
Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to screen HD patients with Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms for
the prevalence of Hp infection using non-invasive serological testing for Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody and then to
compare the screening data with the confirmatory esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) findings.
Patients and Methods: From January 2020 to June 2021, the sera of one hundred patients with GI complaints were
screened for IgG antibody against Hp, among them fifty patients underwent EGD as per indication. Univariate and
multivariate analysis were performed to compare serological versus invasive testing performance for Hp infection.
Results: In the present study, (60%) of the screened study population demonstrated a positive IgG against Hp, whereas
the EGD findings confirmed Hp infection in (50%) of the fifty patients who underwent a confirmatory EGD. In
comparison to EDG findings, IgG Antibody sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of Hp infection was 65.5 % and
52.4 % respectively.
Among the one hundred HD patients screened for IgG against Hp, we found a seroprevalence of 60%;
however, the performance characteristics of IgG antibody were limited. Further studies are warranted to explore these
Keywords: End Stage Renal Disease, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, Helicobacter pylori, Hemodialysis, IgG.

population in Egypt are rather limited despite the high
Worldwide, Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is estimated
prevalence of Hp in the general population in Egypt (6,7).
to be the most prevalent chronic bacterial disease
Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders are the most
affecting almost 50% of the world's population. Hp
prevalent chronic problem in End Stage Renal Disease
infection accounts for a host of gastric disorders
(ESRD) patients, ranking second in frequency only to
including malignancy and has been implicated in a
renal failure itself. GI disorders affect 70 to 80% of
growing list of extra-gastric disorders (1).
patients on Hemodialysis (HD) (8); yet, little is known
The increased recognition of the systemic effects of
about the impact of Hp infection on this multifactorial
Hp (2) has revived the interest to study the epidemiology
of Hp infection in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Hence, the primary aim of the present cross-
(CKD) especially after studies implicating an increased
sectional study was to prospectively assess the
risk of CKD in patients infected with Hp (3).
prevalence of Hp infection among HD patients using
Unfortunately, data are still conflicting regarding
both screening and confirmatory tests. Initially, ELISA-
the association between Hp infection and kidney
based screening for IgG antibodies in the sera of HD
diseases. Whilst some population-based studies have
patients was performed. Then, the performance of
linked Hp to increased risk of renal disorders and CKD
serological non-invasive testing for Hp was compared
progression (3). Contrarian meta-analysis studies have
to the confirmatory EGD findings.
demonstrated a lower incidence of Hp infection in

Hemodialysis (HD) population (4,5).
One hundred patients on maintenance
In Egypt, the prevalence of Hp in the general
Hemodialysis (HD) were enrolled in this prospective
population varies according to the used test, serological
multicenter cross-sectional study. End Stage Renal
screening reported a prevalence of 70 % to 90 % among
Disease (ESRD) was defined as eGFR < 15 ml/min/1.73
adults tested for serum IgG for Hp (6). Whilst another
m2 and/or the need for renal replacement therapy for
study using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
more than 3 months (10). The patients were selected
(ELISA) to detect Hp Stool Antigen (HpSA) test among
based on the presence of Gastrointestinal (GI)
1120 Egyptian patients reported a prevalence of 52% (7).
symptoms including: (nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia,
This high prevalence in previous studies was attributed
dysphagia, abdominal pain, chest pain, and hiccough).
to poor socioeconomic and sanitary conditions in
All the study population who reported GI
addition to dietary, lifestyle, and age factors.
symptoms (n=100) underwent an initial serological
Epidemiological data are critical to guide the
screening test using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent
choice of the proper test (invasive versus non-invasive)
Assay (ELISA) technique to detect serum
for this prevalent problem in view of limited resources.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) for Helicobacter Pylori (Hp),
Unfortunately, data about Hp infection in HD
the test was labelled positive at a cutoff > 10 U/ml. This
Received: 27/09/2021
Accepted: 25/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 13)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_14 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1063-1066
Newborn Hearing Screening at Qena University Hospital
Mohamed Wael M. Moustafa1, Hager Saleh M. Ali*1, Heba M. Qubaisy2, Abeer A. M. Ali1
Departments of 1Audiovestibular Medicine and 2Pediatric Medicine,
Qena Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University.
*Corresponding author: Hager Saleh M. Ali, Mobile: (+20)1062820512, E-Mail: hagersaleh82@gmail.com

Permanent hearing loss is one of the most common congenital disorders, with an estimated incidence of
one to three per thousand live births far exceeding the combined incidence of conditions for which newborns are
routinely screened. Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of hearing loss in newborn at Qena
University Hospital, for early diagnosis, early intervention and good prognosis.
Patients and Methods:
This cross-sectional study was conducted at Qena University Hospital and 100 neonates were
examined. The study was conducted in a duration of 6 months.
There was statistically significant relationship between the presence of risk factors such as prematurity,
hyperbilirubinemia, hydrocephalus, respiratory distress syndrome, and amplitude of frequencies in both ears, there was
no correlation between amplitudes of frequencies in both ears and age, heart rate, respiratory rate, incubation period or
temperature. Conclusion: It could be concluded that otoacoustic Emission (OAE) is a reliable test for newborn hearing
screening. Although all the 200 ears passed the screening test at Qena University Hospital, this does not guarantee a low
prevalence of hearing loss but due to the limited number of cases and short duration of the study.
Newborn, Hearing Screening


in newborn at Qena University Hospital, for early
Newborn hearing screening (NHS) is a strategy
diagnosis, early intervention and good prognosis.
that enables us to identify congenital deafness and

hearing loss. Over the past two decades, screening

neonates for hearing deficit has become the standard of
This cross-sectional study included a total of 100
care in many countries all over the world. The major
neonates, attending at Qena University Hospital. This
objective of NHS is to identify children with all kinds
study was conducted for 6 months.
and degrees of hearing impairment, both bilateral and
Inclusion criteria: Neonates at Qena university hospital.
unilateral and to lower the age at the time of diagnosis
Exclusion criteria: All Patients > 1 month of age.
for early hearing amplification, to maximize their
linguistic competence and literacy development (1).
All neonates were subjected to:
Hearing loss in infancy has been shown in
History: Personal history (age, sex, residency and socio-
numerous studies to be permanent, affecting not only the
economic state of the parents), present history (Fever,
development of speech and language but also the
cognitive, intellectual, cultural, and social development
convulsion), past history (previous admission in NICU),
of children (2). The international statistic is reported two
prenatal history (Full term, preterm, type of delivery,
to six per 1000 live birth suffering from hearing loss. In
type of medication, History of maternal disease, anoxia,
the United States, three per 1000 live birth are born with
convulsion, jaundice), nutritional history (breast feeding,
permanent hearing loss (3). Due to the negative impact of
artificial formula), developmental history, vaccination
hearing loss on child development, the World Health
and family history (family history of hearing loss,
Organization recommends the Newborn Hearing
Screening (NHS) programs (4).
Physical examination: General examination: Skin:
The objective of the NHS is the early detection of
Color: pink, jaundice, pallor, and plethora, head and
hearing loss in those individuals who are very likely to
neck: Assessment of head and neck, extremities:
be affected, referring them to rehabilitation (5).
abnormal palmar creases, and talipes and back and spine:
Hearing screening at a young age is critical for a
spinal defect, Scoliosis.
child's future development. Newborn hearing screening
Vital signs: Hyperthermia>38 or hypothermia <36°
can detect infants with mild to moderate bilateral or
rectal, tachycardia (infant heart rate >160 beats per
unilateral hearing loss. These youngsters have previously
minute and tachypnea (infants' respiratory rate >60
been identified as having speech or educational issues
breaths per minute.
later in childhood. In addition, children with hearing loss
who are discovered early have a better chance of gaining
Instruments: - In this study we used one type of
language skills than children who are diagnosed later.
Only children diagnosed with hearing loss early in life
Otoacoustic Emissions (EOAEs). (Interacoustics Titan).
and fitted with hearing aids before the age of six months
This method is safe and comfortable.
have a better chance of growing properly (6). The aim of
Trans evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE440): -
this study was to estimate the incidence of hearing loss
From .5KHZ to 5.5 KHZ. measuring the amplitude of the
frequencies, As well as the wave reproducibility offering
Received: 28/09/2021
Accepted: 26/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 14)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_15 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1067-1071

Study of Serum Uric Acid in Relation to Diabetic Neuropathy in
Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Mohamed M. Awad1, Ahmed Lotfy Elsayed1, Walaa samy2, Farid Fawzy1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Medical Biochemistry,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Lotfy Elsayed, Email: ahmed.abdelkareem@medicine.zu.edu.eg

Diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) considered a potential complication correlated with diabetes type
1 and type 2 (T2DM).
Objective: The present study was aimed for better control of T2DM complications such as diabetic DPN and to assess
the relationship between serum uric acid (SUA) level and DPN.
Patients and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinics, Zagazig
University Hospital and El Ahrar Teaching Hospital. The study included 50 patients; aged between 42 and 78 years,
divided into two groups, diabetic group without neuropathy (DM) and diabetic group with peripheral neuropathy.
Results: The findings revealed that there was a statistically insignificant difference between DM, and DPN groups and
gender, age, weight, height, BMI. There was a significant difference between the two studied groups and duration of
diabetes and SUA. There was a statistically insignificant difference between DM and DPN groups and type of
medication, systolic BP, diastolic BP, Hemoglobin A1c, and fasting blood glucose.
It could be concluded that elevated SUA level increased the chance of developing peripheral neuropathy
in a person with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Many animal experiments and large-scale clinical observations and
experiments are needed to confirm this observation.
Diabetes Mellitus, neuropathy, Serum uric acid.


Diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) incidence was
This cross-sectional study included a total of 50
expected to reach 7090 cases in every 100,000 by the
Type 2 diabetic patients, aged from 42 to 78 years,
next decade. Regarding the gender, both males and
attending at Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinics,
females were with equal incidences while the mean age
Zagazig University Hospitals and El Ahrar Teaching
of T2DM was around 55 years. DM comes in the ninth
place in the highest cause of mortality (1).
The included subjects were divided into two
Egypt comes ninth in the leading countries of
groups; Group A (Diabetic group without neuropathy)
T2DM incidences, the prevalence of T2DM grows fast
consisted of 25 patients, 13 males and 12 females and
during the past two decades caused by risk factors
their average age was (58.04±6.49) ranged from 49-70
especially obesity (2).
years and Group B (Diabetic group with peripheral
Uric acid considered a metabolic product of
neuropathy) consisted of 25 patients, 11 males and 14
degradation of purines (guanine & adenine), and
females and their average age was (58.84 ± 8.56) ranged
nucleic acids, formed in intestines, liver, and
from 42-75 years.
endothelium (3). Reference uric acid levels are 3.4-7.0
All the cases with the following criteria were
mg/dL (male) and 2.4-6.0 mg/dL (female) (4).
enrolled in the study; Type 2 diabetic patient more than
Recent reports found that studies revealed that
18 years, Gender both male and female, patients newly
inflammation and oxidative stress could be causative
diagnosed with microvascular complications such as
agents of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance was
nephropathy, and controlled group type 2 diabetic
induced by SUA that promotes oxidative stress and
patient without microvascular complications.
elevates reactive oxygen species (ROS) level (5).
The patients with following criteria were
Some implications for the improvement of novel
excluded from the study; pregnant and lactating female
treatments for diabetic peripheral neuropathy can be
patients, causes of retinopathy or nephropathy other
provided from the identification of the associations of
than diabetes mellitus, exclusion of any drug that affects
diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) with modifiable
serum uric acid level, and lymphoproliferative,
risk factors. In addition, recognizing risk factors of
myeloproliferative, and haematological disorder.
diabetic peripheral neuropathy is also necessary for
All cases were subjected to full history taking
screening and prevention of diabetic neuropathy (5, 6).
(age, sex, time since diagnosis of diabetes, and type of
This present study was aimed for better control of
type 2 diabetes complications such as diabetic
investigation (FBG, HbA1c, Serum uric acid).
neuropathy and to investigate relationship between

SUA and DPN.

Received: 29/09/2021
Accepted: 27/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 15)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_16 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1072-1077

Assessment of Aerosolized Colistin and Gentamicin in
Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Aya Mohamed Mohamed Abdel Dayem, Kareem Mohamed Elhamy Matter,
Haitham Salah Eldeen Mohamed*
Department of Chest diseases and Tuberculosis, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Haitham Salah Eldeen Mohamed, Mobile: (+20)1273008111, E-Mail: haysamsalah40@yahoo.com

Ineffective parental antibiotic use in management of Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) open the
window for using inhaled antibiotic formula to achieve higher local concentration of antibiotics and subsequently good
recovery response. Objectives: This work was aimed to evaluate the aerosolized antibiotics (Colistin and Gentamicin)
efficacy in improving the mechanically ventilated patient as adjunctive to intravenous systemic antibiotics.
Patients and Methods: This randomized control (RCT) trial study included a total of thirty mechanically ventilated
patients, attending at Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (RICU), Chest Diseases Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain
Shams University Hospitals. They were classified equally into three groups; Group I: involved 10 patients who received
aerosolized Colistin along with systematic antibiotics (SA), group II: involved 10 patients who received aerosolized
Gentamicin along with SA and group III (Control): involved 10 patients who received only SA.
Results: The incidence of VAP was 10%; in group I no cases had VAP, while in group II and controls, just (20 %) and
(10 %) of cases had VAP respectively, with insignificant association of VAP with particular group, (P= 0.3). Clinically;
only group I showed significant lower degree of temperature in comparison with controls, (P= 0.01). The mean days of
MV and ICU in each group were (6.8±2.15; 8.9±3.11, 5.9±2.23; 7.2±2.7, 5.1±1.1; 6.1±1.85) respectively, with
insignificant difference between the treatment groups. Finally, the survival rate in group I was 90 %, and was slightly
lower in group II and control group; 60 % and 50 % respectively, with insignificant association of survival status in
particular group.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that the empirical treatment by aerosolized Colistin was more effective as an
adjunctive therapy to SA for VAP protection than aerosolized Gentamicin, it had rapid resolution of respiratory infection
signs, and subsequently the MV days, ICU stays and cost but had no effect on mortality.
Ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP), Aerosolized Colistin and Gentamicin


increases toxicity. Because nebulized antibiotic
Respiratory tract infection leads to a major rate of
treatment directly targets the airways and lung tissue,
morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients,
local concentrations are raised and enhance the
especially those on mechanical ventilation (MV) (1).
effectiveness and reducing the toxicity (10, 11).
Many studies have been conducted to investigate
occurred within 48 - 72 hours after endotracheal
the value of inhaled antimicrobial treatment for the
intubation (2). It is considered as the most common
prevention of VAP (12, 13), as well as an adjuvant to SA
hospital-acquired infection among surgical intensive
for the management of existing VAP (14, 15).
care unit (ICU) patients (1). The reported incidence of
The current work was designed to assess the
VAP is 8 ­28% (3). Also, it is frequently linked to
value of aerosolized antibiotics Colistin and Gentamicin
prolonged MV and ICU stays, as well as significant
in improving the mechanically ventilated patient as
health costs and mortality (1).
adjunctive to intravenous systemic antibiotics.

acinetobacter, and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus
aureus that can't successfully eradicated by systemic
This randomized control (RCT) trial study included
antibiotic (SA) (1, 4), alone lead to pneumonia in MV
a total of thirty mechanically ventilated patients,
patients, cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis (5, 6).
attending at Respiratory Intensive Care Unit (RICU),
Current antibiotics for respiratory infection in
Chest Diseases Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain
MV patients are usually limited by multidrug resistant
Shams University Hospitals. This study was conducted
Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB) such as
between September 2017 to February 2018.
pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, eradication of

those aggressive bacteria from the airways looks difficult
The patients were randomly allocated into three groups:
after antibiotic treatment (7).
Group I: 10 individuals received aerosolized Colistin
Outcome is often suboptimal, even with
along with systematic antibiotics (SA).
antibiotic-susceptible bacterial pneumonia, medical
Group II: 10 individuals received aerosolized
response rates of less than 60% are possible (8). The issue
Gentamicin along with SA.
becomes very difficult when bacteria with a minimum
Group III (Control): 10 individuals received only
inhibitory concentration (MIC) near to the resistance
breakpoint are present (9). Increasing the SA dosage

Received: 28/09/2021
Accepted: 26/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 16)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_17 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1078-1082

Comparative Study between Umbilical Cord Drainage, Cord Clamping and
Intraumbilical Vein Oxytocin Injection in Management of Third Stage of Labour
Azza Abdelmageed Abdelhameed, Mohamed Abdallah El-Bakry Lashin,
Aya Emad Mohamed Khalifa*, Abdelrazik Elsayed Abdelrazik
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Aya Emad Mohamed Khalifa, Mobile: (+20)01092148279, E-mail: ayakhalifa91@hotmail.com

Postpartum hemorrhage is the major cause of maternal mortality globally. So, the active management
during the third stage of labor is recommended as a preventive measure. Active management includes measures that
reduce duration and blood loss which occurs in this stage. The aim of this work was to compare between umbilical
cord drainage, cord clamping and intraumbilical vein oxytocin injection in management of third stage of labour to reduce
the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and retained placenta. Patients and Methods: This is comparative clinical trial
study which was conducted in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department ­ Zagazig University Hospitals and Zagazig
General Hospital in the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 November 2020. Which included 90 women who were
admitted at term pregnancy being in active phase of labour with Singleton pregnancy, Full term, no Medical disorders
with pregnancy, and in whom fetal anomalies ruled out. Results: In this study we found that both group I and had
statistically significant shorter third stage duration and less blood loss than patients of group . Mean ±SD was 7.73 ±
3.11 for group and 4.73 ± 1.8 for group and 9.9 ± 3.69 for group with highly significant difference P-value<0.001.
The third stage of labor was significantly shorter in group 1 and 2 as compared to group 3. Conclusions. The use of
intra umbilical vein injection of oxytocin and placental cord drainage significantly reduced the duration of the third
stage of labor and blood loss.
Key words: Postpartum hemorrhage, Normal Labor, Labour, Oxytocin.


Normal labour includes 4 stages: the first stage
The third stage of labor is generally managed
begins with the onset of labour and end with full
using two different approaches: active and
cervical dilatation followed by the 2nd stage of labour
physiological or expectant management. The active
including the interval between full cervical dilatation
management involves administration of oxytocic drugs,
and delivery of the fetus then the 3rd stage of labour
clamping and cutting the cord as well as controlled cord
which is the duration from the birth of fetus to the
traction. The physiological or expectant mainly
delivery of placenta, umbilical cord and fetal
involves maternal effort assisted by gravity or putting
membranes. The 4th stage of labor is hour or two after
the baby to the breast without using artificial oxytocin
delivery when the tone of the uterus is re-established as
or early clamping or cord traction(6). The aim of this
the uterus contracts again, expelling any remaining
study was to compare between umbilical cord drainage,
contents. These contractions are hastened by
cord clamping and intraumbilical vein oxytocin
breastfeeding, which stimulates production of oxytocin.
injection in management of third stage of labour to
The puerperium follows delivery and concludes with
reduce the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage and
the resolution of the physiologic changes of pregnancy
retained placenta.
usually by 6 weeks postpartum in which the

reproductive system returns to the nonpregnant state
and ovulation may resume(1).
The current study was performed at Obstetrics and
The duration of the third stage of labor is 5-15 min
Gynecology Department ­ Zagazig University Hospitals
however, in 2-5% of cases, placenta retention occurs
and Zagazig General Hospital., in the period from 1
and if immediate treatment is not undertaken, these
January 2020 to 30 November 2020.
women are at risk of hemorrhage(2).

The major complications of the 3rd stage of labor are:
Ethical consent:
Hemorrhage, retained placenta, uterine inversion(3).
Written informed consent was obtained from all
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is a leading cause
participants and the study was accepted by the Research
of maternal death in low-income countries and the
Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig
primary cause of approximately one of every four
University. Study has been carried out on experiments
maternal deaths worldwide(4).
involving human subjects in compliance with the Code
Numerous factors lead to increase incidence of
of Ethics of the World Medical Association
postpartum hemorrhage like prolonged labour.
(Declaration Helsinki).
Multifetal gestation, large baby, anemia, eclampsia and

operative vaginal delivary. However, two third of PPH
Sample size:
occur in women with no known risk factors hence all
The sample size is 90 patients in active labour
pregnant women at risk for this catastrophic event(5).
planed for vaginal delivery divided into 3 groups (30 in
Received: 28/9/2021
Accepted: 26/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 17)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_18 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1083-1087

Use of Intravenous Oxytocin versus Intrauterine Misoprostol in
Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage
Mohamed Abdallah El-Bakry Lashin, Asma Amsadef Youns Bader*,
Manal Abdelwahed Abdelmageed, Khaled Fathy Helal
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University
*Corresponding author: Asma Amsadef Youns Bader, Email: asmaamsadef@gmail.com


Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is considered the most common cause of mortality in cesarean section
(CS), and vaginal deliveries and to intercept the uterine bleeding and atony in CS there is need for oxytocin. Objective:
This study aimed to reduce the incidence of primary postpartum hemorrhage after cesarean section (CS) by using either
intravenous oxytocin or intrauterine misoprostol. Patients and methods: This study was conducted on 76 cases full
term pregnant female patients with no risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage. They were admitted for elective caesarean
section at Zagazig University Hospital. They were divided into two groups regarding the protocol of treatment, oxytocin
group (A) was given oxytocin 10 IU in 250 ml of normal saline solution intravenous over 10 minutes directly after
delivery of the fetus. Group (B) included 38 cases that were administered 400 mcg misoprostol intrauterine after delivery
of placenta. Results: There was statistically significant variation between the groups of the present study concerning
blood loss with higher blood loss either intraoperative, postoperative and overall blood loss in intrauterine misoprostol
group than in intravenous oxytocin group. There was a significant difference between the two studied groups concerning
side effects of drugs with higher shivering among intrauterine misoprostol group, while headache, and vomiting were
reported in the group of oxytocin. Conclusion: Intravenous oxytocin infusion considered more potential than
intrauterine misoprostol in blood loss reduction in CS.
Keywords: Cesarean section, Oxytocin, Hemorrhage, Postpartum.


Assessment using ultrasonography was offered to cases
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is considered
for delivery date expectation, and for cases with special
significant cause of mortality in cesarean section (CS),
emphasis on placental localization.
and vaginal deliveries. Recently, CS is comply used in

developing and also developed countries (1).
Inclusion criteria:
For interception of the uterine bleeding and atony
Acceptance to participate in the study, had no
in CS there is need for oxytocin. Despite, the potential
hypersensitivity or contraindications to prostaglandins,
effect of extra uterotonics that are required in 10-40 %
un-complicated pregnancy, gestational age of 37-40
of cases to confirm the wellness of uterine contraction
completed weeks, had no history of coagulopathy,
(2), among prostaglandin E1, misoprostol comes with
elective cesarean sections (indications for elective
less side effects and preferred uterotonic characteristics.
sections were previous history of Cesarean delivery),
The route of administration includes intrauterine, rectal,
contracted pelvis, and abnormal presentation.
buccal, oral, and sublingual. In cases of incomplete or

missed miscarriage, misoprostol is recommended for
Exclusion criteria:
pregnancy termination (3). Misoprostol possesses many
Women with anemia, abnormal placenta,
advantages like its stability at room temperature, and
history of complications at previous pregnancy
being inexpensive, these characteristics make
especially PPH, hypertensive cases, previous or current
misoprostol the first choice in developed countries for
history of cardiac, renal, and hepatic disorders,
the management, and prevention of PPH (4). Misoprostol
emergency cesarean sections and multiple pregnancy,
has a significant role in cervical ripening induction
macrosomic baby, or polyhydramnios.
before procedures resulting in reduced pain caused by
Group (A): 38 cases administered IV infusion
instruments' transcervical passage (5).
of 10 IU oxytocin diluted in 250 ml of normal saline
The present study aimed to investigate the efficacy
after fetus delivery. Group (B): 38 cases administered
and safety of either intravenous oxytocin or intrauterine
400 mcg misoprostol intrauterine after delivery of
misoprostol in reduction of the incidence of primary
PPH after CS.
In case of the uterus still atonic after the trial

intervention, extra IV oxytocin was administered by
anesthetist or obstetrician.
The present study was an open randomized clinical
All cases were subjected to full history taking
trial that conducted at Zagazig University Hospital. 76
to exclude any heart, liver, or kidney problems, obstetric
pregnant females were recruited for this study at term
history, history of chronic diseases, history of blood
(37-40 weeks) gestation scheduled for elective CS. All
transfusion, and general examination (abdominal
Clinical assessments were applied on all cases including
full history taking and physical examination.
Received: 30/09/2021
Accepted: 28/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 18)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_19 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1088-1091

Cardiac Arrhythmia Mechanisms in COVID-19: Review Article
Hany Abdellatif Mohamed, Mohamed Hossam El-Shaer,
Mohammad Mustafa Al-Daydamony, Moataz Ali Hassan
Department of Cardiology, Facutly of Meidicne, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hany Abdellatif Mohamed, E-Mail: hanyabdellatif35@gmail.com

: The World Health Organization has declared SARS-CoV-2 a public health emergency and pandemic
because of its fast spread [COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019)]. Cardiogenic shock and arrhythmias such as acute
coronary syndrome and myocarditis have been documented in the scientific literature. Heart arrhythmias in COVID-19-
infected patients have been the subject of several recent articles in the scientific literature. It was also shown to be linked
to an increased mortality risk. Atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, ventricular tachycardia, and ventricular fibrillation have
all been recorded in the literature so far. Unexpectedly, a study found that 7 % of patients who didn't require intensive
care unit treatment experienced arrhythmias, but 44 % of patients who required to be hospitalized in ICU. Repletion of
electrolytes, withdrawal of drugs that cause arrhythmia, volume status management, or suppression of catecholamine
surges in COVID-19 are some of the treatment options for arrhythmias.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the potential mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias especially of supraventricular
tachycardia in COVID-19.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 data bases. PubMed, Google scholar,
science direct and Boolean operators (AND OR NOT) had been used such as cardiac arrhythmia mechanisms, Covid-
19 OR SARS-CoV-2 and in peer-reviewed articles between March 2005 and October 2021.
Conclusion: The pathophysiology of COVID-19 can be divided into a series of different ways. Metabolic imbalances,
acidosis, and hypoxia are all possibilities as causes. Additional research suggests neurohormonal and catecholaminergic
stress may have a significant influence.
Keywords: Cardiac arrythmia, COVID-19.


SARS-CoV-2, a newly discovered coronavirus in
248 of 301 patients admitted to the ICU with
2019, is to blame for the current outbreak of Coronavirus
COVID-19 infection were studied in another study.
disease. In December of that year, Wuhan in Hubei
Thirty-seven of them (14.9%) were newly diagnosed
Province, China, found the virus (1).
with AF (NOAF). It took an average of 10.0 (5.0-17.0)
COVID-19-related inflammation has been
days from the time that COVID-19 infection symptoms
linked to a significant incidence of supraventricular
began to develop until NOAF appeared. As a general
arrhythmias, particularly in patients with COVID-19-
rule, patients who were admitted to intensive care units
associated systemic inflammation (2). Patients with
were admitted for a median time of 3.0 (0.0-10.0) days
COVID-19 have a higher or lower incidence of
before they developed NOAF (6).
arrhythmias and illness of the conduction system,
A lack of knowledge about the pathophysiology
depending on the population. Atrial fibrillation can
of COVID-19-related AF has led some researchers to
begin anywhere from a few days to a week after
propose a variety of mechanisms, including a decrease
contracting the virus, according to several case reports.
in the availability of the angiotensin-converting enzyme
However, it can take much longer in other cases (3).
2 (ACE2) receptor, surge in pro-inflammatory
There were 19 COVID-19 patients who
signalling that results in inflammation, damage to viral
developed atrial tachyarrhythmias that were not present
endothelium cells, and aberrant electrolyte and acid-
on entry, all of whom were admitted to the MICU
base balance during the acute phase, due to a CD147-
(27.5% of MICU patients). In 12 of these patients, atrial
sialic acid spike protein interaction . Atrial fibrillation
fibrillation was found, whereas in six patients, it was
and other supraventricular tachyarrhythmias are more
found to be atrial flutter (4). Individuals admitted to
frequently linked to sympathetic nervous system
critical care units with COVID-19 who had atrial
activity than ventricular tachyarrhythmias. Thus,
tachyarrhythmias were frequently followed by
COVID-19 individuals are more likely to have
hemodynamic worsening, according to the results of
supraventricular tachyarrhythmias because of their
one recent research (5).
increased sympathetic activity (7).
Received: 30/09/2021
Accepted: 28/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 19)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_20 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1092-1096

Breastfeeding and Its Relation with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children
Hanin Raja Aloufi1, Felwah Faris Alotaibi1, Linah Zuhair Zamzami1, Raneem Maher Almadani1
1Family Medicine Department, King Fahad Medical Hospital
Corresponding author: Hanin Raja Aloufi, Email: aloufi.hanin99@gmail.com, Mobile: 00966552777383

The causation of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is uncertain, in spite of the fact that the influence of
genetic and environment related influences for sure to play a principal function in the series of action. Study objectives:
to investigate the strength of association between autism and maternal breastfeeding in affected children. Subjects and
A community-based case control study was carried out in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, during the period from 1
August to 31 September, 2021. A convenience sample of 102 autism child from different areas of Saudi Arabia and 100
matched control child were included in the study. A predesigned questionnaire was filled only by the parents of autistic
children and normal children. Results: the majority (59.8%) of the mothers of autistic children and 62% of the mothers
of the control children were early breastfed (P value <0.05). Child bottle-feeding was found in 78.4% of the autistic
children and 74% of the control (P value >0.05). The number of autistic children who were never breastfed was
significantly higher than non-autistic children. Most (64.7%) of our studied autistic children were females. Conclusion:
The majority of the mothers of autistic children were early breastfed but they took breast feeding for less than 6 months.
The majority of autistic children received colostrum during 1st two weeks after birth, but less than half were exclusively
breastfed, and only small number had completed duration of breastfeeding. Pregnant mothers should be educated about
the importance of breastfeeding for prevention of ASD.
Key words: Autism spectrum disorder, Breastfeeding, Children


Autism is a common condition in infants and
a result of changes in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
children with an assessed prevalence reaching between
of Mental Disorders (DSM) diagnostic criteria and
20.0 and 116.1 per 10 000 people [1,2]. Autism was
younger age of diagnosis, an increase in risk factors
primarily pronounced in 1943, as a multifaceted
cannot be neglected [11,12]. Also some previous studies
developmental condition categorized by plain
ensure a male preponderance, as they reported that
deficiency in mutual communal communication and
autism disturbs males than females [9,10,13]. This
interactions and by a pattern of repetitive or stereotyped
indicative prejudice on the way to men might be the
behavior and individuals diagnosed with autism
consequence of a nonexistence of cognizance of women
typically have problems of the presence of repetitive
with autism [11]. In addition, some researchers suggest
and restricted patterns of behaviors [3]. Autism is
the possibility of a female-specific protective effect on
associated with substantial lifetime healthcare cost,
autism [12].
alongside multiple social, academic, and occupational
Evidence suggests that the nutritional status of
adversities [4].
the newborn, particularly the duration of breastfeeding,
Autism is a behaviorally definite condition, but
plays a key role in the pathogenesis of autism spectrum
it is caused by a number of several known and unknown
disorder. Several studies have reported contradictory
biologically based brain dysfunctions that disturb the
results regarding the link between autism and
development of brain's capacity to handle information,
breastfeeding. They investigated the association
and recently researches suggests that cases with ASD do
between ASD and breastfeeding initiation and duration
not respond to emotional signals in human social
in the Early Development Research Study, a
communications because they may not pay attention to
community-based case-control study at six sites in the
the social cues that others typically notice and it's
United States [13]. In another previous study done in
usually hard for others to understand the body language
Lebanon, they reported a rising in autism prevalence
of children with ASD [5].
whereas breastfeeding is declining [14].
The neurobiological etiology of autism was
Ghozy et al. [15] performed and reported a
thought to include, at least partially, an imbalance of
systematic review, dose-response analysis, and meta-
some factors like dopamine, glutamate, and
analysis to systematically review the findings of studies
acetylcholine [6]. Some recent studies have suggested
on the relationship between autism spectrum disorders
that the early-life environmental factors like: maternal
and breastfeeding patterns and to meta-analyze related
metabolic syndromes during pregnancy, exposures to
studies. 58 "Continued breastfeeding increases risk of
viral and bacterial infections, air pollution, exposure to
autism spectrum disorder and 76" exclusively
various medications and nutritional deficiency can play
breastfeeding increases risk, breastfeeding for 6 months
a significant role in the risk of autism [7].
reduced risk 54%, breastfeeding for 12-24 months
The prevalence of ASD has a noticeable increase
reduced risk of autism spectrum most significantly
in the past two decades [8]. The current prevalence of
associated obstacle [15].
ASD in the latest large-scale surveys is about 1%-2%
Soke et al. conducted [13] a community-based
[9,10]. In spite of the increase in prevalence is partially as
case-control study in six sites in the Unites States to
Received: 29/9/2021
Accepted: 27/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 20)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1097-1105

Correlation between Cognitive Dysfunction and Serum Magnesium, Calcium and
Phosphorus Level in the Elderly Egyptian Patients in Zagazig University Hospitals
Amal Abdelnaby Mohamed*, Hassaan M. M. M, Atef G. Hussien, Ahmed S. Allam
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amal Abdelnaby Mohamed, Email: alkmarrda31@gmail.com
: Many elderly neurological disorders are associated with phosphate, magnesium, and calcium deficiency.
Objective: To assess the correlation between cognitive dysfunction and serum magnesium, calcium and phosphorus
level in the elderly Egyptian patients. Patients and Methods: From July 2021 to October 2021, at Zagazig University
Hospitals inpatient and outpatient clinics of Internal Medicine Department, our case control trial was conducted on 94
elderly patients with and without impaired cognitive function, they were divided into two equal groups (47 each group).
All patients underwent a laboratory investigation to assess serum levels of magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus.
Assessment of cognitive function was done through answering a series of questions and/or performing simple tasks.
Results: There was highly statistically significant correlation between the two studied groups (normal and abnormal
cognitive functions) and serum calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus levels (P <0.001 for the 3 correlations), there was
statistically significant correlation between Mg2+ and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, Mini mental state
examination and Recall Mini-COG test in abnormal group, there was statistically significant correlation between P3+
and age in abnormal cognitive functions group, MoCA test, Mini mental state examination and Recall Mini-COG test
in abnormal group. Conclusion: Calcium and magnesium are associated with cognitive improvement in elderly, but in
contrast, higher level of phosphorus facilitates cognitive decline. We concluded that age, magnesium and phosphorus
were independent variable for cognitive impairment.
Keywords: Calcium, Cognitive Dysfunction, Magnesium, Phosphorus.

functions, including energy storage, bone and muscle
Elderly individuals with cognitive abnormalities face
development, hormone balancing, and the metabolism of
a range of challenges, including decreased quality of life,
brain cells. Phosphorus levels in patients with chronic
repeated hospitalization, and a requirement for in-home
kidney disease are disrupted, which leads to dementia.
nursing care (1). Many age-related central nervous system
Increased serum phosphorus levels were found to be
(CNS) disorders can be traced back to nutritional
associated with a significant increase in the risk of
deficiencies. Neurocognitive capabilities in the elderly
cognitive impairment in a cross-sectional investigation of
are influenced by a number of factors, including
422 chronic renal disease patients who lived in the
nutrition. Magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus-rich
community (6).
foods, nuts, and seafood are quite beneficial. Due to a
The aim of the present study was to assess the
decrease in the amount of vegetables consumed, the
correlation between cognitive dysfunction and serum
levels of these macronutrients in the serum have
magnesium, calcium and phosphorus level in the elderly
decreased (2).
Egyptian patients.
Many enzymatic functions rely on magnesium,

which is one of the most abundant cations in the bodily
fluid. A lack of magnesium in one's diet increases the risk
From July 2021 to October 2021, at Zagazig
of neuronal toxicity. Magnesium is required for
University Hospitals inpatient and outpatient clinics of
appropriate CNS function. Numerous essential
Internal Medicine Department, our case control trial was
processes, including as tone modulation, RNA, DNA,
conducted on 94 elderly patients with and without
protein synthesis, membrane integrity and fluidity rely on
impaired cognitive function, they were divided into two
magnesium. Magnesium's bioenergetic and metabolic
equal groups (47 each group): Group 1: Patients with
activities are critical to brain function (3).
symptoms, signs of impaired cognitive function, and
Low levels of serum magnesium, a nutritional status
Group 2: healthy elderly with no symptoms, signs of
marker, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and
impaired cognitive function. Zagazig University's
diabetes mellitus, both of which are associated with
Biochemistry Department handled the technical aspects.
cognitive decline (2). Increased stool and urine loss,
Ethical considerations:
decreased nutrition and the inability of the intestines to
When all participants completed informed
absorb magnesium are all factors that contribute to
permission papers and submitted them to the
magnesium shortage in the elderly. Osteoporosis in older
research ethics committee at Zagazig University, the
women can cause magnesium metabolism to be disrupted
study was permitted (ZU-IRB#6965). Ethics
between bone and blood (4).
guidelines for human experimentation were adhered
Many elderly neurological disorders are caused in
to in line with the Helsinki Declaration of the World
part by low levels of calcium, magnesium, as well as
Medical Association.
phosphorus (5). Phosphorus is widely available in human
Inclusion Criteria: Age: 65 years, sex: both sex
brains and is necessary for a wide range of physiological
female and male,
Received: 29/9/2021
Accepted: 27/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 21)

COVID-19 in HSCT & hematological disorders patients The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1106-1115

Comparative study between COVID-19 Outcomes for Patients on
Chronic Immunosuppressive Drugs, Patients on Active chemotherapy and
Non- Immunosuppressed Patients: A Single-Center Egyptian Experience
Ibtesam M. Khalifa, Mohamed M. Moussa, Inas Abdel Moaty Mohamed
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Corresponding Author: Inas Abdel Moaty Mohamed, Mobile: (+20)1111379921, E-mail: inasabdelmoaty@med.asu.edu.eg

Patients with hematological disorders especially those who underwent bone marrow transplantation are
known for having some degree of immune system derangement and cytokine signaling instability as well as patients
who were diagnosed with active malignancy and needed chemotherapy.
Objective: The study aimed to compare the outcome between patients infected with COVID 19 who use immune
suppression (either acute or chronic immune suppression) to fight COVID infection and how our different bodies and
immune systems can handle it versus the normal population.
Patients and Methods:
This study was a cross-sectional study in December 2020 conducted on 96 subjects who caught
COVID-19 infection, the subjects were categorized into three groups: Group 1: consists of 32 patients who underwent
BMT (patients on chronic immunosuppressive drugs), Group 2: consists of 32 patients with hematological diseases
(patients on chemotherapy or acute immunosuppressive drugs), and Group 3: control group (non- immunosuppressed
patients) consists of 32 patients with patients had symptomatic COVID-19 infections requiring hospital admission.
Results: We found improved overall survival in group 1 with 4 out of the total 32 patients succumbed to their deaths, 2
of the 4 patients were in the peri-engraftment period with the statistically significant improved OS when compared to
patients in group 2 with a P-value of 0.038.
Conclusion: Acute immune suppression is done by chemotherapy worsen the outcome of COVID-19 infection, while
chronic immunosuppression had the best outcome in COVID-19 patients even better than the normal population due to
loss of immune cell signaling and absent cytokines storm that might occur.
Keywords: HSCT, COVID-19, Hematological malignancies


Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation had a
Aim of the work was to determine the prevalence and
rapid increase over the last decades. It is an established
outcomes in a population who had HSCT and was
therapy for many hematological disorders. HSCT had
infected by COVID 19 versus normal population and
many possible serious complications. One of those
patients who had hematological disorders (mainly
complications is prolonged immunosuppression,
malignancies) and correlate mortality rate among each
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by the
group with other clinical and laboratory parameters.
novel SARS-CoV-2 virus and has been declared a

pandemic on the 9th of March by the WHO (1). Severe
COVID-19 infection characterized by acute respiratory
This study was a cross-sectional study in
distress syndrome (ARDS), secondary bacterial
December 2020 conducted on 96 subjects who caught
pneumonia, thrombotic complications, myocarditis, and
COVID-19 infection in Ain Shams University Hospitals
gastrointestinal involvement is more prevalent in those
Hematology and bone marrow transplant unit and
with comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and
inpatient COVID-19 unit; the subjects were categorized
old age (2).
as follows:
Patients with cancer have at least a two-times

higher risk of COVID-19- associated intensive care unit
Group 1: consists of 32 patients who underwent BMT
admission, invasive ventilation, and death compared
(patients on chronic immunosuppressive drugs).
with the general population. Hematopoietic stem-cell
Group 2: consists of 32 patients with hematological
transplantation (HSCT) recipients might be an
diseases (patients on chemotherapy or acute
especially vulnerable group due to nascent immune
immunosuppressive drugs).
systems or organ impairment from treatment-related
Group 3: control group (non- immunosuppressed
toxicities, specifically concerning infection-related and
patients) consists of 32 patients with patients who had
respiratory complications. To date, data on outcomes of
symptomatic COVID-19 infections requiring hospital
HSCT recipients with COVID-19 are limited to small
admission with no antecedent hematological disorders.
case series and single-center experiences. Better
characterization of HSCT patients infected with SARS-
COVID-19 19 infection was confirmed by a
CoV-2 is needed. Here we describe the clinical
positive real-time PCR assay of a specimen collected
characteristics, treatment patterns, and factors
from a nasopharyngeal swab, After diagnosis; all
associated with outcomes of HSCT recipients who
included patients received the protocol of therapy
developed COVID-19 (3).
Received: 01/10/2021
Accepted: 29/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 22)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_23 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1116-1124

Comparative Study on The Hepato-Protective Effect of
Carvedilol and Nebivolol in Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Liver Fibrosis in
Normotensive and Hypertensive Albino Rats
Ali Foli Abd El-salam*, Ahmed M. M. El-Sherbiny, Ali A. El-Salam A. Attia,
Ramadan Hassan Ibrahim Thabet, Sherief Motwie Abdelfadeel
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University (Assiut), Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ali Foli Abd El-salam, Mobile: (+20) 01015151344, E-Mail: alifoli361987@yahoo.com

Liver fibrosis is one of the main complications of chronic liver disease and is the main reason for increased
mortality in affected patients. Fibrosis is characterized by excess deposition of extracellular matrix components
including different collagens and non-collagenous proteins such as laminin, fibronectin and undulin.
This study aimed to: (1) Evaluate the possible hepatoprotective effect of nebivolol and carvidelol on carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver fibrosis. (2) Compare between hepatoprotective effect of nebivolol and carvidelol on
CCl4-induced liver fibrosis on normotensive and hypertensive rats.
Materials and Methods:
This study was conducted on 110 male albino rats. Animals were obtained from the animal
house of Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. Their weight ranged between 160-200 grams each at the beginning of
the experiment. Rats were housed in 11 groups with 10 rats each in clean capacious macrolane cages under standard
laboratory conditions including good aerated room with suitable temperature (25 ± 5°C) and maintained at good light.
Standard rodent food and water were available ad libitium.
Subcutaneous injection of CCl4 for 8 weeks caused hepatic pathological damage and significantly increased
the levels of serum AST, ALT, ALP, hepatic malondialdehyde and hydroxyproline content. Moreover, it decreased the
activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione. Treatment with silymarin, carvedilol and nebivolol decreased
significantly the AST, ALT, and ALP levels in plasma, MDA and hydroxyproline in liver tissues, and increased the
activities of SOD and glutathione in liver tissue.
The biochemical and histopathological changes induced by administration of CCl4 were improved under
the effect of the used drugs in variable degrees. The most efficient drug was silymarin followed by carvedilol then
Keywords: Hypertensive albino rats, Carbon tetrachloride, Liver fibrosis, Silymarin, Carvedilol, Nebivolol.

carcinoma (HCC), leading to increased morbidity and
In Egypt, hepatic fibrosis and subsequently
mortality (4).
cirrhosis are believed to be a national problem. The
Among all reasons inducing liver injury and
Egyptian liver has been struggling with many causative
fibrosis, toxic reagents are one that cannot be ignored.
agents leading to its damage; of which, both hepatitis C-
The causes of drug-induced liver injury are
infection and bilharzial-infection that are believed to be
multifactorial, including toxic effects caused by reactive
the two most outstanding causes of liver
metabolites, reactive oxygen species, inflammatory
fibrosis/cirrhosis. The liver has metabolic, excretory
reactions, and imbalances between cellular damage and
and synthetic functions (1). A fibrotic/cirrhotic liver fails
protective responses, which will lead to inflammation,
to perform such important physiological functions
oxidative stress induction and fibrosis in the liver (5).
essential for human body. Up to date, patients suffering
This study aimed to: (1) Evaluate the possible
from hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis are treated in such a way
hepatoprotective effect of nebivolol and carvidelol on
to compensate such impaired hepatic functions;
CCl4-induced liver fibrosis. (2) Compare between
treatment of complications; without receiving actual
hepatoprotective effect of nebivolol and carvidelol on
antifibrotic agents (2).
CCl4-induced liver fibrosis on normotensive and
Search for new, effective and safe antifibrotic
hypertensive rats. (3) Search for possible mechanisms
agents is still in progress. Oxidative stress, resulting
of hepatoprotective effect of nebivolol and carvidelol.
from an imbalance in generation of free radicals and

antioxidant defense molecules, affects biological
macromolecules causing their structural alterations that
1-Experimental Animals:
lead to cell damage and its death (3). Oxidative stress is
This study was conducted on 110 male albino rats.
considered to be a major factor in pathogenesis of a
Animals were obtained from the animal house of
variety of liver diseases. In this regard, reduction of
Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University. Their weight
oxidative stress may be a good target for prevention and
ranged between 160-200 grams each at the beginning of
treatment of hepatic fibrosis. Liver fibrosis is an
the experiment. Rats were housed in 11 groups with 10
important public health concern which can progress to
rats each in clean capacious macrolane cages under
cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and hepatocellular
standard laboratory conditions including good aerated
Received: 03/10/2021
Accepted: 01/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 23)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_24 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1125-1130

Association between Reciprocal Changes and Syntax Score in
Patients with ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Mohamed Wafaie Abol-eineen, Waleed Salem Elawady,
Ahmed Husayn Mohammed Abu Hallalah, Ismail Mohamed Ibrahim
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Husayn Mohammed Abu Hallalah, Email: ahmedabuhalala@gmail.com

: The reciprocal change is a surrogate marker of the severity of myocardial infarction (MI). Patients
exhibiting this reciprocal change tend to have a larger infarction, poorer left ventricular systolic function, higher
incidence of proximal left anterior descending artery (LAD) lesions, multivessel diseases, and worse prognosis.
Objective: This study aimed to find the association between reciprocal ST segment changes and syntax score in
patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for ST elevation myocardial infarction
Patients and methods: The study included sixty patients who were presented to Emergency Room with STEMI and
underwent primary PCI. Echocardiographic evaluation was performed within 24 h of PPCI. We assessed the severity
of coronary artery disease (CAD) using syntax and gensini scores.
: There was significant difference regarding gensini score and syntax score that was higher in with reciprocal
change group than without reciprocal change group.
Conclusion: We concluded that there is an association between reciprocal ST segment changes and syntax score in
patients undergoing primary PCI for ST elevation myocardial infarction.
Keywords: STEMI, ECG, Reciprocal changes.


with respect to the number, location, complexity, and
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the
functional impact of angiographically obstructive
leading causes of morbidity and mortality throughout
lesions. SS is measured to define the coronary artery
the world (1). Acute transmural myocardial infarction
complexity and allows prospective risk stratification
induces ST-segment elevation, enlargement of the R
of patients undergoing PCI (6).
wave, and widening of the QRS complex in
Since admission of ST segment changes in
electrocardiogram (ECG) leads, which are directly
inferior derivations in acute MI occurring secondary
related to the ischemic region (2).
to a combination of benign electrical phenomena and
Moreover, leads not related to the ischemic area
myocardial ischemia, we attempted to find the
can show concurrent reciprocal ST-segment
association between these reciprocal changes and
depression. Numerous studies aimed to determine the
anatomical complexity (which will be assessed by
clinical implications of reciprocal change on ECG.
syntax score). Therefore, our study aimed to
However, the clinical significance of reciprocal
investigate whether reciprocal change in ST-
change on ECG such as ST-segment depression
segments is related to markers of CAD severity, as
remote from the infarct site remains controversial, as
assessed by syntax score in patients undergoing
reflected in a more extensive infarct size or the benign
primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for
mirror phenomenon (3).
The reciprocal change is a surrogate marker of the
severity of the disease. Patients exhibiting this

reciprocal change tend to have a larger infarction,
poorer left ventricular systolic function, higher
This Cross-sectional observational study was
incidence of proximal left anterior descending artery
conducted on 60 patients with ST elevation
(LAD) lesions, multivessel diseases, and worse
myocardial infarction and underwent primary PCI in
prognosis. Patients in the previously mentioned ECG
Cardiology Department, Faculty of Medicine,
studies usually receive conservative or thrombolytic
Zagazig University during the period from May 2021
therapy, followed by coronary intervention. At
to November 2021. Patients were classified according
present, patients with STEMI usually receive primary
to the presence or absence of reciprocal ECG changes
PCI (4).
into two groups: group (I): 30 patients with reciprocal
Patients with acute STEMI who undergo
change and group (II): 30 patients without reciprocal
immediate invasive intervention, the prognostic
significance of reciprocal ECG changes is not clear

Inclusion criteria: Patients presented with ST
The syntax score (SS) is an anatomic scoring
elevation myocardial infarction who were eligible for
system based on the coronary angiogram that
primary PCI. STEMI was defined as symptoms of
quantitatively characterizes the coronary vasculature
ischemia associated with ST-segment elevation in
Received: 02/10/2021
Accepted: 30/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 24)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_25 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1131-1136

Assess The Quality of Life and Epidemiological Aspect of Pediatric with
Sickle Cell Disease at Zagazig University Hospital
Mohamed Ahmad Badr1, Mervat Atfy Mohammed1,
Nelly Raaft Abdel Fattah2, Marwa Gouda Abd El Hamied Ahmed*1
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine ­ Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Marwa Gouda Abd El Hamied Ahmed, Email: merogood728@gmail.com

Sickle cell disease is considered one of the most common inherited diseases in the world. Quality of life
is a broad multidimensional concept that usually includes subjective evaluations of both positive and negative aspects
of life. Objective: To assess the quality of life and epidemiological aspect of pediatrics with sickle cell disease at
Zagazig University Hospital. Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the Outpatient Clinic
and Pediatric Hematological Department in Zagazig University Hospital including 30 children with sickle cell anemia.
We used two tools, the first was: Structure interview questionnaire sheets, and the second: was the Pediatric Quality of
Life Inventory that was used to assess children's quality of life.
The mean age of SCD patients is 10.65±3.41years.Our study showed that males (66.7%). In our study, we used
the WHOQOL-BREF criteria for measuring QOL in SCD and found that children with SCD scored positive 76.7% in
physical activity, 50% in emotional aspect, 63.3% in the social aspect, 46.4% in school aspect, and the total QOL
assessment is 63.3%. Concerning the school achievements of children with SCD, the results of this study revealed that
53.3% of students didn't pay attention in class and 66.7% of the children forget things. There were statistically significant
differences in all school health subitems.
Conclusion: It was concluded that sickle cell disease is a chronic disease that had a negative impact on QOL that
includes physical, emotional, social, and school functioning. Our results reflected that all aspects of QOL were affected
especially school functioning.
Keywords: Sickle cell disease; Quality of life; Epidemiology.

to18 years. B- free from any associated diseases. We
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of blood
used two tools, the first was: Structure interview
disorders typically inherited. The most common type is
questionnaire sheets, and the second: was the Pediatric
known as sickle cell anemia (SCA). It results in an
Quality of Life Inventory that was used to assess
abnormality in the oxygen-carrying protein hemoglobin
children's quality of life.
found in cells. This leads to a rigid, sickle-like shape

under certain circumstances. Problems in sickle cell
Tools of data collection: Two tools were used to
disease typically begin around 5 to 6 months of age (1).
collect the necessary data for this study.
Several health problems may develop, such as
Tool I: Structure interview questionnaire sheets.
attacks of pain ("sickle cell crisis"), anemia, swelling in
It was included the demographic data of children;
the hands and feet, bacterial infections, and stroke.
age, gender, level of education, birth order, and
Long-term pain may develop as people get older. The
residence. Parents demographic data; age, level of
average life expectancy in the developed world is 40 to
education, occupation, and income. The children's
60 years (2).
clinical data comprised the onset, duration, and type of
Sickle cell disease occurs when a person inherits
treatment of sickle cell diseases such as blood
two abnormal copies of the hemoglobin gene, one from
transfusion: frequency and side effect of blood
each parent. This gene occurs in chromosome11.
transfusion, and compliance with chelating therapy.
Several subtypes exist, depending on the exact mutation

in each hemoglobin gene (3).
Tool II: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory TM
Quality of life is a broad multidimensional concept
Version 4.0 by Varni et al. (5)
that usually includes subjective evaluations of both
The Ped QLTM Measurement model is a modular
positive and negative aspects of life (4).
approach to measure health-related quality of life in
The study aimed to assess the quality of life and
healthy children and adolescents and those with acute
epidemiological aspect of pediatrics with sickle cell
and chronic health conditions. The Peds QL
disease at Zagazig University Hospital.
measurement model integrates seamlessly both generic

core scales and disease-specific modules into one
measurement system.
This study was a cross-sectional study conducted in

outpatient Clinic and Pediatric Hematological
This form includes (A) Report for young children (age
Department in Zagazig University Hospital Including
5-7). (B) Parent Report for young Children (age5-7).
30 children with sickle cell anemia and their parents
who fulfill the following criteria, A- age ranges from 5
Received: 03/10/2021
Accepted: 01/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 25)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_26 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1137-1139

Comparison between Oxytocin Bolus Versus Bolus Plus Infusion in
Prevention of Postpartum Hemorrhage During Elective Cesarean Section
Ahmed El-Sayed Selim1, Walid Abdallah Abdelsalam2, Amr Kamel El-fayomy2, Anwar Ezzat Ismail2
1 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Al-Ahrar Teaching Hospital, Ash Sharqia,
2 Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Ash Sharqia, Egypt
Corresponding author: Ahmed El-Sayed Selim,Phone: +2: 01027770287, Email: Ahmedward10@gmail.com

The risk of postpartum hemorrhage, anemia, blood transfusions, hysterectomy, and even maternal
mortality increases with a caesarean section. Hemorrhage control during and after Caesarean operation helps to reduce
maternal mortality and morbidity. In most situations, uterine atony is linked to fatal obstetric hemorrhage. After a vaginal
birth, oxytocin is commonly administered to reduce postpartum bleeding. Its usefulness in caesarean sections is still
Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of ten IU Intravenous oxytocin bolus in comparison with ten
IU oxytocin bolus plus thirty IU oxytocin infusion on postpartum hemorrhage during elective cesarean section.
Material and Method: At Maternity Hospital in Zagazig University Hospital. This study included 180 singleton
pregnant women admitted for elective cesarean section in two groups. Patients in group A: received ten IU oxytocin
intravenous bolus over one min and infusion of thirty IU oxytocin in 500 ml of 0.9 saline over four hours. While patients
in group B: received ten IU oxytocin intravenous bolus over 1min and 500 ml of 0.9 saline over four hours.
Results: We found that there was an insignificant difference in both groups according to the amount of blood loss. In
Group (A) 10 (11.1%) patients needed blood transfusion while in Group (B) 11 (12.2%) patients needed blood
transfusion, and this difference was insignificant P=0.6.
Conclusion: After a caesarean delivery, an oxytocin infusion lowers the requirement for additional uterotonic drugs but
has little effect on the overall incidence of significant obstetric haemorrhage.
Keywords: Obstetric, Caesarian section, Postpartum, Hemorrhage, Oxytocin.


Cesarean section has been one of the most
Study design and sample
common surgeries performed on women in the previous
This randomized control double center trial was
four decades (1). Cesarean section is now the preferred
carried out at Maternity Hospital in Zagazig University
method of delivery in many countries, accounting for
Hospital through the period from March 2020 to Nov
almost 25% of all births (2). Cesarean section increases
2020. The study included 180 pregnant women who
the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, anemia, blood
were scheduled for an elective caesarean section.
transfusion, hysterectomy, and even maternal death (3).
Women having a bleeding condition or anticoagulant
Hemorrhage control during and after Caesarean
therapy, placenta previa or abruption, known fibroid or
section reduces maternal mortality and morbidity. In the
chorioamnionitis, and women older than 40 or younger
majority of instances, uterine atony is linked to fatal
than 20 years old were excluded from the study.
obstetric hemorrhage (4). After a vaginal birth, oxytocin

is commonly administered to reduce postpartum
bleeding. Its usefulness in caesarean sections is still
We divided patients into two groups: group A for
debatable (5).
patients with odds number and group B for patients with
When oxytocin bolus is used regularly, an extra
even number.
oxytocin infusion is frequently given in the event of
Patients in group A (bolus and infusion): received
bleeding. Some obstetricians give an extra oxytocin
ten IU oxytocin intravenous bolus over one min and
injection in high-risk scenarios (6). Intravenous oxytocin
infusion of thirty IU oxytocin in 500 ml of 0.9 saline
infusion maintains uterine contractility. However, it has
over four hours. While patients in group B (bolus only):
a very short half-life (4-10 min). So, the potential effect
received ten IU oxytocin intravenous bolus over one
of intravenous oxytocin infusion is during the surgery
min and 500 ml of 0.9 saline's over four hours.
and immediate postpartum period (7). Despite research
A comprehensive medical and obstetric history,
comparing the use of a bolus vs an oxytocin infusion
a general, abdominal, and local examination, a
during a caesarean operation, there is inadequate
transabdominal ultrasound to determine viability,
evidence to recommend IV oxytocin bolus with infusion
placental position, presenting portion, and gestational
over IV oxytocin bolus alone. We aimed to evaluate the
age, as well as a stander pre-operative evaluation were
effectiveness of ten IU Intravenous oxytocin bolus in
all given to each participant.
comparison with ten IU oxytocin bolus plus thirty IU
Before spinal anaesthesia, all patients received a
oxytocin infusion on postpartum hemorrhage during
500 mL intravenous bolus of normal saline via an
elective cesarean section.
intravenous bolus. Both groups underwent a normal

caesarian section.
Received: 2/10/2021
Accepted: 30/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 26)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_27 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1140-1145

Study of Insulin Resistance in Patients with Hypothyroidism as a
Risk Factor of Diabetes Mellitus
Amira Ahmed Mahmoud1, Hoda Gouda Baker1,
Nouralhoda Fathi Adala*1, Azza Moustafa Ahmed2, Nermin Saad Ghanem1
Departments of 1 Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Nouralhoda Fathi Adala, Email: softlive87@gmail.com

Thyroid disease is considered frequent in the population. Regarding diabetes mellitus (DM),
hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism are considered common, and risk factors for DM development.
Objective: This work aimed to early prediction of diabetes mellitus among hypothyroidism patients and to correlate the
serum FT3, FT4, and TSH with insulin resistance indexes and plasma insulin in cases with patients sub- and clinical
Patients and methods: At the Endocrine out-patient clinic at the Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine,
Zagazig University Hospitals a total of 162 adult participants, 54 cases of overt hypothyroidism, and 54 patients with
subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) were studied in this case-control study. The cases were aliquoted into three groups:
Group (A): 54 subjects euthyroid (control), Group (B): 54 cases with SCH, and Group (C): 54 cases with Overt
Results: The results showed that FT3 was significantly negatively correlated with cholesterol, HDL, FBG, and HbA1C.
FT4 was significantly negatively correlated with TPO antibody and HbA1C but significantly positively correlated with
cholesterol. TSH was significantly negatively correlated with TAG but significantly positively correlated with TPO
antibody and regard FBG, F.INS and HOMA_IR were significantly high among sub- and clinical hypothyroidism groups
than the control group.
Conclusion: The current study concluded a significant correlation between thyroid hormones and IR (HOMA-IR). The
evaluation of IR is crucial in clinical events, and for the settlement of insulin sensitivity. To predict type2 DM in
hypothyroid patients.
Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Insulin, FT3, FT4, TSH.


dyslipidemia had a significant role in atherosclerosis
The thyroid gland secretes hormones that are
potential metabolic agents in controlling lipid and
This work aimed to early prediction of diabetes
carbohydrate metabolism and energy homeostasis (1).
mellitus among hypothyroidism patients and to
Hyper and hypothyroidism cause altered metabolic
correlate the serum FT3, FT4, and TSH with insulin
rate that affects lipid profile, body weight, and insulin
resistance indexes in cases with patients sub- and
resistance (2).
clinical hypothyroidism.
Insulin resistance is considered significantly

strongly associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome,
and DM (3). The thyroid axis is considered an example
At the Endocrine out-patient clinic at the Internal
of the endocrine loop of feedback. To aid in thyroid
Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig
hormone synthesis and secretion, hypothalamic
University Hospitals a total of 162 adult participants, 54
Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) may act as a
cases of overt hypothyroidism, and 54 patients with
regulator of the thyroid-hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid
subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) were studied in this
axis (4).
case-control study from March 2021 to October 2021,
The reduced T3, and T4 levels and elevated TSH
and another group of 54 euthyroid individuals was
were correlated with hypothyroidism, resulting in
enrolled as a control group. The patients were divided
increased lipoproteins and plasma lipids, and higher
into three groups: Group (A): 54 subjects euthyroid
body weight. It has been reported that hypothyroidism
(control), Group (B): 54 cases with SCH, and Group
causes an increased lipid profile (2,5).
(C): 54 cases with Overt hypothyroidism.
The hypothyroidism hallmarks include decreased

glucose absorption, decreased hepatic output of
Ethical consent:
glucose, gluconeogenesis, and decreased glucose
Approval of the study was obtained from
disposal (6). Dyslipidemia causes oxidative stress and
Zagazig University academic and ethical committee.
insulin resistance by vice vicious cycle (1,7).
Every patient signed informed written consent for
Insulin resistance, oxidative stress, hypertension,
the acceptance of the operation. This work has been
dyslipidemia, and coagulation defects were promoted
carried out following The Code of Ethics of the
by thyroid disease. Thyroid disease associated with
World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki)
for studies involving humans.

Received: 01/10/2021
Accepted: 29/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 27)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_28 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1146-1152

Comparative Study on Effect of Fenofibrate and Simvastatin in
Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Albino Rats
Ahmed Atef Ahmed Ahmed*, Ahmed M. M. El-Sherbiny,
Ali Abd El-Salam Ahmed, Ramadan Hassan Ibrahim
Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University (Assiut), Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Atef Ahmed Ahmed, Mobile: (+20) 01097911000, E-Mail: ahmedatef11086@gmail.com

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common diseases in the world and number of patients with this
disease increases every day. This disease with long time leads to harmful effects and has many complications as increase
in blood pressure, disturbance in kidney functions and increase in blood lipids. It is, therefore, important to search for
drugs which prevent harmful effects that result from diabetes mellitus. Objective: To study the effect of pioglitazone,
fenofibrate and simvastatin treatment on diabetic albino rats. Materials and methods: A total number of 80 male albino
rats weighing 150­200 g were obtained from Animal House, Assiut University (Assiut, Egypt) was used. They were
housed at ordinary room temperature, exposed to natural daily light-dark cycles, fed with standard laboratory diet pellets
and were given tap water. The standard diet was obtained from Animal Experimental Central.
Serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased significantly in diabetic rats treated with pioglitazone and
diabetic rats treated with fenofibrate or simvastatin. Combination therapy of pioglitazone and simvastatin or fenofibrate
have no synergistic effect on serum SOD. Serum glutathione (GSH) increased significantly in the diabetic rats treated
with pioglitazone and the diabetic rats treated with fenofibrate or simvastatin. Combination therapy of pioglitazone and
simvastatin or fenofibrate have no synergistic effect on serum GSH.
The present study showed that treatment with fenofibrate or simvastatin did not increase body weight or
lower blood glucose level of the diabetic albino rats significantly, but they improved significantly blood pressure, lipid
profile, and serum level of antioxidants (GSH and SOD).
Keywords: Diabetic albino rats, Fenofibrate, Simvastatin, Streptozotocin.

which increases lipolysis and elimination of
Nowadays diabetes has become an alarming to
triglyceride-rich particles from plasma (6). Simvastatin
the public health globally and day by day its prevalence
is 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase
is getting severe. Recent statistics showed that 4% of the
inhibitor. Simvastatin reduces cholesterol level and
world population are affected by diabetes and this
prevent coronary heart disease (7)
matter is very alarming because this percentage will
Treatment with combination therapy has an effect
raise to 5.4 % in 2025. By 2030, this disease may
on reviving ß-cells and restoring the fluctuation in
become the 7th leading cause of death (1). Diabetes is a
glucose level and cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. At
chronic disease that is responsible for long-term tissue
present, various types of drugs such as biguanides,
damage and complications such as liver and kidney
thiozolidinediones, and sulfonylureas are used to treat
dysfunctions. It is often, associated with serious
diabetes. To control diabetes with cardiovascular
diseases life organ damage (2). Diabetes mellitus is
disease (CVD) and other complications, monotherapy
associated with a marked increase in the risk of coronary
of these drugs are not enough (8). As a result,
heart disease (CHD) or stroke (by a factor of two to
combination therapy has become very popular for
three compared with non-diabetic patients) and
controlling glucose level (9) and inhibiting cholesterol
cardiovascular disease (CVD), which account for the
level (3).
majority of deaths among patients with diabetes (3).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
Persistent hyperglycemia in diabetes provokes
effect of fenofibrate and simvastatin in diabetic albino
excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
rats regarding these parameters: body weight, random
and inflammation, which play a key role in diabetic
blood glucose, lipid profile, blood pressure, detection of
cardiomyopathy (4). Hyperglycemia induces glucose
the antioxidant activity of both drugs plus pioglitazone.
auto-oxidation and surplus generation of reactive

oxygen species (ROS). Hyperlipidemia can also
increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) production
Experimental animals: A total number of 80 male
through stimulating nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
albino rats weighing 150­200 g were obtained from
phosphate (NADPH) oxidases and inducing leakage of
Animal House, Assiut University (Assiut, Egypt). They
the mitochondrial electron transport chain (5).
were housed at ordinary room temperature, exposed to
Fenofibrate is fibric acid linked to an isopropyl
natural daily light-dark cycles, fed with standard
ester. It lowers lipid levels by activating peroxisome
laboratory diet pellets and were given tap water. The
proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPAR). PPAR
standard diet was obtained from Animal Experimental
activates lipoprotein lipase and reduces apoprotein CIII,
Received: 2/10/2021
Accepted: 30/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 28)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_29 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1153-1156

Role of Acitretin in Management of Multiple Warts: Review Article
Mohanad Abdelslam Omar, Ahmad Nofal, Waleed Mohamed Al Balat
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohanad Abdelslam Omar, E-Mail: mohannadh1989@gmail.com

Human papillomavirus infection (HPV) is the primary cause of cutaneous viral warts. Plantar warts, flat
warts, filiform warts, periungual warts, anogenital warts, oral warts, and pulmonary papillomas are just a few of the
many types of warts that can be found on different parts of the body. Warts can be treated using cryotherapy,
electrocautery, and lasers, which are all local destructive techniques. It is not realistic to use these therapies for several
lesions since they may be unpleasant or cause scarring or dyspigmentation or recurrence. Psoriasis and other
keratinization disorders have been widely treated using acitretin is aromatic systemic 2nd generation retinoid with
immunomodulatory, antiproliferative, and anti-differentiative characteristics. With acitretin, patients with many
recalcitrant warts have reported good results with doses of 0.5 mg/kg each day.
Objective: To evaluate the potential role of acitretin in management of multiple warts.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
Science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as acitretin and multiple warts OR HPV
and in peer-reviewed articles between January 2006 and November 2021.
Conclusion: Several recent studies showed that acitretin shows great clinical success in treating of widespread as well
as persistent warts, whether it is used alone or in conjunction with other therapies.
Keywords: Acitretin, Multiple warts.


which are precursors to vitamin A. It's here that beta-
HPVs infect stratified epithelium and cause long-
carotene is converted into retinal and absorbed. In the
term infections. These infections can persist because
presence of light, the oxidation of one beta-carotene
papillomaviruses have evolved ways to resist both the
molecule creates two retinal molecules. Vitamin A
innate and adaptive immune systems' impacts during the
deficiency has been linked to skin hyperkeratosis,
earliest phases of infection (1).
mucous membrane squamous metaplasia, and
HPV causes warts, which are visible signs of
precancerous lesions in animals, according to research
infection on the skin. Depending on the epithelium
surface and the HPV type that caused the infection,
Three synthetic generations of retinoids are
warts can take on a variety of shapes and sizes. HPV
currently available. 1st generation retinoids involve
infection can cause a variety of symptoms, including
alitretinoin (9-cis RA), tretinoin (all-trans RA) as well
plantar warts (Verruca plantaris), genital tract warts
as isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid). 2nd generation
(Condyloma acuminata) , common warts (Verruca
involve acitretin as well as etretinate. 3rd generation
vulgaris) and flat or plane warts (Verruca plana) (2).
involve bexarotene, tazarotene as well as adapalene.
By direct or indirect touch, warts can be
Etretinate and acitretin, two aromatic retinoids
transmitted from one person to another. Skin that has
discovered by Bolag in 1972, were the first of their
been macerated and has come into touch with rough
kind. Etretinate's retinoic acid metabolite, acitretin, is
surfaces, such as those found in swimming pools and
known as retinoic acid. Acitretin, on the other hand, is
laundry rooms, increases the risk of infection through
relatively water-soluble and accumulates in adipose
the environment (2).
tissue in low concentrations (4). To treat psoriasis,

acitretin has been approved by the FDA for use in
Role of acitretin in management of multiple warts:
combination dermatologists frequently prescribe UVB
Retinoids are a class of medications that include
or UVA radiation to treat severe plaque-type psoriasis.
acitretin. Vitamin A-like retinoids include both natural
Cyclosporine and biologics are sometimes used in
and synthetic substances. During embryonic
tandem with this treatment. It works well when
development, vitamin A aids in immune system
administered alone, and it's the only systemic retinoid
regulation and has an impact on cellular growth,
approved by the FDA to treat the disease (4).
differentiation, and proliferation. Additionally,
Off-label use of acitretin in dermatology has been
retinoids have immunologic anti-inflammatory
documented. Acitretin has been used as a chemo-
effects, apoptosis-inducing properties, and anti-tumor
preventative strategy for non-melanoma skin
benefits (3).
malignancies in patients with solid organ
Vitamin A raffinates include retinol (an alcohol),
transplantation. Pityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP), Darier
retinal (an aldehyde), and retinoic acid (a retinoic acid
disease, and ichthyoses such as lamellar ichthyosis
derivative). Vitamin A cannot be synthesized by the
have all been treated with acitretin. Lichen planus,
body, thus it must be obtained from food sources like
Grover disease, and lupus erythematosus are other
milk as well as eggs. Plants produce carotenoids,
conditions for which acitretin is used (5).
Received: 09/11/2021
Accepted: 20/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 29)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_30 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1157-1160

An Insight of Use of Topical Adapalene in Management of
Post Acne Scars: Review Article
Wessal Mohamed Hamed, Enayat Mohamed Atwa, Amin Mohamed Amer
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Wessal Mohamed Hamed, E-Mail: W199199m@gmail.com

This inflammatory condition affects the pilosebaceous unit, causing comedones, inflammatory papules,
and pustules to appear on the face, chest, and back. Propionibacterium acnes and inflammation surrounding the
pilosebaceous unit, aberrant keratinization, and increased sebum production all play a role in acne's pathophysiology.
Scarring from acne and acne can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of embarrassment, all of which have a negative
impact on one's overall wellbeing.
Objective: To see if topical adapalene can help with post-acne scar treatment.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
Egyptian Knowledge Bank - Science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as topical
adapalene and post acne scars OR acne scar treatment and in peer-reviewed articles between January 2000 and March
2021. Documents in a language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation was not found.
Papers apart from main scientific studies had been excluded (documents unavailable as total written text, conversation,
conference abstract papers and dissertations).
Anti-acne retinoid adapalene (ADP) was licensed by the FDA in 1996 for use in treating acne. It improves
the appearance of the skin of the face by reducing facial lesions. Acne lesions, both inflammatory and non-
inflammatory, respond well to adapalene gel treatment. In terms of adverse effects, the medicine is completely safe
and does not cause burning or dryness.
It is possible that adapalene, which has been shown to be effective in the therapy of photoaging-related
skin damage, could have a similar effect on the treatment of atrophic acne scars.
Keywords: Topical adapalene, Post acne scars.


Adolescent acne affects 95­100 percent of 16­17-
success. Adapalene offers a superior benefit-to-risk ratio
years-old males and 83­85 percent of 16­17-years-old
than other retinoids when administered properly (5).
females, and it remains into adulthood in roughly 12­14
The aim of the review was too check whether topical
percent of instances (1). Pilosebaceous glands are most
adapalene can help with post-acne scar treatment.
prevalent on the face, chest and back, where the
Adapalene: FDA approved Adapalene (ADP) in
prevalence of acne is 92, 45 and 61% respectively. When
1996 for acne therapy (brand name Differin, Galderma)
active acne heals, scarring occurs. This can be produced
with less side effects than tretinoin (commercial name
by any type of acne, from papules, pustules and
Retin A) (6).
comedones to the more severe nodulocystic variety (2).
Hair follicle development and maintenance was
There are two types of acne scarring: Atrophic and
improved, while melanogenesis was inhibited, both of
hypertrophic. Scar types such as boxcar, icepick, and
which were helpful in the therapy of photoaging. For the
rolling atrophic acne scars influence the therapy options
most part, ADP's anti-proliferative impact has been
available (3).
inadequately characterized, and its mechanism of action
Many recent evidence-based guidelines for acne
has not been thoroughly investigated thus far. Some
have recognized that retinoids play a significant role in
cancers may benefit from ADP's anti-proliferative
this prevalent illness, including those from the AAD and
properties. In addition to topical ADP and other APIs,
the S3 guidelines from the European Dermatology
innovative treatment combinations with orally given
Forum (EDF) (4).
APIs were also described with favorable results. New
Topical treatment for acne using third-generation
ADP analogues with therapeutic promise are still a
retinoid, adapalene, has shown good clinical
problem to design (7).
Received: 10/11/2021
Accepted: 24/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 30)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_31 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1162-1164

An Insight of Oxybutynin in Hyperhidrosis:
Mechanism of Action and Efficacy; Review Article
Mai Ali Othman*, Samia Ali Ebrahim, Basma Magdy Elkholy
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Zagazig University Hospital, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mai Ali Othman, E-Mail: am2337097@gmail.com

For those with hyperhidrosis, the condition can cause psychological and social distress. Moreover,
hyperhidrosis in certain sites as the palms can cause significant physical and occupational disability. Aluminum
chloride, iontophoresis, sympathectomy botulinum toxin injections as well as oxybutynin have all been examined in
the therapy of hyperhidrosis. As of yet, the perfect modality has not been discovered. In the absence of unambiguous
data supporting one way over the other, selecting between multiple methods remains a clinical problem. In 1988,
oxybutynin was linked to hyperhidrosis as an antimuscarinic medication. Individuals with primary severe
hyperhidrosis or elderly patients who aren't eligible for surgery are increasingly turning to this medicine as an initial
or alternate treatment.
Objective: Assessment of hyperhidrosis treatment effectiveness by oxybutynin and overview of its mechanism.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 databases. PubMed, Google scholar,
science direct, and Boolean operators (and or not) had been used such as oxybutynin chloride, hyperhidrosis, or
hyperhidrosis treatment and in peer-reviewed articles between January 2005 and August 2021.
Conclusion: Oxybutynin chloride has been effectively used in the treatment of hyperhidrosis at different sites. It
acts by inhibiting the muscarinic action of acetylcholine. Despite its satisfactory results, the treatment is associated
with multiple side effects due to its anticholinergic action in the form of dry mouth, urinary retention, constipation,
and headache. In addition, the majority of patients are unable to take it because of the lengthy daily administration
Keywords: Oxybutynin chloride, Hyperhidrosis.


Oxybutynin Chloride:
Excessive sweating can be caused by
In the treatment of hyperhidrosis, oxybutynin, an
hyperhidrosis, a condition of the eccrine glands that
anticholinergic medication, has emerged as an
results in unusually high sweating. An underlying illness
important option. It works for both localized and
such as an infectious, endocrine, or neurologic disorder
generalized hyperhidrosis, and patients of all ages,
can cause generalized hyperhidrosis. Idiopathic
genders, and weights respond well to it. However,
(primary) hyperhidrosis occurs in healthy individuals. It
adverse effects can be severe enough in some patients
usually affects the palms, armpits, soles, or sometimes
that they must discontinue treatment. We should be
the face. Hyperhidrosis affects roughly 3% of the general
looking forward to the development of an optimum
population, primarily those aged 25 to 64 (1).
protocol of administration with gradually rising dosage
Focal hyperhidrosis may affect as many as 2.8%
and data on long-term compliance to evaluate the long-
of the US population, according to current estimates.
term tolerance of the treatment (5).
Most typically, it strikes adults between the ages of 25
Oxybutynin, commonly known as Ditropan XL, is
and 64, but it can strike anyone, even as early as
an anticholinergic medicine approved by the FDA in
childhood. A hereditary propensity is found in 30­50
1975 for the treatment of overactive bladder
percent of those who have a family member who is sick
symptoms. It has been extensively tested and proven to
be safe and effective ever since. Patients with OAB can
The condition known as hyperhidrosis
enjoy a better quality of life because of this medication.
describes excessive sweating that isn't caused by heat
As a first-line treatment for OAB, it is frequently
or exertion. A lot of sweat can seep through your
prescribed (6).
clothes or drip off your hands. Additionally, this form

of excessive perspiration might create social anxiety
and discomfort (3):
Urinary incontinence and frequency can be
alleviated with the use of oxybutynin, which is
frequently the first step in treating hyperhidrosis. Try
approved for the treatment of an overactive bladder.
alternate drugs and therapy if antiperspirants don't
Oxybutynin can also be used to treat the symptoms of
work. Some doctors recommend surgery to remove
detrusor muscle overactivity, which has been linked to
sweat glands or disconnect nerves that cause an
a neurological disorder, in children aged 6 and up.
overproduction of sweat in extreme cases of
There are many conditions in which oxybutynin is used
hyperhidrosis (4).
to treat urinary problems, including spina bifida. The

off-label use of oxybutynin for the relief of ureteral

Received: 3/10/2021
Accepted: 1/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 31)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_32 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1164-1172

Quadratus Lumborum Block for Analgesia after Cesarean Section with
Spinal Anesthesia: A Randomized Controlled Study
*Mohamed Mohamed Tawfik, Mohamed Osama Helal,
Abdelaziz Abdelmotaleb Motawea, Hazem Elsayed Moawad
Department of Anesthesia and Surgical Critical Care, Mansoura University Hospitals, Mansoura, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Mohamed Tawfik, Mobile: 01001183400, E-Mail: m2tawfik@mans.edu.eg

Quadratus lumborum block (QLB) was introduced to provide postoperative analgesia.
Objective: This randomized controlled, double-blind study aimed to evaluate bilateral posterior QLB for analgesia after
cesarean section (CS) using spinal anesthesia without intrathecal morphine.
Methods: One hundred ASA-II women with singleton, full-term pregnancy undergoing CS using spinal anesthesia were
randomized into 2 groups (Quadratus Lumborum and Control; 50 subjects each). After completing CS, bilateral posterior
QLB (20 mL bupivacaine 0.25% on each side) was performed in Quadratus Lumborum group, and bilateral sham procedure
was performed in Control group.
The median (range) of pain score at rest at 6 h was 2 (1-6) in Quadratus Lumborum group and 5 (2-8) in Control
group; median difference (95% CI) was -3 (-3.000007 to -2.99995); P <0.00001. Pain score at rest at 12 h and pain scores
on movement at 6 and 12 h were lower in Quadratus Lumborum group. No significant differences in pain scores at rest and
pain scores on movement at 24 h were detected between the groups. The number of subjects requesting morphine was
smaller, time to the first request of morphine was longer, and total morphine dose was smaller in Quadratus Lumborum
group. Patient satisfaction was greater in Quadratus Lumborum group. No significant differences in the incidence of pruritus
and nausea/vomiting were detected between the groups.
Conclusions: QLB provides adequate postoperative analgesia after CS using spinal anesthesia without intrathecal
Analgesia; Cesarean Section; Quadratus Lumborum Block.


Adequate analgesia after cesarean section (CS)
The study was conducted from May 2, 2020 to April
increases women satisfaction and improves maternal
1, 2021.
outcomes(1), and is usually accomplished with multimodal

analgesic regimens including neuraxial opioids. Various
Ethical considerations:
local/regional techniques can be utilized for post-CS
The study was approved by the Ethics Board of the
analgesia including intraperitoneal local anesthetic
Mansoura Faculty, and an informed written consent
instillation, wound infiltration, transversus abdominis
was taken from each participant in the study. The
plane (TAP) block, and quadratus lumborum block
study has been executed according to The Code of
Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration
The QLB is a block of the fascial plane that
of Helsinki) for studies involving humans.
involves injecting local anesthetic adjacent to the
quadratus lumborum (QL) muscle to anesthetize the

thoracolumbar nerves, and includes 3 types: lateral (QLB
Inclusion criteria were ASA-II women, 37 weeks of
type I), posterior (QLB type II), and transmuscular (QLB
gestation, singleton pregnancy, presenting for CS
type III) approaches(3-5), all of them were successfully
utilizing spinal anesthesia. Exclusion criteria included
utilized for post-CS analgesia. The QLB improves post-
women less than 19 years old, with body mass index
CS analgesia in the absence of spinal morphine, but the
(BMI) 40 kg/m2, weight less than 60 kg, height less than
proper approach after CS is yet to be determined(6-11).
150 cm, contraindications to spinal anesthesia, active
This study aimed to examine the efficacy of
labor, recent administration of opioid, hypersensitivity to
ultrasonography-guided posterior approach of the QLB
any utilized drug, or significant cardiovascular, hepatic,
(QLB type II) to provide analgesia after CS performed
or renal pathologies.
with spinal anesthesia without intrathecal morphine. The
The study participants (100 subjects) were
hypothesis was that bilateral QLB would decrease the
randomized into 2 groups (QL and Control; 50 subjects in
pain scores at rest and pain scores on movement and the
each group) utilizing the permuted block randomization
total morphine requirement compared to sham procedure.
method (block size = 4). The codes denoting patients`

group were hidden in sequentially numbered, sealed,
Received: 4/10/2021
Accepted: 2/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 32)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_33 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1173-1176

Role of HPV Vaccines in Multiple Recalcitrant Warts Treatment: Review Article
Esam Alfetori Abdulsalam*, Ahmad Nofal, Mohamed Ibrahim El-Ghareeb
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
*Corresponding author: Esam Alfetori Abdulsalam, E-Mail: alwershefanye1980@gmail.com

: When warts appear on the skin, they can cause substantial pain and embarrassment since they are
caused by human papillomavirus. Cryotherapy, laser vaporisation and surgical excision are some of the current
techniques for treatment of skin cancer There are a number of ways to address these issues, but some of them are
more invasive and may result in scarring. A huge number of warts makes local methods impractical for patients.
Combining a targeted strategy with an increase of the host immune system has proven successful in treating various
lesions. To evaluate the numerous vaccine antigens which was intralesionally injected for tratment of anogenital
warts as well as , a comprehensive literature review was conducted. These non-specific intralesional
immunotherapies include Candida albicans, mumps, and rubella; Trichophyton; and tuberculin antigens such as
pure protein derivative, Mycobacterium w vaccine, and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin. Warts, particularly refractory
and anogenital warts, can be treated safely, effectively, and comfortably using intralesional vaccine injection.
Bivalent and guadrivalent HPV vaccines are currently available for primary prevention of HPV infection, which
includes both types 16 and 18. There has been a dramatic reduction in the incidence of cervical neoplasia as well as
genital warts due to HPV vaccines; however, they do not target genotypes that are specific to other skin locations.
Objective: To evaluate the potential role of role of HPV vaccines in multiple recalcitrant warts treatment.
Conclusion: Several previous studies have demonstrated that recent studies and case reports have shown promising
efficacy of HPV vaccines in the treatment of warts.
Keywords: HPV Vaccines, Multiple Recalcitrant Warts.


Treatment] and in peer-reviewed articles between
HPV is the virus that causes warts, which are
January 2001 and January 2020; a 19-year date range
harmless skin and mucosal growths. Prevalent warts,
was selected, and no language limitations, and filtered
Genital Warts, Flat Warts, and Deep Palmoplantar
in selected data basis for the last 19 years, however, the
Wraths are the most common HPV-infected clinical
range of time interval for researches is wide as there's
presentations (myrmecia) . More uncommon HPV-
scarcity of data on the particular reviewed, accurate
and depth in the retrieved literature. Documents in a
verruciformis and localised epithelial hyperplasia (1).
language apart from English have been excluded as
Cutaneous viral warts are a prevalent skin
sources for interpretation was not found. Papers apart
ailment that affects nearly everyone at some point in
from main scientific studies had been excluded:
their lives in some shape or form (2).
documents unavailable as total written text,
Between 7% and 13% of children and
conversation, conference abstract papers and
adolescents and between 25% and 34% of adults
between the ages of 25 and 34 have cutaneous viral

warts (3).
HPV Vaccines:
Verrucae vulgaris (common warts) and verrucae
This virus is responsible for many dangerous
plantaris (plantar warts) are the most frequent forms of
disorders, including cancer of the female reproductive
wart. Despite the fact that cutaneous warts have a
tract and squamous cell carcinomas of the head and
benign course, they are a substantial source of physical
neck in adults and children. The goal of developing a
and mental discomfort (4).
preventive HPV vaccination is to eliminate the risk of

female sexually transmitted cancer in women (5).
Vaccination of women between the ages of 9 and
A search strategy has been performed to
26 was suggested by the Advisory Committee on
determine the related literature. Initially, the objective
Immunization Practices (ACIP) back in 2007 (6). FDA
of review was identified: To evaluate the potential role
and ACIP approved Cervarix, a vaccine that protects
of role of HPV vaccines in multiple recalcitrant warts
against both HPV 16 and 18 strains, in 2009 (7).
treatment. Relevant keywords included: HPV
In October 2009, the FDA approved the use of a
Vaccines, and Multiple Recalcitrant Warts, more
quadrivalent HPV vaccine for boys aged 9 to 26 years,
synonymous key words had been used.
while the ACIP advised vaccination in 2010 for males
These databases were searched for articles
(8). Over 100 countries have granted vaccination
published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google
approval for HPV since 2006. HPV vaccination has
scholar- science direct] and Boolean operators (AND,
been incorporated in immunisation regimens in more
OR, NOT) had been used such as [HPV Vaccines
than 40 nations as of 2012 (9).
AND Multiple Recalcitrant Warts OR Warts
Received: 11/11/2021
Accepted: 23/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 33)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_34 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1177-1185

Perception and Attitudes of School Teachers about The Preparation of Their Schools for
Dealing with Type 1 Diabetic Male Students in Al-Madinah City, Saudi Arabia
Abdulrahman Hassan Issa
Family Medicine Department, Primary Health Care, Al-Madinah City, Saudi Arabia
Email: Da7my1988@gmail.com, Mobile: 00966564700005

teachers should have the knowledge regarding their school's preparations for such complications especially
if their school has students with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) mellitus.
Aim: To assess the perception and attitudes of school teachers about the preparation of their school for dealing with type 1
diabetic students in Al-Madinah City, Saudi Arabia. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was held on 425
Saudi, male teachers working at governmental schools. Cluster sample method was followed. Data were entered and
analyzed using SPSS program. Results: Most (80.9%) of participants knew that DM is a chronic disease. Only 34.4% knew
the normal blood sugar level in children. 48.2% knew that the level of sugar in the blood is important to determine the dose
of treatment to be taken. Only 3.1% of teachers reported that the school provide a nurse. 4.5% thought that the nursing room
is equipped with essential supplies for emergency and life support. Also, only 4.5% reported that the school have glucagon
in the first aid kit. 42.4% were willing to receive training by professionals regarding school measures with children with
T1DM. 31.3% were willing to help a student with T1DM.
Conclusion: There is a lack of perception and attitudes among teachers in dealing with diabetic emergency situation in
schools and also there is a lack of knowledge regarding the equipment that the school has for dealing with diabetes.
Key words: Al-Madinah; Perception; Saudi Arabia: School teachers; TI DM.


Diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM) is one of the
teachers know everything about diabetes and its specific
diseases that need frequently monitoring as well as close-
management, but it is reasonable to assume that they know
up management to avoid its complications. Strict lifestyle
the basic concept such as signs as well as symptoms of both
modifications such as proper diet control, regular exercise,
hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia when they occurred.
and daily insulin injections are required to achieve proper
Moreover, teachers should have the knowledge regarding
glycemic control and thus better outcomes. According to
their school's preparations for such complications
the American Diabetic Association, diabetes mellitus type
especially if their school have students with T1DM
1 is a common disease in children and adolescents, and
mellitus. The Canadian Pediatric Society has released in
approximately 50%-60% of those with T1DM reported to
2015 the recommendation in managing diabetes type 1 in
be under the age of 16 at presentation (1). A study was
school to educate school teachers about the principle and
released in 2011 by Habeb et al., regarding the incidence
basics of managing those patients and had recommends a
of diabetes mellitus type 1 in Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia
minimum standard for supervision and care to support
between 2004 and 2009 and it concluded that Al-Madinah
DM1 students in schools (5).
City had the highest reported incidence of DM type 1 in
However, a recent study conducted in 2018 in Spain
the Middle East and North Africa Region (2).
(6), showed that 43.2% of teachers had students with type 1
In Saudi Arabia, 35,000 children and adolescents
DM, but only 0.8% had received specific training of
suffer from T1DM, which makes it the 8th and 5th rank
diabetes. The study revealed the gap of information among
regarding the prevalence and incidence, respectively (3).
school teachers about diabetes type 1, which can result in
However, one of the most common complications of
major complications of diabetes such as hypoglycemia.
diabetes mellitus type 1 is hypoglycemia, which is defined
A study reported the incidence rate of diabetes
as a low blood glucose level <70 mg/dL. A study
mellitus type 1 in Al-Madinah City, Saudi Arabia (7)
conducted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, regarding the
between 2004 and 2009, there was a significant increase in
prevalence of type 1 DM in this region, found among 228
the incidence of DM type 1; children between 0 to 4 years
children who were included in the study, 157 children
had an incidence of 17.1 per 100,000. On the other hand,
(68.9%) had hypoglycemic attacks per year, which is
children between 5 to 9 and 10 to 12 the incidence rates
considered high percentage (4). Diabetic school students
were 30,0 and 46.5 per 100,000, respectively.
spend most of their time in school away from their
A study conducted in 2018 in Italy (8) to assess the
parents, so the head principal and school teachers must
knowledge of school teachers on T1DM mellitus. A total
have the basic perception, attitudes on how to react in a
number of 292 teachers were included in the study who
situation when a complication such as hypoglycemic attack
completed their questionnaire to assess their knowledge of
happen and have the proper equipment's in the center to
DM type 1. However, the study concluded that there was a
use them when required. It's unreasonable to assume that
poor sensitivity of the school about diabetes and very
Received: 4/10/2021
Accepted: 2/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 34)

Introduction The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1186-1192

Incidence of Carotid Atherosclerosis in Ischemic Stroke
Detected by Duplex Ultrasound
Asmaa Abd Al-Aziz Saad*1, Samir Mohamed Attia2, Mohamed Said Gomaa3, Hesham Khairy Ismael4
Departments of 1Emergency Medicine, 2Vascular Surgery, 3Neurology and
4Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University
*Corresponding author: Asmaa Abd Al-Aziz Saad, Mobile: (+20) 01092980099, E-Mail: smsmsaaad27@gmail.com

Carotid artery atherosclerosis is one of crucial pathogenetic factors of cerebrovascular disease, such
ischemic stroke. The degree of artery stenosis has been regarded as one of the most effective criteria to assess carotid
atherosclerotic severity. Color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) acts as an easy and noninvasive technique to research the
characterization of carotid atherosclerotic lesion through echogenicity, which is referred to as the reflectance of the
ultrasound signal.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence of extracranial carotid atherosclerosis in patients presenting with ischemic
stroke using the noninvasive CDUS.
Patients and methods:
This was a cohort prospective observational clinical study conducted on a total of 80 patients
with ischemic stroke, divided into two groups (no atherosclerosis n=12 and atherosclerotic cases=73). The study was
conducted at Mansoura University Emergency Hospital through one year period from December 2018 to December
Results: A statistically significant higher median right carotid artery intimal medial thickness among atherosclerotic than
non-atherosclerotic group. A statistically significant higher median right carotid artery intimal medial thickness was
detected among atherosclerotic than non-atherosclerotic group with median thickness was 0.82 and 0.515, respectively.
Median plaque index was 4 ranging from 1.6 to 5.9 and incidence of left carotid artery stenosis was 78.1%.
Conclusion: Multiple risk factors like age, sex and high mean arterial blood pressure are strongly associated with carotid
artery atherosclerosis, so we suggest that high risk patients should be screened by Doppler ultrasonography in order to
plan out medical and surgical intervention for primary and secondary prevention of ischemic stroke.
Keywords: Carotid atherosclerosis, Ischemic stroke, Duplex ultrasound.

Carotid duplex ultrasound (CDUS) is an
Atherosclerosis is the major cause of
imaging method that has been widely used to detect
cerebrovascular diseases. Reduction in the risk factor
and measure carotid plaques (CP) and carotid intima-
burden can decrease the risk of cerebrovascular events
media thickness (cIMT), which are arterial markers
integral to the development of atherosclerosis
atherosclerosis is asymptomatic disease that may
independently associated with future cerebrovascular
progress silently for decades before clinical
events (stroke). These two arterial markers are
manifestations that generally appear in middle and late
correlated; however, they show differing patterns of
adulthood. Therefore, an early identification of
association with risk factors and different predictive
subclinical atherosclerosis and interventions may
value for CVD (4). CDUS is a noninvasive imaging
prevent or delay the onset of CVD (1).
modality that can safely and accurately estimate
Stroke is the major cause of long-term disability
subclinical atherosclerotic carotid stenosis to improve
in adults, and the second leading cause of death
cardiovascular risk assessment. However, the cost-
worldwide. Thirty-day mortality rate of ischemic
effectiveness of using CDUS to screen for
stroke has been estimated at around 15% in high-
atherosclerotic carotid stenosis has long been debated.
income countries. Stroke carries a major morbidity
concern in terms of quality of life, health care
asymptomatic individuals in the general adult
maintenance and cost. More than 80% of strokes are
population. Symptomatic individuals or adults with
ischemic, with the rest being hemorrhagic (2).
high risk factors for carotid atherosclerotic disease are
Atherosclerotic carotid stenosis of the
recommended to undergo CDUS screening (5).
extracranial carotid artery accounts for 15% to 20% of
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
ischemic strokes. Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis
incidence of extracranial carotid atherosclerosis in
is very commonly encountered in daily clinical
patients presenting with ischemic stroke using the
practice. Its prevalence ranges from 0.1 to 7.5% in the
noninvasive carotid duplex ultrasound (CDUS).
general population and is highest in older men. Carotid

disease can become symptomatic because of plaque
thrombosis, atheroembolism or, less commonly, a
This was a cohort prospective observational
hemodynamic mechanism and it represents a
clinical study conducted on a total of 80 patients with
significant proportion of anterior circulation strokes (3).
ischemic stroke, divided into two groups (no
atherosclerosis n=12 and atherosclerotic cases=73).
Received: 09/11/2021
Accepted: 20/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 35)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_36 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1193-1203

Effect of Adding Metformin to The Combined Androgen Deprivation Therapy as
Frontline Treatment in Metastatic Hormone-Sensitive Prostate Cancer Patients
Hagar A. Alagizy, Hassan M. Metwaly, Mohamed A. Shehata,
Suzan A. Alhassanin, Rasha A. Abdel Moneum, Amira E. El dosouky
Department of Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hagar Alagizy, Mobile: (+20)01017843828, E-mail: hagar76@hotmail.com


Background: Lack of physical activity and high body mass index (BMI) is linked to the aggressiveness of prostate
cancer due to alteration of circulating levels of metabolic and sex hormones with reduced glucose uptake that led to the
development of insulin resistance.
Objective: evaluate the effect of adding metformin to the combined androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) in metastatic
cancer prostate patients.
Patients and methods: Patients were included if having a diagnosis of Stage IV prostatic adenocarcinoma, No prior
use of ADT, chemotherapy, and no prior use of metformin or other diabetes mellitus treatment. Both study groups
received Combined ADT in the form of bilateral orchiectomy or luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)
agonists; Goserelin 3.6 mg subcutaneous q28 days with Bicalutamide 50 mg PO daily. In the Trial arm, Metformin was
administered as metformin 1000 mg/twice daily. Patients were monitored monthly for compliance, safety. Prostatic
specific antigen (PSA) level, random blood glucose, body weight, and drug-related side effects were evaluated every 3
months Disease progression was evaluated every 6 months.
Results: the addition of metformin to (ADT) in our study showed improvement of progression-free survival 39 months
vs 30 months, PSA response at 9 months, and radiological response at 9 months were factors correlating with better
PFS. There was an improvement in the quality-of-life assessment.
Conclusion: metformin should be considered as an effective agent to be used in combination with standard treatments
for prostate cancer. The present study showed that Metformin use was associated with improved PFS and OS.
Keywords: Hormone-sensitive metastatic prostate cancer, Androgen deprivation therapy, Metformin.


The country-specific data source of Egypt for the

period (2006-2015) documented that prostate cancer
Metformin exerts direct effects as a metabolic
ranks fourth most common cancer in males after cancer
homeostasis regulator and indirect effects as an anti-
liver, bladder, lung, and it represents 7.2% and is
proliferative and anti-carcinogenic agent. Considering
responsible for 2.5% of cancer-related mortality of all
the potential association between metabolic syndrome
malignant tumors in men (1).
and prostate cancer development and progression,
Treatment of metastatic prostate cancer can be
metformin may be considered an adjuvant agent in
divided into 2 categories, treatment of metastatic
combination with other therapies (5).
hormone-sensitive prostate cancer (mHSPC) and
The study aimed to evaluate the addition of
treatment of metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer
metformin on response rate, time to progression of
(mCRPC), when cancer has progressed on ADT (2).
PSA, progression-free survival, toxicity of the drug,
Obesity, lack of physical activity, and high body
overall survival, and the quality of life of the patients.
mass index (BMI) are linked to the aggressiveness of

prostate cancer and worse outcome due to alteration of
circulating levels of metabolic and sex steroid hormones
This is a phase II prospective double-arm case-
with reduced glucose uptake led to the development of
control study to evaluate the effect of adding metformin
insulin resistance resulting in chronically elevated
to the combined androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT)
blood levels of insulin (3).
in metastatic cancer prostate patients treated at the
Serum glucose is controlled by insulin, the high
clinical oncology department, Menoufia University.
level of circulating insulin decreases the production of

insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1)-binding proteins,
Inclusion criteria:
The IGF system regulates many important cellular
Histological diagnosis of prostatic adenocarcinoma,
processes critical for normal prostate growth and
Stage IV disease, with WHO P.S 2. No prior use of
development, such as proliferation, differentiation, and
ADT, chemotherapy, and no prior use of metformin or
cellular metabolism; Increased serum concentration of
other diabetes mellitus treatment.
IGF-1 was correlated to a higher risk of prostate cancer


Received: 08/10/2021
Accepted: 06/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 36)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_37 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1204-1207

Emerging Role of Dapsone in the Management of Acne Vulgaris: Review Article
Gehad Nabil Mohamed*, Khaled Mohamed Gharib, Mai Ahmed Samir
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Gehad Nabil Mohamed, E-Mail: gehadnabil6244@gmai.com

: Skin illness Acne Vulgaris (AV) is characterized by excessive sebum production, follicular
hyperkeratinization, and long-term pilosebaceous unit irritation. Acne can persist into adulthood in 12-14% of instances,
resulting in deformity and chronic scarring that can have psychological and social consequences. Acne scars, feelings
of negative effects on psychology, isolation from society, and depression can all be long-term repercussions of the
condition. In a small percentage of patients with nodulocystic acne, the anti-inflammatory drug Dapsone, developed in
the 1950s, was found to be beneficial. However, the risk of systemic side effects has limited the use of dapsone in
clinical practice. Topical dapsone gel was licensed for acne treatment following two double-blind, randomized trials
that established its therapeutic efficacy.
Objective: Summarize the role that Dapsone plays in the treatment of Acne Vulgaris.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 databases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as [Management of Acne Vulgaris AND
Dapsone OR Acne Vulgaris] and in peer-reviewed articles between March 2001 and April 2020.
Conclusion: Acne vulgaris can be effectively treated with topical Dapsone, according to clinical trials.
Keywords: Dapsone, Acne Vulgaris.


chemicals, were found. Dapsone, a sulfone that shares
Chronic inflammation of the pilosebaceous unit
chemical similarities with sulfonamides, was first tested
and excessive sebum production mediated by hormones
in mice in 1937 and found to be effective in treating
are the hallmarks of acne vulgaris, a common skin
artificially produced streptococcal infections (6).
disorder (1).
Dapsone was found to be more hazardous than
AV is most common in adolescents, however, it
sulfonamides in animal studies, resulting in anemia and
can afflict people of any age range. An estimated 85
methemoglobinemia, as well as a wide range of other
percent of persons aged 12 to 25 suffer from AV, and
side effects, such as septic shock (7).
15 to 20 percent of those with acne have moderate to
In animal studies in 1941, Dapsone was discovered
severe cases. Acne vulgaris affects people of all
to be effective against leprosy as well as tuberculosis (8).
socioeconomic backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders
The oral formulation for the treatment of leprosy was
due to the production of androgens and the
introduced in 1949. Dermatitis herpetiformis sufferers
commencement of face sebum production during
received sulfones the following year, based on the false
adolescence (2).
notion that the ailment was infected (9).
Puberty is the time when most cases of AV occur,
This original conclusion was supported by further
however it can afflict people of any age in varying
research once the patients' symptoms had significantly
degrees. A study of the global burden of disease found
improved. The noninfectious inflammatory, bullous,
that AV affects roughly 86% of people aged 12 to 25
and auto-immune diseases, including dermatitis
years, and acne affects 15% to 20% of the same young
herpetiformis, can now be treated with dapsone, thanks
people. Androgens are produced, and facial sebum
to FDA approval (10).
production begins throughout adolescence. This helps
Dapsone was the subject of a randomized, double-
explain why acne vulgaris affects so many people, no
blind, placebo-controlled experiment in the treatment of
matter what their socioeconomic situation, country, or
acne, 9 out of 23 patients saw significant improvement,
gender may be (3).
however, the other 9 exhibited no improvement (11).
Adolescence and early adulthood are the most
Later, a study was conducted (12), although the
typical times for men to get acne, although women are
benefits of dapsone were classified as minimal, a
more likely to get it later in life (4).
comparison was made between it and 13-cis-retinoic

acid (isotretinoin). Isotretinoin, which was introduced in
Acne Vulgaris Treatment with Dapsone:
the 1980s, has superseded almost all prior therapies for
In dermatology, the antibacterial agent Dapsone is
severe acne.
commonly used for inflammatory dermatoses because
Acne fulminans with erythema nodosum, a
of its anti-inflammatory properties. Using a new topical
particularly severe and unusual form of acne, may
form of the drug, acne vulgaris has been successfully
benefit from dapsone treatment, even if some research
treated (5).
suggests the drug's efficacy in treating acne fulminans
Dapsone was first synthesized in 1908 by German
may be limited when administered alone. Dapsone's
dye industry experts, but it wasn't until the 1930s that its
potential negative effects have limited its usage as an
therapeutic potential was fully realized when
oral acne treatment (13).
sulfonamides, a new class of sulfur-containing

Received: 8/10/2021
Accepted: 6/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 37)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_38 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1208-1215

Quality Of Life in Female Patients with Systemic Sclerosis
Nagwa Ahmad Sherby, Amany Mohyeldin Sediq,
Amr Aldesouky Omar Alsharawy*, Marwa Ahmed Hany Hammad
Departments of 1Rheumatology and Rehabilitation,
2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amr Aldesouky Omar Alsharawy, Email: amrboing@gmail.com

Autoimmune diseases, such as systemic sclerosis (SSc), affect the entire body. As the most noticeable
aspect of the disease. SSc is characterized by a gradual fibrosis process that results in organ failure and significant
damage to many organs such as the skin and joints. It is one of the most common causes of organ malfunction, disability,
and even death.
Objective: This study aimed to analyse the quality of life in Egyptian female SSc patients and their associated risk
Patients and Methods: During the course of this cross-sectional study, 21 patients from the Rheumatology and
Rehabilitation Department of the Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals, were surveyed. The Systemic
Sclerosis Quality of Life Questionnaire (SScQoL) and the modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) were used to evaluate
SSc patients' quality of life and disease activity (SAQ).
There was statistically significant relation between studied SSC patients' quality of life (SScQoL) and
deformity (p=0.022), muscle wasting (p=0.027), dyspnea (p=0.023) and nausea and vomiting (p=0.038). Also, there
was a statistically significant relation between SScQoL high score and type of medication especially cyclophosphamide
and biologic treatment. There was a statistically significant higher Systemic Sclerosis Quality of life Score of Systemic
Sclerosis patients and positive anti scleroderma. There was statistically significant and direct correlation between
SScQol score and scleroderma assessment questionnaire (SAQ).
Patients with SSc have plenty of other symptoms that point to a lowered quality of life. In our studied
population, nausea, vomiting, dyspnea, deformity and muscle wasting were the most prominent features.
Keywords: SSC, SScQoL, SAQ, QoL.

Systemic sclerosis is incurable and has no
Autoimmune diseases, such as systemic
therapy options. Patients' well-being can be improved
sclerosis (SSc), affect the entire body. As the most
by reducing symptoms and disabilities, reducing
noticeable aspect of the disease. SSc is characterized by
tolerance to treatment, or reducing risks associated with
a gradual fibrosis process that results in organ failure
co-morbid conditions and their concomitant diseases (6).
and significant damage to many organs such as the skin
Our study's goal was to assess the health and
and joints. A female to male ratio of 4:1 to 1:1 is
well-being of Egyptian female SSc patients, as well as
common, with the proportion varying with age and
any and all potential risk factors.
ethnicity (1). SSc is a multifaceted disease that is

associated with significant morbidity and death. SSc
patients' health-related quality of life (HRQoL) suffers
21 patients from the Rheumatology and
greatly compared to the general population and patients
Rehabilitation Department of the Faculty of Medicine,
with other rheumatic diseases or chronic disorders
Zagazig University Hospitals were included in a cross-
because of the disease's severe and systemic nature (2).
sectional study. Women with SSc were identified by the
Because of its long-term and multisystem nature, SSc
American College of Rheumatology's (ACR) criteria
has a significant impact on patient's capacity to
for SSc who were at least 18 years old.
participate in both professional and social activities. In
Exclusion criteria: Patients with other rheumatologic
addition, the costs of treating these diseases and the
diseases, malignancy, endocrinal disease, infectious
resulting loss of productivity could have a significant
diseases (hepatitis or Tuberculosis) and patients who
financial impact (3).
were exposed to any chemical agents or organ solvents
Patients with SSc are frequently plagued by
as silica.
pain, which impairs their ability to do daily tasks and

has a negative impact on their overall health and well-
Ethical approval:
being. Joint pain is the most common cause of
Zagazig University's Faculty of Medicine's
discomfort. Finger ulcers, joint contractures, synovitis,
Institutional Review Board ("IRB") gave its
gastrointestinal problems, and Raynaud's phenomenon
approval for this study. Every patient signed an
are among the other causes of pain (4). In addition to
informed written consent for acceptance of the
physical, psychological, and social aspects, fatigue is a
study. This work has been carried out in accordance
prevalent concern in persons with arthritis, and it can be
with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
a substantial cause of pain and disability in those with
Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for studies
SSc (5).
involving humans.
Received: 7/10/2021
Accepted: 5/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 38)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_39 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1216-1225

Expression of Tumor infiltrating Lymphocytes (Tils),
Forkhead Box P3 (FOXP3) and Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) in
Breast Cancer Patient's Tumor Tissue, A Single Institute Study
Hagar. A. Alagizy*1, Hayam Abdel-Samie Aiad2, Moshira Mohamed Abdel-Wahed2,
Mahmoud Abdelsattar Elshenawy1, Heba Gaber Abou-Sheishai2 , Hala Said El-Rebey2
Departments of 1Clinical Oncology & Nuclear Medicine and 2Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hagar Alagizy, Mobile: (+20)01017843828, E-mail: hagar76@hotmail.com

Breast cancer (BC) is the most common cancer worldwide and is the main cause of cancer related death
in women. Forkhead boxp3 (FOXP3) is a transcription factor that plays an important role in the development and
function of immune regulatory T cells (Tregs). A strong relation between the COX-2/PGE2 pathway and FOXP3-
positive Tregs has been proposed.
Objective: We implemented this study to evaluate the prognostic significance of FOXP3 and COX-2 expression and
relation with overall survival in BC patients.
Patients and Methods: This study was conducted on archival cases of 66 BC patients. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes
was evaluated in H&E slides whether peri-tumoral or intra-tumoral and were classified as absent, low, moderate, and
high infiltration. Sections from each case were stained for FOXP3 and Cyclo-oxygenase 2(COX2). Expression of
FOXP3 was assessed in malignant epithelial tissues and in tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (intra-tumoral and peri-
tumoral). Expression of COX-2 was assigned in tumor epithelial cells and correlated with overall survival.
Results: Higher FOXP3 H. scores in epithelial cells were associated with younger age, low grade tumors, non-triple
negative group. Higher FOXP3 H. scores in peri-tumoral lymphocytes were significantly associated with young age.
Higher H. scores of COX2 expression was associated with PR negative cases. OS was improved in patients with high
infiltration by peri-tumoral infiltrating lymphocytes and high FOXP3 positive intra-tumoral lymphocytes scores.
Conclusions: Dense TILs as well as high FOXP3 expression are considered as good prognostic factors. On the other
hand, COX2 might be considered to have poor prognostic role.
Keywords: Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes, FOXP3, COX2, Immunohistochemical Expression, Breast Cancer.
inflammatory stimuli. Furthermore, COX-2 is broadly
Breast cancer (BC) is the most diagnosed cancer
expressed and strongly linked to a bad prognosis in a
worldwide and is the main cause of death due to cancer
range of malignant tumors. Therefore, COX-2 may have
in women in the less developed countries of the world (1).
a strong prognostic role in cancer patients (8).
In Egypt, breast cancer ranks as the first
An intimate relationship between the COX-
malignancy affecting females, contributing 30% of all
2/PGE2 pathway and FOXP3-positive Tregs has been
female cancers (2).
proposed (9).
Additionally, it accounts for 15.4% of cancers in
Furthermore, reduction of FOXP3 protein levels
both sexes (3).
was obtained using both non-selective COX and COX-2
Forkhead boxp3 (FOXP3) is a transcription factor
selective inhibitors in a lot of tumors (10).
that plays an important role in the development and
We implemented this study to evaluate the
function of immune regulatory T cells (Tregs) (4).
prognostic significance of FOXP3 and COX-2expression
Increased Tregs activity is a supposed crucial
in breast cancer patients and correlate their expression
mechanism of immune evasion by tumors and a wealthy
with the clinicopathological data.
milieu of molecules capable of increasing the number of

FOXP3+ Tregs has been identified in the tumor
microenvironment. This increase in FOXP3+ Tregs by
This retrospective study was conducted on archival
tumor cells appears to be a powerful hindrance to
cases of 66 Egyptian BC patients. Cases were diagnosed
attempts at cancer immunotherapy (5).
in the Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine,
The prognostic significance of FOXP3+ tumor-
Menoufia University during the period between January
infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in BC has been a site of
2010 and March 2015.
debate. Some studies reported that FOXP3+ T-cell
Eligible patients were adult females with a known
infiltration is associated with poor clinical outcomes (6),
diagnosis of breast invasive ductal carcinoma, of no
whereas others found no significant prognostic role for
special type (IDC, no special type) with available
FOXP3+ infiltration in BC (7).
paraffin-embedded blocks of mastectomy specimens for
Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is one of the two
serial cutting and examination, available clinical,
isoforms of COX which is usually unexpressed in most
survival, and follow up data and available estrogen
normal tissues but induced rapidly by mitogenic and
receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and human
Received: 8/10/2021
Accepted: 6/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 39)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_40 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1226-1235
Programmed Cell Death Ligand 1(PD-L1) Expression in
Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer
Fatma El-Zahraa Salah El-Deen Yassin1*, Cherry Gamal Gaballa Shehata2,
Eman Muhammad Salah EL-Deen1
1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
2Department of Pathology, Sohag Oncology Center, Sohag, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Fatma El-Zahraa Salah El-Deen Yassin, Mobile: (+20)01007970144,
Email: fatmafm2002@yahoo.com


Background: Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes and programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) are un- classic prognostic
indicators for breast cancer, they are major players in the immune response. Binding of Programmed cell death protein
(PD-1) with PD-L1 plays an important role in the immune suppression and the process of tumor escape.
To evaluate the expression of PD-L 1 in mammary invasive duct carcinoma and its correlation with
molecular subtypes and other histopathological parameters.
Patients and methods: Fifty paraffin blocks were included. Histopathological examination of H&E and PD-L1
immunostained sections were done. Scores of PD-L1expression: intra tumoral and in the tumor infiltrating
lymphocytes (TILs) were evaluated. Molecular subtypes and other classic prognostic parameters were assessed
(Tumor size, grade, stage, lympho vascular invasion (LVI) and in situ component).
Results: PD-L1 expression in TILs was more frequent than intra tumoral expression in various molecular subtypes.
However, intra tumoral PD-L1 expression was associated with increasing tumor size, grade, the high level of TILs,
LVI and molecular subtypes with special trend in Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) subtype. TNBC achieved the
highest relative ratio of positive PD-L1 expression in both: intra tumoral and in TILs.
Conclusion: PD-L1 expression was more pronounced in TILs (immune cells) as compared with tumoral cells in all
molecular subtypes of breast cancer with maximum ratio in TNBC. These results provide a promising future of PD-L1
as a target therapeutic option.
Keywords: TILs, PD-L1, TNBC.

Patients and specimens:
Breast cancer accounts for 25% of all
Fifty formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissue
malignancy and for 16.67 % of all cancer deaths,
blocks of 50 cases of mammary duct carcinoma were
occupying the first rank for incidence and mortality in
collected from the archives of the Pathology
most of the countries (1).
Department, Sohag University Hospital and Sohag
Molecular alterations are known to affect cancer
Oncology Center during the period (January-December
occurrence and metastasis, which has led to the
2020). Tumor samples included total, subtotal
development of hormonal therapy that targets the
mastectomy and excisional specimens.
estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), or

human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER-
Ethical Approval:
2). However, up to 20% of patients with breast cancer
Ethical approval was obtained from the
experience disease progression and death, which
Institutional Research Ethical Committee. Data
highlights the need for more effective therapy (2).
about patients' age, tumor size, ER, PR, HER-2/neu
Programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1, also known
and Ki-67 status were obtained from clinical
as B7-H1) that was discovered in a variety of epithelial
cancers is believed to mediate local immune evasion

by binding to programmed cell death 1 (PD-1), its co-
Histopathological evaluation:
stimulatory receptor on T cells, to induce saturation of
Four micrometer (4µm)-thick tissue sections
activated anti-tumor T cells (3).
were prepared from the tissue blocks and stained with
PD-1 and PD-L1 have been shown to be promising
hematoxylin and eosin stains. The tumors were
targets for the treatment of different tumor types. Anti-
reviewed for tumor histological type according to the
PD-1 therapies were effective for breast cancer, and
WHO classification (5), graded and staged
particularly triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) (4).
Aim of the work was to evaluate the expression of PD-
recommendations (5).
L1 in invasive duct carcinoma of the breast and its
Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) were
correlation with molecular subtypes and other
assessed according to the international TIL Working
histopathological parameters.
Group Consensus guidelines 2014(6). They were
Received: 07/11/2021
Accepted: 07/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 40)

Faculty of Medicine The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1236-1240

Relationship of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and
Ischemic Heart Disease: Review Article
Mohamed Ibrahim Mustafa Al Awadi, Mohamed Samy Mohamed Abd El Aziz,
Abdulrahman Faraj Ali Alhuwayj*, Ibtesam Ibrahim El Dosouky
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdulrahman Faraj Ali Alhuwayj, Mobile: (+20)01005157826, E-Mail: dr.erhoma85@gmail.com

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one the strongest risk factors for cardiovascular disease and, in particular, for
ischemic heart disease (IHD). The pathophysiology of myocardial ischemia in diabetic patients is complex and not
fully understood. Some diabetic patients have mainly coronary stenosis obstructing blood flow to the myocardium and
others present with coronary microvascular disease with an absence of plaques in the epicardial vessels.
Objective: This review article aimed to study diabetes mellitus in order to reduce the high morbidity and mortality
due to cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
These databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart
disease or coronary artery disease and in peer-reviewed articles between July 1998 and April 2021. A 23-year date
range was selected without language limitations, and filtered in selected data basis for the last 23 years. Documents in
a language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation. Papers apart from main scientific
studies had been excluded (documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract papers and
Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus, a simultaneously endocrine and metabolic disease, is an especially aggressive process
leading to vascular lesions. In order to reduce the high morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular disease in
diabetic patients the goals of prevention must be maximal on non-diabetic persons who already have ischemic heart
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Ischemic heart disease, CAD, CVD.

into four different etiological categories: type 1, type 2,
Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects 180 million
"other specific types", and "gestational DM". Type 1
patients worldwide. It is present in up to 25% to 30%
DM (T1DM) is due to T-cell­mediated autoimmune
of all patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
destruction of pancreatic-cells that leads to insulin
intervention (PCI) (1). Diabetes mellitus (DM) is
deficiency; T1DM occurs mostly in young people,
associated with increased cardiovascular risk and
generally up to 30 years of age. Type 2 DM (T2DM) is
mortality, and has long been recognized as an
characterized by both insulin resistance and failure of
independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease
pancreatic-cells. Other specific types of DM are due to
(CVD) and is also an independent predictor of adverse
either single genetic mutations, to other pathological
clinical outcomes after PCI (2). Diabetes mellitus is
diseases of the pancreas, or to drugs. Gestational
regarded as a coronary heart disease risk equivalent
diabetes develops during pregnancy (6).
and an important factor when planning for treatment
Insulin resistance also plays a critical role in
strategies for coronary artery disease as well as
the pathogenesis of type II DM. Hyperinsulinemia is
evaluating clinical outcomes after PCI (3). DM
closely related to the metabolic syndrome, which
includes insulin resistance, arterial hypertension and
perfusion, which is regarded a clinically significant
obesity, and is accompanied by a high risk of coronary
predictive marker of plaque progression in coronary
artery disease (CAD). The change in the concentration
artery disease (CAD) (4).
of plasma lipids in type II DM is a predictor of CAD.

It was established that in persons with high blood
Relationship effect between diabetes mellitus and
glucose level in the blood on an empty stomach and
coronary artery disease patients:
after a load significantly higher cardiovascular
Epidemiological data suggest a reliable
morbidity and mortality rate was noted (7).
relationship between the level of glycosylated
Asymptomatic hyperglycemia, especially in women, is
hemoglobin (HbA1c) and the risk of cardiovascular
an important risk factor for the development of CAD
morbidity and mortality. With an increase in the level
of HbA1c by 1%, the risk of cardiovascular morbidity
The effect of hyperinsulinemia and insulin
increases by 10% (5).
resistance on the development of atherosclerosis is
DM is a complex and heterogeneous chronic
associated with the impact on blood coagulation
metabolic disease caused by elevated levels of blood
processes. Hypercoagulation and depression of
glucose. DM has a great impact worldwide that will
fibrinolysis are noted, which can contribute to
probably increase in the next decades. DM is classified
intracoronary thrombosis. In patients with DM type II,
Received: 10/10/2021
Accepted: 8/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 41)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1241-1247

Value of Low Dose Short Hypofractionated Palliative Radiation
Therapy in the Management of Bladder Cancer
Sara F. Mahmoud*, Mohammad A. Mazrouh, Mostafa M. Toam, Heba M. Abd-Elhamed
Clinical Oncology & Nuclear Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Sara Fawzy Mahmoud, Email: Drelenany@gmail.com

In locally advanced and metastatic urinary bladder carcinoma, palliative radiation therapy aims to palliate
symptoms with acceptable toxicity.
Objective: Evaluation of the role of low dose short hypofractionated radiotherapy in improving symptoms of bladder
cancer indefinitely, as long as it does not cause unacceptable toxicity.
Patients and Methods:
From July 2018 to July 2020, 24 patients with advanced bladder cancer were included in a trial
at Zagazig University Hospitals' Clinical Oncology & Nuclear Medicine Department. All patients received a total dose
of 21Gy of conformal radiation (7 Gy/fraction in 3 fractions, a fraction every other day over one week).
Results: There was statistically significant improvement in haematuria symptoms among the studied patients. Also,
there were no statistically significant changes in bowel frequency symptoms, diarrhea symptoms and bleeding
symptoms. There were no significant changes in symptoms at 3-month assessment compared to end of treatment
assessment while there was increase in percent of patients with symptomatic improvements especially in haematuria,
dysuria and nocturia symptoms.
Low dose hypofractionated radiation therapy protocol showed effective palliation of urinary symptoms
with an acceptable toxicity.
Keywords: Hypofractionated radiotherapy, Bladder symptoms, Bowel symptoms, Bladder cancer.


Bladder cancer is one of the most frequent cancers
We wanted to check if low dosage, short
in developed countries, with the largest incidence
hypofractionated radiation could improve symptoms of
occurring between 70 and 75 years of age (1).
bladder cancer for as long as possible, with no
After prostate cancer, it is the second most frequent
undesirable side effects.
urogenital malignancy. When it comes to cancer

mortality, it is the 8th most common cause of death in the
United States for both men and women (2).
This prospective cohort study was conducted
In the United States, it is responsible for 3% of all
through the period from July 2018 to July 2020 at the
cancer fatalities in men and 2.5% of all malignancy-
Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department of
related deaths (3). Urothelial carcinomas in Egypt are
Zagazig University Hospital in Egypt. This research
more commonly diagnosed in urban areas as the control
included 24 patients with locally advanced or metastatic
of schistosomiasis in the rural areas led to a drop in
bladder cancer who were unfit for any type of radical
squamous cell carcinoma incidence (4).
At time of diagnosis, about 25% of patients

presented with muscle-invasive cancer bladder. About
Inclusion criteria:
10%-15% of the remaining 75% who initially presented
Pathologically, they were verified as muscle-
with early disease will progress to muscle invasive one
invasive cancer of the bladder causing local symptoms, a
(5). Many of the 25 percent of patients who may be
normal haematological profile, an expected life span of
identified with a deadly muscle-invasive disease will be
at least three months, and no concurrent or planned use
unable to endure the aggressive treatment because of
of cytotoxic chemotherapy were the criteria for this
their comorbid conditions. In some cases, the disease has
clinical research, with either: (1) T3 and T4a tumors are
progressed to the point where curative treatment is no
appropriate for radical treatment, but the patient's age or
longer possible. The majority of individuals with this
general medical state prevents him or her from receiving
disease suffer from bothersome symptoms like dysuria
it, or (2) Treatment options are limited due to the stage of
and hematuria, which necessitate treatment for the length
the tumor's development (T4b, N1, and M1).
of the patient's life (6).

As long as possible, palliative care should strive to
Exclusion Criteria:
alleviate the patient's symptoms, but it should not cause
Patients fit for radical treatment, previous
unacceptable toxicities (7). As a result, hypofractionated
cystectomy, and decompensated liver failure (ascites).
radiotherapy is used to treat the symptoms of advanced

and metastatic bladder cancer that have spread locally.
Ethical approval:
Only the tumor and bladder will be treated with a dose of
All participants signed informed permission
21 Gy in three segments using this approach, not the
papers and submitted them to the Research Ethics
entire pelvis (8).
Committee, Zagazig University. The study was
Received: 10/10/2021
Accepted: 8/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 42)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_43 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1248-1254

The Effect of Different Levels of Positive End Expiratory Pressure on Oxygenation and
Hemodynamics During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in Obese Patients
Asmaa Samy Abd Elkreem Elsheikh, Hassan Mohmed Ali Maguid,
Maha Ibrahim El- Desouky, Salwa Hassan Waly
Department of Anesthesia, Surgical intensive care and pain management,
Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Asmaa Samy Abd Elkreem Elsheikh, Email: names_109@hotmail.com

Obesity represents a major health problem. There are multiple strategies to reduce perioperative
respiratory complications, and one of these strategies is the use of intraoperative recruitment maneuvers (RM), with the
addition of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP).
Objectives: This study was aimed to compare the effect of using different levels of positive end expiratory pressure on
oxygenation and hemodynamics and to determine the optimal PEEP level that provide the maximum beneficial effect
on oxygenation with minimal effect on hemodynamics during laparoscopic cholecystectomy in obese patients.
Patients and Methods: This study was carried out at Zagazig University Hospitals where fifty-six male and female
patients scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy aged from 21 to 60 years, ASA physical status grade II and body
mass index (BMI) 30-34 kg/m2. Patients were classified into four groups (14 each), underwent history taking, general
examination, and laboratory investigations. Results: Regarding changes in heart rate and mean arterial pressure (MAP)
at different intervals within and between the four studied groups, there was statistically significant difference between
the four groups regarding heart rate and MAP after induction Ti, T1 (20 min), T2 (40 min) and T3 (60 min) with the
least reported heart rate and MAP was significantly found in group 9 (PEEP9) in relation to the other groups.
It could be concluded that PEEP 7 H2O is the optimal PEEP level with maximum beneficial effect on
oxygenation without affecting hemodynamics during laparoscopic cholecystectomy in obese patients.
Keywords: PEEP, EELV, Laparoscopic, Obese, FRC.


than nonobese patients to develop atelectasis that
World Health Organization (WHO) defined
resolves more slowly (6). This is because of a marked
obesity as a Body Mass Index (BMI) above 30 kg/m2.
impairment of the respiratory mechanics promoting
The characteristic physiological changes induced by
airway closure with reduction of the oxygenation index
obesity such as decreased Functional Residual Capacity
(Pao2/PAo2) to a greater extent than in healthy-weight
(FRC), increased demand for oxygen, decreased lung
subjects (3).
compliance, and altered ventilation perfusion ratio
There are different intra-operative ventilation
make these patients prone to perioperative
strategies in these patients to re-inflate the collapsed
complications like atelectasis, hypoxia and hypercapnia
lungs and optimize the oxygenation. These strategies
(1). The decrease in FRC can lead to ventilation at low
include the application of Positive End Expiratory
lung volume, which in turn can lead to peripheral
Pressure (PEEP) or Recruitment Maneuvers (RM) in the
airway collapse, when the airways closing volume
form of application of positive airway pressure to re-
exceeds the end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) (2).
inflate the collapsed lung tissue (7). Positive end-
Postoperative lung atelectasis develops with both
expiratory pressure (PEEP) can counterbalance the
intravenous (IV) and inhaled anesthesia and whether the
decrease in EELV, thereby preventing atelectasis during
patient is breathing spontaneously or is paralyzed and
the intraoperative period, improving pulmonary
ventilated mechanically (3). The adverse effects of
mechanics and decreasing pulmonary shunt (8).
atelectasis persist into the postoperative period and can
In the present study, we have aimed to compare
affect patient recovery (4).
the effect of using different levels of positive end-
Laparoscopic surgery is usually performed by
expiratory pressure on oxygenation and hemodynamics
intraabdominal insufflation of carbon dioxide; this
and to determine the optimal PEEP level that provide
insufflation leads to an increase in intraabdominal
the maximum beneficial effect on oxygenation with
pressure. The increase in intraabdominal pressure could
minimal effect on hemodynamics during laparoscopic
induce shift of the diaphragm cranially and compression
cholecystectomy in obese patients.
of basal lung regions. Thus, the increase in

intraabdominal pressure could accentuate the effects of
atelectasis already predisposed to by general anesthesia,
This prospective randomized comparative
and therefore laparoscopic surgeries are associated with
clinical trial included a total of 56 male and female
a frequent incidence of lung atelectasis (5). During
patients scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy,
general anesthesia, as well as during the immediate
attending at anesthesia, surgical intensive care and pain
postoperative period, obese patients are more likely
Received: 09/11/2021
Accepted: 20/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 43)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_44 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1255-1262

The Association of Expression Patterns of Lncrna Taurine Upregulated
Gene 1 (Tug1) with Progression and Severity of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Nearmeen M. Rashad*1, Marwa H.S. Hussien2, Ahmed M. Salah1
1Internal Medicine and 2Medical Biochemistry Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Nearmeen M. Rashad, Mobile: (+20)1224248642, E-mail: nrashad78@yahoo.com

Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) has become the leading cause of the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and
it is one of the most devastating complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Its pathogenesis encompasses
multiple dysregulated epigenetic mechanisms. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have an important function in various
diseases. However, their roles in DKD remain mainly unknown.
The present study was performed to explore the relative expression level of lncRNA taurine upregulated
gene 1 (lncRNA Tug1) in Egyptian patients with T2DM and CKD and to investigate its associations with the progression
of CKD.
Patients and methods: This cross-sectional-controlled study included a total of 50 patients with T2DM and 50 age and
sex-matched controls, attending at Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals. Quantitative
real-time reverse-transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to detect the expression levels of lncRNA TUG1
Results: patients with T2DM had statistically significantly lower values of the relative expression level of lncRNA
Tug1 compared to the control group (1.313±0.72, vs 2.354±0.97, P 0.001). Interestingly, patients with
macroalbuminuria (0.48±0.311) had statistically significant lower values of the relative expression level of lncRNA
Tug1compared to patients with microalbuminuria (1.42±0.49) and patients with normoalbuminuric (1.86±0.636), P
0.01. In patients with DKD among studied variables, serum creatinine and UACR were the main independent
parameters associated with the relative expression of lncRNA Tug1.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that circulatory lncRNA Tug1 expression level is downregulated in patients with
T2DM in a particular patient with macroalbuminuria. Thus, circulatory lncRNA Tug1 relative expression level may
have a reno-protective role.
Keywords: DKD, lncRNA Tug1, qRT-PCR, T2DM, Macroalbuminuria


coding function. Recent studies have identified the
Diabetes mellitus is a major public health
regulatory role of lncRNA in several gene expression
problem; and its prevalence will be more than 600
processes, including nuclear importation, alternative
million by 2045 (1). Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is a
splicing, DNA methylation, mRNA decay, as well as
microvascular complication and progresses gradually
over many years in approximately 30­40% of
epigenetic regulatory roles. The lncRNA taurine
individuals with T2D Mellitus. Approximately 45% of
upregulated gene 1 (TUG1), located on chromosome
cases with ESRD result from DKD which is now the
main cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD) worldwide
glomerulosclerosis by altering the expression of
and the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

in addition, the presence of CKD is the single strongest
Coactivator 1 (PGC1A) (4).
predictor of mortality for persons with diabetes (2).
Although recent studies were conducted to
Interesting studies investigated the pathological
explore the pathogenic mechanism of dysregulated
mechanisms of DKD, and they detected glomerular
lncRNA, only limited examples of lncRNAs have been
studied in DKD (5). Thus, we aimed in the current study
to investigate the relative expression level of lncRNA
tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Moreover, podocyte loss and
TUG1 in Egyptian patients with T2DM and CKD and
epithelial dysfunction play important roles in DKD
to investigate its associations with the progression of
pathogenesis with further progression associated with
inflammation but the exact molecular mechanisms

responsible for DKD are not fully known.
This cross-sectional-controlled study included a
total of 50 patients with T2DM and 50 age and sex-
hemodynamic changes are important forms of
matched controls, attending at Internal Medicine,
metabolic stress capable of modifying epigenetic
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals.
processes (3).

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a class of
The design of the study is shown in figure (1).
transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides without protein-
Received: 5/10/2021
Accepted: 3/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 44)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_45 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1263-1269

Predictors of Recurrence of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in
Cirrhotic Ascitic Patients
Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam1, Usama M. Abdelaal*2,
Salwa Mohammed1, Mohamed Malak2, Asmaa Naser Mohammad1
Departments of 1Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology and
2Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Usama M. Abdelaal, Mobile: (+20)1065962094,
E-mail: osamelaal74@yahoo.com, ORCID: 0000-0001-9998-668

Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is widely common infection in cirrhosis. Deferral in diagnosis
and treatment exposes the patients to a high risk of complications and death. Recurrence of SBP occurs in many patients
however there is insufficient regional and no local data on factors responsible for its recurrence.
The aim of the current work was to know the predictors of recurrence of SBP in cirrhotic ascitic patients
and to evaluate the impact of some scores as predictors.
Patients and methods:
The study was done in Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Sohag University
Hospital. All patients with liver cirrhosis, ascites and SBP were subjected to complete clinical, ultrasonographic and
laboratory evaluation. The patients were followed up for one year after management of the 1st episode and categorized
into 2 groups according to absence or presence of recurrence of SBP.
Results: Hundred patients with SBP were included. Univariate analysis showed that hematemesis, abdominal pain,
multiple paracentesis, urinary tract infection, prolonged use of PPI, low serum sodium, high serum bilirubin and high
MELD score were significant variables responsible for recurrence. Multivariate analysis showed that multiple
paracentesis, urinary tract infection and low serum sodium were the highly risk factors for recurrence.
Conclusions: It could be concluded that multiple paracentesis, urinary tract infection and low serum sodium were the
highly independent risk factors for recurrence of SBP.
Keywords: Liver cirrhosis, Ascites, Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis


Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) is one of
advanced liver disease; but they less accurate in the
the most widely recognized and life-threatening
prediction of SBP recurrence (8).
complications of liver cirrhosis which is characterized
Another available score is AIMS65 score
by infection of ascitic fluid without clear simultaneous
which consists of: albumin level <3.0 g/dL,
intra-abdominal wellspring of infection (1). It happens
international normalized ratio (INR>1.5), altered
in 10-30% of cirrhotic ascitic patients with 30-50% in-
mental status, systolic blood pressure 90 mmHg, and
hospital mortality rate. There is 10% likelihood of
age >65 years (9).
acquiring SBP in patients with terminal hepatic disease
The aim of the current work was to know the predictors of
with ascites over a period of one year with chance of
recurrence of SBP in cirrhotic ascitic patients and to
SBP recurrence around 70% per year (2).
evaluate the impact of Child-Pugh grade, MELD score
Altered host immunity and translocation of
and AIMS65 score in prediction of recurrence of SBP.
the microorganisms from the gut to the extra intestinal

sites are believed to be the reason for SBP (3).
Universally published information shows that raised
This study included a total of hundred patients (61
serum bilirubin, higher serum creatinine, presence of
males and 39 females) with SBP, attending at Tropical
hyponatremia and the utilizationof proton pump
Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Sohag
inhibitors (PPI) are the risk factors related to
University Hospitals. This study was conducted
development of SBP (4). However, there is lackingdata
between September 2017 to September 2019.
on factors responsible for SBP repeat. Long-term

prophylaxis with antibiotics like
All patients were subjected to complete history
(Norfloxacin, 400 mg per day orally) has decreased the
taking, thorough clinical examination, abdominal
rate of recurrence. However, emergence of quinolone
ultrasonography and laboratory investigations including
resistant organisms has lowered its use (5). Improvement
complete blood count (CBC), serum creatinine, serum
in patients' management, including higher index of
electrolytes, liver profile, anti-hepatitis C virus (Anti-
suspicion, clarity of diagnostic properties, safer and
HCV) antibodies, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg),
better antibiotics use, resulted in favorable prognosis
and ascitic fluid study.
and decreased in-hospital mortality (6, 7). Available
Diagnosis of liver cirrhosis was established by
scores, for example Child-Pugh and model of end-stage
clinical, ultrasonographic and laboratory findings. Based
liver disease (MELD) scores have been previously
on the results of ascitic fluid study, patients were
show favorable predictive accuracy in patients with
diagnosed as SBP if polymorphonuclear leucocytes
Received: 5/10/2021
Accepted: 3/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 45)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_46 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1270-1275

Cyanoacrylate Glue Versus Suture for Mesh Fixation in Open Inguinal Hernioplasty
Mahmoud Abdou Yassin**, Othman Mohammed Mohammed Ahmed Ghonaim*,
Wessam Mohammed Amr**, Elsayed Ibrahim Hassan Elhendawy**
*General Surgery Department, Al Ahrar Zagazig Teaching Hospital, Egypt.
** Department of General Surgery, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
Corresponding Author: Othman Mohammed Mohammed Ahmed Ghonaim,
Phone: +201007005353,E-mail: osmanghonaim@gmail.com

In general surgery, the most common technique is inguinal hernia repair. A mesh prosthesis is implanted
ventral to the transversalis fascia in the Lichtenstein repair. After the introduction of tension-free surgical repair with
the use of prosthetic mesh, patients' comfort was reported to be significantly improved over that acquired by traditional,
tension-producing procedures. The use of cyanoacrylate (CA) to secure the mesh may result in better results and reduce
tension on the pubis, muscles, and nerves.
Objectives: Our study aimed to clarify the efficacy and complications of cyanoacrylate glue and nonabsorbable sutures
for mesh fixation in Lichtenstein hernia repair techniques.
Matrials and Method:
Prospective observational study for 6 months at General Surgery Department, Zagazig
University Hospitals. 24 patients were divided into two groups. Group A undergoes hernioplasty using glue for mesh
fixation and group B using sutures fixation. Patients were followed for 6 months for post-operative pain, recurrence,
and complication.
In our analysis the mean age of glue group was 50 ± 7 years, while in the sutures group it was 49.3 ± 6.7 years.
Mean operation time in the glue group was 41.2 ± 5.1 min, while in the sutures group it was 47.6 ± 4.9 min with
statistically significantly higher mean operation time in the sutures group. There was no substantial difference between
the two groups after a considerable period of follow-up.
Conclusion: Histoacryl glue appears to be a promising alternative for mesh attachment in Lichtenstein inguinal hernia
repair. According to our data, it showed replication of tissue integration and mechanical behavior of sutures while
requiring less time to do. It's also associated with a decrease in persistent inguinal pain.
Keywords: Histoacryl glue, Inguinal hernia, Lichtenstein repair, mesh fixation, cyanoacrylate.

a foreign-body reaction, or an inflammatory response
In general surgery, the most common operation
triggered by the maneuvers and biomaterials 5. The use
is inguinal hernia repair. In the Lichtenstein repair, a
of cyanoacrylate (CA) to secure the mesh may result in
mesh prosthesis is inserted ventral to the transversalis
better results and reduce tension on the pubis, muscles,
fascia. Non-mesh methods such as Shouldice and
and nerves 6.
Bassini repairs, on the other hand, use a continuous non-
Our study aimed to clarify the efficacy and
absorbable suture to reconstruct muscle layers and
strengthen the inguinal floor 1.
nonabsorbable sutures for mesh fixation in
In adult men, surgical correction of an inguinal
Lichtenstein hernia repair techniques.
hernia is a common treatment. However, postoperative

pain and incapacity are common. After the introduction
of tension-free surgical repair with the use of prosthetic
A Prospective Observational study for 6
mesh, patients' comfort was found to be significantly
months at General Surgery Department, Zagazig
improved over that acquired by traditional, tension-
University Hospitals. Twenty-Four cases that fulfilled
producing procedures 2.
the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the
The best surgical method for inguinal hernia
study. Male patients aged between 20 and 60 years were
repair is still up for debate. To achieve tension-free
scheduled for elective virgine inguinal hernia repair.
healing, most procedures involve reinforcing of the
Patients were anynomusly divided into two groups:
inguinal floor with a synthetic or organic material 3. In

a multicenter RCT, the fibrin sealant was found to have
Group A (an odd number): They underwent mesh
a lower incidence of postoperative neuralgia than suture
fixation with glue.
or staple fixation, with no difference in the rate of

recurrence 4.
Group B (even number): They underwent mesh
Following typical hernia repair methods,
fixation with sutures.
postoperative groin discomfort might include neuralgia,
All patients were subjected to the following: Full
chronic inguinal pain of varying degrees, and
history taking, clinical examination, and routine
paresthesia. Although they are not related, their genesis
preoperative preparation
could be linked to the use of sutures, which could create

Received: 5/10/2021
Accepted: 3/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 46)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_47 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1276-1280

Mid Regional Proadrenomedullin as a Diagnostic Marker in
Pediatric Heart Failure
Samir Mohammed Faried Zamzam1, Soad Abd ElSalam Shedeed1,
Alsalihah Majeed Mohammed*1, Naglaa Ali Khalifa2
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Alsalihah Majeed Mohammed, Mobile: (+20)01003236037, Email: fn131586@gmail.com

: Heart failure remains an essential reason of morbidity and mortality in children. The measurement of
various biomarkers might be worthy incentive in the diagnosis.
Objective: We studied the plasma level of MR-proADM as a promising novel diagnostic cardiac biomarker in pediatric
patients with congestive heart failure and its relation to different clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic variables,
aiming to promote their health through achieving good control of their cardiac symptoms and improving their quality of
Patients and methods: The present study included 80 subjects in the pediatric age from (6 months ­ 16 years). They
were classified into two comparative groups: case group included 40 pediatric patients, well diagnosed as having
congestive heart failure and control group included 40 apparently healthy pediatric subjects.
: There was an increase in MR-proADM level among cases group compared to control group and the difference
was highly statistically significant.
Conclusion: We concluded that there was a high diagnostic value of measuring plasma level of MR-proADM at
admission, regarding the diagnosis in the setting of pediatric congestive heart failure.
Keywords: Heart failure, MR-proADM, On-admission plasma levels.


Heart failure (HF) is defined as a complex clinical
kidney failure increase natriuretic peptide levels, while
disorder presented with ventricular dysfunction,
obesity is associated with lower levels. These situations
insufficient peripheral blood flow and neuroendocrine
can give values in a gray area that requires particularly
activation (1). The spectrum of causes of heart failure is
careful analysis. The investigation of new biomarkers
wide in pediatric patients noticing that congenital heart
that can complement natriuretic peptides has been the
diseases (CHDs) represent the most common etiology.
subject of considerable attention. Adrenomedullin
However, the clinical presentation of heart failure in
(ADM) is a 52 amino-acid peptide that belongs to the
infants and small children shows some peculiarities (2).
calcitonin family. Initially isolated from the adrenal
Comprehensive analysis of medical history,
gland, has diverse physiological and pathophysiological
symptoms, biochemical tests and results of
functions in the cardiovascular system. It is produced in
echocardiography are the corner stones for accurate
many organs and tissues including the vasculature. ADM
diagnosis of heart failure. Circulating biomarkers may
has numerous actions, including vasodilation,
play a very important role in the diagnosis and
natriuretic, antiapoptosis and stimulation of nitric oxide
management of patients presenting with heart failure and
(NO) production. It might play a protective role in
that allows better prognosis of the cases (3).
various cardiovascular pathologies (7).
The cardiovascular system is regulated by various
In HF, as a consequence of pressure/volume
neurohumoral components, including the autonomic
overload and ventricular wall stretching, the ADM gene
nervous system, renin­angiotensin­aldosterone system
is upregulated in cardiac myocytes.
and various neuropeptide hormones (4).
The resulting high ADM levels appear to have a
Novel biomarkers typically reflect different
protective effect in the myocardium, as they lead to a
components of the complex HF pathophysiology such as
decrease in preload and after load. Some studies suggest
fibrotic remodeling, myocardial stretch or inflammation,
that ADM additionally inhibits cell growth and
and their complementary use has been shown to greatly
hypertrophy; it has also been associated with reductions
enhance their prognostic and diagnostic power (5).
in remodeling and fibrosis. Clinical use of ADM was
Natriuretic peptides, especially B-type natriuretic
limited for some time because of the in vitro instability
peptide (BNP) and its precursor N-terminal pro-B-type
of this biomarker: its half-life is short and it is quickly
natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), are currently used in
removed from the circulation. This problem was solved
clinical practice and their measurement is recommended
by the use of mid regional proadrenomedullin (MR-
by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines
proADM), a stable fragment of pro-ADM whose
for the diagnosis and assessment of HF (6).
concentrations reflect those of ADM (8).
Despite their important role in HF, natriuretic
We studied the plasma level of MR-proADM as a
peptides show some limitations. They are elevated in
promising novel diagnostic cardiac biomarker in
other conditions as well as HF, such as valvular heart
pediatric patients with congestive heart failure and its
relation to different clinical, laboratory and
thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation and sepsis. Age and
echocardiographic variables, aiming to promote their
Received: 9/10/2021
Accepted: 7/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 47)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_48 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1281-1287

Evaluation of Percutaneous Pinning of Fractures of the
Surgical Neck of the Humerus in Children and Adolescents
Mohammed Abdulmajed Adgyeas, Adel Mohammad Salama,
Mohamed Hamed Fahmy, Sameh Mohamed Holyl
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohammed Abdulmajed Adgyeas, E-Mail: mohammedadgyeas@gmail.com

Open or closed reduction with Kirschner wires, screws, and flexible nails has been documented for the
treatment of displaced proximal humeral fractures, however percutaneous K-wire fixation is the most widely utilized
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate short-term clinical and radiographic results of percutaneous pinning of surgical
neck-humerus fractures in children and adolescents using k-wire.
Patients and Methods: Our study was done on 18 patients with fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus at Zagazig
University Hospital treated by percutaneous pinning using k-wire. The humerus fractures were followed up clinically
and radiologically for 6 months. Neer and Horwitz classification was used to classify fractures. Constant-Murley
shoulder scoring system were used to evaluate results.
Results: According to Constant-Murley scoring system the result obtained were excellent in 14 patient (77.78%) and
good only in 4 cases (22.22%). Concerning the complications of the current study, 11 cases had no complication
(61.11%), 3 cases had stiffness (16.67%) and 4 cases had superficial infection (22.22%). 4 cases of superficial infection
were treated with antibiotics and daily dressing. K-wires were not required to be removed early. All of them achieved
excellent results. 3 cases of stiffness were completed by physiotherapy, 2 of which yielded good results and 1 of which
yielded excellent results.
Conclusion: Fractures of the surgical neck in children and adolescents can be successfully treated with percutaneous k-
wires technique, which provides stability after reduction of fractures. Early and adequate physiotherapy program gives
better results regarding the range of motion.
Keywords: Percutaneous pinning, Surgical neck of the humerus.


research and reports advocate surgical intervention, as
There is a low incidence of pediatric proximal
the likelihood of remodeling is lowered (9).
humerus fractures. Only approximately 3 percent to 7
Open or closed reduction Percutaneous K-wires
percent of all bone fractures are physeal, and this form of
fixation is the most often used procedure for treating
fracture is more common in boys than in girls 1:3,
displaced proximal humeral fractures, however screws,
peaking at age ten to fourteen (1). Children with fractures
and flexible nails has been reported as an alternative (10).
of the proximal humerus have a great deal of remodeling
It was the goal of this work to assess the union rate,
potential due to the fact that about 80% of the growth in
deformity, shoulder range of motion, return to previous
arm's length occurs at the physis of the proximal
daily activities, and infections and other complications
humerus (2). Children under the age of 11 have a better
associated with percutaneous pinning of surgical neck-
remodeling potential than older children, so non-surgical
humerus in children and adolescents using k-wires.
treatment is likely to produce outstanding results

depending on the patient's age (3).
Rotator-cuff muscles are responsible for proximal
This study was conducted in the period between July
segment displacement in abduction and external rotation,
2021 and January 2022 in Orthopedic Surgery
while pectoralis major/deltoid muscles are responsible
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals.
for distal segment displacement in adduction, forward

movement, and shortening (4).
Ethical approval:
Zagazig University's Research Ethics Council
classifications are commonly used to classify proximal
approved the study as long as all participants signed
humerus fractures based on the extent of physeal injury
informed consent forms and submitted them to ZU-
and displacement, respectively (7).
IRB#7045. We adhered to the Helsinki Declaration,
In general proximal humerus fractures in children
which is the ethical norm for human testing
are often treated with conservative methods, regardless
established by the World Medical Association.
of the severity of the angulation, displacement,

translation or rotation of the fractures, despite the fact
Inclusion criteria: Age to be above 8 and below 16
that severely displaced fractures are associated with
years, growth cartilage visible on standard radiographs
malunion and shortening especially in older children (8).
and displaced fractures of the surgical neck-humerus.
In children above the age of 11 and adolescents with
Exclusion criteria: Dislocated or pathological
substantial displacement or angulated fractures, several
fractures, neglected cases, associated neurovascular
Received: 11/10/2021
Accepted: 09/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 48)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_49 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1288-1292

Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 as a New Marker for Diagnosis of
Chronic Kidney Disease
Ahmed Salah Amin Alallam1, Ahmed Saad Abdelhalim Mohamed*2, Mohamed Mohamed Mohamed
Hassaan1, Ola Badr Metwally3, Lamiaa Raafat Elsayed Abdelghany4, Osama Mosbah Abdelaziem5
Department of 1Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
Departments of 2Nephrology, 3Clinical Pathology, 4Radiology and
5Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Theodor Bilharz Research Institute, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Saad Abdelhalim Mohamed, Mobile: (+20) 01011640511, E-Mail: justme7700cr@gmail.com

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is highly prevalent, irreversible, progressive decrease in renal function.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have an important role in tissue remodelling by regulating cell death, morphogenesis
and wound healing activity. Objective: The aim was to assess the diagnostic value of matrix metalloproteinase 2 as a
new marker in chronic kidney disease.
Patients and Methods: this study was conducted on (108) individuals who were divided into 3 groups of matching age
and sex. Group I (Control group): 36 healthy individuals with normal kidney functions. Group II (CKD group): (stage
1-4) 36 subjects with eGFR between 15-89 ml/min/1.73m2. Group III (ESRD group): 36 subjects who were under
regular hemodialysis for more than 3 months.
Results: There was statistically non-significant difference between the studied groups regarding serum cholesterol.
There was statistically significant difference between the studied groups regarding MMP-2. On comparing each two
individual groups using Tukey post hoc test for MMP-2, the difference was significant between each two individual
groups (MMP-2 was lower in Group I followed by Group II then Group III). The best cutoff of MMP2 in diagnosis of
ESRD was 0.69615 to <0.78155 with area under curve 0.766, sensitivity 77.8%, specificity 63.9%, positive predictive
value (PPV) 68.3%, negative predictive value (NPV) 74.2% and accuracy 70.8%.
Conclusion: There was significantly increased levels of MMP-2 in CKD with more increase in ESRD patients. MMP-
2 could be used as a marker in diagnosis of CKD.
Chronic Kidney Disease, Matrix Metalloproteinase 2, New Marker.


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as kidney
Ethical considerations:
damage or glomerular filtration rate (GFR) <60
The study was approved by the Ethics Board of
mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months or more, irrespective of
Zagazig University and an informed written
cause. GFR can be estimated from calibrated serum
consent was taken from each participant in the
creatinine (s. Cr) and estimating equations, such as the
study. This work has been carried out in accordance
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study
with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
equation or the Cockcroft-Gault formula (1).
Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for studies
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are proteolytic
involving humans.
enzymes that act on extracellular matrix protein

components such as collagens, gelatins, elastins,
Population of the study:
laminins, fibronectins, and integrins. They are
This study included 108 subjects with matched age
synthesized as zymogens and are activated to functional
groups and of both sexes. Participants were classified
forms on autoproteolysis or by other proteases (2).
into three groups: Group I (Control group): 36
MMP2 or gelatinase A is the second member of
healthy individuals with normal kidney functions,
MMPs family. Its first two substrates were discovered
Group II (CKD group) (stage 2-4): 36 subjects with
within the components of the extracellular matrix. It
eGFR between 15-89 ml/min/1.73m2, and Group III
was proved that MMP2 overexpression in most if not all
(ESRD group): 36 subjects who were under regular
tumors were considered a hallmark of cancer
hemodialysis for more than 3 months.
aggressiveness (3).

The aim was to assess the diagnostic value of matrix
Inclusion Criteria: Age: more than 30 years, CKD or
metalloproteinase 2 as a new marker in chronic kidney
ESRD with more than 3 months duration of expanded
hemodialysis (HDx), sex: males and females, and

patient consent to enter the study.

A case control study was conducted at Internal
Exclusion Criteria: Patients were excluded if they have
Medicine Department, Zagazig University Hospitals
acute severe infection, malignancies, severe cardiac
and Theodor Bilharz Research Institute from March
insufficiency, liver diseases, or acute cerebrovascular
2021 to September 2021. Demographic information was
accidents, and pregnant females.

Received: 9/10/2021
Accepted: 7/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 49)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_50 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1293-1296

Impact of NQO1 C609T Polymorphism on The Outcome of Childhood Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia from Zagazig University Hospital; Egypt
Mohamed Eissa1, Amal Ahmed Zidan2, Ola Aly Hossein2, Alaa A. Omran2
1Pathology Department, College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, KSA and Clinical Pathology
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
2Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Eissa, Mobile: 00966599151626, E-Mail: eissa20002000@yahoo.com


Background: The NAD (P) H: quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1) C609T polymorphism has been widely thought to be
associated with the risk of acute leukemia.
This case-control study aimed to assess the impact of NQO1 C609T gene polymorphism in childhood acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).
Patients and Method: The study was carried out on one hundred de novo ALL children and one hundred apparently
healthy children. Routine genotyping of NQO1C609T gene polymorphism by PCR-RFLP was done for all subjects.
Results: No statistically significant difference was observed between the patient group and control group as regards
wild and polymorphic genotypes. However, there was a significant difference between ALL patients with wild and
polymorphic genotypes regarding their immunophenotyping diagnosis (P=0.02) and FAB classification (P=0.01). There
was also a significant difference between ALL patients with wild and polymorphic genotypes regarding their response
to treatment. The complete remission in the wild genotype (CC) was 69.2% while in polymorphic genotypes (TT & CT)
was 29.4% (P<0.05).
Conclusion: The polymorphic genotype forms of the NQO1 C609T (CT and TT) are associated with decreased response
to treatment.
Keywords: NQO1, TT, CT, ALL, genotypes.

developed world (7). However, the results in adults ALL
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is the most
are away from those in children; the long-term disease-
common childhood cancer, accounting for nearly 25%
free survival rates of 30 to 40 percent have been
of all cancers in children and 76 percent of all leukemias
acquired with the use of chemotherapy, as compared to
in children under the age of 15, with a peak between the
45 to 75 percent with the use of allogeneic
ages of 2 and 5 years and falling rates in later childhood,
transplantation (8).
adolescence, and young adulthood (1).
So, allogeneic stem cell transplantation is
considered, a better curative line in certain very-high-
malignancies, is thought to be caused by a combination
risk pediatric patients with low five-year event-free
of environmental stressors and inherited genetic
survival (EFS), such as those with BCR-ABL+ ALL or
predisposition that affects genomic stability and
those with a poor response to induction chemotherapy
Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) repair (2). A range of
(9).NAD (P) H: quinone Oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) is an
inherited genetic variants, such as those influencing
enzyme utilizes reduced pyridine nucleotide cofactors
enzymes involved in carcinogen metabolism and
Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NADH) or
detoxification and those impacting immune response
Nicontinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate
modulation, may potentially contribute indirectly to the
(NADPH) to catalyze the direct two-electron reduction
risk of leukaemia (3).
of a broad range of quinones (10). Polymorphisms of
To categorize leukemias into numerous particular
NQO1 gene could be influential for patient response to
subtypes, the current World Health Organization
induction therapy and for treatment outcome in
(WHO) classification systems included morphologic
hematological malignancies (11).
characteristics, immunophenotype, molecular genetics,
This case-control study was conducted to assess
and clinical data (4).
the impact of NQO1 C609T gene polymorphisms on the
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia is subdivided into
outcome of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
distinctive subtypes by the presence or absence of

specific recurrent genetic abnormalities; t (9:22), MLL
rearrangement, t (12:21), hyperdiploidy, hypodiploidy
This study was carried out in the Clinical and
and t (1:19) (5). Genomic analysis has a significant
Chemical Pathology Department and Pediatric
impact on the diagnosis and treatment of ALL patients.
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals, Egypt. One
Some genetic changes, such as treatment sensitivity and
hundred newly diagnosed pediatric ALL patients from
survival result, were enough to influence overall cancer
oncology unit of pediatrics department were included in
behaviour (6).
this study in addition to one hundred apparently
The five-year event-free survival (EFS) of pediatric
matched healthy children. The patients were 50 males
ALL is currently approaches 90 percent in the
Received: 9/10/2021
Accepted: 7/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 50)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_51 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1297-1302
Study The Association between Serum Osteoprotegerin and
Diabetic Kidney Disease
Mohamed A. Elbana*1, Nagwa S. Said1, Ahmed M. Baraka2, Mayada M. Mousa1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed A. Elbana, E-Mail: elbana73@gmail.com

Osteoprotegerin (OPG) was first found as being an inhibitor of bone resorption; however, research on
OPG in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients and its relationship to albuminuria in Diabetic Kidney Disease (DKD) has been
: Study the association between serum osteoprotegerin and diabetic kidney disease in type 2 diabetic patients.
Patients and methods:
The study recruited 45 participants who all had diabetes. Group 1 comprised 15 type 2 diabetic
patients with albuminuria that ranged from normal to mildly elevated. The second group consisted of 15 type 2 diabetic
patients with mildly elevated albuminuria. Group 3 consisted of 15 type 2 diabetic patients with an extremely high
albuminuria level. In all participants, the following was carried out: history taking; clinical examination, including height
and weight; ophthalmoscopy; kidney ultrasound; and evaluation of fasting blood glucose; glycosylated hemoglobin; lipid
profile; serum creatinine and urea; urinary ACR; and serum osteoprotegerin levels.
: Our study showed statistically positive correlation between osteoprotegerin and degree of albuminuria in type
2 diabetic patients. We found that the best cutoff of serum OPG was 1.652 in prediction of severely increased
albuminuria. Conclusion: A biomarker known as OPG may be effective in identifying diabetics with type 2 who are at
high risk of developing severe albuminuria.
Keywords: Albuminuria, Diabetes, Osteoprotegerin (OPG).

Ahrar Teaching Hospital's Nephrology Clinic from
Twenty to forty percent of patients with diabetes
January 2021 to December 2021, the research was
have diabetic kidney damage, which normally arises
conducted. There were 45 individuals with type 2
after a 10-year period of diabetes, but may already be
diabetes in our study, divided into three groups of 15
present at diagnosis in those with type 2 diabetes (1). Type
each: The first group included six men and nine women,
1 and type 2 diabetics who have chronic kidney disease
all of whom had normal to modestly elevated
(CKD) are at significantly higher risk of cardiovascular
albuminuria (albuminuria less than 30 mg/g creatinine).
disease and incurring significantly higher medical
There were 15 patients in the second group, all
expenses. It is the primary cause of end-stage renal
of whom had moderately elevated albuminuria (30­299
disease (ESRD) worldwide, necessitating dialysis or
mg/g creatinine) with type 2 diabetes. Group 3 included
kidney transplantation. Cardiovascular disease, kidney
15 diabetic patients (8 male and 7 female) with severely
disease progression, and mortality are all linked to an
increased albuminuria (300 mg/g creatinine). End stage
individual's level of albuminuria. A more thorough
renal disease, neoplasms and infections were not allowed
approach to CKD staging is recommended by Kidney
to participate in the trial. Patients having a history of type
Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO), which
1 diabetes mellitus and congestive heart failure were not
includes albuminuria at all expected glomerular filtration
allowed to participate in the study.
rate (eGFR) levels (2).
All participants had their medical histories
There has been evidence that the immune
reviewed, their physical examinations, including their
system's release of OPG acts as a decoy receptor for the
BMI, their systolic and diastolic blood pressures, their
nuclear factor kB receptor activator and TNF-related
hemoglobin levels, their fasting blood glucose levels,
apoptosis inducing ligand, respectively (3).
their hemoglobin A1c levels, their lipid profiles, their
Serum OPG levels were found to be significantly
levels of calcium and phosphorus, their levels of
correlated with insulin resistance, suggesting that OPG is
parathyroid hormone (PTH), their levels of creatinine
a causative factor in the development of type 2 diabetes.
and urea, their eGFR using the modification of diet in
Diabetes mellitus can be prevented or delayed by
renal disease (MDRD) equation, their levels of urinary
blocking the OPG/RANK/RANKL system, which has
albumin creatinine, serum OPG.
recently been developing. Diabetes mellitus is associated

with hepatic insulin resistance (4).
The aim of the work was to study the association
Blood samples: A total of 6 ml of venous blood was
between serum osteoprotegerin and diabetic kidney
obtained and divided as follows under strict aseptic
disease in type 2 diabetic patients.
conditions following overnight fasting: 1 ml of whole

blood was added to an EDTA-containing sterile tube for
the determination of HbA1c and a total of five milliliters
Within Zagazig University Hospitals' Internal
of whole blood were allowed to clot at a temperature of
Medicine Endocrinology and Diabetes Clinic and Al-
37 degrees Celsius. Centrifugation was used to separate
Received: 12/10/2021
Accepted: 10/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 51)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_52 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1303-1306
Comparison between Surgical Offloading and Mechanical
Offloading in Treatment of Planter Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Wesam Amr*, Hatem Mohammed Abdel Monaem Farg,
Omar Mohamed Assaed Abdo Abady, Mahmoud Abdo Yassin
Department of General Surgery, Zagazig University Hospitals, Zagazig, Egypt
*Correspondence to: Wesam Mohammed Ali Amr, Mobile: (+20) 01115263035,
E-mail: wesam_amr@yahoo.com, ORCIDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4475-7844

Diabetes is a systemic disease that affects all body systems and is a major cause of death. Foot problems
are a source of major patient suffering and societal costs. Foot ulcers are the most prevalent problem, with a yearly
incidence of around 2-4% in developed countries and likely even higher in developing countries.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcome of both surgical and non-surgical methods of offloading in
the treatment of neuropathic non-ischaemic plantar pressure ulcers.
Materials and methods: This prospective non-randomized comparative study was conducted on 30 patients who
presented at the Outpatient Clinic of the Department of General Surgery at Zagazig University Hospital and Department
of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, National Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology (NIDE). The study was
conducted through the period from July 2019 till September 2019. All of them had an offloading method; 15 surgical, 15
non-surgical (walkers or shoes). They had followed up for six months.
Results: Successful rate for ulcers healing were 86.7% and 88% for surgical vs. non-surgical methods respectively.
Conclusion: Offloading is very important and effective in treatment of pressure unhealed plantar ulcers. Every patient
should receive his tailored method of offloading. Surgical offloading is a faster way.
Keywords: Diabetes, Peripheral neuropathy, Diabetic foot, Pressure ulcer, Plantar, Offloading.

deformities related to motor neuropathy, minor foot
Diabetes is a global and a systemic disease that
trauma, and peripheral arterial disease (9, 10).
affects all body systems and is a major cause of death. It
This study aimed to evaluate the clinical outcome of
is estimated that 415 million people were diagnosed with
both surgical and non-surgical methods of offloading in
diabetes in 2015. It is expected to rise up to 642 million
the treatment of neuropathic non-ischaemic plantar
by 2040 (1). DM is an increasing problem in both
pressure ulcers.
developed and developing nations. The majority of

persons with DM have type 2 DM with only 5% to 10%
of patients diagnosed with type 1 DM. About 50% of
This study was conducted as a "Prospective non-
people with DM are unaware of their disease. Early DM
randomized comparative study" that included 30 cases
detection and treatment can improve overall quality of
who presented to the Outpatient Clinic of the Department
life (QOL) and increase the life expectancy of persons
of General Surgery, Zagazig University Hospital and
with DM (2). Diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading
Department of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery,
cause of death in the United States. Diabetes mellitus is
National Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology
the leading cause of kidney failure, non-traumatic lower
(NIDE). It was conducted through the period from July
extremity amputations, and new cases of blindness in
2019 till September 2019. All of them had an offloading
adult Americans (3).
method; 15 surgical, 15 non-surgical (walkers or shoes).
Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) are often preventable,
The first case had enrolled in the study in July 2019, the
and treatment is frequently suboptimal. Foot problems
last case in September 2019. They were followed up for
complicating diabetes are a source of major patient
six months. Data analysis and interpretation had done in
suffering and societal costs. The frequency and severity
March 2020.
of foot problems varies from region to region largely due

to differences in socio-economic conditions, type of
Ethical approval:
footwear, and standards of foot care. DFU is a major
Written informed consent was obtained from
source of morbidity and one of the leading causes of
every participant and the study was approved by The
hospitalization representing about 20% of hospital
Research Ethical Committee, Faculty of Medicine,
admissions among patients with DM (4, 5). The incidence
Zagazig University. The work has been carried out in
of diabetic foot ulcers in diabetics is 25% and 50% and
accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World
20% of them will proceed to amputations throughout
Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for
their life time. 70% of these patients will have recurrent
studies involving humans.
lesions within 5 years (6, 7). Yearly 2% - 6.8% of diabetic

patients suffer from foot ulcerations (8). The most
Inclusion criteria:
important factors underlying the development of foot
Diabetic patients with plantar ulcers (possibly
ulcers are peripheral sensory neuropathy, foot
pressure related) that failed to heal after 6 months with at
Received: 13/10/2021
Accepted: 11/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 52)

Introduction The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1307-1316

Keratometric and Visual Outcome post Corneal Cross-Linking in
Keratoconus Patients
Samiha M. Kamel Abo Al Majd*, Adel M. Abd El Wahab Khalil**,
Mona El Sayed Ali Hassan**, Safia Dawod Hamd Al Abedi***
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt (Deceased)*
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt**
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine Garyounis University-Benghazi-Libya***
Corresponding author: Mona Elsayed Aly Hassan, Mobile: (+20)1061152678, -
E mail: Mirna.farid_fr@hotmail.com

: Keratoconus is a bilateral, primary, progressive, non-inflammatory, and non-symmetric corneal ectasia
induced declined visual acuity in young adults. It leads to continued myopia and irregular astigmatism, causing a
reduction in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and visual quality. Corneal Collagen Cross-linking (CXL) has
progressively become a preferable cure tool and the frontline of therapy for keratoconus and other corneal ectatic
illnesses. It creates a crossed bridge between the collagen fibrils (cross-linking), thus strengthening the Cornea.
Aim of the Work: This work purposes to assess the efficacy of CXL on eyes with keratoconus as regards uncorrected
visual acuity (UCVA), best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) keratometric readings.
Patients and Methods: This non-randomized, prospective, interventional study included twenty eyes of eighteen
patients with mild and moderate degree keratoconus. All patients were subjected to complete ocular examination and
Pentacam examination. CXL was done under surface anesthesia. Changes in UCVA, BCVA, and keratometric
readings that follow CXL were evaluated.
Mean + SD of UCVA, BCVA, SE, KI, K2. Preoperatively for the 20 eyes were 0.25±0.18, 0.51± 0.21,
7.95±4.66, 46.93D±2.35, 51.90D±3.55 respectively. At the end of the follow-up period (Three months post-
operatively), they were 0.28+0.20, 0.59+0.21, -7.73+4.10, 46.75+2.23, 51.75+3.63, respectively. No serious
complications were reported in this study. Only two eyes (10%) showed mild corneal haze. They persisted until the
study was finished. Two eyes (10%) showed delayed re-epithelization up to one week.
Conclusion: The CXL is an effective and safe technique for treating mild to moderate keratoconus, regarding
stabilizing the condition and improving the visual outcome, regardless of the keratometric changes.
Keratoconus, Corneal collagen cross-linking, Keratometric readings, Pentacam, Visual acuity.


Keratoconus is a progressive, bilateral,
new treatment efficacious in restricting the
asymmetric, and non-inflammatory ectasia. This
progression of keratoconus, leading to corneal
disease is caused by continuing biomechanical
strengthening (5).
instability of the Cornea, resulting in irregular
Patients of keratoconus may report that their
astigmatism and progressive myopia, eventually
eyes itch and have allergies, and they frequently rub
induced a reduction in best-corrected visual acuity
their eyes with greater force than normal and a
(BCVA) and visual quality(1). Keratoconus typically
decrease in visual acuity. They every so often
presents at puberty and progresses until the third
complain of visual discomfort similar to those with
and fourth decades of life. It progress more rapidly
uncorrected astigmatism. Due to the distortion, they
in young, although it can occur or progress at any
may report glare or halos around lights, particularly
age with various rates (2).
at night, ghost images, monocular diplopia, and
The aetiology of Keratoconus is probably
multiple images. There are many areas of the Cornea
multifactorial (genetic and environmental) (3). Most
having different refracting powers producing various
genetic researches approve of an autosomal
confusing photos (6). One of the first clues that
dominant inheritance paradigm (2). Most cases of
something is wrong is the change in the patient's
keratoconus are sporadic, with family history
refraction (7).
demonstrated in about 6 to 10 % (4).
Keratoconus is divided into advanced, moderate,
The available options for managing
and mild (8):
keratoconus are glasses, corneal collagen cross-
In mild keratoconus, there may be oblique
linking (CXL), contact lenses, epikeratoplasty, and
intrastromal corneal ring segments corneal
Diagnosis can be validated with computer-assisted
transplantation. Not until 1999 where CXL was
videokeratography, which may disclosed low
introduced were corneal ectasia's underlying
corneal steepening (almost 80% of keratoconus
pathogenic mechanisms addressed. Using UVA
cases), central corneal astigmatic steepening (about
light of 370 nm wavelength and the photosensitizer
15% of keratoconus cases), or even bilateral
riboflavin, CXL has been defined as an innovative
temporal steepening (extremely rare) (9).
Received: 1/7/2021
Accepted: 30/8/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 53)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_54 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1317-1321
Differences in Manual Dexterity between Dominant and
Non-Dominant Side in Typically Developing Children
Salma A. Abd El Hameed*, Elham E. Salem, Marwa M. I. Ismaeel
Department of Physical Therapy for Pediatrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Salma A. Abd El Hameed, Mobile: (+20)01099866600, E-mail: drsalmaashraf1111@gmail.com

Manual dexterity is the ability to manipulate objects using the hands and fingers, which requires
coordination between muscular, skeletal, and neurological systems, which start to develop during childhood.
Objective: We aimed to assess differences of gross manual dexterity and fine manual dexterity between dominant and
non-dominant hand in typically developing children whose age between 8 to 10 years.
Subjects and Methods: Thirty typically developing children of both sexes participated in this study. Box and Blocks
Test was used to assess gross manual hand dexterity and Nine Hole Peg Test was used to assess fine manual hand
Results: There was no significant difference found between the dominant and non-dominant side in Box and Blocks
Test (p = 0.11), but it showed a significant difference between the dominant and non-dominant side in Nine Hole Peg
Test (p = 0.02) measures.
Conclusion: There was no significant difference in gross manual dexterity measured by Box and Blocks Test but there
was significant difference in fine manual dexterity measured by Nine Hole Peg Test between the dominant and non-
dominant hand in children at selected age group between 8 to 10 years.
Keywords: Manual dexterity, Box and Blocks Test, Nine Hole Peg Test, Typically Developing Children.

dexterity; these facets make the test a valuable and
Manual dexterity is the ability to manipulate
suitable test for very young children to compare
objects through coordination of the hands and fingers
atypically developing children with age related peers,
and is a key indicator of motor function. It combines
and to assess the efficacy of the intervention (10).
elements of cognitive acuity, tactile sensation, muscle
The Nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT) is a component
strength, and force control. Manual dexterity can be
of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Toolbox for
quantified as the time to complete a pegboard test, such
the Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral
as the grooved pegboard test or the nine-hole peg test
Function, which provides a set of assessment tools that
can be used across the lifespan (3-85 years). Norms of
Primary school activities involve manual
the NHPT that can be used to determine the presence of
dexterity to an even higher degree (2). In primary school,
impairments in dexterity across this age span have been
30­60% of time is dedicated to learning writing and
established as part of the NIH Toolbox Norming Project
other manipulative tasks (3). Therefore, the main goal
during the preschool and elementary school periods
We aimed to investigate manual dexterity through
should be to facilitate the development of a wide range
measuring box and blocks test and Nine Hole Peg Test
of manual activities. Yakimishyn and Magill-Evans (4)
in typically developed children and compare between
maintain that the preschool period is especially
dominant and non-dominant mesures.
important for the formation of the fundamental

manipulative abilities required in elementary school.
They encourage teachers to monitor the development of
Thirty typically developing children of both sexes
manual dexterity during exercises involving various
free from any type of deformities participated in this
implements (4, 5).
study. They were selected from the governmental
Manual dexterity in childhood is primarily
Egyptian schools at Cairo Governorate according to
considered a product of neuro-motor systems and a
inclusive criteria. Their age ranged from 8 to 10 years.
hallmark of a child's broader motor competence. While
All participants were able to follow the verbal and
early childhood is a key period for the development of
visual commands and free from any medical disease.
manual dexterity (6), recent studies demonstrate that
The exclusion criteria included history of surgery,
manual dexterity undergoes continued refinement
congenital deformity in upper extremities or trunk,
across the primary school years (7) and stabilizes in
injury to the upper extremities or back in the previous 6
adolescence (8). Where the development of manual
months, neuromuscular damage of the spine and upper
dexterity is delayed or impaired during this period (e.g.,
in children with developmental coordination disorder),

poor manual dexterity has been associated with
increased anxiety, poor self-esteem and academic
Informed consent form, Box and Block Test, Nine-
difficulties (9).
Hole Peg Test. Box and Blocks testing form was used
The Box and Block Test is a simple test that can
to record the number of blocks transported in one
be administered quickly to assess gross manual
minute by the dominant and non-dominant side for each
Received: 12/10/2021
Accepted: 10/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 54)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_55 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1322-1327

Role of Leptin as A Risk Factor and Prognostic Marker in Patients with
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Sameh Attia, Bandar Abdulla, Khaled Saeed
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Sameh Attia, Mobile: (+20) 01141991996, E-Mail: drsamehattia201@hotmail.co.uk

Leptin is a bioactive substance secreted by adipose tissue and exerts pleiotropic actions on glucose
metabolism. It may promote atherosclerosis and increase cardiovascular events.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the role of leptin as a risk factor in non-obese patients presented with
acute coronary syndrome and its relation to midterm prognosis.
Patients and Methods: The study included 60 non-obese patients who were presented to Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
of Ain Shams University Hospital with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Patients were classified into 3 Groups. Group
A was composed of 30 patients presented with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), Group B included
15 patients presented with non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and Group C included 15 patients
presented with unstable angina. The study also included control group composed of 20 healthy non-obese subjects who
gave no history of chest pain or symptoms suggestive of coronary artery disease (CAD).
Results: Mean serum leptin level in all patients was significantly higher compared to control group. As regards
complications; mean serum leptin level was higher in patients with adverse outcome compared to other patients.
Conclusion: The concentration of leptin is positively correlated with ACS. The mean value of serum leptin in all patients
was significantly higher compared to control. The study suggests that leptin is a significant cardiovascular risk factor
for ACS independent of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Serum leptin may be a useful marker in risk stratification
of ACS.
Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome, Adipocytokines, Atherosclerosis, Leptin.


The aim of this study was to determine the role of
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) comprises a set
leptin as a risk factor in non-obese patients presented
of life-threatening health conditions affecting the heart.
with acute coronary syndrome and its relation to
This encompasses myocardial infarction and unstable
midterm prognosis.
angina (UA) (1). ACS can be caused by a variety of risk

factors, including a family history of heart attack or
unstable angina, cigarette smoking, hyperlipidemia,
Our study included 60 non-obese patients (based on
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, a sedentary
body mass index (BMI) < 30 kg/m2 and waist
lifestyle, stress, and several non-traditional factors
circumference (WC) <102 cm) who were admitted to
particularly inflammatory markers and markers of
coronary care unit because of acute coronary syndrome
atherosclerotic burden, which have recently emerged as
excluding obese patients (based on BMI 30 kg/m2 and
a result of advances made in the understanding of
WC > 102 cm).
atherosclerosis pathophysiology (2).
Patients with a history of acute myocardial infarction
Now, it is well-established that adipose tissue
in the previous six months and those with atrial
appears to be a hormonally active endocrine organ that
fibrillation and previous coronary artery bypass graft
produces several biologically active substances that
also were excluded from the study in addition to those
regulate and correlate with insulin sensitivity, vascular
with a history of malignancies or renal failure.
function, and atherosclerotic disease, collectively

known as the "adipocytokines" (3). Two major
Patients were divided into 3 groups: Group A:
adipocytokines, leptin and adiponectin are assumed to
Included 30 patients presented with STEMI, Group B:
play important roles in the regulation of metabolic
Included 15 patients presented with NSTEMI, and
homeostasis and the development of atherosclerotic
Group C: Included 15 patients presented with unstable
diseases (4).
angina. The study also included a control group
Leptin shows angiogenic activity, increases
composed of twenty healthy non-obese volunteers who
oxidative stress in endothelial cells, promotes vascular
gave no history of chest pain or symptoms suggestive of
smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation,
stimulates platelet aggregation and atherothrombosis,
All patients were subjected to full history taking
decreases arterial distensibility, and contributes to
including determination of risk factors of CAD as a
obesity-associated hypertension. These factors correlate
history of diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, systemic
negatively with vascular health and are strongly
hypertension, and cigarette smoking.
involved in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and
BMI was calculated using the formula: body
the development of ACS (5).
weight divided by height squared (weight/height²
(kg/m²)). Weight was measured (in Kilogram) using a
Received: 13/10/2021
Accepted: 11/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 55)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_56 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1328-1335

Urinary Ferritin Creatinine Ratio as a Potential Biomarker for Lupus Nephritis
Usama Ragab1, Yasser Abd El-Monem El-Hendy1, Ghada El-Sayed Amr2,
Esraa Sameh Ibrahim Awadallah*3, Ahmed Abdulsaboor2, Ahmed Noaman1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Clinical Pathology and
3Nephrology, Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Esraa Sameh Ibrahim Awadallah, Mobile: (+20)01117788260, Email: dr-esraasameh@yahoo.com

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can affect multiple systems and major organs, among which lupus
nephritis (LN), which is a common major organ manifestation and a main cause of the morbidity and mortality of the
disease. In this regard, LN affects 40­ 80% of SLE patients and result in chronic kidney disease, which sequentially
increases the morbidity and mortality in SLE patients.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of urinary ferritin/creatinine ratio (UFCR) in diagnosis and
evaluation of lupus nephritis.
Patients and Methods: This study was conducted in the Internal Medicine Department, Zagazig University Hospitals.
The study included 36 patients complaining of SLE diagnosed according to the American College of Rheumatology
(ACR) revised criteria for the classification of SLE. Patients were divided into two equal groups; group (I) included 18
SLE patients without LN (17 of them were females and one was male) with a mean age of 32.33 ± 6.47 years, and group
(II) included 18 SLE patients with LN (18 of them were females) with a mean age of 29.28 ± 6.56 years. They were
compared to 18 healthy control participants (16 of them were females and two were males) with mean age of 32.28 ±
6.03years. Urinary ferritin creatinine ratio (UFCR) was measured for all of them.
Results: There was a statistical significance increase in urinary ferritin among LN group compared to other groups.
UFCR was significantly higher in the LN group than control group. There was a statistically significance positive
correlation between UFCR and SLEDAI score, serum ferritin, blood urea and serum creatinine among LN group.
Conclusion: UFCR level can be considered as a potential biomarker for the kidney injury in LN, and it is significantly
increased in LN patients.
Keywords: Urinary ferritin creatinine ratio, Biomarker, Lupus nephritis.

The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic
urinary ferritin/creatinine ratio (UFCR) in diagnosis and
autoimmune disease with unknown etiology, which can
evaluation of lupus nephritis.
be characterized by producing various autoantibodies

against self-antigens (autoantigens) (1). SLE can affect
multiple systems and major organs, among which lupus
This retrospective case-control study was carried
nephritis (LN) is a common major organ manifestation
out in Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of
and a main cause of the morbidity and mortality of the
Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals between
disease (2). In this regard, LN affects 40­ 80% of SLE
February 2021 and August 2021.
patients, and an immunosuppressive treatment for LN

may have an adverse effect on kidney and result in
Study population: This study was conducted on 54
chronic kidney disease, which sequentially increases the
participants including both females and males and their
morbidity and mortality in SLE patients (1). Therefore,
ages ranged from 18-45 years old. Thirty six
an involvement of renal disease activity is one of the
participants were diagnosed to have SLE and fulfilled at
most important prognostic factors for patients with
least four of 11 American College of Rheumatology
SLE, and the diagnosis of SLE patients with LN has an
(ACR) revised criteria for SLE. We divided them into
important clinical implication in guiding the treatment
three groups. Group I included 18 SLE patients without
of SLE in clinical settings (3).
LN (17 were females and 1 was male). They were
Urinary biomarkers are easily obtained and
admitted to due lupus flares with arthritis, proteinuria <
probably are best at reflecting the current renal status,
0.5 g/day, no hematuria or urinary casts sediment and
as they specifically represent local inflammatory
all of them had a normal kidney function (serum
activity (4). In recent years, ferritin has gained increasing
creatinine <1.1 mg/dl in female or < 1.2 mg/dl in male)
attention in the studies of autoimmune diseases.
with estimated GFR > 90 ml/min/1.73 m2. Group II
Elevated serum ferritin levels were well established as
included 18 SLE patients with LN (18 were females
an acute-phase reactant in antiphospholipid syndrome
with no males) and all had evident clinical nephritis
(APS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and adult onset Still's
(proteinuria > 0.5 g/day and some patients had elevated
disease (AOSD). There were several studies that
serum creatinine level > 1.1 mg/dl in female and > 1.2
reported elevated levels of serum ferritin in SLE
mg/dl in males). Group III included 18 apparently
patients, but few studies have investigated the clinical
healthy control population, which were age- and sex-
significance of urinary ferritin in SLE and LN (5).
matched with patients' groups.
Received: 15/10/2021
Accepted: 13/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 56)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1336-1341

The Diagnostic Role of Procalcitonin in Bacterial Pneumonia in
Patients with Heart Failure
Asmaa Khalid Edris1, Omar F. Tawfik2
Departments of 1Chest and 2Cardiology Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Asmaa Khalid Edris, Email: music-inmyheart@hotmail.com

Recently, procalcitonin (PCT) has been identified as a useful biomarker to identify heart failure with
bacterial pneumonia in clinical trials.
This study aimed to assess the role of procalcitonin in diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in patients with
congestive heart failure.
Patients and methods: The study was conducted in Chest Department, Cardiology Department and Cardiology
Outpatient Clinic, Zagazig University Hospitals as a case control study. This study included sixty participants who were
classified into 3 groups. Group 1 included 20 chronic stable heart failure patients, Group 2 comprised 20 diagnosed
bacterial community-acquired pneumonia on top of chronic heart failure patients. Group 3 consisted of 20 healthy
individuals as control group. All participants were subjected to full medical history, clinical examination, chest
radiography, CT scan of the chest, ECG, echocardiography, microbiological investigations, general investigations (TLC,
ESR, CRP, electrolytes, LFT, KFT, random and fasting blood sugar levels) and specific laboratory investigations (serum
PCT level).
Results: Procalcitonin levels differed significantly among the groups studied. There was a substantial difference
between the groups when comparing them pairwise. The best cut-off of PCT in diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in
CHF patients was 0.555 ng/ml with area under curve of 0.994, sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 97.5%, positive
predictive value (PPV) of 95%, negative predictive value of 97.5% and accuracy of 96.7% (p < 0.001).
Procalcitonin measurement is useful in differentiating bacterial pneumonia in patients with heart failure
from heart failure patients without pneumonia, hoping for better patient care.
Keywords: Procalcitonin, Heart failure, Pneumonia.


There are several respiratory tract infections, like
discovered in recent years. Viral, bacterial and
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP), as well as
nonspecific inflammatory diseases are all associated with
bronchitis that necessitate antibiotic therapy and
high levels (5).
contribute to the rise in antibiotic multi-resistant
During a bacterial infection, the level of
infections. Clinical criteria (like fever, dyspnea as well as
procalcitonin, a precursor peptide to the calcitonin
cough) and chest radiography are the primary diagnostic
hormone, rises dramatically. As a result, new research
tools for respiratory infections. However, despite the fact
suggests that PCT can be used to guide antibiotic therapy
that PCR and culture procedures have low sensitivity and
in patients with heart failure by identifying those with
hence cannot rule out bacterial infection, various research
concurrent bacterial infections (6).
and interventional trials have found that PCT is effective
We aimed at this study to assess the role of procalcitonin
in patients with respiratory infections (1). Pneumonia
in diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in patients with
continues to be a primary cause of health issues and death
chronic heart failure.
worldwide, with its high mortality rate and widespread

prevalence making it a substantial contributor to the use
of antibiotics. (2).
From November 2020 to April 2021, in Chest
Emergency medicine is plagued by acute
Department, Cardiology Department and Cardiology
dyspnea, which is associated with a high fatality rate.
Outpatient Clinic, Zagazig University Hospitals, our
Dyspnea can have a variety of underlying reasons, the
case-control trial was conducted. Sixty participants were
most common of which are cardiac or pulmonary causes.
classified into:
It's vital to rule out acute heart failure (AHF) as a
Group (A): Included 20 cases with chronic stable
possibility in these people (3). The non-specific chest X-
heart failure, which is a clinical disease characterized by
ray abnormalities in cardiogenic pulmonary edema make
an impaired ability to fill or eject blood from the
it challenging to diagnose pneumonia in patients with
ventricles. Myocardial structural and functional
acute heart failure. Misdiagnosis has the side effect of
abnormalities can induce chronic heart failure (7).
delayed treatment, which could lead to worse
Group (B): Included 20 cases with definite
consequences (4).
diagnosis of bacterial community-acquired pneumonia
Pneumonia has been successfully diagnosed with
on top of chronic heart failure, which is defined as an
the help of procalcitonin (PCT), a promising biomarker
acute lung infection affecting the alveoli (8).
Received: 15/10/2021
Accepted: 13/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 57)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_58 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1342-1347

Evaluation of Paediatric Postoperative Pain Management among Nursing Staff
Working in Tertiary University Hospitals: A multicentre Cross-sectional Study
Mostafa S. Elawady*, Hani I. Taman, Hosam I. El Said Saber
Anaesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
Corresponding author: Mostafa Elawady, Mobile: (+20)01004062862, E-Mail: sasaelawady@gmail.com.

Poor postoperative pain management represents unpleasant experience which occurs in patients following
surgical procedure. Recently, there have been increasing efforts to improve the perioperative pain management of
children. Objective: To evaluate the paediatric postoperative pain management practice as well as identification of
paediatric postoperative pain management influencing factors. Patients and methods: This cross-sectional study was
conducted in Mansoura University Children Hospital, Mansoura University Emergency Hospital (ICU units). Each
hospital serves a wide range of young patient's ages from one day up to 16 years old. All nurses who were involved in
paediatric postoperative pain management were subjected to a specific questionnaire which assess different items that
may affect the postoperative pain management practice. Results: Forty-seven participants have completed this study.
The availability of pain assessment tool, level of knowledge, pain assessment, use comfort measures and considering
pain management as a major priority were higher among the studied nursing staff. Meanwhile, participants who paid
more attention for pain assessment and recording were lower. Good pain management practice was higher in female,
married participants and among bachelor's, technical institute of nursing graduates and secondary nursing school
graduated staff. The availability of pain assessment tool, morphine stock, knowledge, pain assessment, management and
handover were associated with higher good pain practice among the studied nurse group. Conclusion: Nursing
graduation level, marital status, knowledge, training and familiarity with pain assessment, and management tools,
effective communication and pain management handover are fundamental factors that significantly improve the
paediatric postoperative pain services.
Nurses, Paediatric, Pain management, Postoperative, Tertiary hospitals.


Adequate pain treatment is not something that can
According to many research, inadequate
be taken for granted. Despite the fact that the
paediatric postoperative pain treatment is caused by a
Declaration of Montreal (September 2010) declares that
lack of nurse training and their attitude toward pain
"access to pain management is a fundamental right," it
management (11, 12).
is estimated that 80% of the world's population is
The main aim of this study was to evaluate the
afflicted by inadequate pain management, which is a
postoperative pain management services for paediatric
severe problem in more than 150 nations (1,2).
patients among nurses working in Mansoura University
Pain is a sensory and emotional experience that is
Hospitals' Surgical Departments. The secondary aim
unpleasant and is caused by real or prospective tissue
was to identify the factors, which affect the level of
damage (3). Postoperative pain is a significant
practices towards paediatric postoperative pain
consequence that affects people after undergoing
management among nurses working in Mansoura
surgery. In both industrialised and developing nations,
University Children and Emergency Hospitals.
it is linked to higher morbidity and death (4,5).

One of the responsibilities of nursing personnel,
who are always at the bedside of their patients, is to
This cross-sectional study was conducted in
assess pain (6).
Mansoura University Children Hospital, Mansoura
Efforts to enhance the perioperative pain
University Emergency Hospital (ICU units). Each
treatment of children have been improving for many
hospital serves a wide range of young patient's ages
years, however a significant percentage of children still
between one day and 16 years old.
experience perioperative discomfort (7,8).

The practice of paediatric anaesthesia varies
Ethical considerations:
considerably across countries, including the provision
All participants completed informed written
of postoperative analgesia, as evidenced by the results
consent before being recruited in this study. An
of the recent Anaesthesia Practice In Children
approval from Institutional Review Board (IRB-
Observational Trial (APRICOT) (9).
MFM) of Mansoura University, Faculty of Medicine
The reasons are multifactorial but may reflect
with code number (R/16.12.32, March 2017) was
differences in knowledge, infrastructure, organization,
and health care economics among different countries.
experimentation were adhered to in line with the
However, even in more affluent settings, paediatric
Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical
postoperative pain management is highly variable and
is still suboptimal in many centres (10).

Received: 14/10/2021
Accepted: 12/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 58)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_59 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1348-1353

Talipes Equinovarus surgical Management after Failure of
Ponseti Technique in Children
Mohsen Mohamed Abdou Mar'e`i, Reda El-Kady,
Sameh Mohamed Holyl, Lamin Abdel-Salam Mohamed Ismail*
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Lamin Abdel-Salam Mohamed Ismail, E-Mail: tweaary@gmail.com

: Conservative approaches as Ponseti Technique in managing Talipes Equinovarus could lead to various
serious consequences, surgical treatment could if necessary.
Objective: The aim of the work was to assess the functional and radiological outcome of surgically treated clubfeet after
failure of Ponseti technique in children.
Patients and Methods
: Twelve clubfeet in twelve patients were undergoing posterior medial release in this prospective
study at the Orthopedic Department, Zagazig University Hospitals during the period from November 2020 to the end of
August 2021 and followed up in out-patients clinics, follow-up period from three to six months. The selected cases were
thoroughly examined clinically and radiologically pre- and postoperative.
All postoperative cases were plantigrade; with no poor results were noticed. most cases (81.25%) were with
excellent to good results while the remaining (18.75%) were fair with plantigrade foot. Lateral talocalcaneal angle was
12.75±4.65° before surgery; and changed after posterior medial release 40.83±4.37°. The increase was significant
(P<0.001). Anteroposterior talo-first metatarsal angle was also with significant change from pre to after posterior medial
release (P<0.001). As regard complications, there were intraoperative bleeding (two patients) as well as postoperative
infections (one patient) and plaster sores and dermatitis (four patients).
It could be concluded that in failed Ponseti technique there is adhesion under the skin of the distal tibia and
there is adhesion and fibrosis around the incision of the tendon Achilles certain point should be fulfilled to obtain complete
reduction and anatomical restoration of the foot after failed Ponseti.
: Ponseti Technique, Talipes Equinovarus, Surgical


conservative measures. Bad outcomes are influenced by a
Idiopathic Talipes cause Clubfoot, also known as
variety of factors (8, 9).
Equinovarus, is a fibroproliferative condition of the
More than 70% of patients were born with a severe
musculoskeletal system. Its cause is currently a mystery.
deformity (grade III or IV), making non-surgical treatment
There is a 1 in 1000 chance of having a baby with this birth
less effective. Dimeglio score at birth is a prognostic factor
condition (1).
for surgery, as Goldstein et al. established recently (7).
Many theories have been put up to explain the
A study by Dunkley et al. found that repeat casting
pathological changes seen in clubfeet, but the exact cause
was ineffective, with 86% of patients relapsing following
is still unknown (2). The equinus, varus, adductus, and
the failure of the PM (10). McKay et al. conducted research
cavus abnormalities are all present in this three-
and found that repeat casting and bracing for late relapses
dimensional deformity. A pain-free, functional plantigrade
failed in 94% among patients (11). The authors of Richards
foot is the goal of all treatment, regardless of its nature.
et al. report that certain patients, despite repeated tries, do
Surgeons used to prefer surgical treatment, which has been
not react favorably to conservative treatments. As a result,
shown to be effective in the short term (3). Many
if surgery is required, it should not be avoided (6).
abnormalities can be corrected without surgery by utilizing
The goal of this work was to assess the functional and
a combination of conservative methods such as massage,
radiological outcome of surgically treated clubfeet after
stretching, manipulation, and immobilization. Surgical
failure of Ponseti technique in children.
procedures such as posteromedial release (PMR) or

complete subtalar release may be required if various
manipulation protocols are unable to address the
This prospective study included a total of twelve
abnormalities fully (4).
patients with twelve clubfeet, attending at Orthopedic
For the past two decades, conservative treatment for
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals and
clubfoot has been the primary option. With similar success,
undergoing posterior medial release. This study was
the Ponseti method (PM) and the French functional
conducted between November 2020 to the end of August
approach (FFM) have been much disputed (5). Also, both
PM and FFM have early relapse rates of 37 and 29 percent,

respectively (6). In order to deal with more severe
Ethical Consideration:
malformations, further therapy may be necessary (7).
Zagazig University's research ethics council
Some malformations, even when treated by highly
approved the study as long as all participants signed
skilled and specialized teams, remain resistant to
informed consent forms and submitted them to ZU-
Received: 12/10/2021
Accepted: 10/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 59)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_60 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1354-1361

Study of Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 in Patients with Sepsis in Medical
Intensive Care Unit, Zagazig University Hospitals and its Relation to the Clinical Outcome
Usama Ahmed Khalil1, Hanem Magdy Abdel Nour1, Hossam Hassan Abdel-hamed*2, Islam Mohamed Salem2
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hossam Hassan Abdel-hamed, Mobile: (+20)1026760275, Email: doc.h.hassan2030@gmail.com

Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM- 1), which mediates cell-cell adhesion to the extracellular
matrix, may be released in cascades throughout sepsis, causing serious damage to vascular endothelial cells. Numerous
investigations have demonstrated that it is elevated in individuals with sepsis. Thus, ICAM-1 may be a useful biomarker
in predicting and diagnosing sepsis.
Objectives: The aim of the current work was to measure serum sICAM-1 level in septic ICU patients to determine the
association between serum sICAM-1 and inflammatory response of sepsis, clinical severity and mortality.
Patients and Methods:
A Cohort study was conducted on 40 critically ill patients with sepsis and admitted to the
intensive care unit in the Internal Medicine Hospital, Zagazig University Hospitals. Results: There was a high
significant increase of SICAM-1 level in septic patients with MOF group compared to patients without MOF (p=0.003).
A significant increase of serum ICAM-1 level in the non-survivors group compared to the survivor's group (p<0.001).
Serum ICAM-1 had a significant positive correlation with age, APACHE II, SOFA score, TLC, ESR, CRP, urea and
creatinine. There was no correlation between serum ICAM-1 with each sex, AST and ALT. Using multivariate
regression analysis, it was found that serum sICAM-1 level is an independent factor for predicting the severity. Serum
ICAM-1level at 232.4 ng/ml had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 100%, 100% NPV and 100% PPV in detecting the
clinical Outcome of septic patients in ICU. Conclusions: It could be concluded that the increased serum level of sICAM-
1 in septic ICU patients is associated with inflammatory response and organ damage and may predict their clinical
Outcome during their admissions in ICU.
Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1, Patients with Sepsis, Medical Intensive Care unit, Clinical


such as proinflammatory cytokines, cellular stresses,
Sepsis is a global health problem caused by
hormones and virus infection [3].
infection with high morbidity and mortality and is the
Circulating soluble ICAM-1 (sICAM-1) is
most common cause of death in critically ill patients of
cleaved and released from membrane-boundICAM-1,
intensive care units (ICU). Severe sepsis is
and measurement of blood sICAM-1 levels can estimate
characterized by systemic inflammatory response
ICAM-1 expression in the tissue. Circulating sICAM-1
syndrome (SIRS) and is often complicated with septic
level are increased in many diseases, such as coronary
shock (refractory hypotension) and multiple organ
heart disease, systemic lupus erythematosus,
dysfunction syndromes (MODS), thereby determining
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, atherosclerosis,
the Outcome of severe sepsis. Both proinflammatory
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, colorectal and lung
and anti-inflammatory pathways are activated in severe
cancers [4].
sepsis, and their imbalance can determine the
Circulating sICAM-1 is up-regulated in neonatal
probability of septic shock and MODS. Therefore, new
sepsis and associated with disease severity and systemic
biomarkers are highly needed in the early phase of
inflammation. However, the relationship between
sepsis to aid the diagnosis and stratification of severe
circulating sICAM-1 and adult sepsis is complex and in
sepsis patients [1].
whether sICAM-1 concentration is associated with
Sepsis has three stages started by stage I as
severity and mortality of severe sepsis is not well
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
established [5].
and then stage II as severe sepsis and multiple organ
This study was aimed to measure serum sICAM-
dysfunction (MODS) and complicated by septic shock
1 level in ICU septic patients to determine the
and death as stage III. In Egypt, the incidence rate of
association between serum sICAM-1 and inflammatory
severe sepsis & septic shock in a study was (30.53%)
response of sepsis, clinical severity and mortality and to
with (47.13%) mortality. A gram-positive infection was
find out if sICAM-1 levels can serve as a prognostic
evident in about one-third of the studied septic cases [2].
biomarker for severe sepsis in septic patients in ICU.
Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is a

glycoprotein member of the immunoglobulin
superfamily and acts as one adhesion molecule that
This Cohort (follow up) clinical study was
stimulates leukocyte adhesion and transmigration
conducted to explore role of serum sICAM-1 levels as
across the endothelium. ICAM-1 is constitutively
a prognostic biomarker for patients with sepsis. The
expressed on endothelium and its expression can be
study included a total of 40 patients at Internal
significantly up-regulated by a variety of mediators,
Medicine Intensive Care Units, Zagazig University
Received: 20/10/2021
Accepted: 23/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 60)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_61 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1362-1369

Von Willebrand Factor; a New Non-Invasive Marker for Assessment of
Liver Fibrosis in Infants and Children
Fawzy Mohamed Abdelrazek1, Ahmad Kamal Mansour1,
Tarek El Sayed Barakat1, Nashwa Khairat Abousamra2
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Fawzy Mohamed Abdelrazek, Mobile: (+20)1553628520, Email: fawzimohamed3031991@gmail.com

Von Willebrand Factor (vWF) is a multimeric adhesive protein to which platelets stick. It is
physiologically released by activated endothelial cells during primary hemostasis. High Shear stress induced by
hyperdynamic (splanchnic) circulation in advanced hepatic fibrosis as well as endotoxinemia caused by bacterial
translocation may contribute to the increased levels of vWF releasing from that activated endothelium.
The aim of the current work was to assess the stage of fibrosis changes in children with CLD noninvasively
by measuring the levels of serum Vwf Ag.
Patients and Methods:
This was an observational case control study conducted on sample of 40 infants and children
up to 18 years divided into two equal groups of 20 cases (fibrotic) attending hepatic clinic at Mansoura University
Children' Hospital and another 20 healthy matched controls. The diagnosis of fibrosis was previously verified by clinical,
biochemical, ultrasonographic criteria and biopsy.
There was highly statistically significant increase in vWF value in the cases compared to the controls (167.1
47.8 Vs 112.9 36.1 IU/dL) (P<0.001). vWF Ag values demonstrated insignificant differences concerning etiology of
liver disease, presence or absence of ascites and hepatosplenomegaly (P>0.05). Values of vWF Ag were demonstrated
to be significantly increases in cases with severe fibrosis as well as cases with varices (P<0.05). There were highly
statistically significant correlations between vWF Ag level and both fibrosis stage and Child Score among the studied
patients (P0.001).
It could be concluded Willebrand factor antigen level was positively correlated with liver function tests as
well as varices and could be used as a significant predictor to severity of liver fibrosis and / or cirrhosis in children and
infants with chronic liver disease.
Keywords: Von Willebrand Factor, Liver fibrosis, Infants and Children.


fundamental component of the increased hepatic
Liver fibrosis is the formation of scar tissue in
vascular tone of fibrotic livers (7).
response to parenchymal injury secondary to chronic
Von Willebrand factor (vWF), released from
liver disease, e.g. chronic infection and inflammation. It
activated endothelium in very high molecular weight
distorts the normal liver parenchyma (1). The continuous
forms, is an adhesive protein to which platelets stick.
and progressive replacement of hepatocytes by
Thus, it represents an indicator of endothelial cell
extracellular matrix and fibrous tissue leads to liver
activation and plays a crucial role in high shear stress
cirrhosis (2).
depending on primary hemostasis (8).
Cirrhosis is a diffuse pathophysiological state
Currently, liver biopsy is considered as the gold
of the liver considered to be the final stage of hepatic
standard method for stratification of hepatic fibrosis.
fibrosis, characterized by chronic necroinflammatory
However, liver biopsy is an invasive procedure and has
and fibrogenetic processes, with subsequent conversion
limitations of sampling error and variability of
of normal liver architecture into structurally abnormal
histologic interpretation. Further, it is not feasible in a
nodules, dense fibrotic septa, concomitant parenchymal
routine clinical setting to monitor liver fibrosis with
exhaustion and collapse of the liver tissue (3).
repeated liver biopsy (9).
Complications of fibrosis include jaundice,
Recently, many studies conducted on adults
ascites, portal hypertension, gastrointestinal variceal
have reported the role of elevated vWF-Ag level as a
bleeding, and hepatic encephalopathy, whose presence
prognostic marker in chronic liver disease and it might
is indicative of decompensated disease (4).
be a key player in establishing liver fibrosis and
Portal hypertension is a serious consequence of
cirrhosis (10).
cirrhosis that may result in life-threatening
Additionally, Other studies have reported
complications with increased morbidity and mortality
increase of vWF-Ag level with higher Child­Pugh
(5). Portal hypertension often results in endothelial
Score (CPS) which is considered the most widely used
dysfunction owing to the increased intrahepatic
assessment tool for liver function and has been
pressure, accompanied by changes in the hemostatic
incorporated into algorithms for the management of
system including decrease in platelet levels and activity
patients with chronic liver disease (11).
(6). The endothelium plays a crucial role in many
The aim of work was to investigate whether von
vascular diseases and endothelial dysfunction is a
Willebrand factor antigen level is related to severity of
Received: 11/10/2021
Accepted: 9/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 61)

Manuscript template The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1370-1375

Clinical Outcome of Covid-19 Patients with
Pre-Existing Diabetes Mellitus at King Abdulaziz University Hospital
Amani Alhozali, Yousef Khedher, Rahaf Qari *, Ruaa Nughays
Department of Medicine, King Abdul-Aziz University Jeddah-Saudi Arabia
Address for correspondence: Rahaf Qari, Mobile: +966568666236,
Address: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 22254, Telephone: +966568666236, Email: rahafqari@gmail.com


To investigate the clinical outcome of patients with confirmed COVID-19 who had diabetes mellitus as a
comorbidity at King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Jeddah.

: Retrospective study conducted at an academic tertiary hospital, included 147 adults with a confirmed diagnosis
of diabetes mellitus, and a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19. The data included: age, gender, body mass index (BMI),
HbA1c level, medications, co-morbidities, length of hospital stay, the clinical outcome of the patients, and complications
related to COVID-19 during the hospital stay. Data were analyzed using Stata version 16.

Results: 54% had HbA1c levels >9%. With regard to other health problems, 73% reported having health problems. 31%
and 18% required ICU admission and intubation respectively. Median length of hospital stay was 12 days. Regarding
clinical outcomes, the majority recovered without complications (78%), while 9% recovered with complications and 13%

: The difference in outcomes based on HbA1c levels was not statistically significant, therefore there was
no difference in other clinical parameters based on the different levels of HbA1c. Further, large studies should be
conducted to determine the relationships between diabetes, antidiabetic medications, and COVID-related morbidity and

Covid19, Diabetes, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, Sars-cov2, Saudi Arabia.


disease, had worse clinical outcomes and prognosis than
In December 2019, the novel coronavirus that causes
those without these comorbidities [6,7].
severe respiratory distress syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
In the United States, a study showed that
appeared in Wuhan, China, and subsequently led to the
hospitalized COVID-19 patients with uncontrolled
historic, and currently ongoing, pandemic that has caused
diabetes had a longer length of stay and higher mortality
a global crisis [1,2].
rate than those without diabetes [8].
SARS-CoV-2 binds to angiotensin-converting
Other studies have also identified diabetes mellitus
enzyme 2 receptor via a protein called glycoprotein S; ten
as a risk factor in COVID-19 patients to develop adverse
to twenty times more aggressive than previous SARS
overall clinical outcomes in the form of greater need for
coronaviruses. As this receptor is present in multiple vital
hospitalization, especially in those with higher HbA1c
organs, COVID-19 is associated with end-organ failure of
levels, increased length of stay during hospitalization,
numerous organs and related mortality [3].
occurrence of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and
As of August 13, 2021, there were a total of 205
death [8-11].
million confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 4 million
Similarly, in Saudi Arabia, a study conducted at
resulting deaths globally according to the WHO
King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Hospital in Al Riyadh
dashboard [4]. Saudi Arabia, a country with a population
found that diabetes mellitus is a common comorbidity
of 33.2 million citizens [5] in the Middle East, has
among hospitalized patients with COVID-19[12]. Another
recorded 537,374 confirmed cases and 8388 deaths
study conducted at Prince Sultan Military Medical City,
(mortality rate, 1.56%) [4].
Riyadh, also found diabetes mellitus to be the most
Several published studies have shown that COVID-
commonly associated disease in admitted patients with
19 patients with comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic lung

Received: 29/9/2021
Accepted: 27/11/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 62)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_63 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1376-1382

Efficacy and Safety of Denosumab Versus Zoledronic acid in
Suppressing Bone Metastases of Breast Cancer
Adel G. Gabr¹, Shaimaa A. Badawy¹, Ashraf Z. Abdalla¹, Eman M. Zaki2, Abdallah H. Mohammed¹
1Department of Medical Oncology and Hematological Malignancies,
South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University, Egypt
2Department of Oncologic Pathology, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Shaimaa A. Badawy, Mobile: (+20) 01004801121, E-Mail: shimaaali2481988@gmail.com

60% of patients with metastatic breast cancer will eventually develop bone metastases during course of
disease, bone targeting agents either bisphosphonates or denosumab, through different mechanisms of action, these
bone-specific agents block osteoclast function and reduce the risk of skeletal-related events.
Objectives: This study aimed to compare monoclonal antibody against receptor activator of nuclear factor _ B (RANK)
ligand (denosumab), with zoledronic acid in response, toxicity related to treatment and progression skeletal-related
events free survival in boney metastatic breast cancer.
Patients and Methods: Patients were assigned to receive either subcutaneous denosumab for six months or intravenous
zoledronic acid for six months. The primary end point was difference in response and toxicity between bone targeting
agents. The secondary end point was comparing skeletal progression survival analysis and the response in both.
Results: Denosumab was not superior to zoledronic acid in delaying skeletal progression survival (log rank test P value:
0.119). Disease progression and rates of adverse events were similar between groups. An excess of renal toxicity
occurred with zoledronic acid (P value 0.004), while hypocalcemia occurred more frequently with denosumab (P value
Conclusions: Denosumab was similar to zoledronic acid in delaying skeletal progression survival in bone metastatic
breast cancer (BMBC) and was generally well tolerated. With the convenience of a subcutaneous injection and no
requirement for renal monitoring, denosumab represents a potential treatment option for patients with bone metastases.
While due to severe hypocalcemia with denosumab, zoledronic acid represent a good treatment option for metastatic
Keywords: Breast cancer, Zoledronic acid, Denosumab.

management of patients with bone metastasis (10).
Breast cancer is the most prevalent malignancy and
Bisphosphonates have a dual role in decreasing bone
the foremost cause of cancer related death in women
resorption by exerting an apoptotic effect on osteoclasts
worldwide (1). Also is the most common malignancy in
and increasing mineralization by inhibiting osteoclast
women in the United States and is second only to lung
activity (11), Zoledronic acid (ZOL) is a nitrogen-
cancer as a cause of death. The American Cancer
containing bisphosphonate and potent osteoclast
Society has estimated that 279,100 Americans will be
inhibitor. The administration of these agents may reduce
diagnosed with breast cancer and 42,690 die of disease
the risk of SREs and skeletal morbidity rate (12). Either
in the united states in 2020 (2).
intravenous or oral administration of bisphosphonates
Despite the achievements in the management of this
significantly reduced the absolute risk of SREs by 14%
tumor, breast cancer remains an incurable disease when
(RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.78­0.95) when compared to
it is diagnosed, or it has progressed, towards advanced
placebo (13). Denosumab is a fully human monoclonal
stages (3). Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is estimated
antibody, targets the receptor activator of nuclear factor-
that at least 154.000 people in U.S have metastatic
kappa B (RANK) ligand. This drug inhibits the
breast cancer (4). The median overall survival (OS) of
RANKL/RANK signaling mediated bone resorption,
patients with MBC ranges from 2 to 3 years, with a 27%
suppressing bone turnover and leading to the reduction
overall 5-year relative survival rate (5). The most
of SRE risk (14).
common sites of distant metastasis include bones, lungs,
The objective of our prospective study was to
liver, and brain (6). Bone metastases are common in
evaluate zoledronic acid in comparison to denosumab in
advanced breast cancer; bone is affected in more than
skeletal related events (SREs) progression free survival
70% of patients with MBC (7). Bone metastases not only
in bone metastatic breast cancer and also in toxicity.
considerably reduce the OS but also the health-related

quality of life due to pain, fatigue, and skeletal-related
events (SREs) (8).
81 female breast cancer patients with radiological
Several therapeutic strategies to specifically target
evidence of newly diagnosed bone metastases were
this condition (e.g., bone-modifying agents) are
admitted to our Medical Oncology Department, South
available (9). Bisphosphonates and RANK/RANKL
Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University. Eligible
inhibitors represent the foremost agents for the clinical
criteria of patients were age 18 years with
Received: 16/10/2021
Accepted: 14/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 63)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_64 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1383-1387

Intraocular Pressure, Axial Length and Anterior Chamber Depth
Changes after Scleral Buckling
Ahmad Y. Soliman, Mohammed M. Abdulkadir, Wael O. Elhaig, Ahmad S. Khalil
Department of Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmad Y. Soliman, Mobile: (+20) 01092616853, E-Mail: a7medyeh7ya17@gmail.com

A rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RD) involves pathologic separation of the neural retina from the
pigment epithelium because of a hole or break in the retina. Rhegmatogenous RD leads to the loss of visual function
and requires prompt surgical therapy.
Objective: Study of the axial length (AL) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) following scleral buckling (SB) for
rhegmatogenous retinal detachments (RRD), may help to isolate the preoperative susceptible cases for intraocular
pressure (IOP) variations, explain cause of postoperative IOP changes and find a way to optimize postoperative
management of these changes.
Patients and Methods: The study was a prospective cohort of 28 patients for whom SB surgery was operated at the
Department of Ophthalmology, Zagazig University, Egypt between April 2019 and October 2019. The patients were
divided into two groups depending on the extent of scleral buckle used. Group one (encircling group) included patients
with RRD indicated for encircling (360) scleral buckle. Group two (segmental group) included patients with RRD
indicated for segmental circumferential (less than 360) scleral buckle.
Results: After placement of encircling buckles at 1 month, IOP (in mmHg) increased from 14 ± 1.18 to 27.64±4.77,
ACD (in mm) decreased from 3.66±0.41 to 3.40±0.44 and AL (in mm) increased from 25.56±3.52 to 26.04±0.44 while
after placement of segmental buckles, IOP increased from 14 ± 1.24 to 15.79 ± 2.69, ACD decreased from 3.69±0.28 to
3.63±0.26 and AL increased from 25.56±1.30 to 25.65±1.27 at 1 month.
Conclusion: The study revealed that scleral buckling (either encircling or segmental circumferential) induced increase
in AL and decrease in ACD.
Keywords: ACD, Axial length, Index terms, Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, Scleral buckling.

axial length of 0.99 mm and an average myopic shift of
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) occurs
2.75 diopters(9).
when a break in the retina leads to fluid accumulation
Goezinne et al.(8) measured the anterior chamber
with a separation of the neurosensory retina from the
depth and axial length of the eye globe after encircling
underlying retinal pigment epithelium (1). This is the
scleral buckles using anterior segment-optical
most common type of retinal detachment(2). RRD is
coherence tomography and IOL Master and reported
regarded as an ocular emergency that needs immediate
that the anterior chamber depth remained decreased and
treatment(3). Techniques for the surgical management of
the axial length remained enlarged after scleral buckling
RRD include pneumatic retinopexy, scleral buckling,
for almost 1 year. This was also confirmed by Kim et
pars plana vitrectomy, alone or in combination(4).
al. (10) who found alteration in the shape of the eye by
Scleral buckle(SB) surgery is an established, safe,
changing axial length and anterior chamber depth
successful and the procedure of choice in
following scleral buckling using anterior segment-
uncomplicated RRD especially in young, phakic,
optical coherence tomography and IOL Master. These
myopic patients(5,6) with inferior breaks as it saves the
changes in anterior chamber depth occurred mainly in
crystalline lens in comparison to the high incidence of
the early postoperative period chiefly in the first
cataract developing after pars plana vitrectomy(7).
postoperative week.
Advantages of this technique are better postoperative
Kawana et al. (9) by means of ultrasound
best corrected visual acuity, low morbidity, slight
biomicroscopy, evaluated the ciliary body thickness and
reaction to intraocular inflammation and lack of serious
anterior chamber depth after scleral buckling
intraoperative and postoperative complications. These
procedures, confirming the existence of subclinical
advantages occur due to the minimally invasive and
ciliary edema for at least 1 month postoperatively that
extraocular nature of this procedure(8).
may induce changes in anterior chamber angle.
Scleral buckling causes refractive changes and
Kornmann and Gedde(11) showed IOP elevation
change in the axial length of the globe depending on
following scleral buckling in about 1.4 to 4.4% of cases.
many variables chiefly the type of buckle, the height of
These elevations may be attributed to impaired venous
the buckling effect and the circumferential extent of the
drainage through the vortex veins by the scleral buckle,
buckle. Radial scleral buckles do not induce significant
leading to congestion and swelling of the ciliary body.
refractive changes even when the buckling effect
As the ciliary body swells, it rotates anteriorly and shifts
extents anteriorly to the ora serrate. On the contrary,
the lens-iris diaphragm forward. These morphological
encircling scleral buckles cause an average increase in
changes have been demonstrated experimentally and
Received: 15/10/2021
Accepted: 13/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 64)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_65 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1388-1394

The Diagnostic Potential of Telomerase Level in Malignant Ascites
Manal Sabry1, Naglaa Raafat AbdRaboh*2
1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2Department of Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Naglaa Raafat AbdRaboh, Mobile: (+20)01026494744, E-mail: naglaoda@hotmail.com

The differentiation of the non-malignant ascites (NMA), and malignancy-related ascites (MA) in early
phases, with subsequent appropriate management remains a considerable clinical challenge.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the possible diagnostic value of the level of telomerase enzyme in ascitic
fluid in discrimination between MA and NMA.
Patients and Methods
: The study included 117 patients, divided into two groups: 45 (38.5%) in group I with NMA as
a control group and 72 (61.5%) in group II with MA. Group II was subdivided into group IIa including patients with
primary hepatocellular carcinoma, and IIb that included patients with other non-hepatic malignancies. All patients
were subjected to complete history taking, cytological examination, and biochemical analysis of the level of
telomerase enzyme in ascitic fluid in comparison to cytological examination of ascetic fluid and the serum level of
some specific traditional tumor markers (CA19.9, CEA, CA125, and alpha fetoprotein).
In the malignant group, telomerase level was higher than cut off value (1.2 ng/ml) in (34/40) 85.0% of
group IIa, and (25/32) 78.1% in group IIb, while it was high in (14/45) 31.1% of control group. Cytological
examination was positive in (6/40) 15.0 % of group IIa and (12/32) 37.5% of group IIb. Moreover, in group IIa,
telomerase at cut off level of 5.25 ng/ml and serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) at level of 210.8 ng/ml demonstrated
a sensitivity of 88.4%, 77.1%, and a specificity of 67.7%, 77.3%, respectively.
The level of telomerase enzyme could be a useful tool in evaluating the diagnostic performance of
cytological examination especially if used in combination with another more specific tumor marker and may provide a
better differentiation between MA and NMA.
Keywords: Malignant ascites, Telomerase level, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Tumor markers, Cytological examination.

peritoneal diseases, and hypoalbuminemia, in addition
Telomeres are specialized DNA structures located
to miscellaneous disorders. In the Western world, liver
at the end of chromosomes. They are essential for
cirrhosis is the most common cause of ascites (75%),
stabilizing chromosomes by protecting them from end-
followed by malignancy (10%), heart failure (3%),
to-end fusion and DNA degradation (1). Telomerase is a
tuberculosis (2%), and pancreatitis (1%) (7). Malignant
ribonucleoprotein complex containing a telomerase
ascites is an initial diagnostic feature in about 50% of
RNA component (TR), and a catalytic protein with
patients with cancer in organs of pelvic and abdominal
cavities that is associated with significant morbidity (8).
(TERT). TERT which synthesizes de novo telomere
This could be found in many malignancies as adrenal,
sequences by using TR as a template, is the rate-
limiting component of the telomerase complex (2).
It adds DNA sequence repeats ("TTAGGG" in all
mesothelioma, neuroendocrine, ovarian, pancreatic,
vertebrates) to the 3' end of DNA strands in the
and renal tumors (9, 10), mostly it is a poor prognostic
telomere regions at the ends of eukaryotic
chromosomes that contain non-coding DNA, hindering
The differentiation between malignancy-related
the loss and damage of important DNA from
ascites (MA) and non-malignant ascites (NMA) is
chromosomal ends whenever the chromosome is
important in therapeutic and prognostic terms,
copied. Critical shortening of telomeres occurs during
considering that optimum management should be able
progressive cell division leading to dysfunctional
to maximize patient's comfort and quality of life (11).
telomeres, provoke DNA damage responses that result
Management options for malignant ascites include,
in cellular senescence. Telomerase is suggested to play
diuretic therapy, therapeutic paracentesis, and
an important role in development and survival of
peritoneo-venous shunts. Oncological interventions
tumors, as it has a detectable activity in large majority
could be helpful in ovarian carcinoma, lymphoma, as
(~90%) of cancer cells, at which telomere length is
well as hormonal therapy in hormone-sensitive
maintained by telomerase enzyme. This is mostly
malignancies (6).
achieved through upregulation of human TERT gene
Cytological analysis is considered a well-
(hTERT) that encodes telomerase (3-5).
established golden diagnostic standard of malignancy
Ascites is pathological accumulation of fluid in
in ascites (12, 13). Clearly, positive cytology is highly
the peritoneal cavity that is caused by a wide variety of
indicative for peritoneal carcinomatosis. However, the
benign and malignant causes (6). Ascites can be
sensitivity of cytology is variable, ranging between 60-
classified by the underlying pathophysiological
83%, and it could be as high as 97% if three samples
mechanism that includes portal hypertension,
from separate paracentesis are analyzed (14). But, many
Received: 16/10/2021
Accepted: 14/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 65)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_66 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1395-1399

Safe Surgical Approach to Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy:
Posterior Wall Left Cholecystectomy
Esra Diçi¹, Rifat Peksöz*¹, Mehmet lhan Yildirgan¹, Mesud Fakirullaholu³,
Yavuz Albayrak¹, Fatma Kesmez Can², Sabri Selçuk Atamanalp¹
Department of ¹General Surgery and ²Infectious Diseases and
Clinical Microbiology, Atatürk University Faculty of Medicine, Erzurum/Turkey
³Department of General Surgery, Erzurum City Hospital, Erzurum/ Turkey
*Corresponding author: Rifat Peksöz, Mobile: (+90) 04423447562, E-mail: rifat-peksoz@hotmail.com

Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the most common surgical procedures. This surgery can
be difficult and risky for various reasons. Leaving the posterior wall of the gallbladder (GB) may be a safe option.
Objectives: This study aimed to discuss the results of patients who underwent LC with or without leaving the posterior
wall of the gallbladder left in situ.
Patients and methods: Data of 105 patients who underwent consecutive laparoscopic cholecystectomy between 2017-
2021 were analyzed retrospectively. The patients were divided into groups according to whether the posterior wall of
the GB was left in situ and the severity of the sac. The results of 52 patients who underwent standard LC in group 1, 14
patients with normal cholelithiasis and posterior wall left in group 2, 13 patients with elective infection risk and posterior
wall left in group 3, and 26 patients with acute cholecystitis and posterior wall left in group 4, were compared.
White blood cell (WBC), C-reactive protein (CRP) values of group (3, 4) were statistically higher than the
other two groups (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of postoperative
fever, pulse, bile and gallbladder wall cultures, and trocar site infection rates.
Standard LC surgery can be performed in uncomplicated cholelithiasis cases. However, in difficult
gallbladder cases, leaving the posterior wall of the GB can provide a safe operation. The postoperative results of this
patient group were not different from the uncomplicated group.
Keywords: Critical view of safety, Difficult cholecystectomy, Gallbladder, Laparoscopy


laboratory parameters, vital signs, bile fluid culture
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy (LC) is one of the most
results, and complications, and to discuss them in light
common surgical procedures ¹. Although considered
of the literature.
technically easy, it can have serious consequences when

complications occur in patients with `'difficult
gallbladder'' and biliary tract variation. For this reason,
Patients with indications for elective or emergency
The Society of American Gastrointestinal and
cholecystectomy who underwent LC between 2017 and
Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) has created a `'Safe
2021 in Atatürk University General Surgery Clinic,
Cholecystectomy Task Force'' to establish a universal
were analyzed retrospectively.
culture of safety and reduce biliary injuries ². The
Patients were divided into 4 groups.
classical anatomy of the biliary tract is present in only
Group 1- 52 patients who underwent elective
30-50% of individuals, and the high rate of abnormal
standard LC (without leaving the posterior wall of the
anatomical variation can make the surgical procedure
even more dangerous ³. Causes of difficult gallbladder
Group 2- 14 elective, risk-free patients who
include obesity, adhesions, acute or chronic
underwent LC by leaving the posterior wall
inflammation, hydropic gallbladder (GB), and liver
Group 3- 13 Patients at risk of elective infection
cirrhosis . In patients with advanced cirrhosis and
who underwent LC by leaving the posterior wall
severe portal hypertension, the presence of portal
(patients with biliary colic attacks within 30 days before
the procedure, Common bile duct stones, Jaundice,
complicates the dissection of Calot's triangle and
Non-functioning gall bladder)
gallbladder hilum or control of liver bed bleeding . In
Group 4- 26 Patients with acute cholecystitis who
these cases, the risk of serious complications arises, and
underwent LC by leaving the posterior wall.
the rate of conversion to open surgery increases.
The study included 105 patients. All patients had
Therefore, in patients with anatomical variation,
gallstones. The disease was diagnosed with the imaging
advanced cirrhosis, severe portal hypertension, and
methods of ultrasonography (US) and/or magnetic
difficult gallbladder, LCs performed by leaving the
resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). Patients
posterior wall in situ may be safer than the standard
who underwent LC were included in the study
consecutively. All operations were performed by
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the
experienced surgeons under general anesthesia. No
classical LC and the modified LC technique in which
patients' gallbladder was opened and no posterior wall
the posterior wall is left in situ by comparing the
was left to increase the number of patients in the study.
Received: 19/10/2021
Accepted: 17/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 66)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_67 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1400-1406

Anthropometric Measures as Predictors of Non-Alcoholic
Fatty Liver Disease in Adult Asymptomatic Egyptians
Moustafa Abd El Hamid Ali*1, Ghada Moustafa Galal1,
Mustafa Adel Ahmed Younis2, Amr Mohammed Zaghloul1
1Tropical Medicine and Gastroenterology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
2Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Moustafa Abd El Hamid Ali, Mobile: (+20) 01004348810, E-Mail: m_metwally88@yahoo.com

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common liver disease involving about 25% of the
world's population. Several studies investigated the role of the different anthropometric measures in NAFLD diagnosis.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic performance of the different anthropometric measures as non-
invasive predictors for the presence of steatosis in a series of NAFLD patients.
Patients and methods:
A cross-sectional study was conducted in a series of adult asymptomatic subjects. NAFLD was
diagnosed in 100 cases by ultrasonography for whom controlled attenuation parameters (CAP) examination was done.
Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WCir), waist to height ratio (WHtR), lipid accumulation product (LAP)
were measured. Also, subcutaneous and preperitoneal fat were measured using abdominal ultrasound. Roc curve analysis
was used to detect the optimal cutoff of different models that predict steatosis.
BMI, WCir, WHtR, LAP, subcutaneous and preperitoneal fat had good diagnostic performance for predicting
hepatic steatosis (AUROC for LAP=1 and approaching 1 in all other anthropometric measures).
Conclusion: The clinical anthropometric measures are easy applicable and non-costly promising tools for the prediction
of NAFLD in Egyptian patients.
NAFLD, Steatosis, Anthropometric, BMI.


anthropometric measures as non-invasive predictors for
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is
the presence of steatosis in a series of NAFLD patients.
the most common chronic liver disease worldwide

affecting about 25% of the general population (1).
NAFLD represents a spectrum of histological findings
This study was a hospital-based cross-
that range from simple increase of intrahepatic lipid
sectional, nested case­control study. Participants were
content (steatosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver, NAFL) to
selected by simple random sampling from
an inflammatory progressive disease known as non-
asymptomatic adults aged 18-75 years accompanying
alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). NASH could result in
patients attending to either the Tropical Medicine and
fibrosis, cirrhosis, and subsequently hepatocellular
Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic or the Inpatient
carcinoma (HCC) (2). The increased NAFLD prevalence
Section of the Department, Sohag University Hospital.
globally is the result of the rising rates of obesity and
Another group of 50 subjects with no sonographic
diabetes (3). The majority of patients with NAFLD are
evidence for fatty liver were randomly selected as
suffering from obesity (4). Owing to this strong positive
association between obesity and NAFLD, it can be

expected that the prevalence of NAFLD will increase
Exclusion criteria:
with the rising rates of obesity (5).
Participants aged < 18 years or > 75 years. Those
Although liver biopsy is the gold standard for
with a diagnosis of liver diseases other than NAFLD or
diagnosing fatty liver disease and assessment of its
any end-stage liver diseases, including viral hepatitis,
severity, it has several limitations such as the invasive
drug-induced liver injury, autoimmune liver disease,
nature and the risk of complications including pain,
Wilson's disease, primary biliary cholangitis or any
bleeding and infection (6). It is also susceptible to
other CLD that might coexist with NAFLD. We also
sampling errors and assesses only a small fraction
excluded participants with alcohol consumption of 30
(1/50,000th) of the liver parenchyma (7).
g/day in men or 20 g/day in women. All included
A positive correlation was found between
individuals were subjected to a thorough medical
NAFLD and Body mass index (BMI) and waist
history and clinical examination.
circumference (WCir) which are the most commonly

The following anthropometric measures were
anthropometric measures including waist-to-height ratio
(WHtR) and lipid accumulation product (LAP) were
BMI was calculated using the following formula:
found to be more sensitive and specific for
BMI = weight (kg)/ height (m2) (10). WCir was
discriminating visceral fat compared to the classic
measured as described by WHO (11) at a level
measure as WCir and BMI (9). In this study, we aimed to
midway between the lower rib margin and iliac crest
determine the diagnostic performance of the different
with the tape all around the body. WHtR was
Received: 18/10/2021
Accepted: 16/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 67)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1407-1413

Study of Nutritional Status among End Stage Renal Disease Patients on
Regular Hemodialysis in Zagazig University Hospitals
Mohamed Ahmed EL Maghawry, Yasser A. El-hendy,
Ahmed M Salah, Mohamed El Nokrashy Saad*, Usama Ragab
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Mohamed El Nokrashy Saad Zaghlool, Email: mohamedelnokrashy99@gmail.com


Background: The frequency of malnutrition among hemodialysis (HD) cases differs widely depending on the study
participants and assessment methods.
Objective: This study aimed to estimation of the prevalence of malnutrition among hemodialysis adult patients in
Zagazig University Hospitals by using different methods.
Patients and Methods: At Zagazig University Hospitals, Nephrology Unit, Internal Medicine Department, we
conducted our study on 95 patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on regular hemodialysis. All patients underwent
a thorough history-taking as well as laboratory investigations.
Results: Mini-nutritional assessment had a statistically significant relationship with gender, body mass index (BMI),
and dialysis duration. The mini-nutritional assessment (MNA) score, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum iron, serum
calcium, serum albumin, and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol had a statistically significant positive
correlation. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is negatively correlated with the mini-nutritional assessment
score. The correlation between Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) and BMI was statistically significant. Among
factors significantly correlated to MNA score, only BMI (unstandardized =0.978, 0<0.001) and serum albumin
unstandardized =1.625, p=0.004) significantly independently correlated with it.
Conclusion: Chronic kidney disease patients who receive hemodialysis on a regular basis are more likely to suffer from
malnutrition. Malnutrition becomes more common as people get older and their kidney function deteriorates. The MNA
and SGA Score, when used as regular screening tools, revealed a significant risk of malnutrition and can be used during
the treatment course and rehabilitation of ESRD patients.
Keywords: End-stage renal disease, Malnutrition, Hemodialysis.

proteolysis occurs when blood amino acid levels rapidly
Malnutrition is a condition in which the body's
decline at the outset of hemodialysis. Long-term muscle
tissues are deficient in essential macronutrients or
loss may be the result of this catabolic process. It has
specific micronutrients. There is an increased risk of both
been demonstrated that feeding dialysis patients through
mortality and morbidity in patients with end-stage renal
regular meals, special liquid feeding, or parenteral
disease (ESRD) who are on hemodialysis (HD) (1).
medication can reverse this catabolic condition and
Patients with HD are at risk for malnutrition because of a
should be used as frequently as feasible to achieve this
variety of factors. More than half of the malnutrition in
goal (6). We performed the current study to find out how
hemodialysis patients is caused by anorexia and changed
common malnutrition is among adult hemodialysis
taste sensations in addition to a variety of other
patients by employing a variety of assessment methods.
conditions, such as intercurrent sickness or hyper-

catabolism and diminished anabolism (2). An estimated
16 to 62% of HD patients are malnourished, depending
From January 2021 to July 2021, at Zagazig
on the study participants and diagnostic methods used (3).
University Hospitals, Nephrology Unit of Internal
Early identification of malnutrition is critical for
Medicine Department, our cross-sectional trial was
providing enough nutritional support, managing the
conducted on 95 patients with end-stage renal disease on
illness effectively, and preventing the negative clinical
regular hemodialysis. All received three weekly HD
outcomes associated with it (4). Patients on hemodialysis
sessions, each of 4 hours-duration. Zagazig University's
who are protein­energy malnourished and have wasting
Clinical Pathology Department handled the technical
are more likely to die. Hemodialysis patients' nutritional
status cannot be accurately assessed by a single

measurement (5). For the following reasons, protein
Ethical approval:
requirements during hemodialysis appear to be
When all participants completed informed
insufficient. Dialysis treatment causes nutrients to be lost
permission papers and submitted them to the
through the dialysis filter (glucose, amino acids, vitamins
Research Ethics Committee at Zagazig University,
and trace elements. Dialysis itself is a catabolic process
the study was permitted (ZU-IRB#6983). Ethics
that causes the breakdown of protein (heparin role,
guidelines for human experimentation were adhered
albumin fragmentation, as well as pro-inflammatory
to in line with the Helsinki Declaration of the World
cytokines release). To maintain acceptable plasma and
Medical Association.
cellular amino acid concentrations, for example, muscle

Received: 17/10/2021
Accepted: 15/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 68)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_69 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1414-1417

Retrospective Study of Radiological Diagnosis of
Intra-Cranial Complication of Sinusitis
Magdy Abd Allah Sayed El Ahl, Ahmed Abdel Aziz Elsayed Elsammak,
Nora Yousef Elharam, Ahmed Ibrahim Elsayed
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University, Egypt.
*Corresponding Author: Nora Yousef Elharam, Mobile: (+20)01090398488, Email:ywsfnwr626@gmail.com

Intracranial involvement in complicated sinusitis is a rare but potentially fatal process. This study aimed
to assess the role of radiological diagnosis in assessment and timing of surgical intervention in sinusitis patients
complicated with intracranial complications. Patients and Methods: This retrospective cross sectional study was
conducted in ENT and Radiology Departments, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University on 24 cases with sinusitis
complicated with intracranial complications. Results: Included 12 patients had cavernous sinus thrombosis 50% of them
were males with mean age of 65.4 years. They were presented with facial pain, facial edema, fever, proptosis, nasal
obstruction and headache. 2 male patients had lateral sinus thrombosis with mean age of 61.4 years, they were presented
with headache. 2 patients had meningitis, one male and other female with mean age of 41 years. They were presented
with convulsion, fever and headache. CT of paranasal sinuses (PNS) showed sphenoidal sinusitis with mucosal
thickening. CT Brain was irrelevant. MRI brain showed leptomeningeal enhancement, distention of subarachnoid space
and widening of interhemispheric fissure. All patients underwent surgical debridement of diseased tissues with
anticoagulant therapy. One patient died (50%). Conclusions: Both CT scan and MRI of the sinuses are mandatory in
any patient presenting with features suggestive of intracranial complicated sinusitis.
Keywords: Paranasal sinusitis, Orbital involvement, Radiological.

Sinusitis can be caused by a virus, bacteria, or
Complications of paranasal sinusitis are
fungus (invasive fungal sinusitis) that swells and blocks
comparatively rare in the antibiotic era; however, a
the sinuses. A few specific causes include the common
significant proportion of patients (5­40%) can be
cold, nasal and seasonal allergies, including allergies to
affected by sinusitis, mostly due to the delayed
mold, polyps (growths), a deviated septum; the septum
diagnosis of the disease(1). Among paranasal sinuses,
is the line of cartilage that divides your nose, a deviated
frontal sinusitis is the most common predisposing
septum means that it isn't straight, so that it is closer to
pathology leading to brain abscess where the frontal
the nasal passage on one side of the nose, causing a
lobe is mostly affected because of its proximal location.
blockage, and a weak immune system from illness or
Parietal abscess can be found in patients suffering from
sphenoid sinusitis, and temporal lobe abscess is very
This study aimed to assess the role of radiological
rare. Sinusitis is presumed to be the underlying cause of
diagnosis in assessment and timing of surgical
10% of all intracranial abscesses. Patients in the
intervention in sinusitis patients complicated with
adolescent age group get frequently affected by
intracranial complications.
unwanted complications(2). Orbital involvement is the

most common complication of sinusitis (accounting for
80% of all complications) because of its close
This retrospective cross sectional study was
anatomical relationship to the paranasal sinuses. If
conducted in ENT and Radiology Departments, Faculty
intraorbital complications are not treated in time, they
of Medicine, Zagazig University on 24 cases with
can progress to life-threatening complications such as
sinusitis complicated with intracranial complications.
optic neuritis, cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis or
Inclusion criteria: Gender: male and female. Patients
intracranial complications(3,4) .
Based upon the anatomical sites and the degree of
involvement, the patient can have various presentations
Exclusion criteria: Postoperative intracranial infections.
in complicated sinusitis. Along with a proper history
Post-traumatic intracranial infections.
and clinical examination, extensive radiological
Each patient's data set was thoroughly evaluated for
evaluation (computed tomography [CT] scan/magnetic
age, gender, occupation, residence, nasal symptoms
resonance imaging [MRI] of the paranasal sinus and
such as nasal obstruction, mucous-purulent rhinitis,
brain) is always mandated in patients with suspected
impairment in olfaction or anosmia or hyposmia, crust
complications. Conservative treatment is offered as the
formation, epistaxis, discharge, facial pain, headache,
first line of treatment for all complicated sinusitis.
fever, facial fullness or edema, nausea and vomiting.
Endoscopic/open surgical drainage is warranted in
History of ocular manifestations such as; decreased
progressive disease which does not respond to medical
visual acuity, diplopia, proptosis, ophthalmoplegia,
exophthalmos and swelling of the eyelids, neurological
Received: 16/10/2021
Accepted: 14/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 69)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_70 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1418-1420

Relation between Alkaline Phosphatase and Cardiovascular Disease: Review Article
Omar Adel Abdelkader El-Ghazaly*, Sherif E. H. A, Hussien E.M, El-Kot M. A.
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Omar Adel Abdelkader El-Ghazaly, E-Mail: dr.omarelghazali@gmail.com

In human tissues, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is a membrane-bound glycoprotein with the highest activity
reported in kidneys, bone as well as in liver. In recent years, it has emerged as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
ALP has been linked to increased vascular inflammation as well as calcification in both laboratory and clinical trials.
Blood ALP activity has been associated with an increased risk of death or significant adverse cardiovascular events
such as stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, coronary slow flow phenomenon, and peripheral
artery disease in epidemiological studies. Patients with chronic renal disease may benefit from medication therapy aimed
at improving bone AP, according to new research.
Objective: This review article aimed to evaluate the Potential relationship between cardiovascular disease and alkaline
The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed, Google scholar and
science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as [alkaline phosphatase AND
cardiovascular disease OR CVD] and in peer-reviewed articles between June 2005 and October 2021.
Diagnosis of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is not based on ALP measurement. According to recent
research, heart disease and CVD-related death are both more likely in people with higher levels of AP activity.
Keywords: Alkaline phosphatase, Cardiovascular disease.

absence of non-ossifying cartilage, was reported to
liberate phosphate by Robison in 1923. Robison and
As a plasma membrane-anchored enzyme,
Soames later termed the enzyme found in bone
alkaline phosphatases can be found in a wide range of
"monophosphoric esterase. Elevated AP levels have
organisms, from bacteria to humans. Catalyzing the
been linked to cardiovascular disease (CVD) and
hydrolysis and transphosphorylation reactions, the
mortality in population-based research, according to
enzymes can be applied to a wide range of substrate
epidemiological evidence. In patients who had suffered
phosphate monoesters and acceptors (1). The
an acute myocardial infarction, Tonelli and colleagues
biochemical characterisation of AP and the postulation
(3) looked at the correlation between AP and
of its physiological role were greatly aided by a series of
cardiovascular disease risk. A stronger connection was
experiments conducted by Robison and Kay (2) in the
shown between AP and death as the concentration of
1920s. Hexosephosphoric ester hydrolyzed in the
phosphate increased (3).
presence of rabbit and rat bone extracts, but not in the

Structure and function:

Figure (1): The L/B/K ALP protein structure is depicted in a ribbon diagram (1).
Received: 19/10/2021
Accepted: 17/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 70)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_71 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1421-1426

Laparoscopic Totally Extra-Peritoneal (TEP) Versus
Transabdominal Pre-Peritoneal (TAPP) Inguinal Hernioplasty
Ahmed Masaud A. Tyur*, Yasser A. Orban, Ahmed M. Sallam, Abdelrahman A. Sarhan
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Ahmed Masaud A Tyur, Email: ahmed.tuoor@yahoo.com
The totally extraperitoneal (TEP) and transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair are the most prominent
laparoscopic techniques for the repair of inguinal hernia.
Objective: The current study aimed to reduce postoperative complications including recurrence rate, wound infection,
and nerve injury.
Patients and methods: The study was a prospective comparative between TEP versus TAPP inguinal hernioplasty. The
study included 60 patients who were presented in the outpatient clinic at Zagazig Hospitals University and followed up
at our clinics. The cases were aliquoted randomly into 2 groups, group (I): 30 cases subjected to TAPP hernioplasty,
and group (II): 30 cases subjected to TEP hernioplasty.
Results: The present findings showed remarkable increase in scrotal swelling frequency in TEP group than TAPP group,
and also a significant elevation in subcutaneous emphysema frequency in TAPP group than TEP group, while
concerning the operative complication there was not any remarkable difference between the groups. The current results
revealed that during follow-up (6 months), there was not any reported recurrent cases.
Conclusion: TEP showed increased safety and potential peritoneal repair. On the other side, TAPP revealed easier
learning curve and fine visualization. Both techniques are effective in inguinal hernia management and were
associated with 0% recurrence. However, due to short follow up duration, and small sample size, longer-term studies
are also recommended.
Keywords: Inguinal Hernioplasty, TAPP, TEP, Totally extraperitoneal, Transabdominal preperitoneal.

Groin hernias are organ abnormal protrusion
The study was a prospective cohort study between
through a weak area in the lower abdomen. The groin is
laparoscopic TEP versus TAPP repair of inguinal
the area between the abdomen and thigh, including
hernioplasty. The study included 60 male patients that
femoral, indirect, and direct hernias (1). Among the
were presented in the outpatient clinic of Liver, GIT and
general surgeries, the repair of inguinal hernia is
Laparoscopic Surgery Unit at Zagazig Hospitals
considered common worldwide, the diagnosis depends
University during the period between January (2021)
on the physical examination and history, also is
and January (2022) and were followed up at our clinics.
distinguished by bulge appearance. Laparoscopic repair
The cases with following criteria were subjected to
with mesh, open primary repair, and open tension-free
the study; male cases more than 18 years old, patients
repair with mesh are considered the most frequent
with unilateral or bilateral inguinal hernia, and cases
treatment (2).
with comorbidities but fit for laparoscopic surgery.
Inguinal hernia represented 97% of groin hernia,
The exclusion criteria included; cases with
while femoral hernia represented 3%. Concerning
complicated inguinal hernia such as irreducibility,
gender, the males possessed 90.2%, while females
possessed 9.8% of inguinal hernia, while femoral hernia
strangulation, patients unfit for surgery, huge
was female-predominant. The hernia risk factors
inguinoscrotal hernia, and patients with inguinal hernia
included external, and patient related factors. Inguinal
associated with more than grade II varicocele by U/S.
hernia elevated incidences were correlated with male
The cases were allocated randomly into 2 groups,
gender, hiatal hernia, Caucasian race, older age, and
group (I): 30 cases underwent TAPP hernioplasty, and
lower body mass index (BMI) (3).
group (II): 30 cases underwent TEP hernioplasty.
Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) repair

includes laparoscopic assessment of peritoneal cavity
Preoperative evaluation:
and inguinal areas, also a mesh is placed against
The evaluation included preoperative clinical
inguinal wall to reduce the sac of hernia (4). The totally
examination (general
extraperitoneal repair (TEP) helps in hernia sac
examination, vital signs, abdominal examination, and
reduction and dissection, myopectineal orifices
chest examination), and local examination of the hernia
evaluation, and mesh placement without abdominal
site to detect its type and size and to exclude any
cavity entering (5).
complicated hernias (such as incarcerated, irreducible,
The aim of the current study was to reduce
or huge hernias).
postoperative complications including recurrence rate,
Investigations were requested for all patients,
wound infection, and nerve injury.
including: Laboratory tests including kidney and liver

function tests, complete blood picture, fasting blood

sugar levels and hepatitis markers, coagulation profile,

Received: 17/10/2021
Accepted: 15/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 71)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_72 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1427-1435

Non-Diabetic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetic Patients: Assiut University Experience
Mohammad A Sobh1 , Ahmed A. Obiedallah2 , Asmaa Nady Sayed*3 ,
Walaa H Ibrahim1 , Essam M. Abdel Aziz1 , Wesam Ismail4
1 Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology Unit,2 Department of Internal Medicine,
Cardiology and Critical care Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut,
3 Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology Unit, Umm Al Qusur Assiut University Hospital, Assiut,
4 Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Asmaa Nady Sayed, Mobile: (+2) 01006854221 / (+2) 01550131140,
E-mail: Dr_Asmaa_Nady@yahoo.com

: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD) is regarded as the leading reason for inducing end-stage renal disease (ESRD),
representing (34.7%) of hemodialysis patients in Egypt.
Also, the prevalence of non diabetic kidney disease (NDKD) is high in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Consequently,
renal biopsy is considered the gold standard for determining NDKD in T2DM.
This study investigated the potential reasons for triggering kidney disease in T2DM cases with atypical presentations of
DKD. Patients and Methods: The present study was conducted in the Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology Unit,
Assiut University Hospital, Egypt, during the interval from January 2016 to May 2020. We recruited 60 patients with T2DM
and investigated for the atypical presentation of DKD in this study.
Subjects underwent laboratory investigations, examination, detailed history, special investigations when indicated, fundus
examination, and renal biopsy. Results: The current study showed that the NDKD either alone or coexisting with DKD,
representing 81.7% of the studied patients. Subjects were categorized into three groups according to the findings of biopsy
DKD, NDKD, and coexisting DKD with NDKD; the frequencies were 11 (18.30 %), 32 (53.30 %), and 17 (28.30 %),
respectively. Amyloidosis is the most common renal disease, followed by acute tubular injury.
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that NDKD is prevalent in T2DM, and renal biopsy is considered the gold standard
for diagnosing renal pathology in diabetic patients.
Keywords: Diabetic kidney disease, Renal biopsy, Non Diabetic Kidney disease.
Abbreviations: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), non diabetic kidney disease (NDKD), type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM), glomerular filtration rate (GFR), the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), modified diet in renal disease (MDRD), antinuclear antibody
test (ANA), anti-double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (AntiDs-DNA), antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies test (ANCA), hepatitis
B surface antigen (HBsAg), hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C), blood pressure (BP), masson's trichrome stains (MT), immunoperoxidase (IP),
leucocyte chemotactic factor type 2 (LECT2), amyloid light-chain (AL), amyloid A (AA), the global sclerosis score (GS), advanced
glycation end products (AGEs), renal reactive amyloidosis (RAAA), acute kidney injury (AKI), diabetes mellitus (DM), diastolic blood
pressure (DBP), systolic blood pressure (SBP), periodic acid­Schiff (PAS), eosin and hematoxylin (H&E), standard deviation (SD),
hypertension (HTN), mean arterial pressure (MAP), Immunohistochemistry (IHC).


DKD is regarded as the primary reason for inducing
3. Renal biopsy is considered the standard gold method to
ESRD, representing (34.7%) of hemodialysis cases in
diagnose kidney disease in T2DM 4.
Egypt 1. The guidelines of KDOQI in 2007 defined DKD
Several groups found that the most frequent NDKD
involvement as the existence of microalbuminuria or
diagnoses in diabetes patients' renal biopsies are focal
macroalbuminuria, along with diabetic retinopathy in
segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), membranous
both kinds of diabetes mellitus (DM) 2. On the contrary,
nephropathy, and IgA nephropathy 5.
the properties that indicate the existence of NDKD were
In our study, we aimed at determining the potential
summarized as: a rapid decline in renal function, non-
reasons for inducing kidney disease in T2DM cases.
existence of diabetic retinopathy, rapid elevation in

nephrotic syndrome or proteinuria, active urinary
sediment, refractory hypertension, symptoms or signs of
systemic disease, as well as decreased glomerular
The current prospective cross-sectional study was
filtration rate (GFR) for more than 30% within 2­3
conducted in the Department of Internal Medicine,
months following the blockade of the renin-angiotensin-
Nephrology Unit, Assiut University Hospital, Egypt,
aldosterone system (RAAS) 2.
during the interval from January 2016 to May 2020. We
In contrast, NDKD pervasiveness is increased in
recruited 60 patients with T2DM and investigated for the
T2DM, and thus it is crucial to identify NDKD in T2DM
atypical presentation of DKD.
Received: 14/10/2021
Accepted: 12/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 72)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_73 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1436-1441

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Phenotypes among Infertile Women in
Zagazig University Hospitals
Amal Mohamed Al Anwar, Mohamed Lotfy Mohamed El Sayed,
Ameerah Mohammed Alsheebani Salim*, Hoda Sibai Abd Al Salam
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ameerah Mohammed Alsheebani Salim, Email: Amiramh545@gmail.com

Little studies have been performed to study the different Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) phenotypes
among infertile women.
Objective: Evaluation the phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome among infertile women in Zagazig University
Patients and methods: This study was conducted, as cross-sectional study on 48 infertile women attending Cytogenetic
Unit and Ultrasound Unit at Zagazig University Hospital, who were diagnosed with PCOS. They were evaluated by
ultrasonography. They were assigned into four phenotypes; A, B, C, and D, on basis of Rotterdam criteria.
The primary infertility was more common among phenotype A, while secondary infertility was more common
among phenotypes B and D but without statistical significance difference. There was no statistically significant
difference between different types of PCO in prolactin, FSH, free testosterone and cortisol but there was a statistically
significant increase in LH among type D in comparison to other types, there was a statistically significant increase in
total testosterone among type A in comparison to other types and there was a statistically significant decrease in 17 -
OHP among type D in comparison to other types. There was a statistically significant increase in antral follicle count
on right side among type A in comparison to other types and there was a statistically significant increase in antral follicle
count on left side among type A and D in comparison to other types.
Conclusion: The study suggests that phenotypic group A is the most prevalent phenotype of PCOS.
Keywords: Infertility, Phenotypes, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.


criteria that include both hyperandrogenism (HA) and
endocrinopathy, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
oligo-anovulation (OA), according to a 2018
is quite common. It is common for young women with
international PCOS guideline (7).
PCOS to suffer from infertility, menstrual irregularities,
The clinical manifestations of PCOS include
and persistent anovulation due to their condition.
infertility, hyperandrogenism, oligo ovulation or
PCOS-afflicted women have a 10-fold increased risk of
anovulation, and other metabolic problems. There was
infertility, which affects up to 40% of the population (1).
a statistically significant difference between the infertile
Fertility is reduced because of the endocrine, metabolic,
women with PCOS and the infertile women who had
and gynecological problems associated with PCOS,
normal ovaries in terms of the frequency of
which affect the ovary's ability to function (2).
menstruation, oligomenorrhea, hirsutism and serum
As a result, the frequency of PCOS can vary
testosterone levels (8).
greatly from place to place and population to
So finally, in 2012, National Institutes of Health
population. A person's race and ethnicity play a role in
(NIH) consensus panel proposed the phenotypic
whether or not they are diagnosed with PCOS.
approach to classify PCOS (9) into: (1) Phenotype A
According to the Rotterdam criteria, PCOS and PCO
(full-blown syndrome PCOS: PCO+OD+ HA)
have a global prevalence of 5-10% and 17-22%,
involving polycystic ovaries (PCO), ovulatory
respectively. There are few research in Africa on the
dysfunction (OD), in addition to HA (biochemical or
prevalence of PCOS, with estimates ranging from 16
clinical), (2) Phenotype B (non-PCO PCOS: OD+HA)
percent to 32 percent from various institutions (3).
involves ovulatory dysfunction (OD) and HA. (3)
Polycystic ovaries (PCO) are characterized by antral
Phenotype C (ovulatory PCOS: PCO+ HA) involves
follicles that have been unable to mature. PCOS is
PCO and HA. (4) Phenotype D (non-hyperandrogenic
thought to be the root cause of anovulatory infertility in
PCOS: PCO+OD) involves PCO and OD.
as many as 75% of women with the condition. A quarter
These four phenotypes are still to be established
of women with PCO go on to develop PCOS symptoms,
as a broad range of the same illness, which is known as
making it the most common form of PCOS (4,5).
PCOS. PCOS phenotypes have not been studied
PCOS is associated with insulin resistance and
thoroughly enough (10).
obesity, but neither of these symptoms is listed in the
Aim of the work was to evaluation of polycystic
diagnostic criteria, thus they should be employed for
ovary syndrome phenotypes in Zagazig University
this reason (6). Diagnosing polycystic ovarian syndrome
Hospitals among infertile women.
is a difficult task. Adolescents with polycystic ovaries

(PCOS) should be diagnosed using updated Rotterdam
Received: 17/10/2021
Accepted: 15/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 73)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_74 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1442-1448

The Association Between COVID-19 Pfizer Vaccine and
The Reported Post-Vaccination Menstrual Changesi Citizen and
Resident Women in KSA: Results of Riyadh Survey Study
Ezat A. Mersal1, 2, Ahmed A. Morsi3, Alaa M. Hassanein2,4, Aryaf Alshammri5,
Abeer Alshammari5, Nourah Alkahmous5, Fatimah Alhuwayji5, Riham G Elfawal6,7
1Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
2Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Vision College of Medicine, Riyadh, KSA
3Histology and Cell Biology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Fayoum University, Fayoum, Egypt
4Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt
5Students at Vision College of Medicine, Riyadh, KSA
6Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
7Department of Clinical Sciences, Vision College of Medicine, Riyadh, KSA
Corresponding author: Dr Ahmed A. Morsi, Email: aaa21@fayoum.edu.eg, ahmed_saqr4@yahoo.com, ORCID: 0000-0001-7911-0795

Pfizer vaccine has been approved for use in Saudi Arabia. Although the vaccine efficacy has been
frequently addressed, little knowledge is available regarding the real-world post-vaccination menstrual disturbances.
Objective: The aim was to evaluate the possible association between Pfizer vaccine and the post-vaccination menstrual
irregularities among Saudi citizen and resident women.
Subjects and methods: A self-administered validated questionnaire was used to obtain the data. It was distributed all
over Riyadh City, KSA through social media and 731 females responded to the survey. Results: Overall, 50.9% of the
participants reported a menstrual change after vaccination, in particular, those who received the 2 doses. There was a
significant and positive correlation between the number of doses and the experience of menstrual changes being
associated with the 2 dosed women. In details, 60.5% mentioned a menstrual delay, 30.4% reported early onset, and 9.1%
mentioned a menstrual change other than in the date. 43.3% reported a decrease in the amount of menstrual flow, 34.9 %
mentioned an increase. 62.4% declared an increase in the severity of pain while 11% reported a decrease. Interestingly,
only 60.8% of the respondents mentioned the persistence of the menstrual changes each following cycle. However, the
changes were positively correlated with the age and negatively associated with the marital status being less in married.
Conclusion: It was concluded that the post-vaccination menstrual changes might be related to the age, marital status, and
those receiving 2 doses and these changes could be related to the immune response frequently associated with vaccines.
Keywords: COVID19 immunization, Cross-sectional study, Fertile females, Menstrual irregularities, Side effects,
Vaccine reactogenicity

the most widely used RNA vaccine. It was proven to
The outbreak of the 2019-novel coronavirus
induce both cellular and humoral immunities with better
(SARS-CoV-2) that causes severe respiratory infection
response than BNT162b1. Severe allergic reactions
(COVID-19) has been declared a pandemic by the World
including anaphylaxis have been recorded to be the only
Health Organization (WHO) (1). WHO first learned about
contraindication (6,7). The second vaccine developed by
this new virus on December 31, 2019, after case reports
RNA technology is mRNA-1273. It is an LNP-
of viral pneumonia in Wuhan, People's Republic of
encapsulated mRNA vaccine with no safety concerns
China (2). Clinical research and tests have demonstrated
were raised, aside from temporal local and systemic
that licensed vaccines are effective in controlling the
reactions (8).
disease. However, the current vaccines should be
Recently, COVID-19 vaccines have been
evaluated against the emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2
distributed on a wide scale worldwide. Despite their
(3). There are a variety of vaccines that have been
protective efficacy has been frequently addressed, little
approved for use; Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, and
data is available regarding the real-world post-
Moderna (4). In Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi
vaccination experiences outside the clinical trial
Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has announced the
conditions, in particular Pfizer mRNA vaccine on
approval of the registration of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-
females' menstruation. So, the current study strived to
19 Vaccine since December 10, 2020 (5).
investigate whether the Pfizer vaccine is associated with
post-vaccination menstrual changes in a sample of 16-40
BNT162b2, is a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) that
years citizen and resident women in Riyadh city, using a
encapsulates nucleoside-modified mRNA that encodes
cross-sectional survey-based study. Precise information
the SARS-CoV-2 full-length spike (S) protein, and it is
about the expectation after vaccination will help us
Received: 21/10/2021
Accepted: 19/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 74)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_75 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1449-1455

Study of Video Assisted Laryngoscope versus Conventional Macintosh Laryngoscope
for Management of Predicted Difficult Airway in Minor Elective Surgeries
Ahmed Mosallem Mohammed, Amal Essam Abdel-Fatah*,
Howaida Kamal Abdul Latif, Manal Salah El-Din Farmawy
Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
Corresponding Author: Amal Essam Abdel-Fatah, E-Mail: essamarafa11@gmail.com

: Video laryngoscopy can manage predicted difficult airway as ordinary Macintosh laryngoscopy rather
it does not require a line of sight to do the procedure.
Objective: The aim of this randomized clinical trial was to compare between video assisted laryngoscope and
conventional Macintosh laryngoscope in management of predicted difficult airway.
Patients and Methods: Our study included sixty-six patients with predicted difficult airway prepared for elective
minor surgery under general anesthesia. Patients were divided randomly into two equal groups; Group V: The video
laryngoscope was used. Group M: a Macintosh laryngoscope was used. Laryngoscopic and intubation time were
recorded as well as number of intubations attempts and failure rate. Additionally, Heart rate (HR) and oxygen
saturation were recorded at different time intervals (baseline value, before intubation, at laryngoscopic time and at
intubation time). Also, complications during intubation were recorded as hypoxemia <90 %, dental trauma and lip,
gum and oral trauma.
Results: Video laryngoscope group was significantly longer regard laryngoscopy time and intubation time
comparing to direct Macintosh group. Patients of direct Macintosh group had higher HR during laryngoscopy time
and during intubation time. Oxygen saturation during intubation time was significantly lower among direct
Macintosh group. Video laryngoscope group was significantly associated with less attempts, but failure rate was
significantly higher among direct Macintosh group compared to video laryngoscope group.
Conclusion: Using video assisted laryngoscope in anticipated difficult intubated patients improves the quality of
tracheal intubation and gives the best glottic view, but with longer laryngoscopic and intubation time.
Keywords: Video Assisted Laryngoscope, Conventional Macintosh, Difficult Airway management.


The most critical stage in administering general
base of the tongue, which reduces the risk of triggering
anesthesia is intubation of the patient's airway. It keeps
a stress reaction and injuring local tissue. Aside from
the airways open, ensures the safety of the procedure,
reducing neck movements, this laryngoscope creates
and guards against aspiration damage to the lungs(1).
less cervical movement compared to a standard
When numerous attempts, multiple operators, multiple
Macintosh laryngoscope. Several of the blades have a
devices, significant lifting effort, or external laryngeal
manipulation are required to intubate the trachea, it is
hypopharyngeal anatomy-like curvature allows for a
considered a difficult procedure (2). To insert a flexible
more expansive view (8).
polyvinyl chloride tube into the trachea, direct
The aim of this study was to compare video-
laryngoscopy requires a series of operations, such as
assisted laryngoscopy and the standard Macintosh
elongating the head and opening the mouth, dislocating
laryngoscope regarding glottic view, time of intubation,
and compressing the tongue, and elevating the mandible
number of intubation attempts and failure rate.
forward (3).

Poor glottic exposure may necessitate more efforts
and be more time consuming, as well as posing a risk of
Sixty-six patients undergoing minor elective
problems (4). Attempts to ventilate a patient with a
surgery, at operating theatres, Faculty of Medicine,
difficult airway, such as intubation, on multiple trials
Zagazig University Hospitals.
may increase the risk of tissue trauma, hemorrhage, and

mucosal edema (cannot ventilate, cannot intubate
Ethical considerations:
situation), There is a direct correlation between the
Zagazig University's Research Ethics
number of laryngoscopic attempts and the rate of
Council approved the study (ZU-IRB#6837) as long
complications (5).
as all participants signed informed consent forms
Similar to the standard Macintosh approach, a
and submitted them. We adhered to the Helsinki
video assisted laryngoscope has been reported that it
Declaration, which is the ethical form for human
does not rely on a line-of-sight. Using a camera placed
testing established by the World Medical
in the blade's underside, the picture is collected and
relayed to a monitor, allowing for verifiable glottic

exposure and video capture (6, 7). Using a video aided
Inclusion criteria:
laryngoscope necessitates less force (5-14 N) on the
Both genders patients aged more than 21 years who
Received: 18/10/2021
Accepted: 16/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 75)

Subclinical impairment of left ventricular function in diabetic obese and non-obese patients: a study based on two dimensional The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1456-1463

Angiographic Parameters in Diagnosis of Microvascular Dysfunction in
Patients with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Mohammed I. El-Awady, Tamer M. Moustafa, Ahmed H. E. Soliman*, Moataz Elsanan
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Hassan Soliman, E-Mail: ahmed_soliman903@yahoo.com

Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a health care problem of epidemic proportions,
currently accounting for roughly 3 million patients in the United States alone.
Objective: To study, using validated angiography indices, coronary blood flow and myocardial perfusion of the
microcirculation to assess whether there is greater microvascular disease (MVD) in patients with microvascular angina
and HFpEF compared to those who do not have.
Patients and methods: This retrospective study took place in El-Mahalla Cardiac Center on 160 patients with stable
angina undergoing coronary angiography and echocardiography. All patients were subjected to complete history taking,
full clinical examination, echocardiography, coronary angiography and angiography indices. Our patients were divided
into two categories: 80 patients with HFpEF and 80 without HFpEF.
There were statistically significant differences between the studied groups. We found lower myocardial blush
grades (MBG) in three coronary arteries in HFpEF than non-HFpEF patients, with good statistical significance regarding
MBG left anterior descending (LAD) and MBG left circumflex (LCX). Also, there was statistically significant difference
between the studied groups regarding total MBG value. Between thrombosis in myocardial infarction frame count (TFC)
and MBG, there was a good correlation. The best cutoff of total TFC in diagnosis in diagnosis of HFpEF was 98.55
with sensitivity of 92.5% and specificity of 73.8%. Also, the best cutoff of total MBG in diagnosis in diagnosis of
HFpEF was 6.55 with sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 87.5%.
Conclusion: The HFpEF population has a greater involvement of microcirculation than patients without HFpEF.
Keywords: Angiography, Coronary microvascular dysfunction, Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

It causes substantial mortality and morbidity and
A growing body of evidence has underscored the
represents a major disease and socioeconomic burden.
importance of coronary microvascular dysfunction
CHF is a systemic syndrome involving the heart,
(CMD), which manifests as the structural and functional
vasculature, kidneys, and other organs, but it develops
abnormalities of coronary microvasculature, in a variety
primarily as a result of diverse acquired and/or genetic
of cardiovascular diseases (1). The prevalence of CMD
structural and functional abnormalities of the heart.
is higher than ever thought in many clinical settings, and
Forty percent to 50% of CHF patients have a form of
its presence is associated with worse clinical outcomes,
heart failure in which left ventricular (LV) systolic
especially when accompanied by myocardial ischemia
function, as assessed by ejection fraction (EF) at rest, is
or nonsignificant coronary artery disease (CAD) (2).
relatively well preserved. This type of heart failure has
Heart failure is a complex medical syndrome that
come to be termed heart failure with preserved EF
comes about from any structural or functional
(HFpEF). The outcome of patients with HFpEF is on
impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood.
average slightly better than for those with reduced EF
Strangeities of contracting and diastolic dyswork
(HFrEF), but they still have substantial morbidity and
coexist, irrespective of ejection fraction (EF). EF is
mortality, e.g. 23% mortality over 3 years in a large
considered precious in classification of patients with
meta-analysis (5).
heart failure since of differing sick person
Furthermore, the prevalence of HFpEF relative to
demographics, comorbid status, fate and response to
HFrEF is rising. Although many trials have had limited
therapies and since most medical trials selected persons
power, treatments used for patients with HFrEF (e.g.
based on EF. EF values are dependent on the shaping
inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system,
technique used, method of analysis and operator. Since
adrenergic blockers, biventricular pacemakers, and
other techniques may indicate strangeities in
implantable defibrillators) have not been shown to
contracting work among patients with a preserved EF,
reduce mortality in HFpEF. Current treatment is thus
it is suggested to use the terms preserved or small
focused on comorbidities (6).
ejection fraction over preserved or reduced contracting
More recently, additional mechanisms have been
work (3).
discovered that are unrelated to diastolic function. Some
Chronic heart failure (CHF) affects nearly 6
studies shifts emphasis from LV afterload excess to
million people in the United States and similar
coronary microvascular inflammation. This shift is
proportions in other industrialized countries. The
supported by a favorable Laplace relationship in
prevalence is projected to rise substantially over the
concentric LV hypertrophy and by all cardiac chambers
next 15 years, particularly in the >65 age group (4).
showing similar remodeling and dysfunction.
Myocardial remodeling in HFpEF differs from heart
Received: 18/10/2021
Accepted: 16/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 76)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_77 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1464-1466

Could Ascitic Fluid Lactoferrin Help in Diagnosis of
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis? Review Article
Mohamed Ahmed Ahmed Abdel wahed*1, Tarik Ibrahim Ali Zaher2,
Ahmed Mokhtar Ahmed Ebrahim3, Ahmed Abou El khair Ahmed Badawy2
Department of 1Tropical Medicine, Police Academy Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt
Departments of 2Tropical Medicine and 3Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Ahmed Ahmed Abdel wahed, Email: mohamedabwahed90@gmail.com

When an ascitic fluid is infected with bacteria, it's known as spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP).
Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) count of at least 250 cells/mm3 is required for diagnosis of SBP despite the
positive results of bacterial culture in the ascitic fluid. The number of PMNs in the ascitic fluid is counted after bringing
it to the laboratory. True-negative results can be produced by the lysis of PMNs in the laboratory. The operator is
responsible for manually counting the PMN in the ascitic fluid, which can cause a delay in the diagnosis. Proteins that
bind iron, such as lactoferrin, are detected in both human mucosal secretions and PMN-specific granules. Lactoferrin
concentration in faeces has been shown to be very sensitive and specific for the identification of intestinal inflammation
in previous research.
Diagnosis of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis could be improved by using ascitic fluid lactoferrin.
Methods: PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using the following keywords: Ascitic fluid
lactoferrin, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The authors also screened references
from the relevant literature, including all the identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete study was
Conclusion: A biomarker for the existence of PMNs and the detection of SBP in cirrhotic individuals would be
lactoferrin in the ascitic fluid.
Keywords: Ascitic fluid lactoferrin, Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis.


fluid lactoferrin, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, more
Peritonitis caused by a bacterial infection of the
synonymous key words had been used.
fluid within the abdomen is known as spontaneous
These databases were searched for articles
bacterial peritonitis (SBP) (1). In individuals with
published in English in 3 data bases; PubMed ­ Google
cirrhosis, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis is a well-
scholar and Science direct and Boolean operators
known and worrisome consequence. Child-Pugh class C
(AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as Ascitic fluid
cirrhosis patients account for 70% of cases of
lactoferrin AND spontaneous bacterial peritonitis OR
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in patients with the
polymorphonuclear leukocyte as well as in peer-
disease. When this occurs in these people, it is connected
reviewed articles between February 2003 and October
with a bad long-term outcome. At significant risk of
2021; a 18-year date range was selected, and no
death is the cirrhotic patient who develops spontaneous
language limitations, and filtered in selected data basis
bacteriophageal peritonitis after septic shock (2).
for the last 18 years. Documents in a language apart
As much as 18% of people with ascites may be
from English have been excluded as sources for
affected. In the last two decades, this number has
interpretation. Papers apart from main scientific studies
increased from 8%, most likely as a result of heightened
had been excluded e.g. documents unavailable as total
awareness of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and
written text, conversation, conference abstract papers
lowering diagnostic paracentesis thresholds (3).
and dissertations.
The aimed of review was to diagnose spontaneous

bacterial peritonitis, which could be improved by using
ascitic fluid lactoferrin.
Lactoferrin is a component of the human immune

system. It has antibacterial properties (bactericide and
fungicide) as well as an innate defensive mechanism,
A search strategy has been performed to
primarily at mucosal surfaces. Lactoferrin, in particular,
determine the related literature. Initially, the objective
has antibacterial properties for newborns. Heparin,
of review was identified: Diagnosis of spontaneous
polysaccharides, and DNA/RNA are among the ligands
bacterial peritonitis could be improved by using ascitic
that lactoferrin interacts with, and the complexes they
fluid lactoferrin. Relevant keywords included: Ascitic
form reveal some of the biological tasks lactoferrin
serves (4).

Received: 23/10/2021
Accepted: 21/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 77)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_78 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1467-1471

Impaction of Delay of Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis
Patients on Structural Changes
Ghada S. Nageeb1, Lamiaa Abd El Wahab mohammad2,
Hiedy Ahmed Maher Sayed*3, Mohamed Atia Mortada1
Departments of 1Rheumatology and Rehabilitation and
2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
Department of 3Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, Nasser Institute for Research and Treatment, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hiedy Ahmed Maher, Email: dr.haidyselim@gmail.com

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory condition with prolonged pain that results in loss of
function. Diagnosis delay in the past had little effect on the prognosis of AS because of the lack of an appropriate
treatment options. It is now possible to reduce the advancement of AS in patients who have had it for a shorter time
since biological treatment is highly effective, early diagnosis in AS has become increasingly critical.
Objective: The aim of the work was to determine the relation between delay of treatment for ankylosing spondylitis
patients and structural changes by Bath ankylosing spondylitis radiology index (BASRI) as well as Modified Stoke
Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score (mSASSS).
Patients and Methods: At Zagazig University Hospitals, the Department of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, the
Faculty of Medicine, 42 patients with Ankylosing spondylitis were studied using the modified criteria of New York for
Ankylosing spondylitis. Data were recorded from taking complete history, local as well as general examination and
laboratory investigations involved; complete blood picture, kidney function tests, CRP, ESR and complete urine
analysis. The radiological progression was assessed by mSASSS, and BASRI.
Results: The present results showed that mean patients age at disease onset and at diagnosis were 23.9, and 35.14
respectively, the mean of diagnosis delay was 7.66 years. There is a significant positive association between period of
delay of patients to intake proper treatment and BASRI, and mSASSS (p<0.05).
It could be concluded that diagnosis delay of AS is associated with more structural damage detected by
mSASSS and BASRI that reflects the importance of early diagnosis.
Keywords: Bath ankylosing spondylitis radiology index, Modified Stoke Ankylosing Spondylitis Spinal Score,
Ankylosing Spondylitis


Rheumatology and Rehabilitation, the Faculty of
Among inflammatory rheumatic disorders,
Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals. The patients
ankylosing spondylitis (AS) shows the longest
were studied using the modified criteria of New York
diagnosis delay which is the time between symptom
for Ankylosing spondylitis.
onset to a definitive diagnosis as ankylosing spondylitis
The following diseases were excluded: Overlap
patient. This delay has a significant effect on patient
syndrome and mixed connective tissue disease,
outcomes and well-being (1).
inflammatory bowel disease, reactive arthritis, psoriatic
Diagnostic delay in AS was reported a decade ago
arthritis, malignancies (solid and myeloproliferative),
to be between five and ten years. Diagnostic delay
Parathyroid affection, and previous history of fractures
varies according to peripheral arthritis, educational
as well as patients younger than 18 years.
level, extra articular manifestation, sex in addition to
Data were recorded from taking complete history,
family history, as well as Human Leukocyte Antigen
local as well as general examination and laboratory
B27 (HLA-B27) status (2).
investigations involved; complete blood picture (CBC),
Due to the lack of a viable treatment strategy for
kidney function tests, CRP, ESR and complete urine
AS in the past, this lag period in diagnosis had little
impact on the disease's outcome (3). The disease
The radiological progression was assessed by
progression of people with shorter disease duration can
now be decelerated by managing the early stages of AS
The mSASSS scoring system depends on the
(4). It has become increasingly critical to diagnose AS
radiographic assessment of the chronic structural
early because of the availability of highly effective
changes. The mSASSS ranging between 0 and 72 by the
treatments, such as biological treatment (5).
sum of lumbar and cervical of the 24 vertebral edges
The current study was aimed to assess impaction
evaluated by radiographs of lateral vertebral view.
of delay of diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis patients
Anteroposterior and lateral lumbar radiographs, as
on structural changes by mSASSS and BASRI.
well as lateral cervical radiographs, are used to calculate

the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Radiology Index for
the spine. Lower T12 to upper S1 is a reference point
This study included a total of 42 patients with
for the lumbar spine, A combination of lateral and
Ankylosing spondylitis, attending at the Department of
anteroposterior radiographs is analyzed, with points
Received: 20/10/2021
Accepted: 18/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 78)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_79 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1472-1476

Assessment of Medial Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy in
Management of Medial Compartment Osteoarthritis of The Knee
Adel Abd-Elazeem Ahmed, Khaled Edris Abdel-Rahman,
Mohamed Reda Khairy*, Ahmed Mohammed Abd-Elwahab
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Reda Khairy, E-Mail: reda199020.aa@gmail.com

: Osteoarthritis of the medial compartment of the knee in young, active individuals with intact range of
motion is commonly treated with medial open wedge high tibia osteotomy (MOWHTO).
Objective: The aim of the work was to use medial open wedge high tibial osteotomy to treat patients with medial
compartment osteoarthritis and varus deformity improves their surgical outcomes.
Patients and Methods: Twelve patients with varus deformity were treated by using MOWHTO performed in the
period between 2020 and 2021 at Zagazig University Hospitals and El-Sahel Teaching Hospital. The age of the
patients was ranged from 17 to 42 years. Eight males and four females completed the follow up period. Eight
osteotomies were fixed using Puddu plate while the other four were fixed using Tomofix plate. Three osteotomies
were performed with using bone graft while the others without using bone graft.
Results: The time of union ranged from 9 to 24 weeks with a mean of 12.3 weeks. The mean period of pain relief
among study subjects was eight months. All patients had full range of motion postoperatively except two who
developed limited ROM due to pain after surgery and they restore full range of motion four months after surgery with
Conclusion: It could be concluded that for patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis 2ry to genu varus,
MOWHTO is a good treatment as it restores the mechanical axis, relieves pain, improves motion and about 5 degrees
valgus position is reached and thus redistribution of the load from medial compartment of the knee to lateral
Keywords: High tibial osteotomy, Genu varus deformity, Medial compartment knee osteoarthritis


open wedge high tibial osteotomy as a surgical therapy
Regarding the treatment of medial compartment
knee OA with varus deformity in young, active

individuals, high tibial osteotomy (HTO) has been
commonly used (1). By shifting the center of gravity
This study was conducted at Department of
slightly to the outside of the knee joint, the weight-
Orthopedic Surgery, Zagazig University Hospitals
bearing axis shifts away from the medial compartment
and El-Sahel Teaching Hospital, in the period between
2020 and 2021. Twelve medial opening wedge high
Medial compartment knee OA symptoms can be
tibial osteotomies were performed on twelve patients.
alleviated with HTO because it realigns the lower leg
Seven of them were left while the other five were right
so that weight is distributed more evenly between the
patients with medial compartment osteoarthritis of the
medial and lateral joints (3). Using an HTO with a
knee with Varus malalignment less than 20°.
medial opening wedge preserves bone mass, ensures a

consistent correction, and protects the lateral knee
Ethical Consideration:
components including the proximal tibiofibular joint
An approval of the study was obtained from
and the common peroneal nerve (4).
Zagazig University Academic and Ethical
The hinge must be preserved and maintained if the
Committee (ZU-IRB#6056). Every patient signed an
osteotomy is to heal properly and remain stable. It is
informed written consent for acceptance of the
possible that secondary correction may be lost if the
operation. This work has been carried out in
hinge is weakened (5, 6, 7).
accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World
For medial open wedge HTO, a wide range of
Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for
fixation techniques have been designed and tested.
studies involving humans.
Because of the plate's instant post-operative stability,

patients were able to be mobilised right away, and the
Inclusion criteria: Medial Compartment arthritis,
technique's initial success helped to popularize it
varus alignment across the knee. (Less than 20°), and
among active, youthful patients hoping to delay or
young, active patients (<55 years old).
avoid arthroscopic resurfacing or replacement surgery

(8, 9).
Exclusion criteria: Combined medial and
For those with medial compartment osteoarthritis and
lateral osteoarthritis, patients older than 55 years,
varus deformity, this study was aimed to use medial
Received: 20/10/2021
Accepted: 18/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 79)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_80 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1477-1482

Prevalence of Anti-erythropoietin Antibody in Prevalent Hemodialysis
Patients Receiving Erythropoietin Hormone
Eman I. Sarhan1, Shaimaa Z. Abdelmegied*1, Asmaa M. Mahmoud2, Hussein S. Hussein1
1Nephrology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2Nephrology Department, Suez Canal Authority Hospital, Port Tawfik, Suez, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Shaimaa Z. Abdelmegied, Email: shaimaazaki@med.asu.edu.eg; nanajettan@gmail.com

Anti-erythropoietin (EPO) antibodies against a recombinant form of Erythropoietin were associated with
pure red cell aplasia. These antibodies probably cross-react with endogenous EPO causing severe anemia.
This study was done to estimate the prevalence of anti-EPO antibody in prevalent hemodialysis patients and
its relation to anemia and EPO resistance.
Patients and Methods:
This is cross-sectional study included 90 End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients who were
on recombinant human erythropoietin for > 6 months with hemoglobin< 11 g/dL. Serum anti-EPO antibody was
measured for all Patients that were divided into 2 groups: anti-EPO antibody positive and anti-EPO antibody negative.
Results: The prevalence of anti-EPO antibodies was 45.6% (41 patients). 58.5% (24 patients) received EPO treatment
by S.C route. Anti-EPO antibody-positive patients Showed lower hemoglobin level, serum iron, and Transferrin
saturation with mean ±SD values 8.60±0.99 g/dl, 52.91±16.30 mcg/dl, 22.62±8.27 % respectively also lower MCHC
with median (IQR)29.7 (2.50) g/dl. On comparing it with antibody-negative patients (N=49) there were significant
differences with p values (< 0.0001), (0.038), (0.034), (0.002) respectively. These patients received higher EPO doses
with high erythropoietin resistance index with median (IQR) values 8000 (4000) IU/week, 10.79 (8.495) respectively.
The anti-EPO antibody was negatively correlated with hemoglobin {r-0.661, p value 0.0001} and positively correlated
with EPO doses, iron doses, and erythropoietin resistance index {r 0.309, p value 0.011, r 0.266, p value 0.003, r 0.417,
p value 0.0001} respectively.
It could be concluded that anti-EPO antibodies are commonly present in prevalent hemodialysis patients
and were associated with resistant anemia and higher doses of EPO therapy.
Keywords: Anti-erythropoietin, Antibody, Hemodialysis.


of25% in erythropoietin dose or <1 g/dL gain in
Anemia is one of the most frequent early
hemoglobin levels after 2­4 weeks of treatment[6].
complications of chronic kidney disease (CKD)[1]. It is
One of the causes of resistance to treatment with
associated with worse quality of life, reduced exercise
rHuEPO in dialysis patients is anti-erythropoietin
capacity, decreased mental agility, and increased
antibodies although it is well tolerated by most patients,
prevalence of hospitalization and mortality [2].
a small number produce antibodies that can neutralize
The main cause is erythropoietin (EPO)
both endogenous EPO and recombinant proteins [7].
deficiency due to impaired kidney function. However,
Most cases of antibody production have been associated
other causes should be considered when the severity of
with the formulation of EPOetin alfa when administered
anemia is inconsistent with the decrease in renal
subcutaneously [8].
function. Treatment of anemia in CKD patients usually
In some cases, the anti-erythropoietin (anti-EPO)
involves the use of recombinant human erythropoietin
antibody production can lead to the development of
(rHuEPO). The main cause of rHuEPO treatment failure
serious PRCA (pure red cell aplasia) and transfusion-
is the loss or low iron availability [3].
dependent anemia[9]. Recent studies have shown that
The prevalence of iron deficiency is very
anti-EPO antibody-mediated PRCA is rare but has an
common in CKD, affecting as many as 50% of patients
important adverse effect in patients with CKD who take
[4]. Multiple other factors have been identified that may
further exacerbate anemia developing in patients with
This study was done to estimate the prevalence of
impaired renal function. Some of these factors may be
anti- EPO antibody in prevalent hemodialysis patients
important for the development of anemia (e.g.,
and its relation to anemia and EPO resistance.
inflammatory processes or tumors), while the meaning

of others is only coincidental (e.g., folic acid or drugs),
or more or less hypothetical (e.g. uremic inhibitors of
This cross-sectional study included a total of 90
erythropoiesis) [5].
ESRD patients, from Suez Insurance Hospital and Ain
There is no consensus about the definition for
Shams University Hospital hemodialysis units.
rHuEPO resistance. It is defined as persistent anemia
Patients were on HD, receiving 3 sessions per week,
(hemoglobin<10­12 g/dL) or the necessity of very high
each session four hours using bicarbonate dialysate and
doses of EPOetin alfa (300 IU/kg/week subcutaneously
heparin as an anticoagulant. Patients were on
or 450 IU/kg/week intravenously. The evaluation of
recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) > 6
resistance is recommended if there is an increase
months and their hemoglobin< 11 g /dL.
Received: 20/10/2021
Accepted: 18/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 80)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_81 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1483-1485

An Overview of Survival Rate in Pediatric ICU Following
Cardiac Arrest: Review Article
Dalia A. Abdelrahman, Nehad Ahmed Karam, Ahmed Mohammed Ezz El-Din*
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Mohammed Ezz El-Din, Email: real7276@gmail.com

Cardiac arrest can be described as the absence of central pulses, unresponsiveness, and apnea as clinical
manifestations indicating the termination of functional mechanical heart activity. There is no way to tell for sure how
common out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in children, but the estimated rate is 9 for every 100,000 person/years.
Whereas, the rate in intensive care units is 0.94 for every 100 admissions. In order to maintain optimal blood pressure,
cardiac output and systemic perfusion, fluids and vasoactive, inotropic and inodilator medications should be titrated as
needed, such as norepinephrine, dobutamine and milrinone. Even while mechanical circulatory support helps patients
who aren't going into cardiac arrest, it hasn't been linked to better clinical outcomes, and it's not suggested whether it
can be used routinely in patients who have already gone into cardiac arrest.
Objective: Survival in pediatric critical care units after cardiac arrest is little understood, making it imperative that
additional research should be conducted in this area in order to better the treatment given to those who have experienced
a cardiac arrest. Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases PubMed, Google
scholar and science direct as well as Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as survival rate in pediatric
ICU and cardiac arrest OR cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in pediatric and in peer-reviewed articles between April
2009 and June 2021.
The survival rates of infants and young children are higher than those of older children, and this variation in
survival is mediated by the varying rates of bystander CPR or automated external defibrillators (AED) use. Children with
Out-of-Hospital cardiac arrest had a better survival rate.
Keywords: Pediatric, Survival, Cardiac arrest.

conditions. Therefore, the results could have been
Cardiovascular arrest is defined as the absence of
impacted by this. The survival advantage in in-hospital
functional mechanical activity of the heart, as well as
cardiac arrest among children of different ages persists
apnea, unresponsiveness, and absence of central pulses.
even after correcting for all possible confounding pre-
Blood supply to vital organs such as the brain, kidneys,
arrest, arrest, and resuscitation variables, as demonstrated
and heart muscle has been restricted, resulting in a lack
by Meaney et al. (5).
of oxygen. Having a cardiac arrest is one of the most
Preexisting conditions, past neurological state, and
devastating situations a person can face in his lifetime.
previous therapy:
Healthy youngsters and individuals with underlying
Only hematologic and oncologic disorders were
medical issues can both experience it (1).
found to be significant mortality risk factors in the
The frequency of pediatric cardiac arrests in hospitals in
multivariate analysis of numerous patients with
the United States is unknown, however CPR is provided
preexisting conditions. Other researchers have also come
to 5,000 to 10,000 children annually, according to
to the same conclusion. As stated by other writers, pre-
estimates (2). Accounting for 0.77% of all children
arrest neurological status was normal in most patients,
admitted to the hospital, averaging 0.77 children per 1000
and it did not have any bearing on survival (6).
hospitalizations every year (3).
This review article aimed to investigate the survival in
Definition of cardiac arrest characteristics:
pediatric critical care units after cardiac arrest, which is
Arrest Causes:
little understood, making it imperative that additional
According to previous research, pulmonary and heart
research be conducted in this area in order to improve the
disorders were the most common causes of cardiac arrest.
treatment given to those who have experienced a cardiac
Sepsis was also a common cause of cardiac arrest in our
study, which was considerably more common than
earlier studies. A study of adults found that sepsis was
Causes of arrest in pediatric ICU:
more likely in nations with a lower HDI. In cardiac arrest,
Age and sex:
sepsis was one of the worst prognostic factors. This
A research has shown that the number of male
shows the need of adopting measures to identify and treat
cardiac arrest victims was higher than the number of
sepsis as soon as possible (7).
female victims. There was a reduced mortality rate for
children under the age of 10, as has been reported by
some writers. In the multivariate analysis, gender, age,
In contrast to previous, recent studies in children,
and weight were not revealed to be significant risk
which found that bradycardia was more common,
variables (4). Infants and children are more likely to have
asystole was the most commonly observed first heart
cardiac arrest due to respiratory or oncohematologic
rhythm. This shows that many cardiac arrests' patients
Received: 19/10/2021
Accepted: 17/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 81)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_82 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1486-1490

Assessment of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients with Pacemaker Implantation
Mohamed Mortada Mahmoud*, Ahmed Shafie Ammar,
Islam Abd El-Moneem Elsherbiny, Ibtesam Ibrahim El-dosouky
Cardiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Mortada, Mobile: (+2):01069373714, Email: boredman28@gmail.com

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest sustained disorder of cardiac rhythm. Permanent pacemaker
(PPM)-detected atrial high-rate episodes (AHREs) of even 5-minute duration may identify patients at increased risk for
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the association of echocardiographic and clinical parameter with the
occurrence of AHREs in patients with a dual-chamber pacemaker.
Patients and methods: this retrospective study included 208 patients. It was conducted in the Cardiology Department,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals. The patients were classified according to development of AF into 2
groups: Group (A) involved 77 patients with AF and group (B) involved 131 patients without AF.
Results: The mean age of the studied cases was 61.67 ± 8.13 years and 53.4% were females. Mean SBP was 122.6 ±
16.8 mmHg while mean DBS was 76.9 ± 10.14 mmHg. There was a high statistically significant increase in LA volume
index, E/é and a high statistically significant decrease in SV index and EF among AF group compared to non AF group.
In our opinions patients with CIED detected AHREs need oral anticoagulation to prevent thromboembolic
events and decrease burden of ischemic stroke.
Pacemaker implantation, Atrial fibrillation, Echocardiography.

with the occurrence of AHREs in patients with a dual-
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common
chamber pacemaker.
arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice and is

associated with high morbidity and mortality (1). Some
patients suffering from AF might have mild symptoms
Our retrospective study (record-based) was
or short duration (caused by missed diagnosis) or the
performed in the Cardiology Department, Faculty of
episodes only occur at night/during sleep, which results
Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals. The patients
in a significant underestimation of the incidence of AF
were classified according to development of AF into 2
(2). Current dual-chamber permanent pacemakers
groups: Group (A) involved 77 patients with AF and
(PPMs) are capable of detecting and storing atrial high-
group (B) that involved 131 patients without AF.
rate episodes (AHREs), which have been shown to be
Inclusion criteria: Patients with previous history of
a reliable surrogate of atrial tachyarrhythmias,
cardiac implantable.
especially for AF (3, 4). Moreover, prior studies have
Exclusion criteria: Patients without follow-up
verified the risk factors associated with AF, i.e., age,
data/echocardiographic findings (including poor-
congestive heart failure, sinus node dysfunction, and
quality images) before the implantation during sinus
higher ventricular pacing ratio (5).
rhythm. Patients who had undergone cardiac surgery.
Subclinical atrial tachyarrhythmias occur

frequently in patients with pacemakers. These
Ethical Consideration:
arrhythmias have been reported to be associated with an
The study was approved by the Local Ethical
increased risk of thromboembolism (6). Symptoms of
Committee of Zagazig University. Written consent
atrial fibrillation (AF) are variable, and approximately
was obtained from every patient prior to the
20% of patients with persistent AF are asymptomatic (7).
procedures. This study has been carried out in
Asymptomatic AF is correlated with thromboembolic
accordance with the code of Ethics of The World
risks and the 1-year mortality rate was found to be
Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for
higher in asymptomatic AF patients (8).
studies involving humans.
Cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED)
Basic demographic information including age,
have been developed, and most dual-chamber
gender was recorded. Full general and local
pacemakers have specific algorithms to detect atrial
examination with special emphasis on Systolic blood
high-rate episodes (AHREs) (9). Increased left
pressure, diastolic blood pressure and pulse pressure
ventricular (LV) stiffness estimated by LV diastolic
are measured in standard conditions. Laboratory tests
wall strain (DWS) has been reported to be a strong
included, serum creatinine, blood urea, uric acid, CRP
determinant of AF prevalence in structurally normal
and complete blood count (CBC).
patients (10).
Echocardiographic data:
The present study aimed to investigate the
All patients had been subjected to transthoracic
association of echocardiographic and clinical parameter
echocardiography (TTE) during 12-month follow up
period after permanent pacemaker implantation.
Received: 22/10/2021
Accepted: 20/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 82)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_83 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1491-1496
Assessment of Facet Joint Block in Treatment of Persistent
Lower Back Pain in Patients with and without Modic Changes
Abduladim Mohamed Habibi1, Ahmed Ehsan Alawamry1,
Mohamed Reda Abdulaziz1, Ashraf Elsayed Ahmed2, Adel Saad Ismaeil1
Departments of 1Neurosurgery and 2Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abduladim M. Habibi, Mobile: (+20) 010876543789, Email: dr.habibi20@gmail.com

Lumbar facet joints have been implicated as the source of chronic pain in 15% to 45% of patients with
chronic low back pain. Lumbar facet joint block (FJB) has been described in the alleviation of chronic low back pain of
facet joint origin. Objective: To determine the difference of outcome in lower back pain (LBP) patients with and without
Modic changes treated with therapeutic imaging-guided lumbar facet joint injections and the role of those techniques in
the future of accurate diagnosis and proper management for such patients.
Patients and methods: This study included 12 patients complaining of persisting LBP, 6 of them had Modic changes
and 6 cases without, confirmed by lumbar spine MRI at Neurosurgery Department, Zagazig University Hospital. They
were managed by lumbar facet joint block. They were followed up at 6 and 12 weeks after procedure for Visual
Analogue Scale (VAS) as well as Oswestry Disability Index (ODI).
Results: There was statistically non-significant relation between the studied groups regarding ODI pre or 6 weeks post-
injection. While there was statistically significant difference between groups regarding ODI 12 weeks postoperatively,
there was significant change in ODI over times. There was statistically non-significant relation between the studied
groups regarding VAS pre or 6 weeks post-injection. While there was statistically significant difference between groups
regarding VAS 12 weeks postoperatively. Conclusion: The effectiveness of therapeutic lumbar facet joint injections is
not altered by the presence or absence of Modic. There were no reported significant differences between study groups
for the primary outcome at 6 weeks post-injection.
Keywords: Facet Joint Block, Modic Changes, Persistent Lower Back Pain.


The prevalence of low back pain (LBP) presented
with an annual increase of 11.6% (1). The widely held
This study was carried out in Neurosurgery
belief that most of the episodes of low back pain are
Department, Zagazig University Hospital. We included
short-lived, with 80% to 90% of these attacks resolving
in this study 12 cases with persistent lower back pain
in about 6 weeks (2,3).
(LBP) who were managed by lumbar facet joint block,
Multiple structures in the lumbar spine including
6 of them had Modic changes while other 6 didn't have.
discs, facet joints, and sacroiliac joints have been

considered the major sources of pain in the low back
Inclusion criteria: Patients with LBP more than 6
and/or lower extremities (4). Lumbar facet joints have
months with or without sciatic pain.
been implicated as the source of chronic pain in 21% to

41% (with an overall prevalence of 31%) in a
Exclusion criteria: Patients with active infections:
heterogenous population with chronic low back pain
sepsis, osteomyelitis, discitis and epidural or skin
utilizing controlled comparative local anesthetic blocks
abscess, cold abscess, cellulitis or any kind of skin
with 80% pain relief and the ability to perform
infection in the site of injection. Age less than 18 years
previously painful movements as the criterion
and above 70 years. Recent trauma or surgery like
surgical fusions, acute traumatic Schmorl's nodes,
Based on the responses to controlled diagnostic
pregnancy and anticoagulant therapy. Presence of
blocks, false-positive rates of 17% to 19% have been
surgical pathology like spinal meningioma or tumors,
established with an overall false-positive rate of 30%
spine fracture, spondylolisthesis and deformity, huge
(8,9). Level I or II-1 evidence for the diagnostic accuracy
disc herniation compressing of neural structures, neural
of controlled facet joint nerve blocks is based on the
canal stenosis, synovial cyst.
United States Preventive Services Task Force

(USPSTF) criteria (10). In addition, there is a strong
Clinical assessment:
evidence for the diagnostic accuracy of lumbar facet
Complete clinical picture was taken before intervention
joint blocks in evaluating low back pain (11).
as personal history: (name, age, sex, occupational,
We aimed in this work to determine the
special habitat, handiness ...etc.), complaint of the
difference of outcome in LBP patients with and without
patient, present history and past history. General
Modic changes treated with therapeutic imaging-guided
physical condition and examination to assess clinical
lumbar facet joint injections and the role of those
situation and grade of pain and disability during daily
techniques in the future of accurate diagnosis and proper
activity by using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and
management for such patients.
Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) before procedure were
Received: 21/10/2021
Accepted: 19/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 83)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_84 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1497-1500

Colonoscopic Findings among Patients with Lower Gastrointestinal
Tract Bleeding Admitted to Intensive Care Unit
Monkez Motieh Yousif, Mahmoud Abdo Ashour, Fayroz Othman Selim, Ahmed Naser Elsayed
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Naser Elsayed, Mobile: (+2) 01065954395, Email: moamerahmadhasan@gmail.com

Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) is an alarming indication and common disease with annual
admission of 0.15% with mortality rate of 5-10%. LGIB is caused by neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate frequency of patients admitted to Medical Intensive Care Unit
(MICU) of Zagazig University Hospitals (ZUH) with lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding.
Patients and methods: A prospective cohort study included 266 subjects and carried out at in Intensive Care Unit,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University. All studied population were subjected to full history taking, general
examination, laboratory investigation and colonoscopy examination.
Results: Age of the studied cases ranged from 18 to 75 years with mean 46.24 years and more than half of them were
males (53.3%). The most frequent presentation among the studied cases was hematochezia (95%). Colonoscopic
findings among the study population (n=257) showed that 5.8% had diverticular disease, 32.3% had inflammatory
alteration and 2.3% had solitary ulcer.
Conclusion: Acute LGITB is a common and challenging problem in MICU of ZUH with ulcerative colitis, bleeding
piles, and malignancy as the major underlying causes. Colonoscopy represents the most important diagnostic modality.
Keywords: Colonoscopic Findings, ICU, Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding.

cost effective procedure. It is the investigation of choice
Gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding from the colon is
in LGIB and helps in early diagnosis of colorectal
a common reason for hospitalization and is becoming
carcinoma (6). Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate
more common in the elderly. While most cases will
prevalence and frequency of patients admitted to
cease spontaneously, patients with ongoing bleeding or
Medical Intensive Care Unit of Zagazig University
major stigmata of hemorrhage require urgent diagnosis
Hospitals with lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding.
and intervention to achieve definitive hemostasis (1).

Acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding (LGIB) is
a common acute medical and surgical emergency. In
This observational cohort prospective study
contrast to upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB),
included patients admitted to Medical Intensive Care
which has several published guidelines, is well
Unit (MICU) of Internal Medicine Department with
researched and has seen improvements in clinical
suspected acute lower gastrointestinal bleeding
outcomes, LGIB has not been a focus for clinical or
scientific investigation (2). Although LGIB is common
Inclusion criteria: Patients admitted to MICU with
condition, there are limited studies documenting its
suspected LGITB who were having active bleeding per
incidence. A population-based study in ten hospitals in
rectum in the form of hematochezia or melena of
Spain compared patients discharged with hospital codes
suspected lower gastrointestinal origin, and adults 18
consistent with GI complications over ten years. It was
years of both sexes.
found that in comparison to the upper GI tract, where
Exclusion criteria: Presence of hematemesis and
the incidence of complications fell from 87/100,000 to
refusal to participate in the study.
47/100,000 over ten years, the incidence of
Ethical Approval:
complications in the lower GI tract increased from
The study protocol was approved by the
20/100,000 to 33/100,000 (3).
Institution Review Board (IRB) of the Faculty of
Studies of hospital registries have shown that
Medicine of Zagazig University. All procedures were
patients that develop LGIB tend to be elderly, with a
conducted according to the ethical principles
mean age of 63 to 69 years. Comorbid illness is
expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki and
common, 78% of admitted patients have >1 comorbid
informed written consent was obtained from
condition, 33% have 2. Aspirin for secondary
patients or close relatives.
prevention is used in 20-33%, clopidogrel in 3.2% and
warfarin in 6% patients. There are no published data on
the number of patients admitted with LGIB who are
A total number of 266 patients who met the
receiving a direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) (4).
inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled in the
Population-based database studies suggest an increased
study. All patients were subjected to full history taking
risk of developing LGIB with aspirin or long-term oral
and thorough physical examination with emphasis on
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use (5).
the following: Color, amount, frequency, and duration
For accurate diagnosis of various colorectal
of bleeding and questioning about any symptoms that
lesions, colonoscopy is gold standard, convenient and
may suggest a specific source of lower gastrointestinal
Received:22/10/2021 accepted:20/12 2021


Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 84)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_85 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1501-1505

Staphylococcus Aureus Colonization in Atopic Dermatitis Patients
Attending Zagazig University Hospitals
Rehab A. Rabie1, Alaa M. Badr1, Fathia Khattab2, Laila M. Alkady1
Departments of 1Medical Microbiology and Immunology and 2Dermatology,
Venereology and Andrology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Alaa M. Badr, Mobile: (+20)010287765449, Email: alalaabadrmicrobiologist@gmail.com

Background: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a very common persistent skin disorder at which skin colonization by bacteria
increases. Staphylococcus aureus can be found on the skin as a human commensal or as a causal agent in a variety of
skin and soft tissue infections.
Objective: This study focused on detecting staph aureus colonization on AD lesions and if it influenced the severity of
the disease.
Patients and Methods: Swabs from skin lesions of 108 atopic dermatitis patients were collected and subjected for
bacterial isolation, identification, and antibiotic susceptibility testing.
Results: Among 108 AD patients, Fifty percent of patients had mild AD disease, 37% had moderate disease, and 13%
had severe disease. Staph aureus colonization in AD patients was 61.1%. There were no significant differences between
positive and negative staph aureus culture groups regarding age (P-value 0.57), sex (P-value 0.38), and the most
prominent lesion location (P-value 0.08). There was no significant difference in the severity of AD between positive
and negative staph aureus culture groups (P-value 0.09). Methicillin-resistant Staph Aureus was detected phenotypically
by cefoxitin (30 µg) disc in 84.8% of isolates.
Conclusion: Staphylococcus aureus colonization was detected with a high percentage among atopic dermatitis patients
with an extremely higher incidence in severe forms of atopic dermatitis than mild forms. However, this couldn't be
proved statistically.
Keywords: Atopic dermatitis, Colonization, MRSA, Staphylococcus aureus.


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a very widespread
persistent skin disease, which affects individuals having
This cross-sectional study was conducted in the
an atopic tendency together with bronchial asthma,
Microbiology and Immunology Department, and
allergic rhinitis, and food allergies. Atopic dermatitis
Dermatology, Venereology, and Andrology Department,
patients complain usually about itchy skin, especially at
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt. One
night which is the predominant symptom, dry skin,
hundred and eight patients complaining of atopic
eczema lesions in flexural areas, and recurrent skin
dermatitis lesions were recruited from the Dermatology
infections (1).
outpatient clinic in Zagazig University Hospitals
The pathophysiology of atopic dermatitis (AD)
without any limitations for age, or sex during the period
is complicated, including elements of barrier
from December 2019 to June 2021. Patients with a
malfunction, changes in cell-mediated immune
medical history of topical antibiotic application, or
responses, and environmental variables. During AD
suffering from another skin disease than atopic
flares, skin colonization by bacteria increases with
dermatitis were excluded.
increased density on acutely inflamed AD lesions more
Personal history was acquired from all included
than 1000-fold higher than on non-lesional AD skin.
patients. The severity of AD was assessed with the
The improvement of atopic dermatitis clinically is
SCORAD index to mild, moderate, and severe
related to the reduction in bacterial colonization using
according to the extent of the lesion, swelling, redness,
antibiotics and antiseptics (2).
crusting, skin thickening, scratch marks, dryness,
Staphylococcus aureus is gram-positive
itching, and sleeplessness.
bacteria that can be found on the skin as a human
Samples were collected from open or inflamed
commensal or as a causal agent in a variety of skin and
skin lesions using sterile cotton swabs. Bacterial
soft tissue infections. Staph aureus can be found in the
isolation was done on nutrient, blood, mannitol salt
nasal cavity, skin, perineum, and pharynx in healthy
agar, also on MacConkey's and sabouraud dextrose agar
people, with the anterior nares being the most prevalent
to exclude infection by other organisms. Staph aureus
location of carriage (3).
identification was confirmed by colonial morphology,
The carriage rate of staph aureus on the skin
gram-stained films, and conventional biochemical
varies from five to thirty percent, relying on the body
site or if the person is a persistent nasal carrier (4).
The disc diffusion method was used to test the
This study was designed to investigate whether
antimicrobial susceptibility using /the following
staph aureus could be a skin colonizer that influences
antibiotic discs: penicillin (10 units), cotrimoxazole
severity in atopic dermatitis patients attending Zagazig
(1.25/23.75 µg), clindamycin (2 µg), azithromycin (15
University Outpatient clinics.
µg), doxycycline (30 µg), linezolid (30 µg),
Received: 22/10/2021
Accepted: 20/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 85)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_86 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1506-1510

Role of Ultrasound-Guided Spinal Anesthesia for Elder Patients
Going Through Surgeries of Lower Limb: Review Article
Hadeer Mustafa Abd Elfatah, Zeinab Ibrahim El-Hossary,
Ekram Fawzy Sayouh, Manal Salah-ElDin Farmawy
Department of Anesthesia, Surgical Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hadeer Mustafa Abd Elfatah, E-Mail: hadeeeermustafa@gmail.com

Patients above the age of 65 have an increased risk of adverse effects from anesthesia up to death. For
elderly people with a variety of medical conditions, spinal anesthesia is the preferable method of anesthesia. After
surgery, spinal anesthesia provides excellent postoperative pain control and reduces the perioperative opioid use, which
minimizes opioid adverse effects. Spinal anesthetic is traditionally administered with the use of palpation of specific
anatomical landmarks. Ultrasonography (US) has brought a revolutionary improvement in anesthesiology. Using
ultrasound prior to neuraxial blocks can increase the success rate on the first attempt, minimize the number of attempts,
and enhance both clinical as well as technical consequences. Subarachnoid space depth measurement can be performed
using ultrasound to locate the spine's midline and intervertebral level as well as guides the correct needle insertion
location and needle insertion angle. Objective: This study aimed to determine the role of ultrasound-guided spinal
anesthesia in geriatric persons receiving lower limb surgery.
PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using the following keywords: Spinal anesthesia,
ultrasound guided and elderly. The authors also screened references from the relevant literature, including all the
identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete study was included. Documents in a language apart
from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation. Papers apart from main scientific studies had been
excluded (documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract papers and dissertations).
Conclusion: There are numerous researches and evidence-based guidelines supporting the use of US neuraxial blocks
that are safer and more convenient especially in elderly patient with age-related spinal changes.
Keywords: Spinal anesthesia, Ultrasound guided, Elderly.

This review aimed to identify the advantage of
For lower-limb procedures, spinal anesthesia provides
ultrasound-guided spinal anesthesia in elderly patients
dense motor and sensory block, postoperative analgesia
during lower limb surgeries.
and eliminates risk of general anesthesia e.g. minimizes

postoperative nausea and vomiting, lowers the chance of
Ultrasound and Spinal Anesthesia
developing a chest infection, lessens the effects of general
anesthesia on hangovers, and lessens the chance of
summarized as follows:
cognitive impairment in elderly patients following surgery
When an ultrasound transducer transmits and
(1). However spinal anesthesia in elderly may be associated
receives sound waves at frequencies ranging from 2­15
with technical difficulties due to age-related changes in
MHz (human hearing functions at 1­20 kHz), images can
spinal anatomy such as spinal arthrosis that causes
be captured. Nowadays, the majority of transducers
narrowing of interspinous and interlaminar spaces,
employ artificial polycrystalline ferroelectric ceramics
ossification of ligaments, and hypertrophy of facet joints
such as PZT, which are made from lead zirconate titanate
represent a major changes that create abnormalities in their
(PZT), where piezoelectric characteristics can be found.
anatomies (1). It's four times more common for the elderly
The crystal contracts as well as expands depending on the
to need surgery compared to the general population.
voltage polarity. It causes a sequence of pressure sound
Patients above the age of 65 have an increased risk of
waves to occur. At the time of return of sound waves, it
adverse effects from anesthesia up to death. For elderly
squeezes and strains the crystal, causing shift of voltage
people with a variety of medical conditions, spinal
over the surface of the object that provides, the detecting
anesthesia is the preferable method of anesthesia (2).
signal is intensified (7).
Ultrasonography (US) has brought a revolutionary
When it comes to sound propagation in tissue, the
improvement in anesthesiology. Neuraxial US was first
densities and compressibility influence its speed. In order
described in by Cork et al. (3) where they used ultrasound
for a US beam to be reflected at the interface between two
prior to neuraxial blocks and concluded that the success
different structures, it must have the right angle and the
rate can be improved, the number of attempts can be
right acoustic impedance.
reduced, and the clinical and technical outcomes can be
Grey US image is made up of a matrix of picture
improved (4).
elements or pixels that reflect off of these interface
Epidural space depth and optimum needle insertion
reflections. There will be more of the US beam transferred
point can all be determined by US (5). Reduced procedure-
to deeper structures when there are slight changes in
related complications and enhanced patient satisfaction
acoustic impedance. There is greater reflection when the
with the use of ultrasound analgesia were proved by
acoustic impedance of different tissues differs
Perlase et al. (6).
significantly, making the deeper-seated tissues harder to
Received: 23/10/2021
Accepted: 21/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 86)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_87 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1511-1516

Phenotypic Methods of Detection of Antibiotic Resistance in
Gram Positive Bacteria in Sohag University Hospital
Laila Mohamed Yousif, Ashraf Khodeary Mohamed,
Ahmed Mohamed Nor El-Deen, Reham El-Sayed Mohamed*
Department of Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Reham El-Sayed Mohamed, Mobile: (+20) 01013757753, E-Mail: remohelmy1992@gmail.com


Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is the ability of a pathogenic microbe to develop a resistance to the
effects of an antimicrobial medication. AMR is one of the most concerning issues in medicine today, impacting
morbidity, mortality and socioeconomic factors.
To determine the prevalence and the phenotypic methods of detection of antibiotic sensitivity of gram-
positive bacteria in clinical isolates collected from inpatients at the Sohag University Hospital during one year.
Patients and methods:
Fresh samples (blood, urine, sputum, pus and cerebrospinal fluid) were collected of 69 patients
and cultured on nutrient agar, blood and MacConkey agar, at 37°C and incubated for 24 ­ 48 hours. The pH was adjusted
to 7.4 and all media were sterilized by autoclaving at 121°C for 20 minutes. VITEK2 Compact identification kits was
used to confirm the identification of the isolates and for antibiotic susceptibility test
Results: S. aureus were isolated in (43.48%) of isolated organisms and 31.88 % of the cases (n=22) were distributed
between other staphylococcus species. S. pneumoniae in 10 cases (14.49%) and 10.15% of the cases (n=7) were
distributed between other streptococcus species. All S. aureus isolates were resistant to penicillin but all S. aureus
isolates were sensitive to quinupristin/dalfopristin, vancomycin, tigecycline, nitrofurantoin, rifampicin, and
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole. S. pneumonia showed high rate of resistance to benzylpenicillin (100%) and oxacillin
(100%) but the association trimethoprim/sulphamethoxazole showed moderate rate of resistance (50%) to S. pneumonia
The prevalence of antibiotic resistance to gram positive bacteria continues to increase and is associated
with significant mortality. The most prevalent organisms within gram positive bacteria were staphylococcus aureus
followed by S. pneumoniae.
Keywords: Antibiotic Resistance, Antimicrobial Resistance, Gram Positive Bacteria.


increase selective
when microbes evolve mechanisms that protect them
pressure in bacterial populations, causing vulnerable
from the effects of antimicrobials (1). The term antibiotic
bacteria to die; this increases the percentage of resistant
resistance is a subset of anti-microbial resistance
bacteria, which continue growing. Even at very low
(AMR), as it applies to bacteria that become resistant
levels of antibiotics, resistant bacteria can have a growth
to antibiotics. Resistant microbes are more difficult to
advantage and grow faster than vulnerable bacteria
treat, requiring higher doses, or alternative medications
(6). With resistance to antibiotics becoming more
that may prove more toxic. These approaches may also
common there is a greater need for alternative
be more expensive. Microbes resistant to multiple
treatments. Calls for new antibiotic therapies have been
antimicrobials are called multidrug-resistant (MDR) (2).
issued, but new drug development is becoming rare (7).
Fungi evolve antifungal resistance. Viruses
There are public calls for global collective action
to address the threat that includes proposals
antiprotozoal resistance, and bacteria evolve antibiotic
for international
treaties on
resistance. Those bacteria that are considered
resistance. Worldwide antibiotic resistance is not
extensively drug resistant (XDR) or totally drug-
completely identified, but poorer countries with weaker
healthcare systems are more affected (8).
"superbugs"(3). Resistance in bacteria can arise
The WHO defines antimicrobial resistance as a
naturally, by genetic mutation, or by one species
microorganism's resistance to an antimicrobial drug that
acquiring resistance from another. Resistance can
was once able to treat an infection by that
appear spontaneously because of random mutations.
microorganism (9). A person cannot become resistant to
However, extended use of antimicrobials appears to
antibiotics. Resistance is a property of the microbe, not
encourage selection for mutations which can render
a person or other organism infected by a microbe (10).
antimicrobials ineffective (4).
Antibiotic resistance is a subset of antimicrobial
Rising drug resistance is caused mainly by the
resistance. This more specified resistance is linked to
use of antimicrobials in humans and other animals, and
pathogenic bacteria and thus broken down into two
the spread of resistant strains between the two. Growing
further subsets, microbiological and clinical. Resistance
resistance has also been linked to the dumping of
linked microbiologically is the most common and
inadequately treated effluents from the pharmaceutical
occurs from genes, mutated or inherited, that allow the
industry, especially in countries where bulk drugs are
bacteria to resist the mechanism associated with certain
Received: 24/10/2021
Accepted: 22/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 87)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_88 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1517-1522

Genetic Polymorphisms of Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 and Risk of
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis in Post Hepatitis C Cirrhotic Patients
Rashed Mohammed Hassen1, Sahar Abdelshafy Elnemr1, Heba Fouad Pasha2,
Akram Said Ali Khafagy1, Ahmed S. Mohammed1
Departments of 1Tropical Medicine and 2Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Akram Said Ali Khafagy, Email: khafagyakram790@gmail.com


Background: Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) is efficient chemokine for activated lymphocytes,
macrophages as well as monocytes during infections, which directly or indirectly affects neutrophil infiltration.
Objective: This study aimed to determine whether genetic variants of the MCP-1 are associated with spontaneous
bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in individuals with post hepatitis C.
Patients and methods: Sixty patients with post-hepatitis C virus liver cirrhosis and ascites were included in the study.
They were divided into two groups: 30 patients with SBP in Group I & 30 patients who had not been diagnosed with
SBP in group II. Thirty healthy participants were included in the control group. PCR-RFLP was used to detect the MCP-
1gene polymorphism, and all patients had their medical histories, physical examinations, and laboratory tests completed,
including ascitic sample analysis.
Results: According to MCP-1 2518 genotypes, there was a statistically significant difference in alleles and MCP-1 2518
between the groups analyzed (p0.001 & p=.003 respectively). Both SBP and non-SBP groups studied showed
statistically significant differences in MCP-1 2518 genotypes and alleles (p=0.037& p= .038 respectively). Moreover,
SBP and control groups had significantly different MCP-1 2518 genotypes and alleles, (p0.001 & p=.003 respectively).
Ascitic individuals with AG genotype had a 5.24-fold increased chance of developing SBP, compared to those with the
GG genotype (COR=0.46). Ascitic patients who carry the G allele are less likely to develop SBP (COR=0.45).
Conclusion: Patients with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis have statistically significant difference in MCP-1 2518
genetic polymorphism and AG genotype increases risk of SBP while G allele significantly decreased risk of it.
Keywords: Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, Hepatitis C virus, Genetic polymorphisms, Monocyte chemotactic

acid protein with a molecular mass of 13 kDa that is
Cirrhosis is the last stage of various chronic
found on human chromosome 17 (chr.17, q11.2). The
hepatic disorders, and it is marked by fibrosis,
distal regulatory region's transcriptional activity and
morphological conversion from normal hepatic
monocyte MCP-1 production are both affected by the
architecture to structural aberrant nodules, and a
MCP-1 polymorphism -2518 G/A (rs 1024611). Since
disruption of normal liver vasculature. Compensated
MCP-1 production by monocytes is affected by this
and decompensated cirrhosis are the two clinical forms.
polymorphism. Monocytes from people with the -2518
Signs of decompensation include jaundice, ascites,
G allele generated more MCP-1 than those from A/A
variceal bleeding, spontaneous peritonitis, and hepatic
homozygous people. According to the results, cells
encephalopathy (1). More than a quarter of people with
from G/A homozygotes at -2518 produced significantly
decompensated cirrhosis are at risk of acquiring
more MCP-1 than did G/G heterozygotes, which
bacterial peritonitis, an infection that can be fatal if left
suggests that the G allele's activity is dose-dependent (5).
untreated. A neutrophil ascites counts more than
The aim of the work was to determine whether
250/mm3 is indicative of the condition. In this regard, it
genetic variants of the MCP-1 are associated with
is critical to understand how macrophages and
spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP) in individuals
monocytes infiltrate cirrhotic patients' ascites and
with post hepatitis C.
become activated (2).

Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 is efficient
chemokine for activated lymphocytes, macrophages as
At the Tropical Medicine Department at Zagazig
well as monocytes during infections, which directly or
University Hospitals, we conducted this case-control
indirectly affects neutrophil infiltration (3).
study from July 2021 to December 2021. Sixty patients
MCP-1 levels were shown to be higher in
with post-hepatitis C virus liver cirrhosis and ascites
cirrhotic patients' ascites than in healthy controls in
were included in the study. They were divided into two
some investigations. It was also found that during SBP,
groups: Group I included 30 patients with SBP & group
MCP-1 levels in the ascites were much greater, showing
II that included 30 patients who had not been diagnosed
that this strong chemokine is involved in the formation
with SBP. Thirty healthy participants were included as
and progression of SBP (4). MCP-1 is a powerful
control group.
mononuclear phagocyte activator. MCP-1 is a 76-amino

Received: 24/10/2021
Accepted: 22/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 88)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_89 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1523-1528

Predictive value of Neutrophil-Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin on the
Severity of coronary artery diseases and development of Contrast-Induced
Nephropathy after Percutaneous Coronary Interventions
Mohamed Ibraheem M. Al Awady, Aly Mohamed Abd Alrahman Saad,
Waleed Salim El awady, Mohamed Shafik Shafik Aboleneen*
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Mohamed Shafik Shafik Aboleneen, Mobile: 01014795652, Email: mohamedshafeak@yahoo.com

Contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) is a common complication among patients undergoing
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a glycoprotein stored
in granules of mature neutrophils released by renal tubular cells following acute tubular damage.
Objective: This study aimed to assess the role of neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) as a novel
noninvasive biomarker in prediction of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) and the severity of coronary artery disease
(CAD). Patients and Methods: This study was conducted as an observational Cross-sectional study included 50
patients who were admitted to the catheterization laboratory at Zagazig University Cardiovascular Department for PCI
from the period of 2014-2020. Patients were divided into two groups: Group A (nephropathy group) included patients
who developed impairment of kidney function and group B (non-nephropathy) group. All patients were subjected to
demographic data taking, full general (BP, Pulse, etc.) and local examination. ECG analysis, laboratory investigation,
echocardiographic examination (According to ASE 2015) and coronary angiography.
The difference between the two groups regarding post-PCI serum creatinine, pre-PCI NGAL and post-PCI
NGAL was statistically significant. ROC curve was constructed for estimating the validity of post-PCI NGAL as a
predictor for contrast-induced nephropathy and it was found that at cut-off value of 131 g/l was 92% for sensitivity
and 76% for specificity with AUC of 0.92 by ROC analysis
Conclusions: We concluded that among ischemic heart disease patients who underwent PCI, baseline NGAL levels
identified patients at high risk for the development of CI-AKI. Also we found that pre-coronary angio NGAL can predict
the severity of CAD.
Keywords: Contrast-induced acute kidney injury, Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, Contrast-induced

Deterioration of renal function resulting in acute
Despite the revolution in therapeutic approaches,
kidney injury (AKI) is a significant complication
coronary heart disease (CHD) remain one of the prime
associated with adverse outcomes in patients with ACS
causes of death. According to the global burden of
undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention
disease analysis, the highest mortality rate was attached
(PCI). Many risk factors have been suggested to play an
to CHD. However, 80% of the global cases of CHD are
important role in the development of CI-AKI. The
diagnosed in low-income countries. Among CHDs,
change of serum creatinine level was well-documented
acute coronary syndrome (ACS), including ST-segment
as a risk factor for CI-AKI. However, serum creatinine
elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non­ ST-
level does not elevate until glomerular filtration rate
segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and
(GFR) has decreased by at least 50%. Thus, assessment
unstable angina (UA), make up a significant proportion
of renal dysfunction according to serum creatinine is not
of clinical manifestations of CHD (1).
reliable (4).
Interventional procedures requiring contrast
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)
media administration are increasingly prevalent in
is a glycoprotein stored in granules of mature neutrophils
contemporary practice. Yet, a common complication
and is found to be released by renal tubular cells
arising from these procedures is rapid, though often
following acute tubular damage (5). In the present study,
temporary, declines in kidney function in the ensuing
we aimed to assess the role of neutrophil gelatinase
days. The pathophysiology underlying this clinical
associated lipocalin (NGAL) as a novel non-invasive
manifestation is complex and multifactorial, but a clear
biomarker in prediction of contrast-induced nephropathy
role has been related to the nephrotoxic and
(CIN) and the severity of coronary artery disease (CAD).
hemodynamic effects of iodinated contrast media, which

result in increased oxidative stress and cell injury (2).
Among patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
This observational cross-sectional study included 50
interventions (PCI), the incidence of contrast-associated
patients who were admitted to the catheterization
acute kidney injury (CA-AKI) have been reported
laboratory at Zagazig University Cardiovascular
between 3.3% and 14.5%, according to the definition
Department for PCI through the period from 2014 to
used (3).

Received: 25/10/2021
Accepted: 23/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 89)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_90 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1529-1535

Recognition of COVID-19 Pneumonia in Patients Performing
Different Interventional Radiological Procedures of The Chest
Emad H. Abdeldayem, Mai M. K. Barakat*, Ahmed S. Abdelrahman
Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mai M. K. Barakat, Mobile: (+20) 01006294780, E-mail: mai_mokhtar85@yahoo.com


Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was declared a global pandemic by the World Health
Organization on March 11, 2020. Many individuals remain completely asymptomatic and can transmit the infection to
the general population. The high rate of false-negative results of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-
PCR), particularly early in the course of the disease process, requires other tools to diagnose COVID-19 infection, with
an important role of radiological imaging. Interventional radiology in many instances continues to provide frontline care
during this pandemic and can overcome the unique challenges of safety while providing adequate and efficient high-
quality patient care.
Objective: The aim of our study was to focus upon the detection of typical imaging features of COVID-19 infection for
asymptomatic patients, performing the different interventional radiological procedures of the chest to avoid the spread
of infection and thus influence better detection and further management.
Patients and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we have 382 patients, coming for different interventional
radiological procedures of the chest from May 2020 till 30 October 2021.
Results: 35 (9.1%) patients had computed tomography (CT) features of COVID-19 pneumonia using CORADS
classification. RT-PCR testing was performed in 28 cases while 7 patients showed negative results; four cases repeated
the RT-PCR test and three of them became positive. The other 3 cases refused to repeat RT-PCR and were only isolated
and carefully monitored.
Conclusion: The radiology staff including interventional radiologists should be aware of the accidental discovery of
imaging features of COVD-19 infection, before proceeding with the interventional procedure. CT chest is an important
tool for detection of COVID-19 detection, even in asymptomatic patients.
Keywords: COVID-19 pneumonia, CT chest, Radiological procedures.


In many cases, interventional radiology is still
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an
providing frontline care throughout the pandemic, and
infectious illness caused by the coronavirus 2 (Severe
it has proven to be capable of overcoming the specific
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV-2) that causes
problems of safety while delivering appropriate and
severe acute respiratory syndrome [1, 2]. Most people
efficient high-quality patient care [12].
develop symptoms four to five days after being exposed
The aim of our study was to focus upon the
to COVID-19, but the virus can take up to two weeks to
detection of typical imaging features of COVID-19
incubate [3].
infection for asymptomatic patients, performing the
The clinical signs range from moderate to severe,
different interventional radiological procedures of the
with the majority of infected people experiencing minor
chest to avoid the spread of infection and thus influence
symptoms. Pneumonia is the most dangerous and
better detection and further management.
prevalent symptom of infection, and it is characterised

by fever, expectoration, dyspnea, and bilateral chest
infiltrates on imaging. Upper respiratory problems, loss
This cross-sectional study adherent to STROBE
of smell or taste, and diarrhea are some of the less
guidelines was done from the first of May 2020 till 30
common symptoms [4, 5].
October 2021. We have included 382 asymptomatic
Many people, on the other hand, are entirely
patients referred for the different interventional
asymptomatic and can spread the virus to the wider
radiological procedures of the chest.
public [6].
223 patients were presented with suspicious
Because of the high probability of false-negative
pulmonary nodule, mass, or cavity lesion. 78 patients
RT-PCR findings, especially early in the disease phase,
were presented with mediastinal mass including
alternative methods are needed to detect COVID-19
enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. 25 patients were
infection, with radiological imaging playing a key role
presented with a hilar or para-hilar lesion. 21 patients
[7]. On chest radiographs and CT exams, several typical
were requested for CT-guided taping of pleural effusion
imaging features of COVID-19 have been documented
and sampling from pleural thickening. 13 patients were
referred for ablation of a solitary pulmonary nodule in
Received: 07/11/2021
Accepted: 28/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 90)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_91 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1536-1539

Erythropoietin's Influence on Renal Anemia Treatment: Review Article
Doaa Yousef Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed Taha Farag*, Sahbaa Fahr Mohamed
Department of Pediartics, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Mohamed Taha Farag, E-Mail: ahmedtaha7522@gmail.com

: The main chain of erythropoietin (EPO) consists of 193 amino acids and it has a molecular weight of
34000 Dalton (Da). EPO is a hormone-like molecule that is secreted primarily by renal interstitial cells, with the liver
contributing the remaining 10%. Renal tubular or glomerular injury can restrict EPO production and create renal tissue
hypoxia, which can then lead to an increase in the production of EPO in the serum. EPO is a humeral factor that enhances
red blood cell production by increasing bone marrow cell proliferation and differentiation. Blood flow into peripheral
blood arteries can also be boosted by EPO's ability to differentiate stem cells into red blood cells. After being activated
by its receptors, to create adult hemoglobin, erythroid cells need to be differentiated and proliferated. EPO aids in the
differentiation and proliferation of these cells.
Objective: To determine if erythropoietin could be useful in the treatment of renal anemia.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
Egyptian knowledge bank] and Boolean operators (and, or, not) had been used such as [Erythropoietin and Renal
Anemia OR EPO] and in peer-reviewed articles between July 2002 and May 2021.
Conclusion: Renal anemia patients who receive EPO treatment can have considerable improvements in oxygen levels,
immunological function, and so on; An iron overload or blood infection can be prevented by using EPO in transfusions.
Keywords: Erythropoietin, Renal Anemia.


It's common for youngsters with renal illness to
Erythropoietin's main chain has a molecular
suffer from anemia. When the glomerular filtration rate
weight of 34000 Da and is composed of 193 amino acids.
drops below 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2, hemoglobin levels
Renal interstitial cells are the primary source of EPO, with
drop as well, and this is particularly prominent in adults.
the liver accounting for the remaining 10%. Damage to the
The association between GFR and anemia is less evident
renal tubules or glomeruli can result in renal tissue
in children. For both adults and children, erythropoietin
ischemia and hypoxia, which can prevent the generation
and iron therapy has made it possible to forego routine
of EPO and increase the amount of EPO produced in the
blood transfusions in order to maintain a patient's
bloodstream. EPO enters the body's metabolic pathway as
hemoglobin level. Numerous research in adults and
soon as it is created. An abnormality in the hemoglobin
comparatively few in children have shown that higher
and hemoglobin pressure feedback regulation, prolonged
hemoglobin levels are linked to greater quality of life,
rise in serum EPO levels leads to kidney damage in the
cognitive function, exercise ability, and cardiovascular
human body (4).
health (1).
EPO can increase bone marrow cell proliferation
More than 170 years ago, Richard Bright first
and differentiation, and it is a humeral factor that
connected anemia to chronic kidney disease (CKD).
promotes red blood cell production. Red blood cell
Nearly all patients with CKD stage 5 develop anemia as
development and blood flow into peripheral blood
their kidney disease progresses. Having anemia as a result
arteries can also be facilitated by EPO, which is a growth
of chronic renal disease increases one's risk of
factor for stem cells. EPO can increase bone marrow cell
cardiovascular illness, in-patient stays in the hospital,
proliferation and differentiation, and it is a humeral
mental decline, and even death (2).
factor that promotes red blood cell production. Red blood
cell development and blood flow into peripheral blood
hypoproliferative anemia is common in people with
arteries can also be facilitated by EPO, which is a growth
kidney disease. A lack of erythropoietin in individuals
factor for stem cells (5).
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) has been attributed to

the discovery in the 1950s of a circulating factor that
Effects of Erythropoietin and Other Substances
stimulates erythropoiesis and the kidney as the primary
Taken Together:
source of erythropoietin. Development of immunologic
Iron sucrose:

assays for quantifying circulating EPO levels in the late
The clinic offers two main therapy options: oral iron
1970s and early 1980s was made possible by EPO
supplements and intravenous iron supplements.
purification and cloning. EPO levels are considered
Individuals with uremia and digestive tract iron release
abnormally low in anemia of CKD, despite the fact that
and iron malabsorption issues generally fail to achieve
anemic individuals with normal kidney function had EPO
EPO therapy needs when delivered orally using the
levels 10­100 times higher than those with CKD. Assays
like this one measure all immunogenic EPO fragments,
supplementation can bypass the reticuloendothelial
which don't all correlate with biological activity (3).
Received: 25/10/2021
Accepted: 23/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 91)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_92 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1540-1544
HELLP Syndrome after Caesarean Section: Review Article
Ahmed Elsaied Abdel Rahman, Hamza Abu Alam Mahmoud,
Ghada Abdel Gaber Rezq, Mohammed Samir Ismail, Al shymaa Mahmoud Ahmed*
Department of Anesthesia & Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine ­ Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Al shymaa Mahmoud Ahmed, Mobile: (+20) 01067796177, E-Mail: dr. alshimaaagag@gmail.com

HELLP occurs in 0.5%­0.9% of all pregnancies. About 30% of the cases happen within 48 hours after
delivery. Women with postpartum HELLP syndrome have significantly higher incidences of complications. Because of
the absence of classical signs of preeclampsia, it can confuse physicians and lead to delay in diagnosis. Therefore, it is
associated with serious maternal and baby morbidity.
Objective: We aimed in this review to highlight on HELLP syndrome after cesarean delivery due to its extreme risk to
the mother and baby after birth.
Methods: These databases were searched for articles published in English in 4 data bases: PubMed ­ Google scholar-
The Egyptian knowledge bank and Science direct. Also, Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as
[HELLP Syndrome AND Caesarean section OR preeclampsia] and in peer-reviewed articles between March 1994 and
August 2021. A 27-year date range was selected, no language limitations, and filtered in selected data basis for the last
27 years. Documents in a language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation. Papers apart
from main scientific studies had been excluded (documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference
abstract papers and dissertations).
Conclusion: The HELLP syndrome usually occurs with preeclampsia, so timely and early diagnosis of HELLP is
important. Additionally, early treatment is important to prevent potentially fatal complications, especially in patients
with poor health status.
Keywords: HELLP syndrome, Caesarean section, Pregnant.

HELLP is an acronym that refers to a syndrome
that 35% of the variance in susceptibility to PE were
characterized by hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and
attributed to maternal inheritance, and 20% to fetal
a low platelet count (1). It occurs in 0.5%­0.9% of all
genetic effects with similar contribution of maternal and
pregnancies. About 70% of the cases happen before
paternal inheritance (3).
delivery and within 48 hours after delivery. Although,
Risk factors:
there are no differences in laboratory findings between
Elevated body mass index, metabolic disorders, as
HELLP syndrome before and after delivery, women
well as antiphospholipid syndrome, significantly
with postpartum HELLP syndrome have significantly
increase the risk of HELLP syndrome in all female
higher incidences of complications, such as pulmonary
patients. Females who had or are related to a female
edema, renal failure, disseminated intravascular
with previous HELLP syndrome complications tend to
coagulation, and subcapsular liver haematoma (2).
be at a higher risk in all their subsequent pregnancies (4).
The clinical triad of hypertension, proteinuria, and
The risk of HELLP syndrome is not conclusively
oedema is a well-recognized syndrome of the second
associated with a specific genetic variation, but likely a
half of pregnancy known as preeclampsia, although its
combination of genetic variations, such as FAS gene,
etiology remains uncertain (1). Patients' cases that were
VEGF gene, glucocorticoid receptor gene and the toll-
variants of severe preeclampsia-eclampsia with atypical
like receptor gene, increases the risk (1).
signs and symptoms or very complicated courses of this
disease process have been reported since the end of the
19th century. Many of these descriptions of pregnancies
A classification system has been developed in
complicated by an uncharacteristic presentation of
Mississippi based on the lowest observed maternal
preeclampsia are representative of the condition now
platelet count as a primary, easily measured indicator of
identified as HELLP syndrome (2).
disease severity, with class I HELLP syndrome
We aimed in this review to highlight on HELLP
referring to a maternal platelet count of < 50,000/l,
syndrome after cesarean delivery due to its extreme risk
class II to a platelet count > 50,000 to < 100,000/l and
to the mother and baby after birth.
class III to a platelet count > 100,000 to < 150,000/l,

with haemolysis and raised liver enzymes levels (2).
Epidemiology and inheritance:
Pregnant patients who develop class I HELLP
Inheritance: Sisters and children of a woman who
syndrome have the highest incidence of perinatal
has sustained HELLP have increased risks of HELLP.
morbidity and mortality and the most protracted
A woman who has sustained HELLP has a high risk of
postpartum recovery periods. Tennessee classification
developing HELLP (14­24%) and PE (22­28%) in
system is based on the partial or complete expression of
HELLP syndrome (5).
pathogenetic mechanisms. A population study indicated
Received: 26/10/2021
Accepted: 24/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 92)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_93 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1545-1548

Association of Cytokines in Preeclampsia: Review Article
Ahmed Elsaied Abdel Rahman1, Hamza Abu Alam Mahmoud1,
Ghada Abdel Gaber Rezq1, Mohammed Samir Ismail2, Al Shymaa Mahmoud Ahmed*1
Departments of 1Anesthesia & Intensive Care and
2Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine ­ Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Al shymaa Mahmoud Ahmed, Mobile: (+20) 01067796177, E-Mail: dr. alshimaaagag@gmail.com

Preeclampsia (PE) is an important, common, and dangerous complication of pregnancy that causes
maternal and perinatal illness and is responsible for a high proportion of maternal and infant deaths. PE is associated
with increased blood pressure and proteinuria, with a whole host of other potentially serious complications in the mother
and fetus. The maternal syndrome in PE is primarily that of generalized dysfunction of the maternal endothelium, and
this generalized endothelial dysfunction appears to be part of an exaggerated systemic inflammatory response that
involves maternal leukocytes and proinflammatory cytokines.
Objective: This review aimed to study the role of cytokines in preeclampsia.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases: PubMed, Google scholar and
science direct. Also, Boolean operators (and, or, not) had been used such as cytokines and preeclampsia OR cytokines
and pregnancy and in peer-reviewed articles between June 1991 and April 2021.
Cytokines can be used as biomarkers for the prediction and better clinical management of preeclampsia in
the initial stages. The balanced ratio of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines is essential to regulate the maternal
inflammation system throughout pregnancy.
Keywords: Cytokines, Preeclampsia, Pregnancy.

PE: An Inflammatory State:
Substantial evidence has accrued over the years
Preeclampsia is associated with chronic immune
supporting roles for cytokines in the pathogenesis of
activation that results in elevated levels of inflammatory
preeclampsia (PE) at the early placental stage and in the
cytokines released by proinflammatory helper T-cell
later systemic stage as well. Cytokines play critical,
subsets. The proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis
essential roles in signaling between cells of the immune
factor (TNF-), interleukin (IL) 6, and IL-17 are
system, with a prolific range of regulatory activities
typically secreted by activated TH1 and TH17 cells to
including the recruitment, activation, stimulation,
instigate a cytotoxic and inflammatory immune response
killing, and suppression of immune and non-immune
to foreign pathogens or injury. During PE, these
cells. Interestingly, research in the last two decades has
cytokines are significantly increased in the maternal
shown that cytokines are also involved in several events
circulation and the placenta, resulting in chronic
in pregnancy such as ovulation, implantation,
systemic and local placental inflammation, which
placentation, and parturition (1).
contributes to the pathophysiologic complications that
Cytokines like granulocyte-macrophage colony-
manifest during PE (3).
stimulating factor (GM-CSF), colony-stimulating factor-
The increased TNF- and IL-6 in the vasculature
1, IL-3, and IL-10 contribute to the success of pregnancy,
contribute to increased endothelial expression of
while cytokines such as TNF- and IFN- have been
adhesion molecules and permeability, resulting in
shown to have harmful effects on pregnancy. IL-2, TNF-
endothelial dysfunction during PE. Expression of
, and IFN- are characteristic of T helper 1 (Th1)-type
adhesion molecules in the vasculature promotes
immunity and induce several cell-mediated cytotoxic
leukocyte rolling and extravasation, leading to increased
and inflammatory reactions. Th2-type cells, on the other
endothelial permeability. Studies have demonstrated that
hand, secrete the Th2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-
TNF- signaling results in endothelial cell activation,
10 are associated with help for humeral immunity. Th2-
decreased nitric oxide synthase (NOS) messenger RNA
type immunity is associated with a normal pregnancy,
(mRNA), and increased production of preproendothelin
whereas a strong Th1 reactivity is associated with
1 (PPE-1) mRNA. Decreased nitric oxide (NO)
pregnancy complications such as recurrent spontaneous
bioavailability results in a loss of vasodilator ability of
miscarriage, preterm delivery, and premature rupture of
endothelial cells and leads to endothelial dysfunction and
fetal membranes. In addition, being classified as Th1 and
the development of hypertension and IUGR in
Th2 cytokines, cytokines can also be classified as pro-
PE. Preproendothelin 1 is the precursor to the potent
and anti-inflammatory. Cytokines such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-
vasoconstrictor endothelin 1 (ET-1), which has been
8, TNF-, and IFN-, which are proinflammatory.
shown to be increased in the circulation of preeclamptic
Increased levels of such proinflammatory cytokines are
women. Furthermore, PPE-1 mRNA expression is
associated with pregnancy complications such as
increased in the endothelial cells of women with PE
preterm delivery and intrauterine growth retardation (2).

pregnancies. Interleukin 6 has also been shown to
Received: 27/10/2021
Accepted: 25/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 93)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_94 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1549-1552
Lipid Profile of Children and Adolescents with Hemophilia at
Zagazig University Hospitals
Mervat A. Hesham1, Samah Mohamed Abdalla Alshiri1, Saffaa M Elalawi2, Mahmoud Abdelazeem*1
Departments of 1Pediatric and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Mahmoud Abdelazeem, Email: abdelazeemmahmoud29@yahoo.com

The increased management of hemophilia has led to an increase in age-related problems in this population.
These patients have high rates of cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, and
diabetes, which may have an impact on their overall health and healthcare costs.
Objectives: To investigate hemophilia patients for lipid profile changes and its clinical impacts.
Subjects and methods: this case-control study was conducted in Hematology Unit and Outpatients' Hematology Clinic of
Pediatric Department at Zagazig University Hospitals over 6-month period. This study was conducted on 153 subject
divided into 87 patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of hemophilia (65 hemophilia A and 22 hemophilia B) and
66 age and sex matched healthy children as a control group. All the studied groups were subjected to full medical history,
thorough clinical examination and laboratory investigations such as complete lipid profile, fasting blood glucose and
hemoglobin A1C.
Results: Overweight was reported in 19.5% of hemophilia patients and obesity in 14.9%. High blood pressure, increase
lipid profile (hypercholesterolemia, high LDL, hypertriglyceridemia) and high blood sugar were shown to be more
significantly higher in the cases compared to the control group.
Conclusion: Findings from our study revealed hyperlipidemia among people with hemophilia (PwH). Hyperlipidemia,
being overweight or obese, and their implications must be prevented and managed early in healthcare for the hemophilia
population if it is to improve overall health.
Keywords: Hemophilia, Hypertension, Lipid profile, Obesity, Risk factor.

diseases (6). Comorbidities that affect hemophilia care,
For people with hemophilia A or B, a lack of clotting
such as obesity and overweight, may be better addressed
factors VIII or IX causes a lifelong bleeding disease.
with advancements in treatment (7).
Bleeding can occur with or without trauma in many
Atherosclerosis in both children and adults has been
coagulopathies, and treatment requires therapeutic or
linked in several studies to plasma cholesterol levels(8).
preventative replacement of the deficient clotting factor (1).
Thus assessing changes in lipid profile levels in
The more severe the hemophilia, the more likely it is that
hemophilic patients is useful in children who requires
a person will experience a bleed. Severe hemophilia can
lifelong therapy (9).
result in spontaneous bleeding, abnormal bruising or
Aim of the work was to investigate hemophilia
bleeding, and re-bleeding following invasive procedures
patients for lipid profile changes and its clinical impacts.
(all of these are examples of severe hemophilia) (2).

Joints are the site of approximately 60% of all
bleeding events. It is most frequent to have bleeding in one
This is a case control study conducted during the
of the following joints: knees. But it can happen in any of
period from July 2021 to January 2022, at Pediatric
the other ones: ankles, shoulders, and wrists (3). Risk
Hematology ­ Oncology Units (Pediatric Hospital) and
factors for mortality and morbidity in hemophilia patients
Pediatric Hematology Outpatient Clinic at Zagazig
include diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HT),
University Hospitals, on 153 subject divided into 87
obesity, as well as family history of cardiovascular disease
Patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of
(CVD) (4).
hemophilia (65 hemophilia A and 22 hemophilia B) and
Arthritis, functional disability, and chronic joint
66 age and sex matched healthy children as a control
discomfort are all symptoms of hemophilia. As a result,
obesity is a health problem for people with hemophilia
Patients with age <6 and >18 year, with bleeding disorders
(PwH) and a factor exacerbating cardiac, metabolic, and
rather than hemophilia, with genetic or systemic causes for
joint health for those who are already predisposed to
dyslipidemia or patients whose relative refused to
obesity (5). An increase in chronic pain and decreased joint
participate in the study were excluded from the study.
range of motion are all linked to PwH being overweight.

A patient's overall health, including their anxiety and
All participants of the study were subjected to:
distress as a result of their long-term sickness, may be
A) Complete history taking; with stress on age of
affected by the burden of obesity and hemophilia-related
diagnosis, inability to move the damaged joint or the
Received: 25/10/2021
Accepted: 23/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 94)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_95 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1553-1560

Metabolic Syndrome Predictors among Shift Workers of Zagazig
Central Railway Station: A Case-Control Study
Samah S. Sheta*, Reem A. Abbas, Dina Abd El Wehab
Department of Community, Environmental and Occupational Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Samah S. Sheta, Mobile: (+20)01143500624, Email: shtasmah@gmail.com

Metabolic syndrome (MetS) describes a number of metabolic disorders involving blood glucose
abnormalities, elevated blood pressure, triglycerides levels, decreased high-density lipoprotein and increased abdominal
obesity which are associated with risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular abnormalities with
more mortality. MetS globally has been attributed to alterations in lifestyle, like eating patterns and sedentary life.
Objectives: 1- To compare metabolic syndrome prevalence between shift and day workers. 2- To clarify associated risk
factors for metabolic syndrome. 3- To study impacts of metabolic syndrome affection on workplace accidents,
absenteeism, and workers engagement. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between
shift and day workers at Zagazig Railway Station with a sample size of 244 (122 shift workers (exposed group) and 122
day workers. Data were collected by using 1- structured interview questionnaire including relevant socio-demographic,
occupational characteristics, certain past and family histories data of concern, questions to assess risk factors of
metabolic syndrome and questions to assess some consequences of metabolic syndrome. 2- Anthropometric
measurements and laboratory investigations to assess parameters of MetS. Results: Studied shift workers had significant
prevalence of metabolic syndrome (51.6% vs. 36.1% in day workers), fasting blood glucose, larger waist circumference
and triglyceride levels compared to day workers. The prevalence of poor sleep quality complaint was significantly higher
among shift workers compared to the day workers. Shift workers showed significant incidence of workplace accidents
in addition to decreased work engagement compared to day workers.
Shift work constitutes an occupational risk for MetS development, which has its special health and work
Keywords: Shift work, Metabolic syndrome, Risk factors, Sleep quality, Workplace accidents.

increase of the risk for coronary heart disease, a two or
The Railway is an important industry where large
threefold increased risk for future ischemic heart attack
numbers of human resources are involved in rotational
and a greater risk for diabetes mellitus (7).
task (1). According to Egyptian National Railways

(ENR), there is a large number of employees about
Study design: Comparative cross-sectional study.
86,000 working in railway sector, it transports about one
Sample size: The expected frequency of metabolic
million passengers and provides 1,300 daily services (2).
syndrome among shift workers was (37.1%) compared
There is increasing concern over shift work side
to (20.8%) among day workers as estimated from a
effects on health. Shift work disrupts normal biological
previous study (8), taking into account power of the test
rhythms and has been associated with multiple health
(80%) and confidence interval (CI) of 95%. The sample
problems (3). Much evidence showed that shift work is
size was calculated to be 244 (122 exposed group (night
related to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus
shift) and 122 comparable group (day shift). Simple
type 2. Some studies showed that hypertension and
random sample method was used for selection of
diabetes type 2 were associated with the metabolic
workers groups.
syndrome (Mets) (4).
Multiple studies have demonstrated that shift
Study setting: Zagazig Railway Station. The
workers are at an increased risk for metabolic
questionnaires were distributed at the different work
syndrome, which leads to an increased risk for "the
spots and Zagazig Railway and local clinic was used for
metabolic trifecta" of cardiovascular disease, stroke,
clinical examination and blood sampling.
and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome (Mets)
describes a group of metabolic disorders including
· Exposed group (Shift workers): the working
blood glucose changes, increased blood pressure,
schedule of the studied shift work group was as
reduced high-density lipoprotein, high triglycerides,
follows: (12 hours) work followed by (24 hours)
and abdominal obesity, which are associated with
increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus
· Comparative group (Day workers): have fixed
and cardiovascular disease, as well as increased death
morning shift.
rates (5).
Inclusion criteria: Male workers, age 18 to 60, have no
Recent findings clarified that short sleep time can
other Job and work for at least two years in Zagazig
elicit a physiological and psychological stress response.
Railway Station.
Gut microbial showed altered and biases of intestinal
Exclusion criteria: Subjects working for less than two
microbial generations in circadian disrupted mice and
years. - Subjects who were in a leave at the time of the
jet lagged humans (6). MetS induces an almost two-fold
Received: 26/10/2021
Accepted: 24/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 95)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_96 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1561-1568

Evaluation of Outcomes of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty in
Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures in among Elder Patients
Mohamed Abdullah El-Soufy, Waleed Mohmed Nafea,
Mare Altahir Saed Almahrouq, Mohamed Hussein ElSayed Ibrahim
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mare Altahir Saed Almahrouq, E-Mail: mare.a.mahrouq@gmail.com

: Early postoperative ambulation following hemiarthroplasty for elderly patients with unstable
intertrochanteric femur fractures is possible with the use of bipolar prosthesis.
Objective: to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a new surgical treatment for unstable intertrochanteric fractures in
elderly patients treated with bipolar hemiarthroplasty.
Patients and Methods: Our study was done on 18 patients that experienced primary cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty
for fixation of unstable intertrochanteric fractures at Zagazig University Hospital. Patients were followed up clinically
and radiologically for 6 months. Clinical evaluation was done using Harris hip score.
Results: The standard cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty represented (61.1%) and cemented bipolar hemiarthroplasty
with calcar replacement (38.9%) of line of treatment. Most of the studied group (41.2%) had excellent Harris hip score
(HHS) followed by (35.3%) had good score then fair (17.6%) and lastly poor score (5.9%), with mean HHS of 83.23.
Conclusion: When treating older patients with unstable intertrochanteric fractures, primary bipolar hemiarthroplasty is
a better option than open reduction and internal fixation.
Keywords: Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty, Elderly, Unstable Intertrochanteric Fractures.


therefore avoiding the postoperative problems that arise
Intertrochanteric fractures (IT) are among the most
from immobilization or implant failure (5).
common types of fractures seen by orthopedics. These
In the elderly, unstable intertrochanteric fractures
fractures are becoming more common as life expectancy
are one of the leading causes of morbidity. Diabetic and
rises (1). By 2040, the prevalence of hip fractures is
cardiovascular conditions like diabetes are common in
predicted to have doubled because of a decrease in muscle
this age range. If these patients are confined to a hospital
mass surrounding the hip and osteoporosis, which is
bed, their health rapidly deteriorates as a result of these
growing more common as the elderly population grows.
conditions. Restoring pre-fracture activity levels,
IT fractures account for roughly 45 to 50 percent of all hip
allowing for early return to full weight bearing, and
fractures in the elderly, and of these, 50 to 60 percent are
avoiding the need for a second surgery are the most
considered unstable. For dynamic hip screw (DHS); the
important considerations when treating these fractures in
cut-out rate can be as high as 8%, and the likelihood of
the elderly. In some cases, as many as 10% of patients are
failure with unstable IT fractures can be as high as 50
described as having a failure of fixation. In older patients
percent (2).
with unstable intertrochanteric fractures of the femur,
When treating older patients with unstable
hemiarthroplasty employing bipolar prostheses results in
intertrochanteric fractures, it might be difficult to achieve
good clinical outcomes, including early postoperative
anatomical reduction because of the high rates of
ambulation. This will have a significant impact on the
morbidity and death that are associated with these
patient's overall health and ability to recover after surgery
fractures. There have been numerous studies showing
mechanical and technological failures in the treatment of
For treatment of intertrochanteric fractures, the
choice for many decades for older individuals with
gamma nail is a traditional intramedullary fixation device
unstable intertrochanteric fractures. Intertrochanteric hip
created using the sliding hip screw and intramedullary
fractures, both stable and unstable, are commonly treated
nail systems (7). A surgeon can easily and quickly use the
with a dynamic hip screw (DHS), which has a number of
standardized surgical approach for inserting gamma nails,
drawbacks, particularly in unstable fractures (3).
resulting in tiny incisions after surgery. If the medullary
Extramedullary implants were previously blamed for
cavities are thin or obstructed or the femur shafts have
these failures; however a recent study found no difference
wide anterior arches and the patient has apparent
in unstable intertrochanteric fracture fixation between
osteoporosis, this procedure is not recommended.
intra- and extramedullary types of implants (4).
Complications of the Gamma Nail include stress fractures
Restoring mobility safely and quickly, while
of the distal femoral shaft, worsened intertrochanteric
limiting the risk of medical consequences and
fractures, and the rupture of the major nails, in addition to
technological failure, is the primary goal of treatment. A
malunion of fractures. The lag screw lengths and
patient's ability to walk again depends on the quality of
positions are also a problem (8).
bone and the type of implant that was used. These patients
In the case of unstable or osteoporotic
may be able to return to their pre-injury level of activity
intertrochanteric fractures, conventional DHS may be
more soon with primary bipolar arthroplasty treatment,
able to provide useful stability, although this is not the
Received: 26/10/2021
Accepted: 24/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 96)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_97 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1569-1574

Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Gastroenterostomy vs
Duodenal Stenting vs surgical Gastrojejunostomy for the
Treatment of Malignant Gastric Outlet Obstruction; Review Article
AlAmri Turki Abdullah
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, King Fahad University Hospital,
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam 31441, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: AlAmri Turki Abdullah, Mobile: +966557521347, E-mail: taalamri@iau.edu.sa

Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) is a clinical condition caused by a mechanical blockage of the upper
digestive tract at the level of the distal stomach, pylorus or duodenum. Often encountered in the context of advanced
malignancy, it is associated with debilitating symptoms including intractable nausea and vomiting, inability to tolerate
oral nutrition, abdominal pain and decreased quality of life.
Objective: The aim of the review is to evaluate endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy vs duodenal stenting
vs surgical gastrojejunostomy for the treatment of malignant gastric outlet obstruction.
Methods: PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using keywords. The author also screened
references from the relevant literature, including all the identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete
studies were included, which were published between 1992 and 2022. Documents in a language apart from English have
been excluded as sources for interpretation was not found. Papers apart from main scientific studies had been excluded:
documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract papers and dissertations.
Ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy (EUS-GE) is emerging as a potential treatment option for GOO.
When compared to duodenal stenting and surgical gastrojejunostomy (SGJ), EUS-GE may provide a longer lasting
treatment for GOO. In the hands of experts, EUS-GE appears to be similar in efficacy and safety when compared to
surgery; yet it may be less costly.
Keywords: Duodenal Stenting, Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Gastroenterostomy, Malignant Gastric Outlet
Obstruction, Surgical gastrojejunostomy.

Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) among patients
concern for DS migration, as well as the invasiveness of
with malignant neoplasms within or adjacent to the
SGJ, alternative endoscopic strategies to improve the
gastric antrum, duodenum, or pancreatobiliary tract has
quality of life for these patients have been employed [5,6].
become increasingly encountered in clinical practice
Within the last 6 years, endoscopic ultrasound-
and is associated with significant morbidity and
guided gastroenterostomy (EUS-GE) with the
decreased quality of life [1]. Obstructive symptoms may
placement of a lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) has
present as intractable nausea or vomiting, abdominal
become an increasingly adopted approach for the
discomfort, fullness, early satiety, or dehydration along
management of malignant GOO. This strategy, similar
with multiple electrolyte derangements. Given these
to SGJ, aims to bypass the site of gastrointestinal
associated symptoms and a significant decrease in
obstruction and reduce the associated morbidity and
quality of life, effective treatments aimed at palliation
complication rates associated with a traditional surgical
remain critically important [2].
strategy [7]. The EUS-GE procedure involves the
Traditionally, the palliative treatment of
creation of an anastomosis between the stomach and an
malignant GOO was relegated to the operating room--
adjacent duodenal or jejunal loop via the placement of
an anastomotic LAMS. The goal, unlike DS placement,
gastrojejunostomy (SGJ), which aimed to provide a
is to bypass the gastric drainage course from the
long-term luminal bypass of the area of obstruction [3].
obstructive lesion to the small intestine distal to the site
However, since the 1990s [4], endoscopic placement of
of obstruction--potentially decreasing the risk of tumor
a self-expanding metal stent (SEMS) has been shown to
ingrowth. Furthermore, as the LAMS bypasses the site
be an effective treatment strategy and an increasingly
of obstruction, there is no risk of stent-related biliary
utilized alternative to SGJ. This endoscopic strategy
obstruction. Hence, a presumed increase in clinical
involving duodenal stent (DS) placement possesses
success and a decreased need for reintervention may be
some advantages compared to a surgical approach,
expected [8].
including less invasiveness, decreased procedure-
The aim of the review to evaluate endoscopic
associated morbidity, and shorter hospital stay. Yet,
ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy vs duodenal
despite these advantages, DS placement has been
stenting vs surgical gastrojejunostomy for the treatment
associated with higher rates of reintervention due to
of malignant gastric outlet obstruction.
stent obstruction and migration--especially among
Surgical gastrojejunostomy, duodenal stenting,
patients with life expectancies greater than 6­12
months. Given this increased rate of reintervention and
gastroenterostomy are the 3 methods currently available
Received: 27/10/2021
Accepted: 25/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 97)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_98 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1575-1580

Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Review Article
Mohamed Ahmed Abdellah*1, Yasser Ahmed Helmy1,
Hazem Mohamed Mohamed1, Doaa S. M. Bardis2, Mohamed Hasan Alameldin3
Departments of 1Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2Clinical and Chemical Pathology and 3Radiology,
Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Ahmed Abdellah, Mobile: (+20) 01098437456,
E-Mail: mohamedabdelaah@med.sohag.edu.eg

Placenta accreta is defined as abnormal trophoblast invasion of part or all of the placenta into the
myometrium of the uterine wall. Placenta accreta spectrum, formerly known as morbidly adherent placenta, refers to
the range of pathologic adherence of the placenta, including placenta increta, placenta percreta, and placenta accreta.
Maternal morbidity and mortality can occur because of severe and sometimes life-threatening hemorrhage, which often
requires blood transfusion. Rates of maternal death are increased for women with placenta accreta spectrum.
Objective: The purpose of this review was to highlight diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and
ultrasonographic of the presence of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS).
Methods: These databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
science direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as [Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta and
Placenta Accreta Spectrum OR PAS] and in peer-reviewed articles between June 2005 and February 2021. Documents
in a language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation was not found. Papers apart from
main scientific studies had been excluded: documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract
papers and dissertations.
Conclusion: The timely diagnosis of abnormal placentation is of great importance since, the earliest diagnosis implies
less risky, less costly and successful management. Ultrasonography may successfully achieve this goal. Furthermore,
MRI imaging, in cases of diagnostic dilemmas may be particularly useful and lead to safer and more precise diagnosis.
Keywords: Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta, MRI, Ultrasonography.


The recent rapid increase in caesarean delivery
placenta (placenta accreta) and abnormally invasive
(CD) rates has changed the epidemiology of placenta
placenta (AIP ­ including placenta increta and placenta
accreta spectrum (PAS) worldwide from a rare, serious,
percreta); the term PAS encompasses the whole
pathological condition to an increasingly common
spectrum of the disorder (Figure 1).
major obstetric complication. The risk of placenta
In abnormally adherent placenta the implantation
previa increases following CD, and women presenting
of the villi is in direct contact with the myometrium in
with a low lying/placenta previa and history of CD are
the absence of an obvious plane of cleavage. In
at the highest risk of PAS (previa PAS) (1).
abnormally invasive placentation, the villi invade

deeply the myometrium, and cannot be easily removed
Historical background:
either manually or by curettage.
Placenta accreta was first described nearly 80 years ago
The result of different, sometimes incorrect,
as a clinicopathological condition in which the placenta
diagnostic criteria is a wide variability in the reported
fails to separate partially or totally from the uterine wall.
predictive value of antenatal imaging strategies, and the
It was first described in 1937 by obstetrician Frederick
outcomes associated with different management
C, Irving and pathologist Arthur T. Hertig at the Boston
strategies. Maternal morbidity and mortality can occur
Lying-In Hospital (2).
because of severe and sometimes life-threatening

hemorrhage, which often requires blood transfusion and
the rates of maternal death are increased for women with
Placenta accreta is defined as abnormal trophoblast
placenta accreta spectrum. Additionally, patients with
invasion of part or all of the placenta into the
placenta accreta spectrum are more likely to require
myometrium of the uterine wall (3). Abnormal
hysterectomy at the time of delivery or during the
placentation includes both abnormally adherent
postpartum period and have longer hospital stays (4).
Received: 28/10/2021
Accepted: 26/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 98)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_99 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1581-1585

Combination of Intradialytic Leg Cycling & Upper Limb Range of
Motion Exercises on Improving Dialysis Adequacy and Solutes Removal
Hoda Gaber El Said1, Azza Abd El-Aziz Abd El-Hady1,
Mustafa Mahmoud Noskhi2, Mona Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Wahab1
1Department of Physical therapy for Cardiovascular/ Respiratory Disorders and Geriatrics,
Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University, Egypt
2Department of Nephrology at the Military Medical Academy Manager of Nephrology Hospital at
El-Galaa Military Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hoda Gaber El Said, Mobile: (+20) 01100272020, E-Mail: huda.eaid68@gmail.com

Dialysis adequacy is an important survival indicator in patients with chronic hemodialysis (HD).
Intradialytic exercise in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients improve dialysis adequacy.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of 2 months combining of intradialytic leg cycling and upper limb
range of motion exercises (ROM) on dialysis efficiency for patients with ESRD.
Patients and Methods:
Forty six hemodialysis patients of both sexes with ESRD participated in the study. They were
randomly assigned into two groups (A & B). Group (A) included 11 males and 12 females where they received 3 sessions
per week for 2 months of intradialytic leg cycling and upper limb range of motion exercise. Group (B) included 12 males
and 11 females who received only upper limb range of motion exercise. Their mean age were 60.76 ± 3.37 and 60.82 ±
3.41 years old for group A & B respectively.
Results: There was a significant decrease in urea level, K+ and phosphorus in group A post-treatment compared to their
pre-treatment (p < 0.01), while there was a significant increase in K t/V, URR and creatinine clearance post-treatment
compared to pretreatment (p < 0.001). There was no significant change in urea level, URR, creatinine clearance and K+
in group B (p > 0.05), while there was a significant increase in K t/V and a significant decrease in phosphorus post-
treatment compared to pre-treatment (p < 0.01).
Conclusion: Combination of Intradialytic leg cycling and upper limb range of motion exercises had a significant role
in increasing dialysis adequacy (URR & K t/V), creatinine reduction ratio and decreasing phosphorus and potassium for
ESRD patients on maintenance hemodialysis.
Keywords: Intradialytic exercise, Cycling exercise, Range of motion, Hemodialysis, ESRD, Chronic kidney disease.


Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a clinical
syndrome secondary to the definitive change in function
Forty six hemodialysis patients of both sexes with
and/or structure of the kidney. It affects more than 10%
ESRD participated in the study. Their ages ranged from
of the world population. ESRD is final stage of CKD
55 to 65 years old. They were randomly assigned into
that is characterized by its irreversibility and slow and
two groups (A & B). Group (A) included 11 males and
progressive evolution and it exits in 8-16% of the
12 females who received 3 sessions per week for 2
population worldwide Huang et al. [1]. Hemodialysis
months of intradialytic lower extremities cycling and
(HD) represents the main mode for the treatment of
upper limb range of motion exercise, while group (B)
chronic kidney disease stage 5 [2]. As replaced part of
that included 12 males and 11 females received only
kidney's function in order to prolong the ESRD
upper limb range of motion exercise. All patients in
patients' survival time to remove waste and extra water
both groups were assessed through blood urea,
from blood [3]. Intradialytic aerobic exercise for lower
creatinine, phosphorus, potassium lab tests, urea
limb in HD patient by cycle-ergometer & ROM for
reduction ratio (URR) and Kt/V dialysis efficiency.

upper limb increase the rate of toxins removal due to
Sample size:
vasodilation with increase muscle blood flow and
Calculation is performed using G*Power statistical
opening of the capillary surface area associated with
software (version; Universitat Kiel, Germany)
increased flux of urea and other toxic agents [4, 5].
based on data of Sp Kt/V derived from Huang et al. [1]
Intradialytic exercise (IDE) performed during HD has
and revealed that the required size of each group is 23.
been accepted as a beneficial exercise intervention due
The calculations were made using = 0.05, = 0.2 and
to its feasibility and improvements in physical
effect size = 0.85 and allocation ratio N2/N1=1.
performance and dialysis efficacy [6].

Inclusion criteria:

This study was conducted to determine the effect of
Patient's age ranged from 55 to 65 years old from
combining intradialytic leg cycling and upper limb
both genders. Patient's body mass index (BMI) ranged
range of motion exercises on dialysis adequacy and
from 25 to 34.9. Patients diagnosed with ESRD on
solutes removal (creatinine, phosphorus, potassium and
hemodialysis more than 3 month. All patients have a
urea). According to our knowledge there are limited
vascular access through arteriovenous fistula. They are
studies such that.
medically and psychologically stable.

Received: 30/10/2021
Accepted: 28/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 99)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_100 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1586-1590

Assessment of Retro Infundibular Laparoscopic
Cholecystectomy in Difficult Cases
Mahmoud Abdou Yassin, Wesam Mohamid Ali,
Mohamed Ebrahim Abd Elhamid*, Ahmed Mohamed Yehia
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Ebrahim Abd Elhamid, Mobile: (+2): 01279524645, Email: m7mdibrhm2@gmail.com

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy becomes the gold standard surgical procedure for treating gallstones.
Standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SLC) requires proper dissection of Calot's triangle to achieve the critical view
of safety.
Objective: To evaluate the role of application of Retroinfundibular laparoscopic cholecystectomy technique during
laparoscopic cholecystectomy regarding its impact on biliary and vascular injuries.
Patients and methods: A clinical trial study included 30 patients with gallstone diseases which were carried out at
Zagazig University Hospitals. All patients who had asymptomatic gallstone who admitted for laparoscopic
cholecystectomy and were fit for laparoscopic surgery. We selected the patients that had the preoperative predictors for
difficult cholecystectomy. Patients were operated on within 6 months duration.
Results: There is a statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients regarding the history of previous
hospitalization. Four patients (13.3%) had palpable gall bladder on preoperative abdominal examination with a
statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients. Five patients (16.7%) had thick gall bladder walls on
preoperative ultrasonographic examination with a statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients. Only
one patient needs conversion to open a statistically significant difference in the distribution of patients. One patient had
bile injury, one with bleeding, and one had infection with a statistically significant difference between those who
developed complications and those who passed uncomplicated.
Conclusion: Dissection to retroinfundibular area with mass ligation of cystic duct and artery is a safe and feasible
alternative method to conversion to open in difficult cholecystectomy.
Keywords: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Difficult Cases, Gallstones.


Laparoscopic cholecystectomy becomes the
This study aimed to evaluate the role of
standard surgical procedure for treating symptomatic
application of the Retroinfundibular laparoscopic
gallstones. Standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy
cholecystectomy technique during laparoscopic
(SLC) requires safe dissection of the contents of Calot's
cholecystectomy regarding its impact on biliary and
triangle, to achieve the critical view of safety (CVS) (1).
vascular injuries.
This step becomes difficult in cases of acute

inflammation, Mirizzi syndrome, longstanding chronic
inflammation, and difficult access to the gallbladder due
This is a clinical trial study that included 30
to dense omental adhesions for any reason. These
patients with gallstone diseases which was carried out
results in a higher risk of bile duct injury (BDI), this risk
in Zagazig University Hospitals. Patients were operated
may reach up to 3.5 times as for easy cholecystectomy
on within 6 months duration.
(2). The traditional response in these cases was the
Inclusion criteria: All patients presented with chronic
conversion to open, which may reach up to 25% in some
calcular cholecystitis and have the preoperative
literature, with an average of 5-10%. But conversion
predictors for difficult cholecystectomy such as age >40
does not guarantee the avoidance of biliary or vascular
years, BMI >25, history of hospitalization for acute
injury. At the same time, conversion to open is
cholecystitis, previous upper abdominal surgery.
associated with sequelae of open surgery (3).
Sonographic picture of thick wall GB, pericholecystic
Difficult cholecystectomy is not clearly defined
collection, or impacted stone (Figure 1). Long-standing
because it is subjective. So many studies tried to use
cases of chronic calcular cholecystitis and cases of
cholecystectomy. These include male gender, age > 60,
recurrent attacks, elevated amylase, history of previous

upper abdominal surgery post-ERCP, adhesion masking
Exclusion criteria: Patients unfit for laparoscopic
the gallbladder, acute inflammation, and Mirizzi
surgery as cardiac diseases and patient refusal.
syndrome (4).

Intraoperative cholangiography, antegrade or
subtotal cholecystectomy are alternatives to conversion
All the patients had been submitted to thorough
to open in difficult cases, but these techniques are time-
history taking with special stress on symptoms of
consuming and need skills and experiences (5).
jaundice, cholangitis (fever, rigors, and jaundice.
Received: 29/10/2021
Accepted: 27/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 100)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_101 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1591-1598

LncRNA MEG3 in Promoting Antiphospholipid Syndrome Nephropathy in
Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Nearmeen M. Rashad*1, Usama A. Khalil1, Amira M. El-Helaly2, Manar H. Soliman 3, Magda M. Sherif 1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Clinical Pathology and 3Medical Microbiology & Immunology,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Nearmeen M. Rashad, Mobile: (+20) 1224248642,
E-mail: nrashad78@yahoo.com - n.rashad@zu.edu.eg

Abstract: Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by recurrent thrombotic events
and/or pregnancy morbidity associated with the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). The role of long non-
coding RNAs (lncRNAs) has been of particular interest in the pathophysiology of APS.
Objective: We aimed to investigate lncRNA Maternally Expressed Gene 3 (MEG3) in patients with SLE and to assess
its association with susceptibility and clinicopathologic features of antiphospholipid syndrome nephropathy.
Patients and methods: A Controlled cross-sectional study was conducted at Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University
Hospitals, with 211 females. After the exclusion of 16 patients according to exclusion criteria, 95 patients had SLE and
100 healthy controls. Results: There were significantly higher values of LncRNA MEG3 relative expression level in
the SLE group (5.29±2.8) compared to the control group (2.34±0.74), p< 0.001, Among patients with SLE, there were
significantly higher values in APS groups (6.65±3.58) compared to non-APS group (4.5±1.97) p< 0.001. There were
significant positive correlations between lncRNA MEG3 relative expression level and ESR, serum creatinine, LA, ACL
-IgG, ACL -IgM, leukocyturia, and erythrocyturia. However, there were significant negative correlations between
lncRNA MEG3 relative expression level and e GFR, C3, and hemoglobin. Interestingly, we further evaluated our results
by linear regression test our results showed that serum creatinine, LA, ACL -IgM, C3, hemoglobin, and ACL -IgG were
independently correlated with lncRNA MEG3 relative expression level among APL patients.
Conclusions: LncRNA MEG3 relative expression level was significantly higher in SLE in particular APS group
compared to control group and significantly positively correlated with ESR, serum creatinine, LA, ACL -IgG, ACL -
IgM, leukocyturia, and erythrocyturia.
Keywords: systemic lupus erythematosus, SLEDAI, lncRNA MEG3, APS nephropathy.

promote the release of inflammatory to aggravate or
Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) is an
alleviate diseases [5]. It has been assumed that lncRNAs
autoimmune disorder, clinically characterized by
are widely found in many bodily fluids and are highly
pregnancy morbidity and/or a hypercoagulable state
stable in the plasma, potentially serving as biomarkers
involving the venous or arterial vasculature. It may be
for multiple diseases [6].
assumed that APS is linked to antiphospholipid
Maternally Expressed Gene 3 (MEG3), an
antibodies (APIs), including anti-cardiolipin antibodies
embossed lncRNA within DLK1-MEG3 locus located
(ACL), anti-beta2-glycoprotein I (anti-ß2GPI), and
at human chromosome 14q32 and on mouse
Lupus anticoagulant (LA). A growing body of evidence
chromosome 12 [7]. There is growing evidence that
has documented that APS arises either as primary APS
MEG3 expression levels are associated with many
(PAPS) or secondary APS to other diseases for example
diseases; cancer [8-18], autoimmune disease [11], as well
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE/APS) [1].
as metabolic diseases for example diabetic nephropathy
There is a lot of evidence that raised the fact that
[12]. The present study was designed to analyze the
renal pathology could be due to thrombosis of the renal
potential clinical usefulness of investigating lncRNA
artery or the intra parenchymatous arteries, glomerular
MEG3 relative expression level in patients with SLE
capillaries, or renal veins [2]. Diagnosis of APS
and to assess its association with susceptibility and
nephropathy requires the presence of one or more acute
or chronic typical intrarenal lesions on histology after
syndrome nephropathy.
ruling out other causes of renal microangiopathy[3].

Substantial evidence implicates molecular,
A Controlled cross-sectional study was
genetic, and epigenetic mechanisms are considered as a
conducted with 211 females. After the exclusion of 16
critical mediator in the pathophysiology of APS as it has
patients according to exclusion criteria, 95 patients had
been suggested that APS induce genomic and epigenetic
SLE and 100 healthy controls. All participants
alterations that support a pro-thrombotic state. A
underwent complete history taking, thorough clinical
preponderance of evidence suggests that 98% of the
examination. The flowchart of the study is shown in
products are non-coding RNAs and those with a size
figure 1. Among 95 patients with SLE (the diagnosis of
length greater than 200 nucleotides (NT) are defined as
SLE were according to Petri[13]), 15 patients had APS
long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) [4]. There are
(the diagnosis of APS, were according to Miyakis et al.
intriguing reports investigating the role of lncRNAs in
[1]) the diagnosis of renal involvement was confirmed by
the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases and they
renal biopsy. A history of proteinuria was defined as
observed that ncRNAs could participate in
500 mg or more per 24 hr. Disease activity was
inflammatory pathways in autoimmune diseases and
Received: 29/10/2021
Accepted: 27/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 101)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_102 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1599-1601

Role of Verapamil in Keloids Management: Review Article
Marwa Mahmoud Abdel Rahman*, Sahar Al Mokadem, Mai Ahmed Samir
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
*Corresponding author: Marwa Mahmoud Abdel Rahman, E-Mail: merooody55@gmail.com

A keloid arises due to excessive production of collagen and fibroblasts in the dermis as an abnormal
healing response to skin injury. Unlike hypertrophic scars, it grows beyond the original margins of the scar. The exact
pathogenesis is still unclear. It is due to either excessive production or decreased degradation of collagen fibers. Some
molecular abnormalities are incorporated such as the excess production of growth factors and inactivation of pro-
apoptotic genes. Keloids are difficult to treat and the ideal treatment modality isn't yet identified. A wide range of
treatment modalities have been used as intralesional injections, radiotherapy, cryotherapy, surgical excision, occlusive
dressing, and compression therapy. Intralesional verapamil has been successfully used in the management of keloid and
hypertrophic scars. It acts through inhibition of the synthesis of extracellular matrix, reduction of fibrous tissue
production, inhibition of IL6, VEGF, TGF1 and induction of fibroblast procollagenase synthesis and apoptosis.
PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using the following keywords: Verapamil and
keloids management. The authors also screened references from the relevant literature, including all the identified
studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete study was included.
Objective: Evaluate of the potential role of verapamil in keloids management.
Conclusion: Intralesional verapamil has a lower risk of side effects than standard corticosteroid injections for treating
keloid and hypertrophic scars.
Keywords: Verapamil, Keloids management.


English in 3 data bases: PubMed, Google scholar and
Prevalent keloid is a dermal fibroproliferative
science direct. Also, Boolean operators (AND, OR,
condition due to improper wound healing and excessive
NOT) had been used such as verapamil and keloids
collagen deposition. It looks like a raised scar, which
management and in peer-reviewed articles between
might be mistaken for hypertrophic scars, a more
1996 and 2021. Documents in a language apart from
frequent type of scar (1). Distressing issues, such as
English have been excluded as sources for
keloids, can develop to cosmetic disfigurements that have
interpretation. Papers apart from main scientific studies
a significant psychological impact. In addition, keloids
had been excluded (documents unavailable as total
can cause sensations like as itching, burning, and
written text, conversation, conference abstract papers
soreness, which have a negative impact on a person's
and dissertations).
ability to perform daily tasks and activities. Earlobes and

cheekbones as well as anterior chest and shoulders are the
Clinical picture:
most vulnerable places for keloid development (2).
Depending on the severity of the damage, keloids
In contrast to hypertrophic scars, keloids spread
may begin to form between a few months to a year.
outward from the initial wound, resulting in a scar that is
Lesions have been recorded that were not caused by a
more noticeable than the surrounding skin. Pain,
disease. However, it is more possible that the injury was
hyperaesthesia, and pruritus are frequently linked with
forgotten or that the keloid formation was delayed for
keloids, and this can have a significant impact on the
months or even years because of its insignificance.
patient's quality of life (3). Keloids are more common
Keloids can form in any part of the body, although the
among people of African, Asian, and Hispanic heritage
deltoid, pre-sternal chest, upper back, and ear are the
who are between the ages of 10 and 30. Due to more
most prevalent places. Palms and soles, eyes and
aesthetic operations like ear piercing. Females are more
genitalia are all unusual places to find these parasites.
prone to have keloids than males (4).
Keloids are nodules that protrude from the skin's surface
The aim of the review was to evaluate the potential role
and are composed of a firm, rubbery material (5).
of verapamil in keloids management.
Keloids are difficult to treat and the ideal treatment

modality isn't yet identified. A wide range of treatment
modalities have been used as intralesional injections,
A search strategy has been performed to determine
radiotherapy, cryotherapy, surgical excision, occlusive
the related literature. Initially, the objective of review
dressing, and compression therapy. Clinical trials to
was identified: Evaluation of the potential role of
compare the safety and efficacy of these variable
verapamil in keloids management. Relevant keywords
modalities are always needed to establish the best
included: Verapamil and keloids management. These
treatment protocol (6).
databases were searched for articles published in

Received: 28/10/2021
Accepted: 26/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 102)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_103 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1602-1607

Evaluation of Laboratory Parameters and Their Correlation with Covid-19 Severity
Ahmed Atya Abdelmoty, Walid Ahmady Abdeldayem,
Reham Hosny Metwally*, Abdelmonem Mohamed Elshamy
Department of Tropical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Reham Hosny Metwally, E-mail: reham.7osny@gmail.com
Role of laboratory parameters in prediction of COVID-19 severity and the need for ICU admission is not
well established and needs further investigations.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the role of different laboratory parameters, as a minimally invasive method, in
prediction of COVID-19 severity and the need for ICU admission.
Patients and methods: Two hundred COVID-19 confirmed patients were admitted to Zagazig University Isolation
Hospitals. They were divided into 2 groups according to disease severity. Group I included 100 patients admitted to
ICU with severe COVID-19 infection and group II that included 100 patients with mild to moderate COVID-19
Results: There was a statistical significance increase in WBCs, PNL and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio and decrease in
lymphocyte among sever cases compared to mild cases. WBCs, lymphocyte, PNL, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, urea,
d-dimer, LDH, ferritin and CRP had significant validity in prediction of severe cases with accuracy of 63%, 65%, 66%,
70%, 68%, 66%, 65%, 66.5% and 64.5% respectively. WBCs, lymphocyte, PNL, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, urea, d-
dimer, LDH, ferritin and CRP had significant validity in prediction of mortality among the studied cases with accuracy
of 55.5%, 55.5%, 63%, 64.5%, 63.5%, 57.5%, 56.5%, 65% and 62% respectively.
Conclusion: The studied biomarkers can be used as an important assistant in clinical practice at ICU admission to
improve prognosis, guide treatment and minimize the mortality rates.
Keywords: Covid-19 severity, Laboratory parameters.

confirmed COVID-19. They were divided into 2 groups
COVID-19 spreads mostly through the airways,
according to disease severity using Egyptian Ministry of
primarily via the lungs. Respiratory droplets or aerosols,
Health and Population (MOHP) protocol for diagnosis
which include virus-containing particles breathed by a
and treatment of COVID -19 as following: Group I
person who is infected, can infect others who are in
included 100 patients admitted to ICU with severe
close touch with the person (1). A mixture of cell-
COVID-19 infection, and group II that included 100
mediated and antibody-mediated immunity is involved
patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 infection.
in the human response to COV-19 (2). COVID-19's

severity can range from mild to severe. The illness may
Inclusion criteria: COVID-19 confirmed patients
progress slowly with few or no symptoms, much like
(diagnosed by PCR) and admitted to Zagazig University
the common cold or other upper respiratory illnesses.
Isolation Hospitals.
Some studies estimate that 10% to 20% of COVID-19
Exclusion criteria: Patients < 18 years, patients who
patients would develop symptoms lasting longer than a
were chronically immunosuppressed, pregnant women,
month (3). Septic shock and mortality may result from
patients with malignant disease, patients who were
complications such as pneumonia and acute respiratory
receiving long-term oral corticosteroids or antivirals,
distress syndrome (ARDS)(4). Several studies attempted
and patients had active gastrointestinal nematode
to use clinical evaluation and laboratory tests to predict
infections or allergies
severity and ICU admission in COVID-19 patients at

the time of initial presentation. According to a study
conducted in Wuhan, neutrophilia and an elevated d-
Patients' demographics, presenting symptoms and
dimer level are both risk factors for ARDS and death (5).
laboratory findings reported at the time of admission, in
Liang et al. (6) hypothesized that LDH, direct bilirubin,
addition to radiological data and outcome of all enrolled
and the neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio are all indicators
patients positive for COVID-19 infection were obtained
of serious disease in COVID-19. As a result, more
as following:
research is needed on how laboratory measures might
Full history taking focusing on age, sex, and clinical
help predict COVID-19 severity and the requirement for
symptoms with special regard to co-morbidity and
ICU admission.
drug history.
We aimed for evaluation of role of different
Complete medical examination (general, chest, and
laboratory parameters, as a minimally invasive method,
abdominal examinations).
in prediction of COVID-19 severity and the need for

ICU admission.
Severity Assessment:

COVID-19 severity was accessed in the studied patients
according to MOHP as follows:
At Zagazig University Isolation Hospitals, we
Group (I) involved mild cases when clinical symptoms
conducted this case-control on 200 cases with
were minimal without dyspnea or shortness of breath
Received: 27/10/2021
Accepted: 25/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 103)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_104 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1608-1612

Incidence and Risk Factors of Funguria in Nosocomial
Septic Patients in Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Mohammad Elzanaty Ahmed*1, Sahar Mohammad Saad Aldeen1,
Ghada Elsayed Amr2, Abdel Monem Abdel Aziz Salem1
Departments of 1Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care and
2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohammad Elzanaty Ahmed, Mobile: (+20) 0212987646, Email: drmohamedzanaty81@gmail.com

Nosocomial candida infections had emerged as an increasing problem in the last years. Candidemia is
late-onset ICU-acquired infection associated with high mortality.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to prevent and control of funguria in nosocomial septic patients in surgical
Patients and methods: The study was conducted in surgical Intensive Care Units (ICU) Zagazig University on 31
nosocomial patients with septic criteria after 7 days of admission in surgical ICU. Demographic features, underlying
disease and concomitant infections were recorded for each patient during a period of 6 months.
Results: Among the studied 31 patients 23 (74.2%) of them were admitted for damage control laparotomy (DCL), due
to road traffic accident (29.03%), (12.9%) were operated upon due to chronic subdural hematoma (SDH) or
subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), (9.6%) of the studied patients were admitted with SAH due to gunshot and (22.5) of
the studied patients due to metabolic acidosis. The most concomitant diseases was diabetes mellitus in (35.5%) of studied
patients, followed by hypertension and ischemic heart disease in (32.3% and 19.4%) respectively, other concomitant
diseases as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and hepatic disease were found in 9.7% and 3.2% of the
studied patients respectively. Funguria was positive in (41.9) of studied patients, negative in (58.1) of them and no
fungemia among the patients with positive funguria.
The incidence of funguria among surgical ICU patients was high in our study. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
was the most frequent causative organism followed by acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneumonia.
Keywords: Funguria, ICU, Nosocomial Septic Patients.


Nosocomial infection is an infection acquired by
peroxide based and healthcare facilities, resulting in
patient during hospital stay(1). Studies conducted during
highest reduction of Candida colony-forming unit
the past two decades have documented changes in
(CFU) (6).
pathogens causing sepsis and nosocomial infections and
Fisher et al.(7) recommend that not administer
emphasized the increase of fungal infections,
antifungal agents unless the patient is symptomatic or at
particularly those due to Candida species (2). These
high risk for dissemination, such as post renal transplant
patients are associated with prolonged length of stay in
patients and patients who are undergoing urinary tract
intensive care unit (ICU) and high mortality, despite
instrumentation. Therefore, this study aimed to prevent
advances in management and the availability of more
and control of funguria in nosocomial septic patients in
active antifungal agents (3).
surgical ICU.
The presence of Candida species such as candida

albicans in the urine is known as candiduria. Candiduria
is categorized into asymptomatic (in healthy people or
The study was conducted in surgical ICU
patients) and symptomatic forms. Symptomatic
University included 31 nosocomial patients with septic
candiduria is seen in patients with cystitis, prostatis,
criteria after 7 days of admission in surgical ICU.
pyelonephritis and renal candidiasis. However,

asymptomatic candiduria is mostly benign and is not
Inclusion criteria: Nosocomial septic patients in
counted as a definite disease. Candida albicans is one of
surgical ICU after 7 days of admission in surgical ICU
the most important fungal agents which may lead to
in age between 18 to 60, previous treatment with 5 days
candiduria (20% of nosocomial infections). A wide range
of antibiotic as well as previous treatment with
of reported data shows that, Candida albicans ranks first
immunosuppressive agents.
for causing candiduria among more than 200 Candida

species (4).
Exclusion criteria: Previous treatment with
The progressive increase of sporadic cases of
antifungals for 2 weeks and positive sepsis screen at
candida species infection emphasizes the need for
adequate prevention measures. Candida species found

on different objects and facilities, such as bedrails, a bed
Operational Design:
hand-controller, a mobile phone and floors (5).
All cases admitted to surgical ICU of during a
Disinfectants with sporicidal activity and hydrogen
period of 6 months were included. For each patient, the
Received: 29/10/2021
Accepted: 27/12 /2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 104)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_105 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1613-1618

Effect of Nebulized Dexamethasone versus Nebulized Ketamine on
Postoperative Sore Throat after Thyroid Surgeries
Osama Eiad Mohamed Ben Sasi, Zainab Mostafa Attia,
Ali Mohmd Ali Hassn, Reham Mohamed Mohamed Aamer
Department of Anesthesia and Surgical Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Osama Eiad Mohamed Ben Sasi, Mobile: (+20)01096181438, E-mail: osamabensasi1981@gmail.com

Endotracheal intubation is the prominent cause of airway mucosal injury which results in postoperative
sore throat (POST), with an incidence of 21%­65% if left unresolved, it produces significant agony and annoyance to
the patient. Objective: The aim of the present study was to compare the hemodynamic effect of nebulized dexamethasone
and nebulized ketamine on postoperative sore throat after thyroid surgeries. Patients and methods: This prospective
controlled randomized double-blind study was carried out in Zagazig University Hospitals during the period from
January to July 2021, included 72 patients of both gender in the age group 21-50 years, undergoing thyroidectomy under
general anesthesia. Results: There was statistically significant increase of the severity and incidence of sore throat in the
control groups immediately postoperatively, 2, 6, 12 and 24 hours postoperatively among the studied groups. While,
there was significant difference between dexamethasone groups and ketamine group regarding the severity and incidence
of sore throat immediatley, 2, and 6 hours (hr) postoperatively. Conclusions: We concluded that nebulized dexamethsone
may be considered as a safe alternative to nebulized ketamine for decreasing POST.
Keywords: Dexamethasone, General anesthesia, Ketamine, Nebulization, Sore throat.

Ketamine, an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA)
Endotracheal intubation is the prominent cause of
receptor antagonist, has been used for decreasing
airway mucosal injury, which results in postoperative
postoperative sore throat because of its anti-nociceptive
sore throat (POST), with an incidence of 21%­65% if
and anti-inflammatory action, as gargle as well as in
left unresolved, it produces significant agony and
nebulized form. However, nebulized ketamine is better
annoyance to the patient(1).
tolerated in patients due to many reasons such as: It saves
Postoperative sore throat is common after thyroid
the patient from the bitter taste of ketamine, also much
surgery due to manipulation of the trachea during
lesser volume is needed(7).
positioning, dissection of the gland and the neck being
The aim of the present study was to compare the
hyperextended leading to injury of the tracheal mucosa
effectiveness of nebulized dexamethasone and nebulized
and vocal folds(2). It is considered an important
ketamine on the incidence and severity of postoperative
complication as it may increase incidence of
sore throat after thyroid surgeries.
postoperative morbidity as hoarseness of voice and

dysphagia that cause patient dissatisfaction and
discomfort. It may be unresolved for few days
72 adult patients belonging to American Society of
postoperatively and prolong hospital stay (3).
Anesthesiologists physical status I-II (ASA I-II) in the
There are non-pharmacological methods to reduce
age group 21-50 years of both gender, undergoing
postoperative sore throat as smaller sizes of tracheal
thyroid surgery, were randomly divided into three equal
tubes, careful airway manipulation, intubation after
groups using computer generated randomization table;
complete muscle relaxation, minimizing the number of
Group C: Patients received normal saline (total volume
laryngoscopy trials for intubation, fixation of
of 5 ml) for nebulization. Group D: Patients received
endotracheal tube intra cuff pressure at or below 20 cm
dexamethasone 8 mg (2 ml) with 3 ml of normal saline
H2O, gentle pharyngeal suctioning under vision and
(total volume of 5 ml) for nebulization. Group K:
extubation when the tracheal tube cuff is fully deflated
Patients received ketamine (preservative-free) 50 mg (1
to avoid coughing during extubation(4). The
ml) with 4 ml of normal saline (total volume of 5 ml) for
pharmacological methods used to reduce postoperative
sore throat include use of beclomethasone gel, lidocaine
Exclusion criteria were uncooperative patients,
spray, dexamethasone nebulizer and ketamine nebulizer
history of allergic reaction to the study drugs, patients
and intravenous magnesium sulfate (5).
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heavy
Steroids have anti-inflammatory functions and are
smokers (20 packs/week), anticepated difficult
widely used in common practice. The inhaled
intubation or Mallampati grade >2, History of
corticosteroids deliver the drug to the site of action
preoperative upper respiratory tract infection, asthma,
where it is used in patients with airway diseases without
sore throat, recent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
systemic effects. Dexamethasone is a potent synthetic
drugs, pregnant or breast feeding patient, operation
glucocorticoid with anti-inflammatory effects. It has
lasting >2 hours in duration, patients of thyrotoxicosis
been reported that dexamethasone is effective in the
or retrosternal extension.
treatment of sore throat(6).
Sample size:
Received: 30/10/2021
Accepted: 28/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 105)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_106 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1619-1625

Vaccine Hesitancy among Parents and its Determinants in
PHC in Al Madinah City 2020
Zamil Jamil Al Yamani1 and Mohammad Mater AlJohani2
1Family Medicine Resident, 2Family Medicine Consultant,
Joint Program of Family Medicine, Al Madinah Al Munawara, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: Zamil Jamil Al Yamani,Email: Dr.zamil@yahoo.com,Mobile: +966561116862

Vaccine hesitancy is caused by a variety of factors, which are complex and multifaceted. The perceived risks
of vaccines, the relationship between parents and health-care providers, and the social norm of vaccination are all factors
that influence vaccine decision making.
Objective: This study aimed to conclude the prevalence of vaccine indecision amongst parents visiting PHC in Al-Madinah
city, to identify socio-demographic determinants of vaccine hesitancy and to recognize agents and host-related factors,
which leads to hesitancy. Methods: A cross-sectional research was implemented on parents who attended the PHC using a
valid questionnaire filled by interviewing the parents. All data was confirmed manually then was implied and entered into
SPSS software. Then the data were analyzed using the appropriate statistical test.
Results: Vaccines can protect children from dangerous diseases, according to 98.1% of the 375 people who took part in our
study. 88.5% of parents preferred to get their children vaccinated with all of the vaccines that are recommended. 69.9% of
participants had ever been hesitant or unwilling to have their child vaccinated. 9.6% of parents were unable to get their child
vaccinated due to distance, clinic timing, time needed to get the clinic or wait at the clinic, and/or the cost of getting to the
Conclusion: Finally, our findings demonstrated that vaccine apprehension is a prominent issue among parents in Saudi
Arabia. We discovered that vaccine fear is widespread, and that it spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Key words:
Vaccine hesitancy, Parents, Determinants, PHC, Al Madinah, Saudi Arabia.


Prevention (CDC) to achieve the immunity among all the
Vaccine, unique of the most imperative encounters
children and the community. These include; Polio, Rota,
in the 20th century, helped to eliminate some infectious
measles, mumps, Hemophilus influenza, Hepatitis A and
diseases, as well as to reduce the severity of others.
B, Diphtheria, Tetanus, BCG, Pertussis, Pneumococcal
Vaccine programs aid in the abolition of smallpox and
Conjugate, Meningococcal Conjugate quadrivalent and
poliomyelitis in the Americas, as well as the switch of
Varicella [6].
measles, rubella, tetanus, diphtheria, hemophilus
Unvaccinated individuals will put the community at
influenza type b, and additional transmittable illnesses in
risk of disease, which made the refusal and hesitancy to
the United States and elsewhere [1]. The first vaccination
the vaccine as an emerging issue [7]. Hence the term
was discovered in 1796 by Edward Jenner using cowpox
"vaccine hesitancy" appeared to us and many studies had
to inoculate against smallpox, which led to worldwide
been conducted tried to study this phenomenon globally
eradication of smallpox in 1980 [2].
and find appropriate solutions to it. There is different
A vaccine is a substance that encourages a person's
definition with same concept describe this status. Vaccine
immune system to create immunity against a certain
hesitancy is a postponement in accepting or refusing
disease, thus, protecting them from it. The vaccination is
vaccinations notwithstanding the convenience of
normally administered via needle, however it can also be
immunization facilities. Vaccine procrastination is
administered orally or via nasal spray [3]. Vaccines mainly
multifaceted and context-specific, changing over time,
consist of an attenuated or attenuated version of a
place, and vaccine type. It is prejudiced by issues such as
particular pathogen [4]. A vaccine is a biological agent that
complacency, convenience and confidence [8].
induces an immune response to a specific antigen derived
Vaccination reluctance is defined as a set of beliefs,
from the pathogen causing an infectious disease [2].
attitudes, behaviors, or a blend of these, expressed by non-
Vaccine helps the immunity system to fight against
professionals about immunizing themselves or their
pathogens like viruses or bacteria. Protect against more
children, and sometimes by health care professionals [9].
than 25 diseases. The majority of children receive their
It acknowledges a continuum among the domain names
vaccine on a specific time, while 20 million worldwide
of vaccine attractiveness and vaccine refusal and de-
miss-out, making them at risk of that disease, life-
polarizes preceding characterization of people and
threating ill [5]. The Ministry of Health (MOH) started to
agencies as both anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine [10].
design their own schedule, which can help the community
Vaccine hesitancy was considered as one of the ten
of certain disease, these schedules include the vaccine
most important threats to public health, due to the lack of
recommended by the centers for Disease Control and
vaccination and exposure of children and adults who are
Received: 28/10/2021
Accepted: 26/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 106)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_107 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1626-1634

Influence of Heme Oxygenase- 1 Polymorphism (Rs2071746) on
Esophageal Varices among Patients with Cirrhosis
Ahmed Ahmed El-Shaarawy1, Eman Ahmed Gawish1,
Ahmed Kamal Khamis2, Omnia Salah Nabih Ahmed*1, Mary Albert Naguib1
Departments of 1Clinical Pathology, 2Hepatology, National Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Omnia Salah Nabih Ahmed, Mobile: (+20)01066113510, E-mail: dromniasalah@yahoo.com

Portal hypertension (PHT) is a frequent clinical syndrome arising as a sequela of mesenchymal
dysfunction in a cirrhotic liver. Esophageal varices (EV) are portosystemic collaterals in the submucosa of the lower
esophagus. Heme oxygenase -1 (HO-1) was suggested as having vascular effects. So, in our study, we aimed to evaluate
the role of HO-1 promotor polymorphism (rs2071746) on esophageal varices among patients with cirrhosis.
Objectives: The present study was designed to evaluate the role of HO-1 SNP 413A>T promoter (rs2071746)
polymorphism in the development of esophageal varices among cirrhotic patients.
Patients and methods: A total of 105 subjects, including 35 cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices, 35 cirrhotic
patients without esophageal varices, and 35 healthy controls were selected. HO-1 rs2071746 polymorphism was studied
using Real-Time polymerase chain reaction (Real-Time PCR).
Results: we found that AA, AT, AA+AT genotypes were significantly associated with an elevated risk of EV
development (OR =6.82, 95% CI =1.24- 37.54), (OR= 6.43, 95% CI =1.21- 34.19), (OR= 6.60, 95% CI=1.33- 32.84)
respectively. And, the A allele was correlated with an increased risk of EV (OR= 2.06, 95% CI=1.40- 4.10). Patients
with the AA genotype were significantly associated with lower platelet levels (P= 0.026), lower platelets count/ spleen
diameter ratio (p-value= 0.014). Also, they had large varices (p-value= 0.025).
Conclusion: Our results suggest rs2071746 polymorphism could be used as a potential predictor and early diagnostic
marker of EV development.
Keywords: Esophageal Varices, Heme Oxygenase -1, Polymorphism.


>11.5 mm, and a platelet spleen diameter ratio cutoff of
Cirrhosis is a diffuse morphology that is
909 were found to be predictors of large EVs (5).
characterized by excess fibrous tissue circumscribing
The major cause of portal hypertension in cirrhosis
parenchymal nodules, which consist of regenerating
is increasing intrahepatic vascular resistance associated
hepatocytes and alterations in hepatic vascular
with fibrosis/cirrhosis. Nitric oxide (NO), the most
architecture. Liver cirrhosis (LC) is the twelfth leading
powerful vasodilator substance, is significantly reduced
cause of death worldwide (1).
in cirrhotic livers (6).
Hepatitis C more than hepatitis B has emerged as
Heme oxygenase -1 (HO1) is a stress-responsive
the leading cause of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis.
enzyme that catabolizes the heme resulting in the
Many cases of the formally called cryptogenic cirrhosis
formation of equivalent amounts of ferrous iron (Fe2+),
appear to be related to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
biliverdin (BV), and carbon monoxide (CO). These
substances have a cytoprotective mechanism against
Portal hypertension (PHT) is one of the most
oxidative stress occurring in the vascular system (7).
important sequelae of cirrhosis leading to clinically
The up-regulation of HO-1 could inhibit the
relevant outcomes in terms of varices, ascites,
activity of the NO synthase enzyme through multiple
splenomegaly hepatopulmonary syndrome, and
mechanisms, as CO product could serve as a potent
hepatorenal syndrome. PHT is defined as a hepatic
inhibitor of the enzyme reaction resulting in suppressing
venous pressure gradient greater than 5 mmHg, with
the potent NO-mediated biological actions such as
clinical consequences arising once this exceeds 10
vasorelaxation and lowering intrasinusoidal resistance
mmHg (3).
occurring in cirrhosis (8).
Esophageal varices (EV) are portosystemic
In addition, the HO-1 reaction requires electrons
collaterals that form because of PHT preferentially in
from reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
the submucosa of the lower esophagus. Variceal
phosphate (NADPH) which competes for them with NO
bleeding accounts for 10­30% of all cases of upper
synthase (9).
gastrointestinal bleeding. EV can be graded based on
Variation in genes might play a role in the
diameter size and are classified as small or large at a cut-
development of esophageal varices and their risk of
off of 5 mm (North Italian Endoscopy Club
bleeding. This fact could improve the selection of
classification) and accordingly, they can be managed
candidates for esophagogastroduodenoscopy and could
either medically and/or endoscopically (4).
help in a detailed understanding of the pathogenesis of
Multiple factors were encountered as predictors of
esophageal varices and thereafter, the prognosis of liver
EV development and bleeding. Low platelet count,
cirrhosis (10).
spleen size >13.8 mm, portal vein >13 mm, splenic vein
Received: 30/10/2021
Accepted: 28/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 107)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_108 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1635-1643

Cross-Talk between Apelin, Insulin Resistance, Thyroid Hormones, and Cardio-
metabolic Risk Factors in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Ragaa Abdelshaheed Matta*1, Ahmed Abdelfadel Saedii2
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ragaa Abdelshaheed Matta, Telephone: 01008792833, Email: ragaamatta2017@gmail.com,
Ragaa Matta ORCID iD /https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3516-2566

Apelin and its receptor are located in hypothalamo-pituitary axis and inhibit TSH secretion. Insulin
resistance (IR) is linked to apelin, thyroid function, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Apelin levels in obese
and non-obese PCOS women display contradictory results.
Objective: To compare serum apelin in IR PCOS and non-IR PCOS groups, evaluate the cross-talk of apelin, IR,
thyroid function, and cardiovascular risk factors in both groups, and identify the diagnostic value of apelin for IR in
Patients and Methods: The study included 60 young non-obese euthyroid PCOS women: IR PCOS (n=28) and non-
IR PCOS (n=32), and age-matched healthy fertile groups. Serum apelin-36, calculated homeostatic model
assessment­IR (HOMA-IR), and thyroid hormones were evaluated.
IRPCOS had significantly higher apelin compared to non-IR PCOS and healthy control groups with
insignificant differences between the two latter groups. The bivariate analysis demonstrated a significant positive
correlation between apelin and glucose, insulin, HOMA-IR, atherogenic lipid profile, and TSH and a significant
negative correlation with free T4 in IR PCOS while inverse relations were observed in non-IR PCOS. After
controlling for HOMA-IR, only HDL in IR PCOS and TSH and cholesterol in non­IR PCOS preserved the significant
correlations. Cut-off value 39 pg/dl of apelin showed high specificity (88%) and sensitivity (86%) to identify IR in
Conclusion: Serum apelin is higher in IR than in non-IR PCOS patients. The relations between apelin and thyroid
function, and cardio-metabolic risk factors are IR dependent. Apelin is a marker of IR in PCOS and had a direct talk
with TSH, HDL-c, and cholesterol.
: Apelin, TSH, HOMA-IR, polycystic ovary syndrome. Cardiovascular risk factors.


decreased at the late luteal phase, and declined sharply
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as the most
during corpus luteum (CL) regression. Apelin­APJ
common endocrinopathy in women is the main
system is involved in CL formation, function, and
etiology of anovulatory infertility. Insulin resistance
regression during the menstrual cycle. Notably,
(IR) is common in women (50-80%) with PCOS, even
progesterone stimulates the APJ expression in
if they are not obese. IR is linked to reproductive and
granulosa cells. Furthermore, apelin may participate in
metabolic abnormalities, dysfunctional adipokine
PCOS pathogenesis (5). Reports regarding serum apelin
secretion, and high normal thyroid-stimulating level
levels in PCOS are controversial as elevated or
(TSH) in PCOS. IR and hyperinsulinemia are
decreased levels were reported in previous studies (6-9).
associated with low-grade chronic inflammation and
Up to date, most of these studies classified PCOS
increased risk of hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type
women into obese and non-obese groups and not upon
2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM). TSH level even in
IR and non- IR despite more accurately of later
euthyroid PCOS women is linked to insulin resistance
and traditional cardiovascular risk factors (1-3).
Apelin also plays an important role in the
Apelin is an endogenous peptide and acts through
hypothalamic regulation of water and food intake and
its G protein-coupled receptor (APJ). Apelin­APJ
the endocrine axis. Apelin decreases TSH secretion by
system is expressed in a range of body tissues
the pituitary gland (10). In euthyroid and hypothyroid
including adipose tissue predominantly, hypothalamus-
rats, apelin administration produces a mild and marked
pituitary axis, ovary, heart, blood vessels, liver,
reduction in TSH levels respectively probably through
skeletal muscle, and kidney. It is an adipokine and
the APJ receptor in the hypothalamo-pituitary axis.
linked to obesity and IR. Similar to adiponectin, it
Apelin administration enhances thyroxin catabolism
stimulates glucose utilization, decreases insulin
and subsequent reduction in its level in the
secretion, and negatively regulates catecholamine-
hypothyroid rat. In addition, the apelin level is
mediated lipolysis. Apelin synthesis in adipocytes is
elevated in propylthiouracil-induced hypothyroid rats
stimulated by insulin, and plasma apelin levels are
(10,11). So, the relation between thyroid and apelin may
markedly increased under IR states such as obesity and
be bidirectional. Expression of thyroid receptor and
T2DM, and metabolic syndrome (4).
TSH receptor in adipose tissue are linked to IR state
Local ovarian expression of apelin­APJ system is
(12). Also, high normal TSH is linked to IR even in
significantly increased with ovarian follicle size,
PCOS (3). Clinical human studies reported either
Received: 01/11/2021
Accepted: 29/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 108)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_109 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1644-1652

Transvaginal Doppler Ultrasonography and MRI for Prediction and Diagnosis of
Adherent Placenta in High-Risk Group in the Second Half of Pregnancy
Mohamed Ahmed Abdellah1, Yasser Ahmed Helmy1,
Hazem Mohamed Mohamed, Doaa S. M. Bardis2, Mohamed Hasan Alameldin3
Departments of 1Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2Clinical and Chemical Pathology and
3Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Ahmed Abdellah, Mobile: (+20) 01098437456,
E-Mail: mohamedabdelaah@med.sohag.edu.eg

Placenta accreta is defined as abnormal trophoblast invasion of part or all of the placenta into the
myometrium of the uterine wall. Abnormal placentation includes both abnormally adherent placenta (placenta accreta)
and abnormally invasive placenta (AIP ­ including placenta increta and placenta percreta); the term PAS encompasses
the whole spectrum of the disorder.
Objective: This study aimed to construct the basic criteria of both sonographic and MRI for the diagnosis of placenta
accreta spectrum and figuring out the accuracy of those criteria parallel with the definition of the most peculiar features
in clinical practice.
Patients and methods: This was a prospective cohort study conducted from September 2017 to May 2021 among
women attending Sohag University Hospital which is considered to be the largest tertiary care maternity center in Sohag
Governorate. The study included 300 pregnant females with mean age of 30.58 years old. They were suspected to have
placenta accreta in the routine sonographic assessment. Moreover, the mean gestational age at which diagnosis was done
was 33.46 ± 2.54 weeks.
Results: The sensitivities of US and MRI were 91.66% and 93.51% respectively and their Specificities were 95.83%
and 96.35% respectively with statistically non-significant difference. Therefore, both ultrasonography and non-contrast
MRI examinations had an equal diagnostic reliability for diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum.
Conclusion: Both modalities have nearly the same diagnostic accuracy. Ultrasonography remains the most sensitive
and commonly used imaging modality for the diagnosis of placenta accreta, because it is accurate, inexpensive, non-
invasive and time-saving.
Placenta accreta spectrum, Doppler ultrasonography, MRI.

the risk of PAS, including decreasing the risk with a
Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), encompassing
"normal" ultrasound, reduces the possibility of
the terms placenta accreta, placenta increta, placenta
iatrogenic complications associated with planned
percreta, morbidly adherent placenta, and invasive
premature delivery, preoperative invasive procedures,
placentation, includes the full range of abnormal
and patient and provider anxiety (4).
placental attachment to the uterus or other structures.
The prenatal detection and risk stratification for
There has been a dramatic rise in the incidence of PAS
PAS are primarily made by ultrasound. However,
over recent years. This rise is most notably driven by
ultrasound is an operator-dependent imaging modality
increasing rates of cesarean delivery. The risk is highest
with substantial variability in image quality among
in the presence of placenta previa and previous cesarean
providers. Furthermore, placental location and
deliveries (1).
challenging imaging conditions, including elevated
The use of Cesarean Section (C.S) has increased
body mass index (BMI) or posterior placentation, may
dramatically worldwide in the last decades (1). In Egypt,
impede the sonographic detection of PAS markers.
according to the latest data, more than half of all women
There has been limited consensus on the optimal
give birth by CS without much difference between
approach to the ultrasound evaluation of patients at risk
urban and rural areas .The incidence of placenta accreta
of PAS, such as the appropriate timing of screening,
in Egypt is rising due to rising rate of primary cesarean
need for transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) imaging, use
delivery. There are high rates of neonatal mortality and
of color and pulsed Doppler, angle of placental
intraoperative complications, which can be explained
insonation, and equipment settings (5).
by morbidly adherent placenta (2).
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is being
PAS is associated with a marked increase in
increasingly used both as a diagnostic adjunct and for
maternal morbidity and mortality. The morbidity is
pre-procedural planning. MRI and US are both non-
primarily related to massive hemorrhage with
invasive and non-ionizing imaging modalities and have
associated organ damage, cesarean hysterectomy, and
unique technical and practical advantages with respect
need for critical care resources (3). Prenatal detection of
to imaging the placenta. Importantly, the advantages of
PAS allows for mobilization of multidisciplinary care
one modality befittingly complement the drawbacks of
teams and surgical planning, which reduces maternal
the other (6).
morbidity. Furthermore, the ability to correctly stratify
Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 109)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_110 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1653-1657

Replacement of Complicated VP Shunts with
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy, Local Experience and Outcome
Karam Kenawy, Khalid Naser, Abdin K. Kasim*
Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdin K. Kasim, Mobile: (+20) 01020196831, E-Mail: abdin_mail@yahoo.com

Until recent breakthroughs in neuroendoscopy, the ventriculoperitonal (VP) shunt remained the
mainstay of hydrocephalus therapy. However, shunt complications, including obstruction, infection and overshunting
are frequent. Getting out of the siege of VP shunt is the dream of those patients.
Objective: This study aimed to present our experience in managing VP shunt complications by endoscopic third
ventriculostomy (ETV) and shunt removal.
Patients and Methods: We reviewed 18 consecutive patients during the period from January 2017 to December 2020
with different ventriculoperitonal shunt complications. The authors retrospectively evaluated the causes, preoperative
symptoms, and postoperative results for those patients who underwent ETV and shunt removal for management of
shunt complications. Results: There were 11 males and 7 females with mean age of 12.9 years old. The mean shunt
duration was 8 years. Shunts were unilateral (15 cases) or bilateral (3 cases). Shunt complications included: shunt
obstruction (9 cases), shunt infection (8 cases) and overshunting (1 case). ETV was done in all cases with septostomy
in 7 cases. The mean follow up period was 15 months during which, 15 patients were shunt independent while three
patients needed new shunts within the first postoperative month. While transient CSF leak occurred in 4 cases, there
was no mortality in this series.
Conclusion: Removing a VP shunt and replacing it with ETV with or without septostomy is a possible option in
managing shunt complication.
Keywords: Hydrocephalus, ETV, Neuroendoscopy, VP Shunt complications.


The function of continued cerebrospinal fluid
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) is a
(CSF) diversion is still debatable, since shunt-
dependence is gradually replaced by shunt-
hydrocephalus. In 1923, an urologist named William
independence. Furthermore, there is a theoretical
Mixter used an ureteroscope to fenestrate the third
danger that CSF diversion will reduce flow via the
ventricle floor for the first time (1). The invention of
ventriculostomy, lowering the success rate. For the
valve-regulated shunting technology has shown to be a
maturity of the fistulous link, some feel that
successful therapy for a variety of hydrocephalus
continuous flow is required (2).
forms (2). There has been an increase in the use of
The goal of the current study was to present our
endoscopes for ETV and management of various
experience with endoscopic third ventriculostomy for
ventricular lesions as technology advances, such as
management of shunt malfunction and infection
modern endoscopes with fiber-optics and advanced
highlighting our methods, results and potential
light sources that allow for excellent resolution of
ventricular anatomy and control the safe fenestration

of the floor of the third ventricle (2).
ETV has been used to treat shunt dysfunction in
From January 2017 to December 2020, at the
individuals with obstructive hydrocephalus based on
Neurosurgical Department of Sohag University
imaging findings. Because of the likelihood of shunt
Hospital, Sohag University, 18 patients with
independence following successful ETV, it is worth
complicated VP shunt were endoscopically managed
considering in patients with shunt problems. ETV has
for their shunt complications.
a success rate of 67 to 80% in treating shunt
Inclusion criteria: Age of 1 year or more, unilateral
malfunction or infection (1, 3, 4, 5).
or bilateral VP shunts, history of at least 1 time
If chosen correctly, ETV is a successful and safe
previous shunt revision, presentation with shunt
therapy for individuals with shunt dysfunction. There
complication, and not associated with active brain
is no consensus on what will happen to the shunts that
were previously implanted in this patient population.
Preoperative Evaluation:
Many studies have addressed the shunt by removing it,
All patients underwent preoperative clinical and
ligating it, externalising it, or removing it and
routine laboratory evaluation. All patients were
replacing it with an external ventricular drain.
subjected to CT and / or MRI brain prior to surgery.
According to Nishiyama et al. (6), there is a gradual
Surgical approach:
shift from a shunt-dependent state to a shunt-
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy with or without
independent state over the course of 1 week following
septostomy was done with one of the following
Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 110)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_111 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1658-1665

Spinal Anesthesia Using Hyperbaric Prilocaine 2% versus
Hyperbaric Bupivacaine 0.5% for Day case Surgery
Rabei Gheth Salem Etriki*, Howaida Kamal Abd Ellatif,
Ekram Fawzy Sayouh, Ahmed Mosallam Mohammed
Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, F
aculty of Medicine Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Rabei Gheth Salem Etriki, Mobile: (+20)01066141694, E-mail: altryrby228@gmail.com


Background: Day-case spinal anesthesia with short-acting local anesthetics such as hyperbaric prilocaine, has a short
duration of action and the transient neurological symptoms (TNS) incidence is low.
Objective: The present study aimed to compare spinal anesthesia using hyperbaric prilocaine 2% and hyperbaric
bupivacaine 0.5% for day case surgery.
Patients and Methods:
This Prospective randomized controlled double-blind clinical trial study was carried out on 66
patients of both sexes scheduled for day case surgery under spinal anesthesia, They were divided into two groups; group
P: received 60mg hyperbaric prilocaine 2%; group C: received 15mg hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5%.
The prilocaine group showed a faster onset time of sensory (1.95 ± 0.36 min) and motor block (4.87 ± 0.7 min)
and shorter time to reach maximal sensory block level(p<0.001). Prilocaine group also provides a shorter duration time
of sensory (92.4 2.5min) and motor block (110.7 8.8min) than that of the bupivacaine group (207.6 10.9&253.9
19.8 min) respectively). Prilocaine group showed a statistically significant shorter time to sit (113.3 7.7min), stand
(121.810.5min), walk unassisted (130.77.8 min) and void spontaneously (256.421.5 min) compared to the
corresponding times in the bupivacaine group, where the time to sit, stand, walk unassisted and void spontaneously
were (279.114.0 min) (285.510.9min), (301.813.9min), (345.424.5min) respectively.
: Hyperbaric prilocaine provides faster onset time, shorter duration of action, and earlier patient recovery
in ambulatory surgery compared to hyperbaric bupivacaine in day-case surgery.
Keywords: Spinal Anesthesia, Hyperbaric, Prilocaine 2%, Bupivacaine 0.5%

bupivacaine (6). We aimed to compare spinal anesthesia
Spinal anesthesia has become increasingly
using hyperbaric prilocaine 2% and hyperbaric
popular for inpatient surgery, but, until recently, its use
bupivacaine 0.5% for day case surgery in terms of
has been limited in ambulatory surgery due to the lack
sensory block, and motor block resolution times.
of a safe and licensed short-acting local anesthetic
The time for first spontaneous voiding and
agent. An ideal intrathecal agent for ambulatory surgery
duration of stay in the PACU and time to home
should have a rapid onset of motor and sensory
blockade, predictable regression within an acceptable

time frame, and a low incidence of adverse effects(1).
Hyperbaric Bupivacaine is a long-acting local
This Prospective randomized controlled double-
anesthetic from the amide group and has a low incidence
blind clinical trial study was carried out on 66 patients
of transient neurological symptoms (TNS). Because of
of both sexes scheduled for day case surgery under
its pharmacological profile, the recovery of motor and
spinal anesthesia to compare between intrathecal
sensory blocks is delayed compared to short-acting
hyperbaric prilocaine 2% and hyperbaric bupivacaine
local anesthetics. The incidence of postoperative
0.5% in the improvement of safety and efficacy of
urinary retention with long-acting local anesthetics like
anesthesia and readiness for discharge after ambulatory
bupivacaine is higher than with short-acting local
surgery, they were admitted to Zagazig University
anesthetics (2).
Successful spinal anesthesia with low doses of
The following patient parameters were recorded:
bupivacaine between 5 and 10 mg without additives has
both sexes, ages from 21- 60 years, scheduled for day
been described for outpatients. The incidence of urinary
case surgery under spinal anesthesia. American Society
retention was still 3.7­16%. Furthermore, with these
of Anesthesiologists ASA class I&II. The time of
low doses, block height becomes unpredictable and the
surgery does not exceed 75 min.
risk of block failure is high (3). Prilocaine is an amide
Exclusion criteria were; Allergy to the studied
local anesthetic with an intermediate duration of action
drugs. Patients with contraindications to spinal
after spinal administration. Recently, the old local
anesthesia. Patients with advanced cardiac, renal,
anesthetics prilocaine was reintroduced in the market. It
hepatic disease.
is available in the hyperbaric form and provides
Patients were randomly allocated by computer
anesthesia for 75­90 min after spinal administration (4).
randomization table into two equal groups according to
Hyperbaric prilocaine 2% is increasingly used for spinal
the study drugs: Group C (hyperbaric bupivacaine
anesthesia in the ambulatory setting (5), as it has the
group)[control group]; Included 33 patients were
advantage of faster recovery times than hyperbaric
received intrathecal 3mL (15 mg) 0.5% hyperbaric
Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 111)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_112 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1666-1673

Predictors of Subclinical Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients
Hussein El-Amin1, Khaled M. Ali Shehata2, Ammar A. Ammar3,
Wageeh A. Ali4, Amal M. Abdel Aal5, Marwa M. Abokresha*1, Soheir M. Kassem2
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Unit, 2Internal Medicine Critical Care Unit, 3Internal Medicine,
4Radiology and 5Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Marwa M. Abokresha, Mobile: (+20) 01000580208, E-mail: marwaabokresha@aun.edu.eg

: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic intestinal disease that can be caused by a variety of
environmental and genetic factors. Several processes that are chronically stimulated in IBD patients have been involved
in the pathophysiology of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD).
Objective: We aimed to estimate 10 years of risk ASCVD in patients with IBD, and to clarify the importance of
laboratory and non-invasive imaging modalities in early detection and estimation of ASCVD risk in those populations.
Patients and methods: This was a cross-sectional observational study that was conducted on 80 candidates between
October 2019 and October 2021, forty of them were IBD patients and forty were healthy volunteers. Patients were
diagnosed as IBD by clinical picture, multi-slice spiral computed tomography (MSCT) abdomen, and colonoscopy
followed by histopathological study of the biopsies according to ECCO consensus criteria. For the control group, 40
healthy volunteers were matched by gender and age without other known risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Results: 25 patients were diagnosed as ulcerative colitis, while 15 were diagnosed as Crohn's Disease. IBD patients
showed significant dyslipidemia. The median and range of estimated ASCVD risk % among the patients were 27.0 (0.3-
46.0), while for the control group, 7.0 (0.3-46.0), and P-value was 0.001. IBD patients had significantly higher pericardial
fat in comparison with healthy controls (2.15 (0.04-4.80) vs 1.43 (0.04-3.20), P-value was 0.027*). Multivariate regression
analysis showed that increased both pericardial fat; carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT); hyperlipidemia and disease
activity were predictors for subclinical ASCVD in patients with IBD.
Conclusions: The risk of ASCVD is risen in IBD patients, particularly during active disease, with increased carotid
intimal thickness and wall stiffness. Estimating the thickness of epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) and CIMT were
significant predictors.
Keywords: IBD, ASCVD, Carotid duplex, Pericardial fat.

patients among an Egyptian cohort, as well as the
Heart disease remains the top cause of mortality
association between the types of ASCVD and the
globally, despite enormous breakthroughs in illness
clinical manifestations of Crohn's disease (CD) and
detection and treatment. Obesity and type 2 diabetes, as
ulcerative colitis (UC) patients followed at the IBD
well as genetic, environmental, nutritional, and lifestyle
variables, can all contribute to cardiovascular disease

(CVD). Aside from that, there's a lot of evidence
indicating inflammation plays a function in heart
disease and atherosclerosis etiology (1, 2).
observational study that was conducted on 80
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes
candidates between October 2019 and October 2021,
ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, is the most
forty of whom were patients and forty of whom were
prevalent systemic inflammatory illness. IBD is a
healthy volunteers. The inclusion criteria were 40
chronic intestinal illness that can be caused by several
patients who were diagnosed as IBD (Crohn's Disease
reasons, including hereditary predisposition and
and Ulcerative Colitis) by clinical picture, MSCT
environmental influences (3, 4).
abdomen with contrast, and colonoscopy followed by
Several processes that are chronically stimulated
histopathological study of the biopsies according to The
in IBD patients have been involved in the
European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation [ECCO]
pathophysiology of ASCVD. These include local and
consensus criteria(6), who were attending to
systemic inflammation; gut microbiome irregularities,
gastrointestinal unit however inpatients and/or
outpatients of Assiut University Hospital either in
dysfunction, and the negative effects of IBD therapies,
activity or in remission. For the control group, 40
particularly corticosteroids. (5)
healthy volunteers were matched by gender and age.
Our research attempted to assess the 10-year risk of

ASCVD in IBD patients and specify the relevance of
To avoid the confounding effect of other known risk
laboratory and non-invasive imaging modalities in early
factors for atherosclerosis, the exclusion criteria
diagnosis and valuation of ASCVD risk in those IBD
were as follows:
populations compared to the healthy population. It also
Previous history of HTN, dyslipidemia with lipid-
elucidates the detailed ASCVD predictors of IBD
lowering medications, or diabetes mellitus.
Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 112)

ZagazigUniversity The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1674-1678

Fragmented QRS and Exercise Tolerance in Patients with
Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Ragab Abd El-Salam Mahfouz, Waleed Salem Elawady,
Ahmed Shawky Sherif, Mohamed Salem Mohamed Abdelwanis*
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine - Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Salem Mohamed Abdelwanis, Mobile: (+20)01099596383,
E-Mail: abdelwanism18@gmail.com

Fragment QRS (fQRS) complex is a myocardial conduction abnormality that indicates myocardial scar.
The significance of fQRS lies in the fact that it just requires a surface ECG for its recording and the value of
information about the condition of the heart it dispenses based on the clinical setting.
Our study aimed to investigate the relationship between FQRS exercise tolerant patients with heart failure
with preserved ejection fraction.
Patients and methods: The study was an observational cross-sectional study. It was conducted at the Cardiology
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals. The studied sample consisted of 95 patients with diastolic dysfunction. All
patients were stratified into two groups according to the presence or absence of fragmented QRS complex in resting
surface ECG. Electrocardiogram, conventional echocardiographic examination, tissue doppler imaging, and 6 minutes
walk test were done.
Results: There was a statistically significant difference between 6 minutes walk test of heart failure with preserved
ejection fraction patients with and without FQRS. In addition, we found that 6 minutes walk test is considered a good
parameter to discriminate congestive heart failure patients with and without FQRS with a sensitivity of 81.5%,
specificity of 69.6%, and accuracy of 72.9%.
Conclusion: The value of FQRS in cardiology is much higher than what is being understood currently. FQRS is
considered to be an indicator of myocardial fibrosis or scar tissue and has already been observed to be closely
associated with a greater probability of adverse cardiac consequences and reduced tolerance of exercise in patients
with HFpEF.
Keywords: Fragmented QRS, Exercise Tolerance, Heart failure, Preserved Ejection Fraction.


It was shown in some studies that a subtle
abnormality within the QRS complex can represent
The observational cross-sectional study was
conduction disturbance and myocardial scar. A notch
conducted at the Cardiology Department, Zagazig
in the QRS complex in patients with left ventricular
University Hospitals, on 95 patients with diastolic
hypertrophy has been suggested to be a result of an
dysfunction during the period from December 2019 to
intraventricular conduction defect (1).
July 2020.
However, the diagnostic and prognostic values

of these subtle abnormalities within the QRS complex
Ethical consent:
were not clarified in prior studies. Fragmented QRS
Written informed consent was obtained from
complex in patients with coronary artery disease
all children's parents or their relatives and the
(CAD) was associated with myocardial conduction
study was approved by the research ethics
block due to myocardial scar detected by myocardial
committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig
single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) (2).
University. The work has been carried out
It is defined as additional notches in the QRS
following The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
complex. Though initially fQRS was defined in the
Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for studies
setting of normal QRS duration (<120 ms), later it has
involving humans.
been expanded to include conditions with wide QRS

complexes as in bundle branch block, ventricular
Inclusion criteria:
ectopy, and paced rhythm, when more than 2 notches
Patients with HFpEF and the inclusion criteria
are present. It is an important, yet often overlooked
were based on the following: Typical symptoms of
marker of mortality and arrhythmic events in many
heart failure; representative signs of heart failure. The
cardiac diseases(3).
LVEF 50% (by echocardiography), and Evidence of
Our study aimed to investigate the relationship FQRS
diastolic dysfunction on echocardiography (mitral
exercise tolerant patients with heart failure with a
inflow E/A ratio, e measured at the mitral annulus,
preserved ejection fraction.
and E/e ratio).

Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 113)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_114 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1679-1683

Analgesia for Postoperative Pain in Laparoscopic Surgery: Review Article
Emad Eldin Fatthy Mohamed*, Khaled M. Hassan, Wessam A. Aboelwafa, Islam M. Ahmed
Anesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Management, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Emad Eldin Fatthy Mohamed, Mobile: (+20) 01020330340, E-Mail: emad.fatthy.ef@gmail.com

Similar to all surgical procedures, patients have compelling postoperative pain. The patients
experience severe abdominal and throat pain at the start of the postoperative period and seek for pain relief after
laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopy is a procedure that is done on a rather frequent basis. Delivering anesthesia in
this type of procedures may be difficult, especially in day case surgeries. Inadequate analgesia along with nausea
and vomiting may be distressing for patients and raises the health care costs due to extended stay.
Objective: This review article aimed to address strategies for anesthesia and analgesia for day-case laparoscopic
procedures in this review. The concepts include multi-mode analgesia as well as oral administration wherever
Methods: These databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases: PubMed, Google
scholar and science direct. Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had been used such as laparoscopy and
postoperative pain OR minimally invasive surgery and in peer-reviewed articles between December 2000 and Jun
2021. Documents in a language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation. Papers apart
from main scientific studies had been excluded (documents unavailable as total written text, conversation,
conference abstract papers and dissertations).
Conclusion: It is important to identify patients at the highest risk for severe and prolonged post-operative pain, and
to have a proactive strategy in place for these individuals to reduce the intensity and of postoperative pain in
patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery.
: Laparoscopy, Postoperative pain, Analgesia.

upper abdomen discomfort [7]. Early release and a
The advancement of minimally invasive
shorter hospital stay are common with patients having
surgical procedures for diagnostic and therapeutic
MIS; nevertheless, by contributing to the high
purposes has led to a drastic and substantial shift in
the way surgery is used to handle many types of
inexperienced with post-MIS pain, this leads in
disorders [1]. Minimally invasive surgery (MIS),
missed diagnoses, insufficient assessment, and
particularly laparoscopic surgery, has gained
incorrect therapy. Certain types of post-MIS pain are
widespread acceptance as a viable alternative to
excruciating, resulting in a considerable increase in
traditional exploratory laparotomy in the treatment of
needless analgesic usage, a delayed recovery, longer
a variety of benign disorders [2]. Among them, MIS
hospitalization, and, in rare cases, readmission [7].
has been considered to be the best option for some
A deeper comprehension of the cause and/or
types of disorders, like endometriosis [3]. MIS has
pathophysiology of postoperative MIS pain may be
been shown to be equally successful as traditional
assumed and established as a result of the increasing
laparotomy in the treatment of some forms of cancer.
number of clinical studies and a more refined
This is because it offers the same benefits as standard
strategic algorithm for regulating and orchestrating
laparotomy without compromising the oncologic
prevention and care [8].
results. Even if several new papers express grave

concerns regarding the safety of MIS in the treatment
of cervical cancer [4]. MIS has an edge over
As previously stated, MIS often results in less
conventional exploratory laparotomy, including a
pain compared to exploratory laparotomy. Despite
substantial minimizing in the size of the incision
that, post laparoscopic pain continues to impair
wound, decreased pain caused by the wound,
quality of life and is a significant cause for postponed
decreased need for analgesia, trifling trauma and
dismiss or difficulty in returning to routine
injury, improved cosmetic outcome, fewer days of
activities. Post-MIS discomfort may be classified as
hospitalization, shorter time for recuperation, and
surgical incision pain, STP and/or upper abdominal
faster resuming of life activities and work [5].
pain [9].
Despite the benefits of MIS, up to 80% of
Pain is a sensation and a psychological
patients (range: 35%­80%) endure significant pain
experience linked to existing or probable tissue
and demand pain medication for their uncomfortable
injury. Acute pain is the physiological response
experience or distress [6]. Pain characteristics vary
expected in response to a harmful chemical, thermal,
between laparoscopic surgery, particularly gas
or mechanical stimulus, as a result of activation of
laparoscopy, and exploratory laparotomy. The most
pain receptors (nociceptors) at the injury site, which
prevalent examples are shoulder-tip pain (STP) and
performs a crucial and sensitive role in delivering
Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 114)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_115 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1684-1690

Evaluation of Internal Fixation of Base of Fifth Metatarsal
Fracture of the Foot by Screw
Abdelsalam Eid Abdelsalam, Abdlkader Fadhl Almahdi Mautog*,
Fahmy Samir Fahmy Gerges, Salah Mahmoud Abdelkader
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdlkader Fadhl Almahdi Mautog, E-Mail: adbegtelawe1988@gmail.com

Although successful treatment of 5th metatarsal Jones fractures with intramedullary screw fixation is
common, nonunion and refracture rates are not insignificant.
Objective: This study aimed to monitor the management results of internal fixation of the base of the fifth metatarsal
fracture of the foot by the intramedullary screw.
Patients and Methods: At Zagazig University Hospitals, we performed a prospective study on 18 patients who had
"jones fractures" in zone II at the base of their fifth metatarsal bone and who had all been treated with intramedullary
screw fixation.
Results: All the fractured patients had close isolated fractures 83.3% of them operated within the first 48 hours, only
three patients needed more than 48 hours to be operated. The operation time in most of patients (77.8%) was less than
one hour with mean 63.3 minutes. Most of patients (72.2%) achieved excellent, while the rest had good outcome
according to AOFAS score at final follow up.
Conclusion: It is safe and effective to use early screw fixation in the treatment of acute Jones fractures, which leads to
a faster clinical union and a return to normal daily activities.
Keywords: Fifth metatarsal fracture, Internal fixation.

to rule out a Lisfranc fracture dislocation in cases of more
A crucial diagnostic problem arises when dealing
severe midfoot trauma [5].
with fractures of the fifth metatarsal. Prognosis and
The treatment of a 5th metatarsal fracture is
treatment can be drastically altered by only millimeters
determined by the fracture type, the extent of the patient's
of variation in site. Re-injury and chronic incapacity can
previous ailments, and their personal characteristics.
be caused by a treatment plan that isn't up to standard.
Treatment options include non-operative and surgical
The difficulty of making an accurate diagnosis and
approaches that take into account a variety of factors,
treating a fracture is exacerbated by the use of confusing
including the amount of activity of the patient. If the
fracture nomenclature [1]. Surgeons frequently use
displacement or ten-degree plantar angulation of a neck
surgical fixation for Jones fractures of the metaphyseal-
or shaft fracture is greater than 3 to 4 mm and a closed
diaphyseal watershed junction in athletes. It is still the
reduction is not enough, operational intervention is
most often used method of fixation, with intramedullary
recommended [6].
screws [2].
The surgical treatment of proximal fifth metatarsal
As many as 70% of metatarsal fractures occur in the
fractures includes a number of options, such as, internal
fifth metatarsal, and 80% of these fractures occur in the
fixation with minifragment plate and screws, closed
proximal portion of the bone. Women with poor bone
reduction and cross-pinning with Kirschner-wire (K-
mineral density are more likely to suffer from these
wire) fixation, corticocancellous bone graft, open
fractures than women in their third or seventh decade. An
reduction and percutaneous fixation with an
athlete's fifth metatarsal bone is frequently fractured by
intramedullary screw. Although successful treatment of
stress [3]. Traumatic or recurrent forefoot damage can
5th metatarsal Jones fractures with intramedullary screw
cause an injury to the fifth metatarsal. It is common for
fixation is common, nonunion and refracture rates are not
avulsion fractures to occur in Zone 1. These fractures are
insignificant [7].
caused by an abrupt episode of supination of the forefoot
The purpose of this study was to monitor the
with plantar flexion. The plantar fascia's lateral band and
outcomes of intramedullary screw repair of the foot's fifth
the peroneus brevis are pulled as a result [4].
metatarsal fracture base.
Three conventional radiographic views of the foot

are utilized when imaging for a suspected metatarsal
fracture: lateral, anteroposterior, and a 45-degree oblique.
This study was conducted in the Orthopedic Surgery
Standard three-views of the foot do not detect acute stress
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals. 18 patients
fractures in the majority of cases. It is recommended that
complaining of fracture base of fifth metatarsal bone
10 to 14 days following the onset of symptoms,
"Jones fracture" were included in this study. All the
radiographs are taken. As soon as a radiolucent
included patients were treated surgically through
reabsorption gap appears surrounding the fracture, the
percutaneous screw fixation.
diagnosis is deemed certain. A CT scan is recommended

Received: 02/11/2021
Accepted: 30/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 115)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_116 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1691-1694
Epidemiological Study of Atrial Fibrillation
Mohamed Ibrahim Mostafa Al Awady, Yasser Gaber Metwally,
Eman Hesham Seddik, Ahmad Mohamed Tarek Abd Elhamid*
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine ­ Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmad Mohamed Tarek, Mobile: (+20) 01090655773, E-Mail: nanato1992@gmail.com

The pathophysiology of AF is complex and multifactorial, involving ageing and a structural remodeling
whereby apoptosis, inflammation and fibrosis are the hallmarks. Systemic inflammation is a strong predictor of atrial
fibrillation. A key role for electrical remodeling is increasingly recognized, and experimental data suggest that
inflammatory cytokines can directly affect connexins resulting in gap junction dysfunction.
Objective: This study aimed to study epidemiology findings of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
Patients and Methods: This case-control study was conducted on thirty-eight participants (19 males and 19 females).
The included patients were recruited from Cardiology Department, Zagazig University Hospitals and Nasser Institute
for Research and Treatment.
Results: Regarding baseline characteristics, it was reported that mean age of AF group was 61.2 ± 9.1 years and control
group was 58 ± 12 years with no statistical significant difference between the two studied groups. Most of AF patients
were smokers and had hypertension. There were no statistical significant differences between the studied groups
regarding hypertension, smoking status, sex and age. Regarding clinical presentation, it was observed that palpitation
was more in AF group than in control group (78.9% and 10.6% respectively). Chest pain was more presented in AF
group than in control group (36.8% vs 26.3% respectively), while dyspnea was more presented in AF group than in
control group (47.4% vs 26.3% respectively).
Conclusion: Mean age of AF group and control group was high. Most of AF patients were smokers and had
hypertension. Palpitation occurred in about three fourths of AF patients' group.
Keywords: Epidemiology, ECG findings, Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.


Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common
pathophysiological and biochemical changes aiming to
arrhythmia, at least 2.3 million individuals suffer from
limit the harmful effects (inflammatory stimuli) and to
AF in the US alone. The etiology of AF is not
quickly recover homeostasis. They follow both acute
completely understood. Many factors such as neuro-
and chronic inflammation (4).
endocrine function, acute or chronic hemodynamics and
The objective of the study was to study
metabolism may cause atrial remodeling and thus play
epidemiology of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.
a role in the initiation and progression of AF (1).

Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation occurs when a rapid,
erratic heart rate begins suddenly and then terminates
This case-control study was conducted on thirty
spontaneously or with intervention within 7 days. It is
eight participants (19 males and 19 females) who aged
also known as intermittent A-fib and often lasts for less
between 48 and 82 years. The included patients were
than 24 hours (2).
recruited from Cardiology Department, Zagazig
The American Heart Association (AHA) estimate
University Hospitals and Nasser Institute for Research
that 2.7 million American people live with some form
and Treatment.
of A-fib. The likelihood of experiencing paroxysmal A-
Patients with AF were assigned into two groups
fib increases with age (2).
(AF and control who were individuals with sinus
Inflammation of atrial tissue leads to the
rhythm and no history of AF, as confirmed in a routine
denaturation, necrosis, apoptosis, fibrosis and scarring
physical examination and investigation, each group
of myocardial cells. Such changes alter their
enrolled age- and sex- matched nineteen patients.
electrophysiological function, increase their non-

uniform and anisotropic properties, and decrease the
Inclusion Criteria:
conduction of atrial muscles, facilitating reentry of the
The study population included 38 cases divided into
electrical signal and causing AF to persist. Interstitial
2 groups: AF group (19 cases) and Control group (19
fibrosis of atrial cells may be involved in atrial
structural remodeling (3).

Atrial fibrillation may occur and persist due to
Exclusion Criteria:
atrial remodeling exacerbated by inflammation. The
Those with missing HRV data on 2-min
systemic response to inflammation, which occurr in
recordings. Hepatic and renal insufficiency. Thyroid
human organism, is in its essence a combination of
disorders. Rheumatic heart diseases, and electrolyte

abnormalities e.g., hypomagnesemia.
Received: 03/11/2021
Accepted: 01/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 116)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1695-1700

Prediction Of No Reflow Using Syntax II Score in
Patients of Acute ST Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction
Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Mahmoud Hamed Ibrahim*, Mahmoud Diaa Elmenshawy,
Mohammad Mustafa Al-Daydamony, Mohamed Abd Elhady Mohamed
Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mahmoud Hamed Ibrahim, Email: m7amid89@gmail.com
Clinical characteristics are combined with an angiographic grading method to create the SYNTAX Score
II, which then compares the results to the SYNTAX II score.
Objective: This study aimed to make an early prediction of no reflow in patients receiving primary percutaneous
coronary intervention (PPCI) because of an acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the SYNTAX
score II was used. Patients and Methods: Our cross-sectional trial was conducted on one hundred patients with acute
STEMI who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention at National Heart Institute, Zagazig University
Hospital. Standard coronary angiogram was done to all patients.
A statistically significant positive correlation was found between syntax score and age, also with LVESD post
treatment, while there was significant negative correlation with both EF pre- and post-treatment and TIMI flow grade.
According to the results of the multivariate logistic regression analysis, the most significant risk variables for no reflow
were revealed to be the door to balloon time > 2 hours, smoking, syntactic score > 27, EF below 44, and finally, chronic
kidney disease.
Conclusion: An independent predictor of no-reflow in STEMI patients who are treated with PPCI is the syntax score.
Keywords: Syntax II score, Acute ST segment elevation, Myocardial infarction.

increased risk of cardiovascular events, initial PCI failure
When cardiac biomarkers (preferable troponin) rise
to achieve sufficient cardiac reperfusion may be a
or fall over the 99th percentile of the upper reference and
contributing factor (7).
one or more indications of ischemia are present,
Syntax score II was used as a predictor of no flow in
myocardial infarction is considered probable. Novel ST-T
individuals with ST segment elevation myocardial
modifications include things like aberrant Q waves, new
infarction who underwent primary percutaneous coronary
segmental wall motion abnormalities, and the
identification of an intra-coronary thrombus through

angiography or autopsy (1).
As a strategy to minimize myocardial damage and
The study was conducted retrospectively on 100 patients
restore normal blood flow in those affected by an acute ST
admitted to National Heart Institute with acute STEMI
segment elevation myocardial infarction, treatment is
subjected to PPCI. They consisted of 78 male and 22
focused on both of these goals. Both fibrinolytic treatment
female patients with a mean age of 53.4 years old.
and primary percutaneous coronary intervention can be
TIMI flow score was used to split patients into two
used to accomplish this goal (2). If high-quality PCI is
groups: Group I (Normal flow group): TIMI flow III: 55
accessible without significant delay, primary PCI is
patients with TIMI flow 3 post PCI, and group II: (No
preferable than fibrinolysis. Door-to-balloon time should
reflow group): TIMI flow < III: 45 patients with TIMI
be less than 90 minutes. The survival benefit of primary
flow 2 post intervention
PCI over fibrinolysis appears to be eliminated if the PCI-
Inclusion criteria: All patients with acute STEMI who
related delay is more than 60 to 90 minutes (3).
had: chest pain (lasting more than 30 minutes). ST
Without evidence of a mechanical obstruction, the
segment elevation (>1 mm) in two or more contiguous
"no-reflow phenomenon" is described as a lack of
leads or new start LBBB, or ECG abnormalities that imply
myocardial reperfusion in the coronary circulation (4).
posterior infarction, and exaggerated chest pain or
Patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial
presentation within 12 hours of the commencement of the
infarction who have myocardial no-reflow after the first
percutaneous coronary intervention had poorer clinical
Exclusion criteria: Patients with acute STEMI more than
outcomes and a lower survival rate after the procedure (5).
12 hours referred for PCI. Patients with previous stenting
Clinical characteristics are combined with an
in the culprit artery. Any contraindication to primary
angiographic grading method to create the SYNTAX
angioplasty. Patients of previous CABG, and
Score II, which then compares the results to the SYNTAX
retrospective patients with missed or incomplete data
I score (6). When calculating the SYNTAX II score during
a primary PCI, we can use clinical data and information
on patency and area of myocardium at risk supplied by the
All patients underwent the following:
culprit vascular, as well as lesion complexity and severity.
A complete medical history and demographic data.
When a high SYNTAX II score is associated with an
Medical evaluation in-depth at time of admission.
Received: 04/11/2021
Accepted: 02/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 117)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_118 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1701-1703

Outcome Evaluation of Laparoscopic Drainage of
Pelvi-Abdominal Abscess at Zagazig University Hospitals
Ahmed Mohamed Abd elhadi*, Emad Mohamed Salah**, Gamal Mohamed Osman**,
Abd Elrahman Moustafa Metwally**
*General surgery Department, Al Ahrar Zagazig Teaching Hospital, Zagazig, Egypt.
** General surgery Department, Zagazig Faculty of Medicine, Egypt.
Corresponding Author: Ahmed Mohamed Abd Elhadi, Phone: +201111697962,
E-mail: ahmedmsaleem85@gmail.com
Intra-abdominal abscesses remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Intra-abdominal abscesses
that are localized usually arise in connection to the damaged viscus. For timely treatment, a correct diagnosis and abscess
localization are required. Laparoscopic draining of a large intra-abdominal abscess is a minimally invasive procedure
that allows exploration of the abdominal cavity without a large incision.
Aim: This study aimed to to evaluate the outcome of laparoscopic management of abdominal abscesses not amenable
to percutaneous or transrectal CT guided or ultrasound US-guided drainage.
Patients and Methods: This prospective study included 24 patients presenting with clinical and radiological
manifestations of lower abdominal intraperitoneal abscesses at General Surgery Department, Zagazig University, Egypt.
This study was conducted through the period from Feb 2021 to Aug 2021.
Our analysis showed that mean operative time was 97.2 ± 12.3 min, mean intraoperative blood loss volume
was 176.5 ± 62.7 ml and 19 cases needed blood transfusion. The VAS score of preoperative pain decreased from 6.9
pre-operative to 5 immediate post-operative and 0.3 at 24 hr post-operative.
Conclusion: For pelvic-abdominal abscesses, laparoscopic drainage proved a realistic, safe, and effective treatment
option. Laparoscopic drainage is a minimally invasive treatment with few postoperative complications.
Keywords: Laparoscopic, Intra-abdominal abscesses, Drainage, Pelvi-abdominal abscess.


percutaneous or transrectal CT guided or ultrasound US-
In today's surgical practice, intra-abdominal
guided drainage.
abscesses remain a major cause of morbidity and

mortality. The enigmatic nature of the underlying
disorders, as well as the disease's varied clinical course,
This prospective study included 24 patients
can cause delays in diagnosis and treatment, which can
presented with clinical and radiological manifestations
have negative consequences for the patient's outcome,
of lower abdominal intraperitoneal abscesses. At
length of stay in the hospital, and healthcare expenses (1).
General Surgery Department, Zagazig University, Egypt
Localized intra-abdominal abscesses commonly
through the period from Feb 2021 to Aug 2021.
arise in relation to the injured viscus, such as an

appendicular abscess in the right iliac fossa in the case of
Ethical approval:
a perforated appendix or a tubo-ovarian abscess in the
This study was approved by the Faculty of
pelvis in the case of female adnexa. The omentum,
Medicine, Zagazig University Ethical Committee.
neighboring viscera, and inflammatory adhesions move
Every patient signed an informed written consent.
to the infection site and produce phlegmon, which acts
This work has been carried out in accordance with
as a barrier to the infection spreading to other peritoneal
The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association
regions. (2).For timely treatment, a correct diagnosis and
(Declaration of Helsinki) for studies involving
abscess localization are required. Most intra-abdominal
abscesses are now treated using percutaneous computed

tomography (CT) guided catheter drainage (3). A surgical
Pre-Operative preparation:
drainage is an option in circumstances where
Preoperative resuscitation included intravenous
percutaneous drainage is not accessible or practicable
fluid correction of acid-base and electrolyte imbalances,
due to the presence of numerous abscesses. The surgery
hemodynamic parameter optimization, nutritional status,
can be performed laparoscopically or openly (4).
and coagulation profile adjustment for all patients.
Laparoscopic drainage of a large intra-
Diabetic patients received intensive insulin therapy
abdominal abscess is less invasive, allowing exploration
using regular insulin to adjust random blood glucose to a
of the abdominal cavity without a large incision and
range of 100­110mg/dl. Thromboprophylaxis was
aspiration of purulent exudates under direct vision. If the
performed whenever indicated.
general condition is good, laparoscopy can also be used
Surgical Technique:
to remove the source of sepsis, such as a perforated
All of the procedures were carried out under
appendix or a ruptured colonic diverticulum (5). In this
general anesthesia. Intravenous antibiotic therapy in the
study, we tended to evaluate the outcome of laparoscopic
form of a third-generation cephalosporin and
management of abdominal abscesses not amenable to
Received: 11/10/2021
Accepted: 09/12/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 118)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_119 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1704-1706

Role of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) in Treatment of Post Acne Scars: Review Article
Nagwa Ali Fahmy Diab, Aya Mohamed Abdallah, AlShimaa Mohamed Ibrahim
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
*Corresponding author: Aya Mohamed Abdallah, E-Mail: ayaabdallah781991@gmail.com

: There are many forms of scars that can result from inflammatory acne. It has a negative impact on the
patient's personal and professional relationships. Acne scars are caused by the aberrant creation or breakdown of
collagen that happens during healing processes. Atrophic scarring is the consequence in the majority of instances (80­
90%) of collagen degradation at the dermal level. Hypertrophic or keloid scars are rarer manifestations of an enhanced
collagen synthesis. Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) was introduced into the acne scar care picture after platelet-derived growth
factor (PDGF) was proven to stimulate wound healing, angiogenesis, and tissue remodelling. Minimally invasive
platelet-rich plasma methods provide the advantage of a fast recovery time and low cost.
Objective: To examine the potential role of platelet rich fibrin in the treatment of post-acne scars.
Methods: The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar-
Science direct] and Boolean operators (and, or, not) had been used such as [Platelet Rich Fibrin and Post Acne Sars OR
PRF] and in peer-reviewed articles between 2009 and 2021. Documents in a language apart from English were excluded
as sources for interpretation was not found. Papers apart from main scientific studies were excluded: documents
unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract papers and dissertations.
Conclusion: Cell migration and proliferation are more efficient when fibrin is rich in platelets. When compared to
platelet rich plasma, the fibrin matrix favours a slow and steady release of growth factors over time.
Keywords: Platelet Rich Fibrin, Post Acne Sars.

(5). Scars like hypertrophic scars and keloids can be
A delayed or poor medical treatment can cause acne
categorised as variants of wound healing. 6 to 8 weeks
scarring, although this can also happen despite receiving
after the initial injury, anabolic and catabolic processes
reach balance in a normal wound. Wounds at this point
inflammation damages collagen and other tissues,
are around 30-40 percent as strong as healthy skin. In
causing persistent changes in skin texture and fibrosis.
time, the scar becomes stronger due to the cross-linking
Inflammation, granulation, and remodelling are all
of collagen fibres, which occurs as the scar matures. A
common wound healing stages for scars (1).
hyperemic and perhaps thicker scar forms at this stage,
There are several therapies for acne scars, however
but it gradually thins out over months to form a flat,
they may only be partially effective, leaving patients
white, malleable and possibly stretched mature scar.
frustrated and disappointed (1). Acne scarring has far-
When the healing process is out of balance, more
reaching consequences that go beyond a person's ability
collagen is created than destroyed, resulting in an out-of-
to enjoy life because of their appearance. It has been
control scar. A raised, hyperemic scar is still visible on
linked to depression and other mental health conditions,
the skin. A hypertrophic or keloid scar is one with an
suicidal thoughts, emotional debilitation, shame, low
overabundance of fibrous tissue (6).
self-esteem and overall social impairment (2).

Most acne scars are connected with a loss of
Platelet Rich Fibirin (PRF):
collagen (atrophic scars), whereas the rest are associated
To get rid of anticoagulants known as leukocyte
with a growth of collagen (fibrotic scars) (keloidal or
and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF), a new type of platelet
hypertrophic scars). Following fibre contraction, atrophic
concentrate was created. Due to the absence of anti-
scars appear in the form of depressions. Some acne scars
coagulants, the blood must be centrifuged quickly to
can be characterised as boxcar, icepick or rolling atrophic
separate the different layers of blood before it clots. In the
acne scars (3). Even though medical treatment for acne can
"platelet-rich" layer after centrifugation, a fibrin clot is
help prevent scarring, it can also exacerbate existing
discovered. Platelets and leukocytes are typically found
scarring if treatment is delayed or inadequate. Acne-
within this fibrin matrix, which is enriched with blood-
related inflammation damages collagen and other tissues,
derived growth factors and cytokines. When compared to
causing persistent changes in skin texture and fibrosis.
platelet rich plasma (PRP), the fibrin matrix favours the
Inflammation, granulation, and remodelling are all
progressive release of growth factors over time (6).
common wound healing stages for scars (4).
External anticoagulants are required with PRP,
Extracellular matrix components and parenchymal
and this has been highlighted as a disadvantage. Finally,
cells (keratinocytes and fibroblasts) are all involved in
anticoagulants inhibit the release of growth factors,
wound healing. Endothelial and nerve cells are also
which are associated to the clotting mechanism (7).
involved. lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, as
It is also a drawback that upon activation, growth
well as other immune-inflammatory blood cells,
factors from the liquid PRP are suddenly released.
penetrate the wound and contribute to its healing process
Calcium chloride or bovine thrombin activated nearly all
Received: 04/11/2021
Accepted: 02/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 119)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_120 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1707-1712

Study of relation between Serum C1Q / TNF-Related Protein 9 (CTRP9) and
Diabetic Retinopathy in a Sample of Egyptian Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Mohamed Reda Halawa1, Hanan Mahmoud Ali2, Noureldin Hussein Abozeid2,
Fouad Abd Elfattah Ismail1, Salah Hussein Elhalawany1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine & Endocrinology and 2Ophthalmology,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Salah Hussein Elhalawany, Mobile: (+20) 01098127872,
E-Mail: salah.hussein@med.asu.edu.eg

C1q/TNF-Related Protein (CTRP) family members are novel adipokines that have immunomodulatory,
anti-inflammatory, glucose regulating, and vascular effects. However, their microvascular effects in diabetic patients
remain unclear.
To evaluate the relation between serum CTRP9 and diabetic retinopathy (DR) in patients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus (T2DM).
Patients and Methods:
This cross-sectional study was conducted on 90 subjects with their ages ranging from 35-70
years, selected from diabetes and ophthalmology outpatient clinics of Ain shams University Hospitals for 6 months in
a period from May 2019 to November 2019. They were divided into 3 groups: Group (I): 35 Patients with T2DM with
diabetic retinopathy. Group (II): 35 Patients with T2DM without diabetic retinopathy. Group (III): 20 Apparently
healthy individuals.
Results: there is a highly statistically significant difference between the studied groups as regards S. CTRP9 being
highest in Group II Patients with T2DM without diabetic retinopathy followed by Group III Apparently healthy
individuals then Group I Patients with T2DM with diabetic retinopathy (P-value <0.001). Also, there is a negative
correlation between serum CTRP9 level and Duration of DM, HbA1C FBS, and 2hpp. On performing multiple linear
stepwise regression analysis to the statistically significant factors using CTRP9 as a dependent variable with other
independent variables, only HbA1C and Duration of DM remained significantly associated with CTRP9.
T2DM patients with diabetic retinopathy have decreased CTRP9 levels regardless of the grade of
retinopathy. Loss of protective role of CTRP9 may attribute to DR in patients with long-standing Diabetes.
Keywords: Serum CTRP9, Diabetic retinopathy, T2DM.

The CTRP superfamily has been found as a new
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic
anti-inflammatory adipokine with major metabolic
illnesses marked by chronic hyperglycemia caused by a
effects (5). The CTRP family contains 16 members, all
lack of insulin action, secretion, or both, all of which
of which are hypothesized to play a role in energy
result in long-term damage and malfunction of several
balance via affecting insulin sensitivity in the muscles
organs, including the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and
and liver (6).
blood vessels (1).
CTRP 9 is A member of the CTRP family which
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common and
shows the highest degree of amino acid identity to
dangerous microvascular consequence of diabetes, with
adiponectin (approximately 54%) in its globular C1q
an alarmingly high global prevalence (2). It is the leading
domain with a potent anti-diabetic, cardioprotective and
cause of vision loss and blindness (3).
anti-inflammatory adipokine (7,8,9).
Diabetic macular edema and proliferative
CTRP9 has been proven to improve insulin
retinopathy sequelae such as vitreous hemorrhage,
sensitivity and lipid metabolism, both of which help to
reduce blood sugar levels (8). Furthermore, because
detachment are the most common causes of visual loss
CTRP9's vasoactive potency is nearly three times that
in diabetic individuals. Appropriate blood sugar and
of adiponectin, it has a significant vaso-relaxing action
blood pressure control can considerably prevent the
and may have substantial therapeutic relevance in the
development or progression of these potentially
therapy of endothelial dysfunction (10).
blinding consequences, emphasizing the need for early
In addition, the anti-inflammatory effect of
DR recognition and treatment beginning (4).
CTRP9 was explained by inhibition of TNF-induced
In the past decade, the CTRP super-family has
monocytes adhesion to human aortic endothelial cell
been discovered as novel anti-inflammatory adipokines
and inhibits TNF-induced NF-B (nuclear factor-B)
with important metabolic effects (5). The CTRP family
activation (9). However, the role of CTRP9 in the
is composed of 16 members all of which were thought
development of microvascular complications in diabetic
to contribute to energy homeostasis, through altering
patients remains unclear. To the best of our knowledge,
insulin sensitivity specifically in the muscles and liver
this is the first study evaluating the relationship between
CTRP 9 and Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with
Received: 05/11/2021
Accepted: 03/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 120)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_121 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1713-1719

Evaluation of Proximal Humerus Internal Locking System in
Management of Proximal Humeral Fractures
Abdelsalam Eid Abdelsalam, Mohamed Hegazy Abdelhamid Ahmed,
Hany Mohamed Abdelfatah Bakr, Salah Mahmoud Abdelkader
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Hegazy Abdelhamid Ahmed, E-Mail: mohamed_hegazy2017@hotmail.com

Because they provide tight anatomical fixation and better angular stability, the proximal humerus
PHILOS plate is now the implant of choice for treating displaced proximal humerus fractures.
Objective: This study aimed to improve radiological & clinical outcome of proximal humeral fractures using PHILOS
Patients and Methods: A prospective study involving 30 cases of proximal humeral fractures was done from January
to December 2021. All patients were operated at Zagazig University Hospitals. All patients were treated surgically, with
open reduction of the fractures and internal fixation with proximal humeral locking plates. The cases were followed for
6 months to a year.
Results: All fractures healed satisfactorily, except in five patients. In two patients, there was stiffness, one with avascular
necrosis (type 4 Neer classification) scheduled for plate removal and hemiarthoplasty and one with infection, which
subsided after treatment. Fracture healing happened with varus displacement in one patient, and the patient was pleased
with the outcome.
Conclusion: Locking plates offer more advantages than conventional plates specially when dealing with osteoporotic
bone. It is recommended to use locking plate whenever an elderly patient is indicated for internal fixation.
Keywords: Proximal humeral fractures, Internal locking system.


Approximately 5% of all adult fractures result in
This study was conducted in the period from
dislocation of the proximal humerus. Low-energy
January 2021 to December 2021 in the Orthopedic
trauma is the most common cause of injury in elderly
Surgery Department, Zagazig University Hospitals. We
osteoporotic patients. Even in cases of minor
retrieved 30 cases with proximal humeral fractures
displacement, sling therapy and functional rehabilitation
where open fracture reduction and internal fixation with
under medical supervision are effective. Displaced
proximal humeral locking plates were used in all of the
displacement or comminution require surgical treatment

in 15% to 20% of cases (1, 2).
Ethical consent:
The number of fracture sections and the
Zagazig University's Research Ethics Council
displacement are the two key components of the Neer
approved the study as long as all participants signed
classification, which is one of the classifications for
informed consent forms and submitted them to ZU-
proximal humerus fractures (3).
The best treatment options for displaced proximal
We adhered to the Helsinki Declaration, which
humerus fractures are still up for dispute. For proximal
is the ethical norm for human testing established by
humerus fractures, various fixation techniques have
the World Medical Association.
evolved, including platting, arthroplasty, transosseous

suturing, tension band wiring nailing percutaneous, and
Inclusion criteria:
pinning. Nonunion, malunion, and osteonecrosis are
Patients with a displaced proximal humeral
major postoperative risks with any humeral-head-
fracture as defined by the Neer classification system,
preserving procedure. Humerus proximal PHILOS
skeletally mature patients aged above 18 years, fracture
plates are the preferred implant for treating displaced
dislocation proximal humerus, floating shoulder, and
proximal humerus fractures because they provide tight
elderly porotic patients.
anatomical fixation and increased angular stability,

allowing for early mobilization and a satisfactory
Exclusion criteria:
functional outcome (4, 5, and 6).
Infection, skeletally immature patients, and
It was the goal of this work to improve radiological
undisplaced proximal humeral fractures.
& clinical outcome of proximal humeral fractures using


Received: 05/11/2021
Accepted: 03/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 121)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_122 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1720-1725

Added Value of Dual Energy CT Angiography in
Assessment of Pulmonary Embolism
Mona Hamed Ali, Mohamed Ahmed Denewar, Enas Mohamed Elfeky, Ahmed Fekry Salem
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine ­ Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mona Hamed Ali, Mobile: (+20)01091762456, E-Mail: monaamre76@gmail.com

Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a common clinical condition being third on the list of cardiovascular causes
of death. Computed tomography angiography (CTA) is considered the first-line imaging modality for suspected acute
PE. Dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) has made it possible to simultaneously obtain angiographic CT
imaging and pulmonary perfusion maps. The aim was to identify role of DECT angiography in diagnosing pulmonary
embolism. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate accuracy of iodine perfusion maps in diagnosing pulmonary
embolism using DECT scanner. To detect location of the small pulmonary emboli using iodine maps (segmental, sub
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Radiology Department, Zagazig University Hospitals. This study
included 18 cases with pulmonary embolism. The duration of the study ranged from 6-12 months.
Results: Regarding per CT angiography findings, the current study showed that nine (50%) patients had pulmonary
embolism at right lung, 7 (38.9%) patients had pulmonary embolism at left lung and found in both lungs in two (11.1%)
patients. Pulmonary embolism was found in upper lobe in 44.4% patients, at lower lobe in 27.8% patients, at main
pulmonary artery in 16.7% patients and at middle lobe in 11.1% patients. Regarding level of pulmonary embolism,
Subsegmental level was the most common found (44.4%) followed by segmental level in 38.9% patients. 10 (55.6%)
were occlusive, and 8 (44.4%) were non-occlusive. Regarding distribution of the studied patients concerning matched
defect on iodine map, 8 (44.4%) patients had matched defect on iodine map.
Conclusion: The iodine maps have an important effective role in detection of pulmonary embolism.
Key words: Dual energy CT angiography, Conventional CT angiography, Pulmonary embolism.

characteristics and has been proposed as a method to aid
Pulmonary embolism (PE) is blood clot that
in the detection of PE in the lungs, the pattern of iodine
occurs in lung, it is common and potentially fatal
enhancement at DE CT angiography has been shown to
disorder as it can damage part of lung due to restricted
correspond to lung blood volume at planar scintigraphy
blood flow and decreased oxygen level in the blood. So
and single photon-emission CT (1).
early diagnosis is effective and improves the chance of
The objectives of the study were to identify role
survival. PE is the third most common acute
of DECT angiography in diagnosing pulmonary
cardiovascular disease after myocardial infarction and
embolism. To evaluate accuracy of iodine perfusion
stroke and it leads to thousands of deaths each year
maps in diagnosing pulmonary embolism using DECT
because it often goes undetected. Early diagnosis and
scanner. To detect location of the small pulmonary
treatment of PE are essential for optimizing clinical
emboli using iodine maps (segmental, sub segmental).
outcomes (1).

In some cases, a pulmonary embolism can be
difficult to diagnose, this is especially true if you have
This cross-sectional study was performed in the
an underlying lung or heart condition, such as
period from July 2020 to May 2021 in Zagazig
emphysema or high blood pressure (2). To detect the
University Hospitals and was conducted on thirty
cause, patient should do one or more investigation such
patients having renal masses previously diagnosed with
as: chest X-ray, pulmonary angiography, CT, MRI,
ultrasound and/or computed tomography, referred to the
duplex venous ultrasound, venography, ECG and D-
Radiology, Urology and Oncology Departments. These
dimer test but all cannot detect size and site of small
patients included (13) females and (17) males, their ages
blood clot exactly in some cases (3).
ranged from 3 years to 72 years old.
As the treatment of pulmonary embolism

depends on the size and location of the blood clot, we
Inclusion criteria: Age: all age groups (3-72 years old),
tend to try to use dual energy CT angiography using
sex: both sexes (males & females), and patient consent
iodine maps in diagnosing PE (2). Dual energy CT
to enter the study.

angiography is the current reference standard for the

detection of PE, allowing visualization of contrast
Exclusion criteria: Renal insufficiency, and
material within the pulmonary vasculature using iodine
hemodynamic instability.
maps and has been shown to be comparable to

conventional angiography for diagnosis of PE. Dual-
Collection of the recorded patient's data:
energy (DE) CT angiography allows differentiation of
(1) Full history taking.
materials based on their energy absorption
(2) Full clinical examination.
Received: 05/11/2021
Accepted: 03/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 122)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_123 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1726-1731

Usefulness of Yolk Sac Diameter and Embryonic Heart Rate as Prognostic
Factors of Gestational Outcome in Early Singleton Pregnancies
Youssef Abo Elwan Elsyed, Fathy Mohamed El-Mansour,
Hala El-sayed Mohamed, Safaa Abdel-Salam Ibrahim
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt.
*Corresponding author: Fathy Mohamed El-Mansour, E-Mail: mesa3ed.fathy@gmail.com

Within the gestational sac, the yolk sac is the first embryonic structure to be seen. The size, shape, and
function of the yolk sacs, as well as the heart rates of the developing embryos, all play a role in the evaluation and
prognosis of first-trimester pregnancy losses.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine if yolk sac diameter (YSD) and embryonic heart rate (HER)
could be used to predict pregnancy outcomes.
Patients and Methods: 52 pregnant women at gestational age ranged between 6-12 weeks who were included in the
study. Our prospective cohort study was carried out in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Fetomaternal Unit,
Zagazig University Hospital and Fetomaternal & Ultrasound Units, Matrouh Maternity Hospital. Measurements of the
embryo's crown-rump length as well as their heartbeat rate and the size and shape of the yolk sac were done.
Results: Normal sac diameter was seen in the great majority of YSD patients in the study groups (80.8 percent). Only
one case of normal diameter YSD ended in miscarriage after the first trimester in all patients with normal YSD. A 98.1%
success rate in predicting miscarriage was achieved by YSD, which had 97.6% sensitivity and 100% specificity. First-
trimester pregnancy outcomes were accurately predicted by EHR with a sensitivity of 97.5% and a specificity of 100%.
Conclusion: Maternal risk variables including age, weight, or parity have no effect on the poor pregnancy outcome
related with abnormal yolk sac diameter and embryonic bradycardia.
Keywords: Yolk sac diameter, Embryonic heart rate, Gestational outcome.

First-trimester pregnancy losses are evaluated and
Approximately 30% to 40% of human pregnancies
prognosed by looking at yolk sac size, structure, and
terminate spontaneously in the first trimester following
function, as well as heart rate during embryonic
implantation. Abortion rates fall if a baby's heartbeat is
development. If a woman has bradycardia, a transvaginal
discovered (1). The yolk sac plays a significant role
ultrasonography can accurately show her EHR
throughout organogenesis,
(Embryonic Heart Rate) and determine her pregnancy's
immunological, endocrine, nutritional, and hemopoietic
fate (7).
functions, and its peak functional activity occurs during
An abnormally slow embryonic heart rate during
the fourth and seventh weeks of development (2). The
the first six to nine weeks of pregnancy has been linked
properties of the gestational sac, the yolk sac, and the
to 83.3% miscarriage rate, a heart rate of less than 100
heartbeats of the embryo all appear to be linked to the
beats per minute is considered abnormal (8).
health of the developing embryo (1).
The goal of this work was to determine if YSD and EHR
Research on the yolk sac's structure and function
could be used to predict pregnancy outcomes.
has been conducted in a variety of ways. A higher

percentage of pregnancies ended in miscarriage when the
yolk sac was larger than 5 millimeters. Miscarriages
This study was conducted in the period between
occurred in 37.5% of pregnancies with larger yolk sacs
June 2021 to December 2021 in the Obstetrics and
and in 3.8% of pregnancies with irregular yolk sacs (3).
Gynecology Department at Fetomaternal Unit, Zagazig
The incidence of problems decreases as the pregnancy
University Hospital and Fetomaternal Unit & Ultrasound
progresses in the first trimester with a normal yolk sac.
Unit, Matrouh Maternity Hospital. 52 pregnant women
94.2% of the time, a typical yolk sac can anticipate a
aged from 20 to 40 years old at gestational age ranged
normal outcome (4).
from six to twelve weeks were involved in the study.
Within the gestational sac, the yolk sac is the first

embryonic structure to be seen. A round anechoic region
Inclusion criteria:
is usually visible from the fifth to the twelfth week of
Pregnancy of a singleton, an early ultrasound check
pregnancy; after that, it fades away (5). In most cases, it is
with CRL was used if the LMP was unsure about the
possible to detect the heartbeat of an embryo as early as
accuracy of the gestational age (GA), and action of the
five weeks of pregnancy. In this context, both Doppler
heart in the embryo is positive.
investigations and motion mode (M-mode) can be

helpful. Between 6 and 10 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal
Exclusion criteria:
heart rate increased considerably, rising from 118 to 167
Past abortions or miscarriages, blighted ovum,
beats per minute (6).
patient having a well-documented history of uterine
abnormalities, absent embryonic cardiac activity, and
Received: 06/11/2021
Accepted: 04/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 123)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_124 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1732-1735

Effect of Local Application of N. Acetylcysteine Post-Functional
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
Samer Badie Kamel 1
1 Otorhinolaryngology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt.
Corresponding author: Samer Badie Kamel


Objective: This study aimed to assess the role of local application of NAC post FESS in versus saline irrigation only.
Patients and Methods: This study was a prospective, randomized controlled study that included 150 patients suffering
from chronic allergic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis not responding to medical treatment. They underwent
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, then they were enrolled in the study. They were divided into 2 groups, 75 patients
per each group: The first group received N. acetylcysteine (NAC) nasal douches with saline irrigation for 3 weeks in
the post-operative follow up period in contrast to the second group that received saline nasal irrigation only for a similar
Results: After 6 weeks of follow up period the formation of nasal crusts, nasal adhesions and blood clots were observed
in 5, 3 and 4 patients of the first group in contrast to 13, 10 and 12 patients from the second group consequently.
Both NAC and saline irrigation promoted post-operative healing and prevented crusts formation, but
combination between both of them resulting in better healing of nasal mucosa and prevented crusts formation and nasal
Keywords: Sino nasal, polyposis, FESS & NAC.


Chronic allergic rhinosinusitis with nasal
improved with medical treatment. They were prepared
polyposis represents one of the most common
for surgical treatment (FESS).
worldwide problems nowadays due to many factors

especially environmental irritants and allergens (1).
Inclusion criteria:
The most common symptoms of nasal polyposis
Age ranged between 18-45 years. Patients suffering
are nasal obstruction, facial pain, sneezing, runny nose,
from chronic allergic rhinosinusitis with nasal
post-nasal discharge and altered smell function (2).
Medical treatment represents the first line of

treatment in the form of antibiotics (3), local and
Exclusion criteria:
systemic steroids (4), antihistamines (5), antileukotriens (6)
Patients suffering from chronic debilitated
and mucolytics (7).
diseases as liver diseases, pulmonary diseases, renal
With failure of medical treatment, FESS
failure, cardiac diseases and malignancies, patients
represents the second line of treatment as safe and
suffering from allergic fungal sinusitis and patients with
effective treatment (8) for excision of polyps and
previous nasal surgery.
restoration of the physiological function of the affected
The patients were blindly divided into two groups,
sinuses (9) Post FESS follow up period is so important to
75 patients per each one.
maintain the nasal cavity clean from crusts and so
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery was
prevent formation of adhesions (10).
performed to all patients with the standard.
The aim of the present study was to assess the
Messerklinger's technique (11) and nasal packings were
local effect of NAC post-FESS in prevention of
removed after 24 hours post operatively (12). The follow
crustations and nasal adhesions.
up regimen was designed as follows: Two visits per

week for the first 2 weeks, then one visit per week for
the next month. Every patient received medical
treatment in the form of antibiotic (Amoxicillin/
otorhinolaryngology department of Benha University
Clavulinic acid) twice daily, analgesic (paracetamol)
Hospitals through the period from June 2019 to May
three times daily for 10 days, first group received N-
acetyl cysteine 300 mg/3 ml in the form of nasal spray

twice daily for three weeks post operatively followed by
Ethical approval:
saline irrigation, and the second group irrigated the nose
The Ethical Committee of Benha Faculty of
with saline only for a similar period.
Medicine approved this study. Informed written consent
During the follow up visits, each patient
was obtained from each patient after explanation of the
underwent endoscopic examination with rigid Hopkin's
plan of treatment and the follow-up regimen.
endoscope 0 degree blindly by the same investigator.
150 patients were enrolled in the study suffering
During examination, each patient was asked about
from allergic rhinosinustis with nasal polyposis not
anosmia, nasal pain, nasal obstruction, postnasal
Received: 1/11/2021
Accepted: 29/12/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 124)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_125 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1736-1742

Study of Prevalence of Autoimmune Manifestations of
Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in Beni-Suef Governorate
Ahmed Amin Ibrahim*1, Hanan Ali Taha1, Rabab Afifi Mohammed2,
Shahenaz Hamdi El Genedi Khalil1, Nilly Abd-Allah1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Amin Ibrahim, Mobile: (+20) 01142741126, E-Mail: mahmoud.znaty@yahoo.com

: Although most patients with chronic hepatitis C are asymptomatic, an appreciable number will experience
symptoms that are due to liver disease and /or extrahepatic manifestations of HCV infection. Recognition of these
symptoms will lead to early diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C. Objective: This study aimed to assess the prevalence
of extrahepatic manifestations in patients with chronic hepatitis c infection in Beni-Suef Governorate. Patients and
200 patients with CHC are studied, their ages ranged between 20-60 years. They are collected randomly from
Beni-Suef University and general hospitals and outpatient clinics. Results: There is a wide range of prevalence of EHMS
of HCV infection, 8% were asymptomatic and accidentally discovered to have HCV. 92% of the total number of patients
have at least one EHM. The commonest extrahepatic manifestations are rheumatological 51%, hematological 26%,
fatigue 20%, dermatological 19%, neurological 16%, DM11%, cryoglobulinemia 9% and less common chest, renal,
lymphoproliferative disorders, cardiac, thyroid dysfunction. Conclusion: Extrahepatic manifestations appear earlier
than hepatic manifestations of HCV patients. Age and liver fibrosis are considered major risk factors of EHMs. Health
professionals should be aware of these HCV-associated complications and presentations.
Keywords: HCV, Autoimmune manifestations, Drugs, Hepatic manifestations.


Sjögren syndrome, and ischemic retinopathy (11).
Egypt had one of the highest prevalence rates of
HCV in the world with about 10% chronic HCV
thrombocytopenia: may be due to a variety of non-
infection among people aged 15 to 59 years (1, 2). The
Ministry of Health revealed that the prevalence of HCV
hypersplenism and coombs-positive autoimmune
in 2021 reached 2%, marking a drop compared to7% in
hemolytic anemia (12).
2018 after the conduction of multiple national programs
Endocrinal manifestations; thyroid disorder
to control HCV infection (3). Although hepatitis C virus
including chronic thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, and
(HCV) infection primarily affects the liver, other organ
hyperthyroidism and increased levels of serum anti-
systems can become involved, which may result in a
thyroperoxidase and anti-thyroglobulin autoantibody
and diabetes Mellitus up to one-third of patients with
cryoglobulinemia which may be asymptomatic or
chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) develop type 2 diabetes
presented with a triad of purpura, myalgia, and arthralgia
mellitus (DM). Further, HCV seropositivity in patients
(Meltzer's triad) is the most common presentation with
with DM appears to be higher than in the general
HCV-related mixed cryoglobulinemia (4). Cutaneous
population (13, 14). Cardiac involvement HCV infection is
disorders are known to be linked to HCV infection
a proven independent risk factor for the development of
including mixed cryoglobulinemia, lichen planus,
cardiovascular disorders and Idiopathic pulmonary
porphyria cutanea tarda, and necrolytic acral
fibrosis is a serious condition with HCV infection
erythema. Besides these dermatoses, HCV can also be
histologically by interstitial inflammation with dense
associated with autoimmune cutaneous diseases such as
collagen fibrosis (15).
vitiligo and psoriasis (5). Arthralgia and arthritis are
These many HCV-associated extrahepatic
frequently observed EMS with no erosive joint changes
manifestations can have a major impact on morbidity,
with rheumatoid factor activity may be found, but
mortality, and medical costs (6).
antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptides are absent (6),
Need for Recognition: Clinicians must consider the
renal manifestations of CHC mostly include type I
potential for HCV to cause extrahepatic manifestations
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN)
in persons with chronic HCV infection. An awareness of
with sub-endothelial deposits (7).
the range of potential extrahepatic manifestations could
facilitate earlier diagnosis, more appropriate and timely
monoclonal gammopathies in addition to mixed
treatment of these disorders, and makes the need for
cryoglobulinemia and B-cell NHL. Patients positive for
DAA treatment of HCV considered urgent (16). Although
anti-HCV antigen had a 2.5-fold increased risk of NHL
both public plans and commercial policies regarding
versus controls (8). Neuropsychiatric manifestations
approval for HCV treatment are constantly changing,
include peripheral polyneuropathy, central nervous
these payers typically cover DAA therapies when any
extrahepatic manifestation exists, despite the level of
psychiatric manifestations (9), and a higher prevalence of
hepatic fibrosis.
mental illness and substance abuse (10). Ocular
manifestations include a dry eye syndrome similar to
Received: 06/11/2021
Accepted: 04/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 125)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_126 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1743-1747

Evaluation of Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-1 Levels in Febrile Status Seizures
Samar Elhady Mosa Fadl*1, Ahmad Galal Siam1, Ahmad Hosny Mohamad1, Ahmad Abdelsabour Mohamad2
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Samar Elhady Mosa Fadl, E-Mail: elhadysamar82@gmail.com

Seizures triggered by fever are known as febrile seizures, and they are the most common form in children.
The cause of febrile seizures is still a mystery, even though numerous studies have been carried out. Researchers have
found cytokines may play an important role in the development of febrile seizures.
to evaluate the role of Interleukin-6 and interleukin-1 levels in febrile status epilepticus.
Patients and methods;
This was a prospective case-control study, conducted at the Neurological Unit of the Pediatric
Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt on 52 children (26 in each group), plasma
cytokine (IL-6 and IL-1) levels were detected as a main part of the initial study design.
A significant difference was found between both groups as regard IL-6 and IL-1. Conclusion: A genetic risk
factor for fever-related seizures in children may be associated with promotor variations in IL-1 genes rather than IL-
6 or HMGB1 genes.
Cytokines, Seizures, IL-6, IL-1.


children's peripheral mononuclear cells were treated with
Children with a fever of 38°C or above with no
the gram-negative molecule lipopolysaccharide., That
history of an afebrile seizure, hypoglycemia, medication
their IL-1 was substantially higher than other children
withdrawal or drug use, or an electrolyte imbalance are
who had bacterial infections but had no seizures.
generally considered to have febrile seizures (FS) (1).
A study by Matsuo and his colleagues (9)
Pediatricians face a huge issue due to the prevalence of
indicated that FSD children's leukocytes were more
febrile seizures in young children. There has been a
sensitive to double-stranded RNA stimulation than those
considerable increase in knowledge about how to prevent
of healthy youngsters (a viral infection model). Several
and treat febrile seizures in recent years (2).
more studies have since investigated the role of cytokines
Febrile seizures are still a mystery as to their cause
in human FS in the time that has elapsed between the two
and pathogenesis. Patients with febrile seizures have
of these (10).
higher levels of IL-6 and IL-4 cytokines, which may be
Furthermore, it was shown that children with
important in the disease's etiology (3). Tumor necrosis
certain genetic abnormalities in the interleukin system
factor-alpha, interleukin-1, and tumor necrosis factor are
were also more prone to FS, which was confirmed by
among the immune system's most potent weapons against
cytokine measures. When LPS is administered to cultured
infection. Due to the immune system's overproduction of
monocytes with an IL-1 gene polymorphism, the
proinflammatory cytokines, children are more susceptible
monocytes produce more IL-1. This polymorphism has
to inflammation, which may be defined by the cytokine
been linked to a higher risk of developing FS (11).
response in response to infections (4).
It was the goal of this work to evaluate the role of
Both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory
Interleukin-6 and interleukin-1 levels in febrile status
cytokines have been associated with elevated levels of
cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IL-10 in the peripheral

blood of children with FS as well as children with epilepsy
who had previously had seizures. There were significant
This study was undertaken as a case-control study in
variations in the levels of IL-1 and other proinflammatory
the Neurological Unit of the Pediatric Department,
cytokines between children who experienced a seizure
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt.
attack and those who were feverish but not experiencing
Fifty -two patients were retrieved, 26 febrile status
seizures, in both groups of children (3). Child epilepsy
seizures children were considered as the case group and
sufferers have higher levels of IL-1, which suggests that
another 26 cases were controls.
this cytokine has a role in the development and

progression of the disease (5).
Ethical considerations:
IL-6 has been implicated in febrile seizures in the
Zagazig University's research ethics council
past, however, the results are mixed. The epileptogenic
approved the study and informed consent forms
effect of IL-6 in febrile seizures has been demonstrated by
signed by all participants' parents were collected
certain research (3), Serum IL-6 has been found to have an
following the Helsinki Declaration, which is the ethical
antiepileptic effect via adenosine receptors in rat research
norm for human testing established by the World
(6). Fever-induced seizures have also been linked to iron-
Medical Association.
deficient anemia (7).Children's higher IL-1 responses
Inclusion criteria: All subjects met the following
may play a role in FS patients' seizures, as demonstrated
inclusion criteria: Both sexes included. Age equal or
by Helminen and Vesikari's 1990 study (8). FS-affected
lower to 6. Convulsions lasting 30 minutes or more
Received: 06/11/2021
Accepted: 04/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 126)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_127 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1748-1751

Evaluation of the Role of Serum Interleukin-1 Beta in Patients with Atopic Dermatitis
Mahmoud Yousry M. Abdel Mawla1, Naglaa Ali Khalifa2,
El-Sayed Mohamed Galal Khater1, Amira Maged Mohamed Mohamed*1
Departments of 1Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, and
2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amira Maged Mohamed, Mobile: (+20) 01159310738, E-Mail: dr.moony93@yahoo.com

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common eczematous skin disease that is chronically relapsing. Interleukin -
1-beta (IL-1) is a pivotal agonist member of the IL-1 family that plays a master role in the induction of an adequate
immune response to regulate the sweeping of the diseased cells physiologically. Objective: The aim was to clarify the
possible participation of a certain IL (IL-1 beta) in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Patients and Methods: This
case-control study has been conducted in the Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology Department at Zagazig
University Hospitals. Our present study included 30 atopic patients and 30 apparently healthy control subjects of
matched age and sex. Serum IL-1 level was measured. Results: Gender had no significant effect on serum Il-1 in all
groups. Duration of the disease showed a non-significant positive one in atopic patients. The severity of the disease
showed a significant positive correlation in atopic patients and similarly, the disease score did. There was a significant
difference in serum IL-1 among the three degrees of severity in a topic patients. Conclusion: IL-1 serum level was
found in patients with moderate to severe cases of atopic dermatitis, marking the systemic inflammatory nature of these
diseases. On the other hand, IL-1 serum level was around normal values in the control group. These mentioned findings
were supported by the statistical evaluations on the relationship between serum IL-1 level, severity scores of AD
(SCORAD score) and clinical observations.
Keywords: Assessment, Atopic Dermatitis, Serum Interleukin-1 beta


person as following: on cheeks, arms, legs and groin in
Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory, chronically
infants, on feet and antecubital and popliteal fossae in
relapsing, non-contagious and pruritic skin disorder that
children/adolescents, and on hands, feet, ankles and
is very common in children but may occur at any age; it
groin in adults. There is a great interest to the disease
may start as early as age 2-6 months, and may persist
not only due to its special clinical manifestation but also
into adulthood. It is the most common form
due to its pathogenetic mechanism (4).
of dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis usually occurs in people
IL-1 is mainly produced in blood monocytes;
macrophages and dendritic cells. IL-1 transmits its
may develop any or all of three closely linked
signal through binding to its cell surface receptor IL-
1R-1. IL-1 promotes T-cell activation, up regulates the
allergic rhinitis. Often these conditions run within
IL-2 receptor on lymphocyte surface, stimulates B-
families so, the family history is useful in diagnosing
lymphocytes for proliferation and antibody production
atopic dermatitis in infants (1).
and enhances Th17, Th1 and Th2 lymphocyte
Atopic dermatitis arises because of a complex
differentiation (5).
interaction of genetic and environmental factors. These
IL-1 requires the intracellular cysteine protease
include defects in skin barrier function making the skin
caspase-1 for biological activity. Activation of caspase-
more susceptible to irritation by contact irritants. This
1 is mediated by a cytosolic multiprotein oligomer
malfunctioning skin barrier also provides a golden key
called the inflammasome. The activity of the
to pathogens especially staphylococcus aureus to
inflammasome is triggered not only by microbial
colonize the skin and then aggravating the inflammatory
infection, but also by a noninfectious both exogenous
process. Atopic dermatitis manifests itself, not only as
and endogenous stimuli. The dysregulation of
an acute but also as a chronic disease (2).
inflammasome activity is associated with numerous
The disease is distinguished in acute, relapsing
proinflammatory and nonmicrobial diseases in human
form (episodes of acute eczema with intervals between
including atopic dermatitis (6).
them) and chronic form (episodes of acute eczema
The aim of the study is to clarify the possible
without intervals). The main first symptom of AD is
participation of a certain IL (IL-1 beta) in the
persistent severe pruritus. AD is defined in most people
pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis.
by acute flares with inflamed, red, sometimes blistered

and weepy patches. In-between flares, the skin may
appear normal or suffer from chronic eczema with dry,
This case-control study has been conducted in the
thickened and itchy areas (3).
Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology Department
Many factors can alter the way eczema looks and
at Zagazig University Hospitals. The present study had
feels. There are some general patterns where the eczema
been carried out on 60 individuals. Participants were
is found on the body according to the age of the affected
divided into 2 groups, a diseased group, and a control
Received: 04/11/2021
Accepted: 02/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 127)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_128 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1752-1756

Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index versus Central Venous Pressure for
Assessment of Intravascular Volume Status in Injured Traumatized Patients
Mahmoud Adel Omar Al Arnous, Lobna Taha El Dorgham, Nermeen Mohamed Ali, Alaa ElSadat Ibrahim
Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Alaa Elsadat Ibrahim, Mobile: (+20) 01159310738, E-Mail: alla_ibrahim9090@yahoo.com


Background: Intravascular volume status assessment is one of the most challenging tasks for clinicians in intensive
care unit so fluid therapy is considered as cornerstone in improving the outcome of the injured traumatic patients.
Assessment of intravascular volume state is achieved by multiple methods; non-invasively (such as arterial blood
pressure (ABP), heart rate (HR), and urine output (UOP)) and invasively as using central venous catheter (CVC).
Objective: The aim was to assess inferior vena cava (IVC) collapsibility index by using ultrasound and to assess central
venous pressure through central venous catheter inserted in internal jugular vein to predict intravascular volume status
in injured traumatic patients.
Patients and Methods: This cohort prospective study was conducted at Zagazig University Hospitals. It included 36
polytraumatic patients who were admitted in Surgical and Emergent Intensive Care Unit. Male patients represented
55.6% and female patients represented 44.4% of them. Age ranged from 21 to 60 years with mean 35.33 years old,
mean BMI was 29.03 kg/m2 and the severity of trauma varies from moderate to severe (AIS grade 2-4).
Results: The results showed that the mean of IVC collapsibility index gradually decreased in the second day of
assessment to 30-38% and decreased more in the third day to 25-35 %. The mean CVP gradually increased in the second
day to 4-9 mmH2O and it increased more in the third day to 6-12 mmH2O. This study showed that there was statistically
significant inverse correlation between IVC collapsibility index and CVP.
IVC collapsibility index has a strong statistically significant inverse correlation with central venous
pressure, which is more accurate at low central venous pressure values.
Keywords: Central venous pressure, Inferior vena cava collapsibility index, Injured traumatized patients, Intravascular
volume status.

The aim of this study was to assess inferior vena
Trauma is considered as a common cause of
cava collapsibility index by using ultrasound and to
death worldwide as it may be associated with blood loss
assess central venous pressure through central venous
due to traumatic vascular or traumatic organ injury,
catheter inserted in internal jugular vein to predict
which may lead to hypovolemic shock (hemorrhage
intravascular volume status in injured traumatic
after trauma is responsible for more than 35% of pre-
patients. The aim was also to compare in between the
hospital deaths and more than 40% of deaths within the
inferior vena cava collapsibility index and central
first 24 h) (1). In case of severe blood loss, compensatory
venous pressure measurement in predicting the
mechanisms fail to maintain adequate peripheral
intravascular volume status and to monitoring the effect
circulation and lead to severe hypotension,
of optimization of intravascular volume status on the
hypoperfusion, multi-organ system failure and death (2).
outcome of injured traumatized patients.
Assessment of hemodynamics can be achieved

through invasive and non-invasive methods; invasive
methods such as invasive arterial blood pressure and
This Cohort prospective study was conducted at
invasive central venous pressure through central venous
Zagazig University Hospitals. In the present study, 36
catheter inserted in jugular vein but their reliability are
polytraumatic patients were included. They were
reduced due to the invasive nature of the procedure and
admitted in Surgical and Emergent Intensive Care Unit.
linked complication risks (3).

Non-invasive methods include non-invasive
Inclusion criteria:
arterial blood pressure (ABP), heart rate (HR), and urine
Patient or relative acceptance. Age: 21-65 years old.
output (UOP) monitoring which are more applicable
Both sexes. Patient: traumatized patients in Surgical
and sensitive without risk of complications (4). IVC
Intensive Care Unit. Body mass index <35 kg\m2.
collapsibility index is considered as an indirect method
Severity of trauma: moderate to severe according to AIS
to assess central venous pressure by using ultrasound
(abbreviated injury score) AIS code (2-4), and type of
for assessment intravascular fluid status (5).
trauma: polytrauma.
Ultrasonography has an important role in injured

traumatic patients, it used to detect volume status,
Exclusion criteria:
Pregnant women. Patient with severe tricuspid
Ultrasonography has a lot of advantages such as it is
regurge and pulmonary hypertension. Patient with
accurate, non-invasive and can be performed by non-
increase of intra-abdominal pressure (For fallacies due
radiologist (6).
to IVC compression). Patient with chronic obstructive
Received: 04/11/2021
Accepted: 02/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 128)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_129 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1757-1763

Health Education Program on Prevention of
Needle Stick Injuries among Health Care Workers
Amina Ibrahim Eldosoky Mostafa*1, Hosnia Mohammed Ragab2, Amany Mohammed Abdallah1
Departments of 1Family Medicine and 2Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amina Ibrahim Eldosoky Mostafa, Mobile: (+20)1028234520, Email: aminaeldodoky@gmail.com


Background: Needle stick injuries (NSIs) increasing day by day and globally a lot of health care workers suffer from
infection per year through this route.
Objective: This study was aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of primary health care workers toward
needle stick injury at Fakous district, Sharqia governorate.
Patients and Methods: This interventional study included a total of 104 personnel who were working in the of primary
health care centers (PHCs), at Fakous district, Sharqia Governorate. This study was conducted between January 2020
to January 2021.
Results: There was highly statistically significant association between history of needle stick injury and history of HBV
vaccination as positive history of HBV vaccination (Three doses) was associated with positive history of needle stick
injury. There was high statistically significant improvement in knowledge of the study participants about standard
precautions of infection control after intervention except for waste disposal. Before intervention, the highest proportion
of adequate knowledge was about waste disposal (93.3%) while the lowest proportion of adequate knowledge was about
sterile instruments and devices (15.4%).
Conclusion: It could be concluded that the effect of health education is remarkable in improving the development of
knowledge and increasing awareness of health care providers about infection control guidelines.
Keywords: Needle stick injuries, Health Education, PHCs


stick injury--NSI, by a contaminated needle) is
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines
estimated to range between 10­30% for HBV, 1.8­10%
`a safe injection' as one that does not harm the recipient,
for HCV, and 0.3% for HIV infection (5).
does not expose the provider to any avoidable risk, and
According to WHO, approximately 66000
does not result in any waste that is dangerous to the
HBV, 16000 HCV and 200-5000 HIV accidental
community. Irrational and unsafe injection practices are
infections occurs to HCWs each year (3).
rife in developing countries. More than 80% of the
The rate of occupationally acquired infections
needle stick injuries can be prevented through the use of
is significantly higher than those currently projected or
safety devices and effective safety programs. Needle
reported. The non-reporting or low injury rate should
stick injuries can be prevented by applying "Universal
not be termed as a nonexistent crisis. The studies related
precautions" as a safety measure (1).
with the occupational injuries and associated infections
Needle stick injuries (NSI) are wounds caused
are therefore warranted to strengthen the healthcare
by needles that accidentally puncture the skin, are truly
management system (6).
an occupational hazard for medical personnel (2). These
This study was aimed to assess knowledge,
injuries are usually caused by hypodermic needles,
attitude & practice of PHC workers toward needle stick
blood collection needles, intravenous cannulas, etc.
injury at fakous district and to evaluate health education
during use, recapping, transferring samples, post
program about how to prevent & manage of NSI, so as
procedure cleaning, or disposal in non-puncture proof
to improve HCWs safety and, hence improving their
containers (3).
NSI increasing day by day and globally a lot of

health care workers suffer from infection per year
through this route (2).
This interventional study included a total of 104
Hence, health care workers (HCWs) are prone
personnel who were working in the of primary health
to acquisition of multiple pathogens, such as
care centers (PHCs), at Fakous district, Sharqia
HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, malaria, herpes,
Governorate. This study was conducted between
tuberculosis, brucellosis, spotted fever, and syphilis etc.
January 2020 to January 2021.
Although, the occupational injuries can transfer any

pathogen (Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses etc.) but the
Inclusion criteria:
transmission of the hepatitis B, hepatitis C and the HIV
Health care workers (physicians, nurses,
is most important and critical(3).
technicians) of both sexes, who are working in the PHC
They also cause social consequences, such as
centers at Fakous district, Sharqia Governorate. Using
stigma and discrimination, and economic consequences
OPEN-EPI, the sample size was calculated to be 104.
associated with diagnostics and treatment (4). The risk of
Assuming that the total knowledge score before and
infection of the exposed person (from a single needle
Received: 07/11/2021
Accepted: 05/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 129)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1764-1769

Evaluation of Serum Cholinesterase as an Early Diagnostic Marker of
Liver Cirrhosis
Hesham Attia Abd El-Ghany, Hany Abd EL-Malik Labib,
Aml Hamed Sadek Ibrahim*, Said Abdel Baky Gad Shamseldeen
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Aml Hamed Sadek Ibrahim, E-mail: Amlhamed231@gmail.com

: Hepatocytes are the primary source of acetyl cholinesterase, which is released into the bloodstream and
has a lower activity in liver dysfunction.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the value of serum cholinesterase in early diagnosis of cases with liver
Patients and Methods: This study included a total of 111 patients with liver cirrhosis, attending at Internal Medicine
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals and at Al-Ahrar Teaching Hospital. This study was conducted between April
2021 to October 2021. Patients were classified into 4 groups:1st group: 24 Child A score liver cirrhosis cases, 2nd
group:25 Child B score liver cirrhosis case,3rd group: 25 Child C score liver cirrhosis cases. And 4th group: Matching
control persons of a healthy 37 years old. Fibroscan and measurement of serum cholinesterase were done for all
The serum cholinesterase levels drop rapidly in each of the three cirrhosis grades, Child A, Child B, and Child
C. In compensated cirrhosis, serum cholinesterase is higher than in decompensated cirrhosis. Blood albumin and
cholinesterase levels were found to be strongly linked. Serum bilirubin and serum cholinesterase levels have a strong
negative correlation. Patients with higher MELD scores have lower cholinesterase levels.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that serum cholinesterase levels can help in liver cirrhosis diagnosis and prognosis.
Serum cholinesterase concentration is strongly linked to the severity of cirrhosis.
Keywords: Cholinesterase, Liver Cirrhosis.


complicated, the INR varies from one laboratory to the
One of the leading causes of death in the globe is
other (6).
liver cirrhosis (1). Excessive extracellular matrix
To hydrolyze acetylcholine, an enzyme known as
components (ECM), histological remodeling, and
Cholinesterase is required (7). Two forms of
structural microenvironment shifts are among these
cholinesterase are present: acetyl cholinesterase, or
modifications. A wound in the parenchyma of the hepatic
erythrocyte cholinesterase, and pseudocholinesterase, or
stellate cells is required for the production of collagen,
plasma cholinesterase, which is produced in the liver and
matrix proteins and a wide spectrum of proliferative, anti-
released into the blood; its activity is lowered in liver
inflammatory and growth factors (2). Patients with
failure due to diminished synthesis in these cells(8).
cirrhosis face a lowered life expectancy and an increased
The aim of this study was to assess the value of serum
risk of various complications (3).
cholinesterase in early diagnosis of cases with liver
The fact that many patients with liver cirrhosis are
asymptomatic in the early stages and that the vast

majority of patients with liver cirrhosis are admitted to
the hospital owing to complications from the disease may
This study included a total of 111 patients with
lead to an underreporting of cases. Liver cirrhosis has a
liver cirrhosis, attending at Internal Medicine
mortality rate between 1% and 57% in a year, depending
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals and at Al-
on the severity of complications that emerge (4).
Ahrar Teaching Hospital. This study was conducted
Gastroenterologists use the Child-Pugh score to
between April 2021 to October 2021.
evaluate patients with chronic liver disease, including

cirrhosis. Besides predicting surgical mortality, this score
The included subjects were divided into four groups
is used to determine prognosis and the intensity of
according to the following inclusion criteria;
treatment required (5).
criteria: Group 1: 24 Child A score liver cirrhosis cases,
The prognosis of cirrhotic patients has long been
Group 2: 25 Child B score liver cirrhosis cases, Group
predicted using the Child­Pugh and MELD scores. This
3: 25 Child C score liver cirrhosis cases, and Group 4
does have certain disadvantages. Whether or not to alter
(control): Matching control persons of a healthy 37
the Child­Pugh scores for ascites and HE, two criteria
years old.
that can change, is the doctor's decision. In individuals

with cirrhosis, the INR components of the Child-Pugh
Exclusion criteria: patients aged under eighteen, a four-
and MELD scores do not effectively represent
week history of blood or albumin transfusion, patients
coagulopathy and liver function. To make matters more
with history or indication of variceal hemorrhage on
Received: 07/11/2021
Accepted: 05/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 130)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_131 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1770-1775

Comparative Analysis of Caesarean Delivery Rates in a Tertiary and a
Secondary Hospitals Using Robson Ten Group Classification
Mamdouh Mohammed Hussein Shaaban, Mansour Ahmed Mohammed Khalifa,
Sarah Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelrahman*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Faculty of Medicine, Assit University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Sarah Abdelrahman Ahmed, Mobile: (+20)1144997694, E-Mail: sarahabdelrahman1989@gmail.com

There is no justification for any reason to have a caesarean delivery (CD) rate higher than 10­15%. CD
rates higher than 10% are not associated with substantial decrease in maternal and neonatal mortality rates. Robson
Group Classification System has the advantage of analyzing the caesarean delivery rate in well-defined sub-groups of
women that are totally inclusive and mutally exclusive.
Objective: The aim of the current work was to make comparative analysis of increasing trends of caesarean delivery in
two hospitals at Assiut Governorate in Egypt.
Patients and methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study included a total of 2702 cases, attending for delivery
at Assiut University Hospital; a tertiary hospital and Assiut Police Hospital; a secondary hospital, both present in
Assiut Governorate. This study was conducted over 3-month between Jan 2016 to Mar 2016.
Results: Robson Group 5 constituted the most in both hospitals regarding the relative size of the group with higher and
significant percentage at the secondary hospital (53%) compared to (32.3%) at the tertiary one. Robson Group 5
contributed the most in both hospitals regarding the overall CD rate with higher and significant percentage at the
secondary hospital (74.8%) compared to (49.4%) at the tertiary one. Robson Group 5 also contributed the most in both
hospitals regarding the absolute contribution rate of all deliveries with higher and significant percentage at the secondary
hospital (50%) compared to (28.7) at the tertiary one.
Conclusion: On the basis of the study, TGCS is only a starting point, but it is important to have a common starting
point. Having implemented TGCS, we have concluded that Group 5 (previous caesarean delivery) is the largest of the
overall CD rate in both secondary and tertiary hospitals.
Keywords: Caesarean delivery, Assiut Governorate, Robson Ten Group Classification


In the light of these issues, WHO, in 2011,
Caesarean delivery (CD) has become the most
conducted a systematic review of systems used to
common obstetric operation worldwide. When
classify CD and concluded that Robson Ten Group
medically indicated, it can effectively reduce maternal
Classification System (TGCS) is the most appropriate
and neonatal morbidity and mortality (1). But, the rate of
system to fulfill current international and local needs (6).
CD is increasing dramatically both locally and
In 2014, WHO conducted another systematic
internationally exceeding World Health Organization
review of the experience of Robson classification and
(WHO) recommendation of a rate not more than 10-
proposed TGCS as a global standard for assessing,
15% without a clear understanding of the main drivers
monitoring and comparing CD rates within health care
(2). An ecological study showed that out of 137
facilities over time and between facilities (7).
countries, approximately 50% have CD rates of more
The aim of the current work was to make
than 15%.Of these, 46 countries have a rate of more than
comparative analysis of increasing trends of caesarean
20% (3). Another ecological study was performed
delivery in two hospitals at Assiut Governorate in
(according to nationally representative CD rates from
Egypt, one is a tertiary hospital, and the other is a
2000 to 2012) and concluded that CD rates higher than
secondary one, to understand the ongoing rise of
10% are NOT associated with substantial decrease in
caesarean delivery rate.
maternal and neonatal mortality rates after controlling

of socio-economic conditions (4).
Women who experience CD are at risk of
This retrospective cross-sectional study included a
classical complications such as surgical injury, post-
total of 2702 cases, attending for delivery at Assiut
partum haemorrhage and uterine rupture as well as
University Hospital; a tertiary hospital and Assiut
increasing risk of complications of placentation in
Police Hospital; a secondary hospital, both present in
subsequent pregnancies such as placenta accreta and
Assiut Governorate. This study was conducted over 3-
caesarean scar ectopic pregnancy (5).
month between Jan 2016 to Mar 2016.
Furthermore, CD represents substantial cost to

countries. According to WHO, the cost of global excess
Inclusion criteria:
CD (caesarean deliveries beyond the recommended rate
All women delivered in the two mentioned
of 15%) was estimated to approximately US$ 2.32
hospitals including both vaginal and caesarean
billion (all costs were denominated in 2005 constant $)
deliveries irrespective of obstetric indication, medical
history, or other maternal factors as BMI.
Received: 07/11/2021
Accepted: 05/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 131)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_132 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1776-1780

High Risk NAFLD among Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
Frequency and Effect on Disease Severity
Ahmed Samir Allam, Kadry Mohamed El Saeed, Hazem Mahmoud Abozeid, Khaled Mohamed Raafat*
Department of Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Khaled Mohamed Raafat, Email: khaled.raafat@med.asu.edu.eg

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal (GI) disease that can change a patient's
quality of life and impair his daily activities. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), on the other hand, has become
a widespread condition as the global obesity rates rises. The prevalence of NAFLD has reached up to 25% of the
adolescent population. The etiology of both diseases is still not clearly understood. The mechanism linking the two
seemingly similar diseases could be immune system activation and tissue inflammation.
Objective: The goal of our study was to see if there was a common link between them and to examine NAFLD
prevalence and severity in IBS patients.
Patients and methods:
Our study included 150 patients who had symptoms of IBS with different degrees of severity.
IBS was diagnosed according to modified ROME IV criteria. Patients were examined to see if they had NAFLD based
on abdominal ultrasonography and NAFLD fibrosis score calculation.
Our current study showed that regarding evaluating the association of IBS with NAFLD, there was a highly
statistically significant association between both diseases. Furthermore, there was a high statistically significant
association between higher grades of NAFLD and lipid profile parameters.
: Patients with IBS had a higher frequency of NAFLD. In addition, a significant association was noted
between IBS severity and increased NAFLD grades.
Keywords: NAFLD, Irritable bowel syndrome, NAFLD fibrosis score, Lipid profile.

resistance, in the absence of secondary causes of hepatic
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a GI
steatosis such as alcohol consumption, chronic use of
functional disorder that can affect people of any age,
medications that can cause hepatic steatosis, or
gender, race, or socioeconomic status. This condition
hereditary disorders (6). NAFLD is diagnosed through
has an important economic impact on patients because
imaging, blood tests including liver function test,
it usually lasts for life and impairs their quality of life.
different scoring systems; nonetheless, liver biopsy
Furthermore, patients are more likely to seek medical
remains the most accurate test (7).
attention and take time off from work (1). IBS molecular
In the diagnosis of NAFLD patients, a variety of
markers and drug targets are difficult to identify due to
scoring systems based on different clinical and/or
its variability and unidentified underlying causes (2).
laboratory characteristics have been developed. One of
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is defined by
the commonly used is the NAFLD fibrosis score. This
abdominal pain or discomfort, which is commonly
score depends on six different variables, which are age,
linked with changes in bowel movements. IBS affects a
hyperglycemia, body mass index (BMI), platelet count,
large percentage of the general population (between
albumin level, and AST/ALT ratio (8).
10% and 15%). Women are more likely than men to
Obesity, gut microbiota dysfunction, a
suffer from IBS (3). Four IBS subtypes have been
compromised intestinal barrier, and brain-gut axis
described based on stool features: diarrhoea (IBS-D),
dysfunction, all of which are crucial to their
pathogenesis and are linked to immune activation and
inflammation, may play a role in the development of
inflammation, altered motility, alterations in intestinal
IBS and NAFLD, but there aren't enough studies to back
barriers, changes in gut­brain axis, and psychosocial
up this theory (9). As a result, the purpose of our research
variables appear to play a role in IBS pathophysiology
was to determine if there is a link between them and to
investigate the prevalence and severity of NAFLD in
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a
IBS patients.
wide term that refers to a variety of disorders marked by

fat deposition in hepatocytes in the presence or absence
of liver inflammation. NAFLD refers to a group of fatty
This study was a cross-sectional study conducted
liver diseases that range from simple hepatosteatosis
at the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department of
(HS), also known as nonalcoholic fatty liver (NAFL), to
Ain Shams University Hospitals. It was conducted on
nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (SH), also known as
150 patients who had symptoms suggestive of IBS after
NASH, and finally to liver cirrhosis (5).
excluding patients with infectious gastroenteritis or
The main cause of NAFLD is obesity and
IBD, patients with cancer colon and patients with other
increased body mass index (BMI), together with insulin
viral (B and C) or alcoholic, genetic, or liver affections.
Received: 09/11/2021
Accepted: 07/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 132)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_133 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1781-1787
Banded versus Non-Banded Sleeve Gastrectomy:
A Non-Randomized Clinical Trial
Mohamed G. Fouly*, Ahmed M. Farrag, Ahmed Y. Elrifai
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed G. Fouly, Mobile: (+20) 01004654619, E-Mail: gamal6bs@gmail.com

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (LSG) may not have the best weight loss profile at long-term follow-
up. Many authors extrapolated the idea of applying bands from Roux-en Y gastric bypass (RYGB) literature to LSG to
enhance weight loss. Although the earlier reports seem encouraging, most of these studies were retrospective and
Objectives: To compare between body mass indexes (BMI) differences over 3 years between banded LSG (BLSG) and
non-Banded LSG (NLSG). We also aimed to compare the emergence/worsening of reflux symptoms.
Patients and methods: This was a prospective, single-center non-randomized clinical trial of 100 patients (N=100)
undergoing either BLSG or NLSG. Average age was 36.84 ± 8.91 years, 59 patients (59%) were females. Patients were
followed at 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 months to evaluate changes in BMI. Study outcomes included change in BMI between 3rd
and 36th months, emergence/worsening of reflux symptoms and remission of comorbidities.
Results: Mean difference in BMI between the first follow-up interval (3 months) and the last interval (36 months) was
13.56±1.93 in BLSG and 10.82±0.39 in NLSG (p < 0.001). Weight regain occurred at 36 months in NLSG but not in
BLSG. Mean operative time was 45.64±3.41 mins in BLSG and 40.64±4.6 in NLSG (p < 0.0001). Remission of
morbidities and worsening/emergence of de novo reflux symptoms was similar in both groups (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: BLSG may have favorable outcomes than NLSG, this effect persisted without weight regain.
Keywords: Banding, Comorbidities, Metabolic surgery, Reflux, Sleeve gastrectomy.

address this problem, many authors suggested placing
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and roux-en-
adjustable gastric band below the gastroesophageal
Y gastric bypass (RYGB) are the two most performed
junction to restrict pouch expansion and to increase
bariatric operations, one study based on worldwide
pooled data showed that LSG occupied 46% of the total
The usage of bands started in RYGB, bands in
bariatric operations till 2016(1). LSG was first
RYGB proved to maintain long-term weight loss
introduced as a part of the two-stage biliopancreatic
beyond 5-years, which was better than non-banded
diversion duodenal switch (BPD-DS) (2), then it proved
group(11). Banding LSG uses the same concepts to
its abilities as a stand-alone procedure, which started a
correct for the long-term weight regain, banded
new era in bariatric surgery. It provides a favorable
laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (BLSG) was first
profile with its technical simplicity, shorter operating
implemented in 2009 by applying silicone bands(12).
times and better perioperative morbidity, it is also more
Many studies have examined the effects of banding on
liable for revision and to be used as staged operation(3).
weight loss and regurgitation profiles in LSG, earlier
Although the scope of bariatric surgery has changed
studies showed better weight control over years at the
from focusing on weight loss to the broader concept of
expense of increased gastroesophageal reflux
metabolic surgery and treating co-morbidities, weight
symptoms(13). However, these studies relied mainly on
loss remains a key objective for patients undergoing
retrospective cohort patients and many of them were
surgery and should be addressed in the modern bariatric
literature(4, 5).
This prospective non-randomized clinical trial
With longer follow-up of the patients with
aims to compare between BLSG and NLSG regarding
LSG it seemed that failure rates are increasing, one
BMI changes over 3 years, we also aim to examine their
study showed that weight regain and de novo
effects on different obesity subcategories. Traditional
gastroesophageal reflux symptoms started to appear
operative metrics as mean operative time and post-
dreadfully(6). This, in some studies, necessitated
operative complication as well as the emergence of de
conversion to gastric bypass or duodenal switch to
novo gastroesophageal reflux w examined.
maintain significant weight loss and low ghrelin

levels(7). The cause of insufficient weight loss may be
multifactorial and attributed to multiple factors,
This is a prospective non-randomized single-
however, increase reservoir size associated with long
center clinical trial to assess the differences between
term gastric pouch dilatation is hypothesized to be one
banded sleeve gastrectomy and non-banded sleeve
of the main causes(8). It was theorized that gastric pouch
gastrectomy regarding BMI changes over 3 years of
dilatation results from patients' non-compliance with
follow-up, traditional operative metrics as mean
dietary regimens that precipitates pouch dilatation by
operative time, mortality risk, remission of
the mechanical stretching effect of large meals(9). To
comorbidities and the development of reflux


Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 133)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_134 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1788-1795

Different Treatment Options for Tubal Ectopic Pregnancy: A Systematic Review
Yasser Ahmed Helmy, Ahmed Tag Aldin Abdel Hafeez, Mohamed Abdel Hameid Mahammad*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine - Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Abdel Hameid Mahammad, Mobile: (+20) 01060386207,
E-Mail: mahammadhameid2@gmail.com

Treatment options for tubal ectopic pregnancy are: (1) surgery, such as salpingectomy or salpingostomy,
either performed laparoscopically or by open surgery, (2) medical treatment, with a variety of drugs, that can be
administered systemically and/or locally by various routes and (3) expectant management.
Objective: To be aware of the recent modalities in management of tubal pregnancy.
Methods: A systematic literature search of studies describing clinical trials published at the last twenty years was
conducted. Literature searches of the PubMed and Cochrane Library databases were conducted. Using the following
keywords: pregnancy, ectopic, tubal, interstitial, abdominal, angular, cornual, heterotopic, ovarian, gravidity, obstetric,
cervical ripening, labor onset, labor presentation, trial of labor, treatment, therapeutics, therapy, medical, medication &
surgical. The initial literature search identified articles were assessed for possible inclusion.
Results: Among the 62,588 women identified with ectopic pregnancy, 49,090 (78.4%) underwent surgery with
salpingectomy or salpingostomy, while 13,498 (21.6%) received medical management with methotrexate. As can be
seen in next figure, use of methotrexate increased significantly from 14.5% in 2011 to 27.3% by 2020 while surgical
management declined from 85.5% to 72.7% over the same time period (P < 0.001).
Ectopic pregnancies account for the majority of first trimester maternal death. Tubal pregnancies account
for the majority of ectopic pregnancies.
Tubal ectopic pregnancy, Salpingostomy, Methotrexate.


Ectopic pregnancy is an early pregnancy
introduced for women with a positive pregnancy test
complication in which a fertilized ovum implant outside
and an inconclusive transvaginal ultrasound (7).
the uterine cavity. Implantation may occur anywhere
During the 1970s and 1980s laparotomy was
along the reproductive tract with the most common
gradually replaced by operative laparoscopic options.
implantation site being the fallopian tube. The incidence
Shapiro and Adler (8) reported laparoscopic
of ectopic pregnancy is 1% of pregnant women, and
salpingectomy using electrocoagulation followed by
may seriously compromise women's health and future
excision for an ectopic pregnancy in 1973.
fertility. Currently, ectopic pregnancy can be often
diagnosed before the woman's condition has
systemically, it can either be given in a fixed multiple
deteriorated, which has altered the former clinical
dose intramuscular regimen or in a variable dose
picture of a life-threatening disease into a more benign
intramuscular regimen. The fixed multiple dose
condition in frequently asymptomatic women (1, 2).
regimen is derived from the treatment of gestational
To improve the objective comparison of
trophoblastic disease and is combined with folinic acid
research outcomes in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy
and to reduce clinical heterogeneity, a recent
chemotherapy toxicity (9, 10).
international consensus statement proposes uniformity
Only a few studies have been published
in definitions of population, target disease and final
describing expectant management in selected patients
outcome of women with a Pregnancy of unknown
with small ectopic pregnancies without fetal cardiac
location (PUL) (3).
activity, an upper limit for serum hCG concentration
Adopting this consensus statement will
that continues to decline and/or a low serum
hopefully lead to improved clinical care. A subgroup of
progesterone concentration (11, 12).
ectopic pregnancies was identified being self-limiting
Recent findings of no difference in fertility
and with spontaneous resolution without the need for an
during the 2 years after an ectopic pregnancy when
intervention. This new diagnostic category of women
comparing medical treatment versus conservative
was defined as having trophoblast in regression (TIR)
surgery and conservative surgery versus radical surgery
(4), a laparotomy to ligate the broad ligament and remove
have answered some longstanding questions and raised
a ruptured tube. By 1885, Tait (5) had accumulated a
new ones for determining the optimal management of
relatively large number of successful cases of
ectopic pregnancies. These findings in particular have
laparotomic salpingectomies. In 1985, Chotiner (6) was
allowed consideration and weighing of a wider range of
the first in English literature to describe a patient with
factors, including women's preferences, efficacy, and
tubal pregnancy treated successfully with systemic
the period of monitoring until recovery (13).
methotrexate. In 1999, the currently used term PUL was

Received: 09/11/2021
Accepted: 07/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 134)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_135 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1896-1800
Tie Over with Pressing Interrupted Sutures versus Usual Karydakis in
Management of Sacrococcygeal Pilonidal Sinus Disease
Abdelhafez Seleem*, Mohammed Abbas
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdelhafez Seleem, Mobile: (+20) 01118522021, E-Mail: abdelhafzsalim83@gmail.com

Sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease is one of the most common annoying conditions that affecting
commonly sacrococcygeal area. The best management of that disease is surgical treatment. Although many surgical
methods used for treatment, recurrence rate is still the main challenge for all techniques. Karydakis procedure is one of
the most commonly used methods for management of pilonidal sinus.
Objective: In this study we tried to compare usual Karydakis procedure and tie over with pressing interrupted sutures
as management for pilonidal sinus as regard rate of recurrence, wound complication and hospital stay and off-work time.
Patients and methods: This is a prospective study done over 75 patients of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus who were
divided in two groups (group A) included 35 patients managed by Karydakis procedure and (group B) included 40
patients managed by tie over with pressing interrupted sutures, between June 2017 till May 2019 .
Results: In group B all patients were discharged on the same day of surgery but in group A the mean hospital stay was
of 3.9 ± 2.4 days. Three patients in group A developed seroma compared with one patient in group B. In group A, 11.4%
of patients developed wound infection compared with 2.5% in group B. Three patients in group A had recurrence but
No recurrences were noted in group B, although our study was limited as the duration of follow-up was short to
accurately weigh recurrence rate.
Conclusion: Tie over with pressing interrupted sutures is safe than usual Karydakis procedure with less hospital stay
and less recurrence rates.
Keywords: Karydakis flap, Pilonidal sinus, Tie over.


Pilonidal sinus disease (PsD) is defined as chronic
recurrence rates and midline closure techniques with
inflammatory disease, which usually affecting the natal
high recurrence rates(4).
cleft. Herbert was the first one who described the
One of most commonly used asymmetrical flap
disease at Mayo in 1883(1). The exact cause of (PsD) is
techniques is Karydakis flap which is preferred by many
not known but many theories tried to explain the
surgeons rather than other asymmetrical methods
etiology. The most accepted one of them is the jeep seat
because it is easy and does not need more technical
theory, which proposes that the disease is caused by hair
accumulation at natal cleft and perforation of skin
This study compared tie over with pressing
making foreign body reaction at subcutaneous layer,
interrupted sutures versus usual Karydakis in
which open in multiple or single tracts to the skin
management of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease
surface. Suggested predisposing factors include family
regarding rate of recurrence, wound complication and
history, hair falling, prolonged settings, deep natal cleft
hospital stay and off-work time.
and obesity (2). The most common age affected is

adolescents and usually in male variants(3).
The main complaint of the patients with (PsD) is
This was randomized prospective study conducted
low back pain and discharge. Sometimes the sinus
from June 2017 till May 2019 at General Surgery
opening is closed and this leads to pus accumulation and
Department, Bab Alsheria Hospital, Al-Azhar
abscess formation. If that happened the patient will feel
University. The study was done on 75 patients of
severe throbbing pain at abscess site with hectic fever
sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus randomly divided in two
and hence urgent abscess incision and drainage is
groups; (group A) included 35 patients managed by
advised (3).
Karydakis procedure and (group B) included 40
Many conservative and surgical techniques are
patients managed by tie over with pressing interrupted
used for management of pilonidal sinus but surgical
sutures. Patients excluded in that study were patients
treatment still the ideal way for management.
with recurrent sinus, pilonidal abscess, cellulitis,
Conservative measures includes meticulous hair control
patients with chronic illness such as diabetes or
by natal cleft shaving or by laser ablation, improved
immunocompromized patients and patients refused to
perineal hygiene and phenol injection(1).
participate in the study.
Many studies used to compare different surgical

techniques as regard postoperative complications,
Ethical approval:
length of hospital stay and rates of recurrences. Surgical
An approval of the study was obtained from Al-
procedures for (PNS) in general could be divided in two
Azhar University Academic and Ethical Committee.
categories (asymmetric) flap techniques with less
Every patient signed an informed written consent
Received: 09/11/2021
Accepted: 07/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 135)

Evaluation Of QT Interval In Diabetic Ketoacidosis In Medical Intensive Care Unit The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1801-1805

Early Results after Repair of Cut Wrist Structures at
Zone Five Volar Aspect of the Hand
Mostafa Mohamad El-Saadi, Yehia Zakaria Awwad,
Mohamed Reda Ahmad, Nader Tharwat Mohamed Abd El Atty*
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Zagazig University hospitals, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Nader Tharwat Mohamed Abd El Atty, Mobile: (+20) 01011838322,
E-Mail: dr.nader2030plastic.surgeon@gmail.com

Hand is one of the most active parts of the body, and its normal function is essential for daily activities.
Function of the hand and fingers is related to normal integrity of the bones, tendons and neurovascular structures, and
injuries in any parts of these organs can deteriorate the hand function.
This study aimed to evaluate the early results after repair of cut volar structures at zone five within 24
hours after injury in comparison with the cases which repaired after 24 hours of injury.
Patients and Methods:
This was a cohort study that was performed in the period from 1/8/2017 to 1/8/2019 in
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Department, Zagazig University Hospitals and Al-Ahrar Teaching Hospital Al-
Sharqia Egypt. This study included sixty-four cases with sharp cut wounds in zone five of flexor tendons. They
fulfilled the inclusion criteria during the study period.
Results: This study revealed that the early repair of cut wrist structures in the 1st 24 hours have more better results
and good outcome than delayed repair after 24 hours. So we encourage the early repair of cut wrist structures as
early as possible to avoid complications of delayed repair. Conclusion: Care of patients with acute hand injury
begins with a focused history and physical examination. In most clinical scenarios, a diagnosis is achieve d
clinically. While most patients require straight forward treatment, the emergency clinician must rapidly identify
limb-threatening injuries and obtain critical clinical information.
Keywords: Repair, Cut wrist, Structures, Zone five, Volar aspect.


Cut wrist is one of the most common hand injuries,
Hand is one of the most active parts of the body,
surgical repair of the injured structures requires an
and its normal function is essential for daily activities.
exact knowledge of anatomy, careful adherence to
Function of the hand and fingers is related to normal
some basic surgical principles, sound clinical
integrity of the bones, tendons and neurovascular
judgment, strict traumatic surgical technique and a
structures. Injuries in any part of these organs can
well-planned post-operative program (6). Injury of the
deteriorate the hand function (1). The hand can give
wrist produces nonfunctioning or deforming hand.
information about the position, size, and shape of an
Deformity is more when tendon injury occurs in zone-
object by its highly developed sensory mechanism and
v (especially when injury occurs in FDS and Flexor
described as third eye (2).
Digitorum Profundus (FDP) (7).
Flexor tendons of the hand are considered in five
Deformed or nonfunctioning hand of a man
anatomic zones due to peculiarities of each area; Zone
produces burden not only to the family but also to the
V extends from the proximal border of the transverse
society, with the development of human civilization or
carpal ligament to the musculotendinous junction in
the development of medical science day by day injured
the proximal part of the forearm. Flexor tendon
hand can be repaired. After repair of cut wrist
lacerations in the forearm are frequently associated
structures by proper technique hand function can be
with laceration of the nerve and artery which further
normal or near to normal and patient becomes able to
compromise the function of the hand (3).
re-back his/her normal job (8).
Despite many surgical techniques and appropriate
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the
rehabilitation programs, cut wrist injuries may be
early results after repair of cut volar structures at zone
associated with adhesion formation and loss of hand
five within 24 hours after injury in comparison with the
function (4). Primary surgical repair with restoration of
cases which repaired after 24 hours of injury.
length, strength and gliding excursion of tendon cut is

essential and primary repair would have the best
outcome(5). Results of flexor tendon cut after repair
This study included 64 cases that were divided into
depends on many factors such as concomitant nerve
two groups: Group I included 32 cases presented in the
injury, technique and type of repair, surgeon's
1st 24 hours & repaired in the 1st 24 hours (primary
experience, nature of the lesion, and post operative
repair) in comparison with group II that included 32
rehabilitation. Though this injury is frequently seen at
cases which were repaired after 24 hours of injury
our emergency department, there is little in the
(delayed primary repair & secondary repair).
literature to indicate the best protocol of post operative
Comparison includes motor, sensory & power of small
rehabilitation after flexor tendon repair in zone five (6).
muscles of the hand for 12 months after operation.
Received: 12/11/2021
Accepted: 10/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 136)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_137 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1806-1812

Implementation of the Policy of Enhanced Recovery after Surgery in
Gynecologic Oncology
Amr Ahmed AbdElrhman, Ashraf Mohamed Nasr Refaie,
Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim Abdou*, and Mustafa Salah Omara
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ibrahim Mohamed Ibrahim Abdou, Mobile: (+20)01019828389, E-mail: ibrahimhema958@gmail.com

Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) is now firmly established as a global surgical quality
improvement initiative that results in both clinical improvements and cost benefits to the healthcare system.
Objective: The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of the ERAS on outcome of gynecologic oncology surgery.
Patients and Methods: A case study was carried out in Zagazig University Hospital during the period from August
2021 and February 2022. The study included 30 patients presenting for gynecological oncologic surgeries. They were
classified into two groups: Group I (the ERAS group) included 15 patient who were exposed to the mean of enhanced
recovery protocols. Group II (the conventional group) included 15 patients who were treated with the standard care
known in the literature. All patients were subjected to general clinical examination, laboratory investigations and
radiological studies.
The catheterization period, movement time, audible intestinal sound, oral intake, time until discharge, and need
for opiates were all significantly shorter in the ERAS group. While the mean of the universal pain score was significantly
higher in the conventional group, 3.5 compared to 1.9 in the ERAS group.
Implementation of the policy of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) in gynecologic oncology was
associated with an overall improvement in postoperative outcomes.
Keywords: ERAS, Gynecologic oncology, Surgery, Enhanced recovery after surgery.


Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS) is a
sparing analgesia, removal of the urinary catheter
perioperative quality-improvement program that uses
within 24 hours and early active mobilization (4).
evidence-based interventions within the preoperative,
ERAS pathways improve the length of hospital
intraoperative, and postoperative phases of surgical
stay, pain control, and hospital cost in patients
care. ERAS pathways have been implemented in
undergoing high-risk gynecologic oncology open
several surgical specialties and have proven beneficial
surgeries. The benefits of these pathways have been
for both the patient and health care systems (1).
demonstrated in several recent studies from a small
Surgical stress forces the body into a highly
number of specialized centers in both gynecologic and
catabolic state with increased cardiac demands,
gynecologic oncology patients (5).
relative tissue hypoxia, increased insulin resistance,
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact
impaired coagulation profile, and altered pulmonary
of the ERAS on outcome of gynecologic oncology
and gastrointestinal functions. The body's response to
surgical stress results in organ dysfunction, increased

morbidity, and, ultimately, delayed convalescence.
The ERAS programs aim to maintain normal
The number of patients included in the study was
physiology perioperatively and optimize patient
30 patients presenting for gynecological oncologic
outcomes by introducing interventions that have been
surgeries. They were classified into 2 groups: Group I
proven to either decrease surgical stress or help the
(the ERAS group) included 15 patient who were
body mitigate the negative consequences associated
exposed to the mean of enhanced recovery protocols,
with it (2).
and group II (the conventional group) included 15
Patients with cancer undergoing open surgical
patients who were treated with the standard care known
procedures are at greatest risk for postoperative
in the literature.
complications with morbidity rates for laparotomy in

the range of 20-30% (3). ERAS Pre-operative
Inclusion criteria: Patients who were referred for
recommendations include permission of oral intake of
elective gynecological oncologic surgeries. Patients
clear fluids up to 2 hours before surgery, use of
who have complete mental clarity. Age >18 years.
carbohydrate loading and avoidance of mechanical

bowel preparation. Intra-operative recommendations
Exclusion criteria:
include deep vein thrombosis and antimicrobial
Patients with bowel resection. Patients with
prophylaxis, maintenance of euvolemia and
intestinal injuries. Patients with advanced gynecological
recommend the use of regional anesthesia. Post-
cancer. Patients receiving treatment for chronic pain.
operative recommendations include initiation of
Patients with coagulation disorders or organ failure or
regular diet within 24 hours, avoidance of peritoneal
severe dysfunction (heart, renal, pulmonary, hepatic).
drainage and nasogastric tubes, multimodal opioid-
Patients with previous abdominal oncology surgery.
Received: 10/11/2021
Accepted: 08/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 137)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_138 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1813-1817

Comparative Study Between Closed Versus Open Internal
Sphincterotomy for Management of Chronic Anal Fissure
Abdelhafez Seleem*, Mohammed Abbas
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdelhafez Seleem, Mobile: (+20) 01118522021, E-Mail: abdelhafzsalim83@gmail.com

Chronic anal fissure is one of the most common annoying anal disorders. Many medical treatments are
used to help the healing of the fissure but the recurrence rate is so high after the stoppage of medicine, so the surgical
treatment by lateral internal sphincterotomy is still the best way of management.
Objective: In our study, we compared two different techniques of lateral sphincterotomy either open or closed
Patients and methods: This is a prospective study done on 150 patients with chronic anal fissures managed by lateral
sphincterotomy between June 2017 till May 2019. The patients were divided into two groups (group A) 70 patients
managed by open internal sphincterotomy and (group B) 80 patients managed by closed lateral sphincterotomy.
Results: In the present study, the main complaint of most patients was anal pain during defecation. The most common
site of the fissure was posterior at midline with Sentinel pile. Delayed postoperative healing was found in 4.28% of
group A. The mean pain score and duration of hospital stay were lower in group B. The risk of post-operative
complications such as anal fistula and bleeding was high in group A than in group B.
Conclusion: Closed lateral internal sphincterotomy is a better choice for the management of chronic anal fissure as it
was less in postoperative complications and early recovery.
Keywords: Lateral sphincterotomy, Anal pain, Anal bleeding.


Anal fissure is a common benign disease that
management of chronic anal fissures after the failure of
usually causes irritability and variable degrees of anal
medical treatment. Surgery for a CAF aims to decrease
pain during defecation. It could be defined as a
the tone of the internal sphincter and hence increase the
longitudinal tear of the anal canal usually at the
blood flow with subsequent tissue healing. Surgical
mucocutaneous junction extending from the anal verge
options include manual anal dilatation and lateral or
towards the dentate line proximally. Most anal fissures
posterior internal sphincterotomy. Manual anal
are superficial involving the superficial layer of the
dilatation obsolete method by many surgeons as it has
mucosa of the anal canal however some fissures are
been associated with anal incontinence (5).
deep involving the whole mucosa. Fissures occur most
Sphincterolysis is a new method of treatment that
often in the posterior midline and are less common
is done by blunt division of the internal sphincter fibers
anteriorly seems to be a result of poor blood supply to
also been described (6). The golden standard for the
the posterior commissural region (1).
treatment of CAFs is lateral sphincterotomy. Various
Some anal fissures occur laterally (not in the
studies have shown the superiority of lateral
midline) and this is usually considered an indicator of
sphincterotomy over posterior sphincterotomy (7).
underlying diseases such as Crohn's disease, viral
Lateral sphincterotomy could be done by open or
illness, or malignancy (2). The main cause that prevents
closed methods. So this study aimed to compare both
anal fissures from healing is irritation of the anal
methods as regards safety, efficacy in fissure healing,
sphincter which leads to a decrease in the blood supply
and postoperative complications.
and displaced fissure edges, also sphincteric spasm

leads to more constipation, and constipation leads to
more injury. Anal fissure for more than 6 weeks usually
This was a prospective study done over 150
turns into a chronic fissure. A chronic anal fissure
patients with chronic anal fissures managed by lateral
(CAF) is accompanied by a sentinel skin tag and
sphincterotomy between June 2017 till May 2019 at
hypertrophied anal papilla on examination (3).
General Surgery Department, Bab Al-Sharia Hospital,
In most cases of acute anal fissures and some
Al-Azhar University. The patients were divided into
cases of chronic fissures, medical treatment is effective
two groups, group A contained seventy patients
and leads to fissure healing in about two weeks of
managed by open lateral sphincterotomy, and group B
medication. Conservative medical treatment uses
consisted of eighty patients which were managed by
muscle relaxants, topical drugs, and sometimes drugs
closed lateral sphincterotomy.
given by mouth. These drugs include calcium channel
All the included patients had midline chronic anal
fissures with recurrent anal pain and bleeding during
adrenoreceptor antagonists, and beta-adrenoreceptor
agonists (4).

Surgical treatment is the best choice for the

Received: 10/11/2021
Accepted: 08/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 138)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_139 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1818-1824

The Impact of Thyroid Dysfunction in ICU Patients upon the Weaning Difficulty from
Mechanical Ventilation. A Case-Control Observational Study
Salah Abd Alazeem Argoon1, Abd Elraheem Ahmad Abd Elraheem1,
Alaa Omar Ahmed2, Emad Zarief Kamel3, Soheir M. kassem*2
Departments of 1Internal Medicine-Endocrine Unit, 2Internal Medicine-Critical Care Unit and 3Anesthesia and
Intensive Care, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Soheir M. Kassem, Mobile (020)1069347314; E- mail: Soheir@aun.edu.eg

: Non-thyroidal illness syndrome has been associated with diverse manifestations of critical illness in the
ICU; it correlates significantly with severity of illness in clinically unstable patients.
Objectives: The aim of the current work was to clarify the impact of thyroid dysfunction on weaning difficulty from
mechanical ventilator in critically ill patients.
Patients and Methods: This case ­control observational study included a total of 50 patients received invasive
mechanical ventilation (MV) with age > 18 years, attending at Internal Medicine & Critical Care and Anesthesia ICU
departments, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University Hospitals. This study was conducted between October 2020 to
September 2021. Full history taking and all routine laboratory investigations including complete thyroid panel were
done at the time of mechanical ventilation.
Out of the studied patients; 33 (66%) patients were males. The most common causes of ICU admission were
cardiogenic shock (30%) and toxicity (30%); the mean simplified acute physiology score (SAPS-II) among enrolled
patients was 65.18 ± 17.92. Based on thyroid function, it was found that majority (70%) of patients have normal thyroid
status while 15 (30%) has euthyroid sick syndrome (ESS) and all of them have low T3. Patients with ESS had
significantly higher body mass index and SAPS-II. (p=0.001;0.06 respectively) Also, diaphragmatic dysfunction was
significantly higher among patients with ESS (P=0.02) who showed longer duration of mechanical ventilation (p=0.03)
and hospital stay(p=0.02).
Conclusion: It could be concluded that critically ill patients who are admitted to intensive care units are vulnerable to
develop euthyroid sick syndrome. ESS can increase the difficulty of weaning from mechanical ventilation and affect the
Keywords: Thyroid function test, Euthyroid Sick Syndrome, Critical Care.


Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit
This case ­control observational study included a
(ICU) exhibit profound inflammation, overwhelming
total of 50 patients received invasive mechanical
fluid overload with renal failure, and ultimately,
ventilation (MV) with age > 18 years, attending at
significant malnutrition with sarcopenia (1).
Internal Medicine & Critical Care and Anesthesia ICU
The initial response to acute stress is to
departments, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University
decrease serum triiodothyronine levels (T3) to
Hospitals. This study was conducted between October
counteract biochemical catabolism. However, in those
2020 to September 2021.
with prolonged critical illness, the normal physiologic

response of the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT)
Ethical Consideration:
axis is altered, leading to low levels of both T3 and
This study was ethically approved by the
thyrotropin (TSH) (2).
Hospital's Ethics Committee (ID-1000450) and
Non-thyroidal illness syndrome has been
according to the principles of the Declaration of
associated with various manifestations of critical illness
Helsinki. The purpose of the study was explained to
in the ICU. Hypothyroidism can adversely affect
all participants and written informed consent was
respiratory function by blunting the body's response to
hypercapnia and hypoxia, impairing
clinicaltrials.gov with identification number of
muscle/diaphragm function, and contributing to the
development of pleural effusions and obstructive sleep

apnea (OSA) (3). It was previously reported that thyroid
Exclusion criteria included patient with known
dysfunction particularly hypothyroidism in critically ill
previous intrinsic thyroid hypothalamic pituitary axis
patients is a considerable cause of failure to wean in
disease, usage of iodine contrast agents in the past 8
patients receiving mechanical ventilation (4).
weeks, pregnancy, or history of pregnancy within the
This study was aimed to clarify impact of
previous 6 months, any hormonal therapy except insulin
thyroid dysfunction on difficulty of weaning from
use or taking drugs causing hypothyroidism like oral
mechanical ventilator in critically ill patients.
amiodarone, palpable thyroid nodule and or goiter, and

patient's refusal.

Received: 11/11/2021
Accepted: 09/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 139)

INTRODUCTION The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1825-1834

The Expression Level of Long Non-Coding RNA PVT1 as a Diagnostic Marker for
Advanced Stages in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Nearmeen M. Rashad1, Usama A. Khalil1, Sherweet M. Ahmed2,
Marwa H. Hussien3, May M. Sami4, Fady M. Wadea*1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, 2Tropical Medicine, 3Medical Biochemistry and
4Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Fady M. Wadea, Mobile: (+20)1224562351, E-mail: fadymaher41@yahoo.com & f.maher@zu.edu.eg

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) incorporates a wide spectrum of stages ranging from simple
steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The connection of
Long noncoding RNAs with NAFLD, as well as other metabolic syndromes remains relatively unexplored.
Objective: We aimed to investigate the circulatory level of lncRNA-PVT1 in patients with Non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease complicated with steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and HCC. Also, to explore their association with different clinical
and laboratory variables.
Patients and methods A case-control study enrolled 100 patients with NAFLD and 100 healthy volunteers. NAFLD
patients included 53 patients with simple steatosis, 22 steatohepatitis patients, 17 cirrhotic patients, and 8 HCC patients
confirmed with histopathological examination. The expression of lncRNA PVT1 was evaluated by RT PCR.
Results The relative expression levels of lncRNA-PVT1 were significantly higher in the NAFLD group (2.29±0.37)
compared to control (0.84±0.52), P0.001 with a significant difference between the subgroups; (4.2 ± 0.1, 2.9 ± 0.16,
1.93 ± 0.14, 1.25 ± 0.18 in HCC, cirrhosis, NASH, and in simple steatosis respectively; P0.001). There were significant
direct correlations with liver function tests, lipid profile, and alpha-fetoprotein in the HCC subgroup. Alpha-fetoprotein
and AST were the main predictors of lncRNA-PVT1. Cut-off values 0.94, 1.2, 1.8, 2.98 were able to discriminate simple
steatosis, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and HCC with AUC 0.78, 0.64, 0.77, 0.81 respectively.
Conclusions Circulating lncRNA-PVT1 could be a useful diagnostic biomarker for discriminating patients with
advanced NAFLD stages.
Keywords: Carcinoma, Liver Cirrhosis, NASH, NAFLD, PVT1.


death; however, the molecular pathways driving fibrosis
NAFLD incorporates various stages ranging from
and cirrhosis in NAFLD patients are unknown. Long
simple steatosis to NASH, cirrhosis, and HCC (1). The
non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging as
clinical history of NAFLD is usually benign and
important contributors to biological processes that drive
nonprogressive. On the other hand, NASH is a
NAFLD fibrosis onset and progression (7).
potentially fatal illness; up to 25% of patients may
While many studies have been done on the
develop cirrhosis and develop consequences such as
pathophysiology of HCC development from hepatic
portal hypertension, liver failure, and hepatocellular
fibrosis, their regulating molecular mechanisms are
carcinoma (HCC) (2). LncRNAs are non-coding
only poorly known. The underlying pathogenic
ribonucleic acids (RNAs) with a length of more than
processes involving lncRNAs that lead to HCC from
200 base pairs. Previously, lncRNAs were thought to be
chronic liver disorders and cirrhosis are yet unknown (8).
worthless sections of the genome (3).
PVT1 is a LncRNA located in the 8q24.21 region
The significance of abnormal lncRNA expression
of the human chromosome. Recently, PVT1 was found
levels in many disorders has steadily caught people's
to be upregulated in diabetic cataracts and inhibits
attention. While the significance of lncRNAs in cancer
podocyte injury and apoptosis in diabetic nephropathy
has been studied extensively in recent years, their
through FOXA1 (9). In addition, PVT1 promotes the
relevance in the development of obesity, type 2 diabetes
synthesis and inhibits the oxidation of fatty acids in
(T2D), and its comorbidities, such as nonalcoholic fatty
obesity (10).
liver disease (NAFLD), has only just been discovered
PVT1's possible role in cancer development has
been widely investigated and reported in endometrial
lncRNA has been linked to elevated levels of
cancer (11), bladder cancer (12), and ovarian cancer (13).
steatosis, oxidative stress, inflammation, insulin
Like other cancers, HCC is distinguished by genetic and
resistance, and other pathogenic processes. For
epigenetic dysregulations. Among these alterations,
instance, 381 lncRNAs have been verified to be highly
lncRNAs may play crucial roles in the initiation and
elevated in NAFLD(5), while lncRNA MEG3 has been
progression of HCC
identified as being overexpressed and involved in
Therefore, we aimed to investigate the circulatory
insulin resistance in NAFLD and hepatocyte endothelial
level of lncRNAs PVT1 in patients with NAFLD-
cell aging (6).
related complications including patients with
The development of fibrosis in NASH patients is
steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and HCC, and to explore their
linked to an increased risk of liver-related morbidity and
Received: 10/11/2021
Accepted: 08/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 140)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_141 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1835-1842

Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Infarction, Surgical Intervention and Outcome
Abdin K. Kasim*1, Bahaa Ghareeb Hassanin1, Mohamed Abdala Abbas2, Karam Kenawy1
1Department of Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
2Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Luxor University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Abdin K. Kasim, Mobile: (+20)102019 6831, E-Mail: abdin_mail@yahoo.com

Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) infarcts are the most common of the cerebellar strokes and
generally produce the largest infarcts with major complications including obstructive hydrocephalus and downward
herniation of the cerebellar tonsils. Surgical intervention is widely accepted treatment choice but little data is available
about the procedure and outcome.
Objective: The aim of the current work was to evaluate the role of suboccipital decompression craniectomy, atlas
laminectomy, cerebellar tonsillectomy and duraplasty, in the management of isolated PICA territory infarction.
Patients and Methods: 12 patients, 7 males and 5 females, with PICA infarcts, were subjected to surgical intervention
with pre-operative and 1-month post-operative clinical and radiological assessment using the Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS), the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), Barthel ADL index and Rankin scale in conjunction
with CT and / or MRI brain.
Results: There are significant improvements in post-operative as compared to pre-operative assessment in different
scales used in the study including the GCS, NIHSS, Barthel ADL index and Rankin Scale. Radiological evaluation
showed obvious decompression of the brainstem and fourth ventricle.
Conclusions: It could be concluded that suboccipital craniectomy, atlas laminectomy and duraplasty are very effective
treatment for patients with large PICA infarctions and can reverse effects of brainstem compression and hydrocephalus
in most cases.
Keywords: PICA infarction, Suboccipital craniectomy, Tonsillar herniation


hydrocephalus. As conservative treatment is not
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA)
effective with extensive mass effect, and often fails;
territory infarcts are the most common of the cerebellar
surgery is usually an accepted choice. Meanwhile, the
strokes. The etiology of PICA infarcts includes
best time and the factors indicating surgery remain
intracranial vertebral atherosclerosis and embolism
unclear. Furthermore, it has not been sufficiently proved
from a cardiac or proximal arterial source. Clinical
in prospective, multicenter, randomized controlled
features commonly include sudden vertigo, gait ataxia,
trials, which of the surgical procedures are more
and suboccipital headache. Nausea and vomiting are
effective (2).
common. In large PICA territory infarcts, brainstem and
Conservative treatment includes airway
fourth ventricle compression causing obstructive
protection, adequate ventilation, monitoring of
hydrocephalus and tonsillar herniation may threaten
circulation and prevention of vascular thrombosis and
life. These patients may have decreased level of
embolism. The conscious level must be closely
consciousness, reduced corneal reflex, ipsilateral
monitored. Immediate brain imaging should be done if
facial palsy, and Babinski sign, denoting progression of
clinical deterioration or brainstem signs occurred (11-13).
mass effect. If conservative measures fail to control
Surgery includes ventricular drainage and
these manifestations, urgent surgery can be life-saving
decompressive suboccipital craniectomy. In contrast to
the debate regarding surgical treatment of massive
The general treatment of ischemic strokes is
cerebral infarction, surgical intervention is a globally
similar in cerebral and cerebellar infarctions. Treatment
accepted choice in cerebellar infarcts causing mass
of associated edema includes anti-edema medications,
effect and is advised strongly in current stroke
control of intracranial pressure, external ventricular
guidelines (12, 13). Ventricular Drainage is most
drains, and decompressive surgery, including resection
commonly done through an extraventricular drain
of dead tissue in some cases. Patients developing
(EVD) in one lateral ventricle (14, 15). Suboccipital
hydrocephalus or brainstem compression are candidates
Decompressive Craniectomy (SDC) is done to widen
for more extensive surgical treatment, if the conditions
the posterior fossa to accommodate the swollen tissue
are considered reversible (2).
and avoid fatal brainstem and fourth ventricle
The incidence of cases of cerebellar infarction
compression. Various surgical strategies include
complicated with massive edema range from 20% to
unilateral or bilateral craniectomy, opening of the
50% (3-10). Large infarctions of the cerebellum
foramen magnum, resection of the atlas lamina, and
developing space-occupying edema are often missed
duraplasty. Removal of necrotic cerebellum may be
until complications of mass effect cause clinical
used to create more space in the posterior fossa and
deterioration. The most dangerous complications are
lessen the developing cytotoxic edema (16-18).
Received: 10/11/2021
Accepted: 08/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 141)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_142 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1843-1847

Should Computed Tomography be Performed in All Chest Trauma Patients
Ahmad AbdelAleem ElDerie*, Hatem Abdelmoneim Elsorogy, Mohammed AbdelFattah Sanad,
Mohammed Elshabrawy Saleh, Gehad Ibrahim Awad
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmad AbdelAleem ElDerie, Mobile: (+2)01026626923,
Email: ahmadelderie@mans.edu.eg, ORCID: 0000-0001-6111-0439

Occult hemothorax is detected by Computed Tomography (CT) chest but missed initially by chest X-ray.
Supine position, presence of less than 300 ml of blood, and intrapleural adhesions are all causes of missed hemothorax
on initial chest x-ray.
Patients and methods: In this retrospective study, we revised 864 patients who had blunt chest trauma at Mansoura
Emergency Center from January 2016 to January 2020 and for them chest X-ray and CT chest were done. Patients having
hemothorax (320) were divided into occult and non-occult. The outcomes included patients' demographic data, number
of patients in each group, associated injuries, and lines of management.
Results: Chest X-ray helped diagnosis of 143 cases (44.68%) (Non-occult hemothorax). There were significant
statistical differences between the two groups as regard chest tube drainage (686+456 ml Vs 871+603 ml), hospital stays
(3-5 Vs 5-6 days), conservatively managed cases (33 (18.64%) Vs 3 (2,1%)), and surgical exploration for significant
bleeding (2 (1.13%) Vs 18 (12.58%)). On the other hand, there was no significant statistical deference as regard age
group, patient's gender, mortality, chest tube insertion, and exploration for associated injuries.
Conclusion: CT chest is the gold standard imaging tool for victims of chest trauma as it helps patient's evaluation and
diagnose occult cases of hemothorax who were missed in initial chest X-ray.
Keywords: Chest trauma, Computed tomography, Occult hemothorax.


patients, the distribution of blood will be along the whole
Hemothorax is a collection of blood in the pleural
posterior surface of the pleural space in the affected side
cavity, which is usually the result of blunt trauma. Chest
rather than the costodiaphragmatic recess, this results in
X-ray has historically been the imaging tool once patient
less apparent hemothorax and occasionally missed
arrives to the hospital (1).
completely (4). Chest X-ray has its own limitations.
It has been reported that chest traumas are

considered one of the most significant reasons of
Additionally, it is important to recognize that
mortality among the persons in the 4th decade of life. The
blunting the costophrenic angle requires 300­500 ml of
use of different modalities of imaging such as plain chest
blood. Up to 1000 ml can be missed in the supine position.
X-ray (CXR) computed tomography (CT) scan, and
intrapleural adhesions can alter the collection of fluid that
ultrasonography (US) is essential. In addition, it is
will cause any fluid or blood to occupy spaces other than
essential to declare that CT scan is the best modality with
the costophrenic angle (5).
highly significant diagnostic value for soft tissue and
In the evaluation of blunt trauma in adult, the CT
occult injuries. On the other hand, limited CT scan
utilization has increased significantly in the last twenty
availability in the medical centers, limitations in the
years, and several centers of trauma perform pan-scan
transfer of patients to radiology department and exposure
(head-to-pelvis CT) routinely for victims of major trauma,
to radiation are the chief drawbacks (2).
however this protocol is associated with clear and
Chest CT can diagnose more injuries than CXR,
significant risk of cancer. American College of Surgeons
the so-called occult injuries. Of these occult injuries is
in 2014 mentioned avoiding routine whole body trauma
occult hemothorax, which is defined as that one detected
CT as one of its five choosing Wisely recommendations
by CT chest but missed initially by chest X-ray (3).

In this study we will discuss our experience with
Upright CXR helps diagnosis by finding blunting
occult hemothorax, its percentage, management and our
of the costodiaphragmatic recess, which is the commonest
future view for the wider use of CT chest for all chest
sign of pleural effusions and hemothorax. In the supine
trauma patients and updating lines of management.
position, which is the case in most severely injured

Received: 11/11/2021
Accepted: 9/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 142)

ABSTRACT The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1848-1855

Incremental versus Conventional Hemodialysis: Which is Better for
Prevalent Hemodialysis Patients?
Ahmed Mohamed Tawfik Ahmed*1, Samah Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed2,
Haitham Ezzat Abd-Elaziz1, Gamal El-Sayed Mady1
1Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2Department of Nephrology, Dar Alshefa Hospital, Ministry of Health, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Mohamed Tawfik Ahmed, Mobile: (+20)01003669416,
Email: ahmedtawfik84@yahoo.com

Incremental hemodialysis is based on the simple idea of adjusting its dose according to the metrics of
residual kidney function. Indeed, most patients initiating dialysis have some degree of residual kidney function.
Incremental dialysis may preserve residual renal function and improve survival in comparison with full-dose dialysis.
Objective: To compare the intervention arm (incremental hemodialysis) with the control arm (standard 3 hemodialysis
Patients and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted, recruiting 50 patients from multiple hemodialysis
units, over six months. The prevalent patients were divided randomly into equal two treated groups. The outcomes
compared adequacy of hemodialysis and detection of hazards as well as complications, including vascular access failure
and associated interventions, cardiovascular events and hospital admissions, and mortality in both groups.
Results: Regarding the occurrence of cardiovascular events, chest pain, there were no significant differences between
both groups. Arrhythmia was not recorded in the incremental group, while in the conventional group it was recorded in
2 patients, and there was no significant difference between both groups. Regarding the need for hospital admission,
there was no significant difference between both groups. As regards the occurrence of vascular access failure, it was
recorded in 2 patients in the incremental group, compared to 4 patients in the conventional group, with no significant
difference between both groups. Adequacy of hemodialysis (in the form of urea reduction ratio and KT/V) was better
in the incremental group.
Conclusion: Incremental hemodialysis was superior to the conventional one regarding the adequacy of dialysis, with
monthly follow-up till 6 months. There were no significant differences between both groups regarding cardiovascular
events, vascular access failure, and hospitalization.
Incremental hemodialysis, Conventional hemodialysis, Cairo.


episodes of hypotension appear to have deleterious
The majority of hemodialysis (HD) patients
effects on both cardiac and cerebral function (6).
initiate dialysis with a relatively intense thrice-weekly
The other organ susceptible to hypotension and
HD sessions /week regimen of 3­4 hours per session,
often overlooked is the kidney; repeated episodes of
with little individualization of prescription based on
intradialytic hypotension are implicated in the loss of
residual kidney function (RKF) or other patient factors
RKF, which in turn has a negative impact on UOP and
(1). Incredibly, the 3 HD sessions/week schedule has
greater ultrafiltration requirements, leading to a vicious
been widely accepted worldwide without ever
cycle with progressive renal injury (7). Aside from end-
undergoing any randomized controlled trial (RCT) to
organ effects, the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice
examine whether less frequent HD treatments would be
Patterns Study (DOPPS) has highlighted the wide
inadequate or harmful (2). It is plausible that the routine
variation in time to recovery. Ten percent of all patients
practice of fixed-dose 3 HD sessions/ week in patients
took longer than 12 hours to recover from an HD
with substantial RKF may be harmful, contributing to
session, with an increased recovery time associated with
an accelerated loss of RKF (3). The Kidney Diseases
age and comorbidity (8).
Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) suggests that
Incremental HD has a lower burden of treatment.
minimum targets of the adequacy of the dialysis dose
There appear to be no adverse clinical effects during the
(Kt/V) may be reduced in those with residual renal urea
first years of incremental HD and when there is significant
clearance (Kru) <2mL/min/1.73 m2 (2).
RKF (9). The advantages of incremental HD might be
The European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG)
particularly important for elderly patients with short life
recommend measuring RKF in HD patients using the
expectancy, where transplantation is not an option (10).
mean of urea and creatinine clearances. The
RKF may confer many benefits to patients with
commencement of HD is associated with increased
end-stage renal disease (ESRD) on maintenance HD
levels of mortality, particularly in the elderly (4). This
including associations with better patient survival and
early period is associated with frequent episodes of
health-related quality of life (1). RKF in dialysis patients
hypotension even in units undertaking longer hours and
plays an important role in fluid and salt removal,
using slower ultrafiltration rates (5). Intradialytic
effective phosphorus excretion, middle molecule
clearance, and endogenous vitamin D and
Received: 12/11/2021
Accepted: 10/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 143)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_144 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1856-1863

Genu Varum in Children; Various Treatment Modalities for
Bowleg's Correction: Review article
Abdul-Hameed A. El-Hak*, Ehab M. Shehata, Amr I. Zanfaly, El-Sayed E. Soudy
Orthopedic Surgery Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
* Corresponding author: Abdul-Hameed A. El-Hak, E-mail: drmido450@gmail.com

Genu varum (Bowlegs) is among the most prevalent lower-limb misalignments correlated with pain and
impairment, and it continues to be a source of concern for parents. Corrective osteotomy is generally performed on
children with pathologic genu varum (GV) deformities to rectify the deformity. The treatment's purpose is to get the
knee back to its normal mechanical axis. Non-surgical therapy is recommended in children under the age of three since
it is difficult to distinguish between physiological bowing and early tibia vara. Various osteotomy techniques have been
used, including closing wedge lateral tibial osteotomy, dome osteotomy, and opening wedge medial osteotomy.
Objective: The current review aimed to figure out a better, less expensive, and more pleasant way to keep the open
wedge of valgus tibial osteotomy for GV malformation without adding expense, an unsightly scar or requiring a re-
operation for implant removal.
Methods: PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using the following keywords: Genu varum,
osteotomy, open and closed wedge osteotomy and autologous fibular strut. The authors also screened references from
the relevant literature, including all the identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete study was
Conclusion: Despite technological advances and new surgical operation. The treatment of GV deformity in kids is still
a serious concern for parents. Various osteotomy techniques have been used, including closing wedge lateral tibial
osteotomy, dome osteotomy, and opening wedge medial osteotomy. Autologous fibular strut graft is an excellent, if not
superior, graft for open wedge medial tibial osteotomy because of its strength, durability in preserving correction, cost-
effectiveness, ease of graft harvest, and restricted incision and pain sites.
Keywords: Genu varum, Osteotomy, Open and closed wedge osteotomy, Autologous fibular strut.


Genu varum (GV) is a Latin term referr to
primary objective of therapy is to reestablish the
Bowlegs. It's one of the most prevalent lower-limb
mechanical axis of the limb [5].
misalignments linked to pain and dysfunction.
The most popular GV correction procedures are
However, minimal attention has been paid to limb
open and closed high tibial osteotomies. Numerous
position and muscle actions while doing tasks in
approaches have been utilized in children to preserve
patients with GV [1]. This condition can appear at any
the open wedge of the medial tibial osteotomy. Iliac
age, from infancy to maturity, and it can be caused by a
crest grafts, orthopaedic plates and screws, and artificial
variety of factors. As the condition worsens, the patient
bone replacements are a few examples [6].
may develop lateral knee thrust and a waddling gait.
The downsides of an iliac crest transplant include
There may be in-toeing as well as subsequent
the need for surgery at a remote location, pain, an
consequences on the hip and ankle [2].
unsightly scar, and infection. On the other side, bone
Its pathogenesis is both physiologic and
replacements are costly and add to the expense of what
pathologic. In physiologic GV, the condition is self-
appears to be a straightforward treatment, as well as an
limiting and normally requires just clinical follow-up.
additional burden in a poor country. Utilizing plates and
However, in pathological situations, the disease often
screws will necessitate a second operation to remove the
progresses over time, predisposing to mechanical lower
implant [7].
limb difficulties as well as joint disorders [3]. The
The current review aimed to figure out a better,
physiologic form is still the most frequent globally, with
less expensive, and more pleasant way to keep the open
nutritional rickets coming in second and other causes
wedge of valgus tibial osteotomy for GV malformation
being uncommon or even exceedingly rare. Systemic
without adding expense, an unsightly scar or requiring
disorders like achondroplasia, vitamin D-resistant
a re-operation for implant removal.
rickets, renal osteodystrophy, and osteogenesis

imperfecta may also be associated with GV [4].
Genu varum (GV):
Intervention indications are not usually properly
GV (tibia vara) is a varus malformation identified
defined. Focal fibrocartilaginous dysplasia is an
by outward knee bending that implies the lower leg is
uncommon condition that typically does not require
bent inside with relation to the thigh's axis, giving the
treatment. Several surgical techniques for pathologic
limb the image of an archer's bow (Figure 1). The femur
GV have been documented, including proximal tibial
and tibia are typically angled medially [8].
osteotomy, hemi epiphysiodesis, asymmetric physeal
distraction, and medial tibial plateau elevation. The
Received: 14/11/2021
Accepted: 12/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 144)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_145 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1864-1871

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Foot Care among Adult Diabetic
Patients at Prince Abdul-Aziz bin Majid Diabetes Center in Al Madinah
City, Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Alean Albalawi*, Wafa Allauddin Sheikh
Family Medicine Academy, Al Madinah City, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author: Mohammed Alean Albalawi,,Email: mohammedalean@hotmail.com, Mobile: 0552475825

Diabetic foot refers to various degrees of neurological and vascular abnormalities affecting the foot and
the tendency towards deep foot tissue destruction, ulceration and infection.
Objective: This study is conducted to assess the level of knowledge and practice about foot care among adult diabetic
patients attending Prince Abdul-Aziz ben Majid diabetic center in Al Madinah City, Saudi Arabia 2020.
Patients and Methods:
A descriptive cross-sectional study. A valid structured questionnaire was used to collect the
data of diabetic adult patients attending Diabetics Center Prince Abdul-Aziz bin Majid in Al Madinah city. The statistical
analysis was done by using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS).
Results: 363 participants completed the questionnaire, 57% of them were males and 43% were females. 90.6% of
participants scored good knowledge level while 9.4% scored poor knowledge score. 77.1% of participants scored good
attitude level while 22.9% scored poor attitude score. 93.7% of participants scored good practice level while 6.3% scored
poor practice score. Overall, good knowledge score was significantly associated with occupation of participant (P=
0.002), duration of diabetes (P= 0.024), and number of visits to the clinic (P= 0.020). There was a significant association
between good attitude score with educational level of participants (P= 0.001) but not with other sociodemographic
characteristics. A significant association was also found between good practice score with educational level of
participants (P= 0.005).
Conclusion: In conclusion, diabetic patients participated in our study showed good scores for knowledge, attitude and
practice when compared to previous literature in Saudi Arabia and worldwide.
Key words: Attitude, Diabetic patients, Foot Care, Knowledge, Practice.


of DM in Saudi Arabia is 23.7%, where male to female
World Health Organization described diabetes
prevalence were 26.2% and 21.5% respectively [3].
mellitus (DM) as metabolic disorder of multiple
Previous studies show that, the lifetime risk of
etiology [1]. The world prevalence of diabetes among
developing a diabetic foot ulcer among diabetic patients
adults is 6.4%, in 2010, and will increase to 7.7%
is approximately 15% compared to those who are not
between 2010 and 2030. [2].
diabetic [5]
Diabetic foot refers to various degrees of
A descriptive cross-sectional study by
neurological and vascular abnormalities affecting the
Alshammari et al. determining the knowledge, attitude,
foot and the tendency towards deep foot tissue
and practice showed that only 76.6% had good
destruction, ulceration and infection. Diabetic foot are
knowledge, 11.1% attended an educational classes,
common throughout the world, which effect the
22.0%, were educated by doctor and 10.3% by a nurse
economic consequences of the patients, their families,
where only 47.6% inspect there foot daily [7].
and society. It is assessed that roughly 15% of the more
Another cross-sectional hospital-based study
than 150 million persons having DM globally at
conducted between 2011 and 2012 by Al Odhayani et
particular phase will grow diabetic foot ulcer [3,4].
al., in Riyadh hospitals, Saudi Arabia was done to judge
Improper foot care among diabetic lead to a
the side by side foot care practices among diabetics
major basis of indisposition and premature death and
showed that 64% percent are at high risk for diabetic
diabetic foot complications contribute substantially to
foot and 7.10% are at low risk only, 42% of total
health care costs. The prevalence of diabetic foot
participants have regular foot care the study showed that
complications among the diabetic patients overall 3.3%
over 60% of non-traumatic lower limb amputations are
in which foot ulcer 2.05%, gangrene 0.19%, and
due to foot ulcer [5].
amputations 1.06% [5,6].
One of the advanced centers in Al Madinah City
While in other view educating the patient about
for the treatment and follow-up of diabetics that
the complication and the need for proper foot care
includes many specialized clinics is Prince Abdul-Aziz
among diabetic will reduce the risk of complication and
bin Majid Diabetes Center. It has an educational clinic
lead to improve the quality of life and, consequently, an
unit that aims to change the wrong lifestyle into a
increased economic burden on the individual and
healthy lifestyle that helps reduce the complications of
society as a whole [6].
the disease.
In Saudi Arabia an epidemiological health
During our research working time at primary health
survey was conducted and showed that the prevalence
care center and clinical rotation at diabetic center, we
Received: 14/11/2021
Accepted: 12/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 145)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1872-1875

Use of Antiepileptics in Different Causes of
Acute Asymptomatic Seizures: Review Article
Ahmed El Sayed Badawy, Aya Abd El Hakeem Younis*, Mona Mohamad Amer
Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
*Corresponding Author: Aya Abd El Hakeem Younis, Email: ayahbishr@gmail.com

: Acute symptomatic seizures (ASS), also known as reactive, triggered, or situation-related seizures, used
to be described as a seizure that occurred at the time of or in close proximity to the occurrence of a recorded brain
damage, seizures that occur within a short period of time after neurological or systemic assaults, and are therefore
regarded to be a symptom of an acute disease affecting the brain in some way, shape, or form. After the active phase
of central nervous system (CNS) infection or inflammatory disease has ended, based on persistent clinical, laboratory,
or imaging finesse, a time window exists during which those acute seizures can be considered symptoms of an acute
disease, and the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) suggested that it is one week following stroke, head
trauma, or anoxic encephalopathy. The therapy of ASS is different from that of unprovoked seizures, therefore
antiepileptic treatment may be required in the acute phase, but it is rarely necessary long term because acute
symptomatic seizures are unlikely to return unless the underlying acute causative disease develops once again.
Objective: To make an overview of new guidelines for treatment of most common causes of acute symptomatic
Conclusion: Acute symptomatic seizures are those caused by an acute general medical/surgical or neurological insult
and generally tending not to recur with no need for long-term antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) treatment.
Keywords: Acute symptomatic seizures, Antiepileptics, Central nervous system.

OR, NOT) had been used such as [Antiepileptics AND
Beghi et al. (1) defined if you have an acute CNS
acute symptomatic seizures OR central nervous system]
insult caused by a metabolic or toxic or structural or
and in peer-reviewed articles between April 2008 and
viral process or inflammation, you are more likely to
June 2021; a 13-year date range was selected, however,
experience acute symptomatic seizures, and the time
the range of time interval for researches was wide as
between the injury and onset of the seizure may vary
there's scarcity of data on the particular reviewed,
based on your underlying clinical condition. Instead of
accurate and depth in the retrieved literature.
terms such as triggered seizure, reactive seizure, or
Documents in a language apart from English have been
situation-related seizure, they suggested using the
excluded as sources for interpretation was not found.
phrase acute symptomatic seizure instead.
Papers apart from main scientific studies had been
Seizures that occur within a short period of time
excluded: documents unavailable as total written text,
after neurological or systemic assaults, are therefore
conversation, conference abstract papers and
regarded to be a symptom of an acute disease affecting
the brain in some way, shape, or form. After the active

phase of CNS infection or inflammatory disease has
Epidemiology of ASS:
ended, based on persistent clinical, laboratory, or
Nearly 40% of all seizures, 40% of all afebrile
imaging finesse, a time window exists during which
seizures, and 50%­70% of all episodes of status
those acute seizures can be considered symptoms of an
epilepticus are caused by acute symptomatic seizures.
acute disease, and the International League Against
Acute symptomatic seizures had an overall life-time
Epilepsy (ILAE) suggested that it is one week
risk of 3.6 percent, which is close to the likelihood of
developing epilepsy. Medical admissions in
underdeveloped nations have an acute symptomatic
The aim of this review article is to make an
seizure rate of 2% to 5%, while 3.5 percent of intensive
overview of new guidelines for treatment of most
care unit patients had acute symptomatic seizures (3).
common causes of acute symptomatic seizures.
As many as 29­39 seizures per 100,000 people

occur each year, according to the National Institutes of
Health (NIH). Acute symptomatic seizures are more
A search strategy has been performed to
common in the younger and older populations. There
determine the related literature. Initially, the objective
are several typical triggers, including fever, traumatic
of review was identified. Relevant keywords and
brain injury (TBI), cerebrovascular illness, drug
synonymous key words had been used.
withdrawal and infection (4).
These databases were searched for articles

published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google
Treatment of ASS:
scholar- science direct] and Boolean operators (AND,
According to Halawa(5) epilepsy does not have to

be diagnosed in all situations where seizures are
Received: 14/11/2021
Accepted: 12/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 146)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_147 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1876-1882

Interventricular Septal Thickness and Doppler Indices as Multiparametric
Assessment of High-Risk Pregnancy and Their Relation to Fetal Outcome
Hend Galal Eldeen Mohamed Ali Hssan1,2, Mona Aly Abd El Wahed1, Mohamed M. Abdel Aziz*1
1Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
2Department of Technology of Radiology and Medical Imaging,
Faculty of Applied Health Science Technology, Galala University
*Corresponding author: Mohamed M. Abdel Aziz, Mobile: (+20) 01006265054,
E-mail addresses: m.mamdouh83@gmail.com, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0699-9180

Basic ultrasound measurement is not enough for proper assessment for the high-risk pregnancy like
gestational diabetes mellitus and preeclampsia.
Objective: This study aimed to add more parameters for evaluation of high-risk pregnancy including Doppler parameter
and interventricular septal thickness, and their reflection on fetal outcome
Patients and methods: 75 pregnant women were presented between 28-38 weeks gestation. They were divided into
three groups: Group I included 25 pregnant diabetic women, group II included 25 pregnant women with gestational
diabetes mellitus (GDM) and preeclampsia, and group III included 25 normal pregnant women as a control group (NC).
Fetal hemodynamic indices were measured to all included groups and represented as the resistance index (RI), pulsatility
index (PI) of umbilical artery (UA), middle cerebral artery (MCA), and interventricular septal (IVS) thickness.
Results: The independent samples t-test showed that fetal weight, as well as the abdominal circumference (AC), was
larger in GDM than in NC (P < 0.05) while were smaller in GDM with preeclampsia than in NC. Also, IVS thickness
was larger in GDM than in NC (P < 0.05), while t-test showed that umbilical PI was higher in preeclampsia than in NC
(P < 0.05) vice versa the MCA PI was lower in the preeclampsia than in NC (P < 0.05).
Conclusion: Doppler indices especially MCA and umbilical PI as well as the interventricular septal thickness in late
pregnancy were helpful in the diagnosis and assessment of high-risk pregnancy as well as their follow-up and in turn
they could be considered as an indicator of poor fetal outcome.
Keywords: Fetus, Gestational diabetes mellitus, Infant, Middle cerebral artery, Ultrasound, Umbilical artery.

the structure but also at the level of the cardiac function
Several factors can make pregnancy high risk,
including for example diabetes mellitus (DM), pre-
Asymmetrical increase of interventricular septal
eclampsia (PE), rupture of membrane (ROM) as well as
thickness is seen in the fetus with diabetic mother with
maternal age (1). Clinical assessment of high-risk
an increase in the incidence in the fetus of mothers with
pregnancy including the biophysical profile and daily
insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) rather
fetal movement does not offer a high stander level for
than insulin-independent DM (IIDM) (8).
assessment of fetal well-being with high sensitivity and
The diagnosis of the increased interventricular
specificity (2).
Antenatal screening of the uteroplacental flow by
echocardiography (9).
using Doppler indices of the umbilical, uterine arteries

like pulsatile index, resistant index, or the presence of
an early diastolic notch are used as a predictor of the
This observational prospective study was
antenatal complication like intrauterine growth
conducted from September 2020 until August 2021.
restriction (IUGR) (3).
The study included 75 pregnant women presented
Decrease of the blood flow to fetal circulation leads
between 28-38 weeks gestation. They were divided into
to fetal brain hypoxia, which can be detected by an
three groups: Group I (GDM group) included 25
increase in the resistive index in the umbilical artery
pregnant women, group II (combined GDM with pre-
with a decrease in the middle cerebral artery resistive
eclampsia) included 25 pregnant women and group III
index, which is called "brain sparing" (4, 5).
(NC group) included 25 pregnant.
Assessment of feto-placental vascular bed by using

color Doppler gives information about feto-maternal
Inclusion criteria:
circulation and its state, colour Doppler can assess the
Pregnant women with age ranging between 25­38
early abnormal pattern in the blood flow to the fetus,
years, 3rd-trimester pregnant women of a single fetus
thus helping in the decision of the onset of the delivery,
between 28 weeks and 39-weeks gestation with GDM,
that leads to decrease of the maternal morbidity and
and combined GDM with preeclampsia. Control group
mortality (6). The fetal high insulin level due to changes
are 3rd-trimester pregnant women of a single fetus
in the diabetic mother metabolism leads to changes in
between 28 weeks and 39-weeks gestation with no risk
the cardiomyocyte gene expression that in turn leads to
factor, checked by measuring fasting plasma glucose
malformation of the fetal heart not only at the level of
(FPG) concentration that was less than 140 mg/dl and
Received: 13/11/2021
Accepted: 11/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 147)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_148 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1883-1887

Tissue Doppler-Derived Left Ventricular Myocardial Performance Index in
Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Sahar Abd El Raouf Elsharawy, Shaimaa Naser Abd Ellatif*, Heba Abouzeid
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Shaimaa Naser Abd Ellatif, Mobile: (+20) 01024408896,
E-Mail: shiamaanaser71@gmail.com

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a serious global health problem currently reaching epidemic proportions. It
may be complicated with cardiomyopathy. Pulsed wave tissue Doppler can provide quantitative diagnostic information
for the assessment of myocardial systolic and diastolic velocity.
Objective: Our study aimed to assess ventricular myocardial performance in type I diabetes mellitus using tissue
Doppler echocardiography.
Patients and Methods:
This study was carried out at Pediatric Cardiology Unit, Zagazig University Hospitals. 64 age-
and sex-matched children were classified into case group included 32 type 1 DM and control group included 32 healthy
children. They underwent complete history and conventional and tissue Doppler echocardiographic examination.
Results: E` wave velocity was lower in cases compared to control children (p <0.001). A positive correlation was found
between mitral annular À wave velocity and left ventricular myocardial performance index (LV MPI) measured by
tissue Doppler imaging.
Conclusion: Early diastolic dysfunction was found in our patients evidenced by reduced E` wave velocity measured by
tissue Doppler imaging. The absolute value of LV MPI was higher in patients compared to control children. A finding
designating that statistical significance may be found at a longer term follow up study of our diabetic children. LV tissue
Doppler-derived MPI was found to have significant positive correlation with mitral annular À wave velocity although
systolic LV function was normal in patients when measured by traditional echocardiography in terms of EF and FS.
Diabetes mellitus, Tissue Doppler echocardiography, Myocardial performance index.


Health, Zagazig, Egypt, were retrospectively recruited.
Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic
The control group included 32 asymptomatic healthy
disease characterized by sustained hyperglycemia that
children selected at outpatient clinic of Pediatric
leads to diabetic cardiomyopathy. While the diagnosis
Cardiology from children who were being investigated
rests on a simple measurement of blood glucose,
for cardiac
murmur and
accurate classification is often more involved (1). Type 1
whose echocardiography showed no structural heart
diabetes diagnosed in childhood often has an abrupt
onset with significant acute symptoms and is thus easily

identified but the progression of autoimmune diabetes
Patients: Thirty-two children with type I diabetes
is often more insidious in adults (2).
mellitus that was diagnosed according to the World
It remains hard to prove that uncomplicated
Health Organization criteria (5) together with a
diabetes mellitus already affects myocardial function in
permanent need for insulin therapy
asymptomatic children at an early stage of the disease.

Hence, children with uncomplicated diabetes may serve
Control subjects: Thirty-two healthy children of
as an ideal model to study the cardiac effect of diabetic
comparable age and gender to cases. Children in the
metabolic conditions in the absence of potentially
control group had to have no congenital heart disease,
confounding ischemic events (3).
hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, or diabetes.
Tissue Doppler Echocardiography can provide

quantitative diagnostic information for the assessment
Inclusion criteria: Patients had type I diabetes mellitus
of myocardial deformation (4). Therefore, our study
below 18 years of age.
aimed to assess ventricular myocardial performance in

type I diabetes mellitus using tissue Doppler
Exclusion criteria:
Patients with congenital or rheumatic heart disease.

Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Patients with acute heart failure, dilated
This study was performed at Pediatric Cardiology
cardiomyopathy, chronic renal failure, hypertension
Unit, Zagazig University Hospitals on 64 participants
and/or previous cardiac surgery.
divided equally into patients and control groups through
Family history of hypercholesterolemia
the period from January 2019 to July 2021.

All patients were subjected to the following:
Study population: 32 patients with type I diabetes, who
1- Full history taking.
were followed up at Outpatient Clinic of Ministry of
2- Full general examination.
Received: 13/11/2021
Accepted: 11/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 148)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_149 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1888- 1892

Botulinum Toxin Type A injection versus placebo Treatment of
Primary Palmar Hyperhidrosis
Manal Mohamed Elsayed, Soheir Mohammed Ghonemy Mohammed, Najat Hussain Ali Sheneeb*
Department of Dermatology, Venereology & Andrology, Faculty of Medicine- Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Najat Hussain Ali Sheneeb, E-mail: nagat75200@gmail.com

When the hands, axillae and soles of the feet are excessively perspirated, it can be debilitating. Type A
botulinum toxin-A (BTX-A) prevents sweating by preventing sweat glands from releasing acetylcholine.
Objective: This study aimed to assess role of Botulinum toxin type A injection versus placebo treatment of primary
palmar hyperhidrosis.
Patients and Methods: twenty four patients presented with primary palmar hyperhidrosis (PPH) were collected from
Dermatology Outpatient Clinics, Zagazig University Hospital. Their left hands were treated by placebo and their right
hands were treated using BTX-A injection.
Results: Improvement of HDSS (score 4) regarding treatment modalities. HDSS (score 4) before treatment improved
after to be 6.7%, 66.7%,8.3%,8.3% score 1, score 2, score 3, score 4 in right side treated with Botulinum toxin type A
injection ,versus 16.7%, 33.3%,20.8%, in left side treated with placebo treatment. There was significant high percent of
excellent response for Botulinum toxin type A injection among females and patients with delay onset of disease
Conclusion: BTX injections appear to be more effective than placebo. It's still one of the most popular noninvasive
cosmetic procedures, and neurotoxin. BTX is still an effective and predictable agent.
Keywords: Botulinum toxin, Primary palmar hyperhidrosis.


The acetylcholine release in sweat glands is blocked
When the hands, axillae and soles of the feet are
by botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A). Excessive
excessively perspirated, it can be debilitating. Those
sweating in primary axillary and palmoplantar
with palmar hyperhidrosis may find it difficult to write
hyperhidrosis was reduced by intradermal BTX-A
because the page becomes wet. They may have
injections. Topical anesthesia makes it simple to
difficulty writing with a pen or pencil. Sports that
administer intradermal BTX-A to the axillary skin. The
require a strong grip, as well as playing musical
majority of patients who undergo intradermal BTX-A
instruments, may be out of the question. It is possible
for palmoplantar sweating necessitate regional nerve
for the patient to become isolated and socially awkward.
block anesthesia (5, 6).
People who suffer from hyperhidrosis often seek

treatment for their palms and axillae, which are the most
affected areas (1).
In this comparative study, twenty four patients
Palmar hyperhidrosis is a condition in which the
presented with primary palmar hyperhidrosis (PPH).
palms sweat excessively, above and beyond the amount
They were collected from Dermatology Outpatient
necessary to keep the body cool. Adults are more likely
Clinics, Zagazig University Hospital. These volunteers
to suffer from it than children. Disruptive to the patient's
were randomly divided into two groups, split hand that
social or work life, it can be emotionally challenging,
received four treatments at 2-week intervals.
socially embarrassing and professionally disruptive. In
extreme cases, sweat drips from the hands and gives the
Group A included left hands of the 24 patients
impression of nervousness. The most common
with excessive palmar perspiration and excessive
explanation is that it stems from stress or other
sweating treated with placebo treatment, and group B
emotional factors, but this is not always the case (2).
that included right hands of the 24 patients with
Most commonly, aluminium chloride hexahydrate
excessive palmar perspiration and excessive sweating
(ACH) is applied to the skin to alleviate symptoms of
treated with BTX-A injection.
mild to moderate severity. It is a first-line treatment

because of its wide availability, cost-effectiveness, and
Inclusion criteria:
ease of use. Water, alcohol, ether, and glycerol all
1. Aged up to 50.
contain ACH in concentrations ranging from 6.25% to
2. Male and females.
40%. ACH concentrations in over-the-counter (OTC)
3. Diagnosed with moderate and severe primary
antiperspirants are limited to 12.5%. Aluminum
palmar hyperhidrosis (PPH) and meeting
chloride in ethyl alcohol, 6.25% aluminum
diagnostic criteria. The symptoms of severe
tetrachloride, and 12% aluminum chloride in sodium
palmar hyperhidrosis include base score of 3 or
carbonate-water are all commonly prescribed
4 on the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale
formulations (3, 4).
and a minimum sweat production gravimetric
Received: 15/11/2021
Accepted: 13/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 149)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_150 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1893-1898

The Impact of Social Support on The Mental and Physical State of Patients with
Epilepsy During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Mohammad Gamal Sehlo1, Wafaa Samir Mohamed2, Usama Mahmoud Youssef1,
Shrouk Esam Lotfi*3, Ghada Mohamed Salah El-deen1
Departments of 1Psychiatry, 2Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
Department of 3Neuropsychiatry, Abbaseya Hospital for Mental Illness, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Shrouk Esam Lotfi, E-Mail: drshrouk2aqsa@gmail.com

Social support has a significant role for patients with chronic conditions like epilepsy. The Covid-19
pandemic has had a negative impact on people around the world and is expected to have a greater impact on people with
disabilities. As a part of our Covid-19 pandemic study, we're looking at the impact of social support on patients with
epilepsy (PWE).
Objective: This study aims to assess social support and its effects on PWE during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Patients and Methods: A total of 290 PWE were included in this study. Personal interviews with each patient were
conducted using the Oslo Social Support Scale (OSSS 3) for measuring social support, the Patient Health Questionnaire
9 (PHO 9) scale for diagnosing and assessing the severity of depression, and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale for
diagnosing and assessing the severity of anxiety (GAD 7). Results: During the pandemic, we observed a decrease in
family support for PWE, which was associated with an increase in depression and anxiety. As the pandemic spreads,
we found that a lack of social support is linked to an increase in depressive symptoms and seizures.
Social support plays an important role in psychological well-being and for a better course of disease in
Keywords: Social support, Epilepsy, Covid-19.


Individuals in one's immediate social circle
To conduct this cross-sectional study, we enrolled
provide social support in the form of assistance (1).
two hundred and ninety patients who had been
Social support is a critical mechanism in the
previously diagnosed with epilepsy using the most
management of chronic conditions, and it is especially
recent ILAE classification. From August 2020 to
important in the treatment of epilepsy (2). Emotional and
September 2021, at Zagazig University Hospital,
physical stress can lead to seizures, which necessitate
Sharkia, Egypt, patients were gathered from the
the assistance of family members and friends (3). Social
Neurology Department's outpatient clinic and inpatient
support is thought to alleviate stressful events, ongoing
life stressors, and long-term health issues (1).
In the study, both sexes between the ages of 19 and 60
It has been noticed that patients with epilepsy who
lack social experience a worse course of the disease (1).
conditions such as psychiatric illness and substance
The COVID-19 pandemic has instilled fear,
abuse were excluded from the study. Patients with
uncertainty, and a sense of helplessness within people
Covid-19 infections were also excluded.
all over the world (4).

Distress during the pandemic is caused not only by
medical issues, but also by related phenomena such as
1-Form for collecting demographic and clinical
business closures, cultural discrimination, isolation
data on patients, including questions about their health
brought on by home quarantine, and financial problems
history and personal characteristics, as well as
(5). When a pandemic lasts for weeks or months, people
information about the COVID 19 pandemic. Inquire
experience a great deal of stress and anxiety due to the
about the patient's current and past health and well-
stress of being cooped up for long periods and not
being as well as their family's history of mental illness
knowing whether or not they will succumb to the
and epilepsy, as well as their marital and employment
disease (6).Evidence showed that many PWE
status, and the number and ages of their children.
experienced major disruptions in the quality and
Specific seizures, response to antiepileptic drugs
availability of care and that some people's seizure
(AEDs), the age of onset and time of the seizure as well
frequency had increased since the pandemic began.
as how many AEDs have been taken., Prevalence of
Furthermore, many PWE may experience higher levels
seizure visits to emergency rooms before and during the
of stress and social isolation than others (7).
pandemic, as well as the number of such visits during
The lack of social support during the pandemic is
the pandemic itself, the epidemic, fear of having an
expected to have a negative impact on PWE. During the
uncontrollable seizure, and regular follow-up during the
Covid-19 pandemic, our study aims to assess social
epidemic. People who are close to someone who is
support for PWE and investigate the possible effects of
infected or dies as a result of the pandemic and sleep
social isolation on PWE's mental and physical health.
disturbances, Data on family support, job changes, and

Received: 16/11/2021
Accepted: 14/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 150)

Comparative study between Racz technique alone and Racz with radiofrequency in the management of failed back surgery syndrome The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1899-1906

Outcome of Neonatal Sepsis in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in
Zagazig University Hospitals
Ali A. Abdou, Amal M. Abd El-Latef, Mahmoud M.M.A. Elnaggar*
Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mahmoud M.M.A. Elnaggar, Email: dr.mahmoud.elnagga1985r@gmail.com

Early and late onset sepsis is defined as presenting before and after the first 72 hours of birth. The general
fatality rate of early-onset sepsis varies between 15-40%.
Objective: The aim of study is to detect outcome of neonatal sepsis in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Patients and methods: This study consisted of 190 neonates at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Zagazig University
Hospitals with (69.5%) of them were admitted to NICU in the 1st day, (27.9%) with gestational age more than 37 weeks,
(40.0%) had weight from 1500- 2000 gram, males represented (52.2%) and (55.3%) were born by cesarean section.
They were divided into 2 groups; positive and negative blood culture groups.
Results: Pregnancy age and birth weight were statistically significantly different between the groups, the septic and
non-septic groups differed statistically in all manipulations except IV cannula. There was statistically significant
difference between the septic and non-septic groups as premature labor, obstructed labor, mother RH -ve or +ve,
premature rupture of membranes (PROM), chorioamnionitis, antepartum hemorrhage, respiratory distress, prematurity,
CNS insult and perinatal asphyxia and congenital anomalies, ventilation modes, ventilation duration, hospital stay and
causes of death. Conclusion: Prematurity, low body weight (BW), obstructed labor, PROM, chorioamnionitis, umbilical
catheterization and mechanical ventilation are the most important risk factors. The commonest cause of admission to
NICU was respiratory distress followed by prematurity and lastly hypoglycemia. Klebsiella pneumonia, Staphylococcus
aureus and E-coli are the most common isolated organisms of blood cultures.
Keywords: Neonatal intensive care unit, Neonatal sepsis, Nosocomial infection.

the costs and length of hospitalization associated with
Neonatal sepsis it is still the leading cause of
neonatal sepsis remain high in both developed and
newborn mortality and morbidity despite recent
developing countries (7).
improvements in health care facilities. A neonatal
Aim of this study is to detect outcome of neonatal
mortality rate of more than 40% results in the deaths of
sepsis in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Zagazig
more than 3.1 million newborns every year (1). In low-
University Hospitals.
and middle-income countries, more than a million of

these deaths are linked to infectious diseases like
neonatal sepsis, meningitis, and pneumonia (2). Neonatal
From January 2018 to December 2018, Zagazig
sepsis/pneumonia alone is responsible for a quarter of
University Hospitals conducted a cross-sectional study
the estimated four million neonatal deaths worldwide
in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
each year, representing a third of all severe infections (3).
When an infant is less than 28 days old and has
The medical records of patients admitted to Zagazig
systemic symptoms of infection and a bacterial
University Hospital's Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
pathogen in their bloodstream, they are considered to
(NICU) between January 2018 and December 2018
have neonatal sepsis, which is defined by this. (4). A
were screened for neonatal sepsis cases (190 cases).
fully developed immune system, as well as structural
Inclusion criteria:
components, are all missing in newborns, especially
All cases diagnosed with neonatal sepsis either acquired
those who were born prematurely or were underweight
it before admission (early sepsis: acquired before or
(5). Furthermore NICU admitted neonates are exposed to
during delivery) or after admission (late and nosocomial
interventional therapeutics that may allow entry of
sepsis) to Zagazig University Hospital NICU.
pathogens as intubation, ventilation, central venous
catheter, peripheral intravenous line, total parenteral
Exclusion criteria: Cases have multiple congenital
nutrition (TPN), venipuncture and urinary catheter that
anomalies incompatible with life, cases died before
may cause neonatal sepsis including blood stream
confirming the final diagnosis, and cases with deficient
infection, pneumonia, urinary tract infection, meningitis
data about the outcome.
and skin infection. Conversely, neonatal sepsis
survivors are still at risk for long-term and short-term
Medical records of cases admitted to Zagazig
neurodevelopmental morbidity (6).
university hospital NICU in the period from January
Sepsis is still a significant contributor to mortality
2018 to December 2018 were searched for cases of
and morbidity among very-low-birthweight (VLBW,
neonatal sepsis according to the inclusion and exclusion
1500 g) infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units
criteria (Figure 1).
(NICUs) despite advances in neonatal care. As a result,
Received: 15/11/2021
Accepted: 13/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 151)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_152 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1907-1912

Immunohistochemical Expression of Ki67 in
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
Zeinab Ibrahim Abdelhalim Elakabawy*1, Moshira Mohammed Abd-Elwahed1, Asmaa Gaber Abdou1, Hala
Said Bassyony El-rebey1, Iman Loay Hussein Abu Alkhair2, Mona Abd-Elhalim Kandil1
1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt
2Department of Pathology, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Zeinab Ibrahim Abdelhalim Elakabawy, Mobile: (+20)01029090830,
E-mail: zainabalakabawy@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0002-7973-3252


Background: One of the most common types of gastrointestinal neoplasms is a GIST (gastrointestinal stromal
tumourKi67 is a proliferation marker that can detect all but G0 proliferating cells.
Objective: To evaluate Ki67 expression in GIST and its correlation with the clinicopathologic parameters including
survival using immunohistochemical method.
Patients and Methods: In this study, Ki67 immunohistochemistry was performed on sections cut from 56 formalin-
fixed, paraffin-embedded GIST. Diagnosis of GIST was confirmed by positive expression of C-kit in all cases except 5
negative cases that were positive for PDGFRA. Clinical data included age, gender, tumour location (gastrointestinal and
extra gastrointestinal), tumour size, lymph node status, presence of distant metastasis, and patient status. The assessed
pathological parameters included mitotic count, cell type (spindle, mixed spindle and epithelioid, epithelioid) and
necrosis. Cases are divided into very low, low, moderate and high-risk groups according to National institute of health
and 2006 risk stratification.
Results: Ki67 expression ranged between 0.5-6.6 % with a median of 3 % and a mean±SD of 3.08±1.77 %. 60.7% had
low Ki67 labelling index (LI) (below the median, 3%), 39.3% had high Ki67 LI (above the median 3%). Ki67 LI was
significantly correlated to mitosis (P=0.010), 2006 risk stratification (P value=0.027) and with young patients (P=0.019).
However, it has no correlation with the overall survival and rest of clinicopathological parameters.
Conclusion: Ki67 could be included in risk stratification of GIST since its expression is correlated with GIST risk
Keywords: Immunostaining, GIST, Ki67, Mitosis, Risk stratification.


including GIST, can use Ki67 as an appropriate
Mesenchymal tumors in the digestive tract, such as
proliferation marker (5).
gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), are the most
The aim of the present study was to evaluate
common, accounting for 0.1­3% of all cases of
Ki67 expression in GIST and its correlation with the
gastrointestinal cancer. GIST are clinically relevant,
clinicopathologic parameters including survival using
despite their rarity, because at least 10­30% of them are
immunohistochemical method.
malignant (1).

More than 60% of tumors are found in the stomach,
which is followed by the duodenum (4-5%), colon (4%),
There were 56 patients with gastrointestinal stromal
oesophagus (1-2%), and rectal (1-2%) regions (1-2%)
tumors included in the research (GIST). The National
(2). Appendix and gallbladder GIST are extremely rare.
Cancer Institute, Cairo University's archive of formalin-
Extra-visceral GIST, such as in the mesentery, pelvis,
fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks was searched
omentum, or retroperitoneum, is extremely rare. Extra
from 2006 to 2013. Data from the medical files of
gastrointestinal GIST is the name given to tumors found
patients at Cairo University's National Cancer Institute
in the preceding locations (3).
were retrieved for this study. The patients' medical
An indicator of cell division and proliferation, the
records and/or personal contact provided the source of
nuclear antigen Ki67 is closely linked to cell mitosis.
the follow-up data.
Ki67 is only found in cells that are actively
Clinical data included age, gender, tumour location
proliferating, and it is present throughout the cell cycle
(gastrointestinal and extra gastrointestinal), tumour
at stages G1, S, and G2 (4). Except for G0, the mitotic
size, lymph node status, presence of distant metastasis,
index only reflects the M stage of mitosis, which Ki67
and patient status. Necrosis, mitotic count, cell type
can recognise. As a result, any malignant tumour,
(epithelioid, epithelioid mixed), and cell type were all
examined as pathological parameters. It was determined
Received: 16/11/2021
Accepted: 14/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 152)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_153 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1913-1919

Complications of Laparoscopic Restorative Rectal Carcinoma Resection
Mohamed W. Arafa*, Ayman M.A. Ali, Hosam F. Abdelhameed, Abd-El Hafiz Hosny Mohamed
Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed W. Arafa, Mobile: (+20) 01020036846, E-Mail: mohamadwagehsurg@yahoo.com

Laparoscopic restorative proctectomy (LRP) for rectal carcinoma (RC) is considered to be a technically
demanding procedure with many risk factors known to be associated with occurrence of complications.
Objective: We aimed with this study to evaluate the various risk factors affecting perioperative and postoperative
morbidity in LRP for RC.
Patients and Methods: This is a prospective observational study included patients suffering from middle and distal
third RC admitted electively to Sohag University Hospital and Colorectal Unit in Ain Shams University between January
2017 and December 2019 with a mean follow-up of 20 months. Patients were evaluated and analysed regarding
demographics, clinical picture, different investigations, efficacy of LRP, and different risk factors for perioperative and
postoperative complications.
Results: A total of 35 patients underwent LRP for RC, perioperative complications happened in 8.5% and postoperative
complications happened in 22.9%. Analysis of the variables affecting the occurrence of complications by univariate
logistic regression showed that patients with co-morbidity were more likely to have complications than others (P=0.002),
also patients with higher American Society of Anaesthesiologists' risk scoring grade were more likely to develop
complications (P= 0.004), and in the same time the more advanced pathological stage had the same effect (P= 0.004).
Conclusion: We found that the significant influencing factors for the occurrence of surgical complications were co-
morbidity, more advanced pathological staging and higher ASA grade.
Keywords: Laparoscopic restorative proctectomy, Laparoscopy, Rectal cancer.

tertiary centers in the hands of professional
Colorectal cancer is recorded as the third
surgeons (6).
most deadly and fourth most common cancer all
Avoiding injury to adjacent structures,
over the world constituting a major burden over
the health care system authorities(1). Despite the
great advantages of laparoscopic surgery, yet it is
complications and achieve a good sexual and
associated with higher complication rates when
urinary functional outcome (7). In the same time
performed for RC than when performed for colon
data suggest that postoperative complications
cancer because of technical difficulties and
may promote tumor recurrence and decrease
anatomical limitations in the pelvic cavity (2).
long-term survival. So, efforts should be paid to
Despite important progress with the introduction
avoid the occurrence of complications as far as
of surgical staplers, techniques and perioperative
possible (8).
management, patients who receive LRP for rectal
The aim of this study was to evaluate
cancer may still inevitably experience surgical
factors affecting perioperative and postoperative
complications (3). Morbidity rates occur within 30
complications after LRC for RC.
days of the LRP at a rate ranges from 25%-32%

while surgical deaths during the same period
reaches 6% to 8% (4).
This was a prospective single arm study,
Laparoscopic restorative proctectomy is
which included 35 patients which was conducted
technically demanding procedures, especially in
from January 2017 till December 2019 at General
male pelvis, due to the narrow space in the pelvic
Surgery Department, Sohag University Hospital
cavity, add to this familiarity with deep pelvic
and Colorectal Unit in Ain Shams University.
anatomy is a prerequisite, and mastery of
Only patients presented with symptoms
laparoscopic techniques is needed to accomplish
suggestive of RC, confirmed histologically to be
a safe and thorough dissection of the rectum out
adenocarcinoma (T2-T4, N0 or N1 tumors),
of the pelvis, which is often deep and limited.
without evidence of distant metastases, located in
the distal or middle third and with a functioning,
technique yet cumulating results suggest that the
disease-free sphincter mechanism were included
in the study.
postoperative complications(5). It is estimated that
Patients were excluded if they had distant
a learning curve of 60-80 resections are required
to obtain expertise and mastery of the technique,
which is only attainable in highly specialized
obstruction or perforation from cancer, patients
Received: 15/11/2021
Accepted: 13/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 153)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_154 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1920-1927

Scoring Systems Used to Predict Mortality in Patients with Acute Upper
Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Emergency Room
Tarek Amin El-Shazly1, Mohamed El Saeed Ahmed2,
Ahmed Mohamed Abd-Almodaber3, Ahmed Farouk Ahmed Hussain4
Departments of 1Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2Critical Care Medicine,
3General Surgery, 4Emergency Medicine, Faculty of Medicine- Mansoura University
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Farouk Ahmed Hussain, Mobile: (+20) 01066345224, E-Mail: ahmedfarouk1989@yahoo.com

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is defined as hemorrhage that involves the mouth to the
duodenum proximal to the ligament of Treitz. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a major public health problem,
its prevalence being around 150 per 100,000 adults per year.
Objective: The aim of this study was to predict mortality in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in the
emergency room using AIMS65 and Glasgow-Blatchford scoring systems and to assess which scoring system
(Blatchford or AIMS65) is more accurate in predicting mortality in AUGIB.
Patients and methods: This was a retrospective cohort study that was conducted at Emergency Department, Faculty of
Medicine, Mansoura University. The study was carried out on records of acute upper GIT bleeding patients. We enrolled
in this study a total of 362 patients who matched with our inclusion criteria. The mean age was 55.21 years, 61.6% were
males and the mean BMI was 25.47 kg/m2.
Results: Blatchford score at cut off 13 and AIMS65 at 3 are valid in the prediction of mortality in patients with
acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in emergency room. AIMS65 3 was more accurate (sensitivity of 77.78% and
specificity of 84.88%) than Blatchford score (sensitivity of 55.56% and specificity of 71.51%) in the prediction of
mortality in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in emergency room.
Conclusion: AIMS65 score was superior to Blatchford score in prediction of mortality in patients with acute upper
gastrointestinal bleeding in emergency room. GIT cancer, re-bleeding and increase INR value are independent predictors
of mortality in patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in emergency room.
Keywords: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, AIMS65 score, Blatchford score, Emergency room.


variables, requiring no prior upper GI endoscopy
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (AUGIB) is
procedure (5).
common, costly, potentially life-threatening medical
AIMS65 (Albumin, INR, mental status, systolic bl.
emergency, requires prompt assessment and aggressive
Pressure and age above 65) was found to be a simple,
medical management. Significant AUGIB is often
accurate risk score to predict in-hospital mortality,
caused by hemorrhage from varices, ulcers, Mallory-
length of hospital stay, and health care costs in patients
Weiss tears and neoplasms. Elderly patients and those
with acute UGIB. This score is better than commonly
with chronic medical diseases as liver cell failure,
used pre-endoscopy scores and as well as the post-
chronic renal failure and ischemic heart disease
endoscopy Rockall score in predicting in-hospital
withstand AUGIB less well than younger, fitter
mortality (6).
patients, and have a higher risk of death (1).
Aim of the study was prediction of mortality in
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the most
patients with acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding in
common gastrointestinal emergencies, with an average
the emergency room using AIMS56 and Glasgow­
mortality rate of 10%. Despite advances in the
Blatchford scoring systems and to assess which scoring
diagnosis and management of UGIB, the mortality rate
system (AIMS65 or Blatchford) is more accurate in
has not changed significantly in the last 50 years (2).
predicting mortality in AUGIB.
Multiple scoring systems have been developed to

predict the outcomes of these patients. The most
common one, designed to predict in-hospital death, is
This was a retrospective cohort study that was
the Rockall score (RS), application of which in clinical
conducted at Emergency Department, Faculty of
practice is complex because it includes many variables.
Medicine, Mansoura University. The study was carried
The search for a pre-endoscopic clinically applicable
out on records of acute upper GIT bleeding patients. We
score to predict high and low risk patients has led to the
enrolled in this study a total of 362 cases who matched
development of other scores, such as the Glasgow­
with our inclusion criteria. The mean age was 55.21
Blatchford score (GBS) (3), and the AIMS65 score (4).
years ranging from 42-66 years, 61.6% were males and
The Glasgow-Blatchford score is used for
the mean BMI was 25.47 ranging from 19.8-32.7
predicting patient mortality, and in identifying patients
with low-risk AUGIB requiring no intervention. This
The definition of acute AUGIB was based on the
scale allows a risk assessment of patients with AUGIB
presence of at least one of the following three features:
according to a number of clinical and laboratory
hematemesis, melena, and firm clinical evidence and
Received: 18/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 154)

Anterior urethra is divided anatomically into 2 parts, namely penile and bulbar urethra The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1928-1931

Outcome of Pyeloplasty in Children with Split Renal Function
Less Than 10%: A Retrospective Study
Ahmed Mohamed Nabil Ahmed Sakr, Salem Ahmed Salem Khalil,
Mohamed Mahmoud Hassan Abd Alla, Walid Moftah Ahmed Elawami*
Departments of Urology, Faculty of Medicine ­ Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Walid Moftah Ahmed Elawami, Mobile: (+20) 01147207062, E-mail: walid.awamii.78@gmail.com

Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is one of the most common causes of upper urinary tract
obstruction in the pediatric age group. Surgical repair is indicated in cases with significantly impaired renal drainage
or progressive deterioration of renal function.
Objective: The aim of the current study was to identify the outcome of pyeloplasty in children with split renal
function (SRF) less than 10%.
Patients and methods: This observational retrospective analytical study carried out on 28 children 16 years with
split renal function of ipsilateral kidney 10% in the Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University.
The study was conducted during the period from 2013 to 2019. All patients were subjected at the time of pyeloplasty
to clinical assessment, laboratory investigation & imaging study.
Results: GFR, SRF were highly significantly increased in post-operative follow up renogram at 6 months and 12
months. Antero-posterior diameter (APD) and parenchymal thickness were highly significantly reduced at 6 month
post-operative follow up ultrasound. There were a highly significant improvement in degree of hydronephrosis from
grades III & IV to I & II.
Conclusion: Our data confirm emerging evidence that the outcome and prognosis of Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty
(AHP) in children with severely impaired renal function is good that show highly significant improvement of renal
function postoperative.
Keywords: Ureteropelvic junction obstruction, Renal function, Pyeloplasty.


of < 10%, a significant improvement of SRF may be
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) is
seen when pyeloplasty is performed (5).
the commonest cause of pediatric hydronephrosis
The aim of the present study was to identify
occurring in 1/1000-1500 live births. UPJO is defined
the outcome of pyeloplasty in children with split renal
as obstruction to the flow of urine from the kidney to
function less than 10%.
proximal ureter that results in renal damage and

symptoms (1).
The Gold standard surgical treatment for UPJO is
This observational retrospective analytical study
Anderson Hynes (AH) dismembered pyeloplasty with
was carried out on 28 children 16 years with split
or without surgical reduction of the renal pelvis. There
renal function of ipsilateral kidney 10% in the
are certain parameters to assess the post-operative
Pediatric Unit, Urology Department, Faculty of
outcomes of pyeloplasty. The ultrasound parameters
Medicine, Zagazig University, after review of our data
are the reduction in the AP diameter of the pelvis and
base system to identify the outcome of pyeloplasty in
increase in parenchymal thickness in a growing kidney
children with split renal function less than 10%, during
the period from 2013 to 2019.
There are certain parameters to assess the post-

operative outcomes of pyeloplasty. The ultrasound
Inclusion criteria: Children who were 16 years at
parameters are the reduction in the AP diameter of
the time of pyeloplasty for 1ry pelviureteric junction
the pelvis and increase in parenchymal thickness in a
obstruction (UPJO), split renal function of ipsilateral
growing kidney. The definitive evidence of improved
kidney 10%. All patients underwent stented
function is by doing an isotope renogram in the
Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty.
follow-up period, objectively to look for the

improvement in GFR (glomerular filtration rate) and
Exclusion criteria: Bilateral UPJO, redo pyeloplasty,
also the radiotracer clearance from the PCS (pelvi-
children with ureteral anomalies associated with UPJO
calyceal system). (3)
(VUR or ureteric stricture) and secondary cause of
The indication for pyeloplasty versus nephrectomy
is mainly based on the results of repeated renal

ultrasonography (US) and diuretic renogram with SRF
Intraoperative: All patients in our study underwent
(4). Nephrectomy is usually recommended if SRF is
stented Anderson­Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty
less than 10 %. However, recent studies with long-
(with reduction of dilated renal pelvis).
term follow-up indicate that even with an initial SRF

Received: 18/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 155)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_156 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1932-1938

Common Breastfeeding Myths in Derna City in the North-Eastern Part of Libya
Abdullatif Mohammed Amneenah* and Mohamed A. Alshalwi
Pediatrics Department, Faculty of Medicine University of Derna
* Corresponding author: Abdullatif Mohammed Amneenah,
Mobile Phone: 00218913851536, E-mail: aemnaina@gmail.com

Breastfeeding's advantages are well-known, yet the percentage of women who choose to breastfeed
has been stagnant for decades. Providing neonates with the nutrition they need to grow and develop normally
requires breastfeeding.
Aim and objectives; to know how common breastfeeding myths among women in the child-bearing age in Derna
City are.
Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Derna City in the north-eastern part of Libya,
the objective was to know how common breastfeeding myths among women are in the child-bearing age in this
city. The participants in this study comprised 1000 women in childbearing age.
Result: 72.8% of the participants had information about breastfeeding and the most frequent source of information
was family (64.7%). Meanwhile, 87% of the participants had children.
Conclusion: Women in Derna City in the north-eastern part of Libya have many breastfeeding myths, which
can lead to discontinuation of breastfeeding. Our study emphasizes the importance of supporting and educating
family members and society as a whole, rather than simply mothers, because everyone, whether directly or
indirectly, influences a mother's decision to breastfeed.
breastfeeding, myths, Libya.


Questionnaire about breastfeeding
Despite the widespread acceptance of
1. How old are you?
breastfeeding's advantages, the prevalence of the
o below 20 years
practice has remained stagnant for decades. In order
o 20-30 years
to provide a good start in life for a child, breast milk
o 30-40 years
is the most common method of nutrition delivery.
o 40-50 years
Infants and early children are fed milk from a
o Over 50 years
woman's breast through breastfeeding, also known as
2. What is your educational level?
nursing (1).
o Not educated.
UNICEF and WHO recommend exclusive
o Primary school.
breastfeeding for the 1st six months of life, beginning
o Middle school.
in the 1st hour of a baby's life and continue for at least
o Secondary school.
the next two years, even after the introduction of
o University or higher institute.
nutritionally appropriate and safe supplementary
o Postgraduate degree.
meals (solids). WHO recommends breastfeeding on
3. Do you think you have enough information
demands that is as often as the child wants, day and
about breastfeeding?
o Yes
There are many breastfeeding myths
o No
(misconceptions) in Libya and worldwide and they
4. If you have information about breastfeeding,
are responsible for discontinuation of breast-feeding.
what is its source?
These myths are deeply rooted and have an origin
o The family
related to people habits, social environment and
o Doctor
traditional cultural practices and beliefs (1).
o The school
Aim of the Work was to know how common
o Leaflets & Books
breastfeeding myths among women in child-bearing
o Internet & social media & Radio & TV
age in Derna City.
5. Do you Have Children?

o Yes
o No
A cross sectional study was carried in Derna
6. Have you ever breastfed your baby?
City in the north-eastern part of Libya. Predesigned,
o Yes
closed-ended questions questionnaire (26 questions)
o No
was prepared and a thousand women in childbearing
7. How long did you breastfeed him or her?
age contributed in the study who were selected
o Less than 6 months
randomly. With inclusion criteria as childbearing age
o Between 6-12 months
o More than 12 months
Received: 18/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 156)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_157 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1939-1943

Association between Changes of Blood Indices, Ultrasound Parameters and the
Severity of Preeclampsia
Heba Farag Mohamed Salama*, Mohamed El-Sebaaey Antar, Mohamed Zakaria Sayer Dayer
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Menoufia University, Menoufia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Heba Farag Mohamed Salama, Mobile: (+20)01003570673, Email: hoba.salama22@gmail.com

Preeclampsia (PE) affects 2 to 8% of pregnancies with its enormous effect on maternal and newborn
morbidity. Placental dysfunction and placental hypoxia are thought to have systemic inflammation, and endothelial
dysfunction leading to increased neutrophil numbers and thrombocyte activation through different immunological
Objective: Appraisal the changes occur in both platelet, white blood cell indices and ultrasound with preeclampsia.
Patients and methods: case control observational study conducted in Menoufia University Hospital started on May
2020, ended by May 2021. The study included 120 patients divided to group (A) 70 pregnant participants with PE and
group (B) 50 healthy pregnant participants. Venous blood sample was obtained and ultrasound examination for each
women was done.
Results: this study resulted in significant difference between both groups regarding the WBC indices (TLC, ANC,
ALC), platelets indices (PLT, MPV and PDW) and US parameters including the placental site and umbilical artery
Doppler (S/D and RI) (p-value < 0.05). Lateral placenta was presented in 25 cases of PE. There was statistical difference
in TLC, ALC, ANC and PLT in women with PE had lateral placenta than same group with other sites of placenta.
Conclusions: Blood indices (PLT, WBC) have been recognized as possible markers for predicting preeclampsia.
Especially if they are associated with lateral placenta.
Platelet indices, Preeclampsia and lateral placenta.

Lateral placenta and its association with women
Pregnancy-induced hypertension represented the
developed PE was estimated in different studies
second cause of maternal death (9%­26%), coming
depending on the theories that in lateral placenta, the
after hemorrhagic disease(1). Preeclampsia defined as
uterine artery close to the placenta has lower resistance
new onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 20
than the opposite one, so the uteroplacental blood flow
weeks of pregnancy which affect 5­8% of pregnancies
have unequal contribution from both uterine arteries.
leading to more than 500 000 fetal deaths and 70 000
This is not found in case of central placenta by
maternal deaths each year(2).
The pathological cause of preeclampsia is unclear
The aim of the present study was to appraisal the
but many theories about the endothelial dysfunction and
changes occur in both platelet, white blood cell indices
hemostatic changes due to underlying genetics and the
and ultrasound with preeclampsia.
epigenetics factors(3). There is a request for a low-cost

test and markers for early diagnosis and prognosis of
PE, essentially in underdeveloped nations particularly
An observational study applied at Menoufia
in community health clinics where wide range of
University Hospital, Egypt started on May 2020 and
clinical presentations and early identification remains a
completed on May 2021.
Each participant included in the study was
The leukocyte activation due to interactions of
pregnant woman attended the hospital at third trimester.
platelets with different cell types (endothelial, dendritic,
70 pregnant women (group A) were diagnosed with
preeclampsia by hypertension (systolic blood pressure
phagocytes) makes and exaggerates the inflammation in
>140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure > 90 mmHg)
the arterial wall(5).
after 20 weeks of gestation in addition to proteinuria
(presence of 300 mg or more of protein in 24 h urine
performed procedure in the clinical laboratory mainly in
sample or ++ on dipstick). Preeclampsia cases were
resource-limited hospitals. Different parameters are
considered mild or severe according to the diastolic
used to evaluate platelet activity like, platelet count
blood pressure of <110 or >110 mmHg(9). About 50
(PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV), and platelet
Healthy pregnant women (group B) attended the
distribution width (PDW) (6).
hospital at same time were added as control.
Impaired placental perfusion in PE and its adverse
Pregnant patients with obstetric history of
outcome can be predicted by ultrasound Doppler
habitual miscarriage, pre-term labor, intrauterine
analysis. Umbilical artery Doppler is the simple one
growth restriction, gestational diabetes or pre-
included in the evaluation but no complete data about
gestational DM, chronic hypertension, renal or liver
the most frequently altered Doppler parameters(7).
disorders, disseminated intravascular coagulation,
Received: 18/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 157)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_158 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1944-1952

Role of Ophthalmic Artery Doppler in Prediction of Preeclampsia
Eman Ragab Selima, Ahmed Magdy Abar, Basma Abd Elmoneim Dessouky
Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Magdy Abar, Mobile: (+20) 01005878552, E-Mail: abar.ahmed152@gmail.com

Preeclampsia (PE) is a crucial health issue that complicates roughly 10% of gestations and causes more
than 50,000 deaths yearly worldwide. Many studies have appeared in the recent decade attempting to utilize Doppler
study of the ophthalmic artery to anticipate the occurrence of preeclampsia and comparing its effectiveness to uterine
artery Doppler, which is now considered the most accurate method employed, with promising results of equal sensitivity
and specificity.
Objective: This study was designed to demonstrate the ability of changes in ophthalmic artery Doppler indices to predict
the progression of preeclampsia.
Patients and methods: This prospective study comprised 120 pregnant women in total. The control group who
remained normotensive throughout pregnancy included 96 women and those who developed preeclampsia
(preeclampsia group) comprised of 24 women (16 with mild preeclampsia and 8 with severe preeclampsia).Those with
severe preeclampsia had considerably higher ophthalmic artery PSV (P1), 2nd systolic peak (P2), peak ratio (p2/p1),
and EDV than patients who remained normotensive.
Results: Ophthalmic artery PI had sensitivity of 89.7% and specificity of 75.12% at cutoff value < 1.76 in predicting
pre-eclampsia. Also, ophthalmic artery RI had sensitivity of 80.2% and specificity of 74.9% at cutoff value < 0.77 in
predicting pre-eclampsia. Peak Ratio (PR) of the ophthalmic artery had sensitivity of 77.3% and specificity of 65.8% at
cutoff value > 0.59 in predicting pre-eclampsia. In addition, 2nd systolic peak (P2) ophthalmic artery had sensitivity of
91.7% and specificity of 61.7% at cutoff value > 20.1 in prophesying pre-eclampsia.
Conclusion: Doppler of the ophthalmic artery is an easy, reliable and unbiased technique with a standalone predictive
diagnostic value for the development of PE and a promising excellent imaging procedure as the area under the curve for
the peak ratio (PR) and the second systolic peak (P2) indices were more than 90%.
Ophthalmic artery Doppler, Preeclampsia, Hypertension.

similar sensitivity and specificity (5). Some problems
Preeclampsia (PE) is a major morbidity that
have been recognized while reviewing these literatures
impacts about 10% of gestations worldwide. The
such as the faulty interpretation of the second systolic
pathophysiology of preeclampsia is still questionable
peak of ophthalmic artery wave as first diastolic peak
with a unique clinical presentation of newly developed
that has been corrected recently (6).
hypertension that usually occurs after 20 weeks of
This study was designed to demonstrate the
gestation (the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure
ability of changes in ophthalmic artery Doppler indices
of 140- and 90-mm Hg, respectively, on two readings
to predict the progression of preeclampsia.
with at least 6 hours in-between) and proteinuria

(protein excretion of 300 mg in a 24-hr. urine
collection, or a dipstick of +2) (1). In absence of
Study Design: This prospective observational cohort
proteinuria, the development of any of the following
study was conducted on 120 normotensive pregnant
also establishes the diagnosis of preeclampsia; the new
ladies coming for routine antenatal care in Sers Ellian
onset of low platelet count, renal impairment, disturbed
General Hospital during the period from June 2020 and
liver functions, pulmonary edema and cerebral and
September 2021.

ocular symptoms (2).
Ethical consideration:
Despite being challenging with pregnancy,
An approval of the study was obtained from
assessment of cerebral circulation is crucial as acute
Menoufia University Academic and Ethical
neurological complications of preeclampsia such as
Committee. Every patient signed an informed
eclampsia, brain edema and intracranial hemorrhage
written consent for acceptance of participation in the
cause about 75% of maternal deaths (3).
study. This work has been carried out in accordance
Considering the similarity between ophthalmic
with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
artery and intra cranial vessels in embryology, anatomy
Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for studies
and function, ophthalmic artery Doppler offers an easily
involving humans.
performed and a non-invasive way to assess and

monitor changes in cerebral circulation throughout
Study population: Normotensive pregnant women
pregnancy (4). Many studies have emerged in the last
who presented for standard ante-natal care before 20
decade trying to use the ophthalmic artery Doppler to
weeks of pregnancy. By the end of the study the cases
anticipate preeclampsia and compare its efficiency to
were divided into normotensive (the control group) and
uterine artery Doppler that is considered the most
another group who developed preeclampsia (mild &
accurate tool used nowadays with promising results of
severe): the control group included 96 women and the
Received: 18/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 158)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_159 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1953-1960

High Dose Versus Low Dose Oxytocin for Augmentation of Delayed Labour in
Obese Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Safwat Abdelrady Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed Abbas, Esraa Gamal Abdelnaser Mostafa*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Esraa Gamal Abdelnaser Mostafa, Mobile: (+20) 01094925583, E-Mail: esraagamall77777@gmail.com

For augmentation of delayed labour, high- or low-dose oxytocin can be used, but the evidence for
promoting high-dose in obese women is weak. In obese women, labour progress is often delayed, leading to a caesarean
section despite labour augmentation with synthetic oxytocin.
Objecitve: Our study aims to evaluate the effect of high dose oxytocin augmentation in spontaneously labouring obese
Patients and methods: We included 202 patients who were randomly assigned to two groups in a randomized controlled
trial (RCT) study. Patients were divided into two groups: Group I (low dose oxytocin) were given 2 mU/minutes (min)
of oxytocin, which was gradually increased by 2 mU/min every 30 minutes until adequate uterine contractions were
achieved. Patients in Group II (high dose oxytocin) were given 4 mU/min of oxytocin, which was gradually increased
by 4 mU/min every 30 minutes until adequate uterine contractions were achieved.
Results: Both management were equally effective in clinical data with no significant difference between the two studied
groups (P>0.05). Difference in oxytocin dose, duration of oxytocin, and uterine tachysystole between the two groups
was statistically significant. The rates of caesarean section did not differ between groups (8.7% and 8.1%). The rates of
instrumental vaginal births were similar. In terms of neonatal outcomes, there were no differences.
Conclusion: Except for reducing labour duration, high dose oxytocin had no advantages over low dose oxytocin in
labour augmentation. Low-dose oxytocin is less likely to cause uterine hyperstimulation, making it a safer option.
Keywords: Caesarean section, Obese women, Oxytocin.

Previous studies in this issue illustrated conflicting
Obesity is one of the biggest public health
results. Some of them concluded that higher maternal
problems of the 21st century as it increases the risk of
BMI has been associated with larger median oxytocin
many co-morbid medical conditions. Obesity in
dose and longer oxytocin infusion durations (7). On the
pregnancy places women at higher risk of obstetrical
other hand, in another study including women with
complications during pregnancy, delivery and
spontaneous labour onset who had either cesarean or
puerperium. Obesity is a risk factor for cesarean
vaginal deliveries, oxytocin augmentation was less
delivery, failed induction of labour and labour dystocia,
effective among obese compared to normal-weight
and prolonged labour curves (1).
women, more often failing to prevent unplanned CD for
Intrapartum care of obese women is usually
slow labour progress (8).
associated with more frequent interventions as early
Additionally, a study by Adams and Drassinower
hospital admission, artificial rupture of membranes
(9) revealed that obese women require higher doses of
oxytocin to achieve a vaginal delivery and they
augmentation compared to normal-weight women (2).
recommend further research to determine whether
However, they are still more likely to end labour with
higher oxytocin protocols should be considered for
unplanned cesarean delivery (CD) (3), with subsequent
obese women or not.
increased risk for major postoperative complications (4).
This study aims to determine the effect on
Oxytocin infusion in labour could be used for
caesarean section rate of high-dose versus low-dose
augmentation until women's contraction patterns
oxytocin for augmentation of delayed labour, scheduled
become stronger and more regular and cervical changes
vaginal or cesarean delivery rates, maternal and fetal
occur. There is emerging evidence that obese women
outcomes in term pregnancies in obese women.
need more oxytocin to augment labour compared to lean

women. This could be attributed to the effect of higher
maternal body mass index (BMI) that is linked to
Study setting and duration: Assiut Woman's Health
decreased myometrial efficiency(5) and higher neonatal
University Hospital, Assiut between the 1st of
birth-weights (6).
September 2018 and 31st of August 2020.
However, protocols for oxytocin dosing are not
Type of the study: The current study was a prospective
individualized by maternal BMI in most of management
registered, double-blind, randomized clinical trial. The
guidelines. Therefore, obese women are more likely to
obstetrician and participant were blinded of the study
"fail" oxytocin augmentation, leading to increased risk
of unplanned CD due to slow labour progress (2).
Received: 19/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 159)

ABSTRACT The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1961-1968

Echocardiography Parameters During Long And Short Interdialytic
Intervals In Hemodialysis Patients
Abdelbassit Shaarawy Abdelazim1, Badawy Labeeb Mahmoud1,
Hoda Gamal Eldin Ali Ibrahim2, Fatma Abdelrahman Ahmed*1
1Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
2Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine,
Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Fatma Abdelrahman, Mobile: (+20)01101216222;
Email: fatmaabdelrahman14@yahoo.com.

In patients receiving haemodialysis (HD) cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality. Most
HD patients follow the typical schedule of three sessions per week, and thus remain outside dialysis for (~ 2 days in
duration) short intervals and for a longer interval (~3 days) at the end of each week. Objective: Comparison between
echocardiographic parameters during the 2- day (short) and 3-day (long) interdialytic intervals in prevalent HD
patients. Patients and Methods: The study involved 30 stable prevalent HD patients on thrice weekly regimen.
Echocardiography was done before and after the short and long interdialytic interval to study left and right ventricle
functions and inferior vena cava (IVC) diameter. Patients' mean age was 56.23 ± 12.31 years (43.4% females and
56.7% males). Results: Comparison of echocardiographic measurements was done before and after dialysis between
the short (2-days) and long (3-day) interdialytic interval groups (Group 1 Vs Group 2) we found that there were
statistically highly significant differences among left pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), IVC diameter and
interdialytic weight change after dialysis session between the short and the long interdialytic interval patients' groups.
The intradialytic weight gain (2.45 ± 1.13 vs 1.19 ± 0.78 kg), IVC diameter (11 ± 2.98 vs 9.62 ± 2.32) and PCWP
(11.13 ± 2.3 vs 10.13 ± 1.55) increases were higher during the 3-day versus the 2-day interval (P < 0.001 ). There
were no statistically significant differences between left ventricular (LV) systolic and diastolic dimensions, septum
affection, ejection fraction, or pulmonary artery pressure. Conclusion: IVC, PCWP and intradialytic weight increase
was higher during the 3-day versus the 2-day interval in post dialysis comparison. IVC, PCWP and intradialytic
weight gain reflect degree of volume overload and their increase especially after interdialytic interval call for need to
evaluate timing and frequency of prescribed HD regimens for some HD patients.
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Long interdialytic interval, Echocardiography.

underlying mechanisms (7). The exact pathophysiologic
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of
mechanisms underlying changes in cardiac function
mortality in patients receiving hemodialysis (HD).
and sizing during intra- and inter-dialytic intervals are
Among these patients, serious arrhythmias and sudden
also obscure. Several factors could be involved, such
cardiac arrests, rather than acute myocardial infarction
as volume overload and acid-base and electrolyte
or stroke, are the most frequent causes of
shifts, as well as arterial and myocardial wall changes
cardiovascular death (1). Patients on maintenance HD
(5). Only a handful of studies have examined cardiac
follow the typical schedule of three sessions per week,
function changes during interdialytic intervals and just
and thus remain outside dialysis for two short intervals (~
one compared changes in echocardiographic indices of
2 days in duration) and for a longer interval (~3 days) at
left and right ventricles during the 3-day and the 2-day
the end of each week (2, 3).
intradialytic interval (6, 7, 8).
Large-scale population studies have shown that
The aim of this study was to to compare
mortality and cardiovascular-related hospitalizations in
changes in echocardiographic parameters during the 2-
HD are not evenly distributed throughout the days of
day (short) and 3-day (long) interdialytic intervals of
the week, they commonly occur within the last hours
prevalent hemodialysis patients.
of the long (3-day) intradialytic interval and the
following dialysis session (2, 4, 5). Thus, there has been
The study was a cross-sectional study that
long concern that the 2-day interdialytic interval may
included 30 regular HD at The Memorial Soad Kafafi
unnecessarily increases the risk of death (2, 6).
Hospital, Misr University for Science and Technology.
The clustering of death and cardiovascular
The study was conducted over 6- months period from
events in the first week day suggest that extreme
September 2019 till February 2020.
fluctuations in extracellular volume, accumulation of
The 30 studied patients were compared as two
potentially toxic uremic solutes during the long
groups: Group 1 comprised the 30 HD patients who
interval, and the hemodynamic stress of the first
were studied before and after the 2- day (short)
haemodialysis session of the week may be implicated
interdialytic interval, and Group 2 comprised the same
in myocardial disease and risk of death in these
30 HD patients who were studied before and after the 3-
patients (7). Although this link between the long interval
day (long) interdialytic interval.
and worsened cardiovascular outcomes has attracted
increasing attention, few studies have examined the
Received: 19/11/2021
Accepted: 17/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 160)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_161 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1969-1974

Effect of Acitretin on Semen Parameters in Psoriatic Male Patients
Samir Mohammad Elhanbly, Ahmed Fathy State
, Rana Ali Abd Elfatah Mohammad
Department of Dermatology, Andrology and STDs, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Rana Ali Abd Elfatah Mohammad, Mobile: (+20)1277292664, E-Mail: rana.ali.salem @outlook.com

Acitretin belongs to a group of drugs known as retinoids which have similar activity to vitamin A. Vitamin
A helps regulate the immune system, impacts cellular growth, differentiation, proliferation, and plays a role in
embryonic development.
Objective: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the effect of acitretin administration on semen parameters in
male psoriatic patients.
Patients and methods: This cohort study included a total of 31 male psoriatic patients, attending at Dermatology and
Andrology Clinics, Mansoura University Hospitals to demonstrate the effect of Acitretin administration on semen
parameters. This study was conducted between June 2019 to September 2020.
Results: The average Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) score of the studied cases was 17.96 ± 4.55. Most of
the studied cases has moderate to severe activity, while only 25.8% of which had severe disease. Positive family history
and associated skin diseases were demonstrated in 22.6% and 16.1% of cases respectively. There was no statistically
significant differences were detected after treatment as compared with before treatment as regards mean semen volume,
semen PH, mean total sperm motility, mean ratio of live sperms, mean sperm concentration, mean pus cells count and
mean ratio of sperm with normal morphology.
It could be concluded that retinoids seem to have no adverse effects in the context of semen parameters in
male psoriatic patients.
Keywords: Acitretin, Semen Parameters, Psoriatic Male Patients


cellular growth, differentiation, proliferation, and plays
Psoriasis is a common, chronic inflammatory
a role in embryonic development. Other effects of
disease of the skin having worldwide prevalence of 2%
retinoids include immunologic anti-inflammatory
(1). Psoriasis is generally thought to be a genetic
effects, induction of apoptosis, and inhibition of tumor
disease that is triggered by environmental factors (2).
promotion (9).
Most patients (80-90%) present with plaque
Currently, there are few studies on the effects of
psoriasis, characterized by a chronic remitting and
retinoids on the male reproductive system, oral retinoid
relapsing course. Other types include guttate, pustular,
treatment was considered to be safe. Given the wide
erythrodermic and inverse psoriasis (3).
clinical usage of retinoids, clarification of whether
Psoriasis may be considered severe if there is
retinoids affect the reproductive system in male patients
associated functional impairment (e.g., genital
is urgently needed, a recent study done by Liu et al. (10)
affection, palmoplantar disease, or psoriatic arthritis).
found that different doses of acitretin did not significantly
Psoriasis is known to have a negative impact on the
affect semen quality in psoriatic patients at different
patient's health and quality of life of both the affected
treatment stages.
person and the individual's family members (4).
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
There is no cure for psoriasis; however,
effect of acitretin administration on semen parameters
various treatments can help to control the symptoms (5).
in male psoriatic patients.
Many treatment options exist topical agents are typically

used for the mild disease, phototherapy for moderate
disease, and systemic agents for severe disease (6).
This cohort study included a total of 31 male
The majority of therapeutic options in psoriasis
psoriatic patients, attending at Dermatology and
carry significant adverse effects and toxicity profile.
Andrology Clinics, Mansoura University Hospitals to
However, retinoids in general and acitretin in particular
demonstrate the effect of Acitretin administration on
offer the advantage of being a non-immunosuppressive
semen parameters. This study was conducted between
drug with a better safety profile (7).
June 2019 to September 2020.
Acitretin is one of the treatments of choice for

pustular psoriasis. Even though acitretin is less effective
Inclusion criteria: Psoriatic male patients in whom
as monotherapy for chronic plaque psoriasis,
acitretin is indicated, patient taking acitretin at least 3
combination therapy with other agents, especially UVB
months, and patients aged from 18 to 50 years.
or psoralen plus UVA phototherapy, can enhance
Exclusion criteria: Systemic diseases, endocrinal
efficacy (8).
diseases, autoimmune diseases, hormonal treatment in
Acitretin belongs to a group of drugs known as
the last 3 months, genetic diseases, varicocele, orchitis,
retinoids. Retinoids include natural and synthetic
and prostatitis.
compounds that have similar activity to vitamin A.

Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system, impacts
Ethical Consideration:
Received: 17/11/2021
Accepted: 15/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 161)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_162 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1975-1981

Safety and Efficacy of Direct Acting Antivirals for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in
Thalassemic Patients and Its Effect on Transfusion Requirements
Gina Gamal Naguib1, Maha Abd El-Aziz Eltouny1, Ossama Ashraf Ahmed1, Iman Ahmed Ragab2, Shereen
Abdel-Monem Ibrahim3, Sherif Ahmed Megahed Ahmed1, Walaa M. Hashem*1
Departments of 1Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Internal Medicine, 2Hematology Oncology Unit
(Children Hospital), and 3Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Walaa M. Hashem, Mobile: (+20)1001597662, Email: Walaa.hashem@med.asu.edu.eg

The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among thalassemic patients in Egypt ranged between
24 and 37%. Direct acting antivirals (DAAs) have revolutionized the standard of care for treatment of hepatitis in
hemoglobinopathies. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and tolerability of ribavirin
(RBV) free DAAs in thalassemic patients and its effect on transfusion requirements.
Patients and Methods: In this study, 200 adult chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients were enrolled. They were further
divided into two groups. Group (I) included 150 HCV-thalassemic patients and group (II) included 50 HCV only
patients. Sustained virological response (SVR) was assessed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-
PCR) for HCV-RNA 12 weeks post-treatment. Any treatment related adverse events were reported.
Results: SVR was achieved in 89.33% in group (I) and in 92% in group (II). Among group (I), there was significant
improvement in mean hemoglobin level after treatment. Moreover, mean ALT, AST, total and indirect bilirubin levels
dropped significantly after treatment (P<0.001). There was decrease in blood transfusion requirements after treatment.
There was no need to change or modify the dose of iron chelating agents. Apart from four patients in group (Ib) who
developed hepatic fulmination and hepatocellular carcinoma requiring cessation of treatment, minor side effects were
reported that were managed conservatively. Conclusion: RBV-free-DAAs are effective and well tolerated among HCV-
thalassemic patients.
Keywords: HCV, Thalassemic patients, Direct acting antivirals, Hepatitis C Virus, Sofosbuvir, Daclatasvir.


induced hematological adverse effects in thalassemic
Thalassemia is one of the most common inherited
patients has deferred the use of this combination thus
genetic blood disorders which results from reduced rate
failing to halt the progression to cirrhosis (9).
of synthesis of alpha or beta globin chains leading to
IFN-free regimens with direct acting antivirals (DAAs)
destruction of red cells in the bone marrow (ineffective
have been approved for HCV treatment with impressive
erythropoiesis) and peripheral circulation (hemolysis)
cure rates (> 90%) and mild adverse events (10).
(1). -thalassemia is more common in Mediterranean
According to international guidelines, thalassemic
region while -thalassemia is more common in the Far
patients should be treated with these new regimens
East (2). -thalassemia constitutes a major health
preferably those without RBV (11).
problem in Egypt with an estimated carrier rate of 9-
However, limited data exist regarding real life
10% (3).
experiences on the safety and efficacy of DAAs in this
Survival of thalassemic patients depend on regular
special population. Therefore, this study was designed
blood transfusion which lead to further complications
to evaluate the safety and efficacy of RBV-free DAAs
including iron overload and transfusion-transmitted
in adult thalassemic Egyptian patients with HCV
infections (TTIs) such as hepatitis B virus (HBV),
hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human immunodeficiency


virus (HIV) (4). HCV is a major health problem in
This prospective observational study included a
transfusion-dependent thalassemic patients, along with
total of 200 adult chronic hepatitis C (CHC) patients
iron overload it represents a risk factor for the
who were eligible for therapy, attending at Viral
Hepatitis Treatment and Research Centre, Ain Shams
decompensation, and hepatocellular carcinoma (5, 6). The
University, Cairo, Egypt. This study was conducted
prevalence of HCV infection among thalassemic
between September 2017 to September 2019.
patients in Egypt ranged between 24 and 37% (3).

Aside from effective chelation treatment,
Patients were further categorized into 2 groups:
eradication of HCV is the sole approach to stop the
Group I included 150 patients with CHC and
progression of liver disease, since achieving sustained
thalassemia, either transfusion dependent thalassemia
virological response (SVR) has been found to reduce
(TDT), or non-transfusion dependent thalassemia
liver-related mortality and the need for liver
(NTDT). Whereas Group II included 50 patients with
transplantation (7).
CHC only. Patients with co-infection with HBV or HIV,
Standard antiviral therapy with pegylated
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and pregnant women
interferon- (PEG-IFN-) and ribavirin (RBV) has been
were excluded from the study.
the standard of care for HCV infection for many years

(8). However, IFN modest efficacy and increased RBV
Ethical Consideration:
Received: 07/12/2021
Accepted: 22/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 162)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_163 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1982-1990

Incidence and Prognosis of Acute Kidney Injury with COVID-19 in
Hospitalized Egyptian Patients
Norhan Nagdi Madbouli1, Elham R. Arif2, Heba Ahmed Faheem1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Geriatrics and Gerontology,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Norhan Nagdy Madbouli, Mobile: (+20)1127911971, E-Mail: nono291987@hotmail.com

: The recent worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 has been a serious, multidimensional problem that has left
a detrimental worldwide impact on individuals of all ages and several organ systems. The typical manifestation of kidney
involvement is acute kidney injury (AKI); however, there is a lack of consensus data regarding AKI epidemiology in
Objective: The aim of the current work was to study the incidence and prognosis of acute kidney injury among patients
hospitalized with COVID-19.
Subjects and methods: This retrospective, observational cohort study was conducted on 163 COVID19 patients
diagnosed by RT-PCR and carried in Inpatient and ICU of Geriatric Isolation Hospital, Ain Shams University hospitals
for COVID19.
Results: As regard predictors for AKI; each of presence of chronic kidney disease, mechanical ventilation, CRP > 74,
and TLC >13 had high predictive value for occurrence of AKI among hospitalized COVID 19 patients.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that AKI in COVID-19 patients is associated with a high mortality rate in ICU-
COVID-19 patients. Our findings suggest that COVID-19 patients, particularly ICU COVID-19 patients, should be
closely monitored for the development of AKI. Early identification of AKI, as well as prompt intervention, can improve
COVID-19 patient outcomes.
Keywords: Acute kidney injury, COVID-19, Incidence, Mortality, Hemodialysis


Since, severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2) was reported in late
This retrospective observational cohort study
December 2019, our understanding of coronavirus
included a total of 163 COVID19 patients diagnosed
infection disease (COVID-19) has evolved. COVID-19
by RT-PCR by Convenient sample and carried in
affects the respiratory system predominantly, leading to
Inpatient and ICU of Geriatric Isolation Hospital, Ain
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (1), but it is
Shams University hospitals for COVID19. This study
increasingly recognized to have systemic involvements
was carried out through a period of three months.
such as acute kidney injury (AKI), thrombotic events

leading to stroke, acute myocardial infarction, and
Inclusion Criteria:
pulmonary embolism (2). Systemic involvement further
Adult > 18 years old, Evidence of a personally
adds to the challenges of treating COVID-19 patients
signed and dated informed consent document and
with poor outcomes (3).
COVID-19 confirmed by SARS-CoV-2 PCR.
AKI is of particular interest as it is associated with

poorer outcomes in general population and COVID-19
Exclusion Criteria:
(4). The incidence of AKI in COVID-19 patients ranges
Refusal to sign the informed consent previous
from 0.5 to 36.6% in different study populations and
SARS-CoV-2 confirmed by PCR, pregnancy and
using different case definitions of AKI. However, few
patients transferred to another hospital in another region
studies have examined risk factors associated with the
or discharged by consent
development of AKI in COVID-19 patients (5).

In a meta-analysis of 79 research articles on AKI
Ethical Considerations:
and COVID-19, only 8 had investigated primarily the
An approval of the study was obtained from Ain
risk factors for AKI in COVID-19 patients, whereas
Shams University Academic and Ethical Committee.
most studies confined to describing the incidence and
Every patient signed an informed written consent
prognosis. The elucidation of risk factors leading to
for acceptance of participation in the study. This
AKI is important for physicians to better manage their
work has been carried out in accordance with The
patients, given the diverse presentation and clinical
Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association
course of COVID-19 patients from asymptomatic to
(Declaration of Helsinki) for studies involving
ARDS (6).
The aim of the study was to study the incidence
All participants were subjected to:
and prognosis of acute kidney injury among patients
1. Recording of all socio-demographic data (age,
hospitalized with COVID-19.
gender, occupation).
Received: 17/11/2021
Accepted: 15/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 163)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_164 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 1991-1999

Role of Intestinal Ultrasound with Doppler in Assessment of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Ahmed M. Ashmawy1, Nour Eldeen A.M EL Hefny1, Hayam Fathy1,
Zainab Gaber Mahran2, Mohamed A.A. Abozaid1, Wageeh A. Ali3
1Internal Medicine Department, Hepatogastroenterology Unit, 2 Department of Gastroenterology and Tropical Medicine,
3Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.
Corresponding author: Hayam Fathy Nasr, ORCID :0000-0001-5289-303X,
Email address: hyamfathy1@gmail.com,Telephone number:002 01062054664

Background and aim: accurate diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are mandatory steps for a good outcome.
Its standard method for assessment is still ileo-colonoscopy; however, many recent reports described the utility of intestinal
ultrasound (IUS) and duplex US in evaluating patients with IBD. We aimed to explore the efficacy of IUS and duplex US
for the accurate diagnosis and follow-up of patients with IBD.
Methods: The current study was performed for >2 years between September 2018 and September 2020. A total of 60
patients diagnosed with IBD and 51 control subjects who underwent colonoscopy for reasons other than IBD were included.
The two groups underwent colonoscopy and IUS with Doppler for the diagnosis and follow-up of patients after 1 year of
treatment. Results: The mean age of patients with IBD was 29.23 ± 5.62 years, and 56.7% of them were females. The
majority of them presented with abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bleeding per rectum. Patients with IBD had significantly
lower hemoglobin, iron, and ferritin levels with higher C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rates. The IBD
group had significantly higher wall thickness (WT), peak systolic velocity (PSV), and end-diastolic velocity (EDV). After
1 year, the IBD group showed a significant reduction of WT and PSV. The PSV had the best diagnostic performance for
the prediction of histological and clinical responses. Conclusion: IUS and duplex US are considered rapid noninvasive tools
for the assessment of patients with IBD. Moreover, they can be used to predict histological and clinical responses.
Keywords: Colonoscopy, End-diastolic velocity, Inflammatory bowel disease, Intestinal ultrasound, Peak systolic velocity


The study protocol was approved by the Medical
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Cohn's
Ethics Committee of the Institutional Review Board of
disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), are chronic,
the Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt (IRB
relapsing, and destructive inflammatory illnesses of the
No. 17200162). Informed written consent was obtained
gastrointestinal tract that can cause organ damage and
from all participants according to the declaration of
affect the quality of life. Although there is no one
Helsinki. The study protocol is registered at
reference standard for diagnosing IBD, ileo-colonoscopy
Clinicaltrails.gov ID: NCT03445624.
with histologic examination is considered the most
Study participants
common approach. Ileo-colonoscopy, on the other hand,
A case-control study was conducted at the IBD Clinic
is an invasive and costly technique that patients dislike(1,2).
from September 2018 to September 2020. Sixty patients
Intestinal ultrasound (IUS) with Doppler on
with IBD based on laboratory, colonoscopy, and
superior mesenteric artery has become more widely
histopathological data were enrolled (16 patients had
available, and technical developments in the ultrasound
colonic CD and 44 patients had UC). In addition, the
equipment, as well as enhanced operator competence,
control group (n = 51) was included for comparative
have boosted the role of IUS with Doppler in assessing
purposes. Patients in this group were subjected to
gastrointestinal tract illnesses in recent years. IUS is a
colonoscopy, but for purposes other than IBD.
noninvasive, low-cost, and easily repeatable technology
All patients were subjected to full history evaluation
that has been employed in various settings (3).
in addition to baseline laboratory parameters such as
IUS with Doppler US is included as a diagnostic
complete blood picture, liver and kidney function tests, C-
modality in the European Crohn's and Colitis
reactive protein (CRP), and erythrocyte sedimentation
Organization guidelines for the management of IBD, for
rate (ESR). Based on standard guidelines, the
the initial evaluation of patients with clinically suspected
management plan was performed.
IBD, for monitoring the therapeutic response, for
Based on the results of colonoscopy and
suspicion of relapse, and for the detection of
histopathology, participants were subgrouped into the
complications (4). In this study, we aimed to assess the
study (those with confirmed IBD) and control groups.
accuracy of IUS and duplex US in the diagnosis of
Intestinal and duplex ultrasound
patients with IBD.
After 4-h of fasting, the procedure was performed in
the supine position. To avoid the interobserver variability,
Ethical approval
the procedure was performed by a radiologist and an
endoscopist, both of them were blinded with the results of
Received: 19/11/2021
Accepted: 16/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 164)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_165 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2000-2008

Eosinophilia and Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor
A Overexpression in Juvenile Polyps
Dina Sweed*1, Shimaa Elkholy1, Marwa Sabry Rizk2, Heba Abdallah3,
Enas Sweed4, Sally Waheed Elkhadry5, Salma Abdel Megeed Nagi2
1Pathology Department, National Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Shebin Elkom, Menoufia, Egypt
2Pediatric Hepatology, Gastroenterology, and Nutrition Department, 3Clinical Pathology Department, 5Epidemiology,
and Preventive Medicine Department, National Liver Institute, Menoufia University, Shebin Elkom, Menoufia, Egypt
4Radiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Benha, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Dina Sweed, Mobile: (+20)01015007205, Email: dina.sweed@liver.menofia.edu.eg

Although a juvenile polyp is the commonest pediatric polyp, little is known regarding its pathogenesis.
Objective: We aimed to study the role of eosinophils and platelet-derived growth factor receptor A (PDGFRA)
expression in juvenile polyps. This could help in understanding the possible mechanism of polyp formation.
Material and methods: This was a retrospective study that included 63 cases of juvenile polyps that were divided
into three groups according to the number of polyps. Peripheral and tissue eosinophilia was evaluated. An
immunohistochemical study of mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4 (SMAD4) and PDGFRA was conducted.
The majority (82.5%) of the juvenile polyps were solitary, 11.1% were multiple, and 6.4% of them were
cases of juvenile polyposis syndrome. There was an increased number of blood eosinophils (a median value of 2 × 103
cells/µL) and tissue eosinophils (a median value of 30/HPF). In addition, PDGFRA was overexpressed in 66.7% of
cases. The expression of PDGFRA was significantly associated with tissue eosinophilia (p = 0.008). Tissue
eosinophilia and PDGRA overexpression were significantly observed in patients with maintained SMAD4 expression.
Conclusions: Tissue eosinophilia and PDGFRA overexpression were observed in majority of juvenile polyp cases.
Juvenile polyps could share histopathological and molecular similarity to inflammatory fibroid polyp. The
pathogenesis of juvenile polyp could be influenced by allergic or neoplastic factors.
Keywords: Eosinophilia, Juvenile polyp, PDGFRA, SMAD4.

cancer. A challenge occurs when managing a patient
A juvenile polyp is the commonest pediatric
with three or four juvenile polyps because it is unclear
polyp and mainly presents as painless rectal bleeding
whether the patient will develop the JPS phenotype (9).
(1). They are characterized by cystically dilated colonic
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor A
glands filled with mucus in an inflamed, edematous
(PDGFRA) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that showed
stroma rich in eosinophils. Approximately half of all
no/low normal colonic mucosal expression (10).
children with juvenile polyps have more than one
Mutations in PDGFRA have been reported in different
polyp that is usually located on the left side (2). The
types of cancer (11).
mechanism of juvenile polyp formation has not yet
In addition, PDGFRA gene mutations have been
been well elucidated. However, existing theories
shown to be oncogenic in the subset of gastrointestinal
stromal tumor and a significant proportion of
abnormalities, inflammatory response, or neoplastic
inflammatory fibroid polyps (IFPs) (12).
theories (3).
Therefore, we aimed to study the role of
Juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS) is a rare
eosinophils and PDGFRA protein expression in
autosomal dominant (AD) disease. The clinical criteria
juvenile polyps. This could help in understanding the
include >5 gastrointestinal (GI) polyps, polyps
possible mechanism of polyp formation.
throughout the GI tract, or any number of polyps in a

patient with a family history of JPS (4). This disorder is
most frequently caused by mutations in mothers
This was a retrospective study performed on
against decapentaplegic homolog 4 (SMAD4) (5, 6).
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens that
JPS with the SMAD4 mutation could have
included 63 juvenile polyps during the 2015­2020
associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
period. All patients underwent colonoscopy until the
(HHT) syndrome. HHT is characterized by
terminal ileum to assess the number (solitary, multiple
arteriovenous malformations (AVM) of the liver,
(up to five polyps), or syndrome > 5 polyps) of polyps,
brain, lung, and GI tract. This syndrome is associated
the distribution of polyps, and the status of the
with a higher rate of anemia and early-onset colon
background colon. Polypectomy was conducted. The
cancer (7). In addition, alterations of SMAD4 were
clinical, family, and laboratory data were obtained
reported in different human cancer (8).
from patients' medical records. Laboratory data
Patients with solitary juvenile polyp (SJP) do not
included the hemoglobin level and eosinophil count.
have an increased risk of GI cancer (2). However,
Histopathological evaluation
patients with JPS carried a 50% risk of developing GI
Received: 07/12/2021
Accepted: 22/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 165)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_166 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2009-2011

Assessment of Role of Saline injection in Dermatology: Review Article
Sahar Al Mokadem, Mohamed Nasr, Amal Gamal Sherif*
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Amal Gamal Sherif, E-Mail: amalsherif1991@yahoo.com

Adolescence and adulthood are the most common seasons for breakouts of acne, which is a chronic
inflammatory skin disease of the pilosebaceous glands. About 85% of teenagers and 40% of adults develop late-onset
acne. It is one of the most prevalent dermatological diseases, influenced by genetics and environmental factors. It's still
a widespread condition even though acne therapy has improved greatly. The prevention and management of scarring is
a continuing concern. One of the most cost-effective and safe methods is intradermal saline injection for post-acne scars,
as there are no adverse effects. Saline injections into the dermis and subdermal layers of scar tissue are thought to cause
the destruction of collagen fibres and the decomposition of fibrotic bundles by needling.
: Evaluate effectiveness of saline injection for dermatologic diseases.
For post-acne scars, saline injection therapy is a safe and effective treatment option. The involution of the
granuloma annulare could be caused by intralesional injections of normal saline.
Keywords: Acne, Dermatology, Saline injection.

These databases were searched for articles
For the majority of teens and young adults,
published in English in 4 data bases [PubMed ­ Google
pilosebaceous gland inflammation known as acne begins
scholar- The Egyptian Bank of Knowledge - Science
in the adolescent years and lasts into adulthood, with
direct] and Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) had
outbreaks sometimes coinciding with changes in serum
been used such as [Saline injection OR Dermatology
androgens. About 85% of teenagers and 40% of adults
And Acne] in peer-reviewed articles, and filtered in
develop late-onset acne. It is one of the most prevalent
selected data basis. However, the range of time interval
dermatological diseases, influenced by genetics and
for researches is wide as there's scarcity of data on the
environmental factors (1).
particular reviewed, accurate and depth in the retrieved
It's still a widespread condition even though acne
literature. Papers apart from main scientific studies had
therapy has improved greatly. The prevention and
been excluded: documents unavailable as total written
management of scarring is a continuing concern (2).
text, conversation, conference abstract papers and
Atrophic acne scarring pathogenesis is most likely related
to inflammatory mediators and enzymatic degradation of

collagen fiber and subcutaneous fat (3).
Saline therapy:
However, additional factors, including patient
Lewins (6) reported that saline has been used for
manipulation of acne lesions, could be added. Acne and
cholera treatment. During the European cholera
acne scarring may have a strong effect on the quality of
pandemic, it was employed to simulate plasma for the
life of these patients (4). P. acnes is a bacterium that
treatment of patients; several modifications were made to
colonises both the pilo and the sebaceous unit and is
concentrations during the following years. Saline is one
responsible for the development of acne. The
of the most extensively used crystalloid solutions in
pilosebaceous unit is a multifactorial process that
includes both endogenous and external components (5).
replacement, and maintenance (7).
Scars can be improved using various treatments,

including non-invasive and invasive ones. However, no
Saline safety:
matter how expensive or effective the therapy is, it is
Swelling, discomfort, and mild ecchymosis have
impossible for scars to be completely eliminated. As a
been recorded as side effects of intralesional and
result, there is an increasing need for acne scar treatment
infiltration saline injections. Hyperpigmentation,
options that are less intrusive, more effective, and more
necrosis, and pain at the injection site were all common
cheap (2).
side effects of Hypotonic Saline (HS 15 percent) in
The aim of review article to evaluate effectiveness
treatment for leishmaniasis. Using saline as a soak has
of saline injection for dermatologic diseases.
not been associated with any negative side effects (8).

Saline in dermatology:
A search strategy has been performed to determine
Injections of saline into the tissue and the surrounding
the related literature. Initially, the objective of review
was identified. Relevant keywords included: Saline
Saline for cutaneous atrophy caused by corticosteroids:
injection, Dermatology and Acne, more synonymous
Topical glucocorticoids are most commonly
key words had been used.
associated with skin atrophy. It has a cigarette paper-like
Received: 21/11/2021
Accepted: 19/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 166)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_167 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2012-2017

Early Versus Delayed Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy after
Endoscopic Common Bile Duct Stones Management
Mustafa S. Abdulhafith, AbdElhafez Mohammad Elshewail,
Muhammad Ali Baghdadi, Ahmed M. Sallam, Farhat A. Hussin, Yasser A. Orban
Department of General, GIT and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Zagazig University Hospital, Sharkia, Egypt
Author: Mustafa S. Abdulhafith, E-Mail: ms0782280@gmail.com

: Stone removal by endoscopic retrograde cholangiographic method (ERC) is a well-established procedure
prior to laparoscopy cholecystectomy (LC) in patients with gall bladder stones (GBS).
Objective: To compare the outcomes of early versus delayed LC after endoscopic common bile duct stones clearance in
cases of combined GBS and CBDS.
Patients and Methods: This comparative study included 28 patients who had undergone ERCP for CBDS and were then
admitted for LC either early or delayed after ERCP from May 2020 to December 2020 at Zagazig University Hospitals.
Patients had been divided into two groups: Group 1 (early group 14 patients) where LC was performed within 72 hrs after
ERCP and Group 2 (delayed group 14 patients) where LC was performed after 6weeks from ERCP.
Results: The mean operative time was shorter in the early group: 45.29 minutes (range: 29 - 60 minutes) than in the
delayed group: 59.57 minutes (range: 40 - 92 minutes) which represented a significant difference in favor of the early
group. As regards postoperative complications there was a statistically non-significant difference between both groups.
Conclusion: an early LC after ERCP for the management of cholecystocholedecholithiasis is a safe, effective, and time-
saving technique with a low rate of postoperative complications.
Keywords: Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography.


In an Egyptian priestess' mummy from around 1500
outcomes; Since few surgeons have the necessary training,
BC, researchers discovered gallbladder stones (GBS). In
equipment, or time to perform LC on patients with
adults, it affects 10­15% of the population, with symptoms
gallstones and choledocholithiasis immediately after an
reported by 20% of those who have it. Approximately 3.4-
ERCP, this is the treatment of choice for many of these
18.8% of those experiencing symptoms will eventually
patients. According to some researchers, time intervals do
develop coexisting common
bile duct stones
not affect the outcome of laparoscopic procedures (7).
(choledocholithiasis or CBDS). Patients with cholelithiasis
It was the goal of this work to compare the
have a higher risk of developing choledocholithiasis as
outcomes of early versus delayed LC after endoscopic
they get older (1). When GBS enters the common bile duct
common bile duct stones clearance in cases of combined
(CBD), it results in choledocholithiasis. Since ERC is an
established method for obtaining ductal clearance before

laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC), cholecystectomy is a
reasonable method for reducing the number of recurrent
This study was undertaken in the period between May
biliary stones (2). LC is the gold standard treatment for GBS
2020 to December 2020 Department of General Surgery,
management, and it has become the most common
Zagazig University Hospitals, It included 28 patients with
laparoscopic procedure worldwide since it was first
cholecystolithiasis after doing ERCP and ES for their Ex-
performed in France and America in the 1980s (3).
concomitant CBDS as the first stage of their whole
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
management and assigned for the second stage i.e.
(ERCP) is widely accepted by gastroenterologists and
laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
surgeons, but the rate of conversion to open

cholecystectomy is higher in patients who have undergone
Ethical consent:
this procedure (4). Laparoscopic procedures are more
Zagazig University's research ethics council
difficult to perform after ERCP because of the
approved the study as long as all participants signed
contamination of the bloodstream with bacteria during the
informed consent forms and submitted them to ZU-
procedure, resulting in inflammation, cholangitis, and
IRB#6759. We adhered to the Helsinki Declaration,
adhesions around the gallbladder and the hepatoduodenal
which is the ethical norm for human testing established
ligament, which makes the procedure more difficult (5).
by the World Medical Association.
There is little evidence to support the idea that LC
Inclusion criteria: Patients with cholecystolithiasis who
(performed immediately after an ERCP) causes
recently underwent ERCP for choledocholithiasis,
recurrences in the gallbladder (6).
whether in our hospital or referred from another one,
The best time to perform LC after an emergent
within the last 72 hours, cholecystolithiasis patients who
ERCP for the treatment of combined choledocholithiasis is
have undergone ERCP for choledocholithiasis in our
still up for debate. Although some research suggests that
hospital or another one for six weeks or more, and
laparoscopic bile duct exploration combined with an early
patients >18 years.
interval LC or a single-stage LC treatment has better
Received: 20/11/2021
Accepted: 18/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 167)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_168 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2018-2022

Gender Differences in Type a Acute Aortic Dissection
Khaled M. Awadalla*1, Mina Wahba2
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Khaled M. Awadalla, E-Mail: khaled.mortada@gmail.com

Females usually have a higher risk in cardiac surgery than males. Type A acute aortic dissection can
occur in both males and females, but there are not enough studies about gender difference in clinical features and surgical
outcome. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the clinical data and surgical outcome difference between males and
females with type A acute aortic dissection. Patients and Methods: This was a comparative retrospective study that
took place between January 2014 and May 2021, in 7 centres in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We had 427 patients presented
to us and were operated for type A acute ascending aortic dissection, of them 291 (68.15%) were males and 136 (31.85%)
were females where group 1 consisted of males, while group 2 included the female patients. We compared their clinical
features, in hospital course and outcome and follow up in the first six-month post-surgery.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between both groups regarding operative data. There were
statistically significant longer duration of mechanical ventilation > 48 h (27.94% vs 6.19%, P < 0.001), intensive care
unit (ICU) was 8.1 ± 4.2 vs 2.7 ± 1.15 (P < 0.001), hospital stay was 17.2 ± 8.1% vs 12.6 ± 4.8 (P < 0.001) and reoperation
for bleeding was 7.35% vs 1.37% (P < 0.001) in females more than males. Also hospital mortality was statistically
significant higher in females than in males (5.88% vs 1.03%, P < 0.001). Regarding other post-operative morbidities
and six months follow up, there were no statistically significant difference between both groups.
Conclusions: Type A aortic dissection occurred more frequently in males than females. Females presented to us were
older, had more comorbidities and mortality than males and the surgical outcomes was better in males than in females.
Keywords: Type A acute aortic dissection, Gender, Morbidity, Mortality.


Routine full laboratory investigations including
In cardiac surgery particularly in coronary artery
CBC, liver and kidney function tests and
surgery females have a higher rate of short and long-
coagulation profile with emphasis on the presence
term mortality (1-5). As females have smaller body mass
of anaemia, DM and impaired kidney and liver
index with short stature and have longer life span than
males so they may present at older age, with more
Chest X-ray posteroanterior and lateral view.
comorbidities like diabetes mellitus (DM), anaemia and
Transthoracic echo for EF, aortic valve affection
atherosclerotic disease (6-8).Type A acute aortic
and any other valvular or cardiac abnormality.
dissection is a life threating situation with top
CT chest with contrast for proper assessment of the
emergency that have a very bad outcome and high rate
size of the ascending aorta and site, extent, and
of mortality in both males and females without surgery,
degree of the dissection.
which may reach up to 50% (9,10). There are few studies
TEE was done preoperative for proper assessment
that were done to compare the outcome of surgery of
of the ascending aortic dissection, aortic valve
Type A acute aortic dissection in both males and
affection and associated cardiac abnormality also
females, so we aimed to compare the clinical data and
was done intra- and post-operative for assessment
surgical outcome difference between both gender
of the aortic conduit, aortic valve, and cardiac
group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical
data and surgical outcome difference between males
and females with type A acute aortic dissection.
Type of Anaesthesia used:

All patients were performed under general
anaesthesia and transferred to the ICU post-operatively
This is a comparative retrospective study that took
on mechanical ventilation.
place between January 2014 and May 2021, in 7 centres
Operative Technique:
in the Egypt and Saudi Arabia. We had 427 patients that
Median sternotomy was used in all patients. Arterial
were operated for type A acute ascending aortic
cannulation was done through one of femoral artery,
dissection, of them 291 (68.15%) were males and 136
axillary artery or distal ascending aorta. The aim of
(31.85%) were females. We compared their clinical
surgery was to exclude the intimal tear if it was limited
features, in hospital course and outcome and follow up
in the ascending aorta only, it was replaced, if it
in the first six-month post-surgery.
involved the arch replacement of the arch or hemi arch
Pre-Operative Assessment:
was done with circulatory arrest at temperature of 25­
All our patients had:
27°C with antegrade or retrograde cerebral perfusion
Full detailed history and clinical examination with
(Figure 1).
emphasis on associated comorbidities.
Received: 20/11/2021
Accepted: 18/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 168)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2023-2027

Clinical Outcome of Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma in
Zagazig University Hospitals
Haitham Elsheikh1, Ayman Fathy1, Ahmed Mohamed El Sayed1, Nahla I. Zidan2, Ahmed Embaby1
Departments of 1Clinical Hematology Unit, Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Ahmed Mohamed El Sayed, Email: Ahmedweasel93@gmail.com

: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a clonal neoplastic plasma cell disorder. With availability of
immunomodulators and bortezomib, better response rate and survival outcome have been achieved in newly diagnosed
multiple myeloma (NDMM) patients.
Objective: To evaluate patients' response and outcomes to anti-myeloma treatment in a tertiary referral center.
Patients and Methods: From September 2020 to February 2022, at Zagazig University Hospitals, Hematology Unit of
Internal Medicine Department, our prospective cohort study was conducted on 36 treatment-naïve patients with NDMM.
All patients had received anti-myeloma agents and assessed for response and outcome.
Results: About the performance status (PS), one quarter of the cases had PS 0 (25%), and 55.6% of the cases were PS
1. Majority of cases responded to treatment (91.7%), while only three cases did not respond. Thirty-three cases showed
no progression (91.7%) and three cases only showed progression (8.3%). Ten patients underwent autologous stem cell
transplantation (ASCT). After a median follow-up period of 12 months (range 4-18 months); the OS rate was 76.8%,
and PFS rate, was 90.7%.
This study highlights that by using proper anti-myeloma agents, a reasonable clinical outcome can be
achieved in our tertiary center
Keywords: Anti-myeloma agents, Multiple Myeloma, Outcome.

Ethical consent:
Dysfunction of the clonal plasma cells multiple
Patients were made aware of the study's scope
myeloma is characterized by the clonal growth of plasma
and goals, and they all signed informed permission
cells in the bone marrow and the presence of monoclonal
forms before undergoing any testing, including a
proteins in the blood and urine (1, 2). In terms of blood
bone marrow aspiration. Patient information was
cancers, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma
protected and the study groups were not exposed to
are the most frequent (3, 4).
any danger or risk. In addition, Zagazig University
Inflammatory markers are of particular interest.
Faculty of Medicine's Ethical Committee gave its
Myeloma cell growth, survival, migration, and even
clearance. The study was adhered to Helsinki
treatment resistance may be directly influenced by the
Declaration of the World Medical Association as
bone marrow microenvironment's condition, according
regard conducting human experiments.
to some researchers (5, 6).

Recently, an improvement of outcome of MM
Patient selection:
cases has been achieved by application of some novel

All newly diagnosed chemotherapy-naïve
agents together with autologous stem cell
symptomatic MM patients, with good PS: 0-2, age: 18
transplantation (ASCT), which considered now as a
years old, were eligible, While, Exclusion criteria
gold standard treatment method for MM patients
included; patients with poor PS unfit, for proper
without any organ failure (7, 8). Some new treatment
treatment, HIV infection, or any other criteria do not
agents have been developed with changes in treatment
fulfill inclusion criteria.
strategies. So, evaluation of the benefits versus risks of

each treatment decision is a must for selection of the
Patient assessment:
most optimal approach for the patients. Bortezomib is
For accurate diagnosis and proper staging by
a first-class proteasome inhibitor that is used in
ISS; all patients of the study were subjected to; full
treatment of MM (9, 10).
clinical assessment and laboratory investigations like
We aimed to assess the patients' response and outcomes
to anti-myeloma agents in a tertiary referral center.
immunofixation, bone marrow aspiration and biopsy and

microglobulin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and
A prospective cohort study of 36 patients with
radiological studies including skeletal survey.
NDMM was conducted from September 2020 to

February 2022 at Zagazig University Hospitals in the
Departments of Hematology and Clinical Pathology,
All patients have been treated by combination regimens
Faculty of Medicine. There were 20 men and 16 women
of immunomodulatory drugs (IMiDs) and proteasome
in the studied group.
inhibitors (PIs), including VCD (Velcade 1.3 mg/m2

day 1,4,8,11, cyclophosphamide 300 mg/m2/week and
Received: 21/11/2021
Accepted: 19/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 169)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_170 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2032-2036
Assessment of Serum Hepcidin Levels and Iron Status in Anemic
Patients Admitted to Medical Intensive Care Unit
Monkez Motieh Yousif1, Hesham Mohamed Omer2,
Omnia Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim*1, Ashraf Khalifa Alnagar1
Departments of 1Internal Medicine and 2Clinical Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine ­ Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Omnia Mohamed Mohamed Ahmed, E-Mail: mosad8rashed@gmail.com

Anemia is very common during critical illness and results from two main factors: inflammation and iron
deficiency. Hepcidin, a peptide hormone made in the liver, is the principal regulator of systemic iron homeostasis.
Objective: We aimed in this study to improve the prognosis of anemia in critically ill patients through assessment of
serum hepcidin and iron levels in critically ill anemic patients admitted to the medical ICU of Zagazig university
hospital and to find out the relationship between levels of serum hepcidin and outcome of critically ill anemic patients.
Patients and Methods: This study was a prospective study that was conducted on 80 patients who fulfilled the inclusion
and exclusion criteria were diagnosed, assessed, received medical support, and followed during their stay in MICU.
The mean Hb and hematocrit levels were 9.7±1.3 g/dl and 28.9±4% respectively. Serum hepcidin and serum
ferritin levels are markedly elevated among critically ill anemic patients in MICU compared to what is reported in the
literature for the general population which reflects the relationship with inflammation. Serum Hepcidin was not
correlated with any serum Hb, hematocrit, APACHE II score, or ICU length of stay. Serum hepcidin level had no impact
on mortality of the study population in MICU.
Serum hepcidin and ferritin levels are significantly elevated in critically ill anemic patients who are
characterized by the inflammatory stress of their illnesses. Serum hepcidin level measured on admission to medical
ICU has no impact on patients' short-term ICU outcome in terms of mortality or length of hospital stay.
Keywords: Serum Hepcidin, Iron status, Anemic Patients, Medical Intensive Care Unit.

inducing the degradation of ferroportin, the sole known
Anemia is a decrease in the total amount of red
cellular iron exporter (5).
blood cells or hemoglobin in blood or lowered ability of
Understanding the role of hepcidin shows why
blood to carry oxygen (1).
previous studies using either iron or erythropoietin
There are several types and classifications of
failed to boost red blood cell synthesis in trauma or
anemia. The occurrence of anemia is due to the various
critically ill patients and may show the way for
red cell defects such as production defect (aplastic
decreasing blood transfusions in the future (6).
anemia), maturation defect (megaloblastic anemia),
This study aimed to improve the prognosis of
defects in hemoglobin synthesis (iron deficiency
anemia in critically ill patients through assessment of
anemia), genetic defects of hemoglobin maturation
serum hepcidin and iron level in critically ill anemic
(thalassemia), or due to the synthesis of abnormal
patients admitted to the medical ICU of Zagazig
hemoglobin (hemoglobinopathies, sickle cell anemia,
University Hospital and to find out the relationship
and thalassemia) and physical loss of red cells
between levels of serum hepcidin and the outcome of
(hemolytic anemia) (2).
critically ill anemic patients.
Anemia is very common during critical illness

and results from two main factors: inflammation and
iron deficiency (3).
This study was a prospective study that was
Inflammation-induced anemia is frequent among
conducted on 80 patients who fulfilled the inclusion and
critically ill patients and can be aggravated by true iron
exclusion criteria. They were diagnosed, assessed,
deficiency (ID) resulting from blood losses. The serum
received medical support, and followed during their
hepcidin level controls the availability of iron for
stay in the Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU) of the
erythropoiesis, and its determination offers new
Internal Medicine Department with anemia at the time
perspectives for the diagnosis of ID in the presence of
of admission during the study period of six months.
inflammation (4).
Critically ill patients admitted to different units
Hepcidin, a peptide hormone made in the liver, is
of MICU of Zagazig University Hospitals starting from
the principal regulator of systemic iron homeostasis.
August 2020 to January 2021 whose CBC showed
Hepcidin controls plasma iron concentration and tissue
anemia on admission with hemoglobin < 12 g/dl.
distribution of iron by inhibiting intestinal iron
The study was conducted at "The Medical Intensive
absorption, iron recycling by macrophages, and iron
Care Unit of Zagazig University Hospitals" and the
mobilization from hepatic stores. Hepcidin acts by
laboratory work was done at "The Clinical Pathology
inhibiting cellular iron efflux through binding to and

Received: 20/11/2021
Accepted: 18/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 170)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_171 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2037-2041

Lasers Uses in the Treatment of Alopecia Areata: Review Article
Mansor Emhammed Ahmed Algowil*, Abdalla Hasan Kandel , Khaled Mohamed Gharib
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mansor Emhammed Ahmed Algowil, E-Mail: Mans7madrid@gmail.com

Non-scarring alopecia, one of the most common causes that involves the scalp, but it can also affect
other hairy areas. Alopecia areata usually occurs in a patchy pattern, but it can also affect all scalp and body hairs
(Alopecia Totalis or Alopecia Universalis). Fractional lasers have the potential to stimulate hair growth when used
in the right way. The most likely culprit is a wound healing mechanism activated by stress, although the particular
methods by which fractional lasers affect hair development are still unknown. For epidermal deficiencies, stem cells
from hair follicles can be used to supply offspring that can go to the skin. Hair follicles are more likely to recover
following tissue damage during the anagen phase of the hair cycle.
Objective: This review article aimed to evaluate the role of lasers in alopecia areata treatment.
PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using the following keywords: Laser,
Alopecia areata and Fractional laser therapy. The authors also screened references from the relevant literature,
including all the identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete study was included, and in peer-
reviewed articles between April 2000 and June 2021.
Conclusion: Fractional laser therapy stimulates hair regeneration by causing the skin to heat up. Fractional lasers
have both a direct and indirect therapeutic effect on the hair follicle via transepidermal drug delivery of minoxidil
and/or topical steroids. Topical minoxidil and/or topical corticosteroids for resistant alopecia areata can now be
delivered via fractional carbon dioxide laser­assisted drug delivery.
Keywords: Laser, Alopecia areata, Fractional laser therapy.


Alopecia areata is estimated to affect 2.1% of the
Approximately 2.1% of the population suffer
general population over the course of one's lifetime,
from the autoimmune disease alopecia areata, which is
with no gender-specific differences in incidence (1).
characterized by recurrent patches of hair loss that
No medication has been shown to be uniformly
come and go. It is most commonly seen in the form of
effective or to eradicate the condition completely in the
circular patches of hair loss, but it can appear at any age
fight against hair loss. RCTs are challenging to evaluate
(1). Non-scarring alopecia areata comes in second to
because of the high percentage of spontaneous
male and female pattern alopecia as a cause of hair loss
remission. In the case of a moderate condition affecting
(2). Patients with alopecia areata have different types of
only a few small locations, topical steroids may be the
clinically observed hair loss. As one of the most
best alternative. Despite the fact that the results of
common forms of alopecia areata, the condition can
RCTs are highly variable, some people appear to
cause complete hair loss on the scalp as well as on the
benefit from them (5).
rest of the body if left untreated (hair loss that affects

everywhere) (3) (Figures 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Laser treatment:
Many theories have been proposed in the past
In some cases, laser therapy might help people
about the causes of alopecia areata, including the
with alopecia areata improve their hair growth. It is
"trophoneurotic hypothesis," which is based on a link
possible to employ excimer lasers, which are regularly
between the onset of Alopecia areata and emotional or
used UV lasers, as a safe and effective therapy option
physical stress or trauma. Thyroid disease and
for skin cancer. A randomized clinical research is
hormonal fluctuations have also been linked to alopecia
needed to confirm that increasing the width of hair
areata. Also, Toxic effects of thallium acetate on the
shafts is a more effective technique than medicinal
body (4).
For those who suffer from the autoimmune
condition alopecia areata, hair loss is not permanent.

Received: 22/11/2021
Accepted: 20/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 171)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_172 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2038-2045

Biochemical Markers and Radiological Findings in Premature Osteopenic Neonates
Abdulbasset Mustafa Saleem*1, L. M. Alsayed1, Ihab A. Ahmed1, Noha A. Rezk2
Departments of Pediatrics1 and Medical Biochemistry2, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Abdulbasset Mustafa Saleem, E-Mail: abdulbassetbelgharat86@gmail.com

Neonatal rickets, also known as metabolic bone disease (MBD), and osteopenia of prematurity (OOP) are
serious but common concerns for parents of premature babies.
Objective: to evaluate the wrist and arm X-ray changes and compared with evaluated the alkaline phosphatase (ALP) as
a marker to predict MBD.
Patients and Methods
: 36 preterm infants with GA < 36 weeks and postnatal age > 6 weeks were included at Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit of Zagazig University Hospitals. Serum parathyroid hormone (PTH), ALP, calcium (Ca), phosphorus
(P), and vitamin D were all measured simultaneously during the first six postnatal weeks of pregnancy. It was determined
that OOP was present by taking wrist radiographs at six weeks old.
A significant difference in X-ray was found in the case with biochemical and radiological change. Regarding
ALP levels, a significant difference was detected among the three studied groups; the median of ALP was significantly
higher in the group (I), and in the group compared to group (III). Only ALP was associated with occurrence of osteopenia
in neonates.
Conclusion: According to early biochemical criteria (serum ALP and phosphate), more than one in ten very preterm
infants are affected by MBD.
Keywords: Neonates, Osteopenia, Premature.


risk factors, as is a lack of adequate Ca and P supply from
Reduced bone mineralization results in osteopenia of
prolonged total parenteral nutrition (TP) (7). Extensive
prematurity, or low bone density. There are ways to avoid
review of serum 25(OH)D and vitamin D status has been
it. An increase in the rate of OOP is associated with an
done by the Institute of Medicine (9).
increase in the survival of premature newborns (1).
A healthy skeleton and active (transcellular) calcium
An X-ray of the wrist at 6 to 8 weeks of age is still a
absorption depend on vitamin D. Infants who do not
useful tool for determining whether a child has overt
receive adequate amounts of vitamin D have an increased
rickets. Premature babies weighing less than 1500 gm, or
risk of developing low bone mineral density, which can
1000 gm are at 30% and 50% higher risk of developing
lead to rickets (10). It is essential for bone health that all
rickets. Among newborns with a weight of 800 grammes,
infants receive adequate amounts of vitamin D, regardless
this rate rises to 73% (2).
of whether they are breastfed or formula fed, and it should
Neonatal rickets, or metabolic bone disease (MBD),
also be given to their mothers as a high-dose supplement
is one of the most common and important concerns for
preterm infants (3). The incidence of OOP has increased as
Because 25(OH)D is not the primary active form of
a result of medical advancements that have allowed more
vitamin D, it should not be considered a reliable indicator
very low birth weight (VLBW) infants to survive (4, 5).
of physiologic vitamin D function. Rather, the serum
Rickets and osteopenia risk is inversely proportional to the
vitamin D concentration is useful in assessing the vitamin
intrauterine gestational age of the baby. Between the ages
D status of both individuals and populations (12).
of 6 and 8 weeks following birth, clinical rickets typically
The goal of this work was the identification of risk
manifests itself (6).
factors and refinement of biomarkers for neonatal bone
Premature infants have a much greater risk of
developing rickets. Vitamin D deficiency is not the

primary cause of rickets in premature infants. Vitamin D
intake of 400 IU per day is recommended for bone health
Thirty-six newborns with osteopenia of prematurity
in preterm and full-term infants, based on research and
among neonates who were included in this study < 36 week
most guidelines (7). Deficiencies in phosphorus, calcium,
of gestational age and very low birth weight (VLBW)
and vitamin D are also included. Ca and phosphorous
<1.500 g at Zagazig University Hospitals, in the Neonatal
supplies are in short supply when premature infants are fed
Intensive Care Unit (NICU) served as the subjects for this
human milk. For normal bone mineralization, human milk
cross-sectional trial.
provides 25% of the calcium and phosphorus that are

required. Preventing OOP necessitates vitamin D, calcium,
Ethical consent:
and phosphorus supplements (8).
Zagazig University's Research Ethics Committee
Placental and maternal vitamin D deficiency, as well
approved the study as long as all participants' parents
as genetic etiology, are risk factors for bone disease among
signed informed consent forms and submitted them to
preterm infants. Immobility, diuretics, corticosteroids, and
Zagazig University (ZU-IRB#6976). We adhered to the
feeding with unsupplemented human milk are all postnatal
Received: 21/11/2021
Accepted: 19/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 172)

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 173)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_174 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2052-2056

Multi-drug Resistant Organisms in Stool Culture and Its Relationship with
Morbidity and Mortality in Pediatric Patients with Acute Leukemia
Thoraya Hosny*1, Hend Khalil2, Lamiaa Z. Elmoursiy3
Departments of 1Clinical Pathology and 2Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
3Department of Clinical Pathology, Student Hospital, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Thoraya Hosny, Mobile: (+20) 01115900632, Email: thoraya_ahmad@yahoo.com

Background: Enteric colonization with multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) in acute leukemic pediatric patients
may constitute a major risk for serious infections as bloodstream infections (BSI), particularly during periods of
neutropenia, and contribute significantly to increased morbidity and mortality.
Objective: To assess the frequency of MDRO isolation from stool cultures of pediatric patients with acute leukemia
and its relationship with blood culture positivity and mortality.
Patients and Methods: The study involved analysis of pediatric patients with newly diagnosed acute leukemia less than
18 years of age from January 2019 to June 2019 in Zagazig University Hospital, a total of 60 patients were included in
this study. Stool cultures were sent within 48 hours of hospital admission and blood cultures were sent when clinically
indicated. Isolates were identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight (MALDI-TOF) analysis.
Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested using VITEK-2. The survival rate for all patients was followed up for 60 days.
Results: Blood culture results were positive in a significantly higher ratio of patients with positive stool culture (36.1%)
compared to those with negative stool culture (12.5%) (P=0.043). Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli (E. coli)
were the most frequently isolated MDRO from positive stool cultures (40% and 31%, respectively), while E. coli was
the most frequent MDRO isolated from blood (50%). MDRO were isolated from stool cultures of 32 patients with a
frequency of (53.8 %). Among patients with positive stool and blood cultures, mortality was significantly higher (P <
0.029) among those with MDRO isolated from both cultures compared to those isolating non-MDRO (85.7% vs 16.7%).
Conclusion: Newly diagnosed children with acute leukemia have a high frequency of enteric colonization by MDRO,
which is significantly associated with increased positivity of blood cultures and mortality.
Keywords: Multi-drug resistance, Stool culture, Acute leukemia.

frequently endogenous, with most MDRO colonising
Acute leukemia is the most frequent hematological
their skin and mucosal surfaces on a regular basis,
malignancy in children, accounting for around 35% of
causing infections when the host's physical and/or
all malignancies in childhood(1).
immunological defences are breached by chemotherapy
Bone marrow suppression can cause periodic
and/or disease (12).
episodes of leukopenia (especially neutropenia) during
In our facility, studies on the relationship between
therapy, which raises the risk of infections, particularly
enteric colonization and infection, particularly the risk
bloodstream infections (BSI), which are the most
of BSI are still limited. Therefore, the present study has
common infectious consequences during neutropenia.
been designed to assess the frequency of MDRO
Sepsis is a leading cause of mortality in these
isolation from stool culture of pediatric patients with
individuals due to an insufficient immunological
acute leukemia (either lymphoblastic, ALL, or myeloid,
response (2).
AML) and its relationship with blood culture positivity
The management of febrile neutropenia has grown
and mortality of those patients.
even more difficult since the number of infections

caused by multidrug resistant organisms (MDRO) has
increased dramatically in the community and hospitals
Along the period from January 2019 to June 2019,
(3). This is especially concerning because no new
a cross-sectional study has been carried out in the
antibiotic classes have been identified in the previous
Pediatric Department and Clinical Pathology
two decades, making the battle against drug-resistant
Department, Zagazig University, Egypt. The study
bacteria much more difficult (4-5).
included 60 newly diagnosed pediatric patients (mean
Prompt administration of empirical antibiotic
age 8.6±2.36) with acute leukemia (ALL and AML) for
therapy has been adopted as a mandatory step in
whom induction chemotherapy was undertaken. Stool
managing leukemic patients as it may lower morbidity
and blood specimens were obtained from each patient
and mortality of febrile patients(6-8). Understanding the
within 48 hours of admission.
risk factors of BSI may additionally help improve

survival in leukemic patients(9).

Prior colonization with MDRO has been identified
Ethical consideration:
as a significant risk factor for developing MDRO
The study was approved by the Institutional
infections(10, 11), as it has been discovered that the source
Review Board (IRB) of Zagazig University and was
of infection in immunocompromised children is
carried out in consistence with the Declaration of
Received: 23/11/2021
Accepted: 21/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 174)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_175 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2057-2063

Pattern of Response to Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir +/- Ribavirin
Regimen in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients
Reem M. Abd El Hamed1, Ghada M. Galal1, Nagwa S. Ahmed2, Mahmoud Saif Al-Islam*1
Departments of 1Tropical Medicine and 2Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mahmoud Saif-Al-Islam, Mobile: 01091055908, E-mail: mahmoud_elislam@med.sohag.edu.eg

With the advent of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for hepatitis C virus (HCV), there has been a marked
increase in the number of patients who achieve sustained virological response (SVR). Several factors mediate the
response to therapy as immunologic and genetic factors.
We aimed to assess the pattern of response to sofosbuvir and daclatasvir +/- ribavirin regimen in chronic
hepatitis C (CHC) patients and to study the predictors of non SVR (relapse).
Patients and methods: This prospective study was conducted on 506 consecutive HCV-infected patients. Abdominal
ultrasonography, liver function tests, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), HCV polymerase chain reaction (PCR), complete blood
count (CBC), random blood glucose, C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10), Child-Pugh score, and some serum
fibrosis indices were performed. After completion of the course of treatment, all patients were followed up for 6 months
and then categorized into sustained virological responders and non-sustained virological responders (relapsers).
Results: Out of the 506 HCV-infected patients, 497 (98.2%) achieved SVR, and 9 (1.8%) experienced relapse. Response
rates to sofosbuvir and daclatasvir +/- ribavirin in cirrhotic patients were lower than those without cirrhosis. The
presence of liver cirrhosis (LC) and the need for receiving triple therapy were the main factors that predicted relapse in
univariate analysis. CXCL10 levels showed statistically insignificant differences between responders and relapsers,
between cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients, and between pretreatment and post-treatment levels.
Conclusions: Response rate of CHC patients to sofosbuvir and daclatasvir +/- ribavirin is excellent and relapse only
occurred in a minority of patients (1.8%). Cirrhotic patients showed higher relapse rate than non-cirrhotic (55.65% vs
Keywords: CHC, CXCL10, DAAs, HCV, SVR.

contrast, DAA therapy in the elderly is well tolerated
HCV infection is a major global public health
and the SVR rate is similar to those in younger
burden with more than 71 million persons chronically
infected(1). In Egypt, nearly 5.3 million persons have
Factors associated with failure of DAA therapy
HCV antibodies of whom, about 3.7 million individuals
include male gender, LC, null responders to previous
(69.5%) have CHC infection in 2015(2). DAAs were
PEG and RBV treatment, short-term regimens, poor
considered the cornerstone of HCV management. The
adherence to treatment, and not giving ribavirin(12).
goal of antiviral therapy is to achieve SVR and to
Genetic factors and liver fibrosis at the start of
decrease liver-related deaths, hepatocellular carcinoma
treatment, favor the appearance of resistance(13).
(HCC) rates, and liver-related complications(3).
CXCL10 is involved in the pathogenesis of acute
SVR is defined as the absence of detectable HCV
and chronic HCV infection. It predicts the first days of
ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the serum for at least 24
HCV RNA elimination during therapy. DAAs-mediated
weeks after the stoppage of treatment(4).
clearance of HCV is associated with a significant
Successful treatment decreases the risk of HCC
decrease in this chemokine(14).
development by 75%(5). Relapsers are those with
We aimed to assess the pattern of response to
undetectable HCV RNA in serum during treatment but
sofosbuvir and daclatasvir +/- ribavirin regimen in CHC
then have a reappearance of HCV RNA in serum after
patients and to study the predictors of non SVR
discontinuation of treatment(6).
The predictors of response to therapy are related

to the virus and host. During the era of interferon
therapy, genotype was the strongest predictor of SVR(7).
This prospective study was conducted on 506
In the era of DAAs, HCV genotype has a negligible role
consecutive HCV-infected patients attending Tropical
in predicting treatment response given the high efficacy
Medicine and Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic,
of different DAA combinations against all genotypes(8).
Sohag University Hospital. All patients were advised to
When peginterferon and ribavirin (PEG and RBV) were
receive sofosbuvir and daclatasvir +/- ribavirin regimen
used, there was a 9% lower chance of cure when the
in a specialized center in the period from April 2018 to
baseline HCV RNA level was over 2 million IU/Ml(9).
April 2019. The patients were eligible for treatment of
In the era of DAAs, the baseline HCV RNA has little
HCV according to the Modified National Program for
impact on achieving SVR(10).
the Treatment of HCV in Egypt. Complete medical
With interferon-based therapy, older age was
history and clinical examination were performed for all
associated with poor tolerance and a lower cure rate. In
Received: 06/08/2021
Accepted: 02/10/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 175)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_176 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2064-2071

Evaluation of Auditory Efferent System using Speech Auditory
Brainstem Response with Contralateral Noise
Dalia Helal Galhom, Ebtessam Hamed Nada, Hagar Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed, Nadia Mohamed Elnabtity
Audio-vestibular Medicine ENT Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Hagar Ahmed Elsayed Ahmed, Email: hagarahmedoo660@gmail.com

Speech auditory brainstem response (ABR) is an electrophysiological auditory test using speech stimuli,
reflecting neural activities of the efferent system at subcortical level. Adding noise to the test can be an effective way
to assess the upper portion of the auditory efferent system because the efferent system is more active in noisy
conditions. Objective: To evaluate the auditory efferent pathway in adults with normal hearing and others with
sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) by using speech ABR.
Patients and Methods: This study included 69 subjects aged 20-50 years, divided into 2 groups: Control group: 46
adults with normal hearing sensitivity and study group: 23 adults with mild to moderate SNHL. All participants were
subjected to: full history taking, otoscopic examination, basic audiological examination, speech in noise test, dichotic
digits test and speech ABR.
Results: Regarding the behavioral tests, speech in noise (SPIN) test, there was highly statistically significant difference
between the control and study groups as well as the Dichotic Digits Test (Version I and Version II). On the other hand,
the electrophysiological results showed that the speech ABR in quiet, there were statistically significant differences
between the control and study groups regarding latencies of V, A, F, and O waves and amplitudes of D, F and O waves.
Conclusions: Higher levels of the auditory efferent system in the brainstem, specifically the rostral part, play an
important role in high-level auditory challenging situations like speech perception in noise and dichotic listening
Keywords: Auditory efferent pathway, Dichotic Digits Test, Speech-ABR, Speech in noise test.

objective, non-invasive auditory test that uses speech
An integrated afferent and efferent auditory
stimuli to measure neural activity (4). As the efferent
pathway is the foundation of the hearing system. The
system is more active when the environment is noisy,
efferent system shows that auditory input is modulated
this may be a good way to study the performance of
before it reaches the brain through a parallel arrangement
the rostral (top) auditory efferent system, which is less
of auditory reciprocal descending projections from the
studied (3).
brain to the cochlea. Noise-induced cochlear damage
To assess the efferent auditory system, tests such
protection, hearing development, and complex auditory
as the speech in noise (SPIN) and dichotic digits can
signal processing all appear to be aided by the efferent
be used subjectively. The efferent system is involved
system (1).
in these behavioral tests. Embedding speech in a
Auditory processing depends on the integrity of
background of noise is how the SPIN test works. It
both afferent and efferent auditory pathways. The efferent
shows deficits in the ear that is on the other side of the
system is responsible for the central control of cochlear
hemisphere that is affected by auditory cortex. It is
amplification, as well as selective attention. People with
possible to evaluate the ability to focus on specific
hearing loss have a hard time distinguishing speech from
sounds using the dichotic digits test (5).
background noise, also selective attention is
Correlations between results of S-ABR in
compromised, pointing to involvement of the efferent
different conditions and auditory behavioural test
system (2).
scores aim to provide an objective tool for diagnosing
Because of its complex neural cycles, the auditory
difficulties of auditory processing in young children or
efferent system has received less attention than the
poor cooperation adults and for monitoring the
auditory afferent system, which has been tested
efficacy of treatment/rehabilitation methods, as well(3).
subjectively and objectively by behavioural and
Aim of the present study was to evaluate the
electrophysiological methods. The medial olivary
auditory efferent pathway in adults with normal
cochlear bundle at the brainstem's base is the only part of
hearing and others with SNHL by using speech ABR.
the auditory efferent system typically examined in

research by otoacoustic emission (OAE) suppression.
Only the path from medial olivocochlear bundle (MOCB)
At Zagazig University Hospitals' ENT
to the outer hair cells is examined in this test. Since the
upper efferent system is not included, these findings
observational study in the Audio-vestibular Unit.
cannot be extrapolated (3).

Efferent activity in the brainstem level can be
Sixty nine patients were included in the study
measured using the speech auditory brainstem
that were divided into 2 groups: Control group
response (S-ABR), which is an electrophysiological,
included 46 patients with normal hearing and age
Received: 19/11/2021
Accepted: 17/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 176)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_177 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2072-2074

Association of Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Phototherapy in
Infants Weighing Less Than 1500 Grams
Abdou Mohamed Abdou Mahmoud, Ali Elsayed Ali Elagamy
Pediatric Department Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
@Corresponding author: Abdou Mohamed Abdou Mahmoud, E mail: Abdoumohamed.206@azhar.edu.eg
Mobile phone: +20 114 001 1356
Very preterm infants with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) are more likely to be born prematurely or
receive therapeutic treatments that reduce ductus arteriosus functioning smooth muscle number, reduce the response to
oxygen-elicited vasoconstriction, or increase the concentration of circulating vasodilators. Objective: In this study we
aimed to evaluate the association between PDA and phototherapy in low birth weight (less than 1500 grams) neonates.
Patients and Methods: Between August 2020 and December 2021, 100 neonates admitted to the Al-Hussein Hospital,
Al-Azhar University, who needed phototherapy participated in our study. Infants affected with congenital cardiac
problems, severe congenital abnormalities, hydrops fetalis, or rhesus isoimmunization required exchange transfusions
of blood. After the newborn clinical team established that phototherapy was essential for infants in group A, researcher's
secured written approval from the parents. Group (A) involved 50 infants who underwent phototherapy, whereas Group
(B) included 50 infants who did not get any phototherapy at all. Results: There was significant difference between
Group (A) and B regarding PDA prevalence and ductal size in PDA patients. There is significant difference between
the groups as regard L-to-R shunt > small. Conclusion: Phototherapy has been associated to an increased incidence of
patent ductus arteriosus in very low and extremely low birth weight infants.
Key words: Infants, Patent ductus arteriosus, PDA, Phototherapy


A decrease in the occurrence of conditions like
patent ductus-arteriosus (PDA), bronchopulmonary
Between August 2020 and December 2021,
dysplasia, or intraventricular hemorrhage has not been
100 neonates admitted to the Al-Hussein Hospital Al-
linked to an increase in the survival of very preterm
needed phototherapy
newborns during the previous years (1). PDA, which
participated in our study. Infants affected with
arises at a rate that is inversely proportional to
congenital cardiac problems, severe congenital
gestational age in very preterm newborns, is still a
concern. An intraventricular hemorrhage, necrotizing
isoimmunization required exchange transfusions of
enterocolitis, a long-term ventilator-dependence, and
bronchopulmonary dysplasia are all associated with
Patients were divided into 2 equal groups. Group
PDA (2).
(A) involved 50 infants who underwent phototherapy,
Very preterm infants with PDA are more likely to
whereas Group (B) included 50 infants who did not get
be born prematurely or receive therapeutic treatments
any phototherapy at all.
that reduce ductus arteriosus functioning smooth muscle
There were phototherapy lights that were spaced
number, reduce the response to oxygen-elicited
45 cm apart from the body surface for phototherapy. As
vasoconstriction, or increase the concentration of
a part of their phototherapy, the light spectrum, each
circulating vasodilators (3).
infant received light irradiance was recorded every day.
Phototherapy is a frequent treatment technique used
Newborns were breastfed in both prone and supine
to treat neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in extremely
positions for the remainder of their stay, in accordance
preterm newborns, especially during the first week of
with the procedure of the facility. The full
life when duct patency is a clinical concern.
echocardiographic assessment of each patient included
Phototherapy has been shown to have deleterious
two-dimensional imaging, colour flow, pulsed and
effects on gastrointestinal motility, skin temperature,
continuous-wave Doppler studies.
hydration, peripheral blood flow, electrolyte balance,
It was possible to obtain information on
and cardiac output (4).
numerous parameters using colour flow and imaging,
Phototherapy does not affect PDA via
including whether or not the ductus was open, the
prostaglandins, and they are removed concurrently with
smallest possible size; an estimate of the shunt's size and
ductus arteriosus closure, according to a new study by
direction; pulmonary arterial pressure; the left
Surmeli-Onay et al. (5).
atrial/aortic root (LA/Ao) ratio; and the pulmonary
Prostaglandin levels may have no impact on the
artery pressure. These evaluations were conducted
photorelaxation effect (4).
before to and 48 hours after phototherapy, or sooner if
In this study we aimed to evaluate the association
phototherapy was ceased. A short time before the arrival
between PDA and phototherapy in low birth weight
of the echocardiographers, phototherapy was stopped
(less than 1500 grams) neonates.
and the chest cover was removed. The cardiologist who

reported the scan was also uninformed of the study
Received: 23/11/2021
Accepted: 21/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 177)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_178 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2075-2081

Role of Uterine Artery Doppler in Diagnosis of
Placenta Accreta in Cases of Placenta Previa
Zahia Idrees Abobaker Jadala*, Ashraf Talat Abdul-Fattah,
Ahmed Mohmed Abd-Alkader, Hala Sherif El Sayed
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Zahia Idrees Abobaker, Mobile: (+20)01002714780, E-mail: zahia83idrees@gmail.com

Placenta accreta occurs when there is an abnormal adherence of a part or entire of the placenta to the
uterine wall with either partial or complete absence of the decidua basalis.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the role of uterine artery Doppler in the diagnosis of placenta accreta in
patients with placenta previa.
Patients and method:
This study prospective cohort study was done at Maternity Hospital, Zagazig University. The
study included 36 pregnant women with placenta previa attending for antenatal care or emergency department. All
patients were subjected to full history taking, ultrasound examination and colour Doppler was performed using:
VOLUSION 730 prov (2D Doppler) of 5 MHZ.
The main gray scale ultrasound features were presence of vascular lacunae with a sensitivity of 96% and
specificity of 89.1%, absence of RPS with a sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 32.7%, myometrial thinning with a
sensitivity of 76% and specificity of 34.51%, absence of RPS and vascular lacunae with a sensitivity of 80% and
specificity of 56.4%, absence of RPS and myometrial thinning with a sensitivity of 82.2% and specificity of 56.5% and
myometrial thinning and vascular lacunae with a sensitivity of 76.4% and specificity of 34.5%. All signs with a
sensitivity of 68% and specificity of 96.4%.
Conclusion: The use of gray scale ultrasound and colour flow Doppler is a good tool in diagnosis of placenta previa
accreta. Addition of uterine artery Doppler indices could predict placenta accreta in cases of placenta previa.
Keywords: Color Doppler, Uterine artery, Placenta accreta, Placenta previa accrete.

Diagnosis of placenta accreta can be done by
Placenta accreta (PA) occurs when there is an
different modalities such as ultrasound grey scale, color
abnormal adherence of a part or entire of the placenta to
Doppler, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
the uterine wall with either partial or complete absence
Ultrasonography is usually employed as the primary
of the decidua basalis. The placenta may be abnormally
modality for antenatal diagnosis of invasive
adherent to the myometrium or extend to invade other
placentation. Specific sonographic features of placenta
tissues (uterine serosa or urinary bladder) (1).
accreta appear as loss of retro placental hypoechoic
Placental attachment is classified according to
clear zone, loss of bladder wall uterine interphase,
degree of penetration to myometrium. Placenta accreta
presence of placental lacunae (vascular spaces), and
(invasion of placental tissue into the decidual surface of
presence of hyper vascularity of interphase between the
the myometrium), placenta increta (placental villi
uterine serosa and bladder wall (7).
invade more deeply within the myometrium), and
Previous uterine artery Doppler studies have
placenta percreta when chorionic villi penetrate through
suggested that a high uterine artery pulsatility index (PI)
the uterine serosa and may invade surrounding organs
might be an indirect sign of impaired placentation (8).
such as the bladder (2).
However, the relationship between placenta accreta and
One of the catastrophic complications of PA is
uterine artery Doppler velocimetric measurements have
massive hemorrhage at the time of placental separation,
not been investigated previously (9). The aim of this
which can lead to shock, renal failure, adult respiratory
study was to investigate the role of uterine artery
distress syndrome, and even death. In severe cases,
Doppler in the diagnosis of placenta accreta in patients
hysterectomy may be required, also urinary bladder or
with placenta previa.
ureteral injury and pulmonary embolism are other

serious complications (3).
Incidence of placenta accreta is one per 1,533
This prospective cohort study was conducted on 36
pregnancies that was noted by Wu et al. (4). Since
female pregnant women with placenta previa attending
placenta accreta cannot be prevented and because the
for antenatal care or Emergency Department at
incidence is rising because of fewer vaginal births after
Maternity Hospital, Zagazig University.
cesarean delivery (VBAC) trials as well as patient

desire for elective cesarean delivery. Antenatal
Inclusion criteria: Singleton pregnancy. Gestational
diagnosis is important to allow effective planning to
age from 28 week till full term (last menstrual period
minimize maternal/fetal morbidity (5). Three per 1000
and/or ultrasound confirmation of gestational age).
deliveries were placenta accreta and increase in the
Patient diagnosed as having placenta previa.
incidence of placenta accreta over the past decades (6).
Received: 23/11/2021
Accepted: 21/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 178)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_179 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2082-2090

Immunohistochemical Expression of Cyclin D1 in Breast Carcinoma
Amira A. Abdelnaby*1, Eman A. A. Azzam2, and Afaf Taha E.Al.Nashar1
1Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Egypt
2Department of Oncology, Sohag Oncology Centre, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amira Ahmed Abdelnaby, Mobile: (+20)01002097612,
E-mail: ameraabdelnaby55@gmail.com

Background: C
yclin D1 can function as an oncogene that favours a proliferative advantage to tumor cells. Recent
evidences strongly suggest the role of Cyclin D1 in breast cancer resistance to therapy and cancer progression.
To evaluate the immuno-expression of Cyclin D1 and correlate this with clinicopathological parameters,
which are known to be prognostic factors, thus evaluating the role of cyclin D1 as a prognostic marker in breast
Materials and methods: Fifty-two cases of invasive breast carcinoma removed by modified radical mastectomy were
enrolled in this study and evaluated for expression of Cyclin D1 by immunohistochemistry. The expression was
evaluated by the Allred score that combines the intensity of immunoreaction with the percentage of positive cells.
Cyclin D1 expression appeared as brownish nuclear staining and showed variation in its expression among
different types of invasive breast carcinoma. It showed significant correlation with tumor grade (p= 0.004), histologic
type (p= 0.014), luminal molecular subtype (A&B) tumors (p= 0.001), estrogen receptors (ER) (p= 0.02), progesterone
receptors (PR) (p= 0.007), and tumors of cases were received Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) before surgery (p=
Conclusion: The current data suggests that Cyclin D1protein have a role in breast oncogenesis and is involved in
progression of breast carcinoma as its expression is correlated with many prognostic factors. Therefore, it may serve as
a prognostic marker for patient outcome and may help in making an appropriate strategy of adjuvant therapy selection.
Keywords: Breast carcinoma, Immunohistochemistry, Cyclin D1.


surprising that overexpression of D cyclins or hyper-
Breast cancer (BC) is by far the most frequent
activation of their cognate CDKs directly contributes to
cancer among women with an estimated 2 million new
neoplastic growth (8).
cancer cases diagnosed in 2018 (23% of all cancers),
Cyclin D1 overexpression is commonly found
and ranks second overall (10.9% of all cancers) (1). It is
in human breast cancers. Many experimental evidence
the leading cause of cancer related mortality,
has suggested that cyclin D1 can function as an
representing 15% of deaths per year worldwide (2). In
oncogene and that increased expression of cyclin D1
Egypt, breast cancer is the most common malignancy in
accelerates the G1 phase and likely provides a
females; it accounts for 32 % of cancer in women (3). BC
proliferative advantage to tumor cells (9). In addition,
is a heterogeneous disease clinically and pathologically
recent evidences strongly suggest the role of Cyclin D1
(4). Age, tumor size, histological grade, lymph node
in the resistance to therapy and cancer progression (10).
metastasis are considered as standard prognostic factors
This study was designed to evaluate cyclin D1
whereas hormone receptor; estrogen (ER), progesterone
expression and its correlation with the available
(PR), and human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2)
clinicopathological criteria in patients with BC.
status are regarded as predictive factors in patients with

breast carcinoma (5).
Fifty-two formalin-fixed paraffin embedded
Breast cancers are classified with respect to the
tissue blocks of 52 cases of invasive BC were retrieved
presence or absence of these hormone receptors into
for this study from Pathology Department, Sohag
four distinct intrinsic molecular subtypes: luminal A,
University Hospitals, and Sohag Oncology Center
luminal B, HER2-enriched, and basal-like/triple
during the period from January 2018 to December 2020.
negative breast cancer (BLBC)/ (TNBC) (6).

Cyclin D1 is emerging as a significant
Ethical consent:
biomarker in invasive breast cancer. It is the product of
An approval of the study was obtained from
the CCND1 (PRAD1) gene located on chromosome
Sohag University Academic and Ethical Committee.
11q13 and it is the key cell cycle G1/S regulatory
Tissue specimens were obtained by modified radical
protein (7). D cyclins, including cyclins D1, D2, and D3,
mastectomy in all cases. Nineteen out of fifty-two (19
form active complexes with either CDK4 or CDK6,
/52) of included breast cancer patients received
which, in turn, phosphorylate the retinoblastoma (Rb)
neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) before surgery.
protein and drive G1 to S phase progression. D cyclins
Every patient signed an informed written consent
coordinate cell cycle progression with the extracellular
for acceptance of participation in the study. This
stimulation. Given the role of D cyclins in mediating
work has been carried out in accordance with The
extracellular cues with cell proliferation, it is not
Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association
Received: 24/11/2021
Accepted: 22/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 179)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_180 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2091-2095

Assessment of Serum Leptin Levels in Pediatric Patients of Beta Thalassemia
Mohammed Fawzi Abdel Fatah1, Mona Mohammed Elshafie1,
Ziyad Mohamed Essam Eldin2, Aml Mahmoud Mohammed Youssef*1
Departments of 1Pediatric and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Aml Mahmoud Mohammed, Mobile: (+20) 01065265397, E-Mail: amlsynchhimatology88@gmail.com

Beta thalassemia is one of the most common hereditary chronic hematological disorders in our country.
Leptin is considered a physiological link between nutritional status and reproductive maturation and function.
We conducted this study to evaluate serum leptin in pediatric beta thalassemia patients who are transfusion
Patients and Methods:
We selected 32 cases of pediatric patients of beta thalassemia above age of eight years and had
delayed growth, and we excluded all individuals suffering from any other problem affecting growth and development.
Our patients were being followed up at hematologic outpatient clinics in Zagazig University Hospital and Mansoura
Insurance Hospital, in the period from December, 2018 to June, 2020. We compared them by 28 healthy controlled
individuals sharing the same age and sex who attended outpatient general clinics.
Results: Coincidence of participants at age and sex but there was significant decrease in height, weight and BMI of
cases than control group. Serum leptin was significantly lower in cases of beta thalassemia than control group
(P<0.001). ROC curve was used for detection the validity and cutoff point of serum leptin in differentiating cases. Area
under the ROC curve (0.987) was excellent.
Decreased serum leptin in patients of thalassemia. Cutoff point (982.5) was the best value to detect validity
of serum leptin to differentiate cases, with sensitivity of 96.9%, specificity of 89.3%, accuracy of 93.3%, positive
predictive value of 91.2% and negative predictive value of 96.2%.
Assessment, Beta Thalassemia, Pediatric, Serum leptin.

Inclusion criteria:
Beta thalassemia is considered the most common
Any pediatric patient of beta thalassemia above 8
hereditary chronic hemolytic anemia in Egypt as about
years old up to 15 years old whose diagnosis was
one thousand per 1.5 million live birth has thalassemia
confirmed by hemoglobin electrophoresis or high
with estimation of 10% as rate of carrier (1).
frequency liquid chromatography test, and patients were
Leptin is an adipokine, which is synthesized and
transfusion dependent beta thalassemia.
released from adipocytes in response to changes in body

fat and binds receptors within the hypothalamus to
Exclusion criteria:
control appetite. Leptin is considered a physiological
Patients with any other hematologic disorders,
link between nutritional status and reproductive
patients with any signs of chronic inflammation or
maturation and function(2). So sexual development may
chronic infection, patients under growing hormonal or
be triggered by leptin, which can be a metabolic gate of
any therapy that affect growth and puberty, any patients
it (3).
with other chronic systemic diseases, syndromatic
Brooke and Brown (4) reported increased serum
patients, and patient with metabolic or endocrinal
gonadotropin hormone levels by the administration of
disorders that affect the growth and puberty.
leptin to leptin-deficient patients.

We conducted this study to evaluate serum leptin
All patients were subjected to:
in pediatric beta thalassemia patients who are
Complete history and general examination.
transfusion dependent.
Anthropometry: including assessment of growth,

weight, length, BMI, Z- Score according to WHO
growth charts and puberty assessment of both male and
This case control study was carried out on 60
female according to Tanner staging by assessment
participants, 32 cases of pediatric beta thalassemia
development of breast in female and testicular size of
patients and 28 healthy children as control. We selected
male in pubertal individuals.
32 cases of pediatric patients of beta thalassemia above
Delayed puberty is defined by absence signs of puberty
age of eight years and had delayed growth, and we
by age of 13 years in female or 14 years in male (5).
exclude all individuals suffering from any other

problem affecting growth and development. Our
patients were being followed up at hematologic
Complete blood picture, random blood sugar,
outpatient clinics in Zagazig University Hospital and
serum leptin level by ELIZA kits were measured for all
Mansoura Insurance Hospital, in the period from
participants. Serum ferritin, thyroid function tests, bone
December, 2018 to June, 2020. We compared them by
age for cases and sex hormones for pubertal age cases
28 healthy controlled individuals sharing the same age
were also measured.
and sex who attended outpatient general clinics.

Received: 21/11/2021
Accepted: 19/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 180)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_181 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2096-2100

Study of Clinical Features and Laboratory Findings in
Children with Immune Thrombocytopenia
Mervat Atfy Mohammed1, Adel Sherif Ahmed1, Amal Ahmed Zidan2, Amina Mohamed Abd EL-Hakam*1
Departments of 1Pediatric and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine ­ Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amina Mohamed Abd El-Hakam, Mobile: (+20) 01095158162, E-Mail: amina.mohamed80@yahoo.com

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune disease characterized by decreased platelet count in
peripheral blood, which is caused by antibody production against surface antigens of platelets and their destruction by
macrophages in reticuloendothelial system, as well as impaired thrombopoiesis. Reliable prediction of the course of the
disease at time of diagnosis could be a useful tool regarding the planning of treatment, to minimize the risk of bleeding
while avoiding drug complications.
Objective: This study aimed was to determine clinical features and laboratory findings in children with immune
thrombocytopenia (ITP) among studied children.
Patients and Methods:
This prospective cohort study included 48 patients categorized into 3 groups (acute, persistent
and chronic). Acute group include 19 patients, persistent group include 11 patients and chronic group included 18
patients. The study was done in Hematology and Oncology Unit of Pediatric Department and Clinical Pathology
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals.
Results: There was significant difference between the studied groups regarding platelet count initially at diagnosis, and
after 6 months and percent change in platelet count at 6 months as compared to base line (on pairwise comparison, the
difference is significant only between patients with acute and chronic ITP regarding change in platelet count. Also, the
difference was significant between each individual groups regarding percent change in platelet count).
Conclusion: ITP in children is usually a benign disease with no or minimal bleeding. It has a high chance for
spontaneous remission even without treatment. The most common presentation in ITP is cutaneous bleeding in form of
petechiae and/or ecchymosis.
Keywords: Immune Thrombocytopenia, Clinical features, Laboratory findings.

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is autoimmune
information to assist with patient management (4). This
hematological disorder characterized by isolated
study was designed to determine clinical features,
thrombocytopenia (peripheral blood platelet count <
laboratory findings in children with immune
100 × 109/L) in absence of other causative systemic
thrombocytopenia (ITP) among studied children.
disorders. It is the most common cause of

thrombocytopenia in children (1). The pathogenesis of
ITP remains incompletely understood. The underlying
This was a prospective cohort study included 48
mechanism is thought to be the reduced lifespan of
patients categorized into 3 groups (acute, persistent and
platelets due to antibodies-mediated accelerated
chronic). Acute group include 19 patients, persistent
destruction by the reticuloendothelial system and
group included 11 patients and chronic group included
abnormal production by bone marrow. Autoantibodies
18 patients. The study was done in Hematology and
are directed against platelet surface glycoprotein
Oncology Unit of Pediatric Department and Clinical
antigens such as GPIIb /IIIa and GP Ib/ Ix complexes.
Pathology Department, Zagazig University Hospitals,
This autoantibodies play a major rule in both platelet
during the period from March 2019 to August 2019 (6
destruction and decrease platelet production (2).
ITP is characterized by wide variety of

presentation, which range from skin and mucous
Sample size: The sample was calculated assuming that
membrane bleeding manifestation such as petechiae,
immune-thrombocytopenic patients presented at 8
purpura, bruising, epistaxis and gingival bleeding up to
/month. So, sample during 6 months was 48 patients.
menorrhagia and intracranial bleeding. Intracranial
The patients were categorized into three groups
bleeding is extremely rare, occurring in 0.5-1% of
according to their characters (5). Group 1, acute ITP
children when the platelet count drop below 10 x 109/L
patients (less than 3 months from diagnosis), group 2,
persistent ITP patients (from 3 months to one year from
Diagnosis of ITP is made by a careful history,
diagnosis), and group 3, chronic ITP patients (after one
physical examination, complete blood count, and
year from diagnosis).
review of the blood smear. Response to initial treatment

with corticosteroid or intravenous immunoglobulin
Target population: All children with immune
(IVIG) supports the diagnosis and confirms the immune
thrombocytopenia admitted to Hematology and
nature of the thrombocytopenia. However, additional
Oncology Unit of Pediatric Department, Zagazig
investigation is necessary to exclude secondary
University Hospitals during the study period.
Received: 26/11/2021
Accepted: 24/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 181)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_182 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2101-2105

Evaluation and Management of Postoperative Neck Hematoma after
Benign Thyroid Surgery
Wael Ibrahim Elshelfa, Ramdan Mahmoud Ali,
Amr Mahmoud Abdulla ElDeeb, Mahdi Abdallah Almahdi Alsakloul*
Department of Surgery and Surgical Oncology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mahdi Abdallah Almahdi Alsakloul, E-Mail: mahdialsakloul@gmail.com

A neck hematoma that obstructs the airway following thyroidectomy might be life-threatening if it is
formed early after the procedure.
Objective: To evaluate the incidence and timing of postoperative bleeding and to identify the potential etiological
factors of cervical hematomas complicating thyroid surgery.
Patients and Methods
: We examined 18 cases of benign thyroid diseases underwent the thyroid surgery. All patients
had been subjected to full clinical assessment, routine laboratory studies, thyroid profile, neck ultrasound (US), and no
patient was allowed to be operated upon unless became adequately prepared and euthyroid.
Results: The incidence of hematoma post total thyroidectomy was 16.67% as a mild to moderate collection that didn't
need surgical intervention. In eighteen patients there was no postoperative recurrent laryngeal nerve injury found (0%)
and just one case complained of transient hypocalcemia that regressed one month later
Conclusion: Using better technique with bipolar technology, Valsalva maneuver and rubber drain decrease the
incidence of hematoma.
Keywords: Neck Hematoma, Thyroid Surgery, Thyroidectomy.


suspicion. Symptoms and signs of early hypoxia include
Due to the thyroid's high level of vascularization, a
sweating, rapid heartbeat, irritability, and bewilderment.
post-thyroidectomy hematoma could be life-threatening
Late symptoms and signs include ecchymosis, neck
because it can block venous and lymphatic drainage,
swelling, choking, dyspnea, difficulty phonating, and
resulting in laryngopharyngeal edema and airway
stridor. As a result of this condition, the surgical drain is
obstruction (1).
often clogged with blood, making it a misleading
Short-stay outpatient thyroidectomy in the United
instrument. Consequently, the patient's clinical picture is
States is becoming increasingly common for benign or
significantly more sensitive and specific in the
malignant thyroid tumor and Graves' disease patients. A
identification of postoperative hematoma than the
neck hematoma that obstructs the airway following
discharge of drains (6).
thyroidectomy is a potentially fatal early complication.
Intraoperative hemostasis has a wide range of
Due to its unpredictable nature and the possibility for
options. Hemostatic clips, clamp-and-tie procedures, and
death, acute airway distress such as this warrants special
conventional bipolar and monopolar cautery are all
attention and urgent evaluation and treatment using
examples of traditional hemostatic techniques. For
surgical methods. However, despite the safety of a short-
intraoperative hemostasis, these methods are often
stay thyroidectomy, there is concern about the period
regarded as the gold standard (7). Radiation-frequency or
between the initial thyroidectomy and the beginning of
ultrasound-based hemostatic treatments have lately been
hematoma (2).
shown to be highly effective, as has the usage of
According to the available research, the prevalence
"alternative energy devices" (5).
of bleeding after thyroid gland surgery ranges from 0%
It has been found that the use of radiofrequency and
to 4.2% (3). A neck hematoma following surgery on the
ultrasonic vascular sealing devices can reduce surgical
thyroid can cause fast airway constriction or obstruction,
time and problems such as thermal nerve injury during
which is potentially life-threatening (4). Thyroid surgery's
thyroidectomy (8). When it comes to hematoma treatment,
primary goal is to achieve effective intraoperative
it all comes down to the symptoms. Only a patient with
hemostasis (5). An incorrectly applied ligature can slip
an unstable or worsening hematoma at the bedside
owing to retching, vomiting, the Valsalva maneuver, or
necessitates rapid evacuation and re-examination.
increased vein and artery pressure, are probable causes of
Reintubation in an operating room (OR) is often
bleeding. According to research, it's connected to
achievable. Because of the possibility of substantial
anticoagulant drugs and hematologic disorders (1).
epiglottis and arytenoid edema, the intubation should be
Subcutaneous tissue, infrahyoid muscles, the upper pole,
performed by the most senior endoscopist. After an
residual thyroid tissue and the internal jugular vein may
evacuation, postoperative treatment is typically
all be the source of bleeding. Wound re-examination may
unchanged (9).
fail to reveal the source of bleeding in some cases (2).
It was the goal of this work to evaluate the incidence
A high degree of suspicion in the first postoperative
and timing of postoperative bleeding and to identify the
hours is essential to detecting airway obstruction before
potential etiological factors of cervical hematomas
it starts; early detection relies on a high degree of
complicating thyroid surgery.
Received: 27/11/2021
Accepted: 25/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 182)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_183 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2106-2112

Relationship between Serum Iron Level and Zinc Level with
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children
Norhan Zakaria Hassanien El-Saadany*1, Mohamed Fawzy Abdel-Fattah1,
Ahmed Galal Siam1, Nilly Raafat Abdel-Fattah2
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Norhan Zakaria Hassanien El-Saadany, E-Mail: ahmed.ibrahim198780@gmail.com

ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the most frequent pediatric mental disorder. Zinc
and iron are the most commonly investigated elements in children with ADHD.
Objective: The aim of the current work was to discuss the role of iron and zinc in the brain development and the
possible lowered serum levels of these elements in patients with ADHD to prevent and control some of ADHD
Patients and Methods
: 42 children, aged from 4 to 14 years were included in this study as their parents complained
from inattention, excess activity, or difficulties in school achievement of their children. All children included in the
study were subjected to Full detailed medical history, clinical examination including physical examination,
neurological examination, and laboratory investigations.
Results: There was statistical significance decrease in both Fe and Zn among cases compare to control group. In
addition, there were statistical significance increases in frequency of low Fe and Zn level among cases group
compared to control group. The levels of Fe and Zn had statistically significant ­ve relationships with the ratings
given by both parents and teachers. A statistically significant link between Zn and Fe levels was also found. There
were statistical significance increase in frequency of ADHD C and PH and sever ADHD among cases had low Zn
level compare to cases had normal level.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that both zinc and iron serum levels were found to have a significant correlation
with parent-reported hyperactivity symptoms, suggesting that patients with low levels of iron and zinc may be at
greater risk of developing ADHD symptoms.
Keywords: Iron, Zinc, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder,


production. Bener et al. (7) after controlling for age,
Hyperactivity/impulsivity and inattentiveness are
gender, and other characteristics, it was observed that
two of the most prevalent symptoms of Attention Deficit
children with ADHD had low serum iron levels (7).
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), the most common
Other research has shown that iron deficiency
pediatric mental illness (1). Neuroimaging studies and the
raises the likelihood of mental health issues, ADHD, and
effects of pharmacotherapeutic treatment suggest that
other developmental problems (8).
dopaminergic neuronal growth in the prefrontal cortex
Cheatham (9) discovered that iron deficiency
and subcortical regions may play a role (2).
worsened the symptoms of attention deficit
However, a number of studies have shown that
hyperactivity disorder. Further studies suggested that
both genetics and the environment play a crucial role in
iron supplementation could help alleviate the symptoms
the development of the symptoms. Environmental (non-
of ADHD.
genetic) factors may have a role in the development of
The goal of this work was to discuss the role of
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (3).
iron and zinc in the brain development and the possible
In youngsters with attention deficit hyperactivity
lowered serum levels of these elements in patients with
disorder, zinc and iron are frequently examined.
ADHD to prevent and control some of ADHD symptom.
Neurotransmitters (such as dopamine, melatonin, and

prostaglandins) are all dependent on zinc for their
metabolism (4).
This case control trial study included a total of
It is uncertain how zinc may be linked to ADHD
42 patients with ADHD and 42 healthy children as
symptoms, although it serves as a cofactor for more than
controls, selected from Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics
300 enzymes and has a role in the creation of
and the Pediatric Outpatient Clinic, Zagazig University
prostaglandins and neurotransmitters in the human body
Hospitals. Patients were 30 boys (71%), and 12 girls
(5). Inattention, one of the hallmarks of ADHD, is one of
(29%) with ADHD aged between 6 and 14 years.
the hallmarks of zinc insufficiency. Number of case-

controlled studies have shown that children diagnosed
Ethical Consideration:
with ADHD had lower zinc levels than their peers (6).
This study was ethically approved by Zagazig
Iron is another extensively studied element in
University's Research Ethics Committee. Written
children with ADHD, which is a cofactor for tyrosine
informed consent of all the participants' parents was
hydroxylase, the enzyme of monoamine synthesis and
obtained and submitted them to Zagazig University
thus is critical for dopamine and norepinephrine
(ZU-IRB#6756). The study protocol conformed to
Received: 25/11/2021
Accepted: 23/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 183)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_184 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2113-2118

Role of Nephrinuria in Early Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetic Nephropathy at
Zagazig University Hospitals
Amina Mohamed Talaat El Nagar1, Osama Elsayed Ahmed Metwaly*2,
Aymen Abd Elrahman Mohamed Nasrallah3, Lamiaa Mahmoud Mohammad Kamel1
Departments of 1Clinical Pathology and 2Internal Medicine and Endocrinology
, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
3Department of Clinical Pathology, Maadi Military Hospitals, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Osama Elsayed Ahmed Metwaly, E-Mail: osoos.oa@gmail.com

: Diabetic nephropathy can be detected early with the help of the nephrin biomarker.
Objective: The aim of the current work was to assess the level of nephrin in the urine of type 2 diabetic patients as a
biomarker of early detection of diabetic nephropathy.
Patients and Methods: This study included a total of sixty-six type 2 diabetic patients and 22 apparently healthy control
subjects, attending at Departments of Clinical Pathology and Diabetic Clinic, Internal Medicine Department, Zagazig
University Hospitals. The included participants were divided into four groups; Group A (control) consisted of 22
apparently healthy control subjects, Group B consisted of 22 type 2 diabetic patients with normo-albuminuria, Group C
consisted of 22 type 2 diabetic patients with micro-albuminuria, and Group D consisted of 22 type 2 diabetic patients with
macro-albuminuria. Urinary nephrin level was assessed among all participants.
Results: The urine nephrin and the urine nephrin/creatinine ratio showed highly statistically significant differences
between the study groups. Post hoc test showed that urine nephrin and urine nephrin/creatinine ratio were highly elevated
in group B when compared to group A, also were elevated in group D when compared to group C and group D when
compared to group B. Correlation matrix showed that there was significant positive correlation between duration of
diabetes (years) with urine nephrin.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that even in diabetic patients with normal albuminuria, urinary nephrin is elevated
because it precedes albuminuria. Diabetic nephropathy can be diagnosed earlier with the help of this marker.
Keywords: Nephrin, Diabetic Nephropathy, Urinary nephrin, renal disease.


Diabetes's prevalence has reached epidemic
The renal podocytes express nephrin, a 180-kD
proportions, and by 2035, it is predicted to impact more
transmembrane protein. Congenital nephrotic syndrome
than 350 million individuals around the world (1).
of the Finnish variety was the first to be found to have it
For End-Stage Renal Disease and Chronic Kidney
(8). Due to its role in the renal filtering diaphragm and its
Disease, Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is the most common
location between the foot processes of the podocytes,
cause. In part, this is due to an increase in type 2 diabetes,
nephrin is likely to be expelled first if the filtration barrier
which is linked to obesity (2).
is damaged (9). Diabetic nephropathy can be detected early
At least 20-40 percent of type 2 diabetic individuals
with the help of the nephrin biomarker (7).
develop evident nephropathy in the first two decades after
The aim of the current work was to assess the level
the onset of diabetes without any intervention; around 20
of nephrin in the urine of type 2 diabetic patients as a
percent develop end-stage renal disease (3).
biomarker of early detection of diabetic nephropathy.
If albumin levels in the urine and the Glomerular

Filtration Rate (GFR) decline, you have diabetes-related
nephropathy, much like any other chronic kidney illness
This study included a total of sixty-six type 2
(4). One-third of diabetic nephropathy patients find
diabetic patients and 22 apparently healthy control
improvement in their kidney damage due to medication,
subjects, attending at Departments of Clinical Pathology
and this is frequently linked to better diabetes and
and Diabetic Clinic, Internal Medicine Department,
Zagazig University Hospitals. This study was conducted
microalbuminuria and overt nephropathy improve with
between Oct 2019 to April 2020.
medication (5).

In addition to exercise-induced albuminuria, urinary
The Eighty-eight included participants were divided into
tract infections, severe illnesses, and heart failure all
four groups; Group A (control) consisted of 22 apparently
contribute to the confusion. Albuminuria is unable to
healthy control subjects with their median age 51 years,
reliably predict diabetic kidney damage because it can be
Group B consisted of 22 type 2 diabetic patients with
seen in the urine of non-diabetics as well (6). As a result, a
normo-albuminuria with their median age 49.5years,
brand-new biomarker is needed, one that is incorporated
Group C consisted of 22 type 2 diabetic patients with
into the kidney's structure. Many renal indicators have
micro-albuminuria with their median age 43 years, and
been investigated for the early prediction of renal
Group D consisted of 22 type 2 diabetic patients with
impairment through the years (7).
macro-albuminuria with their median age 56.

Received: 25/11/2021
Accepted: 23/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 184)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2119-2124

Correlation between Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio and the Severity of
COVID-19 in Zagazig University Hospitals
Nariman Nabil Mohamed Hassan*, Neveen George Elantouny,
George Emad Shaker, Heba Shafeak Abd El Khalik
Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Nariman Nabil Mohamed Hassan, Email: narimannabil.123@gmail.com

: It is possible to predict the severity of COVID-19 based on the platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), which
is a novel biomarker.
Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate the correlation between PLR levels and the severity of
COVID-19 patients in Zagazig University Hospital.
Patients and Methods: At Zagazig University Hospitals' Isolation Hospital, a comparative cross-sectional study was
conducted on 48 confirmed COVID-19 patients over the age of 18 of both sexes. Patients were categorized into two
groups based on the severity of their symptoms (mild and severe) At least one of the following criteria was met by very
ill patients: 1- Oxygen saturation is below 93% in the resting condition. 2- Breathing difficulty, RR equal or higher than
30 times/min. All patients underwent a laboratory investigations with assessment of PLR.
Results: A higher platelet count/lymphocyte ratio was not related with more severe disease since the median in severe
cases (197.31) was somewhat higher than the median in mild cases (184.72) with non-statistically significant
differences. Our study proved a strong correlation between a decrease in platelet count and the severity of illness.
Because of its low AUC of 0.559, PLR was ruled out as a diagnostic biomarker that might be used to predict the severity
of disease. The optimal cut-off value was 5.1464, sensitivity was 60%, specificity was 55.6%, positive predictive
value (PPV) was 69.2%, negative predictive value (NPV) was 45.5% and its accuracy was 58.3% (p>0.05).
Conclusion: PLR could not be used as a potential diagnostic marker for COVID 19 disease severity.
Keywords: Platelet lymphocyte ratio, COVID-19.


In Wuhan, China, a new type of pneumonia was
into two groups based on the severity of their
discovered in December 2019 and later dubbed "novel
symptoms (mild and severe).
corona virus pneumonia" (NCP) (1). At first, the infection

was thought to have been spread from animal to human
Ethical Consideration:
without any connection to any particular species of
An approval of the study was obtained from
animal (2).
University Academic
The majority of patients had minor symptoms. Acute
Committee (ZU-IRB#6952). Every patient signed an
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or multiple organ
informed written consent for acceptance of
failure (MOF) can occur in COVID-19 patients (3).
participation in the study. This work has been
COVID-19 can be diagnosed using PCR, a chest CT
carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of
scan that may show multiple, multi-lobar areas of
the World Medical Association (Declaration of
ground-glass opacity, and laboratory tests (4).
Helsinki) for studies involving humans.
It is relatively simple and inexpensive to measure the

neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and the platelet-
Inclusion Criteria: Confirmed cases of COVID-19 by
to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), two novel biomarkers, in
PCR, and patients with age group older than 18 years of
routine laboratory studies. Infectious disease patients
both sexes.
who have elevated NLR and PLR are more likely to die

and have a worse prognosis (5). Increased PLR during
Exclusion criteria: Patients aged under 18 years, and
hospitalization could also be an indication of how the
COPD, hematological illnesses, liver disease, radiation,
disease will progress (6).
and chemotherapy. These conditions might alter blood
The aim of the current work was to evaluate platelet
cell count during the time of COVID-19.
to lymphocyte ratio as an effective prediction of severity

of covid-19 among Zagazig university hospital COVID-
Each participant was subjected to:
19 patients.
1. Full history taking and thorough physical

examination with emphasis on demographic and
clinical data.
This comparative cross-sectional study included a
2. Samples of blood were immediately taken and sent
total of 48 confirmed COVID-19 patients over the age
to a laboratory for analysis for routine and specific
of 18 of both sexes, attending at Zagazig University
investigations with assessment of complete blood
Hospitals' Isolation Hospital. Patients were categorized
count (CBC) before any interventional measures and

fluid administration.
Received: 24/11/2021
Accepted: 22/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 185)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_186 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2125-2132

Treatment of Osteochondral Defects of the Knee Joint by
Osteochondral Autograft Transfer
Riad Mansour Megahed, Mohamed Elsayed Refaie*,
Hossam Fathi Mahmmoud, Mohammed Attia Abdelmoeti
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Mohamed Elsayed Refaie, E-Mail: mohamadalrefay63@gmail.com

: Osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT) is very helpful in managing osteochondral defects of knee
Objective: Evaluation of the radiological and functional results of osteochondral autograft in treatment of
osteochondral defects.
Patients and Methods: Eighteen patients with chondral and osteochondral lesions in the knee joint treated by
Osteochondral Autograft Transport System (OATS) were included. Patients were recruited from Zagazig University
Hospital outpatient clinic and followed up for more than six months.
Results: The best results were generally encountered in small lesions, chondral and osteochondral defects, that had
normal articular cartilage surrounding the lesion, and the average final subjective chondral defect score at the end of
the follow up was with (50.1 ± 6.4) in comparison to the average preoperative subjective score was (27.4 ± 6.9). There
was a statistically significant difference between the mean of the preoperative and the final postoperative subjective
chondral defect scores, indicating marked postoperative subjective improvement. Also, highly statistical significant
increasing in postoperative Lysholm Score (88.3 ± 8.7) when compared with preoperative one (46.5 ± 15.2).
Conclusion: OATS were proved to be a useful procedure in treatment of osteochondral defect of the knee joint as it
produced a high good to excellent outcome in our series patients with minor complications.
Keywords: Osteochondral autograft transfer, Osteochondral Defects.


Osteochondral defect is a known as localized
osteochondral allografting (6).
defect of the subchondral bone and articular cartilage (1).
Osteochondral autograft transfer is a procedure in
Many damage to the knee's articular cartilage result in
which undamaged cartilage and subchondral bone are
whole or partial thickness lesions, as Curl et al. found in
transferred from a region of minimal load bearing to a
their evaluation of more than 30.000 arthroscopic
full-thickness lesion in the knee. Arthrotomy or
surgeries on the joint (2).
arthroscopic surgery are two options for doing the
A shearing-type damage, twisting paired with an
procedure. Complications like as donor-site morbidity
axial load, or substantial blunt trauma resulting in an
and the limited amount of tissues that can be harvested
impaction injury are the most common causes of
are well-documented (5).
chondral and osteochondral injuries. Weight-bearing
Osteochondral lesions can only be successfully
causes the patient to experience an increase in pain.
treated if hyaline cartilage regeneration can be avoided.
Additionally, the collecting and locking of recurring
Excellent results can be achieved with appropriate usage
effusions (3).
of (OATs), which can have a long-lasting and functional
Standard diagnostic imaging should include a
influence, low morbidity rates, and reasonable expenses.
standard weight-bearing anteroposterior radiograph of
Although it has restricted the indication, expanding the
both knees in full extension, along with a lateral view,
criteria for its use has demonstrated encouraging mid-
and an axial view of the patellofemoral joint. It is
and long-term results (2).
possible to determine the extent of articular cartilage
It was the goal of this work to evaluate the
lesions with the aid of magnetic resonance imaging (4).
radiological and functional results of osteochondral
Surgical treatment of symptomatic chondral
autograft in treatment of osteochondral defects.
abnormalities seeks to reduce symptoms, improve joint

congruence, and prevent additional cartilage damage (5).
Palliative, reparative, and restorative treatment
This study was undertaken in the Orthopedic Surgery
options are all subcategories of the more general term
Department of Zagazig University Hospitals, eighteen
"alternative". Lesions in patients with low demand are
patients with chondral lesions in the knee joint treated by
better treated with palliative techniques like debridement
Osteochondral Autograft Transport System (OATS)
and lavage. Drilling, abrasion arthroplasty, or
were included. Patients were recruited from Zagazig
microfracture are examples of marrow-stimulating
University Hospital outpatient clinic and followed up for
treatments that can be used to improve fibrocartilage
more than six months.
repair in the area of the defect. There are a variety of

procedures for replacing injured cartilage, including

autologous chondrocyte implantation and autografting,
Ethical consent:
Received: 28/11/2021
Accepted: 26/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 186)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_187 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2133-2138

Evaluation of Interleukin-31 and C-reactive Protein in Inflammatory
Acne Vulgaris Patients
Merfat Fayez Alsalem*1, Ahmed Abd El Khabir Ahmed1,
Fatma Faisal El Dakrory1, Nessma Ahmed Abd Elghany Nosser2
Departments of 1Dermatology Andrology & STDs and 2Clinical Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Dakahlia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Merfat Fayez Alsalem, Mobile: (+20) 01554481148, E-Mail: mervatalsalem@gmail.com

Interleukin-31 (IL-31) is a cytokine that is commonly reported with inflammatory skin diseases and
pruritus. It was positively correlated with disease activity in atopic dermatitis and primary cutaneous lymphoma.
Epidermal keratinocytes express the subunits forming the receptor for this cytokine and thus may play a role in the
inflammatory status of different dermatological diseases in which IL-31 might play a role.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the role of IL-31 and CRP in inflammatory acne vulgaris patients, for the
understanding of a distressing disease and thus better therapies relevant for each case.
Patients and methods: This case-control study included 40 diagnosed patients with acne vulgaris and 40 healthy
controls who were comparable in age and sex to cases. They were randomly chosen from the outpatient clinic of
Mansoura University Hospital's Dermatology Department.
Results: There was a statistically significantly higher median IL-31 among the studied cases than in the control group
(P=0.013). There was a statistically significant higher median CRP among studied cases than in the control group
(P=0.035). Detection of CRP & IL-31 levels can be used as a reliable indicator in differentiating studied cases with the
best-detected cut-off point being 0.650 &911 respectively yielding a sensitivity of 65 & 67.5 and specificity of 52.5%
&50%, respectively.
Conclusion: This work suggested a pathogenic role of IL-31 in acne patients being related to the severity and
inflammation, opening gates for a better understanding of the pathogenesis of common dermatological disease and thus
better treatment results. Serum levels of CRP are elevated in acne vulgaris and are correlated with the disease severity.
Acne Vulgaris, Interleukin -31, C-reactive protein.


production by the liver. Thus, CRP levels could be
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases
elevated in acne if the amount of local inflammation is
affecting adolescents and adults. It is a multifactorial
high enough (5).
disease manifested by comedones, papules, pustules,
A usable and practical classification of Acne is
nodules, and scars (1).
important both in medical practice and research, it can
Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory
be by using the description of the lesions using a scoring
disease of the pilosebaceous unit and is among the most
system offered by the European Guidelines Group
common dermatological conditions worldwide, with an
which divides acne into four grades: comedonal,
estimated 650 million people affected. The
papulopustular, severe papulopustular, or severe
pathogenesis of acne is known to be multifactorial
nodular. Also disease severity was assessed using the
which includes sebum overproduction, abnormal
Global Acne Score(GAGS). According to this scale,
follicular keratinization, Propionibacterium acnes (P.
patients whose Global Acne Score was 1­18 had mild
acnes) proliferation, inflammation, and genetic factors
acne, those with a score of 19­30 had moderate acne,
(2). The immune response plays role in inflammation
those with a score of 31­38 had severe acne, and those
observed in acne resulting from the recruitment of
with a score greater than 39 had very severe acne (6).
activated T lymphocytes (3).
Finally, itching was assessed using the analog scale
Interleukin-31 (IL-31) is a cytokine that has
(score from 0 to 10), where 0 indicated no itching and
been commonly reported with inflammatory skin
10 was the worst itching ever (7).
diseases and pruritus. It was positively correlated with
This work aimed to evaluate the role of IL-31
disease activity in atopic dermatitis and primary
and CRP in inflammatory acne vulgaris patients, for a
cutaneous lymphoma. Epidermal keratinocytes express
better understanding of a distressing disease and thus
the subunits forming the receptor for this cytokine and
better therapies relevant for each case, we hypothesize
thus may play a role in the inflammatory status of
that IL-31 and CRP play significant roles in the
different dermatological diseases in which IL-31 might
pathogenesis of acne vulgaris, thus, we expect to see
play a role (4).
significant variations in their levels among different
C-reactive protein (CRP) is one of the best
patient groups according to the grade of disease.
indicators of systemic inflammation, considering that its

serum levels show no circadian change across 24 h.
Interleukin-1, Interleukin-6, and TNF- which are
This prospective case-control study included 40
found in the acne lesions are also major inducers of CRP
diagnosed patients with acne vulgaris and 40 healthy
Received: 29/11/2021
Accepted: 27/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 187)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_188 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2139-2146

Hyperglycemia as Prognostic Factor in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury in
Emergency Hospital Mansoura University
Mohamed Magdy Abu el-Kheir1, Samir Mohamed Attia2,
Mohammed El-Said Ahmed3, Aeisha Abdelnabi Ahmed Ahmed4
Departments of 1Pediatrics, 2Vascular Surgery, 3Critical Care Medicine and 4Emergency Medicine and
Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Aeisha Abdelnabi Ahmed, Mobile: (+20) 01066557834, E-Mail: dr.nadiaesalem5@gmail.com

Blood glucose possesses all properties of an ideal serum marker of systemic injury. It is highly sensitive
for cerebral cellular injury secondary to head trauma. Although the pathophysiology of hyperglycemia's neuropathic
effect is not entirely clear, it has been reported that it aggravates ischemic acidosis, which in turn worsens brain edema.
Objective: To determine the relationship of blood glucose elevation to outcome in pediatric traumatic brain injury to
improve the management of polytrauma patients.
Patients and methods: This was a prospective study conducted over 100 pediatric patients with traumatic brain injury
admitted to Emergency Hospital Mansoura University over a year from December 2020 to December 2021.
Results: There were statistically significant correlations between ICU length of stay (LOS) and Glasgow Coma Scale
(GCS) score (either on admission or on discharge) and random blood glucose (RBG) and fasting blood glucose (FBG).
However, there were statistically significant correlations between hospital LOS and GCS (on discharge only) and RBG
and FBG. Random blood sugar (RBS) could be considered as positive significant predictor, while GCS on admission
could be used as negative significant predictor of death among studied cases. RBG and FBG could be used as significant
predictors of death among studied cases with high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of RBS and moderate sensitivity,
specificity, and accuracy of FBS.
In the context of pediatric populations, the current study suggested that hyperglycemia at an early stage
could be used as a reliable predictor of the outcome of head trauma and its prognosis. A higher blood glucose level may
be a threatening sign that predicts a poor prognosis and an increased risk of death.
Keywords: FBG, GCS, Hyperglycemia, Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury, RBG.

these patients can have a significant effect on outcomes
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) affects
approximately 500 000 children under 14 years of age
In recent years, efforts have been made to
annually, resulting in approximately 35 000
search for predictors of poor prognosis in children with
hospitalizations and over 2000 deaths. The majority of
moderate to severe TBI to allow for early intervention
moderate and severe cases are admitted to the hospital
and treatment so as to reduce morbidity and mortality
and require intensive care unit (ICU) level care (1).
(6). This is especially relevant in pediatrics, due to the
Pediatric TBI is complicated by the fact that this
varied and nonspecific complaints among head-injured
population is dynamically changing as a part of normal
children. Age, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), accidental
maturation with unique cerebral developmental
hypothermia, hyperglycemia, and coagulation disorders
milestones in infancy, as toddlers, young children, and
are reported to be independent prognostic factors for
as adolescents (2). There are significant developmental
mortality(7). Hyperglycemia occurs frequently in the
changes in skull properties, head size, neck
pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI) population (7). It
musculature, brain water content, myelination,
has been reported to be present within the first 12 hours
hormones, and synaptic connectivity throughout the
of trauma in up to 44% of patients with moderate to
pediatric time period (3). TBI introduced during each of
severe TBI (8). Hyperglycemia has been demonstrated to
these different cerebral developmental phases will
be associated with increased mortality, prolonged
produce differential pathologies, impairments, and
mechanical ventilation and length of stay (LOS) in the
recoveries. Pediatric TBI is further complicated by the
pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in children with
fact that the types of TBI injuries sustained varies with
moderate to severe TBI (7). In addition, hyperglycemia
age, and this will influence, severity/pathology,
within the first 48 hours of admission was reported as
response to injury, and recovery profiles (4).
an independent risk factor for mortality in children with
The care of hospitalized children with traumatic
severe TBI [Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score 8] (9).
brain injury requires a multidisciplinary team, including
The aim of this study was to determine the
emergency physicians, critical care physicians, trauma
relationship between blood glucose elevation and
and/or neurosurgeons, and child neurologists. There is
outcome in pediatric traumatic brain injury to improve
increasing recognition that a cooperative program
the management of polytrauma patients at Emergency
which implements best practices for the management of
Hospital Mansoura University.

Received: 01/01/2022
Accepted: 17/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 188)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_189 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2147-2151

Influence of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma
Coactivator 1 Alpha (PGC-1) in Type 2 Diabetes: Review Article
Abdallah Salem Abdelazem1, Shaden Ahmed Fawzy Mohammed Assaf*1,
Atef Gouda Hussein2, Mayada Mohamed Mousa3
Department of 1Medical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Suez University, Suez, Egypt
Departments 2Medical Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and
3Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Sharkia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Shaden Ahmed Fawzy Mohammed Assaf, E-Mail: shaden.assaf@med.suezuni.edu.eg

: According to the International Diabetes Federation, Egypt has one of the world's top ten highest
concentrations of diabetics. This figure is anticipated to climb to 13.1million by 2032 from the current 7.5 million
diabetics and 2.2 million pre-diabetic population in Egypt. Several transcription factors are coactivated by Peroxisome
Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha (PGC-1), a transcriptional coactivator. Oxidative
metabolism is one of its numerous biological impacts, and it affects ROS production and mitochondrial biogenesis.
Mitochondrial dysfunction is seen in T2DM patients, who have fewer mitochondria in their skeletal muscles.
Objective: To determine if PGC-1 gene polymorphism is correlated with T2DM.
Methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, and Science Direct were searched using the following keywords: Type 2 Diabetes
Mellitus, Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha, and PGC-1. The authors also
screened references from the relevant literature, including all the identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or
complete study was included, and in peer-reviewed articles between March 2001 and February 2021. Documents in a
language apart from English have been excluded as sources for interpretation were not found. Papers apart from main
scientific studies had been excluded: documents unavailable as total written text, conversation, conference abstract
papers, and dissertations.
Conclusion: PGC-1 has been implicated in the regulation of genetic pathways leading to homeostatic liver and muscle
glucose use, mitochondrial biogenesis as well as insulin production.
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha.


coactivator), all of which share structural traits and
It is a group of metabolic diseases that are
action mechanisms in common. PGC-1, the first
characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and
member of the PGC-1 family, was discovered in brown
anomalies in the metabolism of glucose (glucose), lipids
adipose tissue in the late 1990s and found to interact
(fat) and proteins. To blame is either an abnormality in
with the PPAR- transcription factor, which is abundant
the secretion or the effect of insulin (or both) (1).
in brown adipose tissue because of its abundance of
The prevalence of diabetes is a huge public health issue.
mitochondria and specialization in thermogenesis (4).
Global diabetes prevalence is anticipated to climb from
For the most part, PGC-1 is found in high-energy
the current 451 million people to 693 million by 2045 (2).
tissues like the heart and kidneys, but it can also be
More than one billion people worldwide have diabetes
found in skeletal muscle and other tissues as small as
mellitus, a disease that has quadrupled in prevalence in
the testicles (5).
only three decades. Diabetes mellitus affects
To carry out their biological roles, they interact
approximately one in every eleven persons worldwide,
with other coactivator complexes and transcription
with 90 percent of those cases being type 2 diabetes
factors rather than serving as DNA-binding
mellitus (T2DM) (3).
transcription regulators (4).

To regulate gene expression, they help to
The Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
construct pre-initiation complexes. PGC-1 coactivators
gamma coactivator:
have surprisingly similar protein domain structures,
There are three members of the (PGC-1) family:
which explains the partial overlap in their physiological
roles (6).
Received: 30/11/2021
Accepted: 29/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 189)

Zagazig University The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2152-2157
Evaluation of European System for Cardiac Operative Risk (EuroSCORE II) in
Egyptian Patients Undergoing Valvular Surgery
Nezar Mohamed Hosny Elnahal, Ahmed Mahmoud Sharawy Mahdy*,
Mostafa Abdelmohsen Elnewihy, Mohammed Ismail Mohammed
Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Ahmed Mahmoud Sharawy Mahdy, Mobile: (+2) 01115849084, E-mail: dr.a.sharawy@gmail.com

Models have been developed to predict a variety of outcomes, for all cardiac surgery and also for
specific cardiac surgery procedures. The most broadly utilized model for anticipating mortality in cardiovascular
surgery was EuroSCORE I, which has been upgraded in recent times to EuroSCORE II which was validated as a
predictor for in-hospital mortality after cardiac surgery. Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
accuracy of EuroSCORE II in prediction of mortality in Egyptian patients who would undergo valve surgery. Patients
and methods:
This retrospective cohort study evaluated the medical records of 180 adult patients who underwent
valvular surgery in Departments of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Zagazig University Hospitals and Cardiac Surgery at
National Heart Institute in Egypt, between January 2021 and July 2021. All studied patients were subjected to careful
history taking, general examination, local cardiac examination, laboratory investigation, electrocardiogram, body mass
index, and echocardiography. Results: The most common procedure done was mitral valve replacement representing
(33.9%) followed by combined mitral valve replacement and tricuspid valve repair. The observed rate of in-hospital
mortality was 7.8% (n = 14 patients). The real observed mortality rate was 4.4% of patients in 1st quartile, 10.9% in 2nd
quartile, 14.6% of 3rd quartile and 0.0% in 4th quartile, with significant difference. Conclusion: The lower
discriminative and predictive efficacy of EuroSCORE II in Egyptian patients undergoing mitral valve replacement
might be explained by differences in clinical profile and the existence of additional local risk factors.
Keywords: EuroSCORE II, Mortality, Risk factor, Valvular surgery.


EuroSCORE II is now widely approved and

Risk stratification is used during preoperative
widely utilised in clinical practise in a number of
examination of patients undergoing cardiac surgery to
countries (6). However, limitations in a risk forecasting
evaluate the result of such procedures, detect curable
model's inter-observer reliability necessitate additional
diseases, and measure surgical risk, the number of
testing of EuroSCORE II in bigger populations and in
complications, death, and severe impairment (1).
other geographic locations (7).

EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac
The aim of the present study was to evaluate
Operative Risk Evaluation) is a cardiac risk model that
the accuracy of EuroSCORE II in prediction of
predicts mortality following cardiac surgery. It was
mortality in Egyptian patients who would undergo
generated from an international European database of
valve surgery.
patients who had undergone cardiac surgery by the end

of 1995 and verified in Europe, North America, and
abroad before being released in 1999. The 2003
This retrospective cohort study evaluated the
logistic EuroSCORE model was created four years
medical records of 180 adult patients who underwent
later to increase predicted performance in high-risk
valvular surgery in Departments of Cardiothoracic
patient categories (2). According to the patient's
Surgery at Zagazig University Hospitals and Cardiac
demographic parameters, cardiovascular and non-
Surgery at National Heart Institute in Egypt, between
cardiovascular risk factors, and procedural variables,
January 2021 and July 2021.
the model calculates the patient's expected 30-day

mortality. It has already been verified in a range of
Ethical consent:
clinical situations for its predictive accuracy (3).
Approval was taken from the Research

Several professionals from around the world
Ethical Committee and the institutional review
have published evidence in the last few years that the
board (IRB) of Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig
model now overpredicts risk as cardiac surgery
University. Every patient signed an informed
outcomes have significantly improved with a sustained
written consent for acceptance of the operation and
reduction in risk-adjusted mortality, suggesting that the
participation in this study. The work was carried
model may now be inappropriately calibrated for
out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the
current cardiac surgery (4). Changing epidemiology of
World Medical Association (Declaration of
cardiac surgery and improvement of surgical
Helsinki) for studies involving humans.
techniques affected the calibration of EuroSCORE. To

overcome this problem, EuroSCORE II is available
Inclusion criteria: Age: 18-80 years, gender: both
since October 2011, in order to maintain and optimize
males and females, operation type: on pump valvular
its role in contemporary cardiac surgical practice (5).
surgery, operation classification: elective or urgent,
Received: 29/11/2021
Accepted: 27/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 190)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_191 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2158-2163

Alpha-2-Macroglobulin in Saliva as a Noninvasive Glycemic
Control Marker in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Amira K. El-Alfy, Medhat A. Khalil
Departments of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Amira Kamal El-Din El-Alfy, Mobile: (+20) 01142151688, E-Mail: mero_alalfy@yahoo.com

Diabetes mellitus is the third leading cause of death and due to limited access to the quality health care,
the diabetic patients are more prone to develop complications.
Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate -2-macroglobulin in saliva as marker for glycemic control in
type 2 diabetic patients.
Patients and Methods:
This cross-sectional observational study included 90 subjects, classified into 3 groups: Group
(1) included 40 patients with type 2 DM with HbA1c levels more than or equal to 7% (inadequate glycemic control).
Group (2) included 40 patients with type 2 DM with HbA1c levels less than 7% (adequate glycemic control). Group (3)
included 10 healthy persons as a control group with fasting plasma glucose less than 100 mg/dl, 2 h plasma glucose less
than 140 mg/dl, and HbA1c less than 5.7%. All patients were subjected to full history taking, complete clinical
examination, laboratory investigations and assessment of salivary -2-macroglobulin. Results: The mean level of
salivary -2-macroglobulin (A2MG) in the control group was 173.40 ± 58.76 ng/ml, in the adequate glycemic control
group, it was 337.90 ± 86.95 and in the inadequate glycemic control group, the level was 998.81 ± 203.04 ng/ml. There
was high statistically significant difference between the three groups.
Conclusion: Salivary A2MG is a promising biological marker for glycemic control in patients with type 2 DM. For
individuals with modest training, whole saliva provides a good method for type 2 DM screening and/or monitoring of
large populations.
Keyword: -2-macroglobulin, Saliva, Glycemic control, DM, Type 2.


Diabetes mellitus is the third leading cause of death
This cross-sectional observational study included
and due to limited access to the quality health care, the
90 subjects, who came for follow up at Internal
diabetic patients are more prone to develop
Medicine Department, Benha University Hospitals
complications. Screening requires measurement of
during the period from January 2021 to December 2021.
blood sugar levels. The best parameter is glycosylated
Patients were classified into 3 groups (using the last
hemoglobin (HbA1c), which gives an overview of an
criteria of American Diabetes Association):
individual's glycemic control of previous 4 months.
Group 1: Included 40 patients with type 2 DM
However, this procedure is invasive and requires blood
with HbA1c levels more than or equal to 7%
sample (1).
(inadequate glycemic control).
Glycemic control is essential to manage the disease
Group 2: Included 40 patients with type 2 DM
and to avoid its complications. Fasting, 2 h postprandial,
with HbA1c levels less than 7% (adequate
and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) are considered
glycemic control).
the methods for evaluation if there is good glycemic
Group 3: Included 10 healthy persons as a
control or not (2). Moreover, panic from sharp objects
control group with fasting plasma glucose less
(needle) can discourage some patients from monitoring
than 100 mg/dl, 2 h plasma glucose less than
their blood glucose levels in a regular manner. It has
140 mg/dl, and HbA1c less than 5.7%.
been documented that 20.5% of patients who had needle
Inclusion criteria:

anxiety avoid all medical treatment (3).
Age between 30 and 60 years.
The noninvasive method of estimation of diabetic
T2DM patients according to the last criteria of
biomarker in salivary samples is required. Saliva is a
American Diabetes Association.
source of the alpha-2-macroglobulin (A2MG) other
Exclusion criteria:
than blood. In type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM),
Associated diabetic complications (diabetic
the A2MG levels are increased in blood (4).
ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma).
A2MG synthesis is enhanced in diabetic patients.
Rheumatic diseases.
A2MG is produced by liver and acts as a plasma
Nephrotic syndrome.
antiproteinase. The high serum A2MG decreases the

bioavailability of insulin, leading to impairment of
Auto immune disease.
blood sugar control (5).
Associated acute inflammatory conditions in
The aim of the present study was to evaluate
the mouth.
macroglobulin in saliva as marker for glycemic control
Pregnant females.
in type 2 diabetic patients.
Association of other neurological disease.

Received: 27/11/2021
Accepted: 25/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 191)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_192 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2164-2167

Metformin as an add-on to Methotrexate in Psoriasis Treatment: Review Article
Samar Mohamed Abdelaziz Elsedawy*1, Mohamed Ibrahim Metwalli1,
Manal Mohamed Fawzy1, Nahla Ibrahim Zidan2
Departments of 1Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology and
2Clinical Pathology, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Samar Mohamed Abdelaziz Elsedawy, E-Mail: samarmohammed089@gmail.com

Skin inflammation caused by the immune system that affects the extensor surfaces of the extremities,
sacrum, and scalp is called psoriasis. It affects between 2% and 4% of the world's population. Several clinical subtypes
exist. When it comes to impact less than 10% of the body surface area (BSA), it might be either localised or generalised.
Obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease have been linked to it. The first-line anti-
diabetic drug metformin is used to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in addition to its favorable effects on lipid
profiles, weight loss, cardiovascular risk, and hyperinsulinemia in those patients. When AMP-activated protein kinase
(AMPK), an enzyme involved in the anti-inflammatory response, is activated, dendritic cells and T cells are reduced
and T-cell activation is reduced as well, all of which lead to the inhibition of cell proliferation and the improvement of
symptoms associated with the skin condition known as "psoriasis."
Objective: This review article aimed to assess the role of metformin as an adjuvant therapy to methotrexate in the
treatment of generalized psoriasis.
The databases were searched for articles published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google scholar -
Science direct] and Boolean operators (and, or, not) had been used such as [Metformin or, methotrexate, metabolic
syndrome and psoriasis] and in peer-reviewed articles between August 2003 and March 2021.
Conclusion: Metformin and methotrexate may enhance psoriasis patients' clinical results by improving metabolic
syndrome parameters due to their antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory actions.
Keywords: Metformin, Methotrexate, Metabolic syndrome, Psoriasis.


Documents in a language apart from English have been
If you've ever wondered what causes psoriasis,
excluded as sources for interpretation was not found.
you've come to the right place. Psoriasis pathogenesi
Papers apart from main scientific studies had been
can be caused by a variety of reasons including genetic,
excluded (documents unavailable as total written text,
environmental, and immune-mediated factors (1).
conversation, conference abstract papers and
Several clinical variants of psoriasis have been
identified, with plaque-type psoriasis being the most

common variant. Some of the methods used in the
treatment of eczema include topical and systemic drugs
Psoriasis prevalence varies widely among
as well as other adjuncts such as moisturizers and
countries and regions, and it appears to be linked to
salicylic acid (2).
factors such as climate and ancestry. Tropical regions
The review article aimed to assess the role of
and people with darker complexion tend to have less of
metformin as an adjuvant therapy to methotrexate in the
it. Psoriasis affects around 2% to 3% of the general
treatment of generalized psoriasis.
population around the world, according to the World

Health Organization (3).
Age prevalence of psoriasis, it has a peak between
A search strategy has been performed to
the ages of 20-30 and 50-60 years. It is estimated that
determine the related literature. Initially, the objective
10% to 15% of new cases occur in children younger
of review was identified to assess the role of metformin
than 10 years. When symptoms first appear, the average
as an adjuvant therapy to methotrexate in the treatment
patient is 28 years old (4).
of generalized psoriasis. Relevant keywords included
Methotrexate (MTX), a classic anti-psoriatic
metformin, methotrexate, metabolic syndrome and
drug, is still extremely beneficial as a rescue medication
psoriasis, more synonymous key words had been used.
or in combination with other systemic medications, such
These databases were searched for articles
as biologics as a first-line treatment for psoriasis and
published in English in 3 data bases [PubMed ­ Google
psoriatic arthritis. It is widely used around the world (5).
scholar- science direct] and Boolean operators (AND,
Glucose intolerance, hypertension, dyslipidemia
OR, NOT) had been used and in peer-reviewed articles
as well as obesity, are all risk factors for cardiovascular
between August 2003 and March 2021. A 18-year date
disease in the metabolic syndrome (6). Immune-
range was selected, and selected data were filtered.
mediated diseases, such as psoriasis, are known to raise
However, the range of time interval for researches was
the risk of other systemic illnesses. Psoriasis has been
wide as there was scarcity of data on the particular
linked to a number of systemic disorders including
reviewed, accurate and depth in the retrieved literature.
cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood
Received: 25/11/2021
Accepted: 23/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 192)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_193 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2168-2175

Conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging versus Magnetic Resonance
Arthrography in Evaluation of Ankle Impingement Syndromes
Samy Abdel Aziz Sayed1, Hany M. A. Seif1, Mohammad Koriem Mahmoud Omar1,
Kawsar Abdel Halim Mohamed*1, Tarek N. Fetih2
Departments of 1Radiology and 2Orthopedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Kawsar Abdel Halim Mohamed, Mobile: (+20)01028660056, Email: kawsar.ah18@yahoo.com

Bony and soft-tissue impingement syndromes are now increasingly being recognized as significant causes
of chronic ankle pain.
Objective: To compare the diagnostic efficacy of MR arthrography with conventional MRI in evaluation of ankle
impingement in correlation with clinical and arthroscopic findings.
Patients and methods: This study reviewed 23 patients who had preoperative MR imaging and MR arthrography and
then underwent arthroscopy (as a gold standard), in the period from May 2019 till August 2021. The study is approved
by the ethical committee of Faculty of Medicine of Assiut University.
Results: Conventional MRI and MR arthrography showed sensitivity, specificity, and an accuracy of 100.0% in
diagnosing bony impingement. For diagnosing soft tissue impingement; MR arthrography was shown to be more
superior to conventional MRI with a sensitivity of 88.2%, a specificity of 100.0%, and an accuracy of 94.4%.
Conclusion: MR arthrography is highly beneficial in diagnosing bony and soft impingement that expands the
functionality of conventional MR imaging by taking advantage of the natural benefits of joint effusion.
Key wards: Ankle Arthroscopy, Impingement, MR arthrography, MR imaging.
Clinical trial: NCT03860922.

Chronic ankle pain is a common clinical issue
fibrous bands. These bands can help to minimize
with a wide range of possible causes. Soft-tissue and
dorsiflexion (6).
osseous impingement syndromes are now increasingly
The mechanism of anteromedial impingement is
recognized as a significant cause of chronic ankle
unknown, however it is most likely an uncommon
complication of a supination (inversion) injury rather
In athletes, ankle impingement syndromes are a
than a pronation (eversion) injury, as initially assumed.
prevalent and serious source of post-traumatic
During the acute injury, the anterior tibiotalar ligament
morbidity (2). It is defined as pathologic conditions
is damaged and subsequently thickens. Other suspected
resulting in chronic, painful restriction to movement at
causal variables include osteophytes, synovitis, and
the tibiotalar articulation secondary to soft-tissue or
fractures, in addition to ligament thickening. Recurrent
osseous abnormalities, and can be classified according
microtrauma can cause bone spurs to grow along the
to its anatomic relationship to the tibiotalar joint as
talar neck, medial malleolus anterior edge, or
anterolateral, anterior, anteromedial, posteromedial, or
anteromedial tibial plafond, limiting range of motion (7).
posterior impingement (3).
Plantar flexion, inversion, and internal rotation
The anterolateral impingement syndrome is
trauma are the most prevalent triggering injuries for
caused by obstruction of the anterolateral gutter (ALG)
posteromedial ankle impingement. This can lead to
or recess secondary to an inversion injury resulting in
damage to the posterior tibiotalar ligament and
disruption of the syndesmotic and/or lateral collateral
associated synovitis, which can partially encase the
ligaments and capsule. Repetitive microtrauma and
posterior tibialis tendon (PTT), the flexor hallucis
subclinical microinstability typically seen in young
longus tendon or the flexor digitorum longus tendon (8).
athletic patients may lead to soft-tissue abnormalities in
The posterior talus is involved in the majority of
the anterolateral gutter (4). After an ankle sprain,
posterior impingement disorders. Around the ages of 8­
ligamentous and capsular tearing, as well as the
13, the secondary ossification centre of the
resulting microinstability and bleeding, can cause
posterolateral talus develops and then merges within a
reactive synovial hyperplasia and scarring. In patients
year. Non-fusion with os trigonum can occur in a small
with advanced synovitis, the synovial tissue may
percentage of cases (about 7%) (9).
become molded to the triangular shape of the
MRI is particularly suited for the evaluation of
anterolateral gutter (5).
complex bone and soft-tissue anatomy of the ankle
In anterior impingement, direct microtrauma to
because of its superior soft-tissue contrast and the
the talus and tibia is considered as the aetiology. The
ability to image in multiple planes (10).
natural course of this microtrauma is to form osseous

spurs. This inflammatory reaction can irritate the
Conventional MR imaging can accurately detect
capsule and trigger a synovial inflammatory response,
and localize osteophytes and associated lesions. In
which can cause pain and result in the creation of
addition, MR imaging provides an easy evaluation of
Received: 28/11/2021
Accepted: 26/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 193)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_194 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2176-2183

Incidence of Vascular Injury in Supracondylar Humeral Fracture in Pediatrics
Barakat Sayed Elalfy1, Samir Mohamed Attia2,
Mohamed El-Said Ahmed3, Nadia Elsayed Salem Mohamed Salem4
Departments 1Orthopaedic Surgery, 2Vascular Surgery, 3Critical Care Medicine, and 4Emergency Medicine and
Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Dakahlia, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Nadia Elsayed Salem Mohamed, Mobile: (+20) 01066557834, E-Mail: dr.nadiaesalem5@gmail.com

Supracondylar fractures of the humerus are the most common fractures in children under 7 years old and
the most common pediatric fracture requiring surgery. Supracondylar humeral fractures may be accompanied by a
vascular injury that is worse than the fracture. The early recognition of vascular complications is crucial to performing
an adequate and rapid treatment that provides a good prognosis.
Objective: To determine the incidence of vascular injuries in Supracondylar humeral fractures.
Patients and methods: This was a prospective observational analytical study that included a total of 100 pediatric
patients who were presented by SFH to the Emergency Hospital (MUEH), Mansoura University Mansoura. Entire
pediatric cases were further classified into 2 groups according to the state of vascular affection; Group 1 which included
cases who were presented with vascular injuries and Group 2 which included cases having no vascular injury.
Results: Incidence of vascular injury was demonstrated to be significantly increased with increased age and male sex.
However, no significant correlation was recorded between the incidence of vascular injury and past history. Incidence
of vascular injury was demonstrated to have a significant correlation with advanced grades of fractures (III and IV)),
positive hard signs, and positive soft signs (P<0.001). No associated mortality was recorded among the studied cases.
Conclusion: Vascular injury seems to be a frequent critical adverse event of pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures
which was demonstrated to be correlated positively with advanced grades of fractures (III and IV).
Keywords: Vascular Injury, Supracondylar Humeral Fracture, Pediatrics.

Failure to assess a distal pulse in a patient may
Supracondylar fracture of the humerus (SFH) is
result in the loss of the child's limb. It is important to
the most common fracture of the elbow in the pediatric
realize that by the time a patient develops pain,
population (60%). It mostly occurs by falling on an
paraesthesia, pallor, or paralysis of an affected limb,
outstretched hand (FOOSH). The incidence of vascular
muscle necrosis has already begun, and may be too late
injury in children after a completely displaced
for limb salvage. Early diagnosis and prompt
supracondylar fracture has been reported to be around
management of the fracture and arterial injuries are
12%, with the brachial artery being most commonly
mandatory to prevent these, and disabling
involved (38% of all cases in Campbell et al. series) (1,
complications(1, 2).
However, the treatment of pink, warm,
Five types of arterial injuries can occur intimal
pulseless limbs is still under debate. Therefore, the
injury, complete wall defect, complete transection,
current trends in the management of such vascular
arteriovenous fistula (AVF), and spasm. Penetrating
injuries associated with SFH where microvascular
injuries usually cause wall defects. But, blunt traumas
experts are available at all times have to be discussed(5).
usually cause intimal defects via shearing or crush
The purpose of this study was to determine the
injury (3).
incidence of vascular injuries in Supracondylar humeral
Displaced SFH in children is commonly
fractures in the pediatric age group and to define the
associated with vascular insult in the form of absent
mechanism of injury, diagnostic approach, short-term
distal pulses. In such cases, the limb can be cold and
management, and outcome in these patients.
cyanotic or warm and pink despite the loss of pulse. The

vascular injury is a priority over the treatment of the
fracture itself in such cases. Immediate exploration of
This was an analytical study that included
the cold cyanotic limb is the treatment of choice for
pediatric patients who were presented by SFH to the
most surgeons (4).
Mansoura University Emergency Hospital (MUEH),
Prevention of these complications depends
Mansoura, Egypt: a level 1 trauma center with about
largely on a timely diagnosis, aggressive treatment, and
250,000 visits and 25000 trauma cases admission per
a high index of suspicion in a child with a suggestive
year. This study was conducted for one year (from
history and physical exam. In the evaluation of
January 2020 to January 2021).
supracondylar fractures of the humerus, the physician

must pay close attention to the neurovascular exam (1).
Inclusion criteria: Pediatric cases in the age group

below 18 years old with SFH within the first 24 hours,

and both genders.
Received: 30/11/2021
Accepted: 29/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 194)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_195 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2184-2189

Efficacy of Adding Dexamethasone to Levobupivacaine in
Erector Spinae Block for Total Hip Arthroplasty
Tamer El-Metwally Farahata , Nahla Salama EL-Bahnasawya , Omnia Mahmoud Heikala*and
Hesham Abd El-Mohaimena
aAnesthesia, ICU and Pain management Department, Faculty of medicine, Mansoura University, Mansourah, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Omnia Mahmoud Heikal, ORCID no.:0000-0003-4327-6189,
Mobile: (+20)1276164958, E-mail: omniaheikal2009@gmail.com

Dexamethasone, when supplemented to a nerve block, promotes its performance while diminishing
opioid demands.
Objective: This study was designed to identify the analgesic efficacy of combining dexamethasone with
levobupivacaine in the erector spinae block (ESB) for total hip arthroplasty (THA) utilizing ultrasound guidance.
Patients and Methods: 82 patients of both sexes, with ASA physical status I-II, aged from 40 to 70 years were
scheduled for a unilateral ESB before general anaesthesia for total hip arthroplasty. They were randomly assigned to
two equal groups (n=41each): Levo group: unilateral ESP block was done using 20 mL of 0.5% levobupivacaine only.
Dexa group: unilateral ESP block using 19 mL 0.5% levobupivacaine and 1 ml dexamethasone. Preoperative pain was
assessed by visual analogue scale (VAS) as well as particular hemodynamics preoperatively and at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and
24 hours post-operatively. The total dose of pethidine (mg) given in the first 24-hour was recorded in both groups as the
initial analgesic necessity. A list of postoperative complications was kept.
Result: Patients in dexa group demonstrated prolonged postoperative analgesia compared to those in levo group.
In the first 24 hours, dexa group had a significantly lower postoperative VAS score, lower cumulative pethidine
doses and longer duration until the first request for analgesia than levo group. The two groups had statistically
negligible differences in hemodynamic alterations and the incidence of side effects.
Conclusions: Using dexamethasone as an adjuvant of ESB with Levobupivacaine, provided effective
postoperative analgesia through reducing pain VAS score without any reported hemodynamics or postoperative
Keywords: Dexamethasone, Levobupivacaine, Erector spinae block, total hip arthroplasty.

8, 9). Current study was designed to appraise the addition
The Erector Spinae Block (ESB) has been used to
of dexamethasone to levobupivacaine as an adjuvant by
alleviate immediate postoperative pain after appointive
ultrasound-guided ESP Block in patients having
ventral hernia repair via laparoscopic surgery, chest wall
undergone total hip arthroplasty (THA) and its effect on
surgeries and weight-loss (bariatric) surgeries with
the first analgesic request, total analgesic requirements,
employing ultrasound guidance. Ribs fracture, pain
the perioperative hemodynamic changes, and any early
syndrome following thoracotomy, and persistent
shoulder pain have all been alleviated with ESB (1). It can

be utilised to operate on the hip and proximal femur
surgeries (2). The erector spinae block (ESB) is a plane
This prospective, randomized-controlled study was
block in which a local anaesthetic is delivered superficial
conducted on 82 patients undergoing planned total hip
to one of the thoracic transverse processes meanwhile
arthroplasty (THA) in Mansoura University Hospitals
deep to the erector spinae muscles (3). Because sending
between July 2019 and August 2020.
patients to a care facility with an implantable peripheral

nerve catheters is often not practical, it is crucial to
Exclusion criteria:
employ a single shot peripheral nerve block to extend the
Reluctance to receive ESB, ASA III, or IV, blood
length and quality of analgesia (4).
diseases or bleeding disorders, bradycardias, heart
When compared to bupivacaine, levobupivacaine
blocks, pregnancy, local disease as inflammation or
showed a reduced risk of cardiovascular and CNS
infections at the site of puncture, allergy to local
toxicity. In human volunteers, levobupivacaine exhibited
anaesthetics or dexamethasone, central neuropathy, BMI
a less negative inotropic impact and triggered less
> 35 kg/m2, uncontrolled diabetes, significant
prolonging of the QTc interval than bupivacaine at
cardiopulmonary disease, and mental illness.
intravenous dosages > 75 mg (5, 6).
The patients were divided randomly into two equal
Dexamethasone is thought to function by
groups using a closed envelope model:
suppressing potassium channel-mediated discharge of C-
· Levo Group: 41 patients received unilateral ESP block
fiber and diminishing the inflammatory responses.
on the operated side using 20 mL of the study solution of
Human investigations revealed that not only the
(0.5% levobupivacaine only), before induction of
dexamethasone-treated group get a lengthy sensory but
general anesthesia.
also a motor blockage than those in the control group (7,
Received: 30/11/2021
Accepted: 29/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 195)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_196 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2190-2197

Study of Impact of Arterial/Venous Ratio in Optimizing Outcome of
Hand Replantation Surgery at Zagazig University Hospitals
Muntasir Faraj Ammar*1, Mohamed Mohamed Salah Awad1,
Nawel El-Sayed Hussein2, Mohamed Abbass Hegazy Alwahsh1
Departments of 1Plastic, Reconstructive, Microsurgery and Hand Surgery and
2General Surgery and Oncosurgery Unit, Zagazig University Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Muntasir Faraj Ammar, E-Mail: moontaasseer@gmail.com

The number of anastomosed arteries and veins in replantation surgery of the hand is one of the most
important factors in determining survival rate.
Objective: To evaluate the surgical and functional outcomes of replantation after injuries in the hand with different
ratios of the repaired arteries and veins.
Patients and Methods: Twenty-one patients underwent replantation and revascularization procedures for hands and
fingers amputation from April 2021 to the end of October 2021 in the Department of Plastic Surgery at Zagazig
University Hospitals. According to arterial/venous (AV) ratio in optimizing replantation they were grouped into 3
groups, group I AV ration < 1 vein, group II: AV ration = 1 vein, group III: AV ration > 1 vein and they were followed
up for more than six months
Results: There were a statistically significant increase in total active range of motion (TAM) degree among Group III
compared to Group I and II. Regarding Chen criteria, there was a statistical significant increase in frequency of class I
among Group III compared to Group I and Group II. There was a statistically significant ­ve correlation between A/V
ratio and TAM degree among the studied cases. Also, there was a statistical significant +ve correlation between A/V
ratio and Chen criteria, two-point discrimination (2PD), and Q dash among the studied cases.
Conclusion: All hand surgeons should be able to perform digital replantation. A successful vessel anastomosis ensures
the viability of the replanted portion of the body.
Keywords: Arterial/Venous Ratio, Replantation.


the available prosthetics (5). Finger replantation failures
Traumatic amputations are among the most serious
are frequently caused by venous congestion or
types of hand injuries, and they are most commonly
insufficiency. The most important predictor of success is
caused by high-energy trauma in young, healthy people.
surgical technique, not postoperative anticoagulation or
These injuries are often life-altering and necessitate
leeching (6).
multiple surgeries, prolonged hospitalization, missed
There are very few outcome studies concerning
work, and other financial and emotional sufferings (1).
digital replantation. Most studies of digital replantation
Surgeons who perform replantation and
only have a level IV or Level V impact and more clinical
revascularization of post-traumatic amputations have
trials are required to elevate the quality of the evidence.
helped to preserve the quality of life for amputees since
Future out-comes studies must also consider cost within
the first successful limb replantation reported by Ronald
studies so that the outcomes of digital replantation are
Malt in 1964. As microsurgery has improved in recent
considered in con-junction with economic burden on
years, reattaching a severed hand has become a common
individuals and society (7).
procedure in medical facilities around the world.
Arabic Q-DASH is a valid and reliable
Surgeons' growing experience and expanding knowledge
measurement of upper extremity disorders for patients
have allowed the success rate for replantation to rise to
whose primary language was Arabic in Egypt; it can be
80-90 percent (2).
used to track patient status and outcome sand to promote
Replantation of digits that have been amputated can
evidence-based practice(8). Our results used as an
restore both their function and appearance. To put it
alternative to the full DASH for assessing individuals
another way, patients who have had their fingers
with upper extremity disorders.
successfully replanted have better long-term health and
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the
well-being than those who have had their fingers
surgical and functional outcomes of replantation after
amputated in revision (3). Anastomosed arteries and veins
injuries in the hand with different ratios of the repaired
have a significant impact on a patient's survival rate in
arteries and veins.
replantation surgery, so repairing as many as possible is

done to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome
This study was undertaken in the Department of
Starting from Zone III (distally) to Zone V
Plastic Surgery at Zagazig University Hospitals. Twenty-
(proximally), every hand amputation offers the
one consecutive patients with 21 hands and finger
possibility of replantation that is frequently superior to
underwent replantation and revascularization procedures
Received: 30/11/2021

Accepted: 29/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 196)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_197 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2198-2202
Retrospective Study Reveals Association between Type 2
Diabetes Mellitus and Certain Types of Cancer
Amr M. El Hammady1, Dalia H. Zayed2, Wafaa K. Abd ElMonem*1, Medhat A. Khalil1
1Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Benha University, Egypt
2Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Wafaa K. Abd ElMonem, E-Mail: Kamel w620@gmail

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) alters the risk of developing a variety of cancers, and certain types of
cancers impact on developing T2DM. Objective: To investigate the relationship between type 2 DM and cancer, in
predicting potential risk factors common to both cancer and diabetes including aging, sex, obesity, and analyze risks of
site-specific malignancies associated with T2DM. Patients and methods: This study enrolled a group of patients (2000
patients) who visited Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department of Mansura University Hospital divided into
2 group, first group (1000 patients) cancer patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (group I) and second group (1000
patients) cancer patients without diabetes (group II). Results: There was a statistical significant difference as regards of
increasing certain type of cancers in T2DM than non-diabetic patients as colorectal carcinoma, cancer breast, uterine
carcinoma and hematological malignancy (p < 0.05). However, other types of cancers as cancer prostate, lung cancer
and gastric carcinoma were more in non-diabetic patients than T2DM (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Because of changes in
lifestyle, the prevalence of diabetes and cancer is increasing at an alarming rate throughout the globe. The relationship
between diabetes and cancer development informs us that diabetic individuals have an increased risk of developing
cancer, and cancer may cause diabetes through a variety of mechanisms. As a result, research should focus on developing
more preventive and therapeutic options for diabetes and cancer patients.
Keywords: Association, Cancer, Obesity, T2DM.

predicting potential risk factors common to both cancer
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic illnesses
and diabetes including aging, sex, obesity, and analyze
characterized by extended episodes of hyperglycemia
risks of site-specific malignancies associated with
(high blood glucose) (1). Diabetic type 2 (T2D)
(predominantly resulting from insulin resistance,

rendering target cells unable to effectively respond to
insulin and so unable to utilise blood glucose for
Type of the study: This study was a retrospective
energy) (2, 3).
study, which is depended on database.
In the year 2018, over 9.6 million fatalities were

linked to cancer, making cancer the second highest
Patients: 2000 patients with established cancer above
cause of death globally. Cancer is responsible for
35 year old were enrolled in this study, they presented
roughly one in every six deaths throughout the globe(4).
to Clinical Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Department
The link between diabetes and carcinogenesis has been
of Mansura University Hospital. Patients were divided
shown in several studies, with the strongest association
into 2 group, first group (1000 patients) cancer patients
being seen in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) (5).
with type 2 diabetes mellitus (group I) and second group
Furthermore, in addition to a direct correlation
(1000 patients) cancer patients without diabetes (group
between impaired glucose tolerance/diabetes and the
II). The data of this study have been collected since
initiation of cancer, hyperglycemia has been shown to
2013. Outpatients or in-patients were included in the
be associated with cancer proliferation and
invasiveness. A large number of epidemiological

studies have shown that diabetes is positively associated
Ethical consent:
with a variety of cancers. Obesity and type 2 diabetes,
An approval of the study was obtained from
"Obesity is a new concept for diabetes that affects
Mansura University Academic and Ethical
people who are obese," have become much more
Committee. Every patient signed an informed
common throughout the world, and both are commonly
written consent for acceptance of participation in the
associated with metabolic disorders(6, 7).
study. This work has been carried out in accordance
Both are also linked to a higher incidence and
with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical
mortality rate, which can hasten the progression of
Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for studies
cancer. In addition, diabetes has been linked to the
involving humans.
formation and increased risk of a variety of various

malignancies, including breast, hematological, and
Inclusion criteria: Patients with established T2DM
others (8, 9).
diagnosed by clinical manifestation and biochemical
The aim of the present study was to investigate the
investigations above 35 year old with cancer.
relationship between type 2 DM and cancer, in
Received: 01/12/2021
Accepted: 30/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 197)

ABSTRACT The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2203-2206

Separating The Helix from The Antihelix Technique Versus Mustardé
Technique in Prominent Ear Correction
Mohamed Mohamed Salah Awad1, Wesam Mohamed Ali Amr2,
Ayman Fikry Mehanna1, Muhanad Khaleel Mohammed Aghweelah*1
Departments of 1Plastic Reconstructive, Microsurgery and Hand Surgery and
2General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Muhanad Khaleel Mohammed, Mobile: (+20)1094318011, E-mail:

As many as 5% of the population has a prominent or bat-like ear malformation. Numerous methods of
remedying the situation have been outlined. The fact that there is still research on it suggests that it is plentiful. The
present techniques can be divided into two categories: those that preserve cartilage and those that split it.
Objective: The aim of the current work was to demonstrate novel ideas in otoplasty that avoid dealing with the antihelix
Patients and methods: This Randomized central clinical trial was done at Plastic Surgery Unit, Zagazig University
Hospital. 30 cases were included as a comprehensive sample performed prominent ear correction with Separating Helix
from the Antihelix Technique and Mustardé Technique during the period from June 2021 to December 2021. Complete
clinical and physical examinations and Early and late post-operative complications recurrence were assessed.
Results: There were non-statistically significant differences between the study groups regarding age, sex distribution,
side of operation, operation time and follow up time. There was an increase in frequency of complication among Group
I but without statistically significant difference.
Conclusion: It could be concluded that separating the Helix from Antihelix Technique is a new technique that yields
natural-looking outcomes, with helix appearing straight and appearing to extend beyond the antihelix on the frontal
view. There are no visible scars, no recurrences, and a very minimal risk of complications.
Keywords: Antihelix Technique, Mustardé Technique, Prominent Ear


Ahmed et al. (7) reported helical free otoplasty
Five percent of the population suffers from
approach is used to rectify the deformity via a posterior
prominent ear deformity (1). Ear prominence can be seen
pathway and vision correction. No scarring is left
anatomically through the absence of antihelical folding
behind, and there are no recurrences. Reducing the
as well as a flat scapha and conchal hypertrophy. If the
prominence of the external earlobe is a simple, quick,
conchoscaphal and auriculocephalic angles exceed 90
safe, and effective procedure, with almost no side
degrees, the auriculocephalic angle exceeds 30 degrees,
effects and a high rate of patient satisfaction.
the distances between the height and width rise, and the
At the sulci between the helix tail and concha,
distances between the scalp's helical rings grow
we disrupt its memory and allow it to be shaped into a
(normally 10-12 mm superiorly, 16-18 mm at its middle
new shape by cutting through it at a straight angle to the
and 20-22 at the lobule) (2).
triangular fossal in antihelix-specific design. A flexible
Prominent ear restoration aims to define the
helix is now possible (8).
antihelix and reduce the conchoscaphal angle and
The aim of this study was to avoid manipulating
hypertrophy of the conchal lobe (3). As a result, there
the antihelix cartilage during otoplasty, a new concept
isn't a single, perfect way for correcting these issues just
has to be devised.
yet. There are now two types of methods: those that

involve cartilage splitting (cutting) and those that do not
(cartilage sparing) (4).
This Randomized central clinical trial was done
According to Mustardé, antihelical folds can be
at Plastic Surgery Unit, Zagazig University Hospital. 30
created with conchoscaphal mattress sutures. Furnas
cases were included as a comprehensive sample
pioneered the use of cochomastoidal suturing for
performed prominent ear correction with Separating
conchal setback (5).
Helix from the Antihelix Technique and Mustardé
The cartilage spring memory of the ear is totally
Technique during the period from June 2021 to
broken when the helix and antihelix are separated by a
December 2021.
thorough incision in otoplasty. The antihelix can be

folded with sutures, and the helix and earlobe can be
Ethical Consideration:
repositioned with posterior skin resection, all without
This study was ethically approved by
causing any strain that might cause cartilage recurrence
Zagazig University's Research Ethics Committee.
Written informed consent of all the participants'
parents was obtained and submitted them to Zagazig

Received: 1/12/2021
Accepted: 30/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 198)

Assessment of Triangular Fibro-cartilaginous Complex Injuries of The Wrist Using High Resolution Ultrasound versus Magnetic Resonance Imaging The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2207-2211

Evaluation of Serum Zinc levels in Patients on Regular Hemodialysis in
Zagazig University Hospitals
Ashraf Naged Ismael*, Amir Mohammed Elokily, Mahmoud Hosny Zahran
Internal Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt.
*Corresponding author: Ashraf Naged Ismael, Email: ashrafnaged8@gmail.com

: Due to fecal excretion or a decrease in zinc absorption, chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients may have
a zinc deficit. Objective: The aim of the work was to study levels of serum zinc in patients on regular hemodialysis and
to detect the relationship between serum zinc levels and CRP levels among Zagazig university hospital patients.
Patients and Methods: From July 2021 to November 2021, our cross-sectional trial was conducted on ninety-two End-
Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients on regular hemodialysis admitted to hemodialysis unit, Department of Internal
Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals. All patients were subjected to laboratory investigations to assess serum levels
of Zinc and CRP. Results: Findings showed that there were statistically non-significant correlation between zinc level
and either total leukocyte count (TLC), platelet count, hematocrit, serum ferritin or plasma iron. Our finding regarding
the correlation between serum zinc and C reactive protein among the studied patients revealed statistically significant
negative correlation between zinc level and C reactive protein (r=-0.227, p=0.029). Conclusion: It could be concluded
that zinc concentrations are lower in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) and there is a
moderate negative correlation between C-reactive protein (CRP) as an inflammatory marker and serum zinc level.
Keywords: Hemodialysis, Chronic Kidney Disease, Serum Zinc


serum zinc levels and CRP levels among Zagazig
Hemodialysis patients often have shortages in
University Hospital patients.
trace elements, such as zinc (Zn), iron, and perhaps

selenium. Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
who undergo hemodialysis (HD) see a dramatic shift in
This cross-sectional trial study included a total of
trace element metabolism. Decreased absorption or fecal
ninety-two patients with ESRD on regular hemodialysis,
excretion may be to blame for zinc deficiency in patients
attending at hemodialysis Unit, Department of Internal
with chronic kidney disease (CKD) (1).
Medicine, Zagazig University Hospitals. This study
Anorexia, hypogeusia, sexual dysfunction, and
was conducted between July 2021 to November 2021.
reduced immunologic function may all be indications of

Zn insufficiency (2). In Zn deficient rats, erythropoietin
Ethical Consideration:
(EPO) concentrations were found to be low, resulting in
This study was ethically approved by Zagazig
a decrease in hematopoiesis (3). The increase in
University's Research Ethics Committee. Written
parathyroid hormone (PTH) was restricted by Zn
informed consent of all the participants' parents was
deficiency in another rat renal ablation paradigm that
obtained and submitted them to Zagazig University
produced uremia (4). Some researchers have suggested
(ZU-IRB#6852). The study protocol conformed to
that Zn deficiency may have a role in the development of
the Helsinki Declaration, the ethical norm of the
uremic pruritus in HD patients (5). In hemodialysis
World Medical Association for human testing.
patients (HPs), zinc supplementation failed to improve
Inclusion Criteria: Age range 18-80 years, both sexes
taste perception. After dialysis is completed, zinc levels
(male and female), and patients on regular hemodialysis.
in the blood rise significantly (6). Circulating levels of
All participants were subjected to:
CRP, a pentameric protein that is annular (ring-shaped),
a. Full history taking and thorough physical
increase in response to inflammation. It is a hepatic
examination with emphasis on demographic and
acute-phase protein that increases after macrophages and
clinical data.
T cells secrete interleukin-6. C1q is responsible for
b. Routine and specific investigations including
complete blood count CBC) before any
lysophosphatidylcholine, which is expressed by dead or
interventional measures and fluid administration,
dying cells (and some microorganisms) (7).
prothrombin time (PT), INR, Liver function tests
The liver is responsible for producing CRP (8). In
(LFTs), Kidney function tests (KFTs), random blood
reaction to macrophage and fat cell-released factors
sugar (RBS), serum calcium and phosphorus, serum
(adipocytes). It has nothing to do with insulin or the C-
zinc, CRP and ESR.
peptide or protein C. (blood coagulation). The first
pattern recognition receptor (PRR) discovered was C-
Statistical analysis
reactive protein (9). The aim of the current work was to
The collected data were coded, processed and
study levels of serum zinc in patients on regular
analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social
hemodialysis and to detect the relationship between
Sciences) version 22 for Windows® (IBM SPSS Inc,
Chicago, IL, USA). Data were tested for normal
Received: 01/12/2021
Accepted: 30/01/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 199)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_200 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2212-2217

Complications of Endoscopic Surgery of Congenital Choanal Atresia:
How to Avoid It?
Magdy Abd Allah Sayed El Ahl, Hany Mohamed Ali Albasir Al-shamy,
Hedaya Elhadi Mokhtar Deher, Mohamed Elsayed Abdel-Bary
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Hedaya Elhadi Mokhtar Deher, Email: hadodeher@gmail.com

Choanal atresia is developmental failure of nasal cavity to communicate with nasopharynx causing
complete obstruction of the nasal cavity.
Objective: This study was aimed to review the trans-nasal endoscopic approach systematically as a minimally invasive
surgery to treat unilateral or bilateral choanal atresia, to analyze the complications of this procedure and how to avoid
Patients and Methods: This retrospective study included twenty-five patients, with congenital choanal Atresia (CCA)
who underwent primary transnasal endoscopic repair. The data was collected from patients records at Zagazig University
Results: The common complication in the study was restenosis, bilateral choanal atresia (BCA) cases were operated at
an early age had high rate of recurrence while unilateral choanal atresia (UCA) case has a lower recurrence rate. The
current study showed statistically significant relation between restenosis post endoscopy surgery of CCA and age at
time of operation, site of atresia, except cases operated using surgical technique iii that started with vomer resection and
technique vii with preservation of mucosa using fibrin glue. It noticeable that restenosis commonly occurred among
young age exposed to endoscopic surgery and who had bilateral stenosis. Surgical bony resection is usually limited in
cases of BCA because both pterygoid processes are medialized and the obtained choana is therefore narrower, whereas,
by definition, one pterygoid processes is in normal position in UCA and is covered by a perfect mucosa lining.
Conclusions: It could be concluded that the endoscopic transnasal approach is an effective, safe and minimal invasive
surgery to treat unilateral or bilateral CCA. Starting with vomer resection give good result regarding patency of
neochoana with low complications rate compared with other endoscopic techniques.
Keywords: Choanal atresia, Complications, Bilateral choanal atresia, Congenital choanal atresia.


Choanal atresia (CA) is a life-threatening, but
of the choana and absence of symptoms. Although the
relatively uncommon, anomaly involving the congenital
treatment techniques for CA have been extensively
obliteration of the posterior nasal choana, due to the
reported, there is no general consensus about the
blocked oronasal membrane in children (1). The
optimal surgical technique. The various surgical
incidence of CA is one in 5000 to 9000 live births (2).
procedures to treat CA include transnasal puncture,
The nasal obstruction in CA can be either bony,
transpalatal resection, and endoscopic transnasal repair,
membranous, or mixed, recent studies have indicated
which can be supported with or without stents (7).
70% mixed bony and membranous and 30% pure bony
Traditionally, stenting of the opened choana has
(3). CA can also be categorized as unilateral, bilateral, or
played a key role in the postoperative management of
due to other craniofacial abnormalities. 20%-50% of
patients with CA, particularly those affected by BCA,
Park et al. (8) reported that 92 of 95 associates of
suffer also from other genetic malformation. CHARGE
the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology
syndrome is the most common associated congenital
consistently deployed stents.
anomalies (4). Unilateral CA affects only one nostril,
However, in recent years, several studies have
usually the right, side in the ratio of 2:1, the child is
suggested that the use of stents is not always required
often present late with nasal obstruction and unilateral
after endoscopic surgery, and their use is still
rhinorrhea (1).
controversial, as cases of stent-related injuries, local
In contrast, bilateral CA can be identified early
infections, inflammation, and necrosis, potentially
after birth in most cases, as infants preferably breathe
resulting in permanent septal perforation or cosmetic
from the nose until four months of age due to the high
deformity and ulcerations have been reported (9).
cervical location of the larynx; therefore, bilateral CA
However, the potential advantages of using stents
in neonates is considered medical emergency causing
include the avoidance of early restenosis, assisting the
respiratory distress demanding immediate intervention
healing of mucosal flaps, and the prevention of post-
(5). Currently, nasal endoscopy and multi-slice CT scan
surgery edema(10).
are the procedure of choice for the diagnosis of CCA (6).
This study was aimed to review the trans-nasal
The definitive treatment of CA is surgical, various
endoscopic approach systematically as a minimally
surgical procedures have been described, and the
invasive surgery to treat unilateral or bilateral choanal
success is primarily measured based on the "patency"
Received: 02/12/2021
Accepted: 01/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 200)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_201 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2218-2223

Comparison of Braided Polyester Versus Standard Stainless Steel
Wire Sternal Closure in Open Heart Patients
Ahmed M. Elwakeel*1, Wagih Saad Elboraey1, Mohamed Mostafa Ibrahem2, Hossam Fathy Aly1
1Department of Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt
2Department of Cardiac Surgery, National Heart Institute, Giza, Egypt
*Corresponding Author: Ahmed M. Elwakeel, Phone: (+20) 1005236454,
Email: aelwakeel@cu.edu.eg, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2877-3446
Postoperative complications associated with poor sternal fixation can result in morbidity, mortality, and
considerable resource utilization. Ideal sternal closure is not the only but an important factor to decrease postoperative
morbidity and mortality. The ideal sternal closure should ensure stability, reduced rate of postoperative complications,
and a short hospitalization period, alongside cost-effectiveness. Objective: To compare two sternal closure techniques;
steel wire closure vs braided polyester No.5 sutures, regarding sternal stability, early and late postoperative pain,
reoperation for bleeding, sinus formation, and superficial and deep sternal infection. Patients and Methods: This was
a prospective, non-randomized, comparative study that enrolled a total of 118 patients who underwent open heart surgery
via sternotomy, divided into 2 equal groups: Group A: 59 Patients with sternum closure by braided polyester No.5, and
Group B: 59 patients with sternum closure by standard stainless-steel wire. Results: Group A showed no sinus
complications compared to group B in which 4 patients developed postoperative sinus, p value = 0.03, reoperation rate
for bleeding was one patient in Group A (1.7%) vs four patients in Group B (6.8%), p value = 0.045, and frequency of
late postoperative pain (one patient in group A (1.7%) vs four patients in group B (6.7%), P value 0.03, the difference
proved to be statistically significant. In Group A, one out of 58 patients (1.7%) had sternal instability, while in group
(B) 3 out of 59 (5.0%) were found unstable, and difference was statistically insignificant (P value 0.648). Conclusion:
We found that braided polyester sutures No.5 can be used as a safe alternative to standard stainless-steel wire. Beside
this material has proven lower rate of sinus formation and less late complications.
Keywords: Braided polyester, Cardiac surgery, Ethibond 5, Sternal stability, Sternum closure.

This is a prospective comparative study
In 1957, median sternotomy became the
including 118 patients, who underwent adult cardiac
standard incision for cardiac procedures and has
surgeries in National Heart Institute and Cairo
remained so until today(1). The sternum is responsible
University Hospitals, from the first of January 2019 till
for the stability of the chest, once divided, it has to be
the end of July 2019. Patients were divided into 2
stabilized properly to allow healing under the
groups: Group A: 59 Patients with sternum closed by
continuous stress of respiratory and scapular
braided polyester No.5, and Group B: 59 patients with
movements(2). An unstable sternum can result in
sternum closed by standard stainless steel wire.
catastrophic morbidities such as wound infection and
The following data are recorded in each group:
Age, Gender, Ejection fraction (EF), Body Mass Index
Although sternotomy closure is straight
(BMI), presence of COPD (Chronic Obstructive
forward, it is not without complications. Although
Pulmonary Disease), current smoking status, type of
stainless steel wire has proven the most reliable and
surgery, total bypass time, aortic cross clamp time,
widely used sternotomy closure material(4), however,
duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay,
steel wire closure isn't without complications, it's
length of hospital stay, surgical reopening, early serous
associated with risk of sternal dehiscence, wound
infection, sinus formation, bleeding, pain early and late
The exclusion criteria were preexisting autoimmune
postoperatively. Alternative materials are needed with
diseases, connective tissue disorders, uncontrolled
reduced risk of complications. No experimental studies
diabetes mellitus with glycated hemoglobin higher than
have compared a large variety of closing materials in a
8. Sternal closure was performed with braided polyester
human model; a sternal closure method that's easy to
No. 5 sutures - Ethibond, (Ethicon, Somerville, NJ)
apply and associated with less complications. Still some
(Group A) or with conventional stainless steel wire,
trials have been done to find another material providing
(Group B). All patients in both groups were followed
more stability.
for three months, and assessed clinically for occurrence
The purpose of this study was to compare the hospital
of superficial or deep wound infection, sternal stability,
outcome and short term results (3 months) of two
late development of seroma, appearance of sinus
closing materials used for median sternotomy incision,
discharging pus, and late sternal pain. The study
using the braided polyester No. 5 and standard stainless
endpoint was to compare the frequency of superficial
steel wire regarding sternal stability, wound infection,
infection, mediastinits, sternal dehiscence, pain severity
mediastinitis and rewiring rate.
post sternotomy as well as rewiring rate in the

intervention and control groups. All participants gave
written informed consent.
Received: 07/12/2021
Accepted: 06/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 201)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_202 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2224-2227

Important Notes and Influences of Stress: Review Article
Ahmed Mohamed Abd Alla, Ramadan Abd El-Br Hussein, Mohammad Gamal Sehlo,
Eman Tarek Ali Metwally*, Eman Ahmed El-Saied
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Eman Tarek Ali Metwally, E-Mail: eman.tarekali93@gmail.com

: A stress response is triggered by any physical or psychological stimulation that disturbs balance. Stressors
are the stimuli, and the stress response is the physiological and behavioural changes that occur as a result of being
exposed to them. Body systems such as the sympathetic-adreno-medulla (SAM), hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
(HPA), and immunological systems are activated in reaction to stressful situations. It's an adaptability process that helps
the body deal with challenges provided by an internal or external stressor. It has maladaptive and detrimental effects on
the body's physiology when a stressor is too severe, frequent, or long-lasting (chronic stress). For example, persistent
stress can create maladaptive reactions such as depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, and heart disease.
Objective: Aim of the review article to give an overview about stress and its influences on life.
PubMed, Google scholar and Science direct were searched using the following keywords: Stress, Internal or
external stressor, Chronic stress, Depression and Anxiety. The authors also screened references from the relevant
literature, including all the identified studies and reviews, only the most recent or complete study was included between
January 2001 and September 2021. Documents in a language apart from English have been excluded as sources for
interpretation was not found. Papers apart from main scientific studies had been excluded: documents unavailable as
total written text, conversation, conference abstract papers and dissertations.
Conclusion: Stress can cause headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, skin diseases, asthma, arthritis,
depression, and anxiety, among other conditions.
Keywords: Anxiety, Chronic stress, Depression, Internal or external stressor, Stress.


It has been found that the medial prefrontal cortex
A stress response is triggered by anything that
and the hippocampus are linked, as well as multiple other
upsets the body's natural balance, either affecting
brain circuits, to the stress response (5).
physical or psychological functions. To put it another

way, stressors are the things that cause us to react in a
Factors affecting stress-related psychopathologies:
certain way, and the response is the physical and
behavioural changes that follow. the hypothalamus, the
Early life stress raises the likelihood of developing
pituitary, and the adrenal glands, as well as the immune
affective pathology later in life, such as depression and
system are all influenced by stress, and these systems are
anxiety disorders. One substantial stressor experienced
activated by it (1).
throughout childhood, for example, increases the lifetime
Internal or external stressors trigger the body's
risk of anxiety or depressive pathology by 30% (6).
stress response, which is an adaptive process to help the
Importantly, up to 64% of individuals will be exposed to
body deal with the stress. It's not uncommon for the stress
at least one serious stressor during their childhood. A
response to become maladaptive and damaging if the
person's lifetime chance of developing emotional disease
stressor is too severe, frequent, or long-lasting (repeated
is more than doubled if they have three or more adverse
acute stress or chronic stress). Chronic stress, for
life experiences (7).
example, can lead to unhelpful reactions such as sadness,
anxiety, memory loss, and cardiovascular disease (2).
Gender affects stress related psychiatric disorders,

women are nearly twice as likely to suffer from mental
Stress and resilience:
health issues as men (8).
A stressor is a threat to one's health or well-being

that one feels they cannot handle. Resilience refers to
Stress system- physiology:
one's ability to tolerate or recover quickly from hardship,
It is the limbic system that is activated when a
or to one's resistance to stress (3).
distressing stimulus is sensed by the brain's cortical
In contrast, stress adaptation processes are
centres; this includes activation of the sympathetic­
influenced by a person's developmental stage (child or
adrenal­medullary axis, as well as activation of the renin-
adult), sociocultural variables, and the severity of the
angiotensin system. A complicated response is
external stressor. Adversity, such as war and terrorist
orchestrated by a series of events. In reaction to the
attacks, causes some people to give up on their daily
challenge, adrenaline and other hormones, as well as
struggles despite remaining unaffected by them (4).
neuropeptides, are produced, which govern circulatory
Anxiety and despair are believed to be negative aspects
and metabolic systems (9).
of resilience (5).
To maintain the initial response mediated by
peripherally activated central systems, the HPA axis is
Received: 05/12/2021
Accepted: 02/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 202)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_203 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2228-2233

Our Experience with Endovascular Repair of Descending
Thoracic Aortic Injury after Blunt Trauma
Khaled M. Awadalla*1, Mahmoud Singer1, Ehab Ahmed2, Mina Wahba3
1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
2Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine for Girls, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
3Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Beni-Suef, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Khaled M. Awadalla, E-Mail: khaled.mortada@gmail.com

Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR) allows minimally invasive efficient and rapid
management of patients with traumatic aortic injury. In the past surgery was the only management option till the first
stent was done in 1994, and nowadays TEVAR became the treatment of choice.
Objective: This study aimed to share our experience and show how TEVAR is efficient and safe in traumatic descending
aortic injury.
Patients and Methods: A prospective study that was done in multicentre in Egypt and KSA. A total number of 49
patients had emergent TEVAR for traumatic descending thoracic aortic injury.
Results: 58 patients presented to our centers with blunt traumatic descending aortic injury, out of them, 9 (15.52%)
patients had grade 1 and were treated by conservative management, and 49 (84.48%) patients had emergent TEVAR for
Grades II and III traumatic (no patient presented by grade IV) in the first 24 hours from trauma except 2 patients had
TEVAR in the 2nd day after stabilization of their general condition due to associated injuries. In forty-six (93.88%)
patients the aortic injury was in the vicinity of the origin of the left Subclavian artery, however, three (6.12%) of the
injuries occurred at mid descending Thoracic aorta. In the study group, forty-four (89.8%) patients had concomitant
injuries. In all our patients, one stent graft of 10 cm in length was enough to exclude the injured part of the aorta and the
width was variable according to aortic diameter.
Conclusion: TEVAR is safe, easy, and practical management of traumatic descending thoracic aortic injury.
Keywords: Traumatic aortic injury, TEVAR, Outcome, Complications, endoleak, mortality.

some studies, surgical repair is still associated with high
The Global status report on road safety in 2018,
mortality and morbidity (3), and TEVAR is associated
which was launched by World Health Organization
with better morbidity and mortality than surgical repair
(WHO) in December 2018, highlights that the number
of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million.
This study aimed to share our experience and
Nowadays road traffic accidents are the main cause of
show how TEVAR is efficient and safe in traumatic
death in people in the age group between (5-29)
descending aortic transection.
especially in developing countries. Non-fatal injuries

affect between 20-50 million causing disabilities to
them from their injuries(1).
Between June 2017 and September 2021, a total
Thoracic aortic injuries are associated with very
number of 58 patients presented to our centers with a
high mortality, they are the second most common cause
blunt traumatic descending aortic injury. They were
of death in trauma patients after intracranial hemorrhage
properly investigated and radiologically classified into
(1). Descending Thoracic aortic injuries happen after
four grades 1-4 according to the severity of the aortic
trauma causing acceleration-deceleration injury as in
injury. Grade 1 with an intimal tear, grade 2 with
road traffic accident (RTA) and fall from height (FFH).
intramural hematoma, grade 3 with pseudoaneurysm
The most common site of aortic injury is the aortic
with intact adventia, and grade 4 with rupture free wall.
isthmus as it lies between the fixed aortic arch and
Out of them, 9 (15.52%) patients had grade 1 and were
mobile descending thoracic aorta (1, 2).
treated by conservative management, and 49 (84.48%)
Since 1959 surgical repair was considered the
patients had emergent TEVAR for Grades II and III
main line of treatment for Blunt traumatic thoracic
traumatic (no patient presented by grade IV) descending
aortic injury (BTAI). Later on, with the new technology
thoracic aortic injury/transaction in the first 24 hours
TEVAR became an excellent substitute. It was first used
from trauma except 2 patients had TEVAR in the 2nd
in 1994 when descending thoracic aorta aneurysm
day after stabilization of their general condition due to
stenting was done, and by time TEVAR starts to gain an
associated injuries. For those who had TEVAR their
advantage over surgery and now it became the treatment
medical data were collected which include age, sex,
of choice as it is safer and less invasive for the patients
mechanism of injury, associated injuries, type of
who are already unstable because of the trauma and the
anesthesia or sedation given, procedure-related
associated injuries. The golden advantage and benefit of
complications, need for blood transfusion, need for re-
TEVAR are that it can be done without using heparin so
intervention, ICU stay and hospital stay, then follow up
avoiding bleeding from associated trauma injuries. In
for thirty days after discharge and if there are any
Received: 06/12/2021
Accepted: 03/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 203)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_204 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2234-2241

Evaluation of Clinical and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Characterization of Patients with Ataxia Telengectisa
Kariman Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahem*1, Usama Mahmoud Alkholy1,
Mohamed Abd Elkader Almalky 1, Mohammad Abd Alkhalik Basha 2
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Radiodiagnosis, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Kariman Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahem, E-Mail: Koky.ahmed.h@gmail.com

Ataxia can be a symptom of a wide range of neurological illnesses. Neurochemical alterations can
be detected non-invasively using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS).
Objective: This study aimed to reach to an early diagnosis of the neurometabolic changes of Ataxia Telangiectasia
via describing the causes & clinical features of this disease and determining the functional changes in brain tissue
in patients with it.
Patients and Methods:
All children with Ataxia Telangiectasia (eighteen) attending to Pediatric Department,
Zagazig University Hospitals. The patients were subjected to complete history taking, full clinical examination,
application of Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA) and MRS imaging.
Results: Study participants were found to have a statistically significant correlation between their overall SARA
score and their gender. Total score was significantly higher in female patients. In addition, correlations between
total SARA score and skin nodules, hepatosplenomegaly were statistically significant. Patients with skin nodules
and hepatosplenomegaly (HSM) have significantly lower total score. MRI results and HSM results had a statistically
significant relationship.
Conclusion: MRS and SARA are useful tools in studying the causes, clinical picture, diagnosis & treatment of
Ataxia Telangiectasia.
Keywords: Ataxia Telangiectasia, Magnetic resonance spectroscopy.


There are numerous conditions that can cause

ataxia, which is characterized by a lack of coordination
that are degenerative and fatal, some of which are
and balance in movement and posture. The intricate
extremely difficult to identify (4).
circuitry linking the basal ganglia, cerebellum, and
Schmitz-Hübsch et al. (5) developed the Scale
cerebral cortex is mostly to blame (1). Ataxia
for the Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) as a
Telangiectasia (AT) is an autosomal recessive
clinical tool for assessing various ataxia-related
multisystem genetic neurodegenerative and immune
disabilities. Gait and stance, sitting, disturbance of
deficiency disorder, telangiectasia, is a global rare
speech, finger-chase test, nose-finger test, quick
condition. It has a bad prognosis because of its usual
alternating movements and heel-shin test" are all
shape. Ataxia, ocular apraxia and peripheral neuropathy
included on a scale that indicates eight categories. " (6).
are just some of the neurological symptoms that can
The International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale
occur as a result of axonal neuropathy. Movement
(ICARS) was replaced by SARA because of the
disorders such as dystonia, choreoathetosis and
ICARS's excessive number of evaluation points. SARA
myoclonus are also common. Parkinsonism,
is a popular replacement for the previous scale because
telangiectasias, elevated alpha-fetoprotein and reduced
it has a smaller number of elements (7).
IgA levels, and radio hypersensitivity are also possible
Neurometabolite levels such as amino acids,
symptoms (2). Ataxia mutations in the ATM gene,
lipids, lactate, alanine, N-acetyl aspartate, choline,
which is essential for controlling the cell cycle and
creatine, and myoinositol can be measured using
responding to DNA double strand break damage and
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), which is a
chromatin alterations, cause telangiectasia. Only
non-invasive diagnostic technique (8). Anatomical
symptomatic treatments have been available up until
tissue changes can be detected using Magnetic
now, and their efficacy is dependent on the severity of
Resonance Imaging (MRI), whereas functional tissue
the phenotypic (3).
changes can be detected using MRS investigations by
Ataxia in children might be difficult to detect.
measuring changes in cell metabolite concentrations.
A delay in coordination may be mistaken for this
When comparing Ataxia Telangiectasia research, there
condition in very young children. Its clinical signs can
are inconsistent outcomes (9).
be spotted with a thorough physical examination and
It was the goal of this work to reach an early
precise maneuvers. Ataxia is caused by a variety of
diagnosis of the neurometabolic changes of Ataxia
factors, all of which can have varying degrees of
Telangiectasia via describing the causes & clinical
severity ranging from mild and transitory to extremely
features of this disease and determining the functional
severe and frightening. A pediatrician must be adept at
changes in brain tissue in patients with it.
distinguishing between curable conditions and those

Received: 05/12/2021
Accepted: 02/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 204)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_205 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2242-2245

Red Blood Cells Alloimmunization in Transfusion-dependent B-thalassemic
Children at Zagazig University Hospital
Mervat Atfy Mohammed1, Ahmed Emam1, Heba Hassan Gawish2, Manar Wael Mahmoud Elsadek*1
Departments of 1Pediatrics and 2Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Manar Wael Mahmoud Elsadek, Mobile: (+20) 01117171016, E-Mail: manar.mw4000@gmail.com

The thalassemias are hereditary hemolytic anemias characterized by reduced or absent synthesis of one
or more of globin chains of hemoglobin leading to globin chain imbalance. The most important forms of thalassemia
result from autosomal mutant genes that reduce the rate of synthesis of and chains of hemoglobin (Hb) A, leading
to and thalassemias respectively. In Egypt, -thalassemia is the commonest form of chronic hemolytic anemia among
Egyptian children. Formation of alloantibodies resulting in clinical hemolysis, and difficulty in cross-matching blood,
and shortening of the duration of RBC's survival. Objective: To detect the presence of alloantibodies in regularly
transfused beta-thalassemic patients and to identify type of these antibodies. Patients and Methods: This is a cross
sectional study on one hundred transfusion dependent B thalassemic patients for presence of alloantibodies. The study
included children with thalassemia who attended to outpatient clinic at Zagazig University Hospital aged from 1 to 16
from June 2019 to June 2020. Results: Alloantibody was negative in 82% of cases, and positive in 18%. Of positive
cases 61.1% had anti E, 16.7% non-specific, 11.1% anti E and anti-JKB and 11.1% anti E and anti C. There was no
statistically significant difference between patients with negative and positive alloantibodies as regard sex, age or
consanguinity, Conclusion: Alloimmunization to red blood cell antigens are frequent finding and quite relevant among
Egyptian transfusion-dependent thalassemic patients. The most frequent antibodies detected were anti-E. The majority
of alloantibodies detected in the current study were clinically significant.
Keywords: Children, Red Blood Cells Alloimmunization, Transfusion-Dependent B-thalassemic.

Transfusion of phenotypically matched blood for
Thalassemia is a congenital hemolytic anemia,
Rhesus and Kell systems (i.e., matched for D, C, E, c, e,
caused by a partial or complete defect in alpha or beta
K, FYa, FYb, JKa, and JKb antigens) compared with
globin chain synthesis. It results from autosomal mutant
blood phenotypically to the standard ABO-D system
genes that reduce the rate of synthesis of and chains
proved to be effective in preventing alloimmunization
of hemoglobin A in and thalassemia, respectively (1).
The globin chains that are produced in relative excess
The aim of this study was to detect the presence of
can damage the RBCs (2).
alloantibodies in regularly transfused beta-thalassemic
Thalassemia is considered the most common
patients and to identify type of these antibodies.
genetic disorder worldwide with high frequency in a

broad belt, extending from the Mediterranean basin
through the Middle East, India, and Southeast Asia. In
This is a cross sectional study on one hundred
absence of stem cell transplantation, it is treated by life-
transfusion dependent B thalassemic patients for
long RBC transfusion to keep the hemoglobin level 9 to
presence of alloantibodies. The study included children
11.5 g/dL (1). Alloimmunization is a complication
with thalassemia who attended to outpatient clinic at
among transfusion-dependent patients, which causes
Zagazig University Hospital aged from 1 to 16 from
hemolytic transfusion reactions with serious morbidity
June 2019 to June 2020.
with difficulty in identifying compatible blood. Some

antibodies are clinically significant such as anti-A, anti-
Ethical consent:
B, anti-D, and anti-Kell (3).
An approval of the study was obtained from
The identification of alloantibodies in recipient's
University Academic
serum makes transfusion safer. Blood compatibility for
Committee. Every caregiver of a patient signed an
RBC antigens must include ABO, Rh, and minor
informed written consent for acceptance of
antigens. Lack of phenotypic compatibility between
participation in the study. This work has been
donor and recipient blood may result in potential life-
carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of
threatening complications (4).
the World Medical Association (Declaration of
Factors for alloimmunization are mainly: the
Helsinki) for studies involving humans.
RBC's antigenic difference between donor and

recipient, the recipient's immune status, and the
Inclusion criteria: Transfusion dependent thalassemic
immunomodulatory effect of the allogenic blood
children aged 1-16 years, and both sexes were included.
transfusions on the recipient's immune system (5).
Exclusion criteria: Children less than 1 year or older
Formation of alloantibodies resulting in clinical
than 16 years, known thalassemic patients with
hemolysis, and difficulty in cross-matching blood, and
autoimmune disease, and other chronic hemolytic
shortening of the duration of RBC's survival (6).
Received: 05/02/2021
Accepted: 02/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 205)

The contraceptive implant The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2246-2252
Study the Awareness of COVID-19 among a Sample of
Medical Students in Egypt
Dina Ruby
Department of Chest Disease, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Corresponding Author: Dina Ruby, Mobile: (+20) 01102084652, E-mail: drdinaruby2020@gmail.com,
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7408-150x

Coronavirus became a pandemic worldwide and its awareness varied from one country to another across
the whole world.
The study aimed to evaluate the awareness of COVID-19 among a sample of Egyptian medical students who
will be healthcare providers soon.
Materials and Methods:
The study included108 medical students (55 from 4th year and 53 from 6th year) during their
clinical rounds in the Chest Department at Ain Shams University in January 2022. They answered a questionnaire about
their awareness of COVID, which consisted of four major sections in the English language.
Mean age for 4th year medical students was 21± 0.9 and 23 ± 0.6 years for 6th year students. Vaccination status
was 78.2% (2 doses) and 92.5% in 4th and 6th year students, respectively. Social media, doctors, or other medical staffs
were the primary sources of their awareness. 45.5% and 56.6% of the fourth and sixth year students had adequate
awareness of COVID, with the best score in the precautionary measures (5 ± 0).
45.5% and 56.6% of fourth and sixth year medical students, respectively, showed an adequate awareness
level of COVID-19 with the highest score in the precautionary measures, which is the cornerstone for stopping of the
spread of infection. However, we still need additional educational programs for those with low scores to improve the
overall awareness to end this outbreak.
Keywords: Awareness level, Egypt, COVID- 19, Medical students, Precautionary measures.


and immediate steps are needed to raise awareness
A Public Health Emergency was reported in
about COVID-19 to cut down on this outbreak (10, 11).
2020, mainly on January 30, by the World Health
Organization (WHO) due to the wide transmission of a
between different ministries were announced by the
recent coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), and after that, on
Egyptian government since the first case of COVID has
March 12, 2020, the WHO announced that COVID had
appeared, and aside from that, they abandoned separate
become a pandemic (1). On February 14, 2020, the first
hospitals in each governorate to be quarantine hospitals
occurrence of COVID-19 in the region of Africa was
for patients (12). The Egyptian MOH also relies on a
reported by Egypt, and it required about 3 months to
medical team that includes different specialties (Internal
record 10 000 cases, which was nearly double the time
Medicine, Pulmonology, Intensive Care, Tropical
of Italy and the USA needed to achieve the same
Medicine, Clinical Pathology, Radiology, and Infection
number of cases. Since then, many COVID cases have
Control) to follow up the COVID patients in these
increased everywhere (2).
quarantine hospitals, and guidelines booklets have been
Like other beta coronaviruses, the COVID-19
published on how to diagnose and manage COVID-19
infection symptoms are the same (3). Fever, dyspnea,
cough, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, and weakness are
Thus, after four waves of COVID in Egypt; we
likely symptoms (4). These symptoms usually develop
aimed to determine the awareness of COVID-19 in the
after the incubation from 0 to 24 days, with three days
medical students sample in Ain Shams University in
as the average duration (5). This duration varies from one
Egypt, who will be the healthcare providers soon, and
person to another, depending on the age and immunity
to raise the awareness level if it is low, as if they lack
of the patient. The most common route of transmission
the proper awareness about COVID-19 during their
of COVID-19 is human to human transmission, which
clinical training, they will be more liable to infection.
occurs through close contact or droplets transmitted by

coughing (6, 7).
By the time the general population provided
The study included108 medical students (55 from
data about COVID-19 and instructions about how to
4th year and 53 from 6th year) during their clinical rounds
stop the virus spread (e.g., using masks to cover the
in the Chest Department at Ain Shams University in
face, hand washing, and social distance). However,
January 2022 by convenience sample. They answered a
COVID-19 awareness (knowledge and attitudes) varied
self-administered questionnaire about their awareness
from one country to another across the whole world. For
of COVID while they were attending their clinical
example, it was reported that in some countries, such as
rounds in the chest department. The questionnaire
Africa, Europe, and North America, there is a low
consisted of four major sections in the English
awareness level of COVID-19 (8, 9). Therefore, urgent
Received: 20/01/2022
Accepted: 01/03/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 206)

The Incidence of Early and recurrent Thrombotic events in Egyptian Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) Patients The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2253-2258
Evaluating The Risk of Thrombosis and Its Relation to JAKII Mutation in
Egyptian Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Patients
Tarek E. Abouzeid*1, Shaimaa El-Ashwah1, Salah Aref2, Nora A. Farag 2, Rania K. Farag3
1Clinical Hematology Unit, Mansoura University Oncology Center, 2Hematology Unit, Clinical Pathology
Department, 3 Ophthalmology Center, Mansoura Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Tarek E. Abouzeid, Mobile: 00201223663242, E-Mail: drtarekabouzid@yahoo.com

Vascular thrombosis represents a common manifestation, and complication in patient with
myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN). It is also associated with higher risk of morbidity and mortality. The acquired
point mutation in Janus Associated Kinase II (JAKIIV617F) in these disorders is associated with higher incidence of
thrombosis compared to patient devoid of this mutation.
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of thrombosis, and its relation to JAK II (V617F) mutation among
Egyptian MPN patients
Patients and Method: In this, study 102 patients (49 males and 53 females) at the Outpatient Clinic of Mansoura
Oncology Center has been evaluated for the presence and type of thrombosis. In addition, its relation to JAKII mutation.
Results: From the 102-studied patients, 47 (46.15%) had Polycythemia Vera (PV), 27(26.5%) had essential
thrombocytosis (ET), 22 (21.6%) had myelofibrosis (MF), and 6 (5.9%) patients had unclassified MPN. Vascular
thrombosis has been observed in 34 (33.3%) patients, 28 (27.5%) of them at the time of diagnosis, 6 (5.9%) patients at
follow up and 4 (3.9%) were having recurrent thrombosis. According to the pattern of thrombosis, 16 patients had
arterial thrombosis, 14 had venous, and 4 patients had combined arterio-venous thrombosis. The association of of JAK
II V617F mutation and thrombosis were statistically significant (P = 0.0003).
Conclusion: The presence of JAKII V617F mutation is associated with higher incidence of vascular thrombosis in MPN
patients compared to those without this mutation.
Keywords: MPN, JAKII, Thrombosis.

examples of venous system events. Venous thrombosis
Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a
is quite prevalent in PV, accounting for almost one-third
group of disorders, that share the common feature of
of all occurrences (2). MPNs constitute the most
excessive proliferation of the myeloid stem cells in the
common cause of splanchnic venous thrombosis,
bone marrow, and as a result of that, there will be
accounting for approximately 50% of Budd Chiari
increased number of red blood cells, platelets, and
syndrome (BCS) cases and 25% of portal vein
leukocytes in the peripheral blood. Since Dameshek in
thrombosis (PVT) (3).
1951 first described these disorders, several attempts
Neurological manifestations are also common
have been done towards better understanding of their
including transient ischemic attacks, peripheral
nature, etiology, and differences. With the advances in
paresthesia, but hemiparesis is less common. Visual
the field of molecular biology and cytogenetics, and the
dysfunction may also manifest as transient diplopia and
discovery of several molecular aberration like JAK II
sudden reversible attacks of blurred vision (4). With
aggressive cytoreductive­ myelosuppressive therapy,
myeloproliferative leukemia protein mutation (MPL
such as hydroxyurea, the rate of thrombosis in this
W515L/K), the World Health Organization (WHO)
patient is markedly reduced, but it carries the risk of
reached the well-established classification of these
therapy-related adverse effect, such as pneumonitis,
disorders (1). As they share same pathophysiology, and
oral mucositis, and skin hyperpigmentation. Even with
manifestation, by high tendency towards thrombosis
blood count control, this condition remains as
and leukemic transformation, so that the survival is
hypercoagulable states that necessitate continuous
affected, however, they differ in the survival, being
medication and close follow up (5).
better in essential thrombocytosis (ET), while patients
As an acquired thrombophilic state, these
with polycythemia vera (PV), or myelofibrosis (MF)
patients are prone to vascular complications, the
their survival is being markedly affected (2).
mechanisms ultimately responsible for that remains
Thrombosis has a wide range of clinical
unclear into a large extent, only several theories have
symptoms, from minor microcirculatory abnormalities
tried to explain it (6). The pathogenesis of the acquired
to more significant problems including arterial and
thrombophilic may be multifactorial. However, two
venous thrombosis. Ischemic stroke, acute myocardial
main mechanisms are the cause of hypercoagulation in
infarction, and peripheral artery occlusion are all
these disorders. The first is the abnormalities of blood
examples of arterial thrombosis, which contributes for
cells arising from the clonal proliferation of
60 to 70% of MPN-related events. Deep venous
hematopoietic progenitor cells, which acquire a
thrombosis of the lower legs, pulmonary embolism,
prothrombotic phenotype. The second arise from the
intra-abdominal, and cerebral vein thrombosis are all
Received: 02/01/2021
Accepted: 19/2/2021

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 207)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_208 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2259-2264

Assessment of IL23/Th17 Axis in Egyptian Patients with Grade 2 Hypertension
Eman El-Sayed Ahmed*, Fawzia H Abo Ali, Ahmed E Basry, Mai Ahmed El-Deeb
Department of Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology Unit,
Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Eman El-Sayed Ahmed, Mobile: (+20)1005189047,
Email: dr.eman_khalil@med.asu.edu.eg, emelwal@gmail.com

Background: Accumulating evidence indicates that the immune system plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of
cardiovascular diseases including hypertension. T helper 17 (Th17) is a recently discovered subgroup of helper T cell
characterized by the secretion of interleukin 17 (IL17). It is believed that Th17 may play a role in the pathogenesis of
hypertension which is probably caused by the increased plasma IL-23.
Objective: The aim of the work was to assess Th17 cells and plasma IL23 level in patients with uncontrolled grade 2
Patients and method: This study was conducted on 45 subjects divided into 30 primary hypertensive patients (subdivided
into Group A: 15 recently diagnosed/uncontrolled patients with grade 2 hypertensive episode, group B: 15 patients with
controlled blood pressure) and 15 healthy volunteers.
Result: We found that the mean±SD of IL23 level showed a highly significant difference between the three groups being
higher in uncontrolled grade 2 hypertension patients (group A) (3355.1±216.9 pg/ml) than the controlled hypertension
group B (2207.5±135.8 pg/ml), and group B was higher than the normal healthy controls (1852.7±73.2 pg/ml) (p <0.0001).
The mean±SD of Th17 cells% was highly significantly different between the three groups being higher in uncontrolled
grade 2 hypertension patients (group A) (1.27±0.09 %) than the controlled hypertension group B (0.38±0.09%), which in
turn was higher than the normal healthy controls (0.15±0.05 %) (p <0.0001).
Conclusion: We conclude that IL23/Th17 axis may be involved in the pathogenesis of hypertension, especially in patients
with unexplained grade 2 hypertensive patients experiencing an acute episodes, suggesting a state of ongoing subclinical
Keywords: Grade 2 hypertension, Interleukin 23, Th17.


All inflammatory-related mechanisms are enhanced
Therefore, the question whether both systems
in hypertension, such as adhesion molecules and
communicate during hypertension development has
chemokine expression, immune cell activation, cytokine
come to light (10). Evidence from experimental and
release and oxidative stress (1).
observational studies indicates that alterations in
Th17 cells develop from naive CD4+ T cells, Th17
immune cell populations, as activation of different
differentiation, Th17 polarization in humans requires IL1
lymphocyte subtypes play an important role in the
beta, IL6, IL21, and IL23. Signaling through IL23
pathogenesis of hypertension (11).
activates the STAT3-dependent expression of IL21, IL23
To our knowledge, studies focusing on the role of
R, and the transcription factor, ROR gamma t. IL21 and
IL17 in hypertension are relatively more plentiful
IL23 regulate the establishment and clonal expansion of
compared to those addressing the role of IL23.
Th17 cells. So, IL23 is an important factor in Th17 cell
Moreover, the number of studies that assess both Th17
survival and proliferation. This pathway is described in
and IL23 in hypertension is inadequate (12). Therefore,
literature as IL23/Th17 axis (2).
despite its potential importance, we are only at the very
Cytokines secreted by Th17 cells stimulate
beginning of studies on the IL-23/Th17 axis in essential
chemokine secretion by resident cells, leading to the
recruitment of neutrophils and macrophages to sites of
The aim of the work was to assess Th17 cells and
inflammation. These cells, in turn, produce additional
plasma IL23 level in patients with uncontrolled grade 2
cytokines and proteases that further exacerbate the
immune response (3). Persistent secretion of Th17

cytokines promotes chronic inflammation and may be
involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and
This cross-sectional case-control study was carried out
autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis(4),
on forty five adult individuals that were recruited from
psoriasis (5), multiple sclerosis (6), and inflammatory
the Department of Internal Medicine. Subjects were
bowel disorders (7).
further divided into three groups according to the blood
Several studies have demonstrated the role of
pressure as follow:
immune system in the pathogenesis of hypertension, both
Group A: 15 hypertensive patients with recently
innate and adaptive immune system work in a very
coordinated manner and play a pivotal role in vascular
hypertensive episode.
remodeling, and development of hypertension (8, 9).
Received: 23/12/2021
Accepted: 20/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 208)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_209 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2265-2268

Inguinal versus Scrotal Approach for The Management of
Vaginal Hydrocele in Adult Patients
Yasser A. Orban*1, Adel Mohamed Ismail2, Yasser Baz3, Mohamed Mahmoud Mokhtar1
1Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
2Department of Surgical Oncology, Ismailia Teaching Oncology Hospital, Ismailia, Egypt
3Department of General Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Helwan University, Zagazig, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Yasser A. Orban, E-mail address: yasser_ali_orban@yahoo.com

Hydrocele is one of the commonest causes of painless scrotal swelling which results from a pathological
accumulation of serous fluid between the two layers of the tunica vaginalis. The scrotal approach is the standard
approach for treating adult vaginalis hydrocele. Scrotal swelling is commonly encountered postoperative complication
in such an approach.
Objective: This study aimed to improve the postoperative outcomes of hydrocelectomy in adult patients.
Patients and methods:
This prospective study was conducted on 32 male adult patients with hydrocele in the period
from February 2021 to January 2022, in General Surgery Department, Zagazig University Hospitals. The patients were
subdivided into two groups: patients in group (1) were managed by hydrocelectomy through scrotal approach, while
those in group (2) hydrocelectomy were performed through inguinal approach.
The mean age of patients in group (1) was 24.5 ± 4.81664 years versus 25.4375 ± 5.31625 years in group (2).
Persistent postoperative scrotal edema for more than one month was encountered in five patients in group (1), while no
patient in group (2) developed persistent postoperative scrotal edema. This was statistically significant (p < 0.05).
The inguinal approach was better than the scrotal approach for hydrocelectomy in adults with hydrocele.
The inguinal approach provides better postoperative outcomes and more patient satisfaction.
Keywords: Hydrocelectomy, Scrotal approach, Inguinal approach.


Hydrocele is one of the commonest causes of
February 2021 to January 2022, in the General Surgery
painless scrotal swelling (1), which results from a
Department, Zagazig University Hospitals.
pathological accumulation of serous fluid between the

two layers of the tunica vaginalis. Hydroceles can be
Inclusion criteria: adult patients aged 16 years or older
unilateral or bilateral with variable degrees of scrotal
with vaginal hydrocele.
enlargement (2). The etiology of hydrocele is classified

into congenital and acquired causes. The congenital
Exclusion criteria: hydrocele volume less than 50 ml
hydrocele is caused by patent processus vaginalis that
or larger than 500 ml, patients with concomitant
communicates the tunica vaginalis with the peritoneal
pathology such as inguinal hernia or varicocele, patients
cavity. While acquired hydroceles are commonly
with testicular tumors, and patients with bilateral
idiopathic without unknown cause. Causes of acquired
other than idiopathic causes are infection, infarction,
The patients were randomly subdivided into two
torsion, tumors, radiotherapy, tuberculosis, or filariasis
groups using the closed envelop method of
(2, 3). The scrotal approach is the standard approach for
randomization. In group (1): the patients were managed
treating adult vaginal hydrocele (4). Scrotal swelling is a
by a scrotal approach where the skin, dartos muscle, and
commonly encountered postoperative complication in
thin cremasteric fascia are incised transversely and
such an approach. It may last for more than a month.
reflected together as a single layer from the underlying
The swelling is usually large and discomforting (5).
parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis, which is the outer
Postoperative scrotal swelling is due to inflammatory
wall of the hydrocele. The hydrocele fluid was removed
edema, as a response of the sensitive scrotal skin to
then eversion of the tunica after securing hemostasis,
incision and dissection. The dependent position of the
suction drain was inserted and the scrotal wound was
scrotum assists in making the scrotal swelling large,
closed in layers. In group (2), the patients were
very discomforting, and difficult to resolve quickly (5).
managed through an inguinal approach. Firstly the
There are few studies encountered on the inguinal
hydrocele fluid was aspirated intraoperatively after
approach in the management of adult vaginal hydrocele.
draping using a 50 ml syringe under aseptic conditions
Herein, we compared the inguinal approach with the
(Fig. 1). Then an oblique inguinal incision over the
standard scrotal approach for the management of adult
external inguinal ring and directed towards the scrotal
vaginal hydrocele.
neck (Figs. 2, 3) was made and the spermatic cord was

dissected after its exite from the inguinal canal. There
was no need to open the inguinal canal. Delivery of the
This prospective study was conducted on 32 male
testis was helped by combined cord traction and upward
adult patients with hydrocele in the period from
pushing of the testis. The tunica vaginalis was opened,
Received: 01/02/2022
Accepted: 05/03/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 209)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_210 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2269-2274

Saphenous Vein Graft Patency When Anastomosed to Distal Right Coronary
Artery versus Right Posterior Descending Artery: A Comparative Study
Waleed Abbas Kamel1*, Bassem Zarif 2, Sherif Ahmed Kamal Elhendawy1
Departments of 1Cardiac Surgery and 2Cardiology, National Heart Institute, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Waleed Abbas Kamel, Mobile: (+20)01000251414, Email: dr.waleedk@yahoo.com

The failure of the saphenous vein graft (SVG) is a critical flaw in coronary artery bypass grafting
(CABG) that has been associated with bad cardiac outcomes such as the necessity to repeat coronary
revascularization, recurrent angina, myocardial infarction, and mortality. Objective: To compare mid-term
patency of saphenous vein graft used for revascularization of the RCA when anastomosed to Distal Right Coronary
Artery (DRCA) versus Right Posterior Descending Artery (RPDA) in proximal RCA lesion in patients who
underwent isolated CABG.
Patients and method:
80 patients who underwent isolated CABG with saphenous vein graft utilized for
revascularization of RCA with proximal lesions were enrolled. Patients had been randomly allocated into 2 groups
depending on the site of RCA anastomosis. In Group A (n=40), SVG was anastomosed to DRCA, while in Group
B (n=40) SVG was anastomosed to RPDA. The postoperative multislice coronary angiography (MSCT) was used
for evaluation of patency of the SVGs, and the presence of graft occlusion through mid-term follow ups. Results:
30 of the 80 SVGs used for RCA revascularization were found to be occluded, whereas the remaining 50 were
determined to be patent. Group A had a significantly greater mean age than Group B (p<0.05); nevertheless, no
statistically significant difference between the study groups was detected in terms of cardiovascular disease risk
factors (p>0.05). Group A had similar patency rates (50% patent and 50% occluded), while group B had much
greater patency rates (75% patent and 25% occluded, p =0.001). Moreover, the target vessel's mean diameter was
substantially greater in group A (p-value=0.001).
The findings corroborate the hypothesis that SVG anastomosed to RPDA are more patent than those
anastomosed to DRCA.
Keywords: Bypass grafting, Coronary artery disease, Graft occlusion, Shear strength.

It was mentioned that, usage of an Internal
oronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) still
Thoracic Artery (ITA) graft was proved to improve
the optimal cure for revascularization of complex
prognosis, with patency rates of 85 to 91 percent at
multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) and has
ten years. In contrast, SVG failure rates at 12 months
shown long-term survival advantages (1). This is done
after surgery were reported to range between 10%
by by-passing the stenosed segment of the coronary
and 25% (3). From 1 to 5 years, an additional 5 to 10
artery with an arterial or venous conduit,
% of SVGs will occlude, and from six to ten years,
reestablishing the blood flow to the distal ischemic
an additional 20 to 25 % will fail, implying that SVG
myocardial region (2).
patency rates at ten years are around 50 %, with only
CABG's vital inadequacy is failure of
50% of these veins are atherosclerosis-free (3,6).
saphenous vein graft (SVG), which is linked to
The most commonly and widely used
negative cardiac outcomes like the necessity for
anastomotic strategy to RCA during CABG is done
coronary revascularization repeatedly, recurrent
by using SVG where single distal anastomosis is
angina, myocardial infarction, and mortality (3).
done to any part of RCA or RPDA while proximal
One of the most critical aspects in gaining
anastomosis is done to the ascending aorta. On the
advantage for CABG patients is graft patency. In
other hand, Sequential and composite grafting uses
order to achieve complete revascularization, both
many distal anastomoses for each proximal
venous and arterial conduits are employed combined.
anastomosis is rarely used for revascularizing the
Arterial grafts are more usually employed on the left
RCA (2,7).
side of the coronary system, while on the right
There is no doubt that the SVG is a great
coronary system, the venous grafts are employed.
conduit for surgeons because it is usually available at
Because atherothrombosis progresses more quickly
the desired length, is easily harvested without being
in venous conduits than in arterial ones, grafts
time-consuming, supplies a limitless blood flow to
anastomosed to the RCA have lower long-term
the myocardium, and is associated with less risk of
patency rates (2,4). The quality of the anastomosis
sternal wound infection when only one ITA is
accomplished, the quality of the target vasculature,
harvested (8).
the distal run-off as well as the ongoing
The pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying
atherosclerotic process are all key factors in the
SVG failure are related to the time interval after
graft's early and long-term patency (5).
surgery: (1) Acute graft thrombosis is the main cause
Received: 01/01/2022
Accepted: 15/02/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 210)

c:\work\Jor\vol871_211 The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (April 2022) Vol. 87, Page 2275-2279

Soluble Transferrin Receptor Is a Promising Marker of
Iron Deficiency Anemia in Prevalent Hemodialysis Patients
Hussien Sayed Hussien1, Khaled Abou seif1,Marwa Abdulhady2,Shaimaa Z.Abdelmegied*1
1Nephrology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt
2Nephrology Department, El Sheik Zayed Specialized Hospital, Egypt
*Corresponding author: Shaimaa Z.Abdelmegied Abdallah
Email: shaimaazaki@med.asu.edu.eg, nanajettan@gmail.com
Background: Serum soluble transferrin receptor (STfR) is a vital marker for iron status assessment in inflammatory
Objective: evaluation of serum STfR usefulness in iron deficiency anemia detection in prevalent hemodialysis patients.
Patients and Method: This case-control study included 80 end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients on conventional
hemodialysis (HD) divided into 40 patients with c-reactive protein (CRP)>10 mg/l, 40 patients with CRP<10 mg/l and
8 healthy controls. Serum STFR was measured for all patients and controls.
Results: STfR can predict iron deficiency anemia in hemodialysis patients at cut-off value of 12.5 mg/l with an area
under curve 0.949. The STfR was positive in 85% in patients with CRP<10 mg/l and 92.5% in patients with CRP>10
mg/l (P-value 0.288). Patients who have elevated STfR have a risk of 1.22 times to have iron deficiency anemia if CRP
<10 mg/l (odds ratio: 1.22) and 3.14 times if CRP>10 mg/l (odds ratio: 3.14). There was a significant difference between
patients with CRP<10 mg/l, CRP>10 mg/l, and control in hemoglobin and STfR level with P-value 0.0001 and 0.0001
respectively. Post Hoc analysis showed significant difference between patients with CRP<10 mg/l and CRP>10 mg/l in
STfR p-value 0.0001 despite no significant difference in hemoglobin (p-value 0.642) and classic iron markers (s.iron,
TIBC, TSAT) p-value 0.701, 0.192, 0.382 respectively. Serum STfR was negatively correlated with s.iron in patients
with CRP <10 mg/l (r -0.372, P 0.018).
Conclusion: Serum STfR is a sensitive and specific marker for iron deficiency anemia in hemodialysis patients,
especially with high CRP.
Keywords: Soluble transferrin receptor,Iron deficiency,Anemia,Hemodialysis.

Exact estimation of the iron status in anemic
Anemia is widely considered to be a significant
patients who are on hemodialysis is difficult. There are
consequence in hemodialysis (HD) patients, which
many drawbacks of traditional laboratory biomarkers of
negatively has an impact on patients' quality of life[1].
iron status when used in hemodialysis patients[5], due to
Among CKD patients, absolute iron deficiency is
the inflammatory condition, which affects these
defined when the transferrin saturation (TSAT) is 20%
markers and masks the iron deficiency.In recent years
and the serum ferritin concentration is 100 ng/mL
undergoing a revolution of new biomarkers.soluble
among predialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients or
transferrin receptor (sTfR) has been introduced as a
200 ng/mL among hemodialysis patients. Functional
sensitive, early, and valuable new marker of iron
iron deficiency, also known as iron-restricted
depletion not affected by inflammatory procedures and
erythropoiesis, is characterized by TSAT 20% and
pathologic conditions[6]. This study evaluated the serum
elevated ferritin level[2]. There are several causes
sTfR usefulness in iron deficiency anemia detection in
responsible for iron deficiency anemia in chronic
prevalent hemodialysis patients.
hemodialysis patients. These include frequent
laboratory testing, occult gastrointestinal bleeding,
This case-control study was carried out on 80
access bleeding, retention of blood in the dialysis tubing
ESRD patients on conventional HD with iron defciency
and dialyzers, decreased duodenal iron absorption
anemia {serum hemoglobin< 12 gm/dl and transferrin
(resulting from inflammation), interference with iron
staturation(TSAT <20%)}. Patients were divided
absorption (resulting from medications such as gastric
according to c-reactive protein (CRP) into 2 equal
acid inhibitors and phosphate binders), decreased iron-
groups matched as regards age and sex between 18 and
binding capacity resulting from a decreased
60 years old.group A: 40 ESRD patients with CRP>10
concentration of transferrin[3] and supraphysiologic
mg/l and group B: 40 ESRD patients with CRP<10
levels of erythropoiesis in the setting of erythropoietin-
mg/l. Control group was 8 healthy subjects. all patients
stimulating agents (ESA) therapy. Annual blood loss in
were on regular 3 sessions/week, each session 4 hours
this population can approximate 1.5 to 3 gm [4].
Received: 16/11/2021
Accepted: 15/1/2022

Full Paper (vol.871 paper# 211)